@Bcwreak420 Сағат бұрын
Great video! You share some of my thoughts for it all. Its a game that needs to make money at the end of the day but gives you the option to be free to play completely. everyone will unlock every character in the game, they all become farmable. I dont understand the backlash to the new relase method. You get more shards for them now but get the free to play delayed a month or so. Before this method, we would get the free to play event and then that would be it until they became farmable. Sometimes we get some more shards in event but they would be like 3-4 star until they become farmable. This new way at worst comes when free to play you will have them 5 star most likely. With a chance of getting 100 shards. Everyone will get a 100 pull in a year or more. They happen just rarely. So you get the new characters more usable until their farmable. The game came out with better graphics, they gave us a bunch of free rewards with the first rewards in pocket dimension, they always give us lots of free stuff. The spenders fund the game and free to play need to also realize they dont need to compete agaist them, they should have some advantage if they are spending thar much. Anyone can join more relaxed alliances and not stress over it. My experience has been a blast with the campaigns going agaist ultums, the other campaigns, dark demension, surges, pocket dimensions. Is all free to play. Recently playing as the brotherhood in the orchids campaign was a blast with the 1x speed. What a game to have all that for free or to be able to play it over a year. I dont want the game to stop. I enjoy where its headed. i was like others when anhilator came out and was losing my arena rank. But they increase the power cores you get in arena so its not like your losing out from before. And of course back up now with gladiator free to play event and the increase shards from his orbs. All on how you look at the game.
@costakiscosti2223 2 сағат бұрын
Im glad I quit this game, I'm not sure if i will ever come back.
@thebigpositivegeek 2 сағат бұрын
Hey Costa, how long had you been playing before you quit buddy? What would have to change about the game to even entice you to return?
@costakiscosti2223 Сағат бұрын
@thebigpositivegeek I was playing a little over a year, I started when things were looking very positive, the game was in a very good place, why did I quit ? Because of the negative changes made to the character releases, I know some people were saying but you will get them eventually but when you are building a raid team and 2 months have gone by and you still don't have the full raid team it's unacceptable, they want people to spend but people spending 80 euros or pounds per month on this game and being classed as light spenders is unjustifiable, what would bring me back? ,I don't know, I feel like it's once bitten twice shy.
@clayquatermain424 7 сағат бұрын
Ambassador, you're spoiling us; tonight's video will give us three on the trot. Thank you for everything MSF you do. Going to core for Blade, really need him for Mystic, especially as I think doing those nodes will count more in next week's Alliance event. I'll build tgem to T18 min, just depends how good they are in game. I still don't think Man-Thing fits but the community spoke.
@thebigpositivegeek 5 сағат бұрын
Thank you buddy. You might be unlucky and have four on the trot depending on if I can earn enough brownie points to make and Edit Build Positively tomorrow. Yeah I think I will get Blade unlocked but the most important one by far to unlock will be Karen/Oath. My Dilemma is how close I am now to finishing DD7 will I use them as much. Also I’m not to blame for Man-thing as you said the community spoke but I personally voted for WWBM as I thought it would fit much better.
@clayquatermain424 10 сағат бұрын
Really interesting video, thanks a lot. Based on my current alliance & its cluster I'm surprised at the 1.5%, I would have guessed at least 10% spend. Then again, that reflects where I am game-wise (started on DD7 & 8 but waiting on gear) so that doesn't reflect the whole 320k-ish engaged players. On the plus side, I can now see how well I'm doing in leaderboards based on the playerbase population. Every cloud eh?
@thebigpositivegeek 5 сағат бұрын
Hey Clay, thank you buddy. Yeah people certainly seem to think more spend on the game than actually does. You can really see that effect when you look at the Sensortower data for Android where the game makes about £3 per download where as Apple the RPD is around the £23 mark. It’s nice to know how well you are doing based on the leaderboards and player base population.
