My Favorite Books 10 to 1
My Favorite Books 20 to 11
My Favorite Books 30 to 21
My Favorite Books 40 to 31
My Favorite Books 50 to 41
My Favorite Books 60 to51
My Favorite Books 70 to 61
My Favorite Books 80 to 71
My Favorite Books 90 to 81
My Favorite Books 100 to 91
@aronkorol2985 12 сағат бұрын
It was a action packed movie
@peterthebooklover9375 10 сағат бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 Yes it is! I really love this movie. It is a lot of fun. I had a great time watching it. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 4 күн бұрын
I like the stories Of Mice and Men, Coraline, and Hansel and Gretel
@nymunfashionablepoetry 4 күн бұрын
That's a cool edition of Coraline 🙂 I love The Little Prince! It'd be interesting for me to reread Of Mice and Men since I haven't since middle school. I still remember it being really sad though 😢
@peterthebooklover9375 4 күн бұрын
@@nymunfashionablepoetry I read Of Mice and Men when I was in my teens and I re read it as an adult and both times it made me very sad. It is a fantastic book. In fact it is one of my favorites. I read Coraline last year for the first time and I really enjoyed that book a lot. It is a great story. The movie is great as well. I saw that in Real 3D and it was awesome. I read the Little Prince in one setting. It is a great story as well. It is another book that I really enjoyed. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is fantastic to have you here! I hope you are doing well!
@nymunfashionablepoetry 4 күн бұрын
@peterthebooklover9375 I remember seeing Coraline in theaters for the first time and loving it so much! No idea how many times I've seen it now 😄
@nathanielpreston5377 4 күн бұрын
Congratulations Peter. May I ask you, who's your favorite Spider-Man movie villain?
@peterthebooklover9375 4 күн бұрын
@@nathanielpreston5377 Thank you! It is great to be at 200. The thing about Spider-Man villains is that I love a lot of them. The variety of villains is one of my favorite parts in the story of Spider-Man. If I was to choose one it would probably be Doc. Ock from the comic books. He is a great villain in the comics. Another one of my favorites is J. Jonah Jameson. I love J.K. Simmons' profomance in the movie. He is not a supervillain but I love the way he hates Spiderman but loves Peter Parker. It is a cool part of the story. I also love the profomance of Willem Defoe as the Green Goblin. He is my favorite movie Supervillain. I also got to say I love the look of Venom in the comics. I love the long tongue with the sharp teeth. He is a very cool looking character. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here.
@nathanielpreston5377 4 күн бұрын
@@peterthebooklover9375 You're very welcome. Are you also gonna do another superhero franchise ranking as well because I'd love to see it?
@someothercharacter 5 күн бұрын
Hansel y Gretel es un cuento maravilloso. No real difference between the Philospher's Stone and Sorcerer's Stone other than changes in some British and American words for slang and items. But it's nice to have a British version to read.
@peterthebooklover9375 5 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter I like having the Philosopher's Stone in my collection. I didn't think it was different but it is like having an album with different album cover. I like that type of thing. I dig having a book that has the story in English and Spanish. It is a cool way to learn another language. I look forward to looking into that but I don't think I will be able to speak Spanish when I finish that book. However it might increase knowledge of Spanish. I know more Spanish than any other language besides American English. Although I still can't understand conversations in Spanish just a word here and there. Maybe one day I will learn it but I know it isn't easy to learn another language. It would be cool if I was able to learn it one day. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@nymunfashionablepoetry 5 күн бұрын
Congratulations, Peter!! 😊 I haven't seen all of these, but I grew up with the Toby movies so they'll always be my favorite no matter what 😂
@peterthebooklover9375 5 күн бұрын
@@nymunfashionablepoetry Thank you! I adore the Toby McGuire movies. They are great movies and I love to watch them. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 6 күн бұрын
Congratulations on 200 subscribers. I love all the Spider-Man movies and your rankings. The only Spider-Man movie I didn't like was the cartoon Multiverse of Madness
@peterthebooklover9375 5 күн бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 I did like Into the Spider verse. It was a silly movie in my opinion. So I agree with you. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@someothercharacter 7 күн бұрын
🎉200🎉 congrats. Spiderman 2 (Toby) is my favorite. Peter got to really grow up and great action too.
@peterthebooklover9375 6 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter Spiderman 2 is awesome but I adore the first Spider-Man. It has grown on me and is still growing on me. I really love that movie and love it even more each time I watch it. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is wonderful to have you here!
@JPRreads 7 күн бұрын
Awesome 200 subs, Let's go!
@peterthebooklover9375 6 күн бұрын
@@JPRreads Thank you for noticing. It is great to get this far. It took a long time but that's okay because I have been enjoying the ride. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@musicroom7185 7 күн бұрын
Congrats on your subscriber milestone!! Keep up the good work!
