@crossvinburn831 Сағат бұрын
Here is how to get saved and be right with God, who loved us all, for eternal life! 1-Realize that all have sinned before God, in one way or another. Romans 3: 10-12+23 (KJB) 10. "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:" 11."There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God." 12."They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one." 23. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” 2-Realize that God loved us, even as sinners enough to allow Jesus to pay the price for our sins, as a free gift to whosoever accepts it. Romans 5: 8-9+12 (KJB) 8. “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." 9."Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him." 12. “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for all that have sinned:” 3-Confess unto God to ask to be forgiven of your sins, by accepting this freely given gift of forgiveness. 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 (KJB) 1."Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2."By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.” 3."For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;” 4."And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” Romans 10: 9-10+13 (KJB) 9. “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” 10."For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." 13."For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Hebrews 9: 27-28 (KJB) 27."And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:" 28."So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.” Revelation 21: 8 (KJB) "But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.” Romans 6: 23 (KJB) “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (An example of what to pray to God to get saved and forgiven of your sins.) “Dear God, I am a sinner and need saving. I know I’m not good enough to get to heaven and I need you to save me. I need the righteousness of your son, Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus is the Lord, who died, was buried and resurrected so that his precious blood can wash away my sins. I trust in him alone to save me. Nothing else. Not my good works or anything else. Only Jesus. I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
@Kayla-hw5tb 2 сағат бұрын
I only go online just to escape reality, I’m just so lonely at most time and I feel like time is repeating itself. Like my friend group isn’t talking to each other’s and I barely talk to them. I’m on my fucking phone for a reason, its not bc I’m lazy or anything like that, its because I’m fucking lonely all the time and I can’t even be fucking beautiful as my sister is, I TRY SO FUCKING HARD TO BE LIKE THEM but it’ll always make it worse Why the fuck can I be like them? I want to look beautiful as them but I can’t. I hate my body I hate my smile I hate Fucking everything about my body. I want to be happy. I want to be smart but I don’t know why I fucking can’t?! I want to be beautiful. I try so hard and I mean hard to be like my sisters but at this point, I’ll just give up my whole life and accept it.
@scp682thegodofevil6 4 сағат бұрын
everyoone here, i just wanted to let yall know, its fine to be sad, its fine to cry, its fine to aks for help, just know that you dont have to be alone, i will be there for you, when you need it the most, i will be there, when you think the days are darker, i will be there lifting you into my arms, i will do everything in my power to help you to have that one beatiful smile that you had onces when you where a beatiful child, just know that you are amazing, i care about you, if no body else cares or loves you, then i do, i love you as the person you are, i am truly proud of you, i care about you, and the person you become today, i just want you to know, that even in bad days, i will be waiting for you, so you dont think you are alone again..
@_RM99 6 сағат бұрын
When the past makes itself present again
@Breakvan. 6 сағат бұрын
…my self esteem is ruined. I’ve lost all hope for getting a friend to lean on.
@_.STDF._ 6 сағат бұрын
Damm...the image describes how i feel being at the side of my girlfriend, even though i know that she love me dearly, i just feel that am touching a cold, souless marionette that emits words that i can bearly understand, that are more like distant sounds through a deep fog ( yea, i ones love her, but now i feel like this ).
@Fallen-wx5bl 7 сағат бұрын
Sorry for trauma dumping but I just wanted to dump this somewhere not in my head (depressing story) One day I told my adoptive mom about my self harm and why did it is because my biological father left when I was a baby and my biological mother died from overdose after abusing my and trying to kill my baby sister with a pillow and all my adoptive mom said was "man up that's your problem don't put that on other people" after that I died but was still breathing if that makes sense it was only 2 years later and a lot of trying to kill myself did a girl asked to date me and then after she learned what my abusive parents were doing to me is when she yelled at them and let me stay with her and I realized that there's nothing we can do sometime and wanting love and care doesn't make you any less of a man\women it makes you human and if society calls you weak or say their going to take advantage of you because of that then just ignore them I hate when people say the "hero never wins" it's a lie the hero does win.. if he's in the right story
@Magpie_YT 11 сағат бұрын
i'm not deppressed but the fact that you somehow managed to misspell the title from "your" into "you're" which takes even more time, makes me deppressed.
