How To Measure Soil Temperature Accurately
Best Irrigreen Upgrade For 2024 Just Dropped
Get Your Grass To Spread ASAP
@have-a-gorepairhero2760 3 сағат бұрын
The sound of it being ripped out is amazing 😂 would it not be best to leave it and let the killer do it's job as I've done that and pulled up before it's done its job and it grows back. Rather a crap looking lawn knowing the roots have actually died. Sadly I'm sure more will arrive in it's place but will keep you occupied and out of the house 😂
@TurfMechanic Сағат бұрын
lol, I know the sound is nice! As for your question/concern...yes, the kikuyu kill would be better or more effective if I didn't pull this material out of the lawn. Because I waited 48 hours the kill should be pretty close to maximum however so I'm more interested in removing the debris above ground so that it doesn't look as terrible over the next 2-4 weeks. The removal also makes it easier for the healthy bermuda to spread into the area and reroot down into the exposed dirt. If I wanted to maximize kill I'd not pull this stuff up but I fully expect to have to apply quinclorac at least two more times this fall anyway so I'm deciding to minimize the bad visual in the lawn by doing this. Just a personal decision that we all have to make in our own lawns.
@davidolsen9098 3 сағат бұрын
Look up milky spore. Once it's down, the spores will keep on killing for up to 20 years. No more buying all that other crap.
@mannykhan7752 4 сағат бұрын
I actually just manually aereated my lawn and trust me, it was messy, sweaty and back breaking.
@TurfMechanic Сағат бұрын
I believe you since I've done it a number of times! :D How much space did you aerate, how many holes per square foot did you target, and how long did it take? I guess since I'm asking questions which aerator did you use? There's a lot of options on the market these days.
@russell311000 5 сағат бұрын
I scalped my lawn and reseeded last month. I also used some starter fertilizer Jonathan Green Ever Green (12-18-8). Should I put down some fertilizer (32-0-8)? Thank you,
@scrotusmaximus3043 5 сағат бұрын
I'm a big fan of a 0-0-25 organic liquid fertilizer and humic acid in fall time, I'll usually add azomite or other form of micro nutrients also and apply before a heavy rainfall. Southeastern lawn.
@weeg91 5 сағат бұрын
Creepy chicken
@TurfMechanic Сағат бұрын
that's one creepy avatar you got there. LOL :D
@TheLawnMechanic 6 сағат бұрын
I figured you had it easier than me with cold season grass. I guess I was wrong! Cool video
@TurfMechanic 3 сағат бұрын
When I lived up in Oregon I also thought warm season lawns were easier...and perhaps the annual maintenance will be super easy once everything finally comes up to my standards but since I didn't kill everything, scrape the top soil and lay new top soil and followed by sod the transition is slow and tedious. What I didn't fully grasp when I ran KBG/Rye at my old home was that these warm season lawns that spread underground are way harder to kill off for good. If you have a lawn of TTTF and want to switch it out for Rye or KBG you can have the job done perfectly in a couple weeks and never have to think about it again. With mixed warm season grasses though herbicidal choices can get confusing and killing everything off all at once in just a few weeks is impossible. One of my neighbors that has lived here for nearly 50 years said he killed his lawn off and maintained bare dirt for two years before he was confident that Kikuyu and common Bermuda was gone from his lawn before he sodded with a hybrid Bermuda. Two years! Up north that just doesn't comprehend. LOL
@TheLawnMechanic Сағат бұрын
@@TurfMechanic It's a whole new world. I'm sure that if I move someday, I will have to deal with it.
@clarencezack-cade3956 6 сағат бұрын
This man deserves his own TV show, 100 mil contract.
@TurfMechanic Сағат бұрын
dude! YES! I've been quietly thinking that for years now. :D
@DirtygardenCA 7 сағат бұрын
Just gotta stay on top of it and spot spray before it forms into a small lawn. That's what I've been doing. Quinclorac yellows it after a couple days, it's white and dead after a week or two, depending on how warm it is. It's devastating, a house down from me sodded fescue about 4 years ago. It's now 90% Kikuyu.
