@Asduutbb 5 сағат бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 5 сағат бұрын
コメントありがとうございます そうですよね... それぞれのキャラが考え抜かれた上の曲ですからね...
@scott.thomas Күн бұрын
"SHE LOVES ME NOT" might actually be the best name for a Chapter 3 boss I have seen
@Taremayu-ST Күн бұрын
I am not one to decide which is the best, but I think you are right that it is one of the most wonderful.
@HolyDrobovik Күн бұрын
Назови их всех! Докажи, что у тебя нет личной жизни! Name them all! Prove that you have no personal life!
@Taremayu-ST Күн бұрын
Это чертовски хорошая вещь.
@HolyDrobovik Күн бұрын
Теперь мне свободы хватит на всю оставшуюся жизнь
@Taremayu-ST Күн бұрын
Похоже, это очень большой эффект. Хорошо.
@thischannelispoo614 Күн бұрын
Battle Against [[big shot]] World!
@Taremayu-ST Күн бұрын
That is truly an away game!
@Dodove- Күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST Күн бұрын
@cianeatsgrass 2 күн бұрын
20:22 9:48 thank you for including my songs !!!!
@Taremayu-ST 2 күн бұрын
OH! You came too! Thank you for making a great song!
@TheWorkouterMM 3 күн бұрын
MY FAVORITE IS S00:00LIS!!!!!!!!! also golden hour is 34th this is reference to T-34(maybe)
@Taremayu-ST 2 күн бұрын
mmm thats tank
@dieg7749 3 күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 3 күн бұрын
yeeees i like so
@ThePlayDoc 3 күн бұрын
So a guy named @jma0645 made a pretty long comment going through all the freedom motifs (in this video) and ranking every last one of them. With gave me a stupid idea. "What if I ranked every deltarune fan secret boss song in this video and rank them from worst to best?" *NO*. Not the freedom motifs. THE SONGS. Yep. I'm going there. I will be ranking every song here from worst to best and give my opinions on each and every one of them. The only songs I'm not ranking is the actual secret boss themes (The World Revolving and Big Shot). The reason why is because these two are actually official and putting them agenist fan songs seems kinda unfair in my eyes. I also won't be including the Spamton fan songs here because I rather put them agenist an non-canon character then an official one. Don't get me wrong though. These songs are great, and I hugely respect the hell out of Toby Fox and the fans for giving us these songs. But I feel like this is the most fair way to rank these songs. And who knows, maybe when I stop writing this essentially essay, I'll tell you how they stack up if I were to rank them, maybe, idk. So get ready, because this is going too be a long one. This is every single fan secret boss song (in this video) ranked from worst to best (kill me)!!! LAUGH TRACK (by Naloboi3): Yeah, it's pretty good. I overall like the feel of this song, having this enthasis on the electric guitar and being kinda funky and silly, but also serious and dramatic. One thing I honestly don't like about this so is Spamton being ingected into this song. Now don't get me wrong, I love Spamton to no end, but hearing him in a song about M1k3 just feels really unnecessary and unoriginal. This doesn't relate to the ranking at all, but M1k3 himslef is way to Spamton coated when it would've worked better if he was his own original character instead. Other then that though, this song is still pretty solid I am happy for Naloboi3 (fun fact: as of me writing this, the song has 1.7 MILLION VIEWS on YT, so yeah, congrats to them). So overall, 7/10. Wish it could've been more original, but it still pretty good. SKATING TOWARDS HEAVEN (by R.V. Pine and LOCAL H00LIGAN): Well boys, not even 2 songs in and were already were here. Welcome to the first (of many) R.V. Pine songs! As well as the first of many of............. um........... ok, I geuss I should talk about *HIM*... For those who don't know, LOCAL H00LIGAN, aka The Joker, was a pretty huge music artist for Deltarune fan songs. Many of songs made here were actually made, or at least were associated with him. However, around a few months ago, it came out that The Joker, well... 𝘋𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘬𝘪𝘥𝘴... and thats all I'll say on the matter. To clarify, even if The Joker is affiliated with the song, I will still credit them because not giving credit to the creator is wrong, and he does make some admitily really banger music. BUT, I DO NOT SUPPORT HIM WHAT SO EVER. What he did was outright wrong and evil, and you to shouldn't support him either. Like his music all you want, but don't defend him. I just want to make this clear right hear and now... Anyways, about the song :)! Uh, yeah. SKATING TOWARDS HEAVEN is really good. Its filled with so much energy and passion, and genernal excitment. I absolutely love the electric guitar that plays here. And that that freedom motif bro. IT IS HEAT 🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!! I wouldn't say its the best freedom motif here, but you CANNOT make an argument that it isn't an absolute banger. The only real compliment I have is that is a tab bit too short and it can be a bit repetitive, only a little bit though. Overall, 9/10. Absolutely amazing, and trust me when I say, your going too see Pine and [NAME REDACTED] here a lot, and what a way to start off. CREATIVE FREEDOM (by R.V. Pine): I decided just to include all versions heres becaue it just saves more time. So Creative Freedom is probably one of most popular Secret Boss songs, along with one of the most popular characters in general, Camellia. And I mean, I really like Camellia. So obviously, her song has to be a banger, right!? I mean, its made by R.V. Pine, so its an automatic masterpiece, rig-?! The songs is actually kinda mid :(. Yeah, idk if this is a hot take, but I don't think CREATIVE FREEDOM that good. My relationship with this song is... complicated. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like CREATIVE FREEDOM, but this song honestly frustrates me because I feel like this song could have been so much better. Lets start off with V1. Honestly, its fine, but it feels kinda basic. I know its the first version, but it feels really simplitic and streat forward. Again, its fine, but nothing I'm really fond off. Also, I kinda don't like the main melody. You know the "Da da da da, ding da da da ding" (its really hard to convay it in a comment). I have warmed up to it, but its not my cup of tea. 6/10 for V1. I don't have much to say on V2. I do think its an improvement over V1, and I like the secert lyric. But I feel like the song is missing a certain spark that other secert boss themes have. It's hard to describe, but theres just this tick of energy and passion that this song lacks. Overall, 7/10. And last but not least, we have V3. Oooooooooooohhhhhhh boy. I don't really like V3. I say is ok. But the rougher and darker feeling of this honestly makes the song kinda worse and not really fun to listen. The metal guitar is honestly awesome, but overall, this one isn't doing it for me chief. 6.5/10. Not bad, but it hurts my soul. I still like CREATIVE FREEDOM, and I really hope Pine is doing well because they is very talented, but I just feel like this song could have been better (plz don't burn me to the stack :( ) THE FRIEND INSIDE ME (by R.V. Pine): Guys, theres a friends inside my house. (*audience laugh*) (HES IN MY SKIN! GET OUT!!! Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐-!!!) This songs is preety good :). This our first of many secert bosses that uses Woody Theory. Although not the best song that relates to Woody Theory, I think its really good, and makes me less depressed after enduring CREATIVE FREEDOM. I really the theme of this song, having this sega genesis esthetic to it, while also capturing the western theme of it really well. I will say, maybe this is just me, before the freedom part, the song feels like it just kinda wants to end. I know its very hard to describe, but the song feels like after a certain point, it should end. But about the freedom motif though, uh, yeah, its very good. Pine definitely nocked it out the park with this one. Overall though, I don't really have much else to say. Just a really good song that is all about the friend inside (audience laugh) (Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐Ģ̵̼͑Ḛ̸͚̪̆̀̚T̸̛̤̙̍͊̀ ̶̗̞̹̳͗Ǫ̶͍̬͔̒͊̑U̸͙͂̂T̴̟͐-!!!!!!!!) 8/10. Hey, so I couldn't edit this comment for some reason. It said something about an invaldid arugement, but I have no idea what that could mean. So if you want to see my full thoughts, go down to the replies. That is all. Bye :).
@Taremayu-ST 3 күн бұрын
It is clear that I should not water it down by making this comment if there are more great impressions to come, but I wrote this comment because you mentioned The Joker. I have no idea what he did, and it would take me years to find out, being stupid enough to read someone's comments only while translating every single English word. I understand that he is so disliked that some people have suggested that the song he was the main creator of should be removed from this video. Nevertheless, I also believe that the music itself is not to blame, and the work itself should not be denied and should be credited. However, I have not been able to ascertain the exact credit due to his name being crossed out when researching the song. If you don't mind, please let me know if there are any songs he was involved with in your future feedback. I think the 58 song credits I wrote still need to be improved upon.
@ThePlayDoc 2 күн бұрын
GRAND ILLUSsSIONSsS (by: KateBulka): This is overall pretty good. One thing this song seriously reminded me of is THE WORLD REVOLVING. It's sounds very fun and excited. But unlike THE WORLD REVOLVING, this one has a much more serious attitude to it, much like Spamton. It's honestly a really good between the two and makes for a pretty decent song. The one thing I don't like is honestly the ending with the "Battle Against A True Hero" part. It doesn't really slide itself into the song smoothly and interrupts the general tone of the song. I'm not saying having "Battle Against A True Hero" can't work, just make it more natural is all (will get to a character/song that does this perfectly). Also, I do think the Freedom motif is a bit weak here. It's not bad by any means, it's just lacking a certain amount of passion is all. But overall, I like this song. It's not a song I would come back to, but it's a decent time dispite is problems. 7/10. GRAND ILLUSIONS (by: KateBulka): "What, isn't this just the same character? Why don't you just cram it in with GRAND ILLUSsSIONSsS?" Ha, well here's the thing. These two sogn are 𝘝𝘌𝘙𝘠 different from one another. Essentially, the creator decided to give Lumia a redesign, both in physical appearance, and in character. They are actually working on a new fangame for him, go check it out. But anyways, the point is Lumia is basically a completely different character now, and this is highlighted with his new boss song, GRAND ILLUSIONS. First off, honestly I like the original name better, ngl. But second, I honestly prefer the original more. It's starts off good, having this mysterious and magical vibe to it while also being catchy. But then... BIG BANG 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 (*insert like 69 times or something, idk*)!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!? Yeah, maybe this just me, but I feel like BIG BANG was just randomly inserted here. Ik in this video it says the Freedom theme is here, but I just don't here it. And honestly, this is where the song falls apart. It doesn't really sound good, and it clashes with the tone of the song. The next is pretty good (it has these whispers in there if you put on headphones), but when Don't Forget is put it there, wheres it's also like the BIG BANG part where it clashes with the tone and doesn't sound good, yeah, that's were you loss me. On top of that, I really do not like the Freedom motif here. It feels really rushed in, and doesn't sound good with the electric guitar it's dealt with. Overall, yeah, not my cup of tea. I wouldn't say the song is bad per say, but its definitely the weakest so far. In no way this is meant to target Kate, she is talented, and if you like the song, that's fine. But I personally don't like it, and stands as the weakest so far. 5/10.