@zebrion5793 14 сағат бұрын
The Death Spiral (tm) has already started. They tilted too far into P2W and P2Play, and the incoming new players are disgusted with how difficult it is to get "caught up" to be able to do current stuff without having to drop a car payment every month. Game will be entirely dead in a year unless they do something drastically the opposite direction AND market it correctly. The management at Scopely/Boundless doesn't care - they don't even listen to the Envoys or player voice council anymore. They're just cashing out until the whales get bored and leave, then they'll shut it down and go off to ruin another IP. The only way to win at MSF is to just not play it. It sucks, but that's what it is. There are SO MANY great games out right now that will respect your time and money and not screw you over for not wanting to spend a grand a month. Even in the gacha space MSF is horrible. For the price of a BASE unlock for Captain Britain, you could've bought 4+ full AAA great quality games that won't require further investment to get many hours of enjoyment out of. People just forgive MSF for so much crap because it's Marvel and they like the characters.
@thebigpositivegeek 5 сағат бұрын
Hey Zebrion, thanks for watching. You are correct that they are listening less and less to the Envoys and the PV. So many times when I was an Envoy we were told this is happening, we aren’t looking for your feedback. The PV only fully knew what was happening with the new Character release method when the Envoy embargo dropped. I’m really hoping they aren’t cashing out because I can actually see what a good game this could be with the right direction. I do think you are correct though a lot of what keeps this game going is the Marvel License.
@ws.hicks0214 16 сағат бұрын
I was totally expecting ‘money out of your pocket’ after ‘drainnnnn’ there 😂
@thebigpositivegeek 5 сағат бұрын
Damn it I should have thought of that when recording “puts note in book”
@NavikvonBathory 19 сағат бұрын
Great vid. I noticed on your graphic it has Gambot at the top. Did someone else pick that up, I heard on Reddit (reliable source? heh) that the Gambot operator quit. I'm excited about this team. I am so ready to finally have both tech and mystic raid teams finally under my belt.
@thebigpositivegeek 5 сағат бұрын
So Tony the guy who makes Gambot has quit playing the game but is dedicated to keeping Gambot going as long as he has Patreon support. It will be a sad loss when Gambot closes. I’m excited for Blade but I think this team might not hit the mark that Scopley were hoping for.
@NavikvonBathory 4 сағат бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek Good to know about Gambot. Yeah we'll see about Nightstalkers. Curious if Battleworld will have a call out for them.
@bogroll1881 19 сағат бұрын
Very good video my experience was that I returned in Sep 23 and quit in Feb 24 - over the 6 months I caught up to Incursion 2 and completed DD5, DD6 and Big Apoc, that all felt great but then the OML unlock happened which pissed me off and all I could see was the DD7 grind ahead. I think scopely have inadvertantly made their game farmable for opportunistic F2P who are prepared to dip in and out - if catching up is so easy I could come back in another year farm content for a few months until it gets grindy and then quit again🙂
@thebigpositivegeek 19 сағат бұрын
Thank you. It’s also great to hear from someone who experienced the new player experience. You could quite possibly be right about the farmable for Opportunistic F2P. What would draw you back to the game?
@zebrion5793 14 сағат бұрын
The problem with that approach is that the only teams that actually matter are the brand new ones, and they're shifting towards making them REQUIRED, not options to pick/pass on. First with the OML unlocks requiring Cabal and OoT on short notice (they blinked at the last second and made it technically possible, though a lot of people only got the unlock because of the cheese strat with doing one node). Then Spider Society came and and upended every single game mode with their dominance, which is still an issue today. After that came the Captain Paywall fiasco, further gating off content if you didn't pay - a whole character that is STILL not F2P accessible to even START farming. They shifted the raids to REQUIRE SpS and Alpha Flight, even before those teams were even in the game, and making most of the nodes impossible with base unlocked 3 star versions. They then tried to *hide* the requirement by just designing nodes that were near impossible to complete without either having Mephisto/Odin or the brand new teams. Or having to do sack attacks on nodes and waste energy. Let's not forget the ongoing clusterf*** that is the Annihilators release - super power creep characters put in a slow drip tap over months to get base unlocks, entirely based on RNG orbs with AWFUL rates. This is nothing F2P friendly about this game if you want to even do PvE content anymore, let alone PvP. If you leave and come back, all of your old teams are no longer relevant, and if you want to catch up you better get that wallet out and start swiping.