@TurfMechanic 3 сағат бұрын
That would be so frustrating to lay down sod and then have it completly destroyed in such a short period of time. You are right though, basic maintenance can keep it at bay easily. I've also found that when new Kikuyu starts growing in the lawn (from blown in seed) it is VERY easy to uproot with your hand or a garden weeder. If you let that sprout grow for a couple months though then it gets overwhelming quickly. Next year I may be able to manage the invading Kik with just Spring PE and then a light hand weeding every 6 weeks or so. Fingers crossed.
@BenjaminT.Minkler 8 сағат бұрын
crazy how much is still in there after you sprayed, thatch raked, and mowed a huge amount out already
@TurfMechanic 7 сағат бұрын
yeah, it gets dense fast! in late June the whole spot had barely a touch of Kikuyu. I saw it encroaching in June/July but decided to let it be since the area was mostly bare dirt at the time. Now the Bermuda in that area is very young so I don't really want to rake too heavily. I figure a little removal at a time every few days should allow the Bermuda more space to take over the area
@Felicia-ge7sp 8 сағат бұрын
Do you know if quinclorac kills crabgrass in Kentucky Blue Grass?
@TurfMechanic 7 сағат бұрын
yes it does, it's one of the best ways to kill it actually. make sure to pair the Quin with Methylated Seed Oil instead of a Non-Ionic Surfactant for maximum benefit. Some local hardware stores will carry that in their lawn/garden section otherwise you can get a small bottle on Amazon for cheap.
@Felicia-ge7sp 7 сағат бұрын
@@TurfMechanic thank you so much for the info. I’m new to lawn care and don’t want to loose the kbg I finally have to crabgrass infestation.
@TurfMechanic 7 сағат бұрын
@Felicia-ge7sp no problem! Spray it asap, once you start flirting with overnight temps in the 30s the crabgrass will want to seed like crazy. Next March get a preemergent down and you'll almost never worry about crabgrass again.
@Felicia-ge7sp 6 сағат бұрын
@@TurfMechanic I ordered Drive XLR8 & MSO. I ordered Barricade yesterday as a pre emergent. I hope I’m getting this right. 🙏 I appreciate your content so I can learn & take pride in my lawn.
@jodytaggart684 8 сағат бұрын
This is very much like the method for sprouting seeds to eat which is often done on the kitchen counter in a smaller vessel. One difference is that I rinse the seeds twice a day and need to be aware of the heat that is generated by the seeds. They can get too warm without a rinse. Thanks for the info!
@AlexKunstar 10 сағат бұрын
Hoooolllyyyyyy smokes those are some thiick roots! Im doing something similar in my ryegrass/bluegrass lawn, battling some kentucky31 and other grassy weeds and ripping out all i can by hand. Itll be a long long battle.. luckily it blends in nicely after a mow enough to where its not visible unless your right ontop of it. Neighbors probably think im ridiculous pulling up grass by hand😂😂
@TurfMechanic 7 сағат бұрын
yeah, it's funny from across the street or a couple houses down it's almost impossible to see the defects in a lawn but once you are up on top of it the blemishes stick out like a sore thumb :D Lucky for you the K31 or clumping fescue doesn't spread so once you yank a chunk out it should be gone forever. This manual lawn work is not glamourous but it's what everybody who has immaculate lawns do from time to time. Keep going and eventually the neighbors will see what you're up to. :)
@SeniorLady 11 сағат бұрын
Dang, that's too bad. I'm sorry that the kikuyu got so thick there, but at least (minor silver lining) it doesn't have rhizomes lurking beneath, eh? Also, lucky that your 'green season' is still going strong, so the Bermuda should be able to green up some before actually going dormant for the winter.
@TurfMechanic 7 сағат бұрын
Honestly earlier this year I figure I'd have way more Kikuyu to remove; so much of the lawn was infested with it this time last year. Last year I decreased the Kik problem a ton so this seems super manageable. A point of clarification though. Kikuyu has those rope-like stolons above ground but also very aggressive underground rhizomes too. the only way to truly rid yourself of it is to spray it out before you hand weed. The herbicides will kill the roots and rhizomes; what you see here is me simply removing the top growth (leaves and stolons) 48 hours after spraying it. I am fortunate that my area doesn't cool off much during the Fall. I think I can keep pushing the Bermuda to grow in this area all the way to Thanksgiving; even then the slow down won't be to low temps; it'll slow because of lack of direct sunlight.
