@Knight-of-Sarcasm 36 минут бұрын
Welcome to the Warcraft universe and Azeroth (the planet/plane)! I don't plan to provide spoilers, but I will share some of the basics with you. The base/core races were Night Elves, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Humans for the Alliance; Undead/Forsaken (the dead warlock), Tauren (minotaur), Trolls, and Orcs were for the Horde. At the next expansion, Blood Elves and Draenei were added. Blood Elves joined the Forsaken after many events in Warcraft 2 and 3 and the D,raenei or "space goats" as many call them joined with the Alliance. Fast forward to the Battle for Azeroth trailer and you see the narrator Sylvanas The Dark Lady Queen of the undead, who is the Banshee Queen. She was a Blood Elf until Arthas (Warcraft 3) took her soul when he killed her and rezzed her as a banshee along with her rangers. You can see the rangers on the top of the wall (Keep firing!) along with the Forsaken and others of the Horde. She is the best archer in Azeroth and my favorite NPC. After she behaved BADLY she and others of the Horde had to protect her home city which lays under the ruins there. The Alliance laid seige to it led by the boy-king (Mr. Baby face there) Anduin. He was one of the most powerful priests in Azeroth and you can see his mass rez of his army there. Sylanas did not turn on her Horde there in that cinematic; she was leading them. For the last cinematic, we see a broken Anduin after the events of the 2 expansions between BfA (Battle for Azeroth) and the upcoming War With (TWW) that drops 8-26-2024. He's wandering, lost mentally trying to get his pieces of his soul/heart back together. The orc you see there that comes to him was the GOAT Troll named Thrall. If you've played Warcraft 3, he's one of the two characters you can play as there. He's a shaman that's been through hell himself. From the beginning, he's been voiced by Chris Metzen one of the creators of WoW and that's his voice that you comment on. The sword? Well, the meme goes "What sword?" It's been driven into a desert in Azeroth and hopefully we learn more about it in this expac. Hope you enjoy you trip--we fans are VERY ENTHUSIATIC about our game!
@christakoch5011 41 минут бұрын
please dragonflight ;)
@eviljbrian 2 сағат бұрын
All of the races in World of Warcraft: Alliance Core Races: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei (Space Goats), Worgen (Werewolves) Horde Core Races: Orc, Forsaken/Undead, Tauren, Troll, Blood Elf, Goblin Neutral Core Races (They chose whether to be Horde or Alliance): Pandaren (Panda people), Drakthyr (Dragon people) Allied Races (Races that are unlocked through a short questline): Alliance Allied Races: Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarf (Fire Dwarves), Kul Tiran (Humans that are taller, stockier, broader), Mechagnome (Half-gnome, half-robot) Horde Allied Races: Nightborne Elf, Highmountain Tauren, Mag'har Orc, Zandalari Troll, Vulpera (Fox people)
@Luigipotter 7 сағат бұрын
If i remember correctly, completing the skill check means that there are no gaps in the trail.
@jackbauerqqq 7 сағат бұрын
dude wtf u doing why not watch al of em now your timeline is fucked =(((
@Luigipotter 7 сағат бұрын
Someone else already explained boosters, but to simplify the explanation, boosters increase your chance of getting a blade of an element. This will make getting rare blades of those elements easier You start with very little storage for boosters so I recommend always using one at least. *That* *is* *all* *that* *is* *really* *necessary* *to* *understand* , although i will continue the explanation further. They do this by raising one of the stats called ideals. These increase your chance of getting a blade matching the associated element and are gained normally through a blades affinity chart. Boosters raise an ideal by 1 per booster. Using a booster does more than just raise the ideal. They also set that ideal as your highest (even if it isn't) so you get the bonus from it. Some shop deeds can increase your storage for boosters although i don't recall what shop does it exactly and i don't know if you can access the deeds yet. Each booster corresponds to an element pairing. You can see the elements floating around the core crystal when selecting a booster. Boosters are useless (and unusable) for guaranteed core crystals such as the beastly core crystal or Roc's core crystal. They are only usable when awakening blades. You can gain boosters in two primary ways. First from containers around the map. Second from salvaging *sets* of items and selling them to an *exchange* . (Such as *central exhange* in Argentum)
@jdmayor9060 9 сағат бұрын
To answer your question on BFA, "Sylvannas" is no longer part of the Alliance (as she was a night elf). This time, she's the leader of the Horde (Orcs, troll, taurens, undead, blood elves and etc). She made a terrible mistake on destroying Teldrassil, the home of the night elves which was the big reason of this war.