@bogroll1881 6 сағат бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek Honestly I am enjoying conventional RPG's like Trails from Zero, Yakuza Infinite wealth and retro stuff like pixel remasters of FF with upcoming titles like Metaphor Refantazio and remasters of old RPG classics. There is very little in the way of PvE engaging gameplay left in MSF when you begin to approach the meta and hit the grind - it becomes a power creep where content is gated for spenders so stuff is automatic or impossible, so F2P who are skilled have limited opportunity to earn stuff for being skilled - you are just lucky or required to spend.
@garethclarke9883 Күн бұрын
I have been enlightened BPG!
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Thank you Gareth, I’m trying to further understand what might have made them come to the decisions that they have.
@jmtf1654 Күн бұрын
The big difference between Wow and MSF is that you can buy game time and expansions with gold, so by farming you can play F2P without losing absolutely any advantage over other players and being able to use exactly the same characters since what they can buy is cosmetic. On the other hand, MSF can buy whatever they want to take away a huge advantage in power and even having characters that you can't have.
@craigmontgomery9105 Күн бұрын
Don’t you think this is more of a Scopley problem and not a player problem? If they drove away players like Tadano mac and implement this strategy that has caused people to stop buying passes, that’s on the company.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Of course it’s a Scopely problem, and obviously they are trying ways to get revenue back. I wonder how many pass buyers would have thought that way about the changes if it wasn’t mentioned as much though. I mean if you are a pass buyer you will still be ahead of all apart from the luckiest of F2P because you get more character shards and more resources than F2P. In fact if the character doesn’t have an unlock event it’s quite likely that the battle pass for pass buyers would unlock the character as opposed to the F2P that would still be waiting. What I’m trying to do with this video is make people understand the reasons why I think we have seen this change.
@craigmontgomery9105 Күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek I agree with you for why I think they’re doing it. I think both f2p and scopley underestimate that a lot of pass buyers spent because the value was good enough to keep them “competitive” with bigger spenders. Scopley’s taken that illusion away.
@johnmaggiore6751 Күн бұрын
You do a great job of explaining why we have been subjected to this awful new dynamic but that doesn’t make it any more enjoyable. The incentive structure, at least for me, has shifted towards doing as little as possible by way of resource management. That’s not more engagement and it isn’t more fun. There is zero incentive to spend- spend to what end? Also, MSF doesn’t “need” to make as much money is WOW- a successful gas station doesn’t need to make as much money as Exxon Mobile. But it isn’t for me to tell them what they need to do to make money, just to tell them what’s enjoyable and engaging and what’s not- this is not.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Hey John, I’m not saying that MSF need to make as much as WoW here. Why I used WoW is because it would have worked out early days considering that it has been going for 20 years now and the Subscription price hasn’t changed. What cost per player would be to run the game no matter what the player base. I then took that figure of £150 per person per year and times that by the number of players in MSF to get my figures I worked off of. In regards to your Gas station scenario while they might not need to make as much money certainly in the UK they tend to sell the Gas or (Petrol as we call it here) at a similar price to the bigger Gas companies like Shell and BP.
@johnmaggiore6751 Күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek I get it and thanks for the reply and explanation, and as always thanks for the content. Again, I do think you lay out a good explanation of why they are doing this- and I appreciate that you never say that we therefore should like it. My larger point is that this monetization strategy makes the game less enjoyable, and that as a player, I think that’s what I have to say by way of feedback. As a side note, this, like many of their other strategies, is a disincentive to spend for me personally, however I would be happy to pay a subscription fee if that was the only expense. I’m not opposed to paying for the product, but just as a single data point, most of their schemes to try to get us to spend translate to me as a challenge to get around without paying. I don’t know if I’m in the minority. In the present case, since there are fewer opportunities to grind instead of spend, the impact on my engagement with the game is to dramatically reduce it.
