How to use PuLID in ComfyUI
21 күн бұрын
All new Attention Masking nodes
Build Your Own ComfyUI APP!
2 ай бұрын
Making Trading Cards with ComfyUI
FaceID: new IPAdapter model
5 ай бұрын
Infinite Variations with ComfyUI
Upscale from pixels to real life
@Specialissimus 2 сағат бұрын
Dude, I came for the tutorials for your excellent Comfy Node(s) but after this I'm staying for the nuanced take on AI in our society. I don't really want to do a point by point in the comments thread, but I agree with you more often than I disagree and where our opinions differ it makes me think about my prior assumptions in those areas. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I look forward to any times in the future you take a break from documentation and technical education to zoom out and talk about the larger more systemic issues around AI and AI use in our world. You rock.
@zYGote04 3 сағат бұрын
Very good tutorial, I have learned so much, I had the conditioning totally wrong. This is very powerful information! thank you!!!
@PeteStueve 5 сағат бұрын
As a kid, I always love drawing and art, but I got into a completely different industry and basically that entire side of my brain sat dormant until I discovered AI art. I feel like it's a way to bridge the gap between my needs, creativity and my lack of skills in some areas and it gives me the exact same joy that traditional artwork did. I think as an individual user one thing I am conscious of is using imprompts different artists, for example, and driving parts of their styles. I could see that being very concerning to the artists themselves and the way that I like to mitigate that is by making sure that I buy more artwork from artists to support them. So for example I maybe have. I don't know a dozen books I bought by various artists who I'm inspired by or maybe use parts of their artwork in my prompts as well as trying to share them on Instagram or Facebook or other platforms with opportunities arise. This is just speaking to the issue of artists feeling threatened by ai and I really think you're soberblown. I never hardly knew any contemporary comic book or illustrators names and now there's many that I know at the tip of my tongue. I follow them on social media. As I said, I bought some other works. I think that much like a DJ remixing pieces of songs uses parts of songs to create something new. There will be a revitalization in artists and those who truly have original and unique styles. I think the AI if nothing else, even if someone is not buying their work. They're now aware of these artists and now know their names and now out without even thinking about it or spreading the Fame. In essence of these artists. And I think that it will end up being a major positive for most artists. I say most because the stock footage, artist and other types May likely be replaced by AI, but it is debatable whether these are artists at all. It also would not be hard for those who make stock footage and other types of clip art to just simply move over to using AI. So I guess all I wanted to say is that I see the fame of artist increasing from ai and I see their revenues increasing as a result of AI. Don't see the opposite.
@GG-hh1sl 11 сағат бұрын
I know that this is not your usual content, and that's why I find it so interesting to hear your opinion. Thanks for sharing!
@maxehrlich 12 сағат бұрын
Thanks for this video. The perspective about ai and how it fits in with art, ethics and environment is an important consideration and having a better understanding makes us better artists!
@erdmanai 12 сағат бұрын
Thanks bro for such deep video! I agree with your position and believe that we should focus on mindfulness, ethical usage of AI and promote it. It can be very helpful in the right hands. Again, Matteo, Thank you ❤🔥
@albert2006xp 17 сағат бұрын
The word "art" is entirely pointless. It does not actually matter, it's not even a real thing. It's just a concept that can be declared and attributed to anything. I've worked in many mediums, I don't waste time categorizing myself as an artist. What exists are images. A grid of pixels. How we create that grid of pixels is tools. And of course the guys who had the monetary monopoly on that are not thrilled we found new tools. If AI can replace you, you're not that good an "artist" anyway. It's monstrously hard to get AI to do what you want it to do, like workflows the size of a small country and you still have to pray it works. We're not stopping progress just so we still have to pay you for it. Go take it up with your government about UBI and stop wasting our time. Yes we should use everything in humanity's resources to get the models trained. No, we don't need to slow things down for ethics. There are no worthwhile ethics. If the images are there on the internet, they should be in training data. As for energy use, just make crypto illegal and we're even, turn off something useless and train more AI.
@simonrobson615 17 сағат бұрын
Hey Matteo, sorry another annoying question from me. Your workflow works a charm and I'm having great results with the typography workflow. I've been trying to create a moment at the beginning before the first word comes in. I can do this by adding a black image in the Images Batch Multiple node before the first word. But the result is that there is no 'die off' after the second word. I've tried many things; adding 2 black frames at the end, repeating the second prompt 3 times in the Prompt Schedule From Weights Strategy node, adding more frames in the IPAdapter Weights node, but nothing seems to work. Any thoughts would be helpful. I know you're not getting paid for this so I appreciate any help at all
@latentvision 11 сағат бұрын
hard to say without seeing your workflow. but generally speaking you need to add a "fire" frame at the beginning (so animation starts with 2 fire images basically) and then a black frame for the control net
@kytbaba67 22 сағат бұрын
Is it possible to make caricature image with similar workflow?