@gormottigrebel9978 9 сағат бұрын
Boosters are pretty weird mechanically, if I remember correctly each of the four correlates to one of the elemental pairings, using them increases the chances that you will get a blade of either elements of that specific pair. For example bravery will increase your chance of getting water and fire blades. Using a booster changes a single gacha pull stat for just that specific roll, for example if you had 3 points in truth and used 5 truth boosters, for that roll specifically it would boost your truth stat and thus your chance of pulling ice and wind blades to 8. At least that's how I THINK it works, but any commenters please correct me if I am spreading any misinformation.
@gormottigrebel9978 9 сағат бұрын
Hey Saturn just a quick check-up, have you started on your Driver's affinity charts yet? If you haven't my tip would be to aim for the skill that lets you chain cancel arts together, it makes combat a lot more fluid and fun in general
@mnwary 10 сағат бұрын
i kind of find it meaningful how you chose to listen to it's raining somewhere else right after sans. that one's my favorite soundtrack in the game, i'd like to see your reaction to the scene in game
@Akeche 10 сағат бұрын
3:30 For the very first time, just a day after Christmas of 2004. Fourteen year old me launching the game and seeing the cinematic. Remember this was a whole year before youtube even existed so seeing the opening for a game was a legitimate surprise.
@mrmiesfies3941 11 сағат бұрын
I totally forgot about that part of the story. They are not as bad as Juju, but those kids get quite close. Sure, character/world building and stuff, but that little episode was clearly an easy way to pad the playtime of the game by reusing an old area. I hate this kind of padding chase quests. Like that goddam cat in Luigis Mansion 3...
@SirRosser 12 сағат бұрын
I know I'm a bit late to the party, but...getting any closer to revisiting this soon? More lore and more musical leitmotifs! Just sayin'!
@tunedom6488 13 сағат бұрын
first cinematic is actually from 2004. wow started from 2004
@reedacted214 14 сағат бұрын
The woman who yells 'For the Horde' is Sylvanas Windrunner, the former Ranger General of Quel'Thalas, home of the Blood Elves. In Warcraft 3 she is slain and raised as a banshee and turned on her people as a weapon by Arthas Menethil, a Death Knight who became the Lich king. Her and her people join the Horde because of 1 racist douche in Warcraft 3, a Human Knight who used the Elves of Quel'Thalas as canon fodder and a meat shield when fighting the undead Scourge and Horde. At the time of BFA she was Warchief, leader of the horde. The man in that same cinematic is Anduin Wrynn, current king of Stormwind, the Human capital. He has always been a very powerful vessel of the light. He once said he could feel the light course though him like a raging river when he called upon it in times past. In the Shadowlands he was dominated by magic, mind body and soul after the Jailer saw him do the almost impossible task of summoning the light in The Maw, which is bassicaly hell. Much like Sylvanas and Arthas before him, he was turned into a weapon against his people and allies. So when he says "I have no light. Not after what I've seen. Not wafter what I've done!" he is talking about when he was domianted against his will and forced to kill people, all the while he was aware, but unable to act, a prisoner in his own body. Anduin at that point has very sever PTSD due to the Shadowlands expansion. The Orc talking to Anduin is Thrall. He was born on Azeroth not long after the Orcs came from Draenor, their homeworld, via the Dark Portal. He was raised as a slave and a gladiator by a very cruel human who essentially ran pavlovs dog experiments on him. He was taught tactics and allowed a room to himself, but he was viciously beaten for failures or lost combats by his 'owner'. Thrall managed to escape, and in Warcraft 3 fled to another continent (Kalimdor) where he built The Third Horde, which had a much more prevelant focus on peace, alliances and keeping the factions cultures strong as it comprised initially of Orcs, Darkspear Trolls and the Tauren. Any questions Warcraft I'd love to help, if you wanna understand some lore. Nobbel87 on KZbin does fantastic videos.
@reedacted214 14 сағат бұрын
Also; there is no motion capture used in WoW cinematics. So they are even more impressive.
@Alfonso88279 14 сағат бұрын
I didn't remember that side quest with the thief at all. It almost felt like new content to me, wtf.
