@jeanettew6079 18 сағат бұрын
Thank God for a Real Man of faith.. A prayingfamoly
@adrianam4036 18 сағат бұрын
Those ladies should have been worn of what they were about to hear .......lol
@malayenedean2794 18 сағат бұрын
Jesus is my Lord and Saviour Amen 🙏 Halleuejh praise God Almighty Amen 🙏 🙌
@ybformsolutions8913 18 сағат бұрын
I love this, and I love your book! God speaks to me all the time. In my dreams and when I'm awake. And He gives me revelations all of the time. I cry most of the time when this happens because I not only be so in awe of these experiences, but I also feel so much love...
@sarahmoorman6936 18 сағат бұрын
Right wn Joni said that about being content and then the right person will come, I tht of Dorothy - then Joni turns to Dorothy like that word was for her. You’re a great catch Dorothy! Love your hair - you look so pretty! Bless you!
@EstevenFuller 18 сағат бұрын
@Christian7355c9b 18 сағат бұрын
I love Israel but many elite jews are not ! Kamala's husband is a jew, Chuck Schumer is a jew..Soros is a jew how many jews are there in the WEF who choose the dark side & working against Israel???
@EstevenFuller 18 сағат бұрын
We was founded o. God now our nation is turning from God the old testament said do t do as your forefathers did we have let false idols in our great nation we have took prayers out of schools and public places the word says the one who turns it back on God will be destroyed I can only pray we turn back to God and stand in faith in Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord let's quit bashing each other and start praying for each other stop the hate and do as Jesus done try love hate never changed anyone no one will stop God's word from fulfilling. God will prevail no matter what we need to get ourselves right and then maybe then and only then can we see clearly to help others
@beatbosshqtm3866 18 сағат бұрын
Wow...he will be held accountable on the day of judgement for his abortion policies. Unless he decides to confess to God his acts. For this reason I would never support him in leadership.
@ArtistVanda1 18 сағат бұрын
@patrickscanlon6753 19 сағат бұрын
Joice Meyer is a gift from god 😇
@bootsy7 20 сағат бұрын
It's amazing how many blind people that are in the body of Christ and another show that Joni has featured another false prophet she's notorious for that
@Durkheim-z5x 21 сағат бұрын
Winning elections is not as difficult as it seems. The crucial thing is knowing how to choose your government team. The biggest obstacle is solving the US's internal problems. And, to make matters worse, how to solve the various external problems that the US itself has created.
@TinaColby-bd7mb 22 сағат бұрын
The Lord had me to give this Word at a Bible study where my pastor was teaching n 1993. After that everyone of us Pastor included was hit. Later pastor died. God has not used as since.
@sarahmoorman6936 22 сағат бұрын
Sad but true explanation
@TinaColby-bd7mb 22 сағат бұрын
I can't listen 2 this testimony enough. God knows I need this encouragement. As most people cannot understand why u won't accept and go on w your life. Her dad is dead and in my family 10 people died 3 key members within 2 yrs. I am alienated. Friends forsaken forced out of my career of 32 was targeted by IRS. At a certain age u r wrote off. But God...
@LindaFroehlich-dw7ij 22 сағат бұрын
Thank You Day Star/Joni you are a blessing to many🙏🩷🌷🩷 Jimmy Evans great word given Thank You-🙏🙂
@LindaFroehlich-dw7ij 22 сағат бұрын
Put on the Full Armor of God each day and hang on. It is going to be a bumpy ride. One thing I do know is Christians must stick together there is Strength in being with those who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. The word given on this video was so interesting, Thank You for sharing this with us. God Bless You and may the Lord be with us through the good days and the hard days ahead. 🙏❤️✝️
@deborahjahn4362 23 сағат бұрын
If you could talk to each baby that was murdered they would tell you it definitely was physical when their bodies were ripped apart in the womb!
@JESUSisGODourSAVIOUR 23 сағат бұрын
Never could trust Joyce Meyers..... She is another Joel Osteen.... And also the Bible says that the WOMAN can't be a PREACHER at a Church... So sad that many Scribble out the below bible verses.... But oh well, we are living in the LAST DAYS and evilness will explode. 1 Corinthians 14:33-35 (KJV 1611 ) For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. 1 Timothy 2:11-14 (KJV 1611) Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.For Adam was first formed, then Eve.And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. 1 Corinthians 11:3 But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
@rosak.9855 Күн бұрын
This is so sad that our food supply is so toxic. People, eat more natural if you can.
