@jamespfp 8 сағат бұрын
23:23 -- RE: The Cog can't really take waves [on the Beam].; A: Mostly True, the sails you're carrying can be let as loose as necessary to relieve heeling and you'll notice that the water stops coming aboard. In much the same way, the correct trim on a foresail should result in a very low frequency Roll, and the correct trim on a Gaff will do the same with Pitching, both of which are where the water is shipping, too. If you're not trimmed right when the Sea arrives, its flooding over the super low freeboard the Cog has on *either* the Upwind or the Downwind side, which is Not Nice in stormy shallow waters.
@jamespfp 8 сағат бұрын
14:10 -- RE: Fort Aestrin to Happy Bay, would anyone consider that Open Ocean?; Yeah, I would. Two reasons because 2 options for how to navigate it. One is to head East past Mount Malefic until past the shallower ocean and into the darker blue region marked on the World Map. That gives the lowest frequency Swells with the highest amplitude, and those make for the fastest speeds. The other reason is there's deeper blue to the South as well, so either way it's possible to get the "Open Ocean" characteristics and go into "High Speed" mode. Going straight South is often not going to work out in my experience, mostly because the Winds made it faster to go East until a SE or S heading became ideal. I usually use the Sun compass to keep an eye on the longitude and try to steer within 15 degrees of the S when at or near Happy Bay's longitude line. It's also possible to set-up for a Southeasterly approach and rely entirely on Latitude, since every mile S is another mile E.
@jamespfp 8 сағат бұрын
RE: Speeds of 8-12 knots in the Cog; *Well Done!* That's the right idea and totally possible with 2 largish square sails. Sometimes the genoa won't be needed either.
@jamespfp 9 сағат бұрын
44:00 -- RE: "This is too much load."; Oh I dunno! I think it would be if you still had the upper deck cabin, but since it's removed this works out fine even with the second mast. The Gems being in 4 crates also works out nicely since you could move 1 or 2 boxes only to counterbalance heeling and it would be as much weight as your character.
@jamespfp 9 сағат бұрын
20:45 -- RE: Tightening the Genoa with the downwind winch; That's a bad habit you've acquired. The reason I say Bad is because you're keeping the Knot over the Gunnel, which is suitable for winds as much as 45 degrees off the Bow, halfway to the Beam, and if the wind means Close Hauled you can bring the Knot in as far as the downwind side of the Mast. On the Upwind side it'll put you into Reverse. *And* if you try to tighten on the Upwind side when the Downwind winch is already tight, it won't budge until you loosen the Downwind sheet. Simpler to merely use the Upwind winch. Square sail winches operate in much the same way. Letting them out on the Upwind side should be a decent reminder of where the Upwind winch will be for the Jib / Genoa / Staysail.
@jamespfp 10 сағат бұрын
7:18 -- RE: Weight v. Value in terms of Reputation; In my experience the Reputation goes up for high time priority missions (ie. shorter than a week and/or longest distances) and even more for missions that have multiple items. The weight of any individual item doesn't matter, so that means picking the lightest loads with the highest number of items ought to work out best for grinding reputation.
@cesararanda4213 13 сағат бұрын
Great trip with the cog. You good really high winds in the first half, it looked scary but she was handling it like a champ. I always fear missing Happy Bay, is more challenging compared to the full size archipielagos.
@Oluabayo 5 күн бұрын
Can't wait until they give us bodies and clothing:)
@Icu2chill 4 күн бұрын
Ah! As long as they are water proof!
@nekopa 6 күн бұрын
Great video! I am thinking about jumping back in after a year or so away from it. Subbed!
@Icu2chill 5 күн бұрын
Cheers Nekopa! Definitely worth checking out Fire Fish Lagoon!
@FunFactFreaks 11 күн бұрын
Hi ICU. I have watched a number of your videos for this game and I still don't get the attraction? It seems there are very long periods of just sailing in an open sea with no other NPC's and all you do is go from port to port to buy and sell. Am i missing something here?
@Icu2chill 10 күн бұрын
Hey FFF, that is a fair way to describe the game indeed! I would add on my end the immersive sailing learning experience, the different regions and islands to explore, the new boats to try, messing up with sail configs, playing Tetris when loading :) It is a very relaxing game where you would set your own pace, add a bit of roleplay to it and you can sail for a while!
@FunFactFreaks 10 күн бұрын
@@Icu2chill Thanks .. yes I sail in real life an enjoy the experience. I also play a lot of sims (thus why I liked the game). Anyhow, keep up the great work.. cheers!
@okela1 27 күн бұрын
Some people, whose names will remain secret, need important cargo delivered to a location that will be revealed later, no questions asked. Meet me at the beach shack east of Crab island settlement, if you are up to it
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
I’ll get there. Mark my words. Crab island as in Crab Beach - Emerald Archipelago - 31.8 North, 4.9 East correct?