@mrmiesfies3941 11 сағат бұрын
Me neither and I played the game two times...
@Luigipotter 7 сағат бұрын
I remember this chapter well just because it in my eyes is the worst chapter.
@Nick-nm1qb 15 сағат бұрын
Near the end it said that the Beastly Core Crystal was ready to use it's a pretty good Blade that Rex should bond with, you might also want to transfer Kora over to Nia. Oh and the Boosters you pick up are for increasing the chances of getting a Blade of an elemental type
@ADHD_Gamer 19 сағат бұрын
watch the MOP bar scene between these two - CLASSIC!!
@swtorfan6756 21 сағат бұрын
The final cinematic features Anduin who is the young king in the lion's mask in the BFA cinematic. Since then, he's gone from a young boy who lost his father in Legion to a semi-broken and jaded king after what he's witnessed and endured. It's been interesting to see his character grow over the expansions/years. I am curious to see how he develops in the next 3 expansions.
@swtorfan6756 22 сағат бұрын
If you're interested in WoW lore, I'd highly recommend Accolonn and Nobble as they are very knowledgeable and provide way more info than I have.
@swtorfan6756 22 сағат бұрын
You skipped several expansions...for example, vanilla came out in 2004 and I believe MoP came out in 2012. Sylvanas is a blood elf, a hero of her people. She was killed by the Lich King Arthas, a once-human hero of his people. There are different factions with the elves. Blood and Nightborne elves are Horde and Night elves and Void elves are Alliance. Sylvanas' story took a stupid turn in BFA, which made her into a homicidal maniac, queuing us up for the dismal Shadowlands expansion. In Legion, when she was named Warchief, Sylvanas fans thought this was her moment to shine and prove to be a great leader but for some reason, Blizz went on a different, confusing and infuriating path. She's one of many strong and beloved female heroes whose stories have been diminished by crappy writing. Think Tyrande and Jaina.
@itsasecrettoeverybody 22 сағат бұрын
Great I'm catching up with you! Uraya is very cool. It will be a great episode and it has blade combos. I didn't resist and left a hint on another commentary, maybe you don't even need it anymore.
@itsasecrettoeverybody 23 сағат бұрын
In the map screen using L and R you can select things to enable and disable on the map including connection points that are disabled by default. Every menu screen says what the buttons do on the bottom screen. But yeah sadly drops are random.
@itsasecrettoeverybody Күн бұрын
Don't be frustrated, all Xenoblade have complex systems, sadly Xenoblade 2 is a lot more complex than Xenoblade 1 and has one of them worse tutorial systems. You can't revisit it, it is not always clear and it used to even have wrong information (I think it was fixed in a patch) Luckily the game isn't that hard you can force your way through the main story by only grinding levels. But the optional content is really on another level, I just read some FAQs to understand all the mechanics when I got to the end game. I recommend you to give a look into it. You probably already unlocked the elemental orbs, the basics is of combat is do especial combo attacks and put the most elemental orbs on the enemy as possible, then do chain attacks and use blades with opposite elements of the orbs to try to break at least one orb for chain attack turn, this will give you another turn, when you brake 5 (if I'm not mistaken) orbs it will end the chain attack starting a fullburst breaking all the remaining orbs, for each orb broken this way you will get a damage modifier. The total damage of a chain attack + full burst with damage bonuses from extra orbs can be devastated. There also equipment and aux cores that can work together to give you even more bonuses during chain attacks. Like better critical rate during chain attacks + better critical damage. I'm in the middle of Xenoblade 3, I'm liking it a lot, but my favorite battle system still is Xenoblade 2 / torna combat system.
@RaptorJesus. Күн бұрын
Blizzard have lost their touch with making games, but their cinematic guys are always on their A game :D whether it is Overwatch, WoW, Diablo or anything else, the cinematic guys will absolutely ace it :)
@itsasecrettoeverybody Күн бұрын
Xeno music is incredible, I'm always listening to the sound tracks.
@mikaelkarlsson8969 Күн бұрын
Do stutter attack if you want to build up arts faster and make epic combos in short time. Just flick the right stick moment the sword hit the enemies and keep at it. Best to use in early gameplay and to understand the combat and combo routes. You will topple and smash enemies and finish them with a 4th level combo arts 😊 . Combat and arts will build much faster later on so its no need to use stutter step later.
