@IAM...1111... 11 күн бұрын
💚 👽 💚 I didn't hit the like tab as it's at 333 so I'll check back till it's past n then I'll hit it, NOW with that said I AM certain you know if I don't like this message, it's cause I Luv it 💚 Thank You ...
@gretchenmeisner 10 күн бұрын
That's awesome, I love it! I also love your 1111 which is a portal in my reality and is in this moment, a beautiful validation from one of my loved ones in Spirit! Thank you and your beautiful being for stopping by! <3
@tonivaripati5951 Ай бұрын
I don't believe there is a God, but I believe one can contact The Dead!
@TheWBsTravelDiary Ай бұрын
Thank you for this video Gretchen. It has been very helpful x
@chloehoward3877 6 ай бұрын
You all need Jesus
@milenaseymour446 6 ай бұрын
Sounds ❤beautiful
@queengeniece7451 6 ай бұрын
I always pre-link with spirits a few hours before the reading and write the information down. I think it easier this way and cuts down the time.
@QueenZenaxHLK 8 ай бұрын
Thank you
@cozicoops 9 ай бұрын
Hi.. I like your videos but when you film with the camera pointing at a light source, the camera keeps adjusting to the light and makes the video flare and is distracting.. if you shoot with a light source behind the camera you don’t get the problem. 👍🏻x
@gretchenmeisner 9 ай бұрын
Thank you for making me aware of this!
@queenbeetarot 9 ай бұрын
So many useful tidbits in this video! Thank you so much!
@25centsapop 9 ай бұрын
I pray that you will come to the one true healer, Jesus Christ. Do not entertain these spirits that God has declared unclean "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you." Deut18:10-12
@gretchenmeisner 9 ай бұрын
What does it mean the Holy Spirit will come upon you? Acts 1:8 says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere-in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This power that comes from the Holy Spirit allows you to stand strong for the things of God.
@gretchenmeisner Ай бұрын
Many supernatural things happened to me, as a child that could not be explained. What if Jesus or another messenger of God was communicating with me and I turned them away. Would that be a sin in your eyes? I have trained for many years to understand my experiences and help others to process their interactions in a loving way. I believe in Jesus and am of service to God to the best of my ability. I pray you know the peace I feel in those relationships and that you are able to allow others that freedom too.
@max-nm6qx Жыл бұрын
@janhudec6105 Жыл бұрын
Yes the same I had so many strange experiences from remote viewing clairvoyance out of the body seeing and prescribed spirits...but I think they harmed me for my past by negative healings. My life was predicted and I thing I had become witness of Jesus in different reality
@ruthselden8637 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video filled with peace and love.
@mrnexus8seven949 Жыл бұрын
These churches are nothing more than a Satanic deception to entrap people into a life which will be steered as far away from Jesus Christ as possible. The messages are not from dead friends and relatives, they are the words from lying sprits and demons, cleverly designed to keep the lie going. they are not there for your benefit, they are there to ultimately destroy you. So many mediums commit suicide and others have breakdowns and end up in mental hospitals or are otherwise oppressed and tormented by these wicked spirits, as are other people involved in occult practices. Keep away from these places, they are not churches at all, they are temples to the Devil and are operated by him and his demons, all of whom hate you and seek to control and manipulate you. I speak as an ex Satanist and occultist who was saved in 1998 by Jesus and I have been out to warn people away from these places ever since. Keep away. Seek Jesus, in whom there is real spiritual power and from whom demons run. Seek Him whilst you still have time, your next breath is not guaranteed. If you read this far, you were meant to and this message is for YOU. Jesus is Lord.
@suziewojo-vp6pz Жыл бұрын
Can you please refer me to a church? I am looking for a spiritual tribe after my awakening last year
@gretchenmeisner Жыл бұрын
It depends upon where you are located. If you live in the USA, www.nsac.org has a list of churches. Online churches can be found on facebook by searching, and if you search for your state and "spiritualist church" if there are any local churches, most likely they will show up. Not all are affiliated and many are independent. Best wishes!