@okela1 16 күн бұрын
@@Icu2chill Correct. And as time is of essence, a hefty reward is awaiting
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
36:44 -- RE: One more flag on the Mizzen Mast...; A: Here's to the Dreamers, pallie! No but seriously, I'm often amused that more "Point of View" players like yourself don't do the obvious thing, and to be perfectly honest it took me a while to accept it as being the right thing to do. *Look At Your Sails,* and make sure you have Lanterns somewhere high enough to see the bottom edge of sails you need to see to know where the Wind is. *You don't need to know "absolute",* you only need to know a *Relative* direction and with any luck what you think the Wind is doing will be Close to what the Wind is actually doing. The Worst Time is when you wake up in the middle of the night, having slept, and the Wind has changed. But even then you can still use the sails as a way of knowing. Here's my Top Five favorite sails for telling the relative wind direction: ( 1 ) Junk Jib. Best Jib ever on the Sanbuq. Bigger is also Better. ( 2 ) Trapezoidal 9 Yard Squares (Fort Aestrin dockyard). The way the bottom edge bulges to show the Wind is much better than on the default 9 yard square, and it has 1 extra square yard of sail area. Taking in a tiny bit of sail will also make the bulge more noticeable, but it doesn't need much help. ( 3 ) 12 or 8 yard Wide Squares (Gold Rock City). Has a bulge a lot like the 9 yard trapezoid but it also has another 8 yards (or more) of width, so there's a wider range of angles shown on the sail and they're spread out a little, for fine tuning. ( 4 ) Genoa. This is another reason to want the genoa with the longest possible bottom edge, because the longer it is the more angles you can see when the sail's Knot is close to the Mast.. Wind from the Beam, the bulge is dead center and the ship heels over a lot; the same sail would have its sheet loosened 1/2 of its length for such a Wind for maximum efficiency. ( 5 ) The Junk Gaff on the back of the Junk; the smallest one. Best in class for use as a Rudder Trim and Auto-steering method; *can't work* if it doesn't know exactly where the Wind is, and should be able to get a wide range of angles on most Mizzen masts.
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Find myself often too overwhelmed to see the obvious. I’ll be watching those sails carrefuly 👀
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
29:13 -- RE: Interesting Oracle; Fun Fact! Spend some more time in the waters near Oracle, especially in the dark hours. And, out of my last 3 trips from Al Ankh to Aestrin, I've ended up sailing to within a mile of Oracle pretty much by blind luck twice. I don't think it would be difficult to make a trip from Oasis to Eastwind based on that, probably within 9 days.
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Challenge accepted ✌️9 days with which boat?
@jamespfp 17 күн бұрын
@@Icu2chill Oh, it could be done that fast in the Dhow, or the Sanbuq, *or* the Cog, and definitely the Brig. Take your pick!
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
I see, more of a benchmark, although I assume it would be more challenging to achieve with the Cog or Dhow vs Sanbuq
@jamespfp 17 күн бұрын
@@Icu2chill Definitely is more challenging in the smaller vessels. The Sanbuq is more stable in shallow regions and easier to trim for high speeds even while sleeping, which is the real trick to that benchmark. Maintaining an average speed above 5 knots isn't nearly as easy in the Cog.
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
28:25 -- RE: Trimming the Cog; I have another suggestion/tip for you. Cargo/Ballast will do you more good if it's positioned to the Windward side, and Yes, I know that might mean a lot of work. I try to minimize the amount of shifting back and forth by balancing the heaviest items port and starboard and only moving 1-2 items like a barrel, crates of medicine or gems, and then I add "Reposition Ballast" to my checklist while tacking. Another way to look at it is to consider how much pressure the Wind is putting on the sails plus how much mass is in the rigging of the sails. Gaffs are heavier than Jibs but often weigh less than Squares, but Squares are balanced on the middle point of their booms, so they don't have as much impact unless they're let out a lot. The largest Gaffs are huge and weigh a lot, so when they're swung all the way out, you'll need a couple of hundred pounds of Ballast counterbalancing them on the opposite side of the ship. *This is Key to safe operation of the Cog,* since it has the least amount of freeboard of all the ships in the game, and likewise, it doesn't hardly have any Keel, so the *only* physical thing in the Cog which will make it behave as if it does have a Keel is Ballast.
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Loaf test incoming to assess the right amount of ballast I’ll need. I hope to use the (right size) gaff only when I have no other choice or as a combo with squares when it gets to a more complex setup. I will need to make squares work and eager to learn how to be more efficient. I love this game’s learning curve!
@cesararanda4213 28 күн бұрын
Nice video already liking the interior and that moon screenshot was too cool to not end as the thumbnail. If you go for a mizzen mast be careful with the size of the rear sail, the mizzen sail is more like an air rudder, it helps a lot in steering but if it's too big will be worse than your current gaff.
