#RecapWithRick - The Office
#RecapWithRick - Heating Up
#RecapWithRick - Independence Day
#RecapWithRick - NDAA Week
2 ай бұрын
#RecapWithRick - Memorial Day
#RecapWithRick - Arbor Day
4 ай бұрын
#RecapWithRick - Solar Eclipse
#RecapWithRick - March Madness
#RecapWithRick - A Short Week
#RecapWithRick - Marching On
@exhilarationaccelerationpo9082 7 ай бұрын
"Expanding access to the ballot box is one of my goals for the 117th Congress. This election showed what can happen if we ensure access to the ballot box, but we must continue to support and act on this principle". In your efforts to support the Criminals in the White House, We hope you are stopped in these Crimes against the will of The people. Hopefully any Rick Larson military service awards will be summarily removed!
@exhilarationaccelerationpo9082 7 ай бұрын
Rick Larson please leave! We do NOT wish your lying opinion in Everett!
@exhilarationaccelerationpo9082 7 ай бұрын
Whatever Rick Larson is doing to undermine our country I can assure you all we DO NOT want him doing this and we don't want Rick Larson spreading his Lying Vermin to other nations too!
@lfischer8380 Жыл бұрын
RICK LARSEN VOTED AGAINST WOMENS SPORTS. H.R. 734, The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, to defend female athletes and protect the progress that has been made for women athletes over the past 50 years under Title IX. Sadly, House Democrats chose to abandon female athletes -- not one single Democrat voted to protect women's sports FROM TRANSGENDER MALES COMPETING IN WOMENS SPORTS
@williamparent321 2 жыл бұрын
Seem like if rick talks about airplanes you cant comment
@averagewhiteman_2293 3 жыл бұрын
The for the democrats bill
@arthouston7361 3 жыл бұрын
HR 5 does not provide equality. It provides that from passage onward, all winning athletes will be biological males masquerading as women. All of the scholarship money will be taken from actual women. All of the WNBA teams will be dominated by men who call themselves women. There will not be an athletic woman in America who can compete with a stronger, faster, heavier "woman." PLUS, you will be sanctioned for complaining about it, because our freedom of speech will also be curtailed. Do not vote yes on HR 5.
@michelerasta1 3 жыл бұрын
How can anyone NOT appreciate this act? Only abusers. #vawaforall
@matubalfaisal2600 3 жыл бұрын
God bless Russia 🇷🇺✊✊✊✊✊✊
@MrEmitremmus 3 жыл бұрын
Howd it all work out.... oh right we are now finding out Biden is a traitor to the Chicoms
@freesoren4079 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for leaving the comments on.
@daledangelo4421 4 жыл бұрын
Yeaaaa! Good to see my Congressman! Thank you for your updates. Thanks to your Office for returning my communication to learn if we, as Pilots and aircraft owners, can help our follow Washingtonians with quick and simple transportation.
@deblawson1575 4 жыл бұрын
@senatorjosephmccarthy2720 4 жыл бұрын
The entire USA is being conquered. Does anyone read Leviticus 23? Most certainly those haven't been "done away". In every generation in every population center. See v 3. And Genesis 2: 2. Please take a minute and read Deuteronomy 28, which refers to the above.
@joshuagenes 4 жыл бұрын
People may not want to fly Boeing Airplanes if they are not safe and the company doesn't want to take responsibility when they do. I suggest Boeing bite the bullet on this one and come as clean as possible to determine the problem and problem people and then compensate the victims families. In the long run it will be better for the company and for sales.
@joshuagenes 4 жыл бұрын
I am more concerned with domestic election interference. Every aspect needs to be video tapped and broadcast on KZbin and other platforms so we can verify the ballot counting and other information. We have had numerous recounts here in Washington State where they would magically find boxes of ballots to get to the desired results they want. KZbin has also been throttling search results for Tulsi Gabbard and Google was dropping her ads at key moments after her big debate moments. I think the polls are lying about hers and her support is much larger than they say. There is a lot of fishy things going on. Tulsi is one of the few candidates that isn't taking too many insane positions and could potentially draw support from former democrat Trump supporters. I suggest you throw your support behind her.