@peterthebooklover9375 7 күн бұрын
@@musicroom7185 Thank you very much. It is nice to get this many subscribers. It feels good to be here. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is wonderful to have you here!
@jenniparks8539 7 күн бұрын
I was reading a book about Anne Frank and it was really sad when you found out that all three women died within weeks of being rescued and that the father was the only survivor and never saw any of them again after getting off that first train. On a lighter note, the new Pete’s Dragon is fun
@peterthebooklover9375 7 күн бұрын
@@jenniparks8539 It is a very sad fact that they died soon after they were caught. This is a very sad story. I wish it had a different ending. Anne Frank would have been a great writer if she lived. It is a shame that she didn't make it. I am glad the diary survived so the world could hear her story. Pete's Dragon is one of my earliest memories. It came out in 1977 the same year that Star Wars came out. I still love that one! Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@nymunfashionablepoetry 8 күн бұрын
The book is so sad but so important. Its been years for me,but maybe I'll revisit it. Ive never seen any adaptations so you piqued my curiosity there! Great reviews!
@peterthebooklover9375 8 күн бұрын
@@nymunfashionablepoetry It is a heartbreaking story. It is also an eye opening story. The Jewish people had a lot of hard times in that time period. It is a shame that the Holocaust happened. This book should be read by everyone. The movie I watched is fantastic it has a lot of intense parts. When they hear burglars breaking in it was terrifying. I can't imagine being in that situation. They were trying to be as quiet as possible and the cat was not helping at all. I highly recommend watching a movie of this story. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is wonderful to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 8 күн бұрын
The Diary of Anne Frank is a powerful, sad story
@peterthebooklover9375 8 күн бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 yes it is a very sad story but a very interesting one. It was terrifying for all the people that were hiding. It was very hard on the characters in this story. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@someothercharacter 8 күн бұрын
Great book. Never watched a movie adaptation. Might have to check one out. Sad but great story. She was a fantastic writer.
@peterthebooklover9375 8 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter I really enjoyed the movie. It has some very intense scenes in it. Imagine having to be absolutely quiet all day. I really felt bad for the characters in that situation. The book is great and it is also a great movie. It is a shame that she didn't make it because she would have been a great writer. This is a heartbreaking story. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is wonderful to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 8 күн бұрын
I like all of the Rambo movies including part 2
@peterthebooklover9375 8 күн бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 I love the Rambo movies as well. The are filled with action and excitement. I really do enjoy them. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@someothercharacter 12 күн бұрын
This was a regular VHS rental for me in the 80s. The Rambo knife was what we all wanted. My friend and I would make longer fuses on firecrackers and shoot them with our homemade bow and arrows. Lots of fun for 10 yearolds. Not too dangerous but not recommended.
@peterthebooklover9375 11 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter The exploding arrows was a cool part of this movie. I can see why you as kids tried to make exploding arrows. This was a great movie. It is a great sequel. I love the part when Rambo says "Murdock, I'm coming for you!" I really enjoyed this movie a lot. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is wonderful to have you here!
@JPRreads 12 күн бұрын
It's been a long time since I've seen a Rambo movie. It's a good recommendation. I do know what's better than a Rambo movie.... a week long Rambo movie marathon! Yeah!
@peterthebooklover9375 12 күн бұрын
@@JPRreads A week of Rambo would be an entertaining week. I enjoyed a lot of the Rambo movies. The fourth installment called Rambo is an awesome movie. I didn't see it in the theaters but I really wish I had because that movie was intense. The ending is fantastic. I did see Rambo First Blood in theaters and I really loved it. I have a great time watching it every time. It really is a great movie! Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@robertlynn7746 12 күн бұрын
This movie was pretty good. I got to say though I like the original first blood movie better
@peterthebooklover9375 12 күн бұрын
@@robertlynn7746 I love the first movie a lot more myself but I really enjoyed this one as well. It is a fun action movie. I had a great time watching it. Rambo First Blood is one favorite movies. I love watching it every time I see it. The book is great as well. I had a great time reading that one. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@robertlynn7746 11 күн бұрын
@peterthebooklover9375 yes I would like to read the book, first blood, if I could get my hands on it!
@peterthebooklover9375 11 күн бұрын
@robertlynn7746 I hope you one day get a hold of it. If you do find it and read it I am sure you will love it. It is a great book!
