Cleaning My Conscience
4 ай бұрын
@sylva3591 4 сағат бұрын
1:14:31 You're literally factually wrong about Bruce he literally does hire henchman and give full benefits. He sponsors so many programs to make Gotham better but they can't just have that be the solution because Batman is the biggest name in DC
@supernova9238 20 сағат бұрын
With semblances says they do grow and can take on abilities of Their Own as you see with Ruby
@Iejir_Isk 23 сағат бұрын
Where my problem with RWBY comes in (the characters, not the show), is RWBY offers criticism, but only destructive. they offer NO options to do better, just 'can't do that'. That, and literally betraying the trust shown in them. Jacques is a better parent than Willow.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist Күн бұрын
Yeah things hit different here, when you realize Yang could have literally gotten her actual arm back if she wanted, which is crazy. Blake could have also literally became a human. (I feel this could have been a neat excuse to give her a tail personally. XD)
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist Күн бұрын
You may have realized this by now, but the flying whale Salem was on, landed on Atlas. Ren’s semblance makes them invisible to Grim, so getting on the whale would be easy.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
I think on the Bumblebee thing, more of those moments would have been best in V1, V2, and some in V3. Part of it is the company didnt have the funding for it at those times, like we get a subtle flirt from Yang saving Blake a dance. But funding aside, I think also the company starting out likely did not want to rock the boat so to speak, when you add in LGBTXYZ stuff into shows, it can hurt your fanbase massively, because a lot of people still dont accept that stuff, and would refuse to watch a show that has it in it. I mean Gay marriage wasnt even legalized in US until 2015, and RWBY first started in 2013 where gay stuff was highly controversial. (It still is in many ways.) (Not to mention also, many countries ban things with gay stuff in it.) Roosterteeth couldnt do much as a smaller company I think, I’m just theorizing here. Between low funding, and politics, maybe couldnt give more of what they wanted, earlier. Hell even Owl House basically was cancelled or force rushed by Disney because of it.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
I think Cinder is 100% in the right in her backstory personally. Anything after, of course is not.
@godlessyuri 2 күн бұрын
The hilarious part about Ruby shouting out "Freezerburn," "Checkmate," "Bumblebee," and "Ladybug" is that she was shouting out the ship names that fandom had come up for those pairings. (The only thing is White Rose is way more common than "Ice Flower" for Ruby/Weiss.) (Also, what non-canon ships do I like? A lot. Rei/Asuka from _Evangelion_ is probably a classic. For RWBY, I've personally always liked White Rose.)
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
Also I would say its ironic that Ironwood never tried working with Robyn. Robyn had a perfect crew for what Ironwood needed. Robyn can sus out spies or liars, Fiona the sheep girl could have helped transport infinitely more supplies. The Marigold girl could turn transport vehicles invisible to keep the mission a secret from Salem’s forces like Watts or Tyrian. Also Yang Being angry at the woman is understandable maybe you didnt pick up on it, but she was being a bit racist, Yang of course would get angry at that, given she loves Blake.
@gabrielguerrero260 2 күн бұрын
you never reacted to the movie ;-;
@CycleOfJudges 2 күн бұрын
Hope all's well. Haven't seen an upload in a bit.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
I mean Ironwoods idea is to send Mantle up into the sky where no one could reach them. With a staff of creation, and the relic of knowledge, plus the Winter maiden. Remnant might die like Mantle, and Haven, Vacuo etc. But Atlas ultimately would be safe, worse comes to worse, humanity survives, even if they are the last bastion of humanity, and in theory maybe over time as the maidens get possibly killed, Atlas gains another maiden. (Raven thinking about Yang as she dies possibly.) They also can try to think of a solution to win with two relics, and a maiden or two. He believes that Salem cant be stopped or killed, and as things stand… She will just massacre everyone, so saving Atlas is better than letting everyone die.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
I do dislike Clover for doing what he did.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
I will say, the only thing I hate about RWBY, is them cutting Blake’s hair. Its one thing I absolutely hate.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
But yeah, some of Salem’s past songs need a relisten now. XD “Have you no shame, signing them up for your war?! Training them for what they cant beat, your sins are what they’ll pay for!” Also Hazel’s anger becomes a lot more understandable. Hazel views his sister as a casualty in Ozpins unwinnable fight. Yang also did say she would help, only with no more lies. Also at some point, you gotta kinda want to ship more for the Belladonna harem just because its silly and fun.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 2 күн бұрын
I do overall love Ozpin. I do hate the fact he lied about mostly one thing. The lamp being out of questions. Its the only lie he actually told, and Yang especially has a right be upset about that exactly, because that was her one rule to him. Qrow too though. Everyone getting upset before, I agree is uncalled for. They try to make Oz out to be morally grey, and I just disagree. I dont think he is a morally grey person.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
I would disagree, killing is far far easier than incapacitating them. I’n not sure how you get that conclusion, pulling a trigger or stabbing is easier than trying to figure out how to non lethally hurt someone. Also, I would say Adam would have every right to kill the people that was trying to kill them. That is straight up self defense, which you halfway acknowledge.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
You know on some level, I do think Lionheart gets some undeserved hate. I could easily see a lot of people caving in his position.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
You are right in this case. Its interesting to watch you, I get what you say or think in a lot of scenes, though I have voiced some disagreement on said thoughts. But taking down the Belladonna’s is a bad move, but as you do see its mostly Adam wanting revenge basically.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
2:14:00 Honestly I kinda feel like you dismiss Pyrrha in a way. She was a noble person and no doubt would have made the same decision, to fight Cinder, to attempt to stop her to save more lives. She lost unfortunately though, she knew she might die. Jaune’s hatred if he did lash out would be heavily misplaced, and diminishing Pyrrha’s choices I think.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
Dust is energy, as you have heard. But like dust bullets, they work like gunpowder does, just with their own effects, of fire, ice, lightning, gravity. Lightning dust can also generate electricity of course so it stands to reason it powers electronics, and things of that nature, like a battery.
