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5 ай бұрын
Is Mark 16 REALLY in the Bible?
@Terrylb285 6 сағат бұрын
Arminianism is pelagianism in an evening gown. Provisionism is pelagianism in a nighty.
@theouterplanet 11 сағат бұрын
This guy claimed Jesus showed up in prison and merged with his body. Do you really believe him ?
@marikablaisdell 12 сағат бұрын
“Allowing it to happen is different than commissioning it” 👏
@Lea-l6h 16 сағат бұрын
Eric Hovind is offensive. And unprofitable. Everything that is wrong today in the church is on full display in Mr. Hovind.
@theespjames4114 16 сағат бұрын
One simple question to Brown ; Do the Jews who reject the Son have the father?
@dellamaxwellgeorge2615 17 сағат бұрын
I thank God for this video, sadly deliverance ministry is becoming business for self promotion. How can the one who delivers demons need a personal security and bodyguards for himself? Does he fail to keep demons away for his own safety and security? How can a Holy Spirit and demon dwell in the same person? Is God's presence that fragile or compromised that a demon manages to seek in a believer?
@jleor5068 23 сағат бұрын
did you say anus bro!? hahaha
@shamkand Күн бұрын
The North Pole has 6 months day and 6 months night... is that a literal day for you?
@thebible3368 Күн бұрын
How was the friendship that James White and Michael Brown have even the differences regarding Calvinism and Arminianism? They can still pray and defend the faith together. It’s an example to us all.
@djsarg7451 Күн бұрын
Day is not the same as 24 hours, not in the past and not today. The earth is not about 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is: Sunrise to sunset Sunset to next sunset Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ). We use the word day the same today: In my grandfather’s day cars did not go very fast. I work the day shift. (Both are not 24 hours) Deuteronomy 33:15 and Habakkuk 3:6 "ancient mountains". Gen 2:4 “in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens” referring to the whole time of the six days, The events of day 6 can not have happened in 24 hours. Creationism does not equal young Earth. There are many Old Earth creationists.
@Parkeri1313 Күн бұрын
Acts 1:6 So, when they had come together, they began asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time that You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7 But He said to them, “It is not for you to know periods of time or appointed times which the Father has set by His own authority; 8 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and as far as the remotest part of the earth.” (NASB 2020) When Jesus was asked the direct question about EN Israel and it's kingdom, He responds with His everlasting gospel which is for the entire world, not just EN Israel (Ethnic, National, Israel). Much respect for Dr. Bock but progressive dispensationalism is not "progressive" enough in my opinion.
@Yoyoprojon Күн бұрын
I wish the point would be brought up that Jesus was not able to heal all the time and he was Jesus. Mark 6 4 Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” 5 He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 He was amazed at their lack of faith. Jesus said we would do what he did and even greater. Even Jesus ran into roadblocks in operating in the power of God because of peoples unbelief. This does not mean the gifts has ceased. Jesus also said, "As your faith is be it unto you". Jim is basing his theology off of experience. Michael is basing his theology on the word of God. Big difference.
@CrossplayGamingTV Күн бұрын
I genuinely don't see how you can be an abolitionist unless you are promoting absolute pietism or civil war. You will work within the existing system and gain as many victories as you can, or you will work outside the system. I'm not even taking a side with this statement. I just don't see how this binary can be argued with.
@IJPhiloponus 22 сағат бұрын
There is nothing anti-abolitionist about gaining ground over time as a result of pursuing justice. The Abolitionist movement has been very clear on this from the very beginning. We are working within the system and seeking to establish equal justice under the law as we call for national repentance. Incremental gains result from abolitionist pursuits. All that results from incremental pursuits is the delay of abolition. Perhaps you are just commenting on the title of this video and you didn't actually watch or think about what is truly being debated here?
@paradigmbuster Күн бұрын
God created (formed from nothing) in the beginning (an undisclosed time before the first day). But made (transformed for service) the planets in six days. The first day is when the world wide ocean which darkened the sea floor (the face of the deep) became shallow enough over the continents as the ocean basins opened. Since the first day we had a pre existing earth and universe so we had old materials without days being of a long context. The processes that transformed the earth from a smooth earth covered with water created a surface with basins and continents in 3 days. This generated what the naturalist attibutes to plate tectonics. So we have 3 days not hundreds of millions if years. No new interpretations of scriptures are needed to accomodate deep time.
@JacobLandavaso Күн бұрын
I love Doug, and I understand how incrementalist tactics do seem good but I’m with Russell on this issue.
@jeremydo84 2 күн бұрын
Nice, nice! I really enjoy your talk today. H'AllelUYaH, Amen.
