The Vicious Antitrust Case Against Google
Karl Popper's Rejection of Induction
9 сағат бұрын
Trump and Harris on Immigration
14 сағат бұрын
How to Defend Free Speech
21 сағат бұрын
Cashing In on Objectivism
Күн бұрын
Who Is a Communist?
Күн бұрын
Was Ayn Rand a Jewish Thinker?
21 күн бұрын
Neglected Victims, Empowered Cartels
How to Think About Current Events
Ayn Rand on the Purpose of Art
On Moral Sanction
Ай бұрын
@CRuM770 28 минут бұрын
A very naive position. Corporation have proven over and over again that they put profits above all else. They will compromise the environment, the population, and even the economy if it increases their potential to increase profits.
@Supremor-tj9dv 2 сағат бұрын
Sacrifice is simply exchanging higher value for lower value.
@FreeToBe-gr8 2 сағат бұрын
@alanequi2786 2 сағат бұрын
Mean Girl: Ayn Rand and the Culture of Greed, by Lisa Duggan, is a good place to start if you want to do some reading.
@theone7886 3 сағат бұрын
Israel was around 5 thousand years before islam.
@kingkazuma2239 3 сағат бұрын
In other countries it takes months even years to get an appointment or surgery that could be life saving but it's "free"
@EmpoweredLifeInsights 5 сағат бұрын
"I've always found philosophy challenging, but Peikoff's explanations make it so much more accessible."
@Iamjamessmith1 13 сағат бұрын
Would you rather know something firmly or believe something vaguely? This is the difference between natural and scientific law compared to the Bible.
@Iamjamessmith1 13 сағат бұрын
The main question is if everything is permitted, who is permitting it? The people of the United States do not permit everything with or without God. People in other countries do not permit everything with or without God. So this if God does not exist, everything is permitted is an argument out of no substance.
@weav8060 13 сағат бұрын
Spectacular Five minutes introduction
@Iamjamessmith1 13 сағат бұрын
Religions moral values are subjective meaning their subject to. I supposedly heavenly person who tells everyone what that heavenly person believes and then everyone has to do what that heavenly person has dictated through that heavenly person's book the Bible. This is subjective and in no way objective. It is one source that is independent of other sources.
@iamchillydogg 13 сағат бұрын
She stands for the businessman then stabs him in the back. 😂
@flintchristensen7958 15 сағат бұрын
It is the culmination of agency. Objectivism can exist in/with faith. The effects develop the fruit of effort.
@stevengoldstein114 15 сағат бұрын
wow from a drug addicted sex manipulator who exploited even her friends, I find this idea she is calling anything evil is insanity.
@alanequi2786 2 сағат бұрын
She was also a snitch, and helped with Hollywood blacklisting.
@giobd 17 сағат бұрын
All men are mortal. How can we test that proposition following Popper?
@emmahowitt241 17 сағат бұрын
Palestine belongs to no one
@WagnerHarry-d1z 18 сағат бұрын
Alyce Station
@klauslispector 18 сағат бұрын
Ayn Rand is right about two things. God and abortion.
@klauslispector 18 сағат бұрын
So long as it lives within you, it is yours, and you should be able to do with it what you want.
@adrianainespena5654 19 сағат бұрын
I am curious: When IBM sold Hollerith card technology to the Nazis so that they could track Jews for extermination more easily, that was OK, since they had no control over Nazi's policies?
@abramgaller2037 19 сағат бұрын
Antitrust never has had logical basis .
@stevengoldstein114 19 сағат бұрын
monopoly and company town economic enslavement was the basis, you are completely ignoring all of the history, as usual. And doing it because you have a bias against competition.
@abramgaller2037 18 сағат бұрын
@@stevengoldstein114 No, I am taking history seriously, and I am not a socialist idiot, I have no bias against competition.
@stevengoldstein114 18 сағат бұрын
@@abramgaller2037 When people hit a dead end they resort to baiting with insults, it is a joke. Antitrust laws are NOT Socialist. You are the one promoting idiotic ideas like this. I have 2 business degrees from a nationally recognized university, San Jose State University. What are you able to discuss other than name calling?