@sarahhendridge3774 Күн бұрын
imagine spending that kind of money every month for pixels which inevitably will shutdown .
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Yeah you can say that about a lot of things though. Thank you for watching.
@NavikvonBathory Күн бұрын
You say the new player change hasn't helped: we don't know that. Unless I guess it was shared with envoys. Also, that's making the bait juicier, they just need to snag new whales. I play swgoh now, and I just saw a YTer have a MSF sponsorship. I've seen MSF ads. They're pushing it and I think it's too soon to say it wasn't a success. Interestingly enough, swgoh also updated their new player experience (I'd hazard a guess before MSF, though I don't know for certain). And while some old bottlenecks are loosened, there are still some (and I'd wager that's important to the business model) - such as T4s and DPCs. It sounds like T4s can be overcome eventually (source: Duolom), I'd imagine that would take a very long time. All of that to say: I don't think that's the reason they moved on to release method change, I feel like it's a two-pronged approach. So the reality is I agree with pretty much all of what you're saying, I just don't quite jibe on this one particular point :) And with all that said, my main gripe is that the release method change is a change for the worse, everyone feels it, even whales, while the optimal increase in revenue should (in my ideal world) come from new content. Battleworld is coming, great, add some kind of optional monetization on top or alongside it. This approach of theirs unfortunately isn't unique to them, I've played plenty of mobile games that slowly turned back QoLs and a variety of positives into requiring purchases. I have more to say about the new orbs, but I"ll stop there. haha. As always, I appreciate the well thought out video.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Thank you Nav, my main reason for thinking that maybe it hasn’t really worked the way they thought it would is because those bottlenecks you mentioned like T4’s and DPC’s are all later game problems. I mean maybe that’s what they want as are people more likely to spend if they have invested more time into the game? Possibly. Thanks for watching buddy.
@murda7740 Күн бұрын
This game is not a subscription based game. Your comparison to WoW is not even remotely close. It is an apple to orange comparison. I can play MSF without paying a penny, try playing WoW without paying. I played WoW for over 10 years. MSF looks down on the $80 US battle pass buyers. They want the $1000+ US a month, that’s is all they care about, that number is under NDA. It is why non of the content creators could talk about that. I was a $80 a month buyer, they don’t want my money anymore. Fine by me, I stopped spending.
@KkevrockK Күн бұрын
You’re making stuff up, fully. Now go and google context and learn how to apply it.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Which is exactly what I said in my video. The point of bringing up the subscription based game was context into what a video game must cost to some degree to make, run and allow for improvement. It’s to make people understand this Freemium model that MSF is running. Then to understand the 1.5% and 0.15% of players that actually spend on this game. It’s not that they don’t want your money anymore it’s that they want to try to get you to spend more.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
@KkevrockK hey Kev is that to me or to Murda buddy?
@djhuff854 Күн бұрын
Thanks BPG!
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Thank you too Huff!
@theoriginalzilla4748 Күн бұрын
One of your best videos
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Thank you Zilla! ❤️
@0MrScruff0 Күн бұрын
the Asgardian section is my road block. I managed to get to the third node but can't beat it.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
Vahl is the main person to focus your building on there. That third node is the hardest one and there is a lot of timing involved in it.