@stevenrichards8880 4 жыл бұрын
You sir are a complete idiot and POS! All you idiot dems go to hell!
@joshuagenes 4 жыл бұрын
Education in America is upside down and backwards. We should be paying for results and not so much for a process which may or may not produce the desired results. We should be paying students for material/skills mastery in small bite size chunks with respect to their IQ and for reproving that mastery at specific increasing intervals in line with memory models. With the money students get they can treat education like a full time job paying for living expenses and for the tutoring and classes they need. You don't always need a teacher, a school, or all of the expensive things government provides to get educated. For most things an internet connection is enough provided the student is motivated. Money is a great motivator especially for poor students. It would be better than dropping out to support the family. It would be better than dropping out to deal drugs or engage in prostitution. Society currently asks students to labor away for some far off reward of being educated and getting a good paying job. It is a transfer of wealth in the form of education. But what if the student dies before he can make it that far? They will have slaved away with no reward. In fact much of what is taught in education is of little use to people when they get out. It is a conversation starter at best. Student spend 6 hours a day at school 8 with bus rides and then they are expected to do hours of busy work at home on top of that. If child labors law were applied to school many schools and teachers would have been fined. In addition students are asked to work without explicit monetary pay to do what society wants them to do so they can work at better jobs to support the current generation in retirement and on welfare. They need paid. They need compensated for their hard work. By funding results and accomplishments we can move people into a productive life much faster and much cheaper. Schools will still be needed for somethings like labs, teamwork skills, and testing centers of mastery skill and IQ. They may also provide a safe public place for students and tutors/teachers to meet and some level of socialization and sport. So I don't see them going away completely, But their role and the amount of money we need to spend on buildings and teachers could be greatly reduced as we spend more on student material mastery.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
My father was a Vietnam era vet. He was a journalist in the Navy who played two hours of tennis every day with the base commander at lunch and worked 4 hours a day while in Texas. He then went to Guantanamo where he worked the base newspaper and became a lifeguard where he spent much of his time scuba diving. He ended up leaving the Navy out of boredom, never saw action and was only assigned to carriers in dry dock, ended up in Bremerton WA where he met my mom. He was in reserves for a while until an Admiral kicked him out because "Why the hell do the reserves need a journalist". The Admiral was right of course, he was a waste of tax-payer money.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
Aviation cool. Make sure those drones don't land on our heads please. Impeachment without the recommendations of an independent council bringing multiple provable felony charges...A waste of time and money. We have homeless people being shipped from city to city and from state to state as the locals don't want to pay for hosting them. Since many of them are crazy, druggies, and mentally ill and they are being shipped across state lines, this has now become a federal issue. Only government can force druggies/the mentally ill into treatment, only government can force crazies into institutions. George Washington said "Government is Force". This is the role of government. The laws need to be changed, funding needs to be secured, and a decent plan needs to be implemented. This is a bigger priority than those other things. Winter is coming.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
The earth has been cooling since its creation. As the earth cools the magnetic field will get weaker just like mars and then the solar winds will take our atmosphere away. The past 10,000 year have been a climate calm and this has not been normal for the earth. It will get wild again, But is it our fault??? Physicist Richard A. Muller estimated that the human effect on the globe has only been to add an increase of 1 degree over the past 100 years. Regardless of whether humans are at fault or nature, climate changes has been happening since the beginning and the effects are real. I think bolstering FEMA making sure they have a vast rotating stock of food supply already in and around the areas that might need it and other such preparations might profit us.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
Somethings you might want to think about doing....figure out a new budgeting method that works given the House, Senate, and President might be held by different parties, wipe out debt in America, deal with the mentally ill/homeless because the states and cities are not doing a good job, invest in building defensive weapons that can defend against a saturation strike for the different bases, territories, and us, mandate Charity via a tax where you require people to give 10% of their income and capital gains to a noble cause of their choice and 5% of their net-worth above the average plus the standard deviation. Make sure government charities can receive donations (SS, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamp program, etc).
