@snafu2350 7 сағат бұрын
The survey data won't be of any use to you until you Examine it, at which point it'll prolly give you nanites. Vault exchanges can only be done with artefacts/specimens, which you prolly have to excavate (there's a small chance you might find one or be gifted one), & Vaults don't even take all of those: they need to be of specific types. Read the descriptions!
@StephenSilverbeard 6 сағат бұрын
Ty for the info, will take a deeper dive into the subject in the future,
@stephenmoon6644 Күн бұрын
I took out a zirax battleship with the soul crusher in my last re1 playthrough. Sad to see it in that condition. To big for re2.
@StephenSilverbeard Күн бұрын
The Soul Crusher is a serious combat CV, it must of taken a long time to upgrade it.
@stephenmoon6644 Күн бұрын
​@@StephenSilverbearddefinitely end game.
@larsongates7745 Күн бұрын
@@stephenmoon6644 Soul Siphon is even cooler.. basically a Xeno version of the Crusher. And yes its designed for taking down Legacy ships.
@pagansavage5267 Күн бұрын
@stephenmoon6644 I've never used the Soul Crusher but that one there is about 90% plastic blocks. You get almost 4500 plastic blocks and just a few hundred steel blocks out of it.
@stephenmoon6644 Күн бұрын
@@pagansavage5267 Did wonder whether it had all the zeno the original had.
@nikolaimikuszeit3204 Күн бұрын
Love the plan on Sattlement and Frighter. Looking forward to see this happening. Cheers
@larsongates7745 Күн бұрын
I known what you mean about being distracted.. I brought in the Araiguma Conjurer into my RE1 playthrough, mainly so I could learn how to take down Zirax ships. Sunat no problem. Periat .. not watching my shields enough and lost the arty cannon initially, but after repairs went back and killed it. Now I'm having to go and mine Aluminium and copper of all things to make the large heat sinks for the positron turrets, 2000 heatsinks don't last very long.. Does the Makar have both the CPU and the space to mount the 2 thrusters you got? Would be a simple upgrade if it does. There are traders that will buy the tribal furnishings, and Colonist traders will buy Deco, Tech, and Furnishings. Polaris Refinery is an Orbital Station, like Kennex, etc. Sometimes it's on its own, other times it's part of a 'complex'. More likely to find in Polaris space but can be found in neutral systems.
@StephenSilverbeard Күн бұрын
Like the idea of taking down a Sunat, maybe one day. Plan to find out in the next part, hoping removing the small thrusters will make up the difference. If not will have to work towards a CPU upgrade.
@larsongates7745 Күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard All the Zirax ships are much harder in RE2. Can't remember if the Sunat has multiple cores or not. The Cutters as far as I know are still single core.
@pagansavage5267 Күн бұрын
Stay away from anything with a shield in RE2 unless you have at least medium weapons. Light weapon do almost nothing to take down shields.
@StephenSilverbeard Күн бұрын
Ty for the information, Recently tangled with a cutter patrol vessel, had to back off due to the turrets taking down the SV's shields.
@StephenSilverbeard Күн бұрын
Makes sense, the light railguns seem to to be only good for taking down drones.
@davidpaul5938 Күн бұрын
where can you get the commercial deconstructor?
@StephenSilverbeard Күн бұрын
Found this commercial constructor along with a commercial deconstructer when looting down an abandoned factory, although it is possible they can be found in other abandoned buildings. Recommend checking before salvaging these items.
@snafu2350 2 күн бұрын
The Autophage head from Expedition 10 you're missing is because it's a choice: you have to choose between the red head or the gold(?) head, & you went with the latter All expedition ships/frigates/MTs given as rewards are S-class & unique, unlike Twitch drops The Vault you visited is v useful for upgrading (& therefore realising more cash) assorted finds from eg salvageable tech, archaeological digs etc. For instance, your congealed moss turned into gooey sprouts for a loss of ~400K. It's far more useful to turn green & blue finds in as you will definitely get more cash from their upgrade than the coin-flip of yellow stuff (ie your sprouts/moss). There are 3 such 'upgrade' terminals at the Vault: the obvious one you used on the platform & 2 more on the ground beneath the main structure, each of which can be used independently (so locking out 1 doesn't affect the other 2) Next time you're on a volcanic planet, pick up a bit of basalt: IIRC you need ~200 for an MT upgrade
@StephenSilverbeard 2 күн бұрын
Had forgotten about the choice, will be interesting to see if its possible to get the second choice by repeating the mission. Added the vault to my list of mechanic to investigate in the future, so many things to do.