@Chiguy79 Күн бұрын
Credit to you for the depth and analysis of all this but I do think you're comparison of MSF to WoW is worlds apart. There's no way Scopely has a team as large as Blizzard does and the server resources are going to be significantly less as well. Using WoW's numbers to support their game and applying them to MSF with no adjustment for scale. Also, the type of audience for a mobile game is vastly different than an MMORPG. How many of the download numbers make it past level 10? (I'd lower the threshold but if I remember right you could hit level 5 almost within an hour of download and that was shortly after global launch.) Using MobileGamer's main point, $80/month (pass purchases) should be plenty of revenue to support the game. There's definitely players who will spend significantly more and more than make up for the full on F2P players. I'll be curious to see what sort of hit they take if fewer players are buying the battle passes going forward as many say they are. This is why the player base is calling them greedy. There was good value for a while in the battle passes but I know I haven't felt a need since completing DD7 and they've reduced the number of character shards in the pass. If they can restore that value (adding more recent gear like purple ISO since that's the new bottleneck or more character shards) that may prevent some of those losses, but I can promise you a regular pass purchaser was likely to make even a couple random purchases beyond that whereas now they won't buy the pass or those random purchases so they'll be even more dependent on the krakens.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
So the reason I used WoW is because with a subscription based model especially one like WoW which hasn’t changed since must have some form of cost based analysis to keep the game going no matter the number of players as WoW has been the same subscription cost for 20 years now. So that is the reason I used the monetary figure of WoW. However I did scale that to our known player base for the income of MSF maybe this should have been shown on a separate slide. This is what I was trying to get across in the video people think that there is a lot of money spent in MSF but what if it isn’t? Remembering that currently if we take the research done that 1.5% of the player base makes up 100% of the revenue of the game that means 5000 players just under are supporting over 300,000 players. That takes alot of money to support.
@shanemackenzie4883 2 күн бұрын
My question is how many people work on these games and how much are they taking home?
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
That information I don’t have but they have a fair sized team from what I’ve seen.
@davidquintero1446 2 күн бұрын
They are already working on other strategies. These trans seem to be coming out really fast and more reworks. I think they are going to make players use up their resources by widening their rosters.
@LongDefiant 2 күн бұрын
You only get 6 million gold to spend per day. There's no widening of F2P rosters. It takes 6 days to get a character to GT19 without buying crimson gear. That means you can raise 50 toons to that level per year if you're very lucky. Arena = 10 toons Raids = 30 toons War = 100 toons CC = 60 toons F2P gets 25% of the resources it needs to keep up, MAX.
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
It’s gets more than that. The past couple of months F2P gold income has been in a place where we can roughly spend about 8 million per day. However you only get rewards for the first 6 million you spend. F2P can keep up with the releases, we just cannot go backwards and build really. This is something I’ve learnt while doing the Build positively.
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
Teams aren’t coming out any faster than what they have done previously certainly in the last two years. We have the data for this. It might feel like it is but it really isn’t.
@LongDefiant 2 күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek accounting quibbles aside, the point stands that F2P is under-resourced by ~75%. Even buying the $80 passes won't give you 4X the resources, especially crimson mini-uniques and Armory 19 orbs. To "keep up" with the meta you need to spend $3000-$4000/yr. Or you embrace the poverty and realize that given the resource disparity you'll only ever really compete against accounts that are just as handicapped as yours. Whales will eventually only compete with krakens... 🥱
@LongDefiant 2 күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek lol KZbin is auto-hiding my comments
@andrewroy6845 2 күн бұрын
Big thing to remember, whatever we say about our feelings on this change.....it's working!!!!. I admit that I'm a Dirty Whale, $200-$300 a month. I fell for the FOMO on Cap Brit, and spent more, but since then I've kept spending level. I am about 1000 places lower on the last 3 leaderboards.
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
This is why I wanted to make this video as feelings are great. But we have to look at the reality of this and the easiest way I find of doing that is through numbers. Nothing wrong with being a Whale or a Kraken or any spending level. As you said the changes are working on people.thank you for watching ❤️
@tormdk5879 Күн бұрын
Hate to break it to you, but $300 a month doesn't make you a whale in this game, as that only covers the battlepasses and the new character releases at the lowest star rating. The real whales are 5* or 6*ing characters, while the krakens of course are out there doing much worse. I'm in the same spend catagory personally, so these changes doesn't really effect me that much. If anything I suppose I should be happy about getting to play with new characters sooner rather than later, it just sucks right now as we're in a raid team replacement cycle and so the alliance suffers as a whole.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
@tormdk5879 yeah I think for a lot of us that is the sticking point. I think if Raid toons were not under the same release methods it might lessen the blow slightly.
@Raindragon23 2 күн бұрын
Sweet little nugget on WoW, we would have been playing together in 2006 😆
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
I loved WoW, what server did you play on?