@GatesOfPraiseReview 2 күн бұрын
Pagani doesn't know he literally contradicted himself
@danocinneide1885 2 күн бұрын
1 Tim 3:15..The Church is the pillar and bulwark of the truth...
@kbrad1267 2 күн бұрын
I'm sorry but I see a difference Jesus in arminianism than the one in Calvinism ,I also see a different doctrine of Gods grace.
@kbrad1267 2 күн бұрын
Well I would have a question for these two is not the Arminiust doctrines of Jesus a different Jesus taught in Calvinism of who and how its the work and power of each in the Trinity alone that saves a sinner? so are they not in reality both preaching a different Christ and a different gospel than the other? In other words do they not differ on the essential doctrines of the Christian faith such as in the tulip and the order and work of salvation by God?
@kbrad1267 2 күн бұрын
Making the society and civilization more moral has nothing to do with salvation or the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It just means more nice moral people that are obeying the law are going to go to hell.😢
@kimwolf1708 2 күн бұрын
Pagani is a liar, huckster, scamner, NOT a Christian. RUN!!
@AlexanderPaganiMinistries 2 күн бұрын
@loragraham4444 2 күн бұрын
Love you pastor Mike ! I attend v1 in Indiana where pastor Mike is the pastor . I have been set free with in the last 6 months of bondages I’ve had my entire life . Drugs , sex addiction , depression that made me not want to live anymore. I praise God for a second chance in life and I praise God for v1 one church a place where I have found I truly feel loved 🥰
@kevinblanco3162 2 күн бұрын
What prophecy can tell me anything that I don’t have already in the Bible ? Does Mr. Brown know anybody that speaks in tounges as a language? Also never heard Brown condemn these charismatic greediness it’s as if he is ok with it .
@glorifythyname7777 2 күн бұрын
The book entitled the King James controversy will damn your soul to hell. That is why you do not have assurance of salvation.
@altorres5703 2 күн бұрын
Amen Amen to that truth
@mystdragon8530 2 күн бұрын
So this isn’t pro-life vs abolitionist, it’s two different approaches to ending abortion. Still pro-life, still for ending abortion as fast as possible.
@Bibledingers 2 күн бұрын
@@mystdragon8530 some say it’s really debate between incrementalism and immediatism.
@GAustinsr 2 күн бұрын
Gifts not practiced in use, atrophy just like muscles gone flabby...😮
@resmem 3 күн бұрын
I love them both, Eric is used to debating atheists, it must’ve been difficult to process he is debating a Christian who supports typical atheist positions. His style in debating is to show the ridiculousness of atheism which explains his debate style and it comes off as rude wish he did a better job with that. Michael is a beast with scripture he is incredible but he lost that one and hopefully his position shifts to a more defensible one. He struggles with admitting when he’s clearly wrong an example when reversing the curse he said where does it say they didn’t eat meat? and Eric shows they were given herb for meat that was a clear win but Michael wouldn’t accept that but got to give him credit for admitting that young earth creationism is compatible with the text that’s a big endorsement. Eric’s conviction got in the way of his empathy which honestly undermines his position if you don’t know him it’s hard to side with him cause the saying is true people don’t care what you know until they know how much you care ❤
@realJohnJohn 3 күн бұрын
he is anyone that knows how to read will know this his a fake dr
@kenjohn487 3 күн бұрын
Eric is using a personal argument against Hugh ... accusing him of preconceived bias.
@changetobecomebetter 3 күн бұрын
23:13 you both had awesome openers and huge respect for you the integrity. Never give an inch.
@paulryan5984 3 күн бұрын
White and Brown covering for each other. 2 heretics together make for 2 wolves.
@candyburnhamknoblock2991 3 күн бұрын
Where's the full video of this interview?
@Bibledingers 3 күн бұрын
@@candyburnhamknoblock2991 in our lives. Click lives and you’ll see the full video
@nancygonzalez5423 3 күн бұрын
@Bibledingers, concerning generational curses. Everyone gives an opinion, but no one reads the context in Deuteronomy. First off, it's talking to the children of Israel 🇮🇱 . Second, the curse comes because of idolatry, period. I don't understand why people can't stick to the literal words on that page. You guys are very, very based. I would love you to see guys challenge brothers like Pagani, for example, with the context... Kudos, love your channel!
@Bibledingers 3 күн бұрын
Thanks for watching! Pagani was recently on.
