IGDC Annual Lecture 2023
6 ай бұрын
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@TebogoMokgehle 5 күн бұрын
17:45 Sabelo is not the Decolonization guru at this present time the Guru is Joshua Maponga.. I myself run a KZbin on Decolonization @TebogoMokgehle
@andreselectrico 5 күн бұрын
This is brilliant. Where do I find the q&a?
@prometheus200 7 күн бұрын
A 4min introduction of the man’s career. We get it, he’s qualified.
@judeogbonnaya2975 7 күн бұрын
Be careful who to trust because SALT AND SUGAR LOOK THE SAME.
@TebogoMokgehle 5 күн бұрын
Exactly, this Prof is clearly only African by skin colour and not at heart
@judeogbonnaya2975 7 күн бұрын
Against Decolonization? Anyone who is against the decolonization of the African mind in every human level including religion is an enemy of Africa. I do not want to begin to think that 'EDUCATION HAS PRODUCED MORE FOOLS THAN WISE MEN'.
@providetriggersforevolutio3748 7 күн бұрын
That constant clearing of his throat was a bit annoying! Indicative of a dairy allergy! Valuable information though!
@mphomuthubi7453 7 күн бұрын
Much of what the prof.has been itemizing and attempting to defog flies above the heads of those whose life (mostly in the continent) have been concerned and engrossed in political freedom,amongst other fundamental and pressing socio-economic matters. Frankly,it is those like him who had the privilege to attend ivy colleges (to a large degree) who were exposed to such philosophies . That ,in itself,meant that most of us have been worried about how to cross a road and how not to be thrown in some jail for brushing shoulders with our colonisers. Even when we would attempt to delve into philosophies,we were not afforded that or could not because the climate within which we lived would not allow for such and if it did for a tiny number, no place would have permitted anyone to express such. In short,we were shackled to only concern ourselves with bread and butter issues when our erstwhile colonisers ,their progeny and all the rest of them had cartblance lifestyles and had a political machinery that warded off any of us who would have ventured to enter such privileged arenas of philosophical discourse and economy. Whilst the Prof's incisive surgical points seek to show the 'folly' of wanting to decolonize may be on point, it should be noted that his stance would be correct where 'the playing field' was level and all sprung from the same board. We grew up being told we cannot be given mathematics for that wasn't necessary for us and every other course of study was designed to make us cogs in the wheels fashioned to benefit our colonisers and to deny that reality would not only be disingenuous but denialism of the highest degree. What he says about the former president of Nigeria may sound like foolish but I believe has substance given the era and credibility and content of what these subjects taught us. History offer or rammed in our throats (as far as most of the SADC states under the Anglophone education systems) was not correct in that little of our history,if any,was allowed in our curricular. In the climate we lived in, wherein the rulers expected compliance if one would fend for family, philosophy wouldn't cut it. You were not employed to think but carry out what was expected,period. Any endeavour to act contrarily was met with harsh retributive actions. The Prof. seem to me ,at least, say Africans must not press on with wanting to advance what we consider to be akin to our culture and accept the status quo we don't even fathom. Africa will find it difficult to develop such philosophies related to itself because of the complexities of cultures and deliberate speedbumps put on her diverse pathways by Europeans ,in the main who unashamedly would do everything in their power to fight us in every way possible even to design educational systems meant to keep us at bay just so we cannot upset the European social applecarts to paraphrase one Professor Nicolas. Prof Taiwo will ,in time, find that what he decries would be satisfied because he is now teaching others who, in time, step up to the plate. If he so desires that someone must debate him,let him offer his book for free to at least a thousand people and see if his content would not be challenged. This, I propose because,again, the book prices are exorbitant and those who may want to consume his content may be unemployed and may be engrossed again in socio-economic issues. Let me be the first to receive the book ,I may just be his nemesis even if I am not a learned professor! Cheers from South Africa!
@Quofibrew 7 күн бұрын
Great review!
@oliverschultz4943 8 күн бұрын
Prof. Olufemi Taiwo is making an incisive, insightful, and essential contribution here to the analysis of the contemporary 'decolonisation' movement/phenomenon.
