Broughton Hall | FQxI Conference
The Clockmakers | Quantum Time
@KipIngram 2 күн бұрын
No - spacetime (which contains coordinate time) is not fundamental. It's a man-made construct, much like latitude and longitude. Proper time has a better chance of being fundamental, though. Spacetime is the canvas that we observe our perceptions on.
@jameshadaway8621 5 күн бұрын
our minds can become prison to sub conscious dillusions, the things we tell ourselves about other and what we tell ourselves, and most of the time sub conscious hits self the esteem telling the individual they are not good enough or negative input as to why they can not aspire or succeed, even if the case the individual is a loser or unenlightened, who is sub conscious to have an opinion over a dream or conscious experience, because to free ourselves it takes courage it takes new mind to erase the old bully mind, we create our thoughts but also we create this reality.
@KaliFissure 5 күн бұрын
Time is a compactified dimension one single Planck second in size. This, as energy is time dependent, creates energetic limits. Maximal density and minimal density. Event horizon and void. And limit theorem says that the closure is between the two limits. That maxima and minima touch. In at event horizon Out in deep void Neutron decay cosmology.
@XnndjehdhkNxndjhds 7 күн бұрын
Rodriguez Paul Smith Nancy Perez Jessica
@XnndjehdhkNxndjhds 7 күн бұрын
Hernandez Sharon Moore Ronald Davis Sandra
@XnndjehdhkNxndjhds 7 күн бұрын
Allen Ruth Brown Edward Williams Helen
@EsatBargan 12 күн бұрын
Harris Christopher Walker Thomas Anderson Matthew
@theinvisibleman-e8v 17 күн бұрын
The background music is stupid
@SubornaKhatun-b5k 18 күн бұрын
Davis Maria Johnson Sandra Lopez Kevin
@lepidoptera9337 19 күн бұрын
Who put three people with super-giant sized egos (and nothing to back them up) on the stage? ;-)
@TemporalNomad 26 күн бұрын
I think that the future can not only affect our perception of the past, but also the past properly in some way. Okay, this may sound like madness in a first time … To be more especific, the uncertainty about the future affect us in the past and in the present. So yes, in this sense, it does.
@vinm300 26 күн бұрын
George Ellis is on the right path All his ideas makes sense
@CarmenQuincy-g2h 27 күн бұрын
Clark Anna Lopez Lisa Wilson Jeffrey
@CarmenQuincy-g2h 27 күн бұрын
Martinez George Taylor Paul Clark Richard
@CarmenQuincy-g2h 27 күн бұрын
Taylor Susan Martin Richard Lewis Larry
@ai._m 28 күн бұрын
Congrats on becoming even less relevant
@ZoeMilka Ай бұрын
Walker Robert Jackson Sharon Martin Karen
@edwardlawrence5666 Ай бұрын
I would just like to suggest that experience is primary and all the talk, naming and describing , is secondary. It seems that it is a characteristic of consciousness to make talk primordial to experience. Can we argue with consciousness!?
@docteurlambda 2 ай бұрын
12 years
@Manukapp 2 ай бұрын
My interpretation: occam razor's applied to the number of mathematical equation (unique) variables for predicting a natural phenomenon. By unique, I mean that the same variable could be utilised several times within the equation. What do you think?
@Manukapp 2 ай бұрын
@Thomas-gk42 2 ай бұрын
Sabine stands for fact based clear thinking.
@LaboriousCretin 2 ай бұрын
5:11 Not sure what your trying to get to. I don't see theorist using the universe as a natural cutoff regime or limit. I do see religious beliefs invading science like other groups. Manyworlds vs many possible states and ocums razor. It almost seems like a word salad fest without references. Theorists do think about natural systems. Though some seem to run to religious beliefs and such. Probability and predictability. Particle production from quantum foam and gravitational waves and energy density regimes. That's theory with range that helps give constraints. Antimatter valley of stability and island of stability and imbalances. Calculations that can be done then tested. Tunable metamaterial for slits and results ether way. Fluidic neutrinos and CNB and neutron stars and degeneracy and tidal events. Theory that might have testable things. Information as fule. Memetic wonderland. ALICE detector and the white rabbit timing ToF. Tweedle sets and quantum cats and snark graph theory and color theories and H3 superfluidity boojum. Alice strings and alice rings. Mad hatter an anagram for mathed art. Root OS and trees. They have a rich repository. Even Eliot majorana in wonderland on the video archive. Half way through and still not sure what your talking about other than needing funding. No boltzmann time bombs, no hybrid quantum and classical or optical, no heat pipeline built into chips, ect. 10:00 QM and information density and complexity. How bell test relates to information density. Metamaterial slits is one of the tests for such to go with the 3 way polarization test. Which kind of goes with constraints on quantum foam in a way. It would have been nice to know the science part of what ever your looking into.