@pagansavage5267 2 күн бұрын
Just a couple of FYI’s. The heavy loaders that you can loot from the Abandoned Mine (4 per mine) deconstructs down to 4 Robotics each. Good for unlocking traders. Vermillion really nerfed the Guass Shotgun, only does 2 point more damage than the old epic shotgun (can’t remember what it’s called now). It shoots a lot slower and reloads slower, it’s garbage now.
@StephenSilverbeard 2 күн бұрын
Must of missed the missed the heavy loaders, many it time to take down another Abandoned mine. So far in the series high level weapons are in short supply, although upgrading the assault rifle does seem to have a made a difference.
@pagansavage5267 2 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard just found 3 mines and got 3 epics. The loaders are the things that look like the wheeled drill. There is one on the surface in a shed, one at the base of the first ramp, one in the hallway outside of the cafeteria and one that looks like the drill at the bottom of the mine.
@StephenSilverbeard 2 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. Will check out the next mine I come across.
@larsongates7745 2 күн бұрын
A Neo asteroid will yield 4000 to 4250 ore .. at a Polaris refinery that's worth approx 500K. Most of the 'common' and uncommon metal asteroids yield about the same in terms of ore. After Neo, Sathium sells for the second most. All 'Abandoned' POIs yield between 1 and 3 quantum processors...
@StephenSilverbeard 2 күн бұрын
Had not considered sells ore, really need to start looking at the other Polaris buildings. The next step is to upgrade the Matar so the cash would come in handy.
@larsongates7745 2 күн бұрын
The Disassembled turret can be 'reconstructed' but you have to find the right colonist trader to do it, and it's really expensive. Just disassemble it.
@pagansavage5267 3 күн бұрын
At the bartender, you can go down the stairs behind them, there's refrigerators that you can open without penalty. In medical, there are stairs you can go down and use a shower.
@pagansavage5267 3 күн бұрын
For the container that blew up.I just stand off and use a sniper to blow the sensor off in it , which is right between the two bombs above the container controller.
@StephenSilverbeard 3 күн бұрын
Ty for the tip. Plan to spend some time checking out the space wreckage.
@pagansavage5267 3 күн бұрын
Once you get 2 Gerald logs from the engineroom and the 1 from the cafeteria, then you go back to that same guard. He combines those into a key that will unlock that container.
@StephenSilverbeard 3 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. There is much more to it, thought it would be a simple mission.
@pagansavage5267 3 күн бұрын
@StephenSilverbeard If you are doing all the survey missions, it's not a problem to get it done. Just talk to the same guard in whatever ship you get the last log in and open the container. As for the survey mission, mine was bugged and wouldn't give me the reward for having all 4 survey reports in my inventory like it used to. Right now it's hard to find data and navigation pads and the navigation pad was a nice reward.
@larsongates7745 2 күн бұрын
@@pagansavage5267 You don't need to run around systems to do the Gerald mission. Just use the UCH teleporter and teleport to 2 of the other vessels. You can actually unlock all the logs in the same ship, and have the same guard then assemble them (But you need to get the access cards from 3 different ships, and which card you get depends on how many you have already). Aside from Gerald's revenge log you get half a dozen small optronics bridges In respect of Data Pads, you should be able to get them from Exploration sites or hacking satellites.
@larsongates7745 2 күн бұрын
@@pagansavage5267 My earlier comment appears to have been lost.... You can do the whole Gerald mission from 1 ship .. except getting the Key cards, which you need to get, one from each of 3 ships, which can be done using the Teleporter in the Hanger. Just teleport to the appropriate ship, Alpha, Beta, Epsilon (you choice which 2 others you use) and retrieve the key cards. Once you have the cards you can get the sections of Gerald's log by accessing the appropriate location on just one ship. Aside from getting Gerald's 'Revenge' log, you also get half a dozen small Optronics bridges and something else. Data and Navigation pads can be found in Exploration Sites.
@larsongates7745 Күн бұрын
My earlier comment appears to have been lost (Several times).... You can do the whole Gerald mission from 1 ship .. except getting the Key cards, which you need to get, one from each of 3 ships, which can be done using the Teleporter in the Hanger. Just teleport to the appropriate ship, Alpha, Beta, Epsilon (you choice which 2 others you use) and retrieve the key cards. Once you have the cards you can get the sections of Gerald's log by accessing the appropriate location on just one ship. Aside from getting Gerald's 'Revenge' log, you also get half a dozen small Optronics bridges and something else. Data and Navigation pads can be found in Exploration Sites.
@pagansavage5267 3 күн бұрын
And it's a downside when you have to start putting medium thrusters in your CV, and it takes two converters for each thruster. I just designed a early game CV loot hauler, and it requires 44 plasma converters, but I only have 22 thrusters.
