Ευχαριστώ ταπεινά για αυτη τη δημοσίευση... Είθε ο Θεός να σας δίνει πάντα την αμέριστη αυτη αγάπη να μοιράζεστε την τέχνη του Μάντζαρου, όπως θα εκανε και ο ίδιος προς εμάς!!
@makedonas_ellhnas2 жыл бұрын
Κρίμα που η πλειονότητα των Ελλήνων με το ζόρι γνωρίζουν ότι ο Μάτζαρος σύνεθεσε τον εθνικό ύμνο , πόσο μάλλον το υπόλοιπο του μουσικό έργο
@eleniveltsou32403 жыл бұрын
Σήμερα είστε αγενεστατος με τους ακροατές που θέλουν να εκφραστούν ξεχνάτε πως η εκπομπή είναι δική τους .Ε. Βελτσου ,πανεπιστημιακός
@maxxam27743 жыл бұрын
Greek, with Italian origins.
@makedonas_ellhnas2 жыл бұрын
Come on guys you got Vivaldi ,Verdi ,Scarlatti and so many others don't be greedy let us have this one
@maxxam27742 жыл бұрын
@@makedonas_ellhnas It is not a matter of being greedy, but it is the history, which can't be modified. Niccolò Manzaro had Italian origins (Venice), and he was the most important exponent of the Ionian School, which it was also made by other Italian musicians. The "San Giacomo theater" of Corfù, was the emblem of the reborn of the Greek theatre, and it happened thanks to the Italian musicians who moved there . Why should I deny the history? In the name of what, and in the name of who?!?
@anonymous-nh5sw2 жыл бұрын
Is the fact that he had italian origins so important to you that you had to write it twice? 😂😂
@maxxam27742 жыл бұрын
@@anonymous-nh5sw The fact that you don't like that I wrote that he had Italian origins, doesn't have any importance. Why shouldn't I deny an historical evidence? In the name of what, and in the name of who? Just in your name, so that you won't feel frustrated? Where did you leave your personality? A 4 years old child is more mature than you. Therefore: what is the sense of your oligophrenic "comment"? 😂😂😂 Plus, if someone replies to my comments, I can reply as well. It is not forbidden by the law. Maybe you don't know that I can reply as many times as I want to, whether you like it or not. Oligophrenia is not a joke. Unfortunately you can't do anything about it, you must live with it, and consequently, I don't envy you 😂😂
@anonymous-nh5sw2 жыл бұрын
@@maxxam2774 look man it seems to me that you don't know your stuff. You are right but you should know that the ionian island had so many artists that their origins were italian. Also our national poet studied in italy and spoke italian more fluently than greek. I don't deny the fact. I deny the fact that someone is italian just because his mother or his grandmother was. People in corfu at that time were as italian as they were greek. They were filled with italian culture. And so that you know my grandmother was italian. But I don't consider myself as one. You are right but your comment was stupid. It is something you write twice and it sounds a little bit nationalistic. If you wrote about the culture i would clap. But you write about biology. With all due respect that's a stupid arguement, since italian origin 300+ years ago has very little to nothing in common with todays italian origin. (Obviously that applies to every origin). My commet was about to show you that origins are not important, at least not that important so that they should be mentioned twice. Therefore people in corfu at that time were as italian as they were greek no matter what theit origins were. I believe that you wrote that comment so that you feel some superiority to the greek people. I could tell you what you should write (eg the music school of Napoli) if you wanted to express that superiority that you should feel as an italian but you wouldn't listen to a 4 year old would ya? Also i would have said the same thing if i saw a greek writig for mauroliko (a greek origin latin mathematician) for example.
@stayrospaparunas30623 жыл бұрын
Ο Ούλοφ Πάλμε ήθελε τα Σκανδιναβικά κράτη να γίνουν ένα... φαίνεται ότι αυτό δεν άρεσε στους διοργανωτές της Γιουροβίζιον... από ότι θυμάμαι νομίζω ένας Κούρδος ήταν ο εκτελεστής.