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Cheers C! A second mast will show up for sure, whether it will end up as my fav config remains to be seen 😏
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
24:55 -- RE: Putting the Sail Up pushed me straight into the wind, and I'm Full Starboard on the rudder (to try to compensate); A: Yep, SEE MY OTHER COMMENT. To relieve the pressure from the Gaff, *EITHER* drop some of the sail area *OR* loosen its sheet. The Optimal angle between the Wind and the Sail should be 45 degrees but it will still work with as little as 12-15 degrees, so try using a much looser or a much smaller Gaff. *Ideally* your Rudder will want to sit 15-30 degrees to port or starboard, whichever is "Weather Helm". Loosening the Winch for the Gaff should always cause your Foresail (Jib, Genoa, Square) to turn you downwind. If you loosen the winch so that the Gaff's boom goes out by 5 degrees, you should notice at least a 5 degree turn on your Compass, probably without touching the Wheel. *In Other Words,* The angle of the boom on the Gaff sail will directly correspond to the angle with respect to the Wind and your Ship, so basically you can pick your course and the point of sail just by trimming the Gaff. In yet other words, the Gaff is basically a "Wind Rudder" which isn't primarily concerned with providing thrust as acting as a means of trimming the Ship as a whole. *This is another reason to want the largest possible foresails,* since they (a) sail closer to the wind and (b) are more likely to provide the maximum amount of thrust. Also -- "Weather" and "Lee" helm are named that because ships used Tillers more often in the past, and it refers to the way the Tiller will turn. If the Wind is coming from Starboard and the Wheel turns to Port, that's Weather Helm.
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
26:15 -- Yay for Trial and Error, eh? :P And yeah, I distinctly remember having mentioned that the Cog is the best ship in Sailwind for demonstrating Lee and Weather Helm, and now you know it, too. 💯
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Downsizing my gaff is high on my list. I am finding some kakam vibes using my sails to influence my boat’s heading and I actually like it. While more demanding it proves real fun!
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
8:30 -- RE: What's Happening Here? Is it the Genoa plus the Gaff? I can't have that much speed this close to the wind...; A: To the last part, Yes you can actually go pretty darn fast with a fore and aft combination like a genoa plus a gaff. The problem you have here is your Gaff is causing your ship to "weathervane" into the Wind. To prevent and/or limit how much it does, you have to loosen the sheet winch to the Gaff, or use less of its sail area, or both. You can use your Wheel as a way to measure how much sail or winch is too much. To do this, leave the Wheel "unlocked" so that it freely moves and oscillates, and set your sails (assuming Foresail and Gaff). If the Wheel turns Into the Wind, that's called "Lee Helm" and it is because the Jib / Genoa is too tight. If the Wheel turns Out of the Wind, that's called "Weather Helm" and it's because the Gaff is too tight or there's too much gaff sail area. Weather Helm can be very tricky because a very slight turn back towards the center, *or* a gust of wind, *or* the ocean swell can cause your ship to "round up" into the Wind (AKA Weathervaning) and at worst, nothing you do with the Wheel will stop it and your ship will broach or capsize. *But* just a little Weather Helm can be very good indeed, holding your ship on course when you're close hauled and without blowing your ship off course in the downwind direction.
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
^^ Footnote: While it might seem your ship is going faster when all the sails are super tight and the vessel is heeled over, it's both faster and more efficient to have the ship sitting on an even keel. In other words, it's a trade off between speed and efficiency and each situation will require a balancing act.
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
^^ Footnote 2: RE: Using the Wheel to monitor Wind / Ship response. You read me right, *Do Not Lock Your Wheel* because that might cause you to Turn, even if its set to the Center, *AND* when the Wheel automatically turns port or starboard, your ship will be sailing Straight. I've had the Cog sail a straight course with the Wheel turned as much as 67% one way or the other, because the combination of Hull Loading + Sails + Wind + 67 % Rudder = Straight Line.
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
^^ Footnote 3: Sail Types and Area As a Rule, I've found the following to be best on the Cog (and often of the Dhow, too). Use the Larger Genoa, the one with corner that reaches back behind the Mast. And, corollary to this, there is no reason to use the same amount of sail on the Aft Sail as the Foreward sail has. That is to say, if the Genoa has X square yards, the Gaff does not need the same amount. I often use a Gaff which is 1/2 the sail area and sometime even less since having more is only useful when the winds are light, and with moderate to high winds I'd be using only half its area, anyway. The Gaff (in my mind) is most useful not for Power and Speed, but for use as a means of automatically steering the ship when I'm doing something else, like fishing, cooking, or sleeping. A 6 Yard Gaff "fullsize" is probably more than enough for the Cog, 8 Yards too much but excellent on the Brig. The "Short" Gaffs, 6 or 8, are both acceptable alternatives. And of course, if you can sail the Cog to Dragon Cliffs you can swap out the Gaff for a Junk Gaff and it won't matter as much since it has better fractional control for the sail area. Another option would be to remove the Gaff from the Main Mast and add a Mizzen Mast for the Gaff. That can use the smallest Gaffs of all and they'll still have a good effect. See also: Heaving To.
