@DavidDuan0110 4 күн бұрын
@DavidDuan0110 7 күн бұрын
i love ur handwriting, and this episode too xd
@Jason-ih2ze 7 күн бұрын
@JimFeig 7 күн бұрын
I wasn't bothered by what you mentioning at the end for season 1 but in season 2 I did notice it. It has positive aspects like them being in an almost married life situation. And we get a little more than the kiss at the end. The last few episodes were good but they could have cut a few from the middle.
@callasky 8 күн бұрын
Regarding your conclusion on why Taichi is persistent in reaching Kohei, after I read the manga, I think Taichi's intention is pretty simple: he wants some food. LOL At first he wanted lunch bentos (especially after being fired from his previous job), but after "befriending" Kohei, he's getting attached and afraid being abandoned (like his parents did). I don't think Taichi see Kohei as lonely person or someone who needs his help (personally). Afterall, he doesn't see hearing impaired, deaf and hearing-abled differently. He become a note taker only for the meals (initially).
@user-ts8hj4hw2y 8 күн бұрын
3:26 I think the subtitles are wrong. Not the old people, but the deaf people correctly. Thank you for your reaction!! I
@user-rr2rx6sz3f 9 күн бұрын
@user-rr2rx6sz3f 9 күн бұрын
節目組真的很會剪⋯剛好關鍵時候結束😂 還好我這個時候看不用等更新😆
@user-rr2rx6sz3f 9 күн бұрын
@user-rr2rx6sz3f 9 күн бұрын
@JimFeig 9 күн бұрын
I was wondering if you would make a similar sound to Minato when Shin asks for his underwear. I think the trip is designed to make Minato remember how much fun he has with Shin then leave him with the feeling he might loose it if he picks the Tokyo school. I love the cemetery scene, Shin is always there to protect him.
@TahminaAkter-zs5ri 9 күн бұрын
Hi. Give me your Facebook page
@JimFeig 10 күн бұрын
There is no way Shin left the Tokyo university information in that bag on accident. Asuka never actually said he likes him directly. So many cute moments coming up.
@Jason-ih2ze 11 күн бұрын
@JimFeig 11 күн бұрын
Shin always has a plan when it comes to Minato, it's just a bit less direct so Minato doesn't resist. Asuka's story is only fully shown in season 2. You will like ep 11 and part of 10.
@JimFeig 12 күн бұрын
I thought you had forgotten all about this series. Ep 9 is a bit odd, but the following episodes are really good.
@DavidDuan0110 12 күн бұрын
Goodness.. look what we got here
@DavidDuan0110 12 күн бұрын
want to hear ur story, i watched ur older videos and i love u sharing ur experience and ideas & opinions from those stories
@user-vb1zu4bk3v 15 күн бұрын
@jason27975596 14 күн бұрын
ご肯定いただきありがとうございます😊 このような社会的意義のある作品を見られて、私もとても嬉しいです。
@waiwai0405 15 күн бұрын
Maya is so annoying.
@user-ts8hj4hw2y 14 күн бұрын
I think you should read the original manga. And it is just a character. Please don't hate the actor
@jason27975596 14 күн бұрын
Well, everyone may have different feelings to a character. I understand why some still find Maya annoying while others don't. I respect everyone's feelings😊
@waiwai0405 13 күн бұрын
@@user-ts8hj4hw2y I don't hate the actress who played the role of Maya. Hating the actress and the character are totally 2 different issues. Production team is to be blamed for creating unnecessary scene and confusing storyline, for instance the scene where Kōhei and Maya were chatting by texting each other at the restaurant, the production team was trying so hard to create a BG feel kind of atmosphere. That's unnecessary! Production team should just end Maya's storyline and focus on Kōhei and Taichi since there are 3 episodes left , 3 * 24 minutes left, don't waste time to portrait how cute and bitchy Maya is.
@user-ts8hj4hw2y 8 күн бұрын
@@waiwai0405 I'm sorry. I just wanted to comment because I have been concerned lately that there is a lot of hate against Maya and it is getting worse. I'm worried that some people can't separate the characters from the actors, and I'm a little more sympathetic to Maya in the original story, so I'm bothered by it. Maya in the drama definitely feels different.