@JPRreads 14 күн бұрын
Thanks for the Hauls of Eight, that is cool. I'm reading Fight club now. The movie is good and is very entertaining. The book is super descriptive in graphic ways..... wait I shouldn't be talking about Fight club. Peace. 😁
@peterthebooklover9375 14 күн бұрын
@@JPRreads I will be reading Fight Club soon myself. I really am looking forward to it. It sounds like a great book. I am hearing that from quite a few people. I am really happy that I own it. I have also have heard that your not supposed to talk about. I remember that in the movie. Thank you for watching and your wonderful comments. It is fantastic to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 18 күн бұрын
I like the stories of Lolita, Fight Club, and the Jungle Book
@peterthebooklover9375 14 күн бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 I am looking forward to reading all of these books especially Fight Club. I am looking forward to reading Fight Club the most. It sounds like a great book. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@someothercharacter 19 күн бұрын
This is a great book haul. Watching Fight Club doesn't ruin the book. There is enough differences and new things in the book which will make it fun. Written in a unique style too. The Road has one of the scariest and tense book moments I have ever read. I can't say anything but it's good. I have Lolita but haven't read it yet. Johnny Got His Gun sounds pretty good and I love the Metallica song. My understanding is that The World According to Garp has big differences with the book and movie. Used to watch that movie a lot in the 80s. Great haul. Lots of books that aren't too long either.
@peterthebooklover9375 18 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter Sorry it took me so long to respond. I have been sick for a couple of days. I am really I looking forward to Fight Club. I liked the movie so I should like the book. The Road looks interesting. I love a story with intense moments. That always makes a book great. Lolita is a book that I have wanted for a while now. It is on a lot lists of great books. So I look forward to reading that one. I love the song One by Metallica. Sometimes when I listen to that song it makes me sad. I can imagine being in that situation. It is a book that should make me sad. I actually like that. When a book makes me sad it really sticks in my mind. I like the movie of the World According to Garp. I am looking forward to reading it. I have already read the Jungle Book and I really enjoyed it. It was very entertaining. I look forward to reading the other books soon. Thank you for watching and your comments. I love to have you here!
@dab505279 19 күн бұрын
Hey Peter, this is Larry again. As I mentioned, it seems like you have a knack for creating eclectic book lists. Re. Rudyard Kipling, I just happened to catch a little bit of a documentary on his life yesterday. Apparently, Rudyard had a very painful childhood. I need to go back and watch the rest of it. And I almost forgot, Rudyard Kipling wrote one of my all-time favorite poems: If.
@peterthebooklover9375 19 күн бұрын
@@dab505279 I love that poem. I made a video of it awhile ago. It is a great poem and he is a great poet. I already read the Jungle book and I really love it. I read the abridged version first then I listened to the audiobook. Then I listened to the audiobook book with text. So I actually read the unabridged version. I really enjoyed it. It has a lot of great parts. It is filled with poetry. After every story he put in a poem that is about the story you just read. Which is cool. The abridged version is only about the Mowgli and Shere Khan story but the unabridged is about other animals. I love the story of of Rikki Tikki Tavi. It is a story about a mongoose that is a lot of fun. I love that mongoose! He is a badass! There is a part two The Second Jungle Book. There is an audiobook of that with text available on KZbin as well. I plan on reading that soon. I wouldn't mind watching the documentary on him. Thank you for suggestion Larry. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@BookBuds 21 күн бұрын
The play and movie are phenomenal. The book- not so much. Good video ! I just picked up The Lost King of Oz by Ruth Plumly Thompson that has to do with Ozma’s father. Can’t wait to read it.
@peterthebooklover9375 21 күн бұрын
@@BookBudsMaybe I will check out the play or the movie one day. If it becomes available on KZbin or another streaming service I will give it a shot. I might agree with you and really enjoy it like you do. I do like quite a few musicals I love Singing in the Rain a lot. I also love Grease and Tommy as well. Of course I love the musical the Wizard of Oz. That one is fantastic. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here! Also I hope you enjoy The Lost King of Oz. Happy reading.
@someothercharacter 22 күн бұрын
My family saw the play this past summer and then watched the movie last weekend. I've avoided it and had no idea what it was about. Bad witch and a good witch. That's about what I knew. Now I know. I don't think I'll read the book or watch the movie. Sounds just okay.
@peterthebooklover9375 21 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter I would recommend the books written by L. Frank Baum but I don't recommend the book Wicked. It does sway a lot from the original stories. I might watch the play or a movie one day but I don't plan on it. However I do plan on watching Wizard of Oz again because that is a great movie. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@dab505279 22 күн бұрын
Peter, what a gift your 100 favorite book list is. Now I know there are a tons of top 10, 25, 50, 100 lists out there and some of these even dial it down to specific genres. However, I think one would be hard-pressed to find a list as eclectic and unique as your list is. I'm impressed. And you listed some books I wouldn't have thought of in a million years, but now I'm interested in some of those books. Keep up the great work. Much respect to you from Larry.