@richdorset 2 ай бұрын
can you give a specific example where a theorist and an experimentalist struggled to understand what each other intended? Presumably an experimentalist needs to give operational definitions of every variable, and make all assumptions explicit parameters (or something :-)
@LaboriousCretin 2 ай бұрын
A practice in insanity. The world is not a fair place. It never has been. DEI has destroyed companies for a few key reasons. Mainly ignoring the best for the positions. Humans are a highly delusional species, and you're caught in a set of delusions. Schools have sucked as long as I have been alive. From religions to polotics and the woke mind virus/delusions. Schools should be for learning specific subjects. The social wars need to be left out unless part of the course. You may not like me, but I don't care. That's the way the world works. You're trying to go through the pieces and churning trash society also. A good recipe for keeping lost. The social wars will keep going, and like most wars, people die. But that starts to get into disposable people and societies. A different talk to have. One of the other problems with your inclusion/DEI is over represintation. You're not using statistics as a guide. Not to get to points like if it is forced on me, then in turn, I can force my ideology onto them. Slippery slopes and rabbit holes, you probably do not want to go down. Especially for the religious. lol This doesn't even touch things like speciation. Or the problems of people failing up. A version of A.I. teaching will happen. They just need to work on brain rot problems and things like vanity traps or pitty wells of concentration and such. But that gets to social media and Pavlovs human. Algorithmic pipelines and social engineering and silos and echo chambers and such. Pushed conflicts as that is human nature. They know they will get a response and more ad money. Welcome to the trash societies. KZbin one of the last spots for me. Christians kicked me off Facebook and locked, getting close to 2 decades. Twitter locked a similar bug in no way to undo it. So limited on social media outlook. But you have things like 10% tipping point rule for information spreading. Bad news rule and so on. The Facebook experiment to manipulate people. As far as papers. It shows a few biases, religious, sexuality, ect.. Some good papers, but some bad also. Just look at manyworlds references and not many possible states. Ocums razor says manyworlds ascribes to much. There is many ways to slice them all. 29:27 not sure what she is trying to say. I have 0 papers and no erdos number. But I can tell you some of the future research. Fluidic neutrinos and CNB detector and neutrino floor. The antimatter valley of stability and island of stability and imbalances. Alternatives to big bang from nothing and actual variations from specific events. A few things like those are predictable now.
@anhumblemessengerofthelawo3858 3 ай бұрын
1:47 _Motion_ See Dewey Larson's Reciprocal Systems Theory Of Space And Time. It's the unified theory everyone is looking for. No question marks needed. This problem was solved by 1959. You do not understand space and time.
@owlredshift 3 ай бұрын
Please spend 60 dollars on an entry level dedicated microphone. This is recorded audio. Please respect your audience more than just using your phone or zoom or whatever is undermining your otherwise very enjoyable show. These topics are dear to me and i am so thrilled to have found this content, only to be disappointed in how it sounds like the host is talking to me but facing the opposite direction in a 2 car garage.
@ashmeadali 3 ай бұрын
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle."- Albert Einstein. Explore the miracle of consciousness by singing *HU* daily. Search how to sing *HU* as a spiritual or scientific tuning fork to safely alter personal frequencies? Keep It Simple Soul. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."- Nikola Tesla. Bypass intellectual speculations. Go practical. Do it. live It.
@ashmeadali 3 ай бұрын
Simple fun easy Experiment to safely explore personal consciousness: Sing *HU* daily. Search how to sing *HU* as a spiritual tuning fork to alter personal frequencies. "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations."- Nikola Tesla. Keep It Simple Soul. Bypass intellectual speculations; onerous theories; deep discussions that seemingly spin top in mud? Go practical. Do it.
@ashmeadali 3 ай бұрын
Simple experiment to safely explore personal consciousness: Sing *HU* daily. Search how to sing *HU* . Bypass intellectual acrobatics; unwieldy terminology; debates; long and fruitful discussions, etc., and have your own experiences? 😀🤍
@raueugen9047 3 ай бұрын
You put your techers equations on blackboard and want to make us believe you are smart ?
