How to Make LEGO into Punk
2 ай бұрын
@rhydianrogers2485 22 сағат бұрын
The vex would eradicate the tyranids. The vex are the embodiment of entropy. They are primarily machines and so don’t have the biomass the tyranids need, clashes would almost always be a net loss for tyranids. Which is why tyranids don’t bother the tau(too many mechs and railguns) and practically run whenever necrons appear. The organic part of vex, the radiolaria(milk) is a load of bacteria that carry a very high powered electric current. It’s not something you can really mess with. Before the planet mercury was a garden world, the vex killed everything and converted it all by pumping radiolaria into it. Tyranids would struggle to digest and process it since it would be doing the same to them. In big enough quantities radiolaria can easily use the electric current to effectively dissolve their own metal frames. The psychic nature of the hive mind would prove troublesome at first glance but remember that they simulate psions which have psychic powers as well. The closest thing to light and dark in 40K is the warp (it’s quite close to darkness being linked to consciousness) and while the tyranids fight it and can suppress it they don’t use the powers of chaos, they’re psychic powers kinda isolated from the illogical forces of the warp. Eventually even the warp would become vex as the warp is shaped by the emotions and thoughts of creatures, so if it’s all vex it would become shaped by vex. Another thing to point out in terms of adaptability, the tyranids actively evolve to the situation all the time in 40K and most are combat oriented. The kicker is in destiny the vex don’t, all vex frames we encounter are construction, research or maintenance models. And they haven’t needed to change, failsafe mentions in the centuries of looking at vex they haven’t changed. All struggles against vex have been against effectively vex civilians. There is one vex enemy that is designed for combat, that’s wyverns which are one of the most difficult and lethal enemies in destiny 2 gameplay. The final nail is their conversion. Tyranids feed on biomass, it needs to be biomass and organic. The vex convert ALL matter, they can convert stars. Eventually they even do what the flood does which is become ingrained into the very fabric of the universe. Eventually the entire universe is just a simulation. Cause they’re machines people don’t realise just how eldritch the vex are, they consume universes.
@alastair4839 Күн бұрын
So I am not sure about the Destiny world - but one thing that is missed about Space Marines (in this vid) - is that they are very tactically cohesive (they call each other battle-brothers), and work very well as a team to take down enemies - many have been working together for centuries. It looks like the Guardians are more individuals who sometimes work together (correct if wrong) - this is one of their main strengths, so it should be taken into account. That being said, I have really nothing to say on the Destiny side - I never played that game and don't know the lore.
@dark.flames8 Күн бұрын
One kill with the Sunshot and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM WILL EXPLODE WITH THE FORCE OF A SUPERNOVA (Got the info of a lorepage)
@orionthanathos8861 Күн бұрын
Darkseid will destroy Warhammer 40000 universe!
@thoughtfuldoomguy Күн бұрын
Burp made me immediately turn the video off.
@punishedsneed Күн бұрын
Omni-Man gets absolutely fucking DIFFED by a Primarch. Guilliman, man to man, fucking slaughters him.
@brendandonohue2398 Күн бұрын
How? No seriously how The man one shot an entire continent sized rock casually He no diffs
@punishedsneed Күн бұрын
@brendandonohue2398 I don't think you understand primarchs, dude. They're fucking savages. The Khan solos an entire ork WAAAAGH! by himself. Guilliman fights in the vacuum of space with no breather gear. Any primarch with psyker powers absolutely kills ANY viltrumite.
@esmolol4091 Күн бұрын
If someone can cross the whole galaxy in a few days, this being much, muuuch faster than the speed of light.
@perrycarters3113 Күн бұрын
The Vex absolutely WASH the Tyranids and it's not even close. Oh, sure, the 'Nids will wipe out Vex frames by the millions, but there is ALWAYS more Vex. They have entire timelines where they have turned entire universes into factories to mass-produce more Vex and they cross timelines the way you or I might cross the street. The Infinite Forest, a Vex simulation engine, is basically an entire subset of pocket realities where the Vex have created infinite simulations to run at once. As soon as they start simulating Tyranid tactics, the 'Nids are cooked. They don't have paracausality to protect them from Vex simulation, so within an extremely brief window of time, every single 'Nid capability is documented and prepared for. Yes, including their ability to rapidly evolve. And that's not even discussing the fact that Radiolaria completely and utterly counters the Tyranid's capacity to consume a biosphere. Any world that has had Radiolaria introduced into it is forever off the menu for Tyranid consumption, or they risk infecting their fleet with Vex matter and becoming Vex themselves.