@peterthebooklover9375 21 күн бұрын
@@dab505279 That is wonderful that you enjoyed my list Larry! I truly enjoyed putting it together. I love the books on this list. I really enjoyed reading your comments as well. I hope if you read a book on this list that you haven't read that you enjoy it as much as I did. It was great hearing from you. Thank you for watching and your comments. I love to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 22 күн бұрын
A lot of relationship and school drama for a prequel to the Wizard of Oz
@peterthebooklover9375 21 күн бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 It is a weird story based on a great story. Thank you for watching and your comments. I love to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 22 күн бұрын
I love Silver Bullet. I would easily put it on my top 10 Werewolf movies
@peterthebooklover9375 21 күн бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 Me too! It is a fantastic werewolf movie. It is one of the best! Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 23 күн бұрын
The Planet of the Apes is a awesome movie
@ALatteThoughts 23 күн бұрын
Just curious as to why you always use Indians and not Native Americans or indigenous.
@peterthebooklover9375 23 күн бұрын
@@ALatteThoughts I don't always use the term Indians when I am talking about Native American people. Sometimes I refer to them as Native American people and sometimes I refer to them as Indians. They are all Kemosabe to me. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is nice to have you here.
@ALatteThoughts 23 күн бұрын
Loved Coraline. Not sure if I'm still going to read his stuff now though
@someothercharacter 26 күн бұрын
Uncle Red steals the show. It's one of those movies I can watch over and over. Great acting and I really like the narration. Surprisingly tense at times. Like when the sister is returning bottles and figures out who the werewolf is. Liked that scene.
@peterthebooklover9375 25 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter I love the character of Uncle Red in Silver Bullet as well. I love the motorcycle wheelchair gift. That was cool thing he did for Marty. The scene that reveals who the werewolf is is fantastic. It is a great scene. They did a great job with that reveal. What a great movie! I can watch it a lot of times as well. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is wonderful to have you here!
@someothercharacter 28 күн бұрын
Well, I've only watched this one, and the Tim Burton remake. Didn't care for the remake, but this one was good. I didn't know about the ending when I first watched it and thought that it was great. Really good show. Good acting throughout.
@peterthebooklover9375 28 күн бұрын
@@someothercharacter I enjoyed this movie a lot it is a great movie. The ending is fantastic! I didn't care for the remake as well. That was a very cheesy movie. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@bradleyyoung8899 27 күн бұрын
Rod Serling is not mentioned. He wrote the screenplay, took the book and made it into something that could be made into a play, a film. The Simpson's had something to say too:
@peterthebooklover9375 27 күн бұрын
@bradleyyoung8899 Rod Sterling did a fantastic job on the screenplay because this is a great movie. I had a great time watching it. That is a cool clip from the Simpsons. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@jenniparks8539 Ай бұрын
Read - 1 TBR - 5 Dune was on my TBR last year and I was so glad that I got to it, I thought it’d be a lot harder to get into than it actually was, still think Duncan and Gurney are my favourite characters, but that could be due to the most recent movies. The Iliad and The Odyssey are 2 I’ve wanted to get to for ages as I grew up loving Greek Myths but they do kind of intimidate me too. Jane Eyre is liked by a couple of my friends so that’s how it ended up on my TBR, not sure how I’m going to enjoy it as I’ve seen a couple adaptations and can honestly say that I’m not a huge fan of Rochester. Moby Dick is on this month’s TBR and I’m surprisingly excited to finally be getting around to it, it just seems like the kind of book that everyone seems to have read but me. I have the King James Bible to get through, I myself am a staunch atheist but my mum’s side of the family are all Protestant so I’ve always wanted to read it all the way through especially since she passed and I know it meant a lot to her even though she herself was probably more spiritual than devout. Crime & Punishment and Lonesome Dove seem to be Booktube darlings and both intimidate the crap out of me, which seems sad as I love big books but I’m more of a fantasy or sci-fi fan and I’m not sure if reading them would be fun. Do you think there’s a way to trick my brain into thinking that they’re fantasy? 🤔 Might help
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@jenniparks8539 Dune really is a great book. I am glad that you have read it. So you know what I am talking about. I really enjoyed it myself and plan on reading more books in series. The Odyssey and The Iliad are great but pronouncing the names correctly can be challenging. However these stories are fantastic. The are filled with adventure and excitement. If you like Greek mythology you will really enjoy the Odyssey. It has witches, sea monsters and even a cyclops. The Iliad is about the Trojan war and it does a great job describing the violence. Both of these books are great. Crime and Punishment is another one where pronouncing the names is a challenge. Russian names are hard to pronounce that is for sure but this story is great and it keeps you guessing until the end. I really enjoyed that one. Jane Eyre is surprising easy to understand and you will love her character.i was surprised on how much I loved reading it. The ending is great in that story. Moby Dick is kinda challenging but really worth it. It is a great adventure but a lot of it is filled with a lot of information. You will know everything about whales when you finish this book. It is a very interesting book. Lonesome Dove is a very easy read but it is an incredible adventure. You really feel like you are on this cattle drive yourself. Everyone who has read Lonesome Dove really loves it and after reading it you will see why. It is truly an epic western. The Bible is not a book that can be read in a short time period. It is a book that should be read a little at a time every day. One or two chapters a day and after awhile you will love doing it. It starts to feel like a friend after a while. Some parts are really boring but it is filled with miracles and interesting things to think about. I love to read it everyday! Thank you for watching my list. I am glad I put it together. It was a lot of fun reading the books so I could put this list together. Thank you for your wonderful comments. It was good to hear from you. I liked hearing your opinions. It is great to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 Ай бұрын
I liked Dune and Moby Dick but the Bible will always be my number one book
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 The Bible is great! I agree with you 100%. God bless you! Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 Ай бұрын
I like the Exorcist, the Godfather, the Hobbit and Alice in Wonderland but I love Silence of the Lambs and Jaws
@shmizzleshmazzle9830 Ай бұрын
I've read all ten of these. If you haven't read Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson you should check it out. I'm not a big bible fan but The Oxford Annotated Bible is pretty cool. If you ever see a copy you may want to pick it up. It's NRSV with a whole bunch of scholarly stuff and cool maps.