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Gotta love those tips James! We are on the same page here, a second mast will be part of the next upgrade I think
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
2:55 -- RE: "Where should I set up {a base of operations]?"; A: I don't even know what the Mission or the Task is yet but I'm going to leap to a foregone and dare I add obvious conclusion: Eastwind. :P
@jamespfp 28 күн бұрын
(And P.S. My vote remains Eastwind by the end of this episode. I find its the best one for starting West-East, shouldn't be more than 3 days to or from Malefic at worst and less than 1 day to Fort Aestrin.)
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
I suspected you were gonna lean North James!
@fremen321 28 күн бұрын
really enjoying the storytelling and music accompaniment.
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Came for the game, stayed for the stories… that’s what’s I’m aiming for! Thank you!
@Cuppasoupn00b 28 күн бұрын
Like your videos man
@Icu2chill 17 күн бұрын
Thanks bud, means a lot!!
@cesararanda4213 Ай бұрын
I love the cog even with it's flaws, poor rudder and heeling tendencies. I have had a lot of fun rigging it as a ketch adding a mizzen mast. You can have it with lateens like a mini sanbug (heels a lot) or a mix with lateen and square+jib or pure fore-and-atf rigging with gaffs, either with the main mast in front or in the center. The only thing i miss is more staysail options with a longer bowsprit or a staysail between both masts. I went from Aestrin to GRC and later from GRC to Emerald disregarding the trade winds in a jib+two square sails+lateen configuration because i like the looks of it and it's very very safe to sail. Btw small jib+front main junk sail and mizzen junk sail beats everything imo, very easy to use and can sail well in any wind configuration. Also in Emerald archipielago you can install a big square junk sail that has 89/89 angles, seems op but i have not tested that properly. Oh and low cabin all the way imo, tall cabin is not practical and no cabin looks wrong.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Its flaws are what makes it extremely interesting to me! Thanks for sharing the different config. I want to try to set it up in as many configs as possible and give it its own identity! Load test incoming at some point as well!
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
RE: The Brig; I know, it looks like it's too much ship for one person to handle. *This Is Not The Case,* and it's even possible to add another mast and many sails to it. The reality of the Brig is that it might rarely have a chance to have all its sails out at the same time, and various conditions like how powerful the Wind is will determine how much of the sails you really need. Learning basic maneuvers with the default rigging isn't a bad idea, and it should be fairly manageable using just the Jib and the mainmast Gaff. I personally like to have a Gaff even further back than the default has it. I also like to put a Gaff on the Foremast because there is a lot of unused space between the default masts and the default Brig Squares can't be let out past 45 degrees anyway. Stays may also be added between the masts to use Jibs between the Squares.
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
^^ And *IKR!* Only 110 Gold, and the Brig can haul a lot of cargo with a lot of mass.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
I was both intimidated and in awe. She is a majestic ship. Aestrin really wowed me in many ways. One of the reason why I want to spend time with the Cog first. Get my A game out with a “toy size” one before trying to tackle that beast!!
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
13:30 -- RE: "I mean, I could just drop my square and use the Jib, right?"; A: Yes, and No. Jib Only, you'll be forced to run in Reverse at least a little since, to get the Bow through the turn into the Wind, the Jib will have to either be let loose (so it doesn't give forward momentum) *or* set to provide you with reverse thrust, tightened to the "wrong" side of the mast until the wind is favorable again. As a rule, the Jib needs to use the Sheet Winch which is on the Windward side of the boat. Tightening that one down so that the Knot is near the Windward Gunnel will always push you backwards, but slower than the Square will and also through a narrower range of angles, meaning, it stops pushing you backwards as the boat comes out of the Wind. Letting it loose then will put the Knot back to the Leeward side and relieve any heeling, and the sail pushes you forward as normal. This will also almost always be faster than using the Square as a reverse gear, mostly because it takes time to let the Square down and then winch it back in again, all while managing the Rudder so that the turn is favorable and reversing the Rudder when going from Forward to Reverse or vice versa. With a Jib it's only the 2 sheet winches to work and once you are nearly "in irons", only 1 of them will be necessary. With Gaff Sails this problem is complicated by the tendency of the Gaff to stay nearly in irons. It will frequently be best to use less than 50% of the Gaff to keep it turning on Forward momentum, and it will also help the Jib once the Wind changes sides. Jibs sail very close to the Wind like Lateens.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Yeah the gaff ended up being more problematic than anything else when I put them on the dhow. Agreed for the jib. Still not ideal but it does feel easier. Still planning on mastering the square sail tack tho! I can if like trying to identify how the wind act on my sails. Interestingly enough, I found myself much more with the gaff than the square. Even when failing my tacking with the latter I still get momentum.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Re: jib sheet winch. Windward one to be used. Are there any situation where you would use the leeward one?
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
@@Icu2chill Gaffs work fine on a Dhow but I always liked the "Short" ones. And as we've discussed many times before the amount of mass being used to ballast and correct for the sail makes them much more manageable so that it will run without pitching and rolling, like with its lateen.