@max-nm6qx Жыл бұрын
@red84icj Жыл бұрын
I feel drawn to go but I'm nervous amd j literally want to walk in and be left alone until I hope someone comes through. Uk
@gretchenmeisner Жыл бұрын
Maybe you have a friend or family member who will go with you. When you arrive, you might be greeted at the door and can share any concerns or will be directed to the pastor. It is beautiful to receive healing, listen to inspiration, and observe others being connected with loved ones from Spirit. Sometimes in the beginning, it is very powerful. Other times, it doesn't make sense. Over time, the pieces of the puzzle come together and it is like a good mystery novel. I hope you're able to find a church local to you. If not, there are some services online. Best wishes!
@eddie_André-_Pagan Жыл бұрын
The fact we are going to a 'Mediumship class or circle' I believe means we have moved our mind to a different 'space' looking to connect to those in spirit. I believe the intelligence of the spirit world will allow us to ask the 'pre connection' to come back if their loved one is present. Such a fuss made over moving our mind to spirit.'High vibrational dodecahedrons and the like. ' It should be all a very simple process we ten to make it too complex..I dislike the term 'lin'k as I believe it dehumanises the wonderful experience of connecting to the spirit world..
@gretchenmeisner Жыл бұрын
Yes, I agree with you in some circumstances, for some mediums, and at some points in development. This is a snapshot of a time in training, hopefully you got something out of it even if that means deciding what is not right for you. When I think of linking, I think of linking arm in arm during a walk. For some mediums, this visual helps to make the process easier. Best wishes on your journey.
@whitephoenix33-6 Жыл бұрын
I was guided to start this way. I was questioning myself about that. Because spirit comes to me before I meet the person and messages come in psychically audient and visions. And even in cards when I'm just trying to read for myself. Lol. It was so odd at first especially the cards. Than I heard my inner voice say it's the person I'm going to meet energy that the cards are picking up on. if that's makes sense. So now I only read for myself when I put myself in hermit mode. Thank you for the confirmation.. also will you be my teacher. I kept hearing when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Been hearing that for a few days now.. thank you so much for this video from my sacred heart. ❤
@whitephoenix33-6 Жыл бұрын
WOW. Just got a black kitten a week ago and named her Raven. Please forgive me but I had to acknowledge this synchronicity. Many blessings to you..
@tarininathaghoridurgadevi Жыл бұрын
Thank You !
@Riana.dS. 2 жыл бұрын
Not for me thank you.
@adMistress 2 жыл бұрын
What a brilliant idea to do these interviews. This kind of first-hand info from admired tutors is so needed and will help so many mediums internalize the meaning of their address and how to deliver it in their own way.
@GTMarmot 2 жыл бұрын
OK let's be completely cynical, just for the sake of argument. If, as per 10:50, you've got the name of every vulnerable person who comes to you, then all you've got to do is size up whether they might be worth it (i.e. are they wealthy) and then, if so, do a deep dive into their personal history and background. You discover, for example, that their parent recently died. Then, "miraculously", when they turn up at the next session you reveal to them their parent is still around for them, looking after them in the spirit world. You describe their parent's appearance, and namedrop them, as "proof" of your mediumship. The person feels a bit better and is now converted to your organisation. They tithe generously to take part in your sessions and to join your organisation as believers. Onto the next... I'm not saying I know the above to be true. However, human nature is ruthlessly exploitative. And there is no proof that the soul lives on after death.