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@shmizzleshmazzle9830I will keep an eye out for Dead Wake. I have two books by Eric Larson In the Garden of Beasts and Isaac's Storm that I am looking forward to reading because I really enjoyed The Devil in the White City. I am sure his other books are great because he did a great job with the one I did read. I love a bible that has pictures and maps in it. It helps me understand it better with the pictures. I use audiobooks of the Bible that helps me pronounce the names. That is the most difficult part in my opinion. Thank you for your suggestion. It is nice to know that you have read all of these books. You can see why I have them listed at the top. They are great. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@someothercharacter Ай бұрын
The Devil in the White City has been one of those books I see around in almost every bookstore but I don't know too many people who have read it. I think it has been in development hell for Hollywood for years. It seems like it would be a pretty ambitious film to make, but I love the story and time period. I was just looking up the Iliad today after Justin Neely's video. I haven't read a lot of Greek and Roman literature but this is one that is on my list because the Odyssey was a good read for me. I think I may have put off Dune long enough. I was always just so unsure about it because the desert environment seemed so boring but everyone says it's one of the greatest novels of all time. I don't doubt that know. You're assessment of Scarlet in Gone With the Wind seems spot on. Everyone says she is a tough pill to swallow but worth it. Very stubborn probably like she is in the movie. I think I like her already. My kinda lady which leads me into Lonesome Dove. I love Lorena in the book and T.V. series. I'm only 250 pages into the book now as part of a buddy read. We are going live tomorrow on RowdyPlayer1's channel to discuss the first part. The book is going to be in my top 10 for sure. Within the first 15 pages, I knew it was going to be great with Gus and Call. Gus may end up as one of my all time favorite literary characters just like in the series with Robert Duvall. I can picture both Tommy Lee Jones and Duval in my head as I read the book now. So good. I've never made it all the way through the Bible but I think I've read most of the New Testament. Use to do daily Devotions on an app and thought about starting it again. Well, this was a great list for your top 10. I enjoyed your series and know it probably took you a long time to get these 10 videos recorded. But now you have a starting point when you revise your list for next year. Great job!
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@someothercharacter The Devil in the White City is amazing. I love the Daniel Burnham story as much as the HH Holmes story. It is a gripping book and It has a lot fantastic facts. I hope that one day someone makes that movie. I am sure it will be great. The Iliad is a great book as well. It has great descriptions of the battle. It is surprisingly violent. The Odyssey is great as well. I have read one translation of it but I plan on reading more. I already have other translations of The Odyssey and The Iliad and I plan on reading them. Because they are such great stories. I hope I get a chance to see the Return. That looks like a cool version of the Odyssey. If you think that the dessert in Dune is boring you will change your mind when you learn about the worms. They can eat you and your ship. They are huge and if you walk on the sand they will come for you. The villain of the story is great. He is the Barron and he is disgusting. I am sure that is where George Lucas got the idea for Tatooine. I would bet George Lucas loves that book and he got a lot of ideas from that book. Gone With the Wind is epic I love the part about the civil war and the characters are great. Watching the movie after reading the book is a great experience. You are going to LOVE Lonesome Dove when you get to the end. It is a great story from beginning to the end. I love that book. It is fantastic. The bible is like a friend to me. It is a great idea to have it in my life. It is incredible on how it is written by people who lived centuries apart and it really comes together. The ending of it (The New Testament which is the story of Jesus Christ) is truly a great story that you can learn a lot from. Remember you are not going to be perfect like Jesus Christ but if you make an effort it will do wonders for you. Although I really have a hard time with the turning of the other cheek. It is great having that book in my life. Thank you for watching and your wonderful comments. It is great to have you here!