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
@@Icu2chill Not without potentially causing an issue with the Windward one. The Leeward Winch can't winch it in past the Leeward Gunnel, so if you're close hauled and the winds are nearly blowing on your bow the *only* winch that can put the Knot close to the Mast will be on the windward side. And remember, once the Knot passes the Mast, that's Reverse gear. The point there being The Leeward Winch will not be useful for trimming the Jib when sailing close to the wind and if you're not mindful to release its sheets before trying to tighten them down with the other winch you might mess up a tacking attempt. Similarly, when tacking into the Wind the Jib should be Loose not Tight because the tighter it is, the more resistance it presents and the slower and slower you turn. Loose, you turn much faster but lose speed to drag.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Thanks James! This is extremely useful !!!
@Oluabayo Ай бұрын
I thought you were going to turn it into a Dhow then:) Add some Lateen sailes or 2 and have a mini Sanbuq.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
😂😂 it did cross my mind but I want to give every boat a serious try!!! The Cog seems to be a very versatile boat for config and I want to try different configs!
@t.a.ackerman4098 Ай бұрын
The boat is much better w/o the stairs. Its too bad you can't move the flag off the top of the mast but hey...right?
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Yeah, the stairs are cute but I just can’t find a proper use for the upper deck! For the flag part of me thinks I’m struggling because I feel I have a lot to learn at once. Still hopping for a second flag to appear with the mizzen mast… we’ll see :)
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
1:10 -- RE: Just to get used to tacking with [this Square]....; A: There's a reason it's challenging and "Hard Mode" default. Both your sails are ahead of the main mast, *thus* there's nothing providing you with a natural tendency to turn into the wind other than your rudder. Square Sails and Lateens are basically the *same,* do you see? The difference is that Lateens have all the nasty *extra* sail cut away so that you don't lose efficiency to a tendency to heel over. When Squares are let out beyond 45 degrees to either side, the part of the sail which is giving you forward speed is Behind the main mast, and the part that's slowing you down by heeling you over is in Front of the main mast. Tacking (therefore) is complicated, especially given your experience in kakams and junks, where all the sails are positioned behind their masts. There are better alternatives to be found in the Shipyard, so I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this episode!
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
^^ Also -- it's good that you're showing us your method having spent time practicing with it. But hey... that's default rigging knowledge, it'll perform differently when and if you add a sail which is more efficient at making a tacking maneuver. I'll recommend a Genoa to you for the foresail, as well. The reason is that it has added sail area which makes it very good in light to moderate winds, and it's quite easy to read what the wind is doing by looking at the bottom of the sail from the helm. The best argument for a smaller sail area Jib would be that it performs better in moderate to very high winds, storms included, so its a matter of taste I guess.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Extremely helpful info right there! Thanks James! I am actually having quite a lot of fun learning and trying new sails config. No frustration so far as I feel it’s a skill gap and not the game trying to punish me with hard wind and such!
@monostripeexplosiveexplora2374 Ай бұрын
I love the cog!
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Mono, Chapter IV early early episodes will be for you then! 😎 gonna be waiting for your tips and corrections!
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
26:50 -- RE: The Aestrin Market Model; A: It's true, the night life in the Aestrin region is pretty slim pickings but it still has many strong features for the hard-working trader. Eastwind in particular has resource extraction on its side, so it offers copper, iron and goods at prices which are competitive with the rest of the Sailwind world and downright lucrative for a seasoned trader.
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
^^ Bonus tip: Aestrin's Vendors (including the Innkeeper) will happily buy raw Fish from you. Trout, North Fish, Blackfin Hunters = 3 Crowns per fish, Salmon = 4 Crowns and Eels = 8 Crowns.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Tbh that was more a general comment regarding lighting of towns. In most ports the docks and town are fairly dark at night. Like in Dragon’s Cliff I struggled to find the tavern at night. Just feel we could benefit from a tiny bit more lighting! Thanks for the tips on fish sale, I did not know that!!! Wow. A bit OP no? Haven’t started a game from Aestrin yet
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
25:20 -- RE: Of course we're gonna pay it!; A: *YES.* TBH I held off buying the top of the line telescope until very recently myself because the extra powerful magnification wasn't really for much benefit. but I had a reason which involved not knowing what I would be looking for and thus I justified the expense by rationalizing it would be better to spot something however much earlier than never ever spotting it at all and sailing right past it. *Full disclosure,* turns out I did sail right past it, but luckily I was also paying very very close attention to my latitude and longitude Noon and night so I caught the overshoot error before I lost more than 60 miles.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Good tips for that secret location 🙃 I hope to get there at some point… but not just yet… still expensive tho!