@ThePlayDoc 2 күн бұрын
OFFICIAL WAY (by: GoatFromTheStars): Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no... how do I tell everyone...? (*sigh*). Ok, here we go... I don't like OFFICIAL WAY. (*audience boo*). Yeah... I'm sorry. But I do not like this song. And heres why. 1: The songs incredibly rough and mechanical. I know thats the whole point of the song, but the problem is that isn't done in a very catchy or fun way. I know I said I wouldn't, but lets conpare this song to BIG SHOT real quick. BIG SHOT has this whole robot and electric feel to it, but it works because it's done in a fun and crazy manner, that contributes to the song in a meaningful way. Here, its not really done that way, which makes the song feel really clunky as a result. And worse, you tell that this song wants to be like BIG SHOT, because it has that sega genesis 90's esthetic to its beat. But this just doesn't work because these two completely different pieces of tone are at war with one another in this song, and makes the song really rough ad a result. I know its really unfair to compare a peice of fan work to an actual Toby Fox song, but it drives home my point. 2: I don't like the Freedom motif. It feels clunky and awkward. And 3: This song doesn't have much energy and passion compared to anything else on this list. It weird, becuase this would have been the perfect song to do this for. A character that is based on a broken down radio from the 50's? Hell yeah! That has the potental to be filled with energy and being crazy and weird. But no. It feels really lacking in that department when it should be all over the place. It jusf feels underwellming. Overall, I just don't like this song. It sucks, because I know a lot of people like this song and I also wanted to like it. And I will admit that this song DOES have some good in it. The secert lyric is nice, I like the radio vocals, and dispite what I said, it does have a lot of fun elements in the song despite feeling like it could've been more. But I just can't really bring myself to like it, and makes for honestly my least favorite one so far. That might sound harsh, but its just how I feel about it. 5/10. Plz don't kill me :(. SPEAK NO EVIL (by: boogerman trilogy): TOUCH NO KIDS 🗣🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!!!!!! Ok fr tho, like The Joker, I do not associated with what boogerman trilogy, aka squimpus did, I'm only talking about the song and that is it. Anyways, SPEAK NO EVIL is a decent song. First off, I really like the Freedom Motif for some reason. Idk why, but some thing about the simplicity and circus tone of it really resignates with me. In general though, the song is pretty good. It honestly captures the character of Flowery perfectly, having this goofy and silly clown tone to it, but also having the sense that you are in legitimate danger. And on top of that, the song in general slaps. Not much else I can say, just a pretty good song. NOW GET OUT, YOU PEICE OF SHIT. 8/10. PHANTOMIME (by: R.V. Pine): SPEAK NO EVIL but without a groomer :D!!!!!! To start of, is this better then SPEAK NO EVIL? Yeah, I geuss so. It has a lot more energy this time around and fits with the clown aesthetic more. But idk what it is, but there is just something about SPEAK NO EVIL that applies to me more. I honestly don't know what it is, its just something. I also like the Freedom motif more in SPEAK NO EVIL then in PHANTOMIME. It's not bad per say, its honestly pretty good. I just like SPEAK NO EVIL's version more. Ultimately though, I geuss PHANTOMIME is better overall, but I kinda sorta like SPEAK NO EVIL more (IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CREATOR, I PROMISE). Other than that, not much else to say that hasn't been said. PHANTOMIME is a very good song, and although I have a soft spot for SPEAK NO EVIL (AGAIN, NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CREATOR, PLEASE DON'T THINK THAT), I think it is for the better that PHANTOMIME is now the canon version. 8.5/10 FALLING PETALS (by: redmatazz): PETALY PETALY PETALY PETALY PETALY PETALY PEALTY PETALY PETALY PETA-!!!!! Petaly. I like Petaly :). If you been living under a rock, Petaly is like, oh idk, THE MOST POPULAR FAN SECERT BOSS EVER. He's such a big shot, that he even got his own plushie, which I believe makes Petaly the first, and currently only secert boss to have one. And for good reason. Who doesn't like Petaly!? Even if you for some reason don't, you have to admit, his activements is impressive. But the question is, how is FALLING PETALS!?!?!?!?!?! It's good. Yeah, its good, but nothing crazy. I honestly don't have mush to say on FALLING PETALS. I think its a pretty good song, and thats about it. I will say, thw Freedom motif here is honestly amazing, and without contest the best part of the song. Other then that, the song has a pretth good metal guitar playing in the background and a pretty soild beat. Pretty good, but nothing crazy. 