@robertlynn7746 Ай бұрын
This has been a great list Peter! Good job man!😊 For this video I've read dune, lonesome Dove, Moby Dick and the Bible actually❤
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@robertlynn7746 Dune is great isn't it. I have read it two times and I plan on reading it again. It is a fantastic story. The Barron is a fantastic villain and those worms are a great touch. Lonesome Dove is so epic. It is a great story. I love the mini series as well. The part when Deets dies broke my heart. The ending is great as well. I read the sequel The Streets of Laredo and that is a great book as well not as good as Lonesome Dove but a very good story. There is also a prequel that I hope I get a chance to read. Moby Dick is such a rich story. It really has a lot to give. The details you learn are fantastic. Also it is a great story. It also has a lot of biblical references and I when I read the Bible it comes to mind. Especially when you read the books of Kings and you hear about King Ahab. I read the Bible every day and I love it more and more the further get. It is a great book. It is a great way to start my day. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here! God Bless You!
@robertlynn7746 Ай бұрын
@@peterthebooklover9375 I read the two prequels to lonesome dove. The first one is dead Man's walk and the second one is Comanche Moon and I really enjoyed them as well. I have all six dune books and I want to carry on reading that series as well. The first one is dune Messiah and it's not a very long book compared to dune. Have a great day Peter!
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@robertlynn7746 It is nice to know that there are two prequels to Lonesome Dove and that you enjoyed them. I hope I get a chance to read them one day. That is something to look forward to. I have two sequels to Dune Heretics of Dune and Chapterhouse:Dune. I know I am going out of order but I plan on reading them soon. Thank you for letting me know that. It is great to have you here!
@jenniparks8539 Ай бұрын
Read - 3 TBR - 4 I Am Legend is interesting in that with all the adaptions that have been made, not one seems to actually be accurate to the book, which is a shame as that was a great ending that Mathieson wrote. Jaws is one where I have to admit that I prefer the film over the book s the characters we far more likeable than in the book. Hobbit is the best kids book ever and I will fight people on that 🤣 Exorcist movie didn’t scare me but I did like it, looking forward to getting to the book. Alice in Wonderland is something I’ve been trying to get to forever, one day I’ll get to it. Of Mice and Men is one I definitely want to read, we didn’t have required reading at my school so I’ve never gotten to it, hopefully I'll like it more as a adult then I would of as a kid. Silence of the Lambs movie is great, still can’t believe that Hannibal isn’t even on screen that much. And next will be “The Final Countdown” 🥳
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@jenniparks8539 The Last Man on Earth is pretty close. It is closer that the other two that I know of. However I like all three but I love the book. Jaws is a fantastic movie. The characters are great in that movie. The affair of Hooper and Brody's wife is very raunchy but I still love the book. I love the book and the movie about the same. Both are fantastic in my opinion. The Hobbit is absolutely wonderful. It is an amazing adventure. I love so many parts in that story. Every part of that book is great. I can see why you call it the best book ever. It is a fantastic book. If you like the Exorcist movie you should like the book. The book follows the movie very well. There are some differences but movie is a lot like the book. Alice in Wonderland is a lot like the Hobbit where every part in it is great. The imagination in that book is wonderful. Through the Looking Glass is great as well. Just about all copies have that included with Alice in Wonderland. It really is a great book. Of Mice and Men is even better when you are an adult. If books can make you cry this one will do that. It is a fantastic book and it will not take a long time to read. It is a very short book that will stay with you a long time after you read it. If you like or love Silence of the Lambs you will feel the same about the book. That book is fantastic just like the movie is fantastic. Hannibal Lecter is a great character. The parts about Buffalo Bill are gripping and interesting. You should like it when you get around to reading it. Thank you for your comments. It is great to hear how you feel about these books. You have some great books to look forward to. Thank you for watching. It is wonderful to have you here!
@someothercharacter Ай бұрын
The Exorcist is another one of those books where the movie only enhances it. When I read it, it was almost as scary as the movie but in a different way. I think the movie overshadows how good the book is. I have the Godfather, bought it last year, might do a movie and book review together when I read it. If you like a thinking man's vampire story, then I am Legend is your book. Really good story about survival and loneliness. Great lead character. If people are on the fence about Mice and Men, they should give it a try. The 1992 movie is a faithful adaptation. The actress Sherylyn Fenn actually liked my comment on Instagram about the movie. She has been my only movie star crush since high school so I was pretty excited when she commented. Read Silence of the Lambs last year and Clarice Starling is one of my all time favorite characters. Hardworker in the book and movie. Confession time: I stole Jaws from Room 217 when I stayed at the Stanley. They had a bunch of books and I couldn't resist it. But I did leave a book, so I guess it's even. Read The Hobbit in 1992 and had to talk my teacher into putting it on the reading list for credit. We'll see what you have for the top 10. 10-20 I had read quite a few so we have similar tastes.