@bvang09 13 сағат бұрын
Good video. I used 2 backs of advance 24 hour kill. After 2 weeks I still have plenty of grubs???
@The_El_Guapo Күн бұрын
Brain, i know ive been commenting a lot, but this video is exactly what ive been doing to my 500sqf front yard. Didnt go quite a foot, arountld 6-8 inches. Ive pulled over 2 yards of rock from that small area. Unfortunately i didnt have a sifter, so i ended up wasting quite a bit of good soil unfortunatly. My wife, kids, and neighbors all think im nuts. I will be devastated if my seed fails. If anything, i figure everything is prepared for sod if it comes to that.
@The_El_Guapo Күн бұрын
I dont think there is a video you've put out that didnt have one of your pets butts in it 🫤. Edited to say the shot of your rake breaking was hilarious 😂
@edhopkins6589 Күн бұрын
I did not overseed. Needs it. But I want to try "Dormant seeding" this year. Never tried it. Wish me luck. [ Note: I did dethatching ]
@vanessaheck9326 Күн бұрын
I can't thank you enough for this video. My late husband used to do the yard. I would never have figured this out without your video. It is an awesome trimmer and light enough for this 64 year old widow!
@appiconll Күн бұрын
I feel so stupid y'all. I did all that work, and forgot to use the damn tenacity when I threw my seeds. I'm seeing some germination, but I'm also seeing a lot of small two leaf weeds coming up.😔Rushing trying to finish before all that rain hit us, and forgot.
@appiconll Күн бұрын
I feel so bad.
@yoko180 Күн бұрын
@@appiconllgive it a couple of weeks and then hit it with tenacity.
@TurfMechanic Күн бұрын
Don't worry too much, hit it now with Tenacity if you've got it and then again in three weeks. No time like the present.
@appiconll Күн бұрын
@@TurfMechanic I have tenacity, and that's why I feel bad about not using it. I'll put some down tomorrow morning. Thanks
@gg8435 22 сағат бұрын
Big fan of your channel. In Northeast this time of year how many weeks should elapse between putting down nitrogen (ammonium sulfate) at full rate, not spoon feeding.
@marcm6259 Күн бұрын
They are both equally drought tolerant?
@apathyfilms Күн бұрын
Thank you for this video. I see newbies asking for advice all the time and being recommended an advanced turf management program. But I have always believed starting with the regular hardware store “weed and feed” programs is a better entry point. For some people, that’s enough. Others of us get into optimization, and that’s when the more advanced techniques are valuable. But you’ll already have the basics of spreading, timing, etc.
@TurfMechanic Күн бұрын
thanks for this comment! I appreciate the understanding you have between the normal lawn owner and the hobbyist. Obviously this video was targeted toward the average lawn owner. Once someone graduates into the lawn care hobby then yep, everything can be dialed in with far greater precision and as many products as a person is comfortable spending money on. LOL
@army0295 Күн бұрын
Just overseeded with a 80-20 bluegrass p rye mix 2 1/2 weeks ago. Put down miloganite at a 4:1 ratio to seed on top of scotts turf builder lawn soil which has 8-3-2 in it. Not sure what i should put down next and when. Also not its only like 3 spots in whole 4500sq ft yard but spots where the new grass grew in pink and white
@cathy9622 Күн бұрын
I take exception with mowing high. We had a gorgeous lawn for 25 years when we mowed the grass low ourselves. Then we hired people to mow, who mow high and in no time Creeping Charlie took over the lawn. Any recommendations?