@dwilli3660 5 жыл бұрын
Rick Larsen ought to be ashamed: impeach trump for disrespect: what about all you left wingers in 16 saying not our president, and your complete disrespect for the office of the president. Dislike the man, I do but quit disrespecting the office and QUIT DISRESPECTING THIS GOOD NATION because unlike you at least He is trying to make this country great again
@ldc5603 5 жыл бұрын
So your name will be added to the role of those who voted for the down fall of this country
@wiker680 3 жыл бұрын
No, the cancer of this nation are those who wish to continue to discriminate, and the churches who promote it
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
Budgeting ought to be done by each congressman in the house prioritizing all the items in the budget and then then the average plus the standard deviation ought to be used to give a rank number to each item. Then we should fund down the list until the money runs out. The same trick can be done with combining the budget of the house and the senate. The standard deviation tells us how controversial an item is and the average gives us a general priority. By adding them together we prioritize the least controversial and highest ranked items first. Unless a party controls both the house and the senate and the presidency there is no point (other than political stupid points) in funding controversial items. The individual priority lists each congressman makes will give the voters insight into the values of the congressman allowing the nerds to analyze congress further. Constitutionally there is no need to include the president in the budget tho recommendations/warnings might be helpful as the veto power is still in sway.
@edcarynnorton7353 5 жыл бұрын
Congressman Larsen: Thank you for your work for the military!
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
Good Job on those items. With the NAACP Moorfield Storey was a cool guy, W. E. B. Du Bois legacy was unfortunately tainted by his Eugenics positions, and Mary White Ovington legacy was tainted by her being sucked by socialism. Pretty much everyone's a mixed bag I suppose, you and me both.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
How are you solving the underlying problem that caused us to have dreamers in the first place?
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
I haven't got a clue what military issues are. Perhaps the rations need improving or the military bunks need better foam....Those Oshkosh JLTV's look pretty cool, maybe buy some more.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
On second thought the JLTV's are a new platform and probably need further improvements and testing before they are ready ready...That being said it has good potential and some money needs invested in the improvements.
@jesbsnrn 5 жыл бұрын
great job
@Void994 5 жыл бұрын
Love it; keep these coming
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
My brother used to do that for Alaska airlines.
@Void994 5 жыл бұрын
Keep them coming
@blainecole5452 5 жыл бұрын
I was directed to your channel through the capitolnews letter you sent me. I think it is a good way to reach out and inform your constituents. Thank you
@qinntt 5 жыл бұрын
Hey I'm one of your constituents and I am really happy you do these even if not a lot of people watch
@johnmorey8107 5 жыл бұрын
Rick as a US Rep how can you only have 130 youtube subscribers? Seems kinda low
@Void994 5 жыл бұрын
Keep these updates comming
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
The Republican senate has already stated they will not even vote on the equality act and the President said he will not sign it. So you guys just wasted your time. This is part of what's wrong with congress. I don't think you should bother with an act unless you have at least a 51% chance of having it become law. It is not like we are short of real problems to fix! If you want to make a statement use your mouth! Don't waste time with these acts or voting if they don't have a chance anyway.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
Rick I am concerned that at lot of Bills that you are passing don't have a chance in hell of passing a Republican senate much less getting signed by a Republican President. "Winning" stupid points for your political party does little for your constituents back at home! Republicans used to support Usury laws like the one Bernie and AOC are pushing to cap interest rates at 15%, I suggest you jump on board and work across the aisles to make it happen. We also have a massive mental health crisis in our state. How about stronger laws to lock people in mental facilities? How about more money for mental health facilities? How about some treatment centers for the half crazy? Immorality breeds insanity. Reduce immorality and you will reduce insanity in the long-run....
@knightdefender9015 5 жыл бұрын
Shame on you for tying to destroyed women's rights and freedom of religion to give favoritism to gender confused.
@knightdefender9015 5 жыл бұрын
If you pass equality act you damage all women and christians. Women's sports will dissapear for women, only men identified as women will be able to win events and scholarships. Christians will be persecuted as transphobic and hate speech because their beliefs disagree with transgender ideas that you elevate to federal law. Be ashamed, be very ashamed! You are personally causing the collapse of western civilization.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
I looked at that art last time I was there.
