Kako je samo pristala na ovaj Interview, koliko je nekulturan i agresivan tokom razgovora ,trebala je da mu odlepi samar da mu se glava trese.SMRAD, OD NOVINARA....Laka zemlja Gospodji MIRI.
@jaydee659320 сағат бұрын
Idiots Make up Ideologies Sometimes intelligence is not enough
@erickikoba192221 сағат бұрын
all talk and did nothing for his people...really spoiled Zimbabwe.
@vijaysingh-cw4xp23 сағат бұрын
Really hard hitting ❤❤❤
@PeterKenworthy-h2nКүн бұрын
He's a businessman a successful one
@PeterKenworthy-h2nКүн бұрын
He says what he thinks and he does what he says unlike most politicians love him or hate him
@RavinTaksing-m4sКүн бұрын
This is Islam
@JackJackJack123Күн бұрын
Two absolutely sensational public comebacks in one lifetime is something you’ll almost never see.
@qpon79Күн бұрын
How he dare, soviet is evil in pure form
@jonathanlamarine3129Күн бұрын
It always saddens me to hear someone that grows up in a church with cult-like behaviors and views to give up or stop believing in God. 😢 Why can't they simply go to another church so that they can see that God and Christ's teachings had been twisted and perverted in order to suit their needs and agenda?? It's SO SAD. 😢
@tomfuzer98852 күн бұрын
Back in the day when BBC was held up as the example of objective journalism
@desmondburnett92862 күн бұрын
Talk about the sanctions
@HaydnGuite-c4s2 күн бұрын
One of the finest actresses Britain has ever produced. I loved her in The Avengers and thought she and Pat Macnee had amazing chemistry. She comes across as a kind, polite, generous, honest and well-spoken lady. Goodbye Diana, you'll forever be missed ❤ xxx
@idaliakulik3 күн бұрын
27:10 BBC: "I have to ask you about sanctions before we finish...Russia is being squeezed" Sergey: "Thank you for your sympathy, but don't worry, we will survive" LMAO
@bmblb58354 күн бұрын
Groomed from birth to be the "golden boy " . . .
@katiebiega80704 күн бұрын
@alexalex5434 күн бұрын
I saw him... He was filmed by episode in home alone 2 😊
@abdiqanifarah93754 күн бұрын
Brutal dictator who destroyed a functioning country. The likes of him made africa the scare of the world, for these individuals to stay in power. Evil incarnate: the likes of him and siyad barre made africa the hunger and destitution continent.
@stop-holocaust-ukraine-n6k4 күн бұрын
give ukraine 300 billion russian seized money now. Russia has stolen 100 airbus plans worth 150 billion euro. Finland and Estonia have confiscated Russian mafia money and given to Ukraine Orban got 1000 million. In forints, Putin gave Peter Szijarto 500 million forints. Forint Putin tol. Orban received 150 million Peter Szijarto received EUR 50 million from Russia. euros from Russia, Hungary wants to recover Ukraine in the same way as in 1939. Hungary has been supporting Russia since 2014. Most of Iran's Revolutionary Guard companies have companies in Hungary to make sanctions against Iran ineffective. They steal additional tax from all foreign companies in Hungary. They are stealing the best real estate on the Balaton from Hungarian homeowners. They sinti and romA have been suffering systematic rape since 1993 by police. Rome and fugitives in prisons. No water, nothing to eat easily all night. So people, constantly tortured, confess everything. orbans fidesz party organizes systematic stealing of money for non-existing children from austria. 2200 hungarians went with false ukrainian papers to germany organized by fidesz party none of the 2200 in Baden Württemberg could speak either Russian or Ukrainian. Hungarian embassies have 700 spies for Russia wherever Russia can win against Ukraine. Hungary's health care system has collapsed. People die regularly in hospitals. Go to Hungary and check it out. Foreigners pay 2 euros for a liter of fuel, in Hungary only 1.20 euros for Hungarians. Check it They want 4th poland partition. russia gives Afd party germany silesia, pommerania, east prussia back.