@gretchenmeisner 2 жыл бұрын
Many mediums, like myself tell our parents about what we are experiencing. Unfortunately, many parents have not had these experiences and so the medium does not receive support. A lot of mediums grow up very skeptical also about the work and do not want to do it. But, many over time as adults start to have experiences again and so go out and start to test mediums (in a kind way) and visit Spiritualist Churches in search of the truth. I have been training as a medium and serving for over 25 years. There are some mediums who are insecure and so use different methods to get information. I'm not sure about researching on the internet but knowing things about someone actually makes it harder because the conscious mind gets in the way. In my experience, the thousands of mediums I have gone to, worked and trained with have everyone's best interests at heart. Ethics are a large part of training and are learned over time. Discernment is important and it is such a joy as a medium to have a client who receives information that nobody could know. I do not ask questions and I do not typically know who my clients are the first time they visit me. Those who do reach out on social media, I do not research. This is because there are some people out there who will deliberately trick a medium and then try to make it look like they are unscrupulous. Mediums rely on their clients being honest and sincere. Mediums are typically very sensitive people and can be hurt by an unscrupulous client. I encourage you to go to a medium's day fair at a church or use just your first name to book an appointment if you are concerned. If you are open and willing to allow the medium to work with you, I am certain over time that a healing world of love will open to you and yours. Best wishes...
@GTMarmot 2 жыл бұрын
@@gretchenmeisner Thanks for the response - that's very interesting. However, I do not believe I require healing. I feel fine, and no relation of mine has just died. It would probably go down badly if I attended a spiritualist church out of idle curiosity and a desire to see supernatural stunts (if I'm honest, that's what I would be there for).
@gretchenmeisner 2 жыл бұрын
@@GTMarmot You chose to comment, I have replied to the best of my ability. Some of the most well known mediums mocked the art. Time will tell. Best wishes to you.
@GTMarmot 2 жыл бұрын
@@gretchenmeisner As long as it's profitable, who cares if anyone mocks? Best wishes to you too.
@gretchenmeisner Жыл бұрын
Thank you@@GTMarmot
@glensalt7460 2 жыл бұрын
Which bible do you use in a spiritual church.
@gretchenmeisner Жыл бұрын
Some speakers may offer information from a bible but it is not central to the religion of Spiritualism.
@jaceymarshspiritmediumintu7109 2 жыл бұрын
@Paul Jacobs....Jean Basset...the best address I've ever heard came from her. I so admired her philosophy and addresses.
@lightworker1485 2 жыл бұрын
[PS; 2007 I begin to Notice Druids, start looking, there and there. 2008 in total secrecy as top Spiritualist Light Worker all Earth for 4 years already, approached 4 highest Druids all Earth and said "I Approve Druid Religion. I am Proud all you have done, such a short time. Will from time to time, aid and assist as full blown Light Worker. Lastly meekly asked "May I become a Druid, Please?" Well 1 was Busy, Arch Druid, off to new Druid School Ireland to Lead and Teach. King Arthur, Emma, and 1 Shaman / Druid S England trained I exclusively in 2+ year Deep Immersion Training. Skipped right past Bard, Warrior, to Priest ,and as need be Wizard, Warlock, Sorcerer, depending on What Frequency ranges of Druids I running and Application, Mood. 14 Years been Druid Wizard. ] *** Light Workers: To Understand LWs first one must understand Modern Non-Xian Spiritualists, as this ONLY Religion on Earth Capable producing Light Workers, Only Humans with Bodies and Minds Suitable for Light Worker Soul/Spirit imprintment. Very Important; if you are a Christian or Muslim especially you have not a snowballs chance in Hawaii of ever being a Light Worker. Your very Belief and Dogma are albatrosses around your neck. Faith, Blind Foolishness, Prayer, Epic