@xosharonxo 13 сағат бұрын
im not happy but i dont know why. the only source of my sadness is gifted kid pressure and me being a big attention seeker. i share more than i know i probably should sometimes, and it just ends with no one doing anything about it. the one person i trusted enough to promise id live and to tell them i sh hates me now. they replaced me in my group of online friends whom i met first. they have every one of my online friends absolutely hating me. but it is my fault, isnt it? for not believing in god, for being an attention seeker, for speaking before thinking, for being alive still ? i dont wanna die, but i have no energy nor will to live anymore. i just want to sleep all day and do nothing. not eat, not shower, not drink water, not get up from bed, not even go online, nothing. i feel sick everytime i eat, but i dont want to throw up. and i dont want to starve myself, knowing ill be binge eating later on, eating every junk food i can. i have no purpose left besides being used for schoolwork.
@zaebaly 2 сағат бұрын
Hey pal. I know it's don't feel right when people left ya, but it's a part of life, like it or not. Nothing lasts forever, everything in this life is "episodes", and the bad ones too. Just try to make sure you getting nice things from that and move on. You're not alone forever, when the time comes you'll find someone to talk with again, your condition rn is not endless, okay? And you said that you "share more than you probably should". Just a friendly reminder: don't try to share about serious problems with someone you don't trust enough, it's dangerous yknow. If you need to talk about it you can reply here i guess. Everything will be fine, good luck. P.S Sorry for bad eng :)
@Mark00266 13 сағат бұрын
My life looks perfectly fine, Loving Parents, Not-Hating Siblings, everything I could ask for, but yet im still so tired and done with it all, school is a living hell and I cannot witstand it anymore, ive been trying, "it will get better soon", its been a year and its gotten worse. There seems to be no end and its only getting worse and I just don't know what to do with myself anymore. I try to put up a smile but its slowly diminishing. I have not cried in a long time, I cant anymore, this is custom and I am living like this forever. I pray this improves eventually... Good luck brothers out here, and sisters
@AletheaStalder 14 сағат бұрын
Eating gum (So i don't have to eat) and wanting to cut while listing. I've been clean for 2 weeks bcause of my parents, but only by force. Don't know why I do this....
@ZackGold-t4w 16 сағат бұрын
💙 Hey, if you're having a hard time right now, remember you're not facing it alone. If you want to talk, I'm here. 💙 Stay Strong. 💙
@hotgluelover 19 сағат бұрын
uh why did i click om this im not even depressed
@memory.3015 20 сағат бұрын
I’m a victim of COCSA (teen counts right?) , and I hate that I can’t tell my parents about it because both me and the person who did it are girls. They would probably just laugh and be like “Oh that’s how girls are with their friends!” She did it to me in pure fucking public. In class. I don’t know if anyone noticed, but they would probably assume it’s consensual. I hate it. I feel so dirty.
@pc_gamer2231 21 сағат бұрын
your spelling are wrong
@hazu6437 23 сағат бұрын
I can't relate, my mental health got better and better by the day, i can feel the insanity that depression and my mind brought to me has evolved into something more than just a chain that dragging me down to the abyss. It is now anchored and rested as if I'm back on the surface. And now that I'm no longer sinking, I'm trying my best to be back on my feet to fulfill the promise i made while being dragged down through life. I wanted to change and i tried, not once, it was never in a single day, nor will it be done by tomorrow, but as i wished in a distant past, today it got better. even if only a little bit better. and i hope a better day will come to both of us and it will only start getting better by the time
@yoruu_.Genshin 23 сағат бұрын
Why do i obsessed with a character from game and an anime TvT
@Ize.1Tewa Күн бұрын
Its been a year, i have learned to play the first song in the playlist in my ukelele, hope everyone is doing ok!
@Daino14 Күн бұрын
El algoritmo me trata de decir algo
@karapirolo7689 Күн бұрын
I can't take it anymore I don't know a happy ending for me,is it real?are good endings real?????😭😭
@ARMAJAKO Күн бұрын
I try to keep a cool and fun exterior. And sometimes my feelings slip out. I'm sorry to the people to whom it bothers. I'm trying to be happy and keep a smile for you. I know i should follow the advice i give you but. I'm not strong enough. I want to. I really do. I'm sorry i'm not good enough. I'm sorry i'm not better. I know trying isn't enough and i should just do it. Just please show some love. That's all i ask. I'm sorry i'm dissapointing or don't live up to your expectations. I'm sorry i keep whinning or apologising. I just need some time... i just want to feel a bit of love... sorry if i talk to much. That's just how i am. Sorry if i'm boring... i don't feel like myself. I dont know what to say...