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
18:10 -- RE: "It's a very quick trip!"; A: Yep, It's on par with many of the shortest range transits in the game, around 32 miles. Sunspire to Fort Aestrin is also only 30 miles, and Siren Song to Eastwind 35 miles. The Cog can make 6 knots without too much trouble and without much wind, though, and I've always found it reliable for calculating the length of a transit by averages. Sample the speed with your chip log more often to get a better average approximation. ; ) I'll say one other thing for the Cog, it can be pretty fast too, especially when running downwind and using more than 1 square sail. Fort Aestrin's Dockyard sells a lovely trapezoidal 9 yard square sail... a pair of those suckers can make a Cog seem like its flying on deep water ocean.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
On my way to the shipyard! 🫡
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
9:15 -- RE: "The Flag at the top! Come on!"; A: Yeah that is a bit inconvenient at times but haven't you noticed it also has a weather vane with a couple of bars poking back at 45 degrees or so, port and starboard? That weathervane needs a chef's kiss.
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
^^ Also, Fun Fact! While there is no official "Night Vision" implemented in the game, using the Telescope at night will let you see the flags and/or weather vane on any ship.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Yup that spyglass trick worked everywhere but in firefish lagoon cause of the intense fog, it actually makes vision worse with it! For the flag, I wonder if it’s not about getting used to it. As mentioned later in the episode it already became less of a hassle!
@t.a.ackerman4098 Ай бұрын
Do you know how much the stove weighs?
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Nope, other than it does not seem to affect a small boat’s balance much if at all when there are other equipment onboard. I have always been struggling to estimate weight for “equipment” such as bookcase, stove, hook case, fire wood case, etc but I am working on finding a way to get a better estimate
@phillycheesetake Ай бұрын
I love the dhow, it's the boat I've performed my best manoeuvre in; mooring on the back-side of the GRC dock after extracting the sanbuq, head-to-wind, without using lines and without touching the pier or grounding. She stopped dead exactly where I wanted her, and backed in on the breeze without much need for rudder commands. She just behaves so well. When I was on my way to buy the sanbuq I was coming in from Al'Ankh Academy, with a wind at my back so stiff you'd think there was a storm, doing 11 knots (stock rig) all the way through the sandbars. It made me question why I was even retiring her...then I remembered trying to carry copper.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
That would make it for a stylish entrance alright!! 😎 what sail config do you carry? I did something similar earlier this week trying to capture approach to Neverdin from front 3rd person view… not on purpose and did it the dock. Still felt great tho… I’ll have to give that GRC docking a try!
@phillycheesetake Ай бұрын
@@Icu2chill It was just the stock sails, I wanted to buy the sanbuq as soon as possible so I spent no money on the dhow. The sanbuq is also still stock, I want to try a sloop but I read in the discord there's a bug which causes the sloop sanbuq to wiggle, so if an update fixes that I will try a gaff sloop.
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
2:25 -- RE: The Clock; I want to voice a note of cautious optimism about perhaps worrying more about a telescope, even the cheapest, lowest power one, because the time of day can be determined by the Sun's position in the sky (that takes some experience with a Clock, so stand around in the Market checking the time first....) during the day, and the relative position of the 2 stars that are nearest to the North star will accurately show the time of night (when they're "level" horizontally, it's 10 PM, when they're "upright" vertically, it's 2 AM). So that means a Telescope + a Quadrant and a cheap Sun Compass would be an economical kit for the first couple of rounds in Al Ankh's region. Oasis needs the Telescope more than the Clock to find.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Agreed! Sun compass, quadrant and spy glass are part of lower star setups (part I). For the clock, I was more thinking of how you become much more conscious of it once you have one. Before your rhythm may only be sunrise, noon, mid afternoon, sunset. With it you can break down further. I also find it useful especially at night when you wake up, it’s pitch dark, and you don’t know if it’s 11pm or 3.30am!
@Oluabayo Ай бұрын
I tried the tall lateen sail like you did but I didn't like the keel angle and was worried about storms with it. If you think it's a lot faster than the normal sail then I might try again?
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Definitely worth trying it again. It feels very rewarding and you do get quite faster. Here are a couple of things I learned thanks to others’ comments and by experimenting: - take on some weight that you can easily shift from port to starboard to counter act the the wind. - unlike with smaller sails, even a quarter rotation of the sail’s winch will make the difference between catching too much wind and too little - you need to play much more with the level of sail’s deployment in high wind if you can’t counter the wind by shifting weight. In episode 2 I mentioned the struggle with the fin sail. That was mainly due to not shifting weight on my boat I think!
@t.a.ackerman4098 Ай бұрын
I don't know what to say about this episode except "huh"?! You swam to the Fort? lol 😆 Then at 21:15, you play "Here comes the bride". 😃 I agree that having the wind vane at the top of the mast is not ideal for first person view. Anyway...I enjoyed the vid.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
I swam MM -> Siren Song -> Fort Aestrin -> Siren Song. I really wanted the Cog for episode 26 I guess.. the song seemed fitting after such a roller coaster getting that boat, still not knowing if the groom (junk) was gonna show up when I return! I may go a bit too far in the blind roleplay sometimes… But also wanted to show you guys that everything is legit, no save manipulation 😎
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
1:00 -- RE: "I believe this is Sunspire." -- Hm! I recognize the harbor though. Siren Song, methinks! Sunspire is the next island west of Malefic. This one is north of Fort Aestrin and west of Sunspire. Excellent harbor for large ships, too.