@endtrap101 Күн бұрын
7:48 abaddon the despoiler fits this description pretty well
@Charles-wu3hw Күн бұрын
Viltrumites' greatest threat is not actually the Warp. It's Trazyn. He 100% would capture at least some of them for his collection. Not to mention Necron tech in general. I'm not sure but I think Titans from Titanfall might just get rundown'd from the sheer number of smaller Imperium titans and Knights
@shadowcarthage Күн бұрын
Sorry we have to disagree on the divers here. and it's for two simple facts. The weaponry they can load up with and the stims. sure that bolter will take an arm off but a stim will do the same thing that an Astarte's blood can. not to mention they take on enemys as well if not more armored than the standard astartes on a regular basis. and this is without mentioning the mechs which while vulnerable are very much capable of taking out an Astarte's. also have you seen the hits a helldiver can survive. they can be hit with a tank cannon round and manage to shrug it off using medium armor after being ragdolled what a good 20-30M. So Las cannon equivalent hits taken and survived.
@lsynno Күн бұрын
There are a few weapons in 40K created by the emperor that could kill Kratos... you'd need the Lion or someone really badass to wield them though. I don't think poor Robot Guerillaman is up to it.
@zero_karma0496 Күн бұрын
Counter: when something drinks vex milk, 1: they don’t maintain any part of what they were once the process is complete, and 2: it is literally drinking the vex themselves, the vex are microscopic entities that live inside the vex milk, the bodies you fight in game are just convenient metal constructs. Also, the vex that we have fought, weren’t even made for battle, Minotaurs in particular were literally made for construction, and they pretty regularly overpower guardians. So I think it’s significantly more likely for the vex to completely devour the tyranid swarm and completely convert them into vex as they torture their minds for eternity.
@Psycho3678 Күн бұрын
The idea of kratos fighting something like Khorne is a match thatd end universes
@bertyamgeebler1865 Күн бұрын
Godhand vs Chaos Gods? Abbadon/Archaeon vs Griffith? Berzerk could have some cool ones with the extreme wacky powers some of the apostles and such have. Funnily enough Guts is probably kinda crap vs 40k but there are some very strong characters.
@바보Queen Күн бұрын
i'd like to see jedi or sith vs destiny guardians.. that would be more close comparison, battle of space magic
@zshark365 Күн бұрын
Guardians, Space Marines are just Cabal with human appearance.
@dash4800 Күн бұрын
Its kind of cringe to hear destiny players talk about "the lore" of a game where you get beat repeatedly by run of the mill enemies. Yes, the lore says they are ultra powerful, but its completely undermined by literally everything that happens in the games. Also, 40k isn't OP because of super weapons or ultra powerful beings. There are obviously god tier beings, but the dangers are because the infinite numbers of enemies and the fact that every single kill simply feeds the armies of Chaos. Space Marines aren't even close to the strongest beings in 40k. There are regular ass units of other armies that can just rip them in half like nothing. And those things exist in infinite legions. 40k sucks so bad because you cannot win. No matter how powerful you are you will get whittled away my shear numbers.
@Dizastermaster. Күн бұрын
What would happen? Anything on the wrong end of that Guardian's barrel will have a very bad day. And I mean anything.
@TgamerBio5529 Күн бұрын
Helldivers 2 would definitely have the technology advantage, numbers since they multi planetary and have a range of weapons which the COG doesn’t.
@dungcheeseMORK999 Күн бұрын
Nice usage of Plague Tale: Requiem's soundtrack.
@Buster-McTunder Күн бұрын
It’s actually (originally) from Innocence but good catch tho!
@SonOfSparda03 Күн бұрын
i dont think a political streamer has much of a chance against 40k
@pssct Күн бұрын
about 10 strongest viltrumites shitting on primarchs without sweat
@StarGazer2gaming Күн бұрын
Here is an idea that can be a challenge too. I know people like to mock Star Wars when put up against 40k, but here is the challenge: You are in charge of a Star Wars faction of your choosing and you must lead them to winning scenario in 40K or as close to it as possible. Take in account the advantages that Star Wars has such as hyperspace, and see how you would command them to victory, if you can.
@louisnall3102 Күн бұрын
The Separatists would be my choice. -First hope is spawning in Imperium Nihlus, as it would be even more difficult for armies to be directed my way without the Astronomicon. -second, so many battle droids could be pumped out it’s not even funny.
@amandadavenport7603 Күн бұрын
F you big hammer is my fav part of the vid
@thenameless525 Күн бұрын
i think you forgot about Genstealler of the tyranids wich is an infection form that infect species and slowly corrupt civilasation or else from within their own without realising it , is a Genstealler could make its way up in the hive and guide the way for the Tyranids to let them in , don't give alot of chance to the Destiny hive since Tyranids have been proved to evolve and adapt faster then anything anyone can predict , it only take a few tyranids grunt to feast onto a new being , the Gens and DNA information is then send via the hivemind to the tyranids living ship organism and they in return already begin to produce new unite with the gen and DNA aquired to counter
@SmoketySm0ke Күн бұрын
Seems like half the pros on the guardian side are based in either memes or vaguely-defined lore flavor text. Ignoring that, there are two major points that I think weren't considered. 1: There are WAY more than 1 mill Space Marines. The number you referenced is how many the codex astartes (basically the imperial book of law for matters regarding space marines) allows for. MANY chapters only follow its mandates loosely if at all. 2: Every space marine has undergone years of intensive, indoctrinated military training. 1 million soliders vs 1 million adventurers (this is not an insult. Most guardians are more interesting characters for this reason) is going to make a difference, even if the adventurers are better equipped. I know the 40k side doesn't need my help, but these are pretty important factors to consider imo.