Stupidity. Quite frankly most high level Spiritualists and Light Workers, especially Men Do Not Believe in God, we are "Technical Atheists". If you do not Understand Spiritualist, if you can not pass Metaphysics 101, not a Light Worker, not even a Spiritualist. Since LW is highest most Elite Rank & Authority, Ultimate Power; "No-One Outranks a Light Worker, not even another Light Worker". Light Worker CODE, Unbroken well over 5,000 years, if can not follow code, to the letter just proving "Not A Light Worker, Not Now, Not Then, Noto Ever" will you be a LW and pull such a "Stunt". "No Light Worker has Ever Interfered With or Judged another Light Worker especially if acting in Official Capacity, Has Permission, or Has Gotten Permissions". Crystal Clarity if I am OOB; for Example and casting Magic / Miracles; it not matter if I am healing 1,000 or 1, Protecting a Person, a State or whole Nation, Continent. Not even when God Says "Light Worker 1, Go Smote Johm MaCarthur", no Light Worker may say a word, think a thought ,express an emotion, big no-no. Now they can Give Thumbs Up, Nod, Approve even Assist, but zero interferement or JUDGEMENT, ZERO for we Light Workers, especially when Miracles and or OOB. *** Everyone walking through door at Spiritualist Metaphysical School, like See of Tranquility, is Our Framework, Our Foundation, and all it really does is Qualify you to take Other Courses. Metaphysics 101, in Order; Meditation, Protection, Healing. You will Master these as a Kindergartner, or else. With weeks of beginning Metaphysics 101 you WILL BE Channeling Healing Energy to 24 people at once, activating and deactivating each one individually, 24 at same time, bare minimum to pass Metaphysics 100. Without this can't cast Magic, can't develop Power, can't develop MIND. Metaphysics 101, Kindergarten Clearly States "Never Say or Think These Words while Channeling Healing Energy: Stop, End, Send, No, Don't, Won't, Can't, Not, Never, Shan't, Dam, Damn." These Words Weaken and Harm YOU; and in some cases will HARM Others too, not matter you call it or designate it "Healing Energy", you not Understand Spirit Speak, not Know Syntax no meaning there, Adverbs and lesser degree Adjectives merely confuse Spirit, makes your Miracle FUBAR! WRONG! *** Now whenever anyone says "I am a Light Worker. I am Sending Healing Energy"= WRONG< WRONG< WRONG, not a LW; not even a Spiritualist, nobody, just weakening yourself and harming others, all you are doing. What you are really saying when utter "Sending Energy"; especially as "A Light Worker"= "Light Worker 1, come kick my ass please, send 10,000,000 volt lightning strike through my 7th chakra, Pretty Please, Mr. Light Worker". Btw can and will, try me. Those are OUR Techniques you are frcking up, little man. Only Dozens, 100s Light Workers All Earth, ever period, even now! Better chance of being a US Astronaut. Curious; around civil war time, near 1860 was 17 Million Spiritualists, out of 56 Million USA Citizens! 30% of all USA. We normally not officially "Political" all except for Underground Railroad, Civil War FIGHT versus Slavery, Women's Suffragette / Rights, then Civil Rights. LOOK at pics from any these eras, front lines, look close, ALL SPIRITUALISTS! Power People, get shit Done, son. BTW there are NO Spiritualists or Light Workers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, very few in Florida, isolated, all by themselves, Cassadega, 30 miles inland from Daytona/Ormond, but those are HYBRID; Christian Spiritualists, very nice people but Light Weights verses Non-Xian Spiritualists. All that name means "Christian Spiritualist" is that They Came To US; Learned Our Basics, nothing more, then went out and formed their own religions, which they are free to do, no price tags with our knowledge, lessons, no expectations. 