@K44HeyyA4 күн бұрын
@stop-holocaust-ukraine-n6k4 күн бұрын
da Ucrainei 300 de miliarde de bani confiscați de ruși acum. Rusia a furat 100 de avioane de avion în valoare de 150 de miliarde de euro. Finlanda și Estonia au confiscat banii mafiei ruse și i-au dat Ucrainei Orban a primit 1000 de milioane. În forinți, Putin i-a dat lui Peter Szijarto 500 de milioane de forinți. Forint Putin tol. Orban a primit 150 de milioane Peter Szijarto a primit 50 de milioane de euro din Rusia. euro din Rusia, Ungaria vrea să recupereze Ucraina în același mod ca în 1939. Ungaria sprijină Rusia din 2014. Majoritatea companiilor Gărzii Revoluționare din Iran au companii în Ungaria pentru a face ineficiente sancțiunile împotriva Iranului. Ei fură taxe suplimentare de la toate companiile străine din Ungaria. Ei fură cele mai bune proprietăți imobiliare din Balaton de la proprietarii maghiari. Ei sinti și romA suferă viol sistematic din 1993 de către poliție. Roma și fugarii în închisori. Fără apă, nimic de mâncat ușor toată noaptea. Așa că oamenii, torturați constant, mărturisesc totul. Partidul orbans fidesz organizează furt sistematic de bani pentru copiii inexistenți din austria. 2200 de maghiari au mers cu acte ucrainene false în Germania, organizate de partidul fidesz, niciunul dintre cei 2200 din Baden Württemberg nu putea vorbi nici rusă, nici ucraineană. Ambasadele Ungariei au 700 de spioni pentru Rusia oriunde Rusia poate câștiga împotriva Ucrainei. Sistemul de sănătate al Ungariei s-a prăbușit. Oamenii mor în mod regulat în spitale. Mergeți în Ungaria și verificați. Străinii plătesc 2 euro pentru un litru de combustibil, în Ungaria doar 1,20 euro pentru unguri. Verifică-l. Vor a patra partiție poloneză. Rusia dă partidului Afd Germania Silezia, Pomerania, Prusia de Est înapoi.
@stop-holocaust-ukraine-n6k4 күн бұрын
adjon most Ukrajnának 300 milliárd orosz lefoglalt pénzt. Oroszország 100 airbus tervet lopott el 150 milliárd euró értékben. Finnország és Észtország elkobozta az orosz maffia pénzét, és Orbán 1000 milliót kapott Ukrajnának. Putyin forintban 500 millió forintot adott Szijártó Péternek. Forint Putyin tol. Orbán 150 milliót kapott Szijártó Péter 50 millió eurót kapott Oroszországtól. eurót Oroszországtól, Magyarország ugyanúgy vissza akarja szerezni Ukrajnát, mint 1939-ben. Magyarország 2014 óta támogatja Oroszországot. Az iráni Forradalmi Gárda legtöbb cége Magyarországon működik, hogy hatástalanná tegye az Irán elleni szankciókat. További adót lopnak minden külföldi cégtől Magyarországon. Ellopják a legjobb balatoni ingatlanokat magyar lakástulajdonosoktól. Sinti és romA 1993 óta szenved szisztematikus nemi erőszaktól a rendőrség részéről. Róma és a menekülők a börtönökben. Nincs víz, nincs könnyű ennivaló egész este. Tehát az állandóan kínzott emberek mindent bevallnak. Az orbán fidesz párt nem létező ausztriai gyerekeknek szervez szisztematikus pénzlopást. 2200 magyar hamis ukrán papírokkal ment Németországba a fidesz szervezésében, a baden württembergi 2200 közül senki sem tudott sem oroszul, sem ukránul. A magyar nagykövetségeknek 700 kéme van Oroszország számára, ahol Oroszország nyerhet Ukrajna ellen. Magyarország egészségügye összeomlott. Az emberek rendszeresen meghalnak a kórházakban. Menj el Magyarországra és nézd meg. Külföldiek 2 eurót fizetnek egy liter üzemanyagért, Magyarországon mindössze 1,20 eurót a magyaroknak. Ellenőrizze, hogy 4. lengyel partíciót akarnak. oroszország visszaadja az Afd pártnak németország sziléziát, pomerániát, kelet-poroszországot.
