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@thewolfking2.033 4 күн бұрын
I don't believe in time Time was constructed to control people's minds and wills Is evil time itself is the true evil
@rapidash1995 5 күн бұрын
@josemerazo5766 6 күн бұрын
Justifying being a whore.. dumb video
@liza-um8dw 8 күн бұрын
we gon take it to the moon, take it to the stars
@Dyslexic-Artist-Theory-on-Time 9 күн бұрын
Time can be explained as a process of energy exchange formed by photon electron interactions. We have photon ∆E=hf electron couplings continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons as an uncertainty ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π probabilistic future comes into existence. All it takes for this to be logical is for the spontaneous absorption and emission of light waves to precedes absolutely everything that happens in our three-dimensional world.
@tomaszniemirowski 13 күн бұрын
Probably I know what time is.
@tomaszniemirowski 13 күн бұрын
It seems to me time is the creative activity of God. We all participate in it.
@anilji1299 15 күн бұрын
How many elements are there what is compound angel mother tell there are 32 extracts
@oliveirlegume3725 15 күн бұрын
This is time as clocks say. But we do know what time really is
@TIM6266 16 күн бұрын
Interesting thanks!
@williamdefoe8060 19 күн бұрын
Is (time) a pattern?
@guitarizard 20 күн бұрын
Measuring time is like measuring inch.
@michaellewis1209 26 күн бұрын
A simple question deserves a simple answer. The speed of light is a constant. The speed of time is also a constant. Any questions?
@TheBlindbowman Ай бұрын
Time is the bearing and range of reality .! Time is the bearing ,, Space is the range , without E=S/L5th we have no time and space , Sound and Light are time and space . Sound waves and Light speed are a cohesion . without this cohesion sound can not convert into light and only the cohesion of sound and light can carry the (prime sequence of life ) without the Quantum harmonic of sound there is no light and light can only move in this cohesion with sound . sound creates a anti -gravity field between its atomic particles let the harmonic changed protons and electronics be pushed apart where the neutrons become weightless in the harmonic displacement thus light has no gravity and jumps to light speed .. with out cohesion light is stationary .thus time is stationary ,space is the movement of matter the way in which we measure or the laps of movement of matter .
@OneRuthless Ай бұрын
time is all. Consciosness is the best explanation and experience of time
@mateusnanet Ай бұрын
I finallly understand this ritualistic timekeeping (again).
@jakubnike66 2 ай бұрын
They let go of this planet and are now focused on Jupiter . It’s so odd how they let this go. Or did they?
@firstal3799 2 ай бұрын
Life is struggle
@renko9067 2 ай бұрын
Most people imagine this moment as a rail car on a long track of time. But direct observation indicates that the past is not piled away in storage, and the future isn’t waiting to be picked off of shelves. Everything about the past and the future is merely a thought now. So the question then is, where is this moment?
@AB608052 2 ай бұрын
That just blew my mind. Does time even exist. The fact that we can describe passage through time is just wild. It's one of those proofs of God. We can identify that we have moved forward in time but we can never go backwards in time. Really, not necessary. It's not necessary that anything in the universe can describe that
@dalelerette206 2 ай бұрын
Gravity is the 4-Dimensional Shadow of Time: However, I do not think this 4-D Shadow is an illusion. Time chronologically manifests when rockets 'gain energy' via gravitational assists behind planets for example. I suspect the answer will be revealed to be the perfect ratio of 3's & 7's- like The Negative Mystics of the Mechanistic Sublime: Walter Benjamin and Lovecraft's Cosmicism. However, I do not think this 4-D Shadow is an illusion. Time chronologically manifests when rockets 'gain energy' via gravitational assists behind planets for example. I am reminded of that old poem from long ago: “Has it ever struck you that life is all memory, except for the one present moment that goes by you so quick you hardly catch it going?” -- Tennessee Williams
@mace9930 3 ай бұрын
If something was perfectly stable, such as absolute zero temperature matter, how would time pass for it? If something was completely unstable, how would time pass for it? Is time passage concerned with stability? Varying degrees of stability? Also, what lies beyond physical stability? Would it be beyond time?
@justmeEli 3 ай бұрын
Completamente hipnotizado por esta resposta. Vim aqui por conta da introdução da música LIFT OFF da Beyoncé na turnê Renaissance. ♥️
@rakeshmendwal7869 3 ай бұрын
It's entertaining to see all the mortals here stressing about what is the true definition or correct description or the nature of Time while the Immortal Time does not stress about anything in existence it just rips through everything in its path leaving behind only memories/stories of the countless dead creatures or past occurrences of the universe such as stars being formed and then destroyed after millions and billions of years. If Time is truly endless then it is literally the King or one of the Kings of this infinite universe that's why Time is the most valuable thing in a Humans life as all we have here is limited Time once Time runs out all of our borrowed possessions gets taken away from us and we vanish.