@gdizzzl Күн бұрын
Is painting by numbers art?
@latentvision 11 сағат бұрын
to be honest... anything can be art
@elifmiami Күн бұрын
Hello Mr, I really love your ComfyUI Advanced tutors! It is golden ignorations here. I have a question about out painting. Image composite masked , preview image, at 22:21, my image is cropping from right side however when I change the number from 256 to 0 somehow it fixed. I really did not understand how pixels help to upscale on this area.
@HexaKafa Күн бұрын
@Latent Vision pastebin links are broken.
@_casg Күн бұрын
You can regurgitate as many splash AI images you want, just make sure you slap a fat ass label on it saying that you have a rufff time prompting, typing keywords and fiddling nodes systems for a god damn 2 dimensional image lmfaoooo
@ArchambeauC Күн бұрын
Hi Matteo, thanks for your work!!! May i introduce Nicéphore Niépce, He is the inventor of photography in 1827, then called “heliographic process” the invention of a new industrial print "multiple": this makes sense with the evolution of computer neural network technology. Maybe not yet an art
@Milie450 Күн бұрын
Amazing series! Thank you
@user-rk3wy7bz8h Күн бұрын
You are great
@Milie450 Күн бұрын
@wenconghuang4514 Күн бұрын
After I added the ipadapter unified loader node as you did, when I ran it again, it showed ClipVision model not found
@Elias-nj6gi Күн бұрын
Thank you, amazing as always. How do these models compare to faceswap such as reactor? Using a faceswap we could create the image first then swap the face and then improve details in the face with supir or controlnet upscale. What do you think?
@adriands8207 Күн бұрын
this is amazing, I'd like to see more of these tutorials
@86Corvus Күн бұрын
No, its theft.
@mixlee9965 Күн бұрын
Thank you Matteo.
@RajaHaddadi Күн бұрын
Hello Matteo، Your good tutorials changed my perspective on this art, thank you Please do detailed tutorial on controlnets and frame interpolation Thank you in advance
@fedoborod8890 2 күн бұрын
Oh what a humble man... Matt3o you are a true hero for us! Meanwhile, "XpucT" reminds us every time how cool he is, making the best models on the planet :)
@egerdrawings9468 2 күн бұрын
Really nice tutorials ! Learned a lot about stepping it up in comfy. I got a basic workflow running but didnt know how to move forward from there. Not only do know stuff to add now, I can tweak the existing one for better reults. I'm am new to this whole stuff and your in depth explenation of vaes, samplers etc. really helped. I hope you find the time to continue these tutorials
2 күн бұрын
Hi, as a quite old (63) German artist, coming from the influence of surrealism and (since the 1990s) fractals, I am allways looking for randomly (aleatoric principle) created artwork, I became a big fan of AI-artwork. For me, I like o play around with the comfy UI possibilities. I just wanna thank You and all the other developers for offer me these new tools. And of course, like every new technology, ther are good and bad implementations of using it. It mostly depends on the ethical intention of the user. That' all I like to say for today, especially my english is not so good. Love and greetings from Lower Saxony...
@latentvision Күн бұрын
thanks for taking the time write. appreciate it
@S.Korolev 2 күн бұрын
Thank you very for your time!
@user-kv6nc3nt1j 2 күн бұрын
Матео, спасибо тебе большое за то что ты делаешь! И я согласен с тобой полностью в твоем виденье ИИ и этики работы с ним.
@CFSStudiosAI 2 күн бұрын
I disagree with the idea that Art needs to have Cultural or Historical importance to be defined as Art.
@latentvision Күн бұрын
noted 😄
@pandelik3450 2 күн бұрын
This video should have included some commentary on the ethics of training on artists' work. Personally, it is not a great concern for me. A company like Adobe has huge amounts of influence and leverage to obtain training data legally from millions of artworks that are sold to them for pennies on Adobe Stock, just because of convenience. Their models may eventually become so smart from this training data and other methods that they may be able to replicate styles even after completely bypassing training on any data from the respective style. In the worst scenario, they will do this after open-source options have been already buried alive by the attacks from corporate astroturfs and misguided individuals. And then we will then be stuck with magical closed boxes that make billions at our expense. With absolutely no leverage to challenge that their data was legally obtained. I cannot say for sure if training on public data without consent is wrong, but open-source software does not have the luxury of having countless people beg to offer their data, and it seems democratized AI will die before it is really born if we don't rethink our conceptions of authorship and copyright from scratch.
@latentvision Күн бұрын
yeah I agree, thanks for bringing this out.