@TurfMechanic Күн бұрын
I can't know for sure but usually when you start hiring others to come mow it's the fact that their mowers are bringing in weed seeds from other properties that they mow on their equipment. Assuming you aren't overseeding every fall the best option to prevent new weed infestation from hired help is to apply a pre-emergent twice a year (or at least once in the Spring). Shoot for roughly the last week of March to first week of April unless you live in a far north or far south location and then again in October. If you overseed in the fall then skip the fall pre-emergent. There's nothing wrong with having hired lawn care services but you have to expect contamination from their equipment to enter your lawn. These companies just don't have the time to fully clean their equipment between lawns so they don't try. Also, FWIW, I don't like tall cut grass. I always mow mine on the shorter side...but that requires more frequent mowing. The average lawn owner doesn't want to mow more than once a week so for those people mowing high can give a better performing lawn over the course of a full season.
@danielpotter4815 Күн бұрын
I'm a retired University turf entomologist with 40+ years experience researching performance of grub insecticides. This guy's information on timing is incorrect. Grub-ex with active ingredient Acelepryn) is the most consistently effective homeowner product for preventive grub control. It provides good control when applied any time between early May and mid-July. Call your local county agent, or entomology department at your State University, for reliable info on best timing for your area. The product does need to be watered into the soil, so after applying it with your lawn spreader, follow it up with 1/2 inch of water from lawn sprinkler (can measure this by placing disposable pie pans on lawn; but discard afterwards). Or you can apply before a good rainstorm. Don't rely on pest control info from every Tom, Dick or Harry who posts to the internet!.
@TurfMechanic Күн бұрын
You caught my attention because I have a strong affection for the academics and for those more experienced than me. You referenced Acelepryn, GrubEx doesn't use that on it's label. I will absolutely learn as much as possible about Acelepryn over the next season but this video was about GrubEx (a brand name product from Scotts) which uses Chlorantraniliprole as it's active ingredient. What do you think about that considering your 40+ years of entomological experience? if you think Acelepryn is the best choice for residential yard owners then how do you think they should get that on their lawns? And when?
@jasonharrold6686 2 күн бұрын
There's so many different herbicides. Should I not use the Scott granular in conjunction with the Quinclorac?
@juanmedinar20 2 күн бұрын
Back sprayers suck. I am thinking about going back to the hose end sprayer.
@toddblankenship7164 2 күн бұрын
Off topic but it's a lawn question lol. I aerated my lawn, top dressed, overseeded the back lawn and some new bare dirt in my front yard. I started late because the wife didn't let me shut down the yard with kids birthdays etc so I seeded Sept 15th and I live central bc Canada. I seeded a cold grass mix. Weather is still mild and the lawn is sprouting up beauty. Question is, how likely is that new of grass going to survive the winter being so new?
@TurfMechanic 2 күн бұрын
well, let me preface this response with I'm not well versed on this area of the world. But, having searched for central BC I see Kamloops, CA. Based on monthly weather trends in that city the average high in the coldest month of the year (January) is 32 and the average low is 22. For some reason that doesn't sound as extreme as I would expect. If it is accurate however then I'd be confident that a cool season blend planted now would make it through the winter just fine. Probably some die off but not a majority. Push rooting as much as possible with kelp or even better straight cytokinins, topdress with heavy amounts of alfalfa meal before it gets too cold. Looks like its usually in the 50/30's by october so you may have missed your opportunity on that one though. If you have irrigation setup then early morning irrigation on the coldest days can help prevent the soil from cooling off too much allowing for as much rooting as possible. Long story short, don't worry too much about top growth this Fall, focus squarely on bottom growth that you can't see to ensure enough makes it until Spring next year.
@toddblankenship7164 2 күн бұрын
@@TurfMechanic Sounds good! thank you very much. FYI I've only starting loving lawns as of this year and I've absorbed your channel like a sponge, great info, well presented, great all round! keep up the great work. Kamloops is actually 6 hours south of me :-) I'm in Prince George, BC and we are for sure cooler than there. this Friday is saying -2C over night and high of 15C or 28F 59F respectively but i expect we'll be hovering above freezing by a few degrees for a month more with the odd day hitting frost over night. then it's into the long dark winter till April :-( I did hit it with Scotts Starter new lawn Fertilizer 24-25-4 to push roots. how much is too much if I want to maximize? can I hit it a few more times this year with that?