@Vibeplace_4life Күн бұрын
My family is messed up..
@Artic_on_pawz111 Күн бұрын
As a person who suffers from obsessive love disorder,i do find this oddly comforting. But the thing i absolutely hate,is when people fake being obsessed with someone to be quirky,cool,edgy whatever. It genuinely sickens me because its a disorder that you cant control and will never be able to get full control over it. I honestly dont know how i got to talking about this,i guess im just having a bad day. But if you do suffer with this disorder please, please seek professional help ive done it and i believe you can to❤
@A9to Күн бұрын
In the Age of Ancients the world was unformed, shrouded by fog. A land of gray crags, Archtrees and Everlasting Dragons. But then there was Cringe and with cringe came disparity.
@TheMooper27 Күн бұрын
Just remember, none of this really matters. In 100 years, no one will know that you existed. You're here for a brief moment, then you'll fade away. So do what you want with the little time you have. Enjoy the little things, be kind, and don't get caught. I'll see you back in the void. ⚫
@Therian-v1p 2 күн бұрын
Who needs a hug? 👇🏻
@Therian-v1p 2 күн бұрын
Who needs a hug I’m best at it!❤ 👇🏻
@Strxberry- 2 күн бұрын
you know it’s good when it has childish gambino
@JoFo_music 2 күн бұрын
The amount of views on a video with this title is concerning :/ idk if “you’re not alone” makes me feel better or worse
@crazysquirrel18 2 күн бұрын
I just found out my crush is dating someone
@Koaru-e6i 2 күн бұрын
To my parents: I can't help my executive dysfunction...please don't call me lazy, I'm doing my best! I know I'm failing school, the work is hard and I don't understand. Yes, I love you! Why can't you see that? I'm trying, I'm trying, I'M TRYING, I'M SORRY!
@Akisha89 2 күн бұрын
I hate every part of me
@JPM888 2 күн бұрын
0:01 empieza mi hora sad de noche
@fnaffangirl-i4h 2 күн бұрын
im quiting so im trying not to cry
@M-ub3gi 2 күн бұрын
it started to go downhill when they cancelled shrek 5..... maybe july 2026
@RØSÉ_BRÃWL-stars 2 күн бұрын
Unfortunately I almost committed su!cide at a young age and I was bullied all my life and I have family issues and my mental health is just sh*t I just feel...empty and numb like a little toy people can rip and scribble on and judge.....but it's too late....I'm already mentally hurt and I can't heal I have bottled up my tears for more than 10 f*cking years I can't heal....and I never will....cause it never stops...I'm slowly going insane....I'm becoming a physco path
@doesfireburn8532 2 күн бұрын
Have you ever woken up and be geniunely annoyed that you exist ? The sheer dread that you woke up? I had that 2 times and it was the most terrifying thing that ever happened in my life because it took about 20 minutes till it went away. My body felt so heavy and numb Never had it since but cant help but feel like i stood at the edge of the abyss a small taste of what true depression feels like. My aunt had it too, she was totally overworked and was afraid to get out of bed for real scary reasons.
@richalexander1138 2 күн бұрын
Yea it’s like a promethean curse or something. Waking up the same existence
@Athena_cabin2 3 күн бұрын
Its not a POV anymore
@jxck_4q 3 күн бұрын
when your mental health is getting low but your grammar is getting lower 🙏🙏
@Angery_Octoling 3 күн бұрын
I’m 19. Struggling to find a job. I have terrible anxiety which makes it even worse. Therapy doesn’t help. I live with my parents. I’ve been through deep loss. What I mean by that is, back in 17th of april 2019. I lost my aunty. She was Like my second mum. Her passing broke me beyond belief. And I still haven’t recovered fully. I haven’t recovered enough to have confidence. And ever since then…life has been a downward spiral. I missed so much school. Then lock down came. I gained weight which I can’t seem to lose no matter what I do. I pushed people away. So damn many friends I miss so much yet pushed away and one specifically named Chloe. The best Tomboy best friend you could ever ask for. And now? She’s gone. And it was my fault. No one elses. I can’t even say sorry since last time I saw them was 2019. I miss school life. I dropped out of college because it was the most depressing shit ever. I couldn’t take it no more and no one liked me there. But understand. Im quiet. I keep to myself and am utterly boring. I miss how I was in school. The complete opposite. I don’t understand how the friends I still have even stick with me….hell…I don’t know if they are anymore. They really only message me when I message them. Only my cousin seems to be keeping up with me. I don’t help myself. I could fix this. Be happy. Be outgoing. But I can’t. I physically can’t. I can at home. I can hide it well enough. But well enough to go out into the world? Nope. I always think the worst. Always think of the worst and you can never be disappointed. What’s worse is that in 2020. I figured out I was transgender. All the signs through life. The jokes Chloe made. It was all there but I only learnt what they all meant on 2020. Just when I was starting to recover….I find out I’m trans. I mean hell, I always get called the opposite gender anyway. But I never feel Like it. And that makes this whole situation harder. Not only that’s my family don’t Like the lgbtq. So wahoo. So? How do I fix? Get a job. Move out. Transition. But I can’t do anything unless I have a job. That’s all I need. And I’m struggling. I hate myself. Everyone i know has a jobs and i don’t. I hate it.