@notcensored3917 Күн бұрын
An atomizing ray isn't working on a Viltrumite atom Eve literally tried that on Conquest and all it did was burn off his skin lol
@AllFather_1 Күн бұрын
Viltrumites aren't immune to pathogens but just extremely resistant (their race got almost wiped out by one after all) so tbh i think the imperium could take them down using bio-weapons or in the worse case scenario, the life eater virus. Maybe phosphex would work too (its basically a semi-sentient phosphore weapon on giga-steroids)
@louisnall3102 Күн бұрын
The Grandfather would do the job.
@green_in_black Күн бұрын
It feels like if the two factions merged, they'd be IMO an analog to the Phyrexians from Magic: the Gathering lore.
@iKnownot999 Күн бұрын
Tau artillery encampents arent read to see hunters and warlocks skating across the globe towards them
@notcensored3917 2 күн бұрын
Master Chief uppercuts a Primaris and their head falls off fr
@Captain_Yata 2 күн бұрын
The Tyranids are how I imagine Light if left unchecked. Pure, unlimited evolution
@umocnicdiscographydictumri4578 Күн бұрын
you got stuff mixed up because you just described the vex. The vex arrived from a time before paracausality existed from a time before time where they evolved for an eternity to be shaped into what they are. You cannot out evolve the vex because they are perfection in a world like warhammer where everything can be calculated.
@010Imperium 2 күн бұрын
Hello destiny lore nerd here. So the vex… the only reason Destiny is a thing is cause we have the powers of a god basically, being able to make and unmake like Jesus. Otherwise the vex win, all the time. Let’s say the T’s give the Vex a run for their money, the vex would simply construct vex minds whose entire goal is to fight and win against the T’s. The vex could quite simply travel to the beginning of the T’s and simply delete the first everyone’s, thus the T’s never existed in the first place. Vex are just broken.
@jacklennox2358 Күн бұрын
You are not a Destiny lore nerd. None of what you said is even remotely correct.
@jacklennox2358 Күн бұрын
The Vex cannot travel back in time and simply delete things from existence - if they could, they would’ve done that to the Cabal and Fallen.
@010Imperium Күн бұрын
@@jacklennox2358 the vex can not do that anymore since paracausal forces exist, before the introduction of light and dark, that is what happened all the time, hence the Gardener introducing such forces make the vex now obsolete. So while you are right, not a hundred percent right. While fighting the T’s the vex could not be stopped in anyway shape or form.
@010Imperium Күн бұрын
@@jacklennox2358 p.s. I know the dedicated vex minds is correct due to saint-14 having his very own vex mind that would capture his light. Meaning that even with overpowered space magic, the vex can still dish out some pain.
@jacklennox2358 Күн бұрын
@@010Imperium The Vex were merely the last ones standing at the end of each cycle of the game, there’s nothing to suggest they were erasing the other species from time.
@Deluxe-wb8vy 2 күн бұрын
No, next question
@Ayto27 2 күн бұрын
Damm. A Vex, tyranid combination sounds terrifying... but my guardian still solos
@illuminatyinc. 2 күн бұрын
@happman06 2 күн бұрын
Vites would easily be killed with an energy sword . I understand regeneration and great exercise, but it's hard to achieve it when the atoms in your body no longer stick together.
@shoulderpyro 2 күн бұрын
Simple answer: no. Chaos. That is all I need to say. As for the vex, an enemy that can see across all time and thus being undefeatable, don't worry. The Imperium is already used to fighting something like that. Hasn't won yet, but can definitely contain it; Kairos.
@EnterTheFenix 2 күн бұрын
Destiny's guardians cant even secure their own planet
@rjdiggs738 2 күн бұрын
Cliff didn’t solely bring this series to height’s on his own. It was the artists, producers, writers animator’s and the devs who all worked together to bring this once amazing series to great new depths. Sadly, those people have all moved on to other projects or left the industry.
@redactedredacted4080 2 күн бұрын
I wouldn’t even say that it’s fascist it’s imperialistic that’s its own set of worms granted but fascism and imperialism are two different forms of government. An emperor cannot be a dictator because the two terms mean different things. What the Empire is a monarchy.
@darkstriker80 2 күн бұрын
Kratos would solo. His ONLY challenge is the actual chaos gods themselves. Same thing for Doom Slayer actually.
@louisnall3102 Күн бұрын
One big challenge for Kratos has nothing to do with combat. How does Kratos travel world to world?