@composerivanmanejarnovic39584 жыл бұрын
Wonderful music! Greetings from Belgrade!
@evaristosbethlehem33394 жыл бұрын
Αυτή η συμφωνιά μου αρέσει πολύ
@czuigcuvi23485 жыл бұрын
@maxxam27743 жыл бұрын
With Italian origins.
@georgioskaryotis80645 жыл бұрын
This is lovely! Will need a second watch to unpack but it immediately resonates. Well done and thanks for sharing these thoughts in that way!
@Asrim6 жыл бұрын
Qué maravilla.
@jdancer756 жыл бұрын
Όλα τα λεφτά είναι η γυναίκα του Πάλμε. Γιατί λέει ότι δεν μίλησαν με κανέναν εάν μίλησαν με κάποιον μετά το σινεμά? Μαζί ήταν όλη την ώρα. Ή δεν ήταν? Ποιοι και πότε είπαν ότι είδαν το ζευγάρι να μιλά με κάποιον? Τι ήταν και από ποιον το τηλεφώνημα που τον αναστάτωσε? Ποιος και πότε είπε για το τηλεφώνημα? Γιατί πήγαν από τον συγκεκριμένο δρόμο και όχι από τον άλλο που όπως λέει το στόρι ήταν πιο ευθείς δρόμος για το σπίτι? Γιατί το "περιστέρι της ειρήνης" έκανε αυτή την γιγάντια αγοραπωλησία όπλων? Πως έφτασαν να συλλάβουν τον Πέτερσεν και γιατί αφού τον αναγνώρισε η κα Πάλμε τον Πέτερσεν, μετά αθωώθηκε με την έφεση? Γιατί δεν τρελάθηκε η κα Πάλμε το παιδί τους και δεν έκανε ότι περνούσε από το χέρι τους για να μην γίνει αυτό εφόσον τον αναγνώρισε? Αφού τον είχε πλάτη και μέσα στη νύχτα, πως τον αναγνώρισε? Έχει καμία σχέση με το πρόσωπο του σκίτσου που δημοσιεύτηκε? Έτσι τον είχε περιγράψει αν τον είχε περιγράψει έστω και λίγο? Βγήκε η κα Πάλμε να πει ότι ΔΕΝ ΗΤΑΝ αλλοδαπός αλλά λευκός εφόσον τον είχε δει? Ποιος επαγγελματίας δολοφόνος και γιατί ρίχνει μόνο μια στο στόχο του και αφήνει μάρτυρα να επιζήσει από τα 10 μέτρα και πιο κοντά? Έκανε οικονομία στις σφαίρες? Γιατί δεν λένε τι όπλο ήταν από το διαμέτρημα της σφαίρας να συγκρίνουν βαλλιστική από τα αρχεία τους σε συνεργασία και με την ίντερπολ?
@Ntreik968 жыл бұрын
Αν έχετε κι άλλα παρόμοια έργα Ελλήνων σύνθετων να τα μοιραστείτε μαζί μάς παρακαλώ.
@mahbubhasan94078 жыл бұрын
Hi ! I would like to get more information about your research or research out come, Is it possible to get a copy ?
@rgerodimos8 жыл бұрын
here you go:
@GreekClassicalMusic8 жыл бұрын
Επιτέλους το πρώτο σωζόμενο ελληνικό συμφωνικό έργο εκτελεσμένο από συμφωνική ορχήστρα! Ευχαριστούμε!
@jamesbrycen79773 жыл бұрын
Dont know if anyone gives a shit but if you are stoned like me atm you can watch pretty much all the new movies on InstaFlixxer. Have been watching with my girlfriend lately :)
@geralddamien48873 жыл бұрын
@James Brycen yea, been using instaflixxer for since november myself :D
@stanleyxander79443 жыл бұрын
@James Brycen yup, I've been watching on InstaFlixxer for since november myself =)