@StephenSilverbeard 3 күн бұрын
Good to know, it seems plasma converters will be a key resource, feel it will be important to mount thrusters to get the max benefit, e.g., forward and lift and use other types in lesser directions. Although this could change for a combat ship.
@lukasyanni7316 4 күн бұрын
Really cool map!
@StephenSilverbeard 3 күн бұрын
Ty for the support,
@snafu2350 4 күн бұрын
Keep the 2 each Gek relics, Vykeen effigies & daggers & Korvax casings you stumble upon, as you'll shortly start coming across the Artemis mission parts requiring you to raise rep with those races, which is easily & quickly done by giving them these items as gifts Damaged components always have the same resource requirements to repair per graphic: eg if you have a component requiring 150 paraffinium & an antimatter, every one of its picture type will also require 150 paraffinium & an antimatter. This way you can quickly calculate the total resources needed per picture type, giving you a total repair goal Any repaired item shows up as a dull blue check in its repair box; anything with a bright green tick means you have the required amount of that component type & need to install it; you have several slots in that latter condition ATM For future crashed ships: disassemble /all/ damaged/unwanted components (eg shields, drive upgrades ets) before commencing repairs: damaged components do /not/ need to be repaired before disassembly & will usually provide wiring looms & resources required for other repairs
@StephenSilverbeard 4 күн бұрын
Had a lucky break, picked some Gek Relics while completing the translation phase, so levelling up the standing was no problem. Found the repair that needed the paraffinium, just need some more to repair the second slot. Starting to get a bit worried about finding more crashed ship as the time will come when I have to choose between ships. Need to start travelling to find a freighter, although finding a sentinel ship would be good. :))
@snafu2350 4 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard IMO Sentinel ship should be your goto, as then you don't need to worry so much about random crashed ships: you can choose to instantly scrap or repair & scrap as you wish. While you're on that planet pick up another 2 Sentinel ships to scrap for loadsa cash (& the option to swap if you find a better one than the 1st) With luck & some willingness to take some (IMO small) risk, a temp freighter for the (ship) storage should come soon, too: you're about due for another battle IIRC. A pirate system would be useful too, as then you've a reliable source of repair kits as well as exchanging cash for nanites via suspicious tech/arms sales
@StephenSilverbeard 4 күн бұрын
Getting a freighter is moving up the agenda due to expedition 15 giving a requirement for a beach front base for fishing. Would like to get to the base building requirement in the main mission, as this will trigger a search for a good base location. Do not fully understand the role of pirates due to not playing NMS when the update dropped. The current plan is to focus on the pirate mission when it turns up, then see where it goes. Would like to do the same with the autphage missions as would like to end up with a good quality MT.
@snafu2350 4 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard The pirate mission questline drops rep with other races dramatically, tho it's fairly easy to regain rep to 0 from negative, so not that much of a problem; I'm just warning you to be prepared (& buy stuff while you still have the race discounts! :) ) You can't start the Autophage mission questline until you've completed Artemis & have a Settlement, so that one's quite a way away ATM. That doesn't preclude getting a decent Sentinel MT & repairing it while you're Sentinel ship-hunting ofc :)
@StephenSilverbeard 3 күн бұрын
This explains why I have not been able to get into the Pirate and Autophage elements of the game, too many distractions. It will be better to focus on the Artemis missions, getting a beach front base and finding a sentinel ship. Not necessarily in the that order.
@RealBrainbug 4 күн бұрын
My distribution office does not pick up the fertilizer FULLY, once the biowaste has turned - so I cannot empty the dump to allow new waste to be brought in. Do you observe this and what is your explanation? Might be a rounding error when there is a small amount left and the "pick up above 0%" rule of the DO does not work?
@StephenSilverbeard 4 күн бұрын
Distribution offices can have a problem picking up from a dump containing biological waste dumped into the them due to the decomposition into fertiliser. This is due to the type of waste stored in the dump can change according to which type is dominant. i.e. biological waste or fertiliser. This flipping confuses the DO as it does not have a fixed waste type, setting the waste type does not help as this will confuse the waste collection process. The most reliable solution I have found is to set up a manual route using a waste truck allocated to a dump with a minimum of two loading slots. Set the load to 'wait until loaded' then send it to either a farm or another dump. When sending fertiliser to a farm set the 'wait until unloaded' option. The long term solution is to build a fertiliser plant. Other potential waste collection problems to watch out for are: 1. Putting hazardous waste in a dump makes everything in it hazardous, which is a real pain to clean up. For this reason hazardous waste should be kept away from other types of waste. 2, When moving metallic/plastic waste using a distribution office a message can appear warning of the wrong vehicle type. In the case of metallic waste a dumper is needed and when moving plastic an open hull is needed. 3. When using dumps to decompose ash generated by an incinerator make sure they do not become contaminated by other types of waste as this reduces the decomposition rate. Note: Ash is treated as mixed waste and one delivery is enough to contaminate the dump. If this happens recycle the dump thought the waste separation process. Hope this makes sense.