@Raindragon23 2 күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek omg I don't even remember now, I'd have to look into it
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
@Raindragon23 I was on Bloodhoof. The guild I was with was the fourth Horde guild to complete BWL.
@ohnoyoyototo 2 күн бұрын
Do you think if they lowered their prices it might encourage people to spend? Cause $80+ dollars for the passes is a lot. But the $50 to unlock a character is ridiculous.
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
It might do but again if they lower the prices they will need to sell more. Which if it doesn’t increase the number of people buying would actually make things worse again.
@ohnoyoyototo 2 күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek So I was buying the Passes, but now I'm inclined to not because of two reasons. One I don't like how they changed the release method AND how they won't state out right when characters FTP events will be held. Two, which relates to your video, I feel like with these moves it feels like the game is ending and I don't want to invest even more money into something that will be gone and all my money (investment) will just disappear.
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
That’s fair and everyone should only spend what they feel is right for them. I couldn’t say that the game is dying but it certainly is going through some changes at present. Do I agree with the changes? No but then my horse isn’t in the race in some ways as I already don’t spend on the game.
@tormdk5879 Күн бұрын
Generally the answer to that question is no. Research shows roughly 2% of the playerbase spend, and out of those, by far the most of the revenue comes from the big spenders we affectionally call "Krakens". Lowering the price just means krakens gets the same stuff for cheap, but there isn't enough people in the lower brackets that would start spending if prices was lowered 20% anyhow, so it wouldn't really do much other. Positive Geek does not really go into this, but there's a pretty big jump in spending between what we would call "light spenders", that still does the battlepasses and maybe an offer here and there (so effectively ~$100 a month) and the real spenders. Just getting one character to 7 star at release, is something like $480 per character, never mind the diamonds. So with this in mind, I think the real change Scopely has done with this release cadence is to try and appease the light spenders more. Why? Because light spenders don't get enough of a powerboost from the battlepasses, which means F2P could still compete somewhat, especially if they get good drops. Other than download and activity, F2P players are users, not customers of Scopely. I also reject the premise of the video, as the cited playerbase has remained relatively stable for years. F2P are always trying to be all doomy and gloomy whenever Scopely tries and takes care of their customers instead of their users, but we're on year 8 of operations currently so it likely can't be that bad.
@thebigpositivegeek Күн бұрын
@tormdk5879 what was doom and gloom about the video? F2P players should always be considered potential customers and not just users if they are treated just like users then the potential customer base shrinks. I don’t envy RJ who runs MSF it’s a fine line that needs to be walked. What do you think the Premise of this video was?
@ohnoyoyototo 2 күн бұрын
Did you drop significantly in the Omega milestone? I did and I had Sentinel at 5 stars. I’m almost out of the rank range 2,501-5,000
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
Yes I have dropped significantly I’m now 5972. Which further proves that 1.5% part.
@toosilly405 2 күн бұрын
This game is definitely not worth 150 lbs a year to play.
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
It’s a good job it’s F2P isn’t it? Again there are people who must think it is worth that though as people do Pay.
@wleung3062 2 күн бұрын
Player gift code: Orchis
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
Thank you I hadn’t put this on the KZbin Community Tab. I’ve pinned this comment.
@bamesbameron 2 күн бұрын
What is the purpose of this team, raid?
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
Yeah they are the new Mystic Raid team.
@brianruiz2360 3 күн бұрын
You should do a crossover video in October with Hartgrave!
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
That would be ace. I’d love to do something with Hartgrave again.
@clayquatermain424 3 күн бұрын
I'm glad to see Blade arrive, as you say last of the big names left apart from Chuck. I'm even more pleased to have a new Mystic Raid team at last. Also looking forward to next week's Spend Positively & comparing core stats with you. Any suggestions on how to spend 50 cores when we're not doing refrshes? I'm sure there's sonething obvious I've not thought of.
@thebigpositivegeek 3 күн бұрын
Hey Clay! Yeah a new Mystic raid team is much needed and I love the fact it’s Vampire based. For me with power cores I either use it in the Arena to get two extra attacks or I’ll use it for a store refresh.