@nancygonzalez5423 3 күн бұрын
@@Bibledingers Yes, yes, I watched it, thank you! However, I can't wait to see you guys push back on those well intentioned brothers who, sadly, believe in generational curses without even considering the actual context of Deuteronomy. Again, check it out for yourself, the generational curse is for the Jew who forsakes God and goes after idols. Context, context, context. How on earth are people writing books 📚 on generational curses without understanding the simplicity and plain reading of the text...
@JewandGreek 3 күн бұрын
So Jim Osman is promoting the gap theory.
@opsword786 3 күн бұрын
There is no such thing as continuationists. Pentecostals believe the miraculous gifts stopped but then started up again. Check their writings.
@anthonylomonte3437 3 күн бұрын
I would say the abuse of the gifts and the misinterpretation of some of the scriptures that is what has caused the confusion in regards to in the last days in regards to I will pour out my spirit upon All Flesh. What are these young men and young women going to prophecy about. They're not prophets like Isaiah. I would say it's basically just encouragement that lines up with the word of the Lord not a new revelation like who's going to be elected president
@anthonylomonte3437 3 күн бұрын
Sure we have dreams sure we have visions but we need to maybe understand the definition of visions . We will not have full knowledge of God until we see him face to face .for we shall see him as he is and we will be known as we are known. There are believers in every country now . God promises no one tomorrow. Our true word of Prophecy is the scriptures. If you state a prophecy for tomorrow you are stating they will be alive tomorrow. Here we are wanting new revelation and we can't even figure out the scriptures that we have now. And the days of old God spoke to us through the prophets but in these last days he has spoken to us through his son . And where are the words of the Son. In the bible. When Jesus ascended into heaven he told the apostles that when the Holy Spirit comes that the holy spirit will remind him of everything that he taught them
@skinnie2838 3 күн бұрын
Pro life people are so soft and abortion will never be ended with that weak position. END ABORTION ALREADY.
@ForwardTalk 3 күн бұрын
I love this James White. I appreciate his openness and friendship with Michael brown.
@helenacapehart1467 3 күн бұрын
@megalospathi 3 күн бұрын
So i presume the abolitionist will not vote for anyone on the ballot this election even if they do go out and vote? I know you want to nuke and win the war immediately but its foolish to expect it from secular america. What do you want? Christian nationalism? If you are so convicted youd move to the state that has zero abortion or to a country that abolished abortion….but know you will incrementally make concessions to live in America. You’re not an island even if you act like one
@jmp6943 4 күн бұрын
Dr. Brown routinely dodged the question/point Jim made several times re the TYPE of miracles that the Apostles did - lame legs, blind eyes, dead raised on demand as it were, are not "the norm" today as they were in the early church. Jim should have pushed the issue further and stronger that IF there are no more Apostles like the 12 or Paul, THEN as Jim said repeatedly, THAT SPECIFIC "gift" has therefore, ceased. Dr. Brown agreed that we do not have "Apostles" like the 12 today. Therefore, Dr. Brown IS at the very least, a partial cessationist. Jim should have pushed that point more strongly. Dr. Brown repeatedly referred to miracles as proof of the gifts continuing. Jim repeatedly stated that God DOES continue to supernaturally heal and perform miracles in His sovereign will and timing. Jim made it clear that his understanding of cessation did not, need not preclude the truth that God DOES still heal. James 5 is not evidence of the GIFTS of the Spirit at work, but of God answering prayer as Jim made that clear repeatedly. On the other hand, Dr. Brown's repeated reference to the admonition in 1 Corinthians to "earnestly desire spiritual gifts", was in my opinion, not satisfactorily answered by Jim. To deny a biblical truth or doctrine based primarily on the ABUSE of a practice, is not a sound argument. On the other hand, Jim repeatedly affirmed that even the Apostles did not ALWAYS heal every person, nor did the Lord Himself. Dr. Brown stated clearly that the gifts are manifested AS THE SPIRIT WILLS. Therefore, the argument presented by Jim that there are not ministers going around healing everyone they see or meet, is not a valid argument. BECAUSE as Dr. Brown affirmed, there were times and places where Jesus Himself did not heal everyone present. Dr. Brown DID affirm that the gifts of healing etc, occur "as the Spirit wills". Jim DID answer this very well, indicating that there are multiple examples of the Apostles just acting at will and seeing healing occur. SINCE cloths that merely touched the body of the Apostles, or their very shadow falling on a sick person healed, then Jim's point is very well made that when a GIFT is present, we DID see and therefore, should expect to see similar results.
@luboshcamber1992 4 күн бұрын
Dr. White is unwavering and uncompromising - until it is his friend. Then he will do gymnastics that even Roman Catholic apologists are jealous of.