@abramgaller2037 18 сағат бұрын
@@stevengoldstein114 I am not at a dead end. Historically there has never been a destructive monopoly without massive government involvement. Consumers suffer the brunt of the damage from antitrust actions .
@stevengoldstein114 18 сағат бұрын
@@abramgaller2037 that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. What antitrust case can you produce that ever hurt consumers when successful antitrust law was implemented? This is why you are totally unrealistic.
@rmartin9426 19 сағат бұрын
I wish Rand & Hayek were still with us to see how Bitcoin solves these problems.
@ominousparallel3854 9 сағат бұрын
I am here with you and I do not see how bitcoin solves any of these problems.
@TheContrariann 4 сағат бұрын
If/when Trump comes back, dollars getting pegged to B!TCoin. The other day he said "maybe we can pay the 35 Trillion Dollars debt with b!tcoin ‼
@chaselewis3354 21 сағат бұрын
She was so smart and understood what it took to make the world turn but the rich knew what it took to control it!!!
@chaselewis3354 21 сағат бұрын
He outmatched her interviewer so greatly it was purely scary at the time and that’s why the woke won back then. Today the blind outmatch the woke and it’s so sad!
@SpacePatrollerLaser 21 сағат бұрын
At the time of this Q&A one could at least claim some innocence on the basis that this was an INHERITED status quo and not created by the persons involved. However that is no longer the case. According to Tod Schnitt, a former conservative commentator and anti-Trumper, in the spring of '23, Elon Musk, whom the Donald wnats to ally with in some way, signed onto a document supporting "Chinese Socialism", with no gun put to his head. And more: in cApril 2013 the goverment announced that it would stop subsidizing the evelelopment of electric vehicles. Immediately, an outcry rose across the land. And who do you thing was leading the Bitching Batallions: Th NAACP? Nope. The Balck Caucus? Nope. The Church of the Sacred Tomato Worm? Nope. Then who? The Chamber of Commerce? JACKPOT! It was then that I adopted the term "Pig Business". It was 5 years or so earlier that I had written "Big Busienss: America's PersecutING minority". At around the same time that I wrote "Losing Roe V Wade" about the "Pro-Choice"'s descent into Nihilism via 1989's "We don't care to get involved with philosophy". Tell me his philosophy and I will tell you who he is and where he can go (as opposed to where he OUGHT to go)
@emazur8394 23 сағат бұрын
A free market advocate could reason that it's acceptable to sell to the government because if he didn't some collectivist offering a competing good or service would get that money instead. The problem comes when that business starts to rely on the government's money.The free market businessman may even start to justify "it's for the greater good". He will be in bad company with all the collectivist businessmen who have no qualms about relying on government money or lobbying for it in the name of "the greater good".
@ThatBoomerDude56 23 сағат бұрын
So, if taxation is morally wrong, then how should a nation defend itself against a technologically adept enemy? Who should fund the development of technologically advanced weapons? And what should be the process of funding them?
@CharlesMarino-je5yt Күн бұрын
What she's saying is that there aren't "your facts" and/or "my facts," there are only "the facts."
@mustang607 Күн бұрын
“… the same considerations do not apply to your own country as long as it’s not a dictatorship.”
@Starrjet Күн бұрын
A brilliant mind still shines even in this growing darkness. Liberty of the free markets is what is needed, not economic strangulation by regulation.
@FreakingDoubt Күн бұрын
Impossible for it not to be true
@franklinmiller5430 Күн бұрын
Free unregulated always shouted by people who has money or grow up comfortably without having to lift a finger themselves type of life. But people from nothing and worked hard to make something of their life thank not totally opposite but believe in small government with little taxes.
@HeavyOnTheLeroy 20 сағат бұрын
Yes, I’m sure the poor young girl who grows up doing her friends and family’s hair and wants to start a business is thrilled to find out she needs to take a year of classes and pay for licenses to be allowed to do what she’s already able to do.
@ominousparallel3854 9 сағат бұрын
Literally the opposite of that statement is true.