2022 equal to or less than 100,000 Spiritualists ALL USA; 0.0003 % of Population, 170 years ago, 30%! ROFL But still most Powerful Religion and Beings currently Earth. ONLY 1 being can duplicate, replicate ALL a LW does, a Full Blown, Fully Actualized/Activated Cherokee type SHAMAN; and you will NEVER BE THAT! Period, Never be us, too complex you to understand. Beginner Spiritualist / Metaphysics, then Intermediate, then Advanced. Then Metaphysical Master [ PS Metaphysical Master = Complete and Total Mastery of Mental, Mastery of Spirit. Light Worker then shifts to All Spirit, All Universe. New Domain, Area of Knowledge, Expertise. ] If very lucky then, [ I was already Teacher, Director Facilitator Expert Swedish Massage. Teacher of most advance Courses at See Of Tranquility, Before LW Consideration. 27 N 13th St Allentown PA USA, Circa 1971-1998. ] considered for Elite LW training testing verification, brutal; is called "The Impossible Test" and truly is Impossible, NO HUMAN can pass this test! Is whole point, even I with all training this life and100's lifetimes and to HAD TO DO Impossible 2 or 3 times minimum Passing Light Worker test, like Black Belt it is 100% or Fail! When Fully Verified as Specific Type Light Worker Unique Occurrence; Summoned Directly unto Spirit, and hear "You are now granted full Karmic Immunity". Now no matter what I do in life, even if accidentally smote 1 or 1,000 even, No Damage to I, no harm, no debt, no incursion, no "Imbalance". This is vitally important to Light Workers and HOW we are able to save so many lives, especially in middle of night, when we "Just Appear", 1-3 of us at a Dying Persons Bedside. Quick Diagnose, if can cure, cure, if not then Help Transition other side. Very Important we Have Karmic Immunity. Light Workers current modern day Mission: "To End Karma, As It Currently Exists, Here On Earth!" You Moros, especially the Hindus and Christians are frking things up royally, taking a simple Universal Balancing Equation and turned into Literal Monster, harming others, over and over down the line, growing and growing in power, unmitigated You harm 1, he harms 1 or 2. They harm 2 or 4, they harm 4 or 8, they harm 8 or 16, they harm 16 or 32..,. and so on. Whenever someone says "Karma Will Get Him!" Just turned into "MONSTER". Shamans / LWs Only Beings on Earth can help you with "Karma". No Christian, No Muslim and most certainly No Hindu can help you. A Light Worker or Spiritualist will Bitch Slap you for doing that. ALL need know about "KARMA"="Leave It Alone!" If have serious or even not so serious Karmic Debt, or Karmic Like, the Non-Xian Spiritualist Light Workers and Cherokee Shaman only 1s to help. No Christian, No Muslim, most definitely No Hindu can! *** NOW ALL Earthlings, Humans Know if someone Utters words "I am a Light Worker. I am Sending Healing Energy!" Will Automatically Know, Not a Light Worker, Spiritualist, Magician, Miracle Worker any type, if cannot pass Metaphysics 101, period. Now you also weakening and harming yourselves in process and at times others as well. See if you take Basic Energy, later Healing Clinic Classes, you will KNOW, Even when Performing "Healing Energy" Correctly, all on any human need do, for whatever reason is to "detect" Healing Energy Incoming and merely Alter its Form and Purpose, now it is ricocheting inside them like a bullet, causing massive damage. They are Committing Suicide, By Your Hands! Any Healer or Light Worker will IMMEDIATELY Terminate or Cease Energy Flow then, once rather rapidly "detected". If Not Aware what subject doing with Energy, HOW DARE YOU CAST ENERGY, SPELLS, MIRACLES??? Why you Harm Self, weaken self, harm others, direct result YOUR Activities??? Why Allowing Expression of Love be turned into Ultimate Weapon of Destruction, Death? Love and Light Light Worker 1 18 years, Light Worker 27, Spiritualist Teacher 29 years. Travelling OOB since age 2, 52 years! Seth Speaks, read in full age 11, 43 years ago! *** BTW; Modern Spiritualists "HAVE NO DOGMA!". If you have or need; God, Jesus, Mary, Virgins, Virgin Births, Dying for ones Sins, Faith, Belief, Prayer.... inside you are NOT a Modern Spiritualist and no way shall you ever be a Light Worker. Why would We ever rely on "God" or Jesus for Anything? Remember Jesus Is Light Worker, I am Light Worker = Same Abilities Knowledge Skills Data Access POWER. What one can do, all can do, so if I Light Worker 1 am alive now, why you ask ANYTHING of Jesus??? or Buddha, Merlin, Vishnu, Iannana, Sitting Bull, Moses, etc... ALL US!