@Third7Plays Күн бұрын
People who started with Ultimate will never get it. People who started with Melee will never get it. You have to start with Brawl like I did to get it.
@chakattailswisher Күн бұрын
I would have recommended watching the trailers in order to see the quality ramp up and the storyline intact. It gives you better perspective in who the characters are and what all is happening. Also, you missed the best trailer WoW ever made: The Wrath of the Lich King.
@leenacrono Күн бұрын
Chrono Cross is one of the greatest RPG game of PS1 dude 😂😂 But I really like your honest review 👍❤️
@arcanadawn Күн бұрын
That was super cute!
@whirledpeaz5758 Күн бұрын
WoW was released in 2004, making it 20 years old
@jens0485 Күн бұрын
I LOVE IT! 😍😍😍
@gormottigrebel9978 2 күн бұрын
So you probably didn't catch this because its a bit of rare dialogue but I believe Vandamn was once a prince of Uraya and his child passed away a while back so that's why he takes a bit of a shine to Rex.
@henriksrensen3530 2 күн бұрын
blood elf is horde night elf is alliance
@henriksrensen3530 2 күн бұрын
panda is a class you can play
@jwranson 2 күн бұрын
There are 4 different reaces of elves, 2 are horde, 2 are alliance. The lady in the video is actually neither, she's undead.
@AgentSapphire 2 күн бұрын
you did wonderfully and I love your voice
@SolitarySaturn 2 күн бұрын
Thank you!
@Ragnarsan2822 3 күн бұрын
Hello! I'm new to the channel and I'm from Spain 😃. The Xenoblade Chronicles saga is my favorite video game saga and I'm glad I found your YT channel 😊
@SolitarySaturn 2 күн бұрын
Hola welcome to the channel! Spread the word!
@Ragnarsan2822 2 күн бұрын
@@SolitarySaturn Thank you very much 😊
@Kriscoyote 3 күн бұрын
The war within comes out August 24th or something so it's not out yet.
@Kriscoyote 3 күн бұрын
I've been playing since vanilla wow so almost 20 yrs I've been playing. I'm 42 now. Still play
@franchisesandseries2801 3 күн бұрын
I don't know if you've noticed, but you should use some core chips on the rare blades (weapon modification). This makes them better
@internaut4257 3 күн бұрын
Couldn’t care less about the game anymore, but the cinematics are always fire
@Jetbullet777 3 күн бұрын
Without Wrath of the lich king this reaction video doesn’t count😂
@litebkt 3 күн бұрын
Night elves and void elves are Alliance. Blood elves and Nighborne elves are Horde. There are a lot of elves to keep track of.
@phaseryo7471 3 күн бұрын
Great reaction my guy! Really enjoyable after playing these games for 15 years on and off
@SolitarySaturn 3 күн бұрын
Appreciate you! Plan to check out more of the trailers/cinematics as well, so stay tuned :)
@phaseryo7471 3 күн бұрын
@@SolitarySaturn i subscribed for this! :D
@Alfonso88279 3 күн бұрын
Morag starts a pretty black and white character but she is actually quite interesting. A lot of people were saying she was representation for certain minorities but it's never made explicit in game (this is Nintendo after all). It's like what happened with J. K. Rowling and the way she brought representation. She left it ambiguous so nobody would get angry and you were able to see whatever you wanted to see. I find that attitude quite absurd so I never... well, "gave it points" for that. But for some non binary communities, Morag was important for a time.
@Alfonso88279 4 күн бұрын
The sleep walking scene is another of those 90s anime tropes that are still present on xenoblade 2... it has been called by people the horny xenoblade game for a reason. Well, for a bunch of reasons.
@Alfonso88279 4 күн бұрын
Some of the side quests in this game have very strong rewards. Oh, and every blade has at least one side quest of its own... well, the blades that are not generic. Those with cool pictures. Those are pretty important to unlock all their powers. To be honest, the difference in power between normal blades and the unique blades is so huge that seems like a waste to use the generic ones. Using chips on them and such... none of those will end up in your final teams. Well, if you are at least remotely lucky.
@Nick-nm1qb 4 күн бұрын
You should probably progress a bit further in the game first, but I saw that you started the Tranquility side quest it's one of the best quests in the game so might want to check it out at some point.
@Alfonso88279 4 күн бұрын
Absolutely agree.