@nikolaimikuszeit3204 4 күн бұрын
Got a bit confused: Which save is it, to which you bring back the expedition achievements? This one?
@StephenSilverbeard 4 күн бұрын
When HG release an update some elements automatically become part of the main game, e.g. fishing including the fishing rod, the special rewards obtained from completing the expedition become available to all games via the Quicksilver terminal in the Anomaly. After interacting with Quicksilver select the 'Expedition rewards' option. There is an option to initiate an active expedition via a terminal in the Anomaly, this acts in a similar way to how community missions are initiated and played. Using this option allows players to send resources to the Expedition game (save) and when the expedition finishes there is an option to return resources/rewards to the originating game. This option is useful to players who have a long term game and want to avoid having two active games. I prefer the standalone option when completing expeditions, mainly as keeps things simple with respect to YT recording. Hope this makes sense.
@nikolaimikuszeit3204 5 күн бұрын
Nice one.
@stephenmoon6644 5 күн бұрын
As most of my game time is spent looking at inventorys and wondering why I opened it up in the first place, new icons are welcome.
@StephenSilverbeard 4 күн бұрын
Really like the new icons, although there is a feeling of losing some old friends. That feeling will fade over time.
@nikolaimikuszeit3204 5 күн бұрын
uhhh....patience ;)
@pagansavage5267 5 күн бұрын
The pirate grow lab has a lot of drugs and drug shipments in it. I've only found a couple of places so far that buy them outside of the Pirates themselves. Raiding them is great if you are on a server, where you can sell the drugs/shipments to other players.
@StephenSilverbeard 5 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. It is possible this is still under development as it opens up an opportunity to play as a pirate.
@larsongates7745 5 күн бұрын
One reason to have an Auger.. It digs its own hole. I raided a barren metal for Erestrum which was covered with air defence emplacements (2.5km apart with overlapping fields of fire, well in theory), but the Auger could fly through a lot of the ravines because of it's size, and where needed I could just dig a tunnel below ground. I think the longest was 500m but that was to pick up 3 deposits.
@StephenSilverbeard 5 күн бұрын
I made a couple of short tunnels by hand, having the Auger makes sense. Having one would be useful to attack defence structures.
@pagansavage5267 5 күн бұрын
​​@@StephenSilverbeard You really could use a cheap SV drill ship, the days of universal ships is ending.
@StephenSilverbeard 5 күн бұрын
Such a ship has gone to the top of my list,
@mystiawildfire1664 5 күн бұрын
I must have missed an episode. You tube doesnt always notify me with new episodes. I haven’t played much of RE2. Life for me at this time is difficult, so it’s pretty hard to find the time to play. The new plant protein is really going to mess me up as it looks like a fat Canadian Turnip. The other icons I’ll admit really look nice, especially the juice cartons. I have never used the Universal Constructor, I am a little excited to see what all it can do..
@StephenSilverbeard 5 күн бұрын
Have a similar problem with the YT notifications, it seems have a mind of its own. Get the impression the universal constructor manufactures the new advanced items that have been added in RE2.
@larsongates7745 5 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard The Universal Constructor is both heavy on CPU and Power, and has a speed of 1/3 that of an Advanced Constructor. So you only want 1 and only use it for specific items that need it.
@StephenSilverbeard 5 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. Sounds like the type of object best deployed when needed.
@Hollogodis 6 күн бұрын
I like the time you said ”woops”
@Luca_Natoli 6 күн бұрын
Storm fish is the last one I need, it is a giant PITA trying to get them. Used so much bait, all different kinds. About to give up lol.
@StephenSilverbeard 6 күн бұрын
It does seem to be random and it does take a long time to catch some fish. Not seeing any speed runs on this expedition, :))
@Luca_Natoli 5 күн бұрын
​@@StephenSilverbeard yeah the RNG is not good on this. I am using Salty Fingers (meat from animals in the water) which apparently is meant to attract storm fish... Yet it doesn't lol
@Hollogodis 7 күн бұрын
Can tell you don’t know much about weapon calibers. 7.62 is a standard rifle found. There are miniguns using that caliber too. And then there are ones using even heavier calibers. Like .50
@StephenSilverbeard 7 күн бұрын
True, part of the problem is in my mind the ammunition type is linked to the game icons, these changing has thrown me. Thew food icons have just been changed so will be doing the same with food. :))
@Hollogodis 7 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeardhehe Yeah it gets weird. I recently got into this game. Last time was when it was in development. Enjoying your series so far to learn stuff.