@nonsolorasatura9093 Күн бұрын
Pity that the same Ayn Rand don't understand that her philosophy of objectivism can't stand with any form of collectivism (so a third party authority with the monopoly of power that later lead torward the formation of private oligopoly). Since collectivism is for its nature totalitarian is futile attempt to make distinctions.
@WilhelmKonstantinAlexander Күн бұрын
So she was like an average reddit nerd
@TheRobdarling Күн бұрын
She didn't mind taking social security...
@Shozb0t Күн бұрын
Technically she didn’t take it. She was recovering it. The money was taken from her and she was getting some of it back. I plan to do the sake thing when I retire . . . if there is anything left. The first thing about Socciial Seccuurity which should grab your attention is fact that it is mandatory (no choice). The second thing is the fact that for many years, politicians spent the surplus they collected on unrelated projects. Eventually the payments SS needs to make will exceed the tax revenue-and those future retirees will be out of luck. Is that fair?
@dariusgoatland10 23 сағат бұрын
⁠@@Shozb0tPoliticians still spend money from the social security fund. The administrators of social security take money from the fund & use it to buy bonds from the treasury - which increases the debt. The treasury then spends the money - which increases the money supply. Over 7 trillion dollars from the national debt is debt the government owes to itself. Social security is the largest, but military retirement funds, Medicare, & a few other funds are drawn from this way, as well.
@Shozb0t 23 сағат бұрын
@@dariusgoatland10 But that’s what the people want, I suppose.
@HxTurtle 22 сағат бұрын
that's such a flawed view. she never advocated for anyone to pay into a mandatory system and then voluntarily reject the benefits you're therefore entitled to. she's totally fine with voluntarily paying into a similar system just like insurance; and then taking out the benefits in case you qualify.
@rmartin9426 19 сағат бұрын
AR’s detractors constantly pound that one key on their piano. One can be opposed to a government program, still have their money taken for said program, & then claw back, lawfully, what was taken from you. She also made the argument that leaving that money for the state to do their mischief would be less desirable.
@jonathonschott Күн бұрын
Laise fair economy only worked pre industrial revolution and pre invention of the 'corporation' as an entity. There needs to be some form of framework, rules of engagement if you will, or our current financial system would devolve quite quickly. Without regulation you would have companies poisoning water supplies of innocent people with no recourse. You would have no job security, which in the modern age where some jobs only exist because of extreme specialization is actually detrimental to certain professions. I agree that regulation needs to be as minimal as possible, but none whatsoever does not fit into a modern framework. Ayn Rand took her ideas as a thought experiment and went all the way to the extreme where reality does not exist any longer, making her guilty of the same thing Marx and Engels are guilty of, creating an ideal ideology that does not take into account the basics of human nature. She claims to do so, just as vehemently as the manifesto does. I am a capitalist thanks to her but after reading the 'rant' at the end of atlas shrugged i realized her folly
@HayleyLongford Күн бұрын
Companies would not poison water supplies because that would still be illegal. The person who owns the river has the right for it not to be poisoned. Also, the company would quickly lose customers from boycotts after people found out that they pollute so callously. Job security would still exist because employers and employees would sign employment contracts. It would be in the contract that they can’t just fire an employee for no reason. There doesn’t need to be government regulations for these things, humans can resolve issues on our own.
@Shozb0t Күн бұрын
When you say job security, do you mean having a specific job with a specific employer for 40 years?