@user-xd4yx2ug5g Күн бұрын
Why are you people so unbelievable ,God loves this man so much . Don’t judge him ,only Jesus can judge on judgement day . every person must stand alone in front of Him . We all like Brother Jesse .
@sandylong1529 Күн бұрын
On October 8th while praying, I had a vision of an old time alarm clock that had been set at midnight & then started ticking. I heard these words,” there has been a cosmic shift in the Heavenlies, events are being speeded up for the saints sake.” I knew in my spirit we had crossed over into an prophetic timeline!
@sarahwatkins8029 Күн бұрын
You are so right on these prophecies... We all know there will never be peace in the Middle East. God bless Israel!!! As horrible as Trump is he did fulfill some of the prophecy. Too old and unstable to take office. Biden has a steady cabinet not a revolving door like the trump administration was!!! God will do his pleasure.
@dr.k.t.varughese3151 Күн бұрын
Pastor, do you love the sheep of Jesus? If you don't love them will Jesus love you? Do you preach by entering through the door of the sheep of Jesus? If you dont enter through right door of the sheep will Jesus love you? If you dont understand this why do you put on the head of the sheep what they dont want?
@JanPenix Күн бұрын
AI was chosen in 1972 as a counterfeit antichrist to distract away from Rome.
@sarahwatkins8029 Күн бұрын
Please give specific verses to the things happening now. Please give the verses.
@desmondsawera6986 Күн бұрын
I just unscribed. Bye
@desmondsawera6986 Күн бұрын
Always talking about money. Jesse what a joke. You are a preacher, where's the gospel of the Lord.? Always boasting about his wealth.
@sandymanning-b5o Күн бұрын
Thanks to all of you for sharing the prophetic events that are and will happen. May the Lord bless your ministries abundantly in Jesus Name Amen 🙏✝️
@Claudinemichotte Күн бұрын
Préfère ne pas lire vos insanités 😮
@desmondsawera6986 Күн бұрын
Jesse is a wolf in sheep's clothing. I think you all know that... that's if you all not blind
@dianarose7131 Күн бұрын
Yeah they want him to stay on the ballots now that Trump took him on… They know the F***ed up… hopefully to not get trump those votes.. SORRY DEMOCRATS snooze you lose
@rdreider Күн бұрын
Thanks again for keeping us updated.👍
@PugpugKeller Күн бұрын
Right on. Let's make America great again.
@mariandyp.9801 Күн бұрын
Much respect for the decision of going for what is rightful, so by joining the team, where he can make a big difference, with the strength, that Jr. Kennedy has, and will implement to help improve or resolve so many issues and problems in the complex fields of the damaged and manipulated department of health. With his interest and years dedicated defending and protecting the health of children, and adults that are unaware of the negative consequences and lateral effects. With his experience, knowledge and proven records of great accomplishments, Mr. Kennedy will bring much goodness to the Americans and people around the world. Many thanks & Blessings.😊
@anthonyhaun1990 Күн бұрын
He's a brave and a decent man, he's a pioneer!
@dianerogers2840 Күн бұрын
Wow!! Diamonds and more bigger diamonds!! Wow! Joyce I followed and listen to you for years and you did help me but now after the media attack you prosperity preachers I’m just dumb founded by it all!!
@thetruthmatters7 Күн бұрын
Joseph, thank you for your good material. May I suggest also that what we need today is someone with the boldness and integrity to call out the fake, satanic solar system religion (it is a religion), and to declare what the word of God says. We will never be able to fully understand what is going on, until we go with the Bible model. The earth does not move (Ps 104:5) the sun moves in a circle over the earth (Ps.19); the earth is flat (Rev. 20:9) ; the sky above is a solid dome (Job 37:18) There is no outer space, everything is within the firmament, as are also all the powers of darkness (Gen. 1) God never created planets anywhere. Please research.
@yolandalogan955 Күн бұрын
The Lord is talking about Satan to you????
@yolandalogan955 Күн бұрын
She is so fake.
@rowenacook9210 Күн бұрын
We win in the end
@carolgimenez5169 Күн бұрын
Her mouth 😮
@DesVesper Күн бұрын
Go RFK Jr. Make America Healthy Again.
@cbcbeliever6186 Күн бұрын
Kennedy for Surgeon General!! I too have followed his vaccine knowledge for years.
@ruthhannamaria Күн бұрын
I will cause them that say they are jews and are not but do lie, to bow before thee and to know that i have loved thee. The true Jews are described in the bible, funny no one wants to touch that thou, albeit, thats accordding to the natural, but the real Jews in Gods eyes are those in the Spirit who belong to Christ. Nonetheless, we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem as Christ instructed us to do. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