@jackal4061 8 күн бұрын
I'd love to see more trader stuff - I just cannot seem to find the right traders to get the missions or develop the trade routes, so I tend to ignore it.
@pagansavage5267 8 күн бұрын
If you play on Spanj's server, they have a spreadsheet that lists all the traders in each star system. I've downloaded it and use it as a template for my single player game.
@jackal4061 8 күн бұрын
@@pagansavage5267 I play SP. Is it available on his Discord perhaps?
@StephenSilverbeard 7 күн бұрын
I am in a similar situation. in the past trading was a way to make some cash and by optronic bridges. It is going to take time to learn the locally traded items and those items needed for local missions. Feel the larger game of trading between systems still needs work, but have a feeling it will get there.
@pagansavage5267 7 күн бұрын
I should explain this better. They have generated a spreadsheet that has most, if not all the traders used in the game with the items that they sell. They just populate the spreadsheets with system names/planet name/trade stations name/ traders/prices. I have the spreadsheet loaded onto my table and add info that I think I'll need.
@StephenSilverbeard 6 күн бұрын
That makes sense, did something similar when I play X3, it was the only way to keep track of the traders and what they wanted. My main concern with long distance trading is maintaining the supply of pentaxid. Can see a large Pentaxid farm in the the future.
@stephenmoon6644 8 күн бұрын
I think re2 is more about having the right tools for the job. I allready have 4 vessels each having their own purpose, in the past I've just made do with multi purpose ships.
@StephenSilverbeard 8 күн бұрын
Agree, the days of the all purpose ship is over, deciding which ships to use will lift the game to another level.
@larsongates7745 8 күн бұрын
Activate the Dead Planets mission and grab the log from the Emergency signal.. Its a slow burn mission as you need to visit all 6 types of dead planet, one of which only exists in the Wastelands. Also the removal of the Unfinished Escape rocket is only from starter systems (if the rumour is correct).
@stephenmoon6644 8 күн бұрын
I've tried the dread start and couldn't find it.
@StephenSilverbeard 8 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. Will check the dead planet mission.
@larsongates7745 8 күн бұрын
@@stephenmoon6644 Useful to know. When salvaging the unfinished escape rocket, I put down a CV starter block just in front of 1 wing, then add 1 container controller, and then a 3widex 1 deep array of 40 container expansions across the back, 6 small mobile solar panels (although you'll now need to use small plasmas) vertically (3 per side), 1 small generator, 1 fuel tank, and 1 o2 tank, then enough elevator blocks to get up to the gantry. I then build a 3x3x1 high room (using windows 8+8+9+2 shutters) at the top with a wifi, o2 station, and ventilator. It means you can loot the rocket into the CV without being outside or worrying about wifi connection, and then transfer everything back to you main CV. To start you get all the parts from the structure around the Escape rocket, then just keep them in storage. Assuming the core hasn't moved in the Space command centre, then if you blow the 2nd RH stair (as you go up) then it takes out the core.. takes about 5 explosive charges. It's faster than trying to go in through the blocked door and then the corner truss block.
@mehmetozgur6955 9 күн бұрын
Thanks this series of video really heplful
@snafu2350 9 күн бұрын
Your problem with the ship not being in range is because you never built the teleport receiver Apparently meat + hypnotic eye makes a v good bait, as does delicate legs from starfish. Scaly meat (raw) isn't too bad either, but you need a specific animal type for that. IIRC salt is better than mealworms, tho I can't remember the stats ATM
@StephenSilverbeard 9 күн бұрын
Confusing the teleporter is the downside of playing two games at the same time. Although it is much worse when playing Workers and resources. Hope to do some experimentation with bait after completing the fish trap goal.
@snafu2350 9 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard BTW the fish trap will only catch 4 'fish' types (including junk) per trap; however those types can stack, & each individual fish in the stack counts towards the '13 fish' limit. You can have 3 traps per planet max
@StephenSilverbeard 9 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. Ended up building two traps to speed up the process. One trap had a legendary fish in it, unfortunately this does not count towards the goal.