7.5/10. But I where to suggest listening to FALLING PETALS, I recommend the cover made by The Winterer. HOLY SHIT, PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS!!!!! I hadn't talked about covers or mashups here for obvious reasons, so therefore I will not count The Winterers cover in the ranking. But I we're to, this song would be a 10/10. I'm not joking. It is sooooooooooo good. It makes me nut in my pan- wait. Its crazy, its filled with enegry, it tells the story of Petaly, it slaps, its EVERYTHING. Again, this would count towards the ranking, but its so good, and I'm this music video shot Petaly to the moon. Shout out to the Winterer bro, he cooked with this one. Though, speaking of him... NOBODY WATCHING (by: The Winterer): I cannot tell you how much of a fucking godsend this song is. THIS SONG. This song is legitimately one of the best fan made songs in Toby Fox history. I'm not joking. It's that good. The song starts out with this creepy and mysterious tone to it, that gradually gets more and more prevented as it gose on. It ends with "I miss you", before hitting you with a wave of intensity and a hard ass gutiar playing in the background. The song does calm down a bit, but it has this creepy undertone it all. Then the freedom theme comes in, and it is one of the best and most unique one of all. Instaed of being dramatic and epic, its more mysterious and religious. It does become more crazy in the 2nd verse, but thw chaos is still present. But all of this isn't even CLOSE to the best part. During the end of the freedom motif, it cuts abruptly to this more calm, sadder tone. In the music video, we see Petaly's backstory, but even without it, we get to know what the story of Petaly is. It's honestly really sad, but also beautiful, and perfecty tells the story of Petaly. But then, after a brief break, it builds up to the last part of the song. AND OH MY FUCKING GOD! I'M NUTTING!!! I am genuinely speechless. Words CANNOT describe how gooddamn magestic this part is. Finale kicks in, and it hits you with one of the most beautiful, epic, and honestly saddest veris in any Deltarune fan song- no scratch that. In any Toby Fox song period. I'm being dead serious, this part is way to good. It then ends with an abrupt and honestly sad note, ending the song. Overall, there is no contest. This is without question one of the best secert boss songs ever. If it was in the offical game, this would be the best in the game. I'm serious, it is just that fucking good. 10/10. By far the best one so far, and probably ever. Probably though, something might overthrow it. For now though, there is no arguement. NOBODY WATCHING is king.
@ThePlayDoc Күн бұрын
PLAYING THE GAME (by: DT): I think this is a good song (🤯). The one critique I have for it is that it kinda gets repetitive. The veris are pretty similar to one another, even if there is a different motif or melody thrown in there. I just kinda wish there was a little bit more variety. Other then that, pretty solid. The beat is catchy, the is chaotic while not being overly so, the motifs are great, its just an overall good time. Not much else to say. 7.5/10. SHE LOVES ME NOT (by: cianeatsgrass): DEAR GOD THIS SONG IS FIRE 🗣🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥🔥!!!!! This is is one of the best flower themed secret bosses songs in my opinion. It's chaotic, it's fast, it's clowned theme (which I know doesn't make sense, but I DON'T CARE)! It's just so unbelievably good! It honestly puts every flower theme (except NOBODY WATCHING) to shame. I honestly don't really have any real criticisms. It's just that good. But is it a 10/10? Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... not quite. It's is very close to being so, but its not quite there unfortunately. Because although its still objectivly perfect, it doesn't have thag magical feeling NOBODY WATCHING had. Still though, if I were to bring out a tier list, this would be S-tier for sure. I think a fiar score is 9.5/10. Very close, but not quite there. Still though, love the hell out of this song and I wouldn't change anything about it. UNDYING FLORESCENCE (by: jounder): I was honestly really impressed by this one. I though it was going to be a 7/10 to 7.5/10 tbh. Not that I had low expectations, I just though that how the song was going to average out. But no, its way better then I though it was. The song has this really good pixel aesthetic to that I absolutely dig. I especially really like the ending part, were things get more scratchy and distorted. It makes you feel like your in actual danger. I also love that this song is kinda this TWR and BIG SHOT mishmash, weres its also fun while also being techno and epic. The only miled complaint I have is the freedom motif. I'm very mixed on it. It comes very early in the song when it should be sooner, and also its good, its also kinda annoying. Other then that, yeah, this song is way better then I thought it going to be. I give a 8.5/10. Very good, way better then I thought it was going to be. NOT FORGOTTEN (by: Wandering Markers): My opinion has mostly not changed on this one. I think NOT FORGOTTEN is a very good song overall. It's pretty dramatic, which I think works in this songs favor. I also think it really takes advantage of it being a Flowery theme, by not just bring Flowery motifs. In fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but here, it doesn't really do that. If anything, it takes more advantage of Toriel's and Asgore's motifs, which for a lot of these flower themed secret bosses, I think its a huge opportunity. I also like the the ending it slows down and goes into Asgore's theme. The one thing I don't like about it is the Freedom motif. If you didn't hear it the first time, I don't blame you. It's very subtle. But not in a good or clever way, more in a annoying way. It just blends in with the rest of the song, and it's too quiet. Other then that, really soild song all around. Though if I'm being completely honest, I never really cared for this song. I don't really have a reason, I just only listen to it every once in a while. Idk why, I just for some reason couldn't get into it. Just something about it just doesn't keep my internet. It doesn't really deduct points, it's just a song that I never really cared about. 