@rameshdevasi6720 2 күн бұрын
we should discuss more about ai and jobs
@jondyson1176 2 күн бұрын
Amazing video. I put off watching it because the "Is AI art?" topic usually devolves into a misunderstanding of how AI works from traditional artists and disrespect or disregard of the vast history and importance traditional artists have contributed to culture from the AI users. I appreciate seeing an argument being made that has respect for both sides with an understanding of each perspective. This is an insightful video, thank you for making it.
@ioanslavu3991 2 күн бұрын
Keep up with the good work
@adriands8207 2 күн бұрын
This is amazing thank you so much!, more content like this, is so well explained!
@uk3dcom 2 күн бұрын
Thanks Matteo for your videos and thoughts. Those of us who have been around for a few decades recognise the repeated pattern of condemning new tools as they are perceived as threats to artistic integrity. As you point out Photography is an obvious one. I lived through the introduction of personal computers and the condemnation from artists the moment people started using them to produce images. Now of course a vast number of artists use computers exclusively to produce their art. AI or the algorithms behind AI are of course more nuanced and complex but I agree are still a 'human made tool' that can be used to create artistic expressions. It nearly always comes back to who is behind the tool and what is their intent. Already I see creative people making wonderful images that stand out from the templated button pushers. The fusion of traditional, digital and AI tools is definitely one way forward. Just looking at art history I have little doubt a new expression of art will be born where the use of AI is central and eventually accepted by the majority. It might just take a few decades...🙂
@slaznum1 2 күн бұрын
Thanks for comments. I took a similar path as you. I was a fine arts major but worked in IT as a career for 30 years because it came natural to me. I still draw and paint and visual artists that make their living this way are right to be concerned. But I also think people who know and enjoy art will always appreciate and want the hand of the artist. Also, AI cannot sculpt yet 😂. Michelangelo felt sculpting was superior to drawing and painting. Just another point of view. Thanks for your great work. I hope you keep going helping us tinkerers.
@sergetheijspartner2005 2 күн бұрын
Imagine all AI companies merging their LLMs and Generative art models, we are affraid that AI will outgrow us but as long as these companies keep competing with eachother training their own models with 70 billion and 400 billion and what not parameters, think of what a merge between Llama3 and OpenAI would cause, that merger would blow EVERY other existing model out of the sky and AGI would probably arrive a lot faster than expected, but as long as they keep competing AI will save no one and the energy consumption will grow as is
@sergetheijspartner2005 2 күн бұрын
Allora sei Italiano addesso capsco perche parlo cosi veloce😛
@toshigen 2 күн бұрын
Amazing tutorial!! ...I have a question: how to make preview image for only the specify node (with out running Queue Prompt)?
@hleet 2 күн бұрын
it's WOW ! impressive what you are doing. I'm wondering why SD and Comfyui doesn't have that custom node by default
@latentvision 2 күн бұрын
nobody knows 😄
@DiogoVKersting 2 күн бұрын
Photoshop itself is not art, but a tool, which can be used to create art. Following the same logic, AI image software could also be seen as a tool being used by an artist. However, it is true that AI art is just not the same. It's much more "composition", than it is drawing/painting. For this reason, I agree with people that say AI generated images should not be protected by copyright. My final point is that Art is in the eye of the beholder. If someone manages to sell a print of "art" they generated with AI, to me there's no question what was sold was art, not a service (i.e. image generation and printing service). But then again, is there truly gonna be a market for art that doesn't have an "original", and that is not protected by copyright? It's going to be a lot more like someone supporting the artist, than someone engaging in Art Collection or Art Speculation.
@hleet 2 күн бұрын
Your are doing a great job with ip adapter. And your videos are top notch ! If it's complicated sometimes, it's just how it is ... comfyui is just hard to master in a short period of time.
@SENDIStudioGallerySSG 2 күн бұрын
Certainly, incorporating AI into the art-making process is akin to using traditional tools like pencils, brushes, and digital software. Just as artists throughout history have utilized various materials to express their creativity, AI serves as a modern tool for artists to explore and innovate. This fusion of technology and artistry gives rise to a new movement, AI-ISM, where the outcome is not just a mere product but a manifestation of human ingenuity amplified by artificial intelligence.
@Danirwanart 2 күн бұрын
Error occurred when executing IPAdapter: insightface model is required for FaceID models What to do?
@williamsjessem 2 күн бұрын
I can't even figure out how he managed to do that search and find to get the node for instant id. Every tutorial just assumes that starting from basic that you know all of the features and tools. Heck I wish there was an easy way from default to add these extensions and nodes from inside comfyUI itself.
@latentvision 2 күн бұрын
start from the "basics" series
@matteogherardi7342 2 күн бұрын
Sei un grande!
@HubbaBubba-xc8yp 3 күн бұрын
good talk!
@8561 3 күн бұрын
@swannschilling474 3 күн бұрын
Congratz! ❤ Your content is one of the most enjoyable and educational around!! Thank you so much!! 😊
@Ai-dl2ut 3 күн бұрын
thanks :)