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
And RE: The Cog. I learned to love that boat, then hate it, then *really* love it. There's a reason Hard Mode gives you one of those right away with a Jib and a Square where a Gaff should be. It's better with no upper deck, and a Mizzen mast. Fort Aestrin's shipyard also sells a nicely sized Genoa for the foresail, rather than a Jib. The difference is that the back corner of the sail should be behind the mast. Works very well in low wind situations and close hauled. Might be too much for the Cog though if loaded incorrectly. See also: Heaving To. The Cog can survive very nasty storms and choppy water, but be careful about releasing the sheets too quickly or she'll roll unexpectedly and swamp. It can heave to, though, which means it'll ride very well even on very shallow water in high winds, and you can sleep if necessary. This works out best if the wind is blowing in the direction you want to travel, and your rate of speed will be limited by heaving to, so there's less chance of overshooting. If the wind Isn't blowing favorably though, you won't have many miles to make back since it's not going very fast.
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
12:20 -- "Yo, is this boat maneuverable at all? and RE: Jibs; Fun Fact, Best sail in the game for doing maneuvers in reverse without getting wet. Squares can too, but the Jib is better for fine tuning things, and won't let you go too far in a reverse turn before it loses thrust. To Compensate, let the Jib out more and more, go hard over and start moving forward, silly (because you're not in irons), OR start taking the jib in, releasing the sheet winches after the Jib is furled. The trick is to make the correct reverse turn, and at the dockside, there's not much margin for error. Tacking the Cog (for me) also usually means repositioning at least 1 or 2 pieces of cargo as ballast, to relieve the heeling, and it's normally something as heavy as a barrel of water + a box of medicine. If your Cog is constantly swamping, you're definitely using too much sail in too much wind. That's another reason to get rid of the top deck (although it's great for spotting things) and take another mast, instead, so that there's a wider range of options for sails to use in different weather conditions. Junk Gaffs are a decent choice for a Mizzen sail. The Cog is one of the best boats in Sailwind for seeing "Weather Helm" and "Lee Helm" in action. [edit] The default rigging is nothing but Lee Helm because both the sails are rigged forward of the main mast. To get a Cog which has Weather Helm, add 1 Gaff to the main mast, and to get one which can almost auto-steer relative to the wind, get the second mast and put a Gaff back there, too.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Yeah I definitely need to learn the islands in this region!! I’m really looking forward to discover the cog, and planning to do so quite in depth in the next chapter!
@MonostripeZebra Ай бұрын
I love the game!
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Hell yeah!
@t.a.ackerman4098 Ай бұрын
You didn't get a receipt.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
🤣🤣🤣🤣 TA! That one cracked me up big time! Yeah, I forgot the receipt 😭
@t.a.ackerman4098 Ай бұрын
@@Icu2chill It might be more important when you're buying rather than selling but just for sake of bookkeeping. lol
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
100%, especially given the milestone!
@Oluabayo Ай бұрын
Epic following this one!
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Thanks for sailing along!! 🫡
@jollyname Ай бұрын
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
@Oluabayo Ай бұрын
Yeah I'm thinking twice about an open sea journey in my Dhow now lol:) I made it to Oasis from Gold Rock, then back to Gold Rock but didn't face anything like this!
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
Preparation is key! And knowing your boat’s limits will definitely help 😅
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
I've done the trip from Oasis to Fort Aestrin in the dhow and the cog, too. It's really important to take 3-4 barrels of liquid (2-3 water, plus rum or wine) and maybe 300 pounds of ballast besides. I also re-rigged the dhow with fore and aft sails rather than the lateen since it was mostly downwind but at night having the gaff could help keep the boat on the right course. It's easier with the dhow than the cog, but the dhow can still get caught by bad winds at times, especially on the larger ocean waves.
@jamespfp 2 ай бұрын
17:50 -- RE: Swamping; FYI, heeling the boat onto either side in high or very high winds doesn't make it go any faster, and letting it out looser on the sheets won't either. The best solution is to start dropping sails when you hear high strength wind sounds. I find 75% on the fore and mizzen gaffs and 50% in the main, or 50% fore and mizzen with 75% or less on the main works fine, depending on the situation. (Running downwind the first way, running into the wind the second way.) Also, storms are quite easy to track and use in Aestrin. If you want to avoid them, it's normally pretty easy to pick a direction which will sail out of its way, and if you notice the winds rapidly changing direction, it's because the storm is nearby you and moving quite fast. When a storm passes, the wind can quite often switch sides from East to West in Aestrin. They also like to come barrelling up out of the South heading generally North, and then changing direction.