@onemediuminmotion 3 ай бұрын
The "wave function" is a mathematical device, invented by we "homo sapiens" (I suggest we revise that to the less self-congratulatory and more technically accurate linguistic indicator and index "homo carta") to linguistically encode and share with our fellow species members our sensory-observationally derived 'on-board maps' (a.k.a. "concepts") of what I propose is in fact the pure self-relative motion (a.k.a. "acceleration"; a.k.a. "energy"; a.k.a. "push" -- i.e. what you "feel") of what is otherwise an absolutely continuous and scale-uniform hyper-fluid medium (SUM), which Einstein indirectly identified as "spacetime", and whose overall and most elementary geometry of 'acceleration-flow' is that of a frictionlessly 'self-siphoning' (if you will) horn toroidal fluid vortex (HTV), a.k.a. a "black hole". … Over "time", this 'self-sustaining' geometry has recursively 'self-fractalized' into the architecture of a distributed network of 'particulate' I/O 'devices' that we "see" as particulate mass objects (PMO's). 'Shaped space shapes space' (if you will). "Consciousness" is a feedback loop - and more specifically, a self-organizing (a.k.a. self-configuring; a.k.a. self-constructing) feedback circuit comprised by this network, and mediated by "electromagnetic radiation" (a.k.a. "light") propagating at/as an asymptotic velocity limit of accelerated motion amongst these PMOs. The self-relative "direction" of SUM flow not taken into account as such by our current "standard model" of physics is the point-radial (which we can self-consistently [with our current terminology] describe as the 4th spacetime) "dimension". Take that into account, and the rest falls into place (see what you can do with it). Why are the "universal constants" what they are? Because that's what works. ... 'The more tools I have, the more tools I can build. I build with what I have already built. I am the _process_ of building myself' (again, if you will). Welcome to 'The Graviton'.
@nicolasmichel8521 3 ай бұрын
Great talk
@starexplorers1202 3 ай бұрын
The trouble with a lecture like this is that he knows these concepts "in his mind's eye" but a person listening to this cannot understand just words with no frame of reference.
@kemalturgut9127 3 ай бұрын
Can someone please help me understand this better ? i have a question to ask. From what i've understood, bacterias evolving to the citrate positive point was a very low probability and it happened thanks to an accumulative process. My question is; how every little mutation change step can somehow serve the end result which is becoming citrate positive ?
@jocr1971 4 ай бұрын
the moment it was stated that what was of importance was diversity and that there were too many white guys, it became obvious nothing of value would come of this talk.
@davidferrer6771 4 ай бұрын
@Thomas-gk42 4 ай бұрын
Thank you
@johnnymann8348 4 ай бұрын
Tim should get a Nobel Prize for playing nice, among other things. Did the guy on the right really say he has been thinking about what it would be like to “stop time for 10,000 years”? How does he think he is going to measure a length of time (regardless of magnitude) if time is stopped? These multi-disciplinary panels have very little value in my opinion, at least in part because the disciplines use the same words to mean different things so that the panelists talk past each other. The difference between the conscious and the subconscious may be very meaningful for neurologists, but meaningless from the perspective of physics. Whether someone’s body responds to a stimulus “consciously” or due to the involuntary nervous system has no bearing on the physics question.