@tellitellis4117 8 күн бұрын
He should understand that telling us what's in the book, how the book came about, will sell the book, then fill in the blanks. Normally that is what book presenters do, not sure why he would do something different. I am not sure I want to buy his book now. 😮
@AXZJ104 9 күн бұрын
I suppose there have to be dissenting voices
@sizor3ds 10 күн бұрын
Tongue, meet boot
@ivainyamutsamba8540 11 күн бұрын
Interesting conversation by Prof, question is the topic of Colonialism not taught in the Western hemisphere it seems the concept is new to the West and not understood, Why so?
@michaelmawazo 8 күн бұрын
Because a certain body politic of the West is busy trying to ban Black history and the study of US imperialism.
@BBanez 2 ай бұрын
We are favor your points, but this is only suggestion, opinions and views and the biggest problems that it's already Indoctrination by Artificial intelligence, Technocratic AI Brainwashing and they're all started last year 2019 until 2088 and already done by World Economic Forum with United Nations, and Globalists and trillionaire self-serving in command of the Agenda 21 TECHNOCRATIC Great Reset. But your statements are fantastic but It's too late to pushing this Decolonizing Methods and Methodologies. And take note they are powerful Globalists, WEF, UN and Agenda 21. But thanks for your time and sharing this important thing..
@acidtrip141596 9 ай бұрын
OMG why is the music so loud? I can't hear the person talk. And why did you choose *that* song to play over him? Even as background music it sounds like it would torture little children. Whyyyyyyyyy
@ripvanwinkle2002 Жыл бұрын
hahahahaha its not just funny you believe this bullshit its funnier still someone pays you to be an expert on bullshit..
@susieweir9847 Жыл бұрын
At the very least....your lucky...only two genders.....sigh...the good old days!
@TheLookingGlassAU Жыл бұрын
"Fellows" is related to "fellowship", has nothing to do with gender. You shouldnt tell white people what their culture is, that's racist, isn't it.
@susieweir9847 Жыл бұрын
@kehindeonakunle7404 Жыл бұрын
Linda Smith is original, highly intellectual, and conscientious. The world has a lot to learn from her and her writings.
@gagamba9198 2 ай бұрын
Original? Get off it. This decolonialism claptrap is one of the most over-populated fields and they all say the same thing.
@felipeReisfelipereis 2 жыл бұрын
@susieweir9847 2 жыл бұрын
I hope Putin decolonises YOU!
@susieweir9847 2 жыл бұрын
And will be.
@NorthernVariant 2 жыл бұрын
This is a naïve and dangerous agenda, rooted in western arrogance, meddling where it shouldn't. Rights have to be fought for by the people themselves. They cannot be imposed by the NGOcracy - especially when they are alien to the cultures you're seeking to impose them on - and an attack on religious orthodoxies. Only rights established organically can survive. NGOcratising the governments of developing countries will lead to violent backlashes. This "heteronormativity" and "queering" gibberish" is an adjunct of queer theory and other wokery rejected by the majority even in the West, let alone developing countries. This stupidity will undermine the case for international development and aid, and will rightly see calls for it being defunded. Moreover, in the aftermath of Covid, and in the shadow of renewed wars (Ukraine) - as the Western liberal order is gradually collapsing, we are entitled to ask if this really is the best use of time and resources for politics departments in our universities. EU social reforms attached to its trade and cooperation agreements will cause more of the the very friction we see in Poland and Hungary, that will ultimately see gay rights regressing in Europe and beyond. The promotion of this agenda through international development is in the same vein - only your targets are even less receptive, and will prove wholly counter productive. Outside of your self-congratulatory little academic groupthink, you are (rightly) regarded as ridiculous and dangerous ideologues. This video is a marvellous example of a completely out of touch academia, and it contributes to the widespread public rejection of expertise.
@silvioboldrini3326 2 жыл бұрын
BELLISSIMO documentario!!
@roryobryen6732 2 жыл бұрын
Grazie Silvio!