@elonever.2.071 3 ай бұрын
Sure. That describes the effects of time. A while back (some time ago) a commenter described time as the 'shadow of movement' and I felt that does a good job of describing one aspect of Time. And yesterday I had an experience that had me contemplating about Time again. I wanted to be somewhere traveling east by 10 am and it takes me 25 minutes to get there but an emergency happened that had me travel 30 minutes in the opposite direction (part of that was a 10 minute stop along the way). While there I was tied up for another 20 minutes and by the time I was able to leave and travel east it was 9:30 am and I had a 45 minute ride ahead of me...there was no way I was going to be on time. I said to myself such is life and I started driving at my normal rate knowing I would be about 15-20 minutes late but I arrived there at 9:50 am. I still made the drive in about 20-25 minutes even though I had farther to drive. For me, I have added another aspect of time and that is that Time is the flavor of experience. edit: I was playing with bolding words through the keyboard but they did not appear in this comment so I edited to add them.
@flappoid 4 ай бұрын
Time has mass.Time is Dark Matter. When time entered this universe via a breach, it caused what is know as the "Big Bang". As time continues to infill, it increases the volume of this known universe and accelerates as the breach widens. Newtonian physics dictates that this acceleration creates Dark Energy.
@Spencer.Spears 4 ай бұрын
The master of saying nothing with the most words possible.
@rcooley-im8sy 2 ай бұрын
That’s exactly my thought
@minyaklintah1351 4 ай бұрын
what is it eating?
@jamestagge3429 4 ай бұрын
What is time? So many, even physicists make statements such as that it is an illusion, a product of the mind (whatever that is). This of course is not true and I think that the answer to the question is actually rather simple. As per quantum mechanics (the standard model, that most widely believed by the sciences, especially by Dr. Roger Penrose), the fundamental clocks of the universe are the vibrating energy quanta which manifest as the sub-atomic particles of which all of materiality is composed. Consider, each “particle” is a local phenomenon in an energy field to which that particular particle is peculiar, i.e., an electron field for electrons and a quark field for quarks, etc. Though a simplistic analogy, each of these particles and the composite entities composed of them is an “assertion” of its form and function into materiality, independent of our awareness or concern of them. That a table exists…and still exists…and still exists…is consequent of the individual assertions of these particles themselves. That they “move” (vibrate), they progressively define their presence and quantity and were they not to move or vibrate, they would be indistinguishable from the energy quantity of their particle field, disappearing within it like a drop of water in an ocean. There would be no particles and then no entities. Their nature is defined in part by the energy fields of which they are local phenomena, which in concert compose empty space, itself a material construct. Were it not, it could not be distorted or warped by the presence of a mass like the earth and gravity would not exist as phenomenon or a force. As these energy quanta vibrate, they change from a low to a high energy state and back, progressively ad infinitum. They cannot be in both states at once thus requiring a transition which defines duration which is time. As the understanding of the means of time becomes more clear, it can be seen that entropy also plays a part, in a sense giving time an arrow or direction to unfold. That entities and systems “degrade” in a sense along the progression of their existence, the fundamentals of time can be thus regulated. Claims of time being an illusion are merely the effects of false arguments as to some relativist nature of truth. Time is as real as energy and structural in the very architecture of materiality and the means of existence.
@jamestagge3429 4 ай бұрын
What is time? So many, even physicists make statements such as that it is an illusion, a product of the mind (whatever that is). This of course is not true and I think that the answer to the question is actually rather simple. As per quantum mechanics (the standard model, that most widely believed by the sciences, especially by Dr. Roger Penrose), the fundamental clocks of the universe are the vibrating energy quanta which manifest as the sub-atomic particles of which all of materiality is composed. Consider, each “particle” is a local phenomenon in an energy field to which that particular particle is peculiar, i.e., an electron field for electrons and a quark field for quarks, etc. Though a simplistic analogy, each of these particles and the composite entities composed of them is an “assertion” of its form and function into materiality, independent of our awareness or concern of them. That a table exists…and still exists…and still exists…is consequent of the individual assertions of these particles themselves. That they “move” (vibrate), they progressively define their presence and quantity and were they not to move or vibrate, they would be indistinguishable from the energy quantity of their particle field, disappearing within it like a drop of water in an ocean. There would be no particles and then no entities. Their nature is defined in part by the energy fields of which they are local phenomena, which in concert compose empty space, itself a material construct. Were it not, it could not be distorted or warped by the presence of a mass like the earth and gravity would not exist as phenomenon or a force. As these energy quanta vibrate, they change from a low to a high energy state and back, progressively ad infinitum. They cannot be in both states at once thus requiring a transition which defines duration which is time. As the understanding of the means of time becomes more clear, it can be seen that entropy also plays a part, in a sense giving time an arrow or direction to unfold. That entities and systems “degrade” in a sense along the progression of their existence, the fundamentals of time can be thus regulated. Claims of time being an illusion are merely the effects of false arguments as to some relativist nature of truth. Time is as real as energy and structural in the very architecture of materiality and the means of existence.