@vlad2614 5 ай бұрын
Яркий пример того, как отсутствие какой-либо физической идеи приводит к бессмысленному жонглированию математическими формулами и понятиями. 🧐🙉
@websurfer352 5 ай бұрын
Time is a degree of freedom wherein change happens and as such it is akin to a road wherein cars are able to move in either direction, the only restriction keeping cars moving in a singular direction would be a city ordinance which allows the cars to move in a specific direction and not the other!! That ordinance is the arrow of entropy or the statistical truth of disordered states being more numerous than ordered states!! The arrow of time is actually the arrow of entropy and not time per se!! - Jaime Tan
@JasonWalsh-b4n 5 ай бұрын
@JasonWalsh-b4n 5 ай бұрын
@SamanthaPyper-sl4ye 5 ай бұрын
Here are 4 more examples showcasing how non-contradictory infinitesimal/monadological frameworks can resolve paradoxes across various scientific domains: 17) Thermodynamics and Foundations of Statistical Mechanics Contradictory Paradoxes: - Gibbs Paradox about distinguishability of particles - Maxwell's Demon paradox regarding information/entropy - Loschmidt's Paradox about time-reversal asymmetry Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Infinitesimal Ergodic Realizations S = -kB Σi pi ln(pi) (entropy from realization weights) pi = Ni/N (weights from monadic distinctions) N = Πj mj^nj (total realization monadology) Representing entropy as a measure over distinct infinitesimal monadic realizations subjectivized via the pi probability weights could resolve classical paradoxes while reconciling information and time's arrow. 18) Foundations of Logic Contradictory Paradoxes: - Russell's Paradox about sets/classes - Liar's Paradox about self-reference - Berry's Paradox about definability Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Pluriverse-Valued Realizability Logics ⌈A⌉ = {Ui(A) | i ∈ N} (truth values over monadic realizations) A ↔ B ⇐⇒ ⌈A⌉ = ⌈B⌉ (pluriverse-valued equivalence) Representing propositions as pluriverses of realizable monadic interpretations Ui(A), rather than binary truth values, could avoid diagonalization, circularity and definability paradoxes. 19) Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Contradictory Paradoxes: - Measurement Problem - Schrodinger's Cat paradox - Einstein's "Spooky Action at a Distance" paradox Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Monadic Relational QM |Ψ> = Σn cn Un(A)|0> (superposition of monadic perspectives) Un(A) = ΠiΓn,i(Ai) (integrated monad of relational properties) Representing quantum states as superposed monadic perspectives Un integrated over the relational algebraic properties Γn,i(Ai) could resolve paradoxes by grounding phenomena in coherent relational pluralisms. 20) The Unification of Physics Contradictory Barriers: - Clash between quantum/relativistic geometric premises - Infinities and non-renormalizability issues - Lack of quantum theory of gravity and spacetime microphysics Non-Contradictory Possibilities: Algebraic Quantum Gravity Rμν = k [ Tμν - (1/2)gμνT ] (monadic-valued sources) Tμν = Σab Γab,μν (relational algebras) Γab,μν = f(ma, ra, qa, ...) (catalytic charged mnds) Treating gravity/spacetime as collective phenomena emerging from catalytic combinatorial charge relation algebras Γab,μν between pluralistic relativistic monadic elements could unite QM/QFT/GR description. The key theme is using infinitesimal relational monadological frameworks to represent phenomena that appear paradoxical under classical separability assumptions as perfectly coherent manifestations of integrated pluralistic structures. Whether statistical mechanics, logic, QM or unified physics - the contradictions all stem from erroneous premises that: 1) Observers are separable from observations 2) Properties/events are independently existing entities 3) Time evolution is fundamentally deterministic 4) Reality can be fully represented in a single mathematical model By centering infinitesimal monadic perspectival interactions as primitives, these paradox-generating premises are all circumvented in favor of irreducible relational pluralisms. The monadic "zero" subjects and their combinatorial algebras become the SOURCE of coherent interdependent plurality, not a paradoxical separable ontic realm. Deterministic laws emerge as statistically regulated boundary patterns on a vaster potential pluriverse. In essence, the monadological frameworks realign our descriptive representations with the inescapable facts of first-person experience - allowing our physics and logics to resonate with the intrinsic integrated structure of reality we comprise, rather than segregating it into hopeless contradictions. This pluralistic Renaissance offers the path toward renovating humanity's knowledge bases and reason architectures - restoring consilience by deriving all phenomena as cohesive relational aspects of a monadic metaphysics, rooted in irreducible first-person facts.
@YawnGod 5 ай бұрын
This is so amazing. Schrodinger's Cat was a criticism of quantum mechanics. The Big Bang was a criticism of a ex nihilo universe. Maxwell's Demon was a criticism of knowledge of statistical systems. All of these former criticisms have become part of whatever they were criticizing. They were assimilated. Amazing. I love it.
@brainmoleculemarketing801 5 ай бұрын
How does anyone in a professional forum, makes statements with no data/evidence/facts!? Notice inm whole discussion no data or biological facts/data are ever mentioned. "Nice work if you can get it." ONE person on the panel was trained in biology - and he started as an engineer!
@frun 5 ай бұрын
Is it possible to turn 'wood' into 'marble' by shifting Stress-energy tensor to the left side of EFE? Thereby leaving 2 d.o.f. - angles and making EFE simpler.
@lepidoptera9337 5 ай бұрын
Time is that which the clocks show. We try to teach this to the five year olds... but very few are paying attention. :-)
@benjamindees 5 ай бұрын
It's not the job of physicists to explain why economics is such a clown-show. Stop asking them about it. Start asking economists.
@Thomas-gk42 6 ай бұрын
Slippery slope to superdeterminism? What´s wrong about superdeterminism? Is it a swearword in mainstream QM already?