@HxTurtle 21 сағат бұрын
that's the biggest misconception ever. unregulated capitalism in its core essence is the freedom of two consenting parties to agree on any contract they like to set up without government guidelines. if this legally binding agreement is violated by one party, the other one has the right to sue. the exact same goes for any uninvolved third party that happens to get harmed by the action of such contract. if a company poisons water, they do hurt others and will therefore get sued. this is what Milton Friedman called the, "don't dirty my shirt"-case. he said, if some factory puts out dust particles into the air through their smokestacks and his white shirt gets dirty (it's an analogy and you can replace this with any form of pollution done to the environment), then he can sue the responsible company for compensation. and therefore, they do have a vetted interest in avoiding this. however, that's how pure capitalism would work. it could be argued that state managing this aspect enables companies to legally pollute the environment up to a certain level the state-not its citizens-deems acceptable. it also opens doors to brybary (i must modify this word due to the almighty censor in here), because you created a centralized decision making entity which is always the weakest, most susceptible point and thus first point of attxck if you want something to go your way and you've the means to help it a little. however, Milton Friedman then went on to say that since the environment belongs to everyone and everyone has the right to a clean one, it's acceptable that in this case, the state makes general rules on behalf of the citizens as going the legal pathway might be too tedious in this specific case. so, he is okay with some regulations and just don't damage the environment was one of them. sidenote: all critics of capitalism say that capitalists shamelessly want to pollute the environment, which is absolutely not true and a very mean way of putting up a totally wrong premise (aka, straw man argument.) I do not know what Ayn Rand thought about damaging the environment. but I know one thing: she surely didn't assume, people will just voluntarily not cause any harm to it because of how intrinsically good they are-no! no one assumes this; only the "left" postulates this about people favoring capitalism. so, that without some mechanism in place to protect the environment, meaning that when this becomes an option to do without consequences, this this will not work out well can be safely assumed that everyone knows. of course, there's always the option to let people directly vote on certain agendas like they do it in Switzerland (and quite successfully so.) for instance, you can ask whether people want to lower carbon dioxide emissions and pay so and so much for a transition, or whether they just wanna risk it and continue using low cost energy sources (at the possible expense of building more infrastructure to contain a "wilder" climate.) you should only ask the question in a fair and just way and present all main pro and contra points (and not hide one side) and then accept the popular will of the people. edit: furthermore, opponents of capitalism usually confuse it with corporatism (which is bad) and then behave like as if this is capitalism. for instance, workers forming unions to leverage their negotiation powers is actually a great example for how capitalism works. that's totally fine to do and gives companies the incentive to figure ways to replace workers with machines, which is what everyone profits from. the only thing a union shouldn't do (but it happens) is to directly collude with the government and have some of their demands legislated. this is a free market interference. (like in construction, for instance: certain elements cannot be pre-assembled in a factory but only on site to "ensure" workers have enough work. this is directly preventing the most efficient, less labor intensive way to conduct this operation; akin to outlawing farming machines to artificially give people jobs in farming, lol.)
@ominousparallel3854 9 сағат бұрын
Say what you want but you don’t say you’re a capitalist.
@HxTurtle 8 сағат бұрын
@@ominousparallel3854 is this a general statement? if so, why should one deny it?!
@CapitalistSpy Күн бұрын
@Tagurrit Күн бұрын
Good for whom?
@CapitalistSpy Күн бұрын
@@Tagurrit for everybody if the state GTFO of the economics
@somebodyintheinternet5478 17 сағат бұрын
@@Tagurritall of us, you and me and joe
@liori3770 Күн бұрын
More power to you!
@paraax Күн бұрын
I will worry about Google being oppressed when Google stops with the political censoring. I'm all for free markets, but Google might represent a greater threat to my freedom than my government.
@johnnynick6179 14 сағат бұрын
I too despise the fact that Google tends to tilt the political scales on many of their search results. That does NOT mean I'm willing to allow the government further control over our trade and economy. If we don't like the way Google, or anyone else, conducts business, we are all free to use another provider. Pretending Google has a monopoly is absurd.
@abramgaller2037 Күн бұрын
In duction is largely what is in the observable world.
@AliHassan-hb1bn Күн бұрын
Few to work in high sallaries and majority to beg those who work. Absurd.
@rhys5567 Күн бұрын
History proves Rand right. Every day and twice and weekends.
@UrosMaksic Күн бұрын
A childish title by a pack of insufferable children gathered around Corporate money.
@Anti-CornLawLeague Күн бұрын
Ironically, Javier Milei opposers suddenly feel the same way.
@KeithGalloway-p9n Күн бұрын
8157 Bridie Corner
@digitalnotebook3182 Күн бұрын
@digitalnotebook3182 Күн бұрын
@digitalnotebook3182 Күн бұрын
@HuttThera Күн бұрын
74692 Madisyn Harbors
@David-yw2lv Күн бұрын
At least she didn't try to impose her atheism on others,the way so many did and still do.