@kreed445 9 күн бұрын
the one thing survival mode or even perma death mode don't do, is set your enemies strength to challenging I'm a crap pilot but even in survival mode pirates are more of a irritation than an actual threat - try setting your enemy strength to challenging and see how it goes - I tried it for the first time yesterday and got my butt whooped - luckily I was near the space station - 2 pirates came along, I took out neither of them before I had to run, when I landed I checked my ship and my shields and rocket launcher (which I never use) were both critically damaged and in need of repair, of course this was on a new save so my ship had no extra shielding but still even still there are other settings you can change to make the game even tougher or more expensive - so custom game - however, for all the brutal settings to endure, the only one I recommend leaving in standard mode is inventory stacking - set everything else to challenging - just my opinion - hope I live long enough to battle some sentinels to see how hard they are on a more challenging setting
@StephenSilverbeard 9 күн бұрын
I have the setting on challenging, like you I find combat irritating, especially ship to ship. In the early game try to keep all combat to a minimum, even after getting an upgraded multi tool and ship weapons still choose the battles I want to fight, e.g. freighter battles. Tip: A way to avoid space battles is to call in the Anomaly. For example, if you get bounced by a hostile attack countdown, call in the Anomy, wait near the entrance, then go inside after the countdown completes. Doing this cancels the attack. The key to winning battles against sentinels is to keep moving, ideally choose to fight them near a base. This means you can go inside and recover, in open ground go underground to recover. Tip: To complete kill sentinel missions take over a settlement. These have regular sentinel attacks, which can be easily beaten by using the settlement buildings for cover. This is a good way to practice fighting sentinels. Hope this helps.
@thewanderer1871 9 күн бұрын
Question brother, would you want to play together? It doesn't have to be for your KZbin if you don't prefer, but I'd enjoy playing if you'd want, this game is amazing
@StephenSilverbeard 9 күн бұрын
Unfortunately it is difficult for me to play multiplayer due to having to play games/record around my normal work schedule. The reason I like playing NMS is I can play drop in play/record for short periods of time.
@thewanderer1871 9 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard I understand that, I have to work around work and school too, it's not the easiest thing to do, and my job has been hellacious of late lol
@thewanderer1871 9 күн бұрын
With the schedule I mean
@pagansavage5267 9 күн бұрын
The trader that you talked to at 22:59 is the trader that I sell all the SV parts that I make, for about 800k to 1 mil credits. It should offer a job to make 2 SV medium laser cannons for 300k credits, which usually can be done twice. They take advanced upgrade kits which you can buy from the other trader. At 23:14 you walked pass a trader that sell ores (zacs, erest, gold and platinum) and plasma converts between the first and second trader you talked to.
@StephenSilverbeard 9 күн бұрын
The trading game does seem to becoming more important alongside the random missions. Have been ignoring them as they can become a distraction when recording for YT, maybe it is time to take them more seriously. Missed the ore trader, it would of been good to pick up some ore. will have to be more careful next time.
@philbill4958 10 күн бұрын
The vehicle list you had up was not wrong. You had it on page 3. 😁😁.
@StephenSilverbeard 10 күн бұрын
Ty for the feedback. Have to admit I am not a big fan of auto replace.
@cryptotharg7400 10 күн бұрын
You seem to ignore the buried tech modules that are always associated with a damaged machinery. I think you missed three or four of them.
@StephenSilverbeard 10 күн бұрын
It one of the downsides of recording, often mind is on the next step, not watching the screen. Often when editing videos spot something and wonder how I missed it. :))
@snafu2350 10 күн бұрын
You'll get more nanites from damaged machinery & save points than from refining salvaged tech; keep the tech for cash sale or unlocking required base parts! While on the subject of nanites, don't waste them on alternative ship weapons, esp the rocket launcher & phase beam. Use them on more useful upgrades such as eg launch thruster, pulse drive or pulse spitter improvements if there are no suitable modules available to buy locally Duplicate tech in your old MT will always include the scanner & visor; these (& the boltcaster) can be broken down for basic components & copper as they don't sell for anything; the only item that's fixed is the basic mining beam. Once you've cleared all of them, scrap the old MT in the Anomaly for a little more cash, as exchanging it gains you nothing while you still have space to take more MTs for free The visor is taking up a supercharged slot in the new MT for no reason; put something useful there such as the mining beam, scanner or weapon. IMO there's little point in spending 10K nanites to upgrade to B-class for another supercharged slot when you'll want a Sentinel MT (& ship) ASAP, which hopefully will be of better class anyway & will double your mining beam efficiency & speed (with the extra mining beam ofc) Don't forget to add a keyboard binding for 'fire' so you can mine mineral patches with the TM with less hand strain: it may encourage you to use the smallest TM beam size for more mineral gain when picking up essential consumables such as dioxite, pyrite & uranium TIP: It was mentioned elsewhere that k/b 'H' will cycle thru the bottom right help text options faster than simply waiting for them to cycle around again; I've yet to confirm this, but it'll be v useful if correct! :)
@StephenSilverbeard 10 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. When the cash is good refine the salvaged tech, when cash is low that becomes a priority,
@larsongates7745 10 күн бұрын
I think you need the 'Colonist' trade stations for the Upgrade Kits, but also salvaging turrets and deconstructing them should yield the kits. Superconductors are needed for some upgrades, probably heavy positron turrets amongst others (getting them in RE1 is considerably more difficult).