@x.noybic7007 2 жыл бұрын
Well damn
@patbest7057 2 жыл бұрын
So glad found your video gmother spiritualist church in England decades ago I walked in 1980s heavily pregnant and lady didn't want me to stay as she said pregnancy invites the devil I was shaken and comforted by a nice lady but the damage was done would like to go again and not have one bad experience throw me
@drtonyhaworth6287 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Gretchen can you please tell me if you do long distance readings ? As I’m in wales Uk,,,, and would like to have a reading from you please..
@gretchenmeisner 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, I offer readings through the internet on Zoom. You can reach me at www.gretchenmeisner.com gretchenmeisner.com/schedule-a-service
@drtonyhaworth6287 2 жыл бұрын
@@gretchenmeisner Thank you for the reply Gretchen I will hopefully be in touch I will need to find zoom ….
@drtonyhaworth6287 2 жыл бұрын
@@gretchenmeisner hi I usually use what’s app …..do you have that at all Gretchen ?
@drtonyhaworth6287 2 жыл бұрын
What would you suggest is the right amount of time to buy as 5 mins does not seem long ?
@drtonyhaworth6287 2 жыл бұрын
Gretchen please can you tell me if the spiritualist church is the same in Great Britain as in all parts of the world …?. Could you tell me if you do readings ? And how do you join ? Regards Anthony Ps…I really want to join a church I’m very interested and now have more time to study and learn..
@gretchenmeisner Жыл бұрын
The churches in Great Britain are very similar to those in the USA. Principles are different but same intent.
@adalineproulx9773 2 жыл бұрын
I feel a strong pull towards spiritualism. Ive always been spiritually minded and have had communication from loved ones who have passed. Today working with a 101 yr old lady she brought up spiritualism and here i am looking into it. I was raised catholic and am christian. My first love is God, but i am very spiritual and believe in life after death.
@phoebestow5123 Жыл бұрын
Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection was enough for us to have a relationship with God! I'm praying that you are led to a Christian church. Maybe try a Holy Spirit-filled church, like a pentecostal church. Be careful of the demonic and may God bless you <3
@stellacarrier8341 2 жыл бұрын
Fortunately my work schedule allows me to eventually start attending a spiritualist church service to accelerate my spiritual evolution and I am glad that I found this video on the spiritualist church for further information
@Simon-pl2zi 3 жыл бұрын
Excellent thank you
@kujjitafari8509 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Really excited to go to my first service!!!! 🙏🏽💕
@harunabdulrazak4299 3 жыл бұрын
Spiritualism is nice. I might visited the local spiritualist church.
@lovelyheart4883 3 жыл бұрын
Your video is great...
@wingspparow6048 4 жыл бұрын
Do you have to be a sertain age for this
@gretchenmeisner 4 жыл бұрын
Hello, All ages are welcome at services.
@aphanez Жыл бұрын
Probably below the age of reasoning consciousness, maybe 6months of age or younger.
@lunalea1250 4 жыл бұрын
I was going thru some troubles, asked for divine guidance, looked up and saw a sign for a Spiritualist Church, I attended a Sunday service and was chosen for a reading, this lovely lady knew/said things that she couldn't know unless talking to my mom, will always attend to learn, grow and feed my spirit!🙏💚💐🦋
@gretchenmeisner 2 жыл бұрын
That's wonderful, exactly what inspired me to record this video!
@lunalea1250 2 жыл бұрын
@@gretchenmeisner Heartfelt gratitude, I am still attending services, healing and getting help.☮💚⭐
@michaelevans4985 4 жыл бұрын
Desperate to find a spiritual group in England if anyone can help ??