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@someothercharacter Two people that have KZbin channels did a review of the Exorcist that didn't like the book. Both of them haven't seen the movie. I think that if you want to truly enjoy it you got to see the movie. I love that book because I love that movie. What a great performance by Linda Blair. The scariest 12 year old girl ever! It would be great to see you do a Godfather movie/book review. I would definitely enjoy seeing that. I Am Legend is great one. The second time I read it it hit me that Adam Neville was the villain of the story. I didn't realize that the first time. The part with the dog broke my heart. Of Mice and Men also broke my heart. That ending was a hit in the gut. I hope I can get a chance to see the 1992 adaptation. I love that story and wouldn't mind seeing it again. You know the first video I saw on your channel was the Silence of the Lambs Ranking every stare Clarice receives. That was a great video. I know how much you love that movie. I totally agree. It is a fantastic movie! Jaws has been a favorite of mine for the longest time. I was blown away by that book and I still am. The Hobbit is another one that is outstanding. I love that story. The cartoon is better than all three of the Peter Jackson Hobbit movies combined. It is a fantastic cartoon. The music in it is great. The Greatest Adventure song is wonderful. Yes we do enjoy a lot of the same movies and books. It is nice to know someone who shares the same interests. Thank you for watching and your wonderful comments. It is awesome to have you here!
@robertlynn7746 Ай бұрын
Great list so far Peter!😊 I can't wait to see your top 10!
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@robertlynn7746 Thank you! It makes me happy to know that you are enjoying my list. Thank you for watching and your wonderful comments. It is awesome to have you here!
@jennamakesbugs Ай бұрын
I really did not care for Brave New World. It got very preachy. It was almost like Huxley chickened out at the end and decided to take back all that wild stuff he had just written.
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@jennamakesbugs I enjoyed it myself but not everyone shares the same opinion. Maybe if you took some Soma when you read it you would have enjoyed it more. Just kidding. I hope you enjoyed the other books on my list. Thank you for your watching and thank you for your opinion. It is great to have you here!
@jenniparks8539 Ай бұрын
Read - 4 TBR - 3 Witches was one of my favourites as a kid, and I’m looking forward to a reread. Animal Farm was short but powerful, it was scary how fast everything changed. Time Machine was a very recent read for me, I was surprised that most characters were never named. Invisible Man was good, I’d probably get mischievous with those abilities too though maybe not quite so extreme. Omen, Edgar Allen Poe, Pet Sematary are all on TBRs at some point, I’ve seen the adaptations so now I curious about the books to see what they changed
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@jenniparks8539 The Witches is truly a book that grabs your attention at the beginning. It has a fantastic opening. It is one of my favorites as well. I love the grandmother. She is a fantastic character. I plan on re reading it as well. It is my introduction to Roald Dahl and I really love his books. Animal Farm is great too. It is an amazing story. It is a book that is never boring. It keeps you invested through the whole book. The Time Machine is another one that is great. I enjoy HG Wells. His books are great. I really love the Invisible Man. It is a fun story. I love the movie as well. I wouldn't like to have the power of invisibility because you have to be naked and that would be very cold. It wouldn't be too bad in summer time having that ability. Edger Allen Poe has a lot of short stories. This is great because you don't have to give a lot of commitment to discover his work. A Tell Tale Heart is one of my favorites. The Black Cat is an other one. If you like poetry The Raven is one of the best poems of all time. He is an incredible author and I am sure if you give him some time you won't be disappointed. The Omen is a lot like the movie. It is a very fast paced story. I loved reading it. Also Pet Sematary is a great Stephen King story. It has been one of my favorites for a long time now. It is a great book. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@robertlynn7746 Ай бұрын
Ender's shadow is the first book in a series following a character from Ender's game named Bean. So it's basically the same as Ender's game only from Bean's perspective😊
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@robertlynn7746 I am looking forward Enders Game. It sounds interesting that the story is in two different perspectives. I will read both books back to back. It should be an interesting experience. Thank you for giving me that information. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 Ай бұрын
I like the stories Animal Farm, The Time Machine, the Omen, Pet Sematary, and Psycho but I love the story Witches
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 They are great stories you mentioned. I love them all. I really love the story of the Witches. A witches convention would be scary as hell. If I got turned into a mouse there would be a good chance that I would be eaten by of of the cats I love. Rocket would think that I was delicious. Thank you for watching and your comments. I love to have you here!
@aronkorol2985 Ай бұрын
I like the stories of Charlotte's Web, First Blood, and Treasure Island but I love the book and movie Bram Stoker's Dracula
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@aronkorol2985 I love the stories you mentioned as well. First Blood is a great movie and a great book. Dracula is better Nosferatu. I is a great story. Treasure Island is one of my favorite books. It is a great story. I plan on reading that one again soon. Charlotte's Web is a story that I loved as a kid and I still do because it is a great story. Thank you for watching and your comments. I love to have you here!