8.5/10. Really good, but just a song I don't care for as much. BATTLE AGAINST A FORGOTTEN PRINCESS (by: Bob. T.C): FINALLY, I GET TO TALK ABOUT ROSEY :D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, uh, I like Rosey. I absolutely adore her design, and she is genuinely a very well-written character. But although I can simp for her all day, this isn't about how much I like the bosses themselves. It's about the songs. So how's her song? Oh, I don't know. Just SOME OF THE BEST SECERT BOSS SONGS EVER! Both of her songs absolutely slap. But we have to start of with the "weaker" song. And by "weaker", I mean its still a 9.5/10. Yeah, Bob absolutely cooked with this one. BATTLE AGAINST A FORGOTTEN PRINCESS is absolutely phenomenal. First, the song itself slaps. It draws a lot of inspiration from Spears of Justice and Battle Against A True Hero, and it sounds great. It very catchy and dramatic at the same time, and it works beautifully. But not only is the song an absolute banger in if of itself, but its also very emotional. No, I didn't make me cry, but theres a part before the end where the song slows down. And for a breif moment, it tells the tragic side of Rosey's story. Its honestly brilliant, and makes for an almost masterpiece. Again, it's not quite there, but its close. Overall, this song is fantastic, and I highly recommend it. But the question is, is it better then SHE LOVES ME NOT? That's honestly a hard one to answer, because I love them both equally as much (no pund intended). BATTLE AGAINST A FORGOTTEN PRINCESS is more emotional, but SHE LOVES ME NOT is honestly better as its own song. Idk which one I like more tbh. But regardless which one is better in my eyes, they both fall short of the 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘨... THORNS OF AGONY (by: Bob. T.C): I'm not even gonna sugarcoat it. This song is masterpiece. Is it better then NOBODY WATCHING. No, obviously not. But with that said, this song is easily a 10/10. This is what you get if you add the magical feeling of NOBODY WATCHING, and sprinkle in the emotion of BATTLE AGAINST A FORGOTTEN PRINCESS. It is that good. This song is just feel with so much emotion and magic behind it. It also slaps as well, being more serious, but lossing what made BATTLE AGAINST A FORGOTTEN PRINCESS beat so good. The freedom motif is immaculate. Being so emotional while also being so good at the same time. It's dramatic, its sets the sense well, its so ungodly good. Honestly, theres not much I add. You really just have to listen to it to feel it. Absolute perfection. Easy 10/10. I know I just said it, but I'm saying it again. Please, do yourself a favor, and go listen to it right now.
@ThePlayDoc Күн бұрын
MUDDY MAD MEMORIES (by: Bob T.C): YES. Cameilla isn't the only secret boss that's themed around old movies. Ik, shocker. Anyways, about the song. Now, this one is very interesting to be because on paper, I should absolutely adore this one. It's a song that takes inperitation from Muffit's theme, and it's made by Bob T.C. So on paper, I should love it. However, I strangly enough found some problems when listening to it. One of my big problems is the length. Now dispite what I might have said, I honestly don't mind songs that go past the 3 minute mark. As long as they can justify their length in some way. But here, the song is way too long and really overstates it's welcome. And second, this might sound really petty, but I kinda feel like the Muffet motifs is it's whole identity. Don't get me wrong, I like the Muffet motif here, I really do, but I feel like if you took out the freedom motif here, you would basically get an extended version of Spiter Dance. I these two things kinda ruin the song for me. But don't get me twisted, I still like MUDDY MAD MEMORIES. The beat slaps and like BATTLE AGAINST A FORGOTTEN PRINCESS, it also tells a very personal story. It's still a good song, but the weakest song from Bob T.C in my opinion. 8/10. Good, but not a masterpiece. $P0N$0R$HIP (by: AAAAAstr0Man): Uhhhhhhhhhhhh... yeah. Now I will say, it was better then I thought it as going to be, but it's definitely one of the weaker ones so far. This is no way meant to offend the artist, but this song isn't good. The song is overall is just pretty obnoxious. It's doesn't really know when to stop, and it makes for a pretty unpleasant listen. I especially don't like the freedom motif, it's really annoying and loud here. I will say, its was better then I thought it was going to be. The beat is fine, and it tries to have a melody. But it's definitely the worst we've seen so far. Again, no offense to the artist, but it is what it is. 4.5/10. Me don't like >:(. ISOLATED HAVEN (by: 一只文子呐 and Shadfisal): I'm pretty conflicted on this one. On one hand, I like how wacky and weird this song is. It's gives its own identity and makes for a unique listen. On the other hand, the beat of the song is really inconsistent. It has the beat from Mad Dummie, which doesn't really match well with the admitly really good beat. I'm also very conflicted by the freedom motif, because I both like it and don't like it at the same time. I also don't like that Spamton's theme is in here because it makes the song less unique. If I were to ignore the bad, I can see myself liking this song a lot, because the ISOLATED HAVEN has a lot to like about it, like the ending and general uniqness of the song. But idk man, it just stands in this weird place of both being not great, but not bad. I give a 6/10 to compromise. Not fantastic, but not bad. Ok I hate to be that guy, but Imma end it here for now. Again, I will come back to this, but I am lacking in motivation today and I'm pretty burnt out by this whole comment essay thing. So I'll call it here. I might not come back tomorrow, but I will come back, I promise. That's all, bye.