@Iejir_Isk 3 күн бұрын
To be fair... Ruby didn't lie to Ironwood about Ozpin during their first meeting... Went playdo with the truth, but everything she said was truthful. After the crash, Ozpin vanished. And Ozpin did say Djinn could answer questions and the questions were used. Been on Ironwood's side since v3 XD
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
I mean by now Weiss is 18. Everyone is 18+ here except Ruby who is like 16 at this time. And in this world and in a lot of places even our world. 17 is basically an Adult. They let 17 year olds go to a college where they risk their lives fighting monsters. Legally I guess 18 I imagine is an adult here. I dont know, but Weiss is 18 here so it is a bit strange Jacques is saying. So I legit wanted Weiss to just break his nose here. XD More so after he basically tells Weiss he is giving her share of the company away to Whitley. Just a personal opinion, I disagree, and think violence could solve as answers to a lot of problems. Hahaha. Its crazy that you have such an opposed opinion to Ozpin to this. Haha. Just a personal opinion, but I do agree with Ozpin and the others. Pyrrha could say no the first time, and Ozpin could hunt for a different candidate. In the vault though Beacon falling, I’ll agree its not much of a choice, its something most anyone would do. But you seem to disagree with everything before that even, which is what I dont understand. A Nuke has lots of armed security around it. A Maiden though is a person, unless you plan to lock her away somewhere, you cant really protect her like you can an object. Just like Amber, she chose to leave or travel. If you had powers and knew people wanted you dead for it, you’d likely want your identity kept a secret as well. I also think its a slight misunderstanding you may have, Blake’s thing was not about stopping the WF as a goal, most of the time she meets them its mostly coincidence like at the docks. She never had the goal of fighting the WF, she really didnt want anything to do with them, but they came up and started causing trouble, so she had to stop them. They could have been a random gang at the docks, and at that meeting place, or even the train. She would have taken the same actions. She never actively had a goal of stopping the WF specifically. Like going back to V2, all she wants is to find a way to have peace between humans and faunus. That is her goal.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
I love the unapologetic dirty remarks honestly. Part of the reason I watch. Haha
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
I know this is late, but the volume seems to be rather low for most vids. For the show anyway. XD Its not exactly the maiden power that makes Cinder weak. I feel like they never corrected this confusion. Its the fact Cinder is basically part Grim, because of after obtaining the Maiden power using that creepy spider Grim, you see it create a tattoo on her back. It became a part of her, and thats how she is able to take powers. Being part grimm is what hurt Cinder. Also for the Embargo. Imagine it more like the US is at a time of serious war. In war the only people that matter to a government is their own, so all weapons and food going out will likely stop, and be stockpiled for its own military and citizens. Ironwood is not concerned with everyone, just Atlas, and secondarily another city called Mantle, but that hasnt come up yet, but its a city right next to Atlas basically. But yeah, Just Atlas, Not sure if you do quite get that or not. Haha. Thats the idea, I do enjoy your philosophy that others shouldnt get to make choices for others. I do think your emotions on that philosophy dont let you see past a differing perspective at times. (Granted everyone forms opinions on things instantly, and it does require a conversation, or something someone else says to gain a new perspective or think on something differently, and sometimes no matter what is said our opinions will never waver or change. I know I’m fairly opinionated as a person and there are some things where a conversation wont go anywhere, because I fully 100% believe my opinion is the correct one, and I’ve had similar conversations do just that, where I wont agree with another person. Mainly those opinions are based on our rights and freedoms. Haha. Its a case of you cant set yourself on fire to keep others warm, at the end of the day people do what they think is right to protect their country, their homes, families, or theirselves, if it means millions starve so we dont, well thats what the government would do, its their job in a way. With that said, the government does often make stupid laws and rules I dont agree with, and do believe they overstep their power. So far though, Ironwood has done pretty much everything right in my mind. (I wont agree to him bringing a full fleet to Vale as right, but it was helpful and needed in the end.) Maybe not a full embargo though, but limited trade I would think is fine, still allow some to be shipped out, and stockpile most of it. And yeah, Yang’s hair is always pretty. Haha
@davidaward82 3 күн бұрын
the retcon on deathwing for cataclysm was huge, but also TOTALLY worth it. the second war wouldn't have gone quite so well for the alliance if deathwing had been quite so OP during WC2
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 3 күн бұрын
I think maybe you might be understanding the secrecy. Imagine having 4 Cinders. As the story unfolds you’ll get it I think. Haha. Also I’m sure others have covered this, but Adam is not the leader of the WF as a whole. He is up there though, more like a general you could say. Yeah he rose up fast and young, but was skilled and talented enough, joined up young, rose through the ranks as a teen.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
Fly away. XD Thats hilarious. Though some people dont have the flight response in them. Haha a lot of people have the feel the need to fight. (Which is why for some strange reason the ability to even protect your own property is a controversial topic, but thats a separate topic.) Sometimes running away is a smart choice and optimal choice, not saying you should never run. But I think in some situations where running is better I could see myself getting angry and try to fight instead. We all gotta decide for ourselves a bit as well what may be better for us.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
I think you may be overlooking something though. You wouldnt want a serial killer for example to have power beyond understanding? I do think as it progresses you may change your mind xD I mean looking at it another way, imagine being hunted down and killed just because of what you have? I would want my abilities kept secret as well if this was the case. What about the people that inherit the powers and their safety?