@gretchenmeisner 4 жыл бұрын
There are churches in the UK listed at www.snu.org.uk. That is the link for USA users. If it doesn't work, please search Spiritualists' National Union. Best wishes
@michaelevans4985 4 жыл бұрын
@@gretchenmeisner Gretchen thank you so much xxx. God bless you x
@livingbyfaith5280 4 жыл бұрын
Hey ,Would love your comments on this channel. kzbin.info/aero/PLl4P7dboyOtVxWbED9Ozi4aPKyR8qS0cv
@heavenlyangelsmith2205 4 жыл бұрын
Sign is you find a feather from your angel a white one floating in the Air
@adalineproulx9773 2 жыл бұрын
This has happened many times this past year.
@muchlovetoall7966 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you...you explained very well. I'm glad I ran across your video. I really feel it's time for me to go and experience for myself. Much love to all💞🤗
@michaelevans4985 4 жыл бұрын
I love your user name. Xx!!!. God bless you x
@dianaszydel5944 5 жыл бұрын
very informative and enlightening!
@cazbantu4233 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks, this makes it easier understand about spiritualism.
@bellamaria1720 5 жыл бұрын
I accidentally walked into a Spiritualist church in Scotland, on the night of Halloween. I went in skeptical.. I was told several names and things that made no sense to me at the time but as months went on the names and everything that she had predicted for me came true. The woman who was Clairvoyant was able to read symbols in my mind after the Spiritual healing which was clearly esp. It was a deeply spiritual experience for me. Breathtaking 💖
@michaelevans4985 4 жыл бұрын
Bella you are blessed. Do you still attend this church?
@lunalea1250 2 жыл бұрын
It was no 'accident'...
@albertafarmer8638 8 ай бұрын
There's nothing to it, it's demonic and therefore dangerous! Please know that contacting the dead or any spirits is strictly forbidden in the Holy Bible because only demons (fallen angels!) will answer! Please know that ghosts, aliens, BF and the likes are demons who can appear in any form (ghosts, ufo's, dead people, bigfoot, elves, orbs and the likes) in order to distract humans from the living GOD. Born again Christians have the authority to rebuke them in the name of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! How to become born again? Thank JESUS for paying for your sins on the cross and HIS resurrection on the 3rd day!!! It must come from the bottom of your heart and don't forget, JESUS is GOD, see John 1! Don't give demons a foothold and don't contact them, the Bible strictly forbids occultism and spiritism. Please check out this link and get rid of all occult items and practices. Check out the occult objects list online. Greetings from Canada
@vivianp5962 5 жыл бұрын
I cant join a spiritual church. Theres no child care :( or at least here in St.Louis, Mo.
@missylee3022 4 жыл бұрын
My church doesn't have child care either but my little one is accepted and adored. I bring a bag of toys and everyone helps. Mom's shouldn't join any group where children aren't embraced.
@missylee3022 4 жыл бұрын
When he gets older and my life is less crazy I would like to start a children's ministry.
@jwhippet8313 4 жыл бұрын
Maybe join the church, start a child care ministry, and if you have one or two others join, you'll have several services as a worship participant for every one you have in service to others.
@gretchenmeisner 4 жыл бұрын
My advice is to contact local Spiritualist churches and let them know you need this service. If enough people contact them, they may find a volunteer to hold a children's lyceum during the service. There are also online services available on Sundays at 3:00 pm EST at www.snui.org.uk . They occasionally open a service to the public. Otherwise, there is an annual membership fee but well worth it since all events/lectures/classes/services on the calendar are included.
@aphanez Жыл бұрын
Consider it a lucky escape and do something more useful with your time, like knitting.
@christinenagle6046 5 жыл бұрын
Nice Job from a Beautiful Spirit
@MrZeuss000 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so very much Gretchen , absolutely beautiful
@joyceparhiala3209 5 жыл бұрын
Beautifully done Gretchen, you definitely radiate a peaceful vibe xo
@mwilliamanderson 5 жыл бұрын
Nice explanation Gretchen! Makes me want to attend a service.
@wahkiowenhomewindprayer2492 7 жыл бұрын
Please check out my channel , owen home Lah view sweet sister Glenn
@wahkiowenhomewindprayer2492 7 жыл бұрын
Hi gretchen Good job on the video and everything You look so bright