@Greatpap 4 күн бұрын
kzbin.info/www/bejne/a36ZdKKJfpurjsksi=gTtZrwBXO11Vw06n can you mix this song with big shot?
@Taremayu-ST 2 күн бұрын
Can't do it now.
@aaaaastr0man584 5 күн бұрын
13:00 Holy shit That’s me That’s my goofy little guy And my song for the goofy little guy Thank you Also I never publicly posted Scrapp’s sprite how did you get that?
@user-pool2nd 5 күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 5 күн бұрын
Hello AAAAAAstr0Man! I'm so glad you came too! This sprite was redrawn by me while looking at the scrapp image that appears in your video. Therefore, some parts may differ from the original. My apologies. Thanks for the great song and character!
@imaginary_megagon 6 күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 6 күн бұрын
コメントありがとうございます 今なら更に違和感なくできますかね...
@t.funkthecoolmunk5472 6 күн бұрын
I subscribe to the theory that the Freedom Motif is a remix of Gaster’s theme. Not only has Andrew Cunningham made a video about it, but someone made a version of Gaster’s theme with the motif and it fits perfectly: kzbin.info/www/bejne/jmi8nJl6r7aMf80si=-6M8ixGMKA4PKCXc
@Taremayu-ST 6 күн бұрын
i know it. To be honest, that cannot be determined, as it is merely a fan-made work. However, they are one as if they were originally this way.
@Space_isnt_here 6 күн бұрын
The things they both have in common: Insane after a certain event Clowns/Jesters Can’t be killed Can do anything if they wanted too Not in a normal world
@Taremayu-ST 6 күн бұрын
thats right
@technopathic7599 6 күн бұрын
I like how almost every undertale fan characters are au versions of sans, but deltarune have literal gods
@Taremayu-ST 6 күн бұрын
They seem to be more diversified than they were then.
@einarmateoapazacastro9672 8 күн бұрын
The air crackles with pure freedom
@Taremayu-ST 8 күн бұрын
High concentration
@pizzelle_esta_llamando 8 күн бұрын
my favorites Jevil 0:49 Spamton neo 1:12 Camellia 4:42 Screepto 14:54 Solis 16:48
@Taremayu-ST 8 күн бұрын
thats nice. i like so
@bb8thegreat593 9 күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 8 күн бұрын
What would you call this without calling it chaos?
@bb8thegreat593 8 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST a collection
@Taremayu-ST 8 күн бұрын
@@bb8thegreat593 ok
@rooknook5379 9 күн бұрын
Hey so for part 2, can i recommend adding that Spamton EX theme by Witcher? The song's on youtube, and is the one used in the 20 minute Spamton EX fan animation by JQR
@Taremayu-ST 9 күн бұрын
I don't know if that can be added, but it is a possibility. Let me see.
@Taremayu-ST 9 күн бұрын
We confirmed that. We have all the conditions to participate, but no sprites.
@rooknook5379 9 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST Ahh alright, well at this point, only other SBs I can suggest are the newer 2 by zet: Billy Chance and Cao Tinh (Deltarune NOT Reimagined), both have sprites to go with
@rooknook5379 9 күн бұрын
These 2 (Billy chance is only Spotify tho) and some of Creepa-Bot's Secret Bosses. Not all of them since he's made over 10, but yeah almost all of his original ones have their own sprites
@Taremayu-ST 8 күн бұрын
@@rooknook5379 There will be a few more to add from his work in the future.
@muffy7268 10 күн бұрын
all of these fucking suck, oh my god, endless trash
@Taremayu-ST 2 күн бұрын
ok, everyone's opinion is different.