@cannypp 15 күн бұрын
幸好自己是這樣子不是慶幸自己是聽障,是能遇到太一後變得能夠接受和肯定自己的過去。就算身體健全也不一定能夠幸福。80%能順利但你就可能是那20%。但如果能重新選擇回到太一的身邊的道路的話,自己的過去也能欣然接受。過去的一切苦與樂都是造就現在的幸福的一環。 我是這樣解釋🤔
@jason27975596 14 күн бұрын
謝謝你提供了新思路,我喜歡這個解讀😊 這倒也提醒了我,也許我不該看到預告的隻言片語就下判斷,之後看到下集應該就能比較明白是什麼意思了
@wght1990 15 күн бұрын
@darren5597 15 күн бұрын
The thumbnail looks great!
@jason27975596 14 күн бұрын
Welcome back to my video😆
@DavidDuan0110 15 күн бұрын
i can already see the chemistry between them ..
@darren5597 17 күн бұрын
Advice: Don't place a red line at the bottom of the video thumbnail because it looks like the viewer has already seen the video.
@jason27975596 16 күн бұрын
OK😊 Thanks for your advice
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀️ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
☀ 在 GagaOOLala 看《體感預報》:pse.is/6cctjn
@minhanhnguyen1228 20 күн бұрын
idk if u realize but the class president boy is actually Shin from Minato's Laudromat and the new teacher Okano also has a BL series himself, which is called Love on the Line u should definitely give it a try lol
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
Yeah, I just realize it right after watching this series😆 I think it’s very brave of Shirasu to play an anti-gay person in a BL drama👍
@DavidDuan0110 20 күн бұрын
come on.. I already had a rough day..
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
Big hug from Taiwan🤗 Wish you cheer up
@JimFeig 20 күн бұрын
You think the grandfather knows? Normally friends don't come over with food they made and spend time alone with you. He probably hasn't brought a girl home and he is at the age where that would have happened already. Maya I don't mind, she really thinks she has found that one person for her and is trying to protect it. Kouhei is always trying to be polite when he decides to converse with others so she might have misread it as flirting.
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
Thank you for your message that brought me different thoughts😚 This is indeed another reasonable way to understand the plot.
@laimaychan9539 21 күн бұрын
@jason27975596 20 күн бұрын
那就別看了😊 看劇最重要的是讓自己心情好 也希望你看完第八集之後有開心一點🙏
@laimaychan9539 21 күн бұрын
@mike-kun09 21 күн бұрын
“Is their relationship like a sparkler, brilliant yet fleeting?” I nearly cried upon reading this. 😅 But I hope that Kohei and Taichi’s love for each other shine bright like the sun during the day, and illuminate and sparkle like the moon and the stars in the night. Of course there will be clouds that will dim their shine, but their light will be ever present and cannot be denied. ✨ Thanks so much again Jason for the wonderful reaction and thought sharing. ❤
@jason27975596 21 күн бұрын
Thanks for your beautiful comments😍 I love it!
@DavidDuan0110 25 күн бұрын
@JimFeig 28 күн бұрын
I think Taichi's friends know he likes Kohei and are provoking Taichi so he will go and talk with Kohei.
@jason27975596 29 күн бұрын
謝謝大家熱烈的討論與反饋🙏我可以從你們很多人的文字中感受到滿滿的誠意😉 只是這次的留言太多,我就不一一回覆了 你們的留言我都有看過,雖然我不是全部都完全贊同,但基本上我都能理解大家的想法。就像我平時在影片裡所講的內容也不見得會讓所有人都認同,大家求同存異、不同的觀點也能激發出不一樣的思考😎 只是有一點我想要提醒大家: *不要跑到官方社群平台去辱罵導演和演員!* 我們作為觀眾,針對作品討論就好,對藝術家進行人身攻擊就是大忌了‼ 不過我相信會看我頻道的大家,一定不會做出這種事情😆 - Thank you all for the enthusiastic discussions and feedback🙏 I can feel the sincerity in many of your comments😉 However, there are just too many comments for me to reply to each one individually. I've read through all your messages, and although I may not fully agree with every point, I do understand where you're coming from. Just like how the content I share in my videos might not resonate with everyone, it's natural for us to have different opinions. These varying perspectives can spark new ways of thinking 😎 However, there's one thing I'd like to remind everyone: *DO NOT go to official social media platforms to insult the director or actors!* As viewers, it's perfectly fine to discuss the work itself, but personal attacks against artists are a big no-no‼ That said, I believe that those who watch my channel would never do such a thing 😆
@waiwai0405 29 күн бұрын
這一集換了一個功夫不到家的導演 搞砸了第7集 這一集弄得航平對太一的愛 感覺完全沒了 前面6集是另外兩位導演 。
@waiwai0405 29 күн бұрын