@carmelgirl6 4 күн бұрын
I’m going to say this as an opinion on the Yellow trailer , …. I think they were a bit lazy with the music by just mashing up the other themes and then have only 3-2 minutes of the actual new one , still a good song but I felt like Yang deserved more then what was given to her trailer
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
Well that might cause a lot of controversy on the Vic Statement. Sheesh.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
I couldnt imagine 7 siblings period. Honestly I know I’d likely hate it. And I honestly kinda dislike parents that end up having like a lot of kids. Not because having a lot of kids is bad, but a majority of the time, its always people that cant effectively afford to actually care for that many kids financially or sometimes even emotionally, and many kids end up having to parent the younger ones because the parents wont. Just a thing I notice way way too often. If the parents can afford it, and can put in the actual time with the kids, then great! Have as many as you can feasibly handle.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
Wow… first 3 min is crazy on what you say.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
A show I would say feels a bit similar is Dragon Prince. Dragon Prince also will feel heavily similar to ATLA.
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
Emerald is a baddie for sure. XD (Kinda most or all characters are, haha!)
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
I mean… Weiss is kinda right here though. Ruby nearly got stabbed, and set ablaze, by trying to impress Weiss a bit, or just not paying attention. Weiss is mean, but correct in this instance. XD
@XFizzlepop-Berrytwist 4 күн бұрын
Sick, Thick, and Blonde. Damn.
@ChrisKyle-om5wi 5 күн бұрын
Jonah was scouted by Dallas Cowboys as a running back. Turned it down to play in the rugby World Cup.
@ChrisKyle-om5wi 5 күн бұрын
He ran 10.8 at high school, it was more like 10.5 by the time he was 20.
@Dark0yoshe 6 күн бұрын
in regards to Cinder's maiden abilities. I call her the false maiden, because she used grim to siphon it from amber. that's why she is weak to silver eyes. I don't think they ever get into in the show, so its not a spoiler.
@demonic_myst4503 6 күн бұрын
You niss part where vaquocwasbt even at war in the faunis war
@demonic_myst4503 6 күн бұрын
Vacuo is the nicest to faunis tho
@demonic_myst4503 6 күн бұрын
In orect apes do a tualy follow might makes right when a prinate takes over a tribe it kills the male incharge and all his sons
@demonic_myst4503 6 күн бұрын
Thats nit dramatic irony thats situational ifony dramatic irony is when the audiance knows more than the character does
@demonic_myst4503 6 күн бұрын
Such an american your freling doesnt nake somthibg rugg or wrong
@demonic_myst4503 6 күн бұрын
He does know rho thats why embargo their dust is used in fual and mmo he cutting off wrapins to the world so they cant go war with him he outright statwd that a moment before your rant
@demonic_myst4503 7 күн бұрын
Its meant be wrong adam represents the original beauty and the beast story the beast wasnt a loving orince who redeemed himself he eas a rapist and a kidnapper who was killed by the end of the fairytail
@demonic_myst4503 7 күн бұрын
Adam was also a chiod when they met he isnt anywhere near to 30 he at most 5 years older minimal 2 years blake states in a comic she met adam when he was a boy
@demonic_myst4503 7 күн бұрын
Aceot he is right being a kingdom in remnant without an army is like say8ng taiwan could aurvive without any army protecting it without any allies
@demonic_myst4503 7 күн бұрын
People like oxpin have been rely8ng on the fact till adam came along even the most violent members of white fang would not want to destroy the towers He relied on teir humanity the fact they had good goals to act as a preventative mesure of such high levels of terorism