@porygon4023 10 күн бұрын
My predictions for the future chapters' secret bosses and worlds: Chapter 3: Will have something to do with the flowers in the garbage. Being related to Asriel/Flowey is likely, as the chapter takes place in Kris's home and may focus more on their development. I actually think they have a chance of using the purple soul instead of the green one, as I believe the worlds are somewhat like a reverse of Undertale's (Card Kingdom=New Home, Cyber World=CORE, TV World=Hotland, etc.), and the souls could follow that pattern. Chapter 4: Implied to take place in the church, since Chapter 3 takes place overnight on Saturday. Rudy is presumably going to be there, and I think he will take the doll of the angel made by Noelle and Dess, which will become the secret boss. Since Alvin is in the church and Gerson is in Waterfall, this world would therefore be a parallel to Waterfall, and this boss would therefore use the green soul. This is strengthened by the fact that Dess' disappearance may have something to do with Gaster, like the other secret bosses. Chapter 5: I don't know as much for this one. I believe that Papyrus is the Knight and that this chapter will focus on him, so it will be similar to Snowdin and use the blue soul. However, this is just hinging on a theory. Chapter 6: I believe Gaster will appear in this chapter as he is associated with the number 6, and that the chapter could take place in the bunker (Similar to R.V. Pine's take). This would parallel the Ruins, maybe with him guiding Kris or your vessel like Toriel. But as for the secret boss, I'm again unsure; maybe they would use both the orange and cyan souls. Chapter 7: This will parallel the surface, where the prophesied Angel in Undertale comes from and presumably where Deltarune's angel will be. Maybe it will be in the Roaring, which is why the characters hide in the bunker before. It would be funny if the secret boss is the Annoying Dog and he uses all soul modes. There would be better reason to use a humorous secret boss instead of a creepy or cryptic one, as presumably the other questions and theories relating to them would be answered by Gaster in Chapter 6.
@Taremayu-ST 10 күн бұрын
I see.
@jorgeaisa501 10 күн бұрын
Here an few for part 2 [Fanmade] LONEWOLF PARADE : kzbin.info/www/bejne/rGjadmhjqq91a9U Deltarune Chapter 4 UST GO TO HEAVEN reupload made by Kuromi : kzbin.info/www/bejne/nYqWZaRur9SMfLs DELTARUNE: Chapter 3 UST - ABSOLUTE PERFORMANCE : kzbin.info/www/bejne/pXe0f5eEi5aVrbM Deltarune Chapter 3 - DISTRESS SIGNAL : kzbin.info/www/bejne/e522g4qQp6qenqM Deltarune Ch3 UST: Verre Trempe : kzbin.info/www/bejne/q2rTq62fd9R7hdk now the og version of Verre trempe don't have the motif aleast what i hear but Nekø Tape version of it does kzbin.info/www/bejne/eWqcZIimrtuWgck Now not sure if any of the Secret Bosses from GoatFromTheStars have the motif but might as well link the chanel so you be the judge www.youtube.com/@GoatFromTheStars/featured also here my fav boss from them kzbin.info/www/bejne/fne6qZt3p5KWa7M Hope some of this get in Side note the Creator of [Fanmade] LONEWOLF PARADE recently finished making the fangame for the battle so if anyone want to download it its in the descripton of their video also here the link too gamebanana.com/mods/517058
@Taremayu-ST 10 күн бұрын
Basically, covered songs are not allowed to appear. This is because freedom motifs can be easily added.
@bokgonderme 11 күн бұрын
Nice vid and in the laugh track there are more noticable freedom motif at the last seconds of the track
@Taremayu-ST 11 күн бұрын
damn! I forgot to add that.
@the638 12 күн бұрын
never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free never free
@Taremayu-ST 11 күн бұрын
The liberator appears.
@JustAMonth 12 күн бұрын
needles in what?
@Taremayu-ST 12 күн бұрын
@JustAMonth 11 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST A-
@Taremayu-ST 11 күн бұрын
@@JustAMonth A-S
@JustAMonth 10 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST A-S-S
@Taremayu-ST 10 күн бұрын
@@JustAMonth perfect
@Ananasloll 13 күн бұрын
Stop, why do I hear Jevil's music in half of the songs
@Taremayu-ST 12 күн бұрын
The other half is SPAMTON.
@g-ray4088 13 күн бұрын
the problem isn't that deltarune fan works use leitmotifs the problem is that they don't change them hard enough
@Taremayu-ST 13 күн бұрын
Certainly, there are songs that use motifs that are no different from those of spamton and jevil.
@user-by1xd9sl7u 13 күн бұрын
it was a really cool touch that you blanked out the name and pictures for Gaster
@Taremayu-ST 13 күн бұрын
Since he is not a known figure to begin with, the sprites were made almost invisible. It's just interesting that i erased the name. lol But that's not to say that the name isn't written there.
@user-by1xd9sl7u 12 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST true... although nobody woul've been mad if you used Mystery man plus i think "your fault" has concept art in the music video
@Taremayu-ST 12 күн бұрын
@@user-by1xd9sl7u The reason for "your fault" is that the sprite is too large to appear in the way it does in this video.
@youmoreeast2663 13 күн бұрын
For all my life I thought Spamton restiched theme is called off-brand. My life will never be the same.
@Taremayu-ST 13 күн бұрын
First time I've heard of off brand
@connerlover1201 14 күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 13 күн бұрын
I asked him what he would add, and his name came up.
@cheetomanner 14 күн бұрын
are all of the chapter 3 guys canon to live in the same universe?
@Taremayu-ST 14 күн бұрын
Most are different. Each author exists in his or her own world of thought, but Mike's name is the only one that appears repeatedly.
@cheetomanner 14 күн бұрын
i got more depressed cus now i remember i want the petaly plushie when i saw him😔
@Taremayu-ST 14 күн бұрын
That was a good one.