@larsongates7745 10 күн бұрын
I would enable both Dead Plant mission and return to the dead planet to get the log from the Emergency Beacon, and once you've completed the Beta survey, the Galaxy Survey mission, the first part is habitable stars (G, M,?). Note you can warp to the star, park the Makar, warp to a planet in your SV, then warp back to the Makar, which counts as warping to the star again... You could also have done the 'Gerald Mission' as you can use the Teleporter to teleport between UCH ships in the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Epsilon systems. Assuming the reward is the same you can get 7 small optronics bridges from the locked crate in the Armoury.
@pagansavage5267 10 күн бұрын
@larsongates7745 You can get upgrade kits at Pol trade stations. Just not that one. The one you need is rectangular in shape, but the actual building is U shaped is the one you need. It has most all the basic traders, but the info brokers and illegal goods dealers. There is one that needs to be unlocked that I sell SV ion jet thrusters and other SV parts to for about 800k to 1mill credits. If you have the 2 adv upgrade kits you can make 2 SV med laser cannons to sell for 300k.
@pagansavage5267 10 күн бұрын
For the deal in selling the 2 SV lasers, I bought the first 2 upgrades from a trader. I then made the lasers and sold them, and then I turned around and bought the materials to make another set. Net profit was 500k. With selling other SV parts to the trader, profit was 1.5 million.
@pagansavage5267 10 күн бұрын
What you are looking for are wreckages that have names, like the Burnt Out Recon Vessel or DDG Naganta, there are a few more. They all have large thrusters but a few will have advanced and drive thrusters. I’ve found 1 that has 5 advanced thrusters, a warp drive and a couple of turrets.
@larsongates7745 10 күн бұрын
Yup.. just looted a Valhalla in RE1, but then I'd already killed the Pirate MIra corvette so could take my time, and I'm still running my Aithas starter miner, but it does have 2 arty cannons, 2 positron turrets, 6 laser turrets, 2 flak turrets, 4 mini-guns for dealing with drones, and 16K shields (on top of 4 mining lasers and the rich ice miner)
@StephenSilverbeard 10 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. Really need to get out and check out the wreckage.
@stephenmoon6644 10 күн бұрын
There is a fine line between a game being challenging and becoming ridiculously difficult. I'm finding the latter in trying to mine rich asteroids. Cant find schematics that you need achieve this, does that make it more challenging. Not in my universe.
@StephenSilverbeard 10 күн бұрын
The loot boxes use lookup tables from which items are randomly selected (this can be tested by dropping a save, then loot the box, quit and reload). This random element can have a big impact on the game, it is possible to have a game where no schematics, epic weapons turn up, e.g. my current series, then another game where every other unique box has a schematic. It is possible to buy schematics on the UCH research ships, but they are expensive and the offered list is random. One downside of playing a beta release is the game may be unbalanced, luckily this can be fixed by edited the loot box lookup tables.
@pagansavage5267 10 күн бұрын
@stephenmoon6644 I know what you mean! Blueprints are Ultra Super Rare in this build. I've had to do a lot of trading to get enough credits to buy a couple of blueprints that I've needed.
@stephenmoon6644 10 күн бұрын
Meant to say only sell me stuff I don't need. : )
@larsongates7745 10 күн бұрын
I think all my schematics in RE1 have come from 'Abandoned POIs'. Which Schematic you get is entirely random. I've decrypted 4 schematics in a batch before and had the same schematic returned for every single one. You just have to persevere. And yes I'm aware that things are harder in RE2 as you can't exercise Player choice in how you run POIs now.
@cryptotharg7400 10 күн бұрын
Those C-class ship modules? You should have installed them then dismantled them.|You would have got three wiring looms.
@StephenSilverbeard 10 күн бұрын
True, did not think of that, will remember for the next time.
@snafu2350 10 күн бұрын
..Esp since they only sell for 16 nanites each once uninstalled: if you want more nanites, don't install the thing in the first place!