just don’t get it. In episode 6, Kouhei and Taichi went camping and fishing happily. Taichi encouraged Kouhei not to limit himself, to laugh when he was happy, and to express his feelings openly. Kouhei, in turn, promised that he wouldn’t do anything Taichi disliked. Their feelings for each other were warm and genuine; they clearly cared about each other and put each other’s needs before their own. However, in episode 7, Kouhei seems to have undergone a complete transformation. He treats Taichi coldly, giving Taichi’s study notes to the annoying girl, Maya, without informing Taichi. Kouhei’s behavior seems inconsistent with his character development from episodes 1 to 6. While we know he was jealous of Taichi talking to a female junior, his sudden shift in attitude, potentially seeking Taichi’s attention, is confusing. When Taichi and Maya had a quarrel, Maya pushed Kouhei away, and Kouhei left with Maya without even checking on Taichi or saying a word to him. It feels like there is no continuity between episodes 6 and 7; they seem like completely different stories. Perhaps Harashima Takanobu should reconsider directing drama series, as his work on episode 7 and the “I Hear the Sunspot” series has been disappointing. 。
@laimaychan9539 29 күн бұрын
第七章不好看啊。说明是同性恋者戏剧 为什么多出一个女生来搅乱他两的感情。太一到现在还是没有接受航平对他的爱意。😢
@realsoysauce 29 күн бұрын
I suggest you think about why another hard-of-hearing character was introduced. The main focus of this work is to depict the experience of people who are living with a hearing disability and how that affects everyone differently. She's a nuanced character with struggles of her own, not just a plot device to separate Kohei and Taichi :)
@amelia7227 29 күн бұрын
First of all, I wanted to say that I always look forward to your reactions to each episode because you always have insightful comments after each episode ^^ I was also quite confused when watching this episode. I don't know if it was because of the sudden change in director or because the director wanted the audience to put themselves in Taichi's perspective, so the scenes were shot very differently from the previous 6 episodes. I also think the scene in the school cafeteria was redundant lol. I remember in the original work, there was a conflict between the two because Kohei didn't want to be a burden to Taichi. He didn't want Taichi to choose a career related to caring for the disabled because of him. I'm not sure if the conflict in this episode is related or not. If it is, they should have at least shown the character's inner thoughts a little more clearly. I've no concern orther than that. The acting was very stable so I'm still looking forward to the next episodes!
@realsoysauce 29 күн бұрын
the conflict you mentioned occurs in Limit (the sequel to the first two volumes that the drama is adapting) so not related, but some of that conflict will come through in the next few episodes. though i think they could have shown why Taichi felt distant from Kouhei in the beginning of the episode more clearly - maybe an additional scene or line that showed how busy Kouhei was in the beginning of the semester or something... i personally liked the scene in the cafeteria a lot since it shows their mutual experience as people who are hard-of-hearing! this series is first and foremost a story about disability (and the societal isolation that comes with it) rather than a full focus on Taichi and Kouhei's relationship, so i just hope any viewers who are new to this series are able to recognize that soon :')
@amelia7227 29 күн бұрын
@@realsoysauce Thank you for your reply. I understand that this story is not only about the love between Kohei and Taichi but also about other issues related to people with disabilities. To be exact, the scene in the cafeteria could still be included, but I wish they could change the way it was shot a bit. Furthermore, Kohei used to be very uncomfortable in crowded places. I understand that he has gradually adapted to the noisy environment around him, but it still feels sudden. Moreover, this scene was not originally in the manga. If they wanted to add it to the drama, they should at least make it more reasonable, acceptable and meaningful (like the scene where Kohei was determined to ask Taichi again when he couldn't hear clearly in episode 3). There are also many interactions between Kohei and Maya in the manga, but I didn't feel as uncomfortable as when I watched the drama. I think the strong reaction of the viewers came from the sudden change in the distance between Kohei and Taichi without any clear explanation. Many people tend to think why they were so close in the previous 6 episodes, but suddenly became distant just because of a girl? Also, Tora's acting was so good that we felt angry that Taichi was always left behind, especially the last scene. When I read this in the manga, I didn't feel too heavy, but the scene in the drama made me so heartbroken :( I wish there was a close-up shot of Kohei looking back at Taichi worriedly, or for some reason Kohei couldn't see Taichi's sad expression at all, I would definetely feel better :)