@rightnut6270 14 күн бұрын
I know others might disagree, but this video really highlights the sheer decline in quality between each Creative Freedom Freedom Motif
@Taremayu-ST 14 күн бұрын
That is where each author's ability comes into play.
@unknown_acc8389 15 күн бұрын
Omg i like this mashup so much 😍
@Taremayu-ST 15 күн бұрын
thank you so much!!!
@estudioloboestelar3171 15 күн бұрын
Please part 2 has more music
@Taremayu-ST 15 күн бұрын
Unfortunately, the number of songs in this video is limited due to the character limit in the summary section, which prevents us from writing the credits.
@user-gyunyuda1ma0u 16 күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 色々見てはみましたが、本家ッぽそうな物を選びました...。 正直判断に困る物も多かったですが...
@homyakovskiy 16 күн бұрын
Где джанкиль, он заслуживает быть тут
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
Кто это? Я хотел бы узнать, потому что мне любопытно. Я также хотел бы, чтобы вы написали названия песен и персонажей на английском языке. (Я не могу найти их по своему имени).
@homyakovskiy 16 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST Character: junkil Sound: battle against the world Deltarune chapter rewritten
@Taremayu-ST 15 күн бұрын
@@homyakovskiy Это было связано с этим? Мы решили не сниматься во всех фильмах, кроме одного, в котором были заменены персонажи, и JUNKIL - не исключение.
@homyakovskiy 15 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST ну джанкил это тот же спамтон, просто дизайн другой, так что я думаю связано
@Taremayu-ST 15 күн бұрын
@@homyakovskiy Мотив - SPAMTON, вид и имя - JEVIL
@krazyman791 17 күн бұрын
Why are there no overworld themes (most notably Flowery’s)?
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
what is this?
@krazyman791 16 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST You only have fight themes in your video. However, some of the characters have regular non-battle themes. Flowery has a non-battle (or overworld as I called it) theme, which has the freedom motif in it.
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
@@krazyman791 I understood. Maybe i could try putting that in there.
@krazyman791 16 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST Also, there’s a new version of ISOLATD HAVEN. Maybe that could get included in a possible second version.
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
@@krazyman791 Where is it? I checked and it didn't seem to be on youtube.
@user-tq3gv2dq5r 17 күн бұрын
yapmaya başladığım ve bittiğinde harika olacak gizli bir deltarune boss yaptım ve onun da aşırı derecede çok güzel bir freedom motifi var ve tabiki onun duygusal bir hikayesinde olacak ve korkutucu olacak ve bölüm ismini ise delta murders yapmayı düşünüyorum ama umarım bu ismi kullanan başka insanlar yoktur kullanılan ruh rengini ise yeşil mavi ve kırmızı yapacağım çok zor bir deltarune boss olacak ismini söylememi ister misin
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
Dört gözle bekliyorum.
@user-tq3gv2dq5r 16 күн бұрын
Ama Türkçe'den İngilizce dil çevirisi ve az kodlama bilmem bunun gelmesini baya uzatacak gibi üzgünüm 😢
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
@@user-tq3gv2dq5r np
@user-tq3gv2dq5r 16 күн бұрын
Np derken ne demeye çalışıyorsun
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
@@user-tq3gv2dq5r np→No Problem.
@Meta77 18 күн бұрын
Dude imagine a fangame with ALL of these characters, that'd be so awesome.
@Taremayu-ST 18 күн бұрын
omlovania will be created.
@OllieOlliverio 18 күн бұрын
7:28 how do we tell him?
@Taremayu-ST 18 күн бұрын
its Flowery
@OllieOlliverio 16 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST well yeah but the creator has some drama right?
@Taremayu-ST 16 күн бұрын
@@OllieOlliverio of course ...Maybe there is.
@OllieOlliverio 16 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST 🤨
@checherex 18 күн бұрын
No Chair boss?
@Taremayu-ST 18 күн бұрын
who is...?
@jakaiye9680 18 күн бұрын
19:20 zoom in.
@Taremayu-ST 18 күн бұрын
"HIS" theme
@jakaiye9680 12 күн бұрын
Gaster why are you watching and in the next song it says snowgrave gaster this should not be seen
@user-rv2xv8bp5d 19 күн бұрын
@Taremayu-ST 19 күн бұрын
コメントありがとうございます。 一応スパムもmettaton NEOのフレーズが含まれているので...。 それができたならch3以降のキャラクターでも同じタイプの曲が出てくる可能性は十分ありますからね。 そしてそのタイプの曲は傑作になるパターンがおおいです
@user-rv2xv8bp5d 19 күн бұрын
@@Taremayu-ST 人気高いからフラウィやアンダインの曲はかなり聞きますね、何が出るか楽しみですよね、完成するまで心待ちにしましょう。
@Taremayu-ST 19 күн бұрын
@@user-rv2xv8bp5d そうですね!
@user-tq3gv2dq5r 19 күн бұрын
Bana sorarsanız en iyi kısım 4:28 camellia creative freedown V2 kesinlikle özgürlük motifleri mükemel zafen bence en iyi deltarune freedown motifi crevente freedown
@Taremayu-ST 19 күн бұрын
i think so too