@highlandrab19 10 күн бұрын
My first expedition and never been a fan of fishing in games before. Have had quite a bit of fun with the trip though it is a shame it isnt a part of the main save like a side quest or something
@StephenSilverbeard 10 күн бұрын
Hello games use expeditions to highlight new features, so fishing is part of the main game. There are special rewards for completing each expedition, in the main mission these can be accessed via the quick silver terminal inside the Anomaly. There is a way to temporarily make a main save into the expedition, personally prefer to do the expeditions separately. Tip: HG rerun previous expeditions for players who have missed them, this often happens in the runup to Christmas. When this expedition finishes watch out for an announcement. They are worth doing as there are some give cool ships and special looks.
@snafu2350 11 күн бұрын
You're still not reading the descriptions! You can see clearly at 09:30 the item says "Before its destruction in the water, this module was once a powerful upgrade.." The skiff can be moved under its own propulsion by standing on it & redeploying to another available location; however, it moves at a literal snail's pace! To confirm this, use the above method to start it moving, then look at the seabed or cast your line & watch the relative movement You can deploy your nutrient processor 'on' the skiff due to a texture glitch; this is convenient for cooking up all the low-value fish to use as bait (which you can now store in the skiff's cold storage as well as whole fish). Sadly, the nutrient processor's storage, the skiff's storage & your suit/ship storage are all independent & won't link to each other, so you can't sell directly from them :( Any consumable counts as 'bait' or an additive, so chunks of flesh from land animals, fish, prepared meals, veggies such as wheat or beans etc etc. Different prepared (or otherwise) baits have different stats: try comparing salt to mealworms to carbon to chunks of flesh to processed meat (ie cooked chunks of flesh), for instance
@StephenSilverbeard 11 күн бұрын
Ty for the information. Will try moving the skiff as it could be interesting to have it moving during fishing. Agree it would be useful if the skiff storage as linked up, it will be a real pain transferring the fish to the personal inventory to sell the fish. Another reason to have a beachside base with a trade terminal. It seems sorting out the bait types will be an interesting mini game.
@jeffreypurcell4681 11 күн бұрын
You can use the floating skiff cold storage for your catches.
@StephenSilverbeard 11 күн бұрын
That is useful, it will makes sense to deploy the skiff when fishing.
@kacperogiela7556 12 күн бұрын
wait da minute,steamears don't run on oil ! or maybe it's fuel powered
@StephenSilverbeard 11 күн бұрын
Historically oil was used to power steam trains, the current plan is to move to coal, then to gas stations as the wagons are replaced by fuel based vehicles.
@nikolaimikuszeit3204 12 күн бұрын
Was there a planet called Rainbow Trout? ( 35:40 ) It's fishing baby!
@stephenmoon6644 12 күн бұрын
There should be, if you look at the galaxy map a system 8 light years from you. It contains a barren metal planet. The gold is unprotected but the zarcosium and estrium are protected by zirax towers. You could leave the Makar by the sun and warp in the sv. Maybe sneak a couple deposits by keeping out of sight.
@larsongates7745 12 күн бұрын
There was a comment from Spanj in one of his videos that suggests the Unfinished Escape rocket has been removed from the Dead Planets in the starting systems. Now I'm going to assume that means all except the Dread Start in the Delta system. This potentially means that the only other place that might have CPU extenders is the Abandoned Mine, but even in RE that used to be a 50/50 call as to whether it had one or not.
@StephenSilverbeard 12 күн бұрын
This is the downside of playing a Beta version, the only way to test Spanj's comment would be a new start. Optronic bridges have always been a pain to find, it is possible Vermillion is pushing players towards the trading element.
@larsongates7745 12 күн бұрын
@@StephenSilverbeard I'm assuming that you managed to locate it then. From what I understand, the POIs on a Planet are not generated until you enter the playfield, thus an update which alters the POI spawn should take effect if you're not entered the playfield yet, ie not warped to a planet.
@StephenSilverbeard 11 күн бұрын
I did find it located down near the south pole. Looted it off camera, plan to check out another dead planet when one turns up.
@satansace1394 12 күн бұрын
Great playthrough. I myself have the Makar, try putting advanced ion thrusters in the larger slots. Makes handling much better. The Makar is my new CV go to, for RE2. Best mobile starter base he's done in awhile. Something to live in till a real Battle CV can be built. Perhaps pop out to a K system for some Zascosium.
@StephenSilverbeard 12 күн бұрын
Have been looking at options to upgrade the thrusters, will take a look advanced Ion Thrusters. Maybe it is time to wind up the Beta mission and move on.
@nikolaimikuszeit3204 12 күн бұрын
Reminded me of the Playstation Fishing-Simulator. It is so ridiculous that it's probably fun ;)
@StephenSilverbeard 12 күн бұрын
Agree, it is an interesting inclusion into to a space exploration game, :)