@Raindragon23 3 күн бұрын
BPG out here killing it with the new fun intros!!!! Keep up the fabulous work 👏
@thebigpositivegeek 3 күн бұрын
Hey Raindragron! Thank you man. I like to say I’m taking a page out of MSF’s book and “trying something new” 😂😂😂. Hope you have a great weekend!
@djhuff854 3 күн бұрын
Thanks BPG you're the best
@thebigpositivegeek 3 күн бұрын
As always Huff, no you’re the best buddy! Thanks for watching. Hope you have an awesome weekend.
@NavikvonBathory 3 күн бұрын
Oh man Kyln was the bane of my existence this past week :) Had to run it 3 times. Currently on floor 49 as I type this. I do enjoy it to some extent, but I do hate that it seems like if you don't have the right CDs, you need to start over.
@thebigpositivegeek 3 күн бұрын
Hey Nav! You can do it buddy. It’s challenging but I agree the Cabal nodes were the worst for me. Have a good weekend buddy!
@NavikvonBathory 3 күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek So last night I was counting the pieces for upgrading 3 Orchis and unfortunately I'm about 20 short on both tech minis. I might look into swapping in Glad as a 3rd, though he's only 95 and I don't even know if I have the gold to get him to 100 as well as SS. If I end where I'm at, it's all good. I honestly thought I'd end on 47. You have a good weekend as well!
@thebigpositivegeek 2 күн бұрын
@NavikvonBathory is that for G18 or G19? As for the last 3 nodes I did TEG, Glad and LDS.
@NavikvonBathory 2 күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek G19. I'll see if I can swing TEG. Got Glad and LDS to G19 yesterday, was going to do sciSup today, but would definitely prefer TEG (mine is 4ys) since he's great in arena.
@NavikvonBathory Күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek Holy crap I did it. I forgot my LDS was only 5 stars, she kept dying off the bat. I ended up going with Glad, TEG, and SciSup. Almost one shot the last node, but I left the Ares for last which was a mistake. Took a few attempts, but I finally got it done. Can't wait for next time now haha.
@Waffle131 3 күн бұрын
Get your 🧄 ready 😂
@thebigpositivegeek 3 күн бұрын
Hey Waffle, what can I say I’m doing a Scopely and trying something new. Thanks for watching! Here’s to an awesome weekend.
@charminderx105-le2rn 7 күн бұрын
Will we be a massive tie with top 7500 or 10000 if many clear Klyn? Since top 50 ppl, will be the one that can clear Klyn. Just cleared it with the annihilator Trio at the end. Toughest part was cabal.
@thebigpositivegeek 6 күн бұрын
Toughest part is definitely the cabal. I think last time we had a similar event there were roughly 20,000 people tied.
@atlan2007 7 күн бұрын
I have to train up some guardians after reset tomorrow for cell 5. Don’t know how far I can get as I am trying to limit my spending to 6 million gold per day and I blew it all on EG Thanos today before I looked at the tower.
@thebigpositivegeek 6 күн бұрын
Hey Atlan, yeah those early cells are the killers. Obviously don’t over invest in those characters just do what needs to be done to clear the nodes and move on.
@NavikvonBathory 7 күн бұрын
Thanks for the reminder about the last day and the raid. Here's hoping I remember :)
@thebigpositivegeek 6 күн бұрын
Hey Nav, thanks for watching buddy. I’m going to put a reminder out on the last day.
@georgegouriea5598 9 күн бұрын
Hey BPG Thank you so much for the great content QQ. Were we not supposed to max the current webmilestone on top of hoarding and doing the 4 50s?
@thebigpositivegeek 8 күн бұрын
Depends on how much you Hoarded but I don’t think it was meant to be Clearable unless you hoarded big. When I say big I’m talking like 6000 + energy.