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
I am not concerned with speed as much as water intake tho, when the wind blows from either sides I feel the waves are hitting me much harder and I can’t really ride the seas as well. I am trying to adjust wind angle against my sails, losing speed but reducing the heeling. I just need to pay attention to my speed. But maybe dropping the sails would make be better indeed! ✌️
@jamespfp Ай бұрын
@@Icu2chill Maintaining pressure on all the masts should make for a better ride. The Junk Gaffs are perfect because of the reefing points the various booms offer. You should notice the boat will turn and hold course better if you're using the fore and mizzen sails. The main sail is the biggest one, and the further up the mast it is, the more it wants to heel from high up on the mast, where it gets the most leverage. Thus, drop the sail there first to find a good balance against the heeling, and trim with the fore and mizzen ones after. o7
@Icu2chill Ай бұрын
That makes so much sense to get the heeling under control! Thanks James!
@tacobowler 2 ай бұрын
How do you do the thing where you roll the mooring line to pull the ship somewhere?
@Icu2chill 2 ай бұрын
Once your mooring line is attached to the dock, use your action key ("F" or right mouse click by default) and then use your mouse middle button to eaither pull or release and adjust the length. Cheers!
@jamespfp 2 ай бұрын
28:18 -- RE: For the "Calling it Now" Files; Fun Fact! Mount Malefic is so high above sea level it must become visible at about 100 miles. For reference, each grid square is 90 miles x 90 miles (diagonally, 127 miles corner to opposite corner), so if you can see Malefic you're practically able to use that information to know your longitude exactly.
@jamespfp 2 ай бұрын
^^ Another fun fact! Sunspire is worth a visit if you're in the mood to upgrade your Spyglass.
@Icu2chill 2 ай бұрын
Very useful to know! I heard in Saige Hills that there were some interesting item(s) to grab in Aestrin… great tip for MM, I did spot it in the morning so not sure when it actually appeared on the horizon but I am planning to make readings as I get closer to get those references
@jamespfp 2 ай бұрын
RE: The Form, ie. No Commentary; Curiously, I like how I'm vicariously getting to scratch my Sailwind itch without having to play a couple of hours while doing so. I'm also spending more time paying attention to details like what the compass says, what time it is, and where the wind seems to be coming from. You get bonus points for having a whole bunch of compasses positioned at places where they will be necessary but when opening the Inventory would mess up Mouse interaction with things like the wheel. Another side item: no matter where I start a new game in Sailwind, the first place I plan to visit (if I didn't spawn there) is the Emerald Archipelago, and for 2 big reasons. The second is because the Emerald Archipelago Clock has the white background and dark markings/hands, which is much easier to see at night especially when there's some moonlight. The first is because the Emerald Archipelago's compass is also easier to see, especially when compared to the other 2 options. It uses a similar color scheme, light background, dark markings for maximum contrast. I'll make one small concession to the Aestrin region's tools though; their Clock is the one I like to use below decks in the Captain's cabin, and their Chronocompass is nicer than the other 2 in my opinion, as in easier to read and understand.
@Icu2chill 2 ай бұрын
Awesome feedback James! I am actually having some mouse interactions issues at time and still trying to figure those out. And yeah this starting journey has made clear I did not have enough tools (esp. clock on board). I am hopping to work on further optimizations in Aestrin.
@jamespfp 2 ай бұрын
@@Icu2chill Mouse Interaction is too easy to mess up I think, speaking from the Development side of the coin. My own computer isn't getting above 15-20 FPS most of the time, I found it better to use the Mouse for controlling the Helm but Keyboard for all the winches. The latest update makes me think I'll switch over the Winches to mouse input too, but that always means the First Person camera control is impacted one way or another. In sideways news, I managed to sail a Cog from Aestrin to Emerald to Al Ankh and back to Aestrin on the previous patch, when all the winches weren't nearly as effective and it took forever to reel in the extra rope. So then the latest patch dropped and hey presto, that got fixed and sailing the Brig wouldn't be nearly as much work (because of all the extra winches).
@markpaterson6024 2 ай бұрын
I’m commenting right at the point where you spot a storm and then realise there are two of them. I was going to comment that you were lucky to travel so far without any storms, good old SW didn’t disappoint. Still watching…. Got my beer and cheering you on, did you hear me? 😂 Well done, it’s a great relief to spot Malefic on the horizon isn’t it? I bet you were thinking “if only I had some hands, I could wave them about in joy right now”
@Icu2chill 2 ай бұрын
😂😂 cheers Mark! And I still did high five myself! Journey’s not over, but if felt so good still!
@Oluabayo 2 ай бұрын
Haha, love the flying fish flick on to the barbeque.
@Icu2chill 2 ай бұрын
One of the coolest trick to keep things slightly more organized 😁
@yakurughibli9397 2 ай бұрын
Can’t wait to see more ! The ocean journey was really very Nice !!! I always neglected the Junk but it finally looks very good 😮 You convinced me, l am going to make the trip and rest my sanbuq to test it !! =)
@Icu2chill 2 ай бұрын
HA! Thanks Yakuru! She is a very interesting ship and I’m actually eager to play with some sails config when the time comes! Let me know how you play with it a bit!
@monostripeexplosiveexplora2374 2 ай бұрын
Great to see the game get worked on!
@Icu2chill 2 ай бұрын
Yup some cool new features were added here!