@JENX1976 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks Congressman.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
This program is dependent upon positive and growing demographics to fund it. It is poorly designed. Rather than approaching the problem from the limits of what people are able to give the program want to give a set number of benefits whether or not the underlying tax-base can afford it. The party that most supports the SS program also tends to support lifestyles that are harmful to the demographics needed to keep it alive i.e. abortion, homosexuality, etc. They will have to resort to traditional progressive solutions to the problem like feeding patients/old people they are suppose to be helping with milk tainted with tuberculosis as they did in Lincoln Illinois. This will keep it solvent but will defeat the purpose of having a social program in the first place. Let me recommend a better solution. Mandate the everyone give 10% of their income and capital gains away to a noble cause of their choice or to the government(if they want) as a tax with at least one degree of separation between them (no giving to your kids or your own charity) and 5% of their net-worth/yr above the standard deviation. I believe this is the upper limit on what people can give and because they are giving to causes that they care about, the amount they can be asked to give can be higher. No one wants to give to a program they don't believe in that taxes political opponents to hire cronies to leverage votes and keeps people barely taken care of and dependent upon the dole. This solves that. It is a catch all which funds solutions to social problems as prioritized by the American people themselves and can change course on a dime with new information without the need for an act of congress.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
You should probably have customs and border patrol(non-military) inspect military equipment and personal (live and dead) returning from Afghanistan as most of the heroin comes from there and it currently isn't being checked. I remember a story of a reporter stuffing his friends dead body with drugs in order to smuggle drugs back to the US. We also used to get drugs through the Port of Tacoma. I knew a native guy years ago who went with his drug dealer uncle to the port of Tacoma to get drugs from "The Chinaman" as he said. It might be China's revenge on the west for the opium wars tho we had nothing to do with it.
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
Problems the second district faces: 1. DEBT 2. widespread drug problems 3. currency fails to adapt to our local condition 4. Homeless crisis 5. Barriers to entry and hurdles for people moving up the economic ladder 6. improper wealth distribution curve 7. Insufficient levels of private charity 8. Traffic 9. cost of living 10. crime 11. crazy people running amok talking to themselves, or thinking their something they are not, or fucking things their are not designed to fuck and smelling like piss and boos.
@tarigzatia 5 жыл бұрын
Well done Rick
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
90% of heroin comes from Afghanistan. How is it getting here? Some say US troops are guarding poppy fields there....Something is amiss.
@randycessna4403 5 жыл бұрын
Rep Larsen...I saw your bill on Devin Carroll you tube channel. Think it's well thought out. But in another video Devin describes how Bill Clinton was for re investing some of the funds in the stock market. Maybe the republicans who would just as soon see retirees file later at 70 And ruin it's merits may go for investing say a small percentage. And maybe raise that second taxable cap to $500,000...with gap in middle.Leave lower cap alone. Cut our taxation it hits seniors hard but all in all its a good bill. Republicans ..and I'm a conservative...may lose votes over the silent majority of seniors...really...thats the talk I hear. Yes they re conservative but they must remember,7-8,000 boomers are retiring EVERY DAY. Thanks...
@joshuagenes 5 жыл бұрын
Back to Basics Rick. What are the biggest issues concerning our district? What is the federal government's role if any in solving those problems? I saw a guy begging at the Starbucks drive through on the corner of Broadway and 36th in Everett the other day. Once he got some money he walked past two help wanted signs to get a coffee at Starbucks and then walked back again to beg. He is an able bodied man in a tight labor market yet he begs. He is not being a team player on team America. He is not contributing to our economy or to anything useful. He is an eyesore and an annoyance. I know not the cause of his problems but I can speculation on possible reasons 1. drugs due to immorality and then addiction 2. Laziness due to immorality 3. Society enabling him in his bad behavior 4. Financial difficulty due to immoral debt. 5. He is willfully insane due to immorality and belongs in an institution 6. He is insane due to the immorality of his parents 7. He is insane due to environmental pollution 8. The incentives and disincentives society gives are not working. 9 He may have a criminal background and not one will hire him due to his previous immorality. We pay you to be a leader Rick. To put your neck out there and solve these problems even if the push back comes from within your own party. You do not want the 2nd district to become like Seattle.....kzbin.info/www/bejne/mKGkmmpmjLx1otk