@wambone 3 күн бұрын
i cant cry. i want to but i cant. i just cant anymore. im such a loser. i hided my sadness so much that i cant even feel my tears running down my face. i just want to cry again.
@Ying-YangChing-Chong-h3k 4 күн бұрын
I also hate myself it just feels like everyone hates me but they act like they like me but my best friends they make me happy I always forget about how I hate me I always fake smile and I hurt myself I always cry that no one hears me my real dad left my mom and he took money from her and left that day I was 3 years old I hate my dad now 11 years now he always talks about us when we are not calling him he always talks and says how bad we are and how noisy we are now I have a stepdad and my mom has changed she is happy but ik she is still heart broken she always shouts at us and then starts to cry I always comfort her but at school I always feel that everyone is looking at me and then they talk about me bad things and I always then distract myself with my best friends bc they make me really happy but inside me I’m hurt very bad it feels like my family is falling apart. I don’t think anyone is gonna read this but ty for reading this bc it makes me feel better
@playl1stt 4 күн бұрын
im not even sad bro like these comments have worse lives than me. But why am i so sad and ungrateful like why cant i literally just enjoy my life. Im stupid im just another middle schooler, wanna bet half my school attempted too? Like im not even that special so i gotta stop thinking i am. My parents are loving, im only failing one class, i have friends, what else do i need? I guess humans are just machines that want more and more and more and more. Im just a grain of sand on a beach like literally im not that special. Sorry i just like writing down the two voices in my head fighting, ignore this.
@Cookie_Newell0317 4 күн бұрын
10th time being rejected 🥲
@gimdaye 5 күн бұрын
사랑해…………………사랑해…… 널 너무 사랑해서……….. 나중에라도못죽을거같애,,,,, 아아…..아…….
@gimdaye 5 күн бұрын
엄마 미안해
@くせセシきて 5 күн бұрын
"Stop crying" "Why are you eating all the food?" "Can you stop?" "You’re annoying." "Hush for a moment, I have a headache by you." "You’re racist.” "Why aren’t you eating?" "Listen to me" "When do you ever stop talking?" "You’re so fat" "Can you lose weight?" "You’re such a nerd" "And they say you’re depressed..” "You’re the worst son.” "Wipe your tears and go to school." "Crybaby" "You’re so weird" Came out of my own parents mouth.
@YXRIIQ 2 күн бұрын
The fact that I’ve been told all these by my friends is funny :3
@Qimop-er8jn 5 күн бұрын
My life doesn’t feel normal anymore because of anxiety. It makes me feel like I’m dying. I just wish I could go back to the happy days where I was confident and not fearful but now I can’t even sleep
@Qimop-er8jn 5 күн бұрын
I can’t have a normal life because of my anxiety. I just wish I could go back to being happy and confident
The story I told my friends Weeks ago.. I told my friends "I'm really.... Tired..." and they froze... seconds later they started laughing... I wondered what I did wrong... they said "Your only saying that for attention...". I was in shock. the people that i've known for 4 years... fake. Why did I not notice? Because they were always smiling... My eyes started to fill up with water and I knew if I blinked I would have been screwed. So i just told them "Oh gosh darn... I thought you would Fall for it…" I laughed out.... And I deeply regreted that badly because now they just think i'm fake... Why? -Never give your friends full trust because they can always backstab you whenever. They just have to Find the words.