@georgegouriea5598 8 күн бұрын
@@thebigpositivegeek yeah hoarded around 4000 Well if that was the plan then good
@clayquatermain424 10 күн бұрын
Looking forward to see how I do in Kyln Tower, aiming for mid-40s. Finally got my six star OML but my Out of Time did not cope with their first node in D15. Giving it another try but think I'll need more than Percy at T19. If so, here's to the next run. Have a top weekend.
@thebigpositivegeek 10 күн бұрын
Hey Clay, awesome news on the Six star OML, honestly T19 Percy and the rest at T18 level 95 is what I did on my first and second D15 runs of OML. I’ll message you on Discord regarding this. Have an awesome weekend buddy.
@djhuff854 10 күн бұрын
Thanks BPG 🎉
@thebigpositivegeek 10 күн бұрын
Thank you Huff ❤️
@bamesbameron 10 күн бұрын
Whenever there is a klyn/ Tower event I tried to play it as soon as possible because scopely usually makes a mistake and has to restart it. Although it gets restarted often you don't lose out on the resources you've already attained, so IMO it's worth it to get at it as soon as possible because if this does happen and traditionally it's happened regularly then it's a great way for free to play players such as myself much needed extra resources. From the last big event where they had the mistake and ran it for 6 days I've saved 16 diamond orders to spend at a later date I figure I'll use them when there's more new characters in the game for Gorr it just may take a little while to get the yellow stars to get there
@thebigpositivegeek 10 күн бұрын
Yeah they normally do muck up the tower modes which is a shame. I’m going to put this PSA out on Mondays video. But you might want to watch your raiding with Orchis on the last day of this event as unless they have fixed the issue (this is MSF so I doubt this.) Then your Tiebreaker with people who get to a similar floor as you in Kyln will be the raid with Orchis and so will throw you to the bottom of the leaderboard.
@TheTransformr162 10 күн бұрын
mutant rebellion is the same as sentinel strike so don't collect the orbs when weekend arena warriors starts tomorrow.
@thebigpositivegeek 10 күн бұрын
Nice one Transformer. At time of recording I didn’t check the weekend Warriors was back and it wasn’t in the blog. I will pin your comment for this information. Thank you.
@atlan2007 9 күн бұрын
Do you mean not to get the milestones in the event or to not claim the orbs?
@TheTransformr162 9 күн бұрын
@@atlan2007 do not claim the orbs from weekend arena warriors until the mutant rebellion goes live on the web
@atlan2007 9 күн бұрын
@@TheTransformr162 Thanks
@mc1293 9 күн бұрын
​@@TheTransformr162Will Day 1 weekend warrior milestone gone before web event starts? I always thought these milestone lasts 1 day only
@Ernspiker823 10 күн бұрын
@thebigpositivegeek 10 күн бұрын
Thank you.
@NavikvonBathory 10 күн бұрын
Hey man, thanks for the video.
@thebigpositivegeek 10 күн бұрын
Thank you Nav, Sorry it's a lot later than usual.
@doriangray6985 10 күн бұрын
Many thanks
@thebigpositivegeek 10 күн бұрын
Thank you Buddy.
@LukaBooks-eo1cm 11 күн бұрын
Love seeing those views going up, continue to appreciate you and your content!!
@thebigpositivegeek 11 күн бұрын
Thank you Luka ❤️
@Handzzz75 12 күн бұрын
Is it possible to include what you'd get if you went from 200 to 600 cores per day for energy events? Especially with the extra power cores, I find myself asking if 600 is worth it
@thebigpositivegeek 11 күн бұрын
Yeah I can certainly make that info available.
@lordcameron7789 12 күн бұрын
Off the subject a bit, is anyone else getting lag and the game just dropping. Is it this new graphics update
@thebigpositivegeek 11 күн бұрын
I’ve seen reports of it happening. But I must admit I’ve not experienced it myself.
@sexxel 12 күн бұрын
I can’t find the sentinel orbs for some reason, any help?
@bamesbameron 14 күн бұрын
Nicely done in my particular case I don't mind them redoing the math events, I'm completely fine with the events being exactly the same
@thebigpositivegeek 14 күн бұрын
It’s fine at least they have left it a few months for the solo event. Thank you for watching buddy.