本頻道並非查詢或投訴渠道,如遇緊急情況,請致電 999。如有其他疑問或意見,請以電郵聯絡消防處一般查詢/投訴:
[email protected]。
The "HKFSD KZbin Channel" is hosted by the Hong Kong Fire Services Department (HKFSD). Though the channel, it provides the latest information of the HKFSD and enhance the knowledge of fire safety and ambulance service of the citizen of HKSARG. People can understand our core duties through this additional channel and therefore facilitate us to provide better delivery of services.
This channel is not for making reports or complaints. In case of emergency, please call 999. Should you have any queries or comments, please contact the Hong Kong Fire Services Department General Enquiries/Complaints through email:
[email protected].