@michaelperry4398 2 күн бұрын
The only explanation to this is you must have used 100 percent blue grass
@mikeo8890 2 күн бұрын
I power raked my lawn about 3 weeks ago It seems like the existing grass. Stop growing , I got a lot of new growth that grow fast, I also have a lot of dead strain mixed in.
@johannaollis9271 3 күн бұрын
Thankyou for the explanation. Made it clearer to me being a novice 🤙😀
@ScottLints 3 күн бұрын
Could please share the link for products to kill grubs in September please. I couldn’t find the link. Thank you. From Michigan
@AnnHarsin 3 күн бұрын
Okay, you said you are NOT using coarse sand, then you say you're using the all purpose masonary sand that IS coarse. What the heck is your recommendation? I don't think you know what your talking about, you never even say definitively.
@AnnHarsin 3 күн бұрын
Why is it important to use dry sand when you water lawn after anyway?
@LarryDavis-r7j 3 күн бұрын
Young Dorothy Jackson Mary Hernandez Frank
@jimmyfunyak1320 3 күн бұрын
That ain’t gonna kill shit. Quinclorac at 1.8 % good luck on the crab grass
@nunezmario716 3 күн бұрын
Hey there. I just threw a pre emergent. Wanted to know in your experience, do you think it’s a good idea to use a weed killer after fall for cool season grass? I did not seed. Was thinking of seeding after using the weed killer post emergent. Thinking of using the bioadvance brand to use it with hose and not granular. Makes me think it safe for pets when dry. Any advice would help thank you.
@Serrafimo_Spang 4 күн бұрын
At about 1:40 minutes into the video the boy is fed up with your advice and holding his ears. Don't let that upset you...he will grow up to appreciate your tips.
@DannyBoy7475 4 күн бұрын
I do landscaping work and i offer this. I submerge TTF and Kentucky blue grass mix in water for 12 hours change water and submerge for a other 12 hours. then after that its out of the bucket for 6 - 9 days of just watering the bag with the hose out side. I make sure to flip the bag and mix the seed around its never failed on me and had great results.
@DirtygardenCA 4 күн бұрын
This is looking very good. What height are you mowing the Buffalo?
@TurfMechanic 4 күн бұрын
Thanks a bunch! For virtually no fertilizer this year I'm impressed. I almost fertilized it twice but ultimately didn't; I still might though one more time to get it is dense as possible for the off-season. As for height, I mowed everything at about 1.3" from Spring until July, then from July through early Sept I let everything get up to around 2.5-3". Earlier this month though I cut everything back down close to 1.6" (second setting on my mower) so it looks a bit dingy. I just like it shorter. A bit of Fall fert and more of those leaves should come back and I think I'll keep it here for a long time to come. I like this height for this variety of Buffalo.
@Kenneth_R 4 күн бұрын
That controller should retail for $200 not $1500+. Insane.
@TurfMechanic 4 күн бұрын
I'd be super curious how many extra system sales Irrigreen would get if they took that pricing strategy? Right now they don't have a direct competitor or alternative to compete against so if any other player jumped in the market I think they might be forced to experiment with a lower controller price.
@Kenneth_R 4 күн бұрын
@@TurfMechanic For sure. Once you get above a certain price most price sensitive customers might just use a simple hose and a timer and other alternatives that dont require digging. Irrigreen is kind of in no mans land between easy and simple DIY systems and professionally installed more traditional systems. Most homes, even older homes have some type of in ground irrigation system and with less money than that controller you can get it up to snuff if its not working or not working properly. Unless you inherited a mess of system like I did. I did it myself but it would have cost me $2000 additionally to what I spent on materials. lol
@stevejensen3471 4 күн бұрын
So sounds like we want to put down a slow urea-N release organic fert in the spring and use a spray-on pre-emergent weedkiller? What would you recommend? Thoughts? I live in Aberdeen, WA.
@danielreed8536 4 күн бұрын
Something like FeHedta?
@TurfMechanic 4 күн бұрын
Fehedta is a formula that kills some weeds but doesn't really green up the grass. You need a different dedicated Iron to do the greening