@stop-holocaust-ukraine-n6k4 күн бұрын
Darle a Ucrania 300 mil millones de dinero incautado por Rusia ahora. Rusia ha robado 100 aviones Airbus por valor de 150 mil millones de euros. Finlandia y Estonia confiscaron dinero de la mafia rusa y entregaron a Ucrania 1.000 millones de Orban. En florines, Putin le dio a Peter Szijarto 500 millones de florines. Putin empuja florines. Orban recibió 150 millones. Peter Szijarto recibió 50 millones de euros de Rusia. Euros de Rusia, Hungría quiere recuperar Ucrania como en 1939. Hungría apoya a Rusia desde 2014. La mayoría de las compañías de la Guardia Revolucionaria de Irán tienen empresas en Hungría para hacer ineficaces las sanciones contra Irán. Roban impuestos adicionales a todas las empresas extranjeras en Hungría. Están robando las mejores propiedades inmobiliarias del Balaton a los propietarios húngaros. Los sinti y los romaníes sufren violaciones sistemáticas desde 1993 por parte de la policía. Romaníes y fugitivos en las cárceles. Sin agua, nada para comer fácilmente en toda la noche. Entonces la gente, constantemente torturada, confiesa todo. El partido Fidesz de Orban organiza robos sistemáticos de dinero para niños inexistentes de Austria. 2.200 húngaros viajaron a Alemania con documentos ucranianos falsos, organizados por el partido Fidesz. Ninguno de los 2.200 en Baden Württemberg sabía hablar ruso ni ucraniano. Las embajadas húngaras tienen 700 espías para Rusia allí donde Rusia pueda ganarle a Ucrania. El sistema de atención sanitaria de Hungría ha colapsado. La gente muere regularmente en los hospitales. Ve a Hungría y compruébalo. Los extranjeros pagan 2 euros por un litro de combustible, en Hungría sólo 1,20 euros para los húngaros. Compruébalo. Quieren una cuarta partición polaca. Rusia devuelve al partido Afd Alemania Silesia, Pomerania y Prusia Oriental.
@stop-holocaust-ukraine-n6k4 күн бұрын
give Ukraine 300 billion Russian seized money now. Russia has stolen 100 Airbus planes worth 150 billion euros. finland and estonia have confiscated russian mafia money and given to ukraine Orban got 1000 mln. In forints, Putin gave Peter Szijarto 500 million forints. Putin pushes forints. Orban received 150 million Peter Szijarto received EUR 50 million from Russia. euros from Russia, Hungary wants to recover Ukraine in the same way as in 1939. Hungary has been supporting Russia since 2014. Most of Iran's Revolutionary Guard companies have companies in Hungary to make sanctions against Iran ineffective. They steal additional tax from all foreign companies in Hungary. They are stealing the best real estate on the Balaton from Hungarian homeowners. They have been suffering rape since 1993. Roma and fugitives in prisons. No water, nothing to eat easily all night. So people, constantly tortured, confess everything. Orban's Fidesz party organizes systematic stealing of money for non-existent children from Austria. 2200 Hungarians went with false Ukrainian papers to Germany organized by Fidesz party none of the 2200 in Baden Württemberg could speak either Russian or Ukrainian. Hungarian embassies have 700 spies for Russia wherever Russia can win against Ukraine. Hungary's health care system has collapsed. People die regularly in hospitals. Go to Hungary and check it out. Foreigners pay 2 euros for a liter of fuel, in Hungary only 1.20 euros for Hungarians. Check it They want 4th Polish partition. Russia gives Afd party Germany Silesia, Pomerania, East Prussia back.
@stop-holocaust-ukraine-n6k4 күн бұрын
Orbán has now 35 % in Hungary.give Ukraine 300 billion Russian seized money now. Russia has stolen 100 Airbus planes worth 150 billion euros. finland and estonia have confiscated russian mafia money and given to ukraine Orban got 1000 mln. In forints, Putin gave Peter Szijarto 500 million forints. Putin pushes forints. Orban received 150 million Peter Szijarto received EUR 50 million from Russia. euros from Russia, Hungary wants to recover Ukraine in the same way as in 1939. Hungary has been supporting Russia since 2014. Most of Iran's Revolutionary Guard companies have companies in Hungary to make sanctions against Iran ineffective. They steal additional tax from all foreign companies in Hungary. They are stealing the best real estate on the Balaton from Hungarian homeowners. They have been suffering rape since 1993. Roma and fugitives in prisons. No water, nothing to eat easily all night. So people, constantly tortured, confess everything. Orban's Fidesz party organizes systematic stealing of money for non-existent children from Austria. 2200 Hungarians went with false Ukrainian papers to Germany organized by Fidesz party none of the 2200 in Baden Württemberg could speak either Russian or Ukrainian. Hungarian embassies have 700 spies for Russia wherever Russia can win against Ukraine. Hungary's health care system has collapsed. People die regularly in hospitals. Go to Hungary and check it out. Foreigners pay 2 euros for a liter of fuel, in Hungary only 1.20 euros for Hungarians. Check it They want 4th Polish partition. Russia gives Afd party Germany Silesia, Pomerania, East Prussia back.