@someothercharacter Ай бұрын
I have Witches but haven't read it yet. Might read it in April or March. The film Witches was so well done with practical effects. It's really scary for children. Animal Farm was a recent reread and it's getting remade into a movie with Andy Serkis who played Gollum directing. I always felt bad for the horse Boxer. Worked himself till he was broken. Read The Time Machine last year and that was a big hit for me. Enjoyed the Morlocks. Kinda sympathetic to their plight, actually. I've thought bout skipping ahead to read Pet Semetary but I've already skipped ahead for IT so I'll continue back in order. Psycho and Omen look fun too if there as good as the movies. And I read my first Poe last year for the first time since high school. I like his style. Hard to beleive his stuff around 180 years old.
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@someothercharacterThe Witches is just as good as the movie. I watched the movie many times before I read the book and I really love that book. It is fantastic. Animal Farm is one of my favorites as well. When Boxer was in the glue factory truck I was heartbroken. I wouldn't mind watching an Animal Farm movie because it is a great story. The Time Machine is wonderful. I love it. The classic movie is great. I also love the episode of Big Bang Theory when they had the time machine prop. Pet Sematary is my favorite Stephen King novel. I love that story. I haven't read IT all the way through but I enjoyed the mini series and the movies a lot. I can't wait to get a chance to read the book. Now that I know the story I am sure I will like the book. Psycho and the Omen are both short books and it won't take you long to read them. Psycho is different than the movie but the Omen is just like the movie. Both are fantastic books. Edger Allen Poe has a lot of great short stories. He has great style in his writing. I love his poetry. The Raven is an amazing poem. It is one of the best poems of all time. The Simpsons did a fantastic job when they made a Halloween episode of it using James Earl Jones' voice. I love that version of it. Thank you for watching and your awesome comments. I love to have you here!
@robertlynn7746 Ай бұрын
I just finished one flew over the Cuckoo's nest and I really enjoyed it! The book is way different than the movie, but I like the movie as well😊 I saw Iron Maiden perform Rime of the ancient Mariner live at Maple leaf gardens, what a great show!❤
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@robertlynn7746 Lucky you to see Iron Maiden. They are one of my favorites. That song is fantastic. I love the Album Live After Death. They do a great profomance of that song on that album. That album cover is awesome! I love the movie and the book of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. It is a great story. You have good taste in books, movies and music. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!
@jenniparks8539 Ай бұрын
Read - 4 TBR - 3 Hitchhikers was great, I loved Marvin. The first half of Dracula bored me but after Lucy turned I was hooked. I always feel bad that Charlotte's Web didn’t grab me as much as I thought it would. First few Narnia books were good, really not a fan of the last one, he did Susan dirty. Treasure Island was a lot of fun, another one that the Muppets did really well with. East of Eden, Count of Monte Cristo, Wuthering Heights are all on my TBR but they intimidate me so much 🤣 One day I will be brave enough to get through them, I do tend to enjoy bigger books.
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@jenniparks8539 Hitchhikers is great. I love the comedy in that book. I was into the meeting with Dracula in the beginning but it was great in the parts with Lucy in them. It is too bad that Charlotte's Web didn't grab you. I loved it as a kid and as an adult. I love the character Templeton. I liked the parts with him in it. I agree that the early books of Narnia are the best. I haven't seen the Muppets version of Treasure Island. I would like to see that. I plan on watching a Muppet Christmas Carol soon. That should be fun. East of Eden, The Count of Monte Cristo and Wuthering Heights are all great books. Wuthering Heights is a book you might wanna read twice. It is that type of story but it is a very good book. The Count of Monte Cristo and East of Eden are the type of books that grab you from the beginning and keep you interested through the whole book. They are fun books to read. Thank you for watching and your comments. I love to have you here!
@someothercharacter Ай бұрын
Dracula gotta a lot of love on BookTube last fall. Lots of reviews on it, and it seemed split down the middle on what people thought. I really enjoyed the letter writing format of it. Made it a fun read for me. The Lion The Witch and The Wadrobe was also a lot of fun. It's a short read but enjoyable and packed with good characters. Never read any of the followup books.
@peterthebooklover9375 Ай бұрын
@@someothercharacter I read Dracula and Salem's Lot back to back. That was an interesting and fun experience. I enjoyed both of those books a lot. I really enjoyed the way that Salem's Lot the book was different the the mini series. I have loved The Lion Witch and The Wardrobe since I was a kid. It is a great story. I really enjoyed the movie from 2005 it was a great movie. A lot of the books in the land of Narnia are great. The Magician's Nephew, A Horse and His Boy and The Last Battle are great books. It is a good book series. I am glad that I have a box set of those books. Thank you for watching and your comments. It is great to have you here!