@bengordon7635 4 ай бұрын
How do you live in the now forever with no future or past ?????????????????????????????????
@MoorLife360 4 ай бұрын
Even a broken clock is right twice a day big facts 🤯
@pointman73 4 ай бұрын
What horseshit. It's about women wanting comments and thinking some dumb rich guy will want them. Economics, come on, it's laughable.
@Hindsighht 4 ай бұрын
I use an ATV at work. I know of people that have been injured by them. This is great. Anyone complaining of ‘health and safety gone mad’ needs to give their head a wobble. This will save lives, plain and simple. Everyone loves looking tough and cool on a quad bike until you’ve got the fucking thing on top of you. It could happen to anyone.
@muratyumusakkaya888 4 ай бұрын
En güzel tanım Rupert Spira ❤
@anotherstupidfeature 4 ай бұрын
"Time" = distance and duration related information. The only place it can ever exist is a human brain.
@pedjarudnikpcservis 4 ай бұрын
Time is not exist
@anotherstupidfeature 4 ай бұрын
Yes, it does, but not as most of us understand it. "Time" exists as a concept and a definition. What lies behind "time", what "time" is based on, few people know or understand. There is that primordial or original instinct, that perceptive ability. That is, the ability to perceive events and their duration. So it's about the information carried by photons, the brain and its properties, and the evolved memory, as well as the evolved creativity to create concepts and definitions. "Time" is therefore the sum of many factors. It is a fact that outside the human mind "time" does not exist as an independent element or force.
@hottrendztech 5 ай бұрын
Only physicists that doesn’t talk shiiiiiiiiiit about science
@jeremyaguilar5462 5 ай бұрын
Ok I’m only here for Beyoncé lol
@kunalshrivastava6398 6 ай бұрын
Air is a fluid, just like ice is a rock. A monomineralic rock.
@ExiLeZH 6 ай бұрын
So is time a "global parameter" then? Something that affects every particle in the universe at once? Because with the space-time model we basically assume it is right?
@ExiLeZH 6 ай бұрын
Btw I don't like assumptions (in science), can't we use Space-Energy please lol? Because energy (transfer) is something we can directly observe, it's the thing that changes the state of the universe (or rather the matter in it).
@francishubertovasquez2139 6 ай бұрын
... And that coordinate really coordinates.
@francishubertovasquez2139 6 ай бұрын
Actually there's something behind the heist. What if everything about time is familial like geneologies of heredity. Each of them. Because the beginning of the universe is about cause and effect like a nuclear fission, so are the events on Earth cause and effect, so are things in the body like enzymatic reaction and effects, also hormonal effects to receptors glands. And General Relativity comes first before the Quantum Mechanics meaning it seems we are all in a state of Generalized Relativity time fix like a time washing machine waiting for each other scientifically to proceed to the next level of the staircase, something like that as I analyzed only.
@francishubertovasquez2139 6 ай бұрын
I think that make sense, the coordinates. Time repeats as there's something for you to repeat as stated by Scientist Neil de Grasse Tyson. That reminds me of the repititions of the Closely Related Interspaced Short Palendromic Syndrome ( CRISPR ) though it's about genetics and unrelated to Time repitition the length of geneological branchings somehow connects the past and future in a particular family line of as some sort of Relativity.
@user-oi2zb8gr4w 6 ай бұрын
we can tell time by what is illutrated to us in the first week of creation.
@dennismccarty9459 6 ай бұрын
Time is the friction of energy and matter
@nellaishammu 6 ай бұрын
@tanikanakeyalewis4202 6 ай бұрын
What Is Time? A Systemic Measurement of Work, As Specific Intervals: Specific Intervals, Other-Wise, Equivalent to Death, As Specific Pauses of Specific Flow. 😶. Respectively. Tanika Nakeya Lewis, 6127
@kjvwarrior777 7 ай бұрын
Because they're whores......
@jurayl 7 ай бұрын
bey brought me here 🐝
@ColdShawama 7 ай бұрын
Neil self consited
@JustNow42 7 ай бұрын
Come on, there is more. Where is time generated? Well in the empty space. But that can only be the pace ( E.g. the pendulum) there cannot be any detailed memory of time in the empty space. So particles must be the time keepers driven to dance to the boiling fields in the empty space, so time can only go forward and is not quantum but also not continously.