@megavane5 күн бұрын
MSM is garbage.⚰️🪦
@ziminiesta42255 күн бұрын
Bigman 5 star general RIP LEADER
@ngwr9225 күн бұрын
Still lying after all these years. He has convinced himself of the lie, in order to be able to live with himself.
@h.dejong25315 күн бұрын
Collins isn't lying, he's speaking the truth. This is supported by a mountain of evidence from many sources. The only people lying here are the ones who claim the Apollo landings were faked.
@islesofshoals5 күн бұрын
@islesofshoals5 күн бұрын
@harveysp58995 күн бұрын
@darareachphon5 күн бұрын
Is rice chicken food?
@hgfku-tn6hb5 күн бұрын
The great son of the soil. Thanks for the service of Robert Mugabe
@cecilekamekpo75036 күн бұрын
That baby face like Elvis Presley. Beautiful. No wapens against him shall prosper. I can't wait anymore!!! Let the days come and go. So my president Trump can take over and stop all the bullshit war... enough is enough
@jazzyjones63756 күн бұрын
She is toying with this interviewer. He is no match for her and they both know it.😂😂😂😂 life seems to have gone wrong for you , -No it hasn’t that’s not true .
@jamiew64386 күн бұрын
So, it was 1997 , I was nineteen and in New York to visit vitamin supplement factory ( I worked in a health food store in Watford, near London ) The hotel had a revolving roof and was in Times Square. One night after dinner , myself and my older companions were ( I think )in the Empire State Building gawping into this other building where Mr Someone -or Other- was in his famous tower, going about his nightly routine . I was being told to watch. Was this man Donald Trump ?
@ProfKotondehKotondeh6 күн бұрын
@samchs2226 күн бұрын
He ended up becoming like a dictator. He should have stepped aside
@wellingtonmanyumwa48186 күн бұрын
Our hero,my hero, our president and my president forever grateful for advancement of our nation, though not perfect we celebrate the success you brought. Viva RG Mugabe forever
@SaintJ-x8z6 күн бұрын
It never happened it never happened it never happened
@h.dejong25316 күн бұрын
It did happen, as proven by tons of evidence.
@kimspittal34907 күн бұрын
At least hes honest
@lisar1297 күн бұрын
It’s so nice to see interviewers asking Trump real questions and not arguing with him and trying to twist his words. He’s letting him speak. This is so refreshing. January 20, 2025 is going to be one of the best days of my life and this country’s best day!! Everyone wanted to hear from Donald Trump before he wanted to be president. He is one of the most fascinating people on the planet. I don’t understand how demonic people are acting towards him. But it all makes sad, sad sense. This does not sound like the words coming from an evil person or dictator! Hollywood media are so twisted and totally wrong!! They should not be trying to steer anybody in any direction because they are not reality and crazy!! But Trump as a celebrity is in a whole new different mall park. He’s not controlled by Soros demons
@sihlemaqina85459 күн бұрын
Peak Mugabe would be disgusted by what he had turned out to be in his later years. He would also be disgusted by what his children's behavior is like.
@eillem1239 күн бұрын
Common sense!
@eillem1239 күн бұрын
He is a genius- what else needs to be known?
@lamchachtitaha8479 күн бұрын
. . I'm Ppp😅
@tuforu411 күн бұрын
Why was there not a FILM made about THIS .
@tommyalm277512 күн бұрын
Didn't Collins have a camera with him? And what did the other astronauts, who had the same task, see on the subsequent Apollo missions?
@h.dejong25316 күн бұрын
Yes, there was a photo camera in the CM while it orbited the moon: a Hasselblad EL500 with 80mm and 250mm lenses. On Apollo 11, two magazines were available for this camera. From browsing the images I can't say for sure which magazines those were: there are six magazines that have photos of the moon from lunar orbit. The astronauts took lots of photos of the moon before undocking the LM and after the return from the surface. Magazine N at least was left on the CM: this has photos of the LM undocking.
@johnely505013 күн бұрын
He ran the country into the ground and left his country in a 3rd world state.