@nightkids29 25 минут бұрын
Will it be sold out less than 15 sec?
@warka19 25 минут бұрын
Good luck with your games bud
@jasondavignon8318 Сағат бұрын
I’m with you on the ecstatic part-I knew they’d be good but these are just downright incredible. It goes to show how well they’ve done as I’ve had a bit of a bittersweet feeling about them coming out on account of it was probably going to be a small release like world eaters but honestly any thoughts like that feel like a complete nonissue after seeing this alone. I mean I think I’m gonna get 3 of that lieutenant model alone just to do all the build options if nothing else because it looks so good lol. Also I think they have more to reveal if you look the the codex are you can see what appears to be unique ec cultists on it so there’s at least that. Also good luck and rooting for you at the tournament
@samholmes5552 Сағат бұрын
Hey bud I'm here too I hope I can see you play
@georgeaitken2719 Сағат бұрын
You get the feeling that one of the Christmas battle forces will be the emperor’s children
@HKI6 Күн бұрын
I'm currently reading the second book for the black Talons. hopefully Hamilcar (imagine a Commissar Ciaphas Cain without the humility) won't be far behind. Its about time AoS got some love.
@lsufan6048 Күн бұрын
For the algorithm ❤
@Valtier_ Күн бұрын
I will definitely get Neave Blacktalon. I think she is a pretty cool character. Also enjoyed the books a lot.
@rodolfomaravillasduran8793 Күн бұрын
I would love to see a Bastian or Yndrasta
@Valtier_ Күн бұрын
Would love Yndrasta 😊
@MichaelWCannon Күн бұрын
Why would you release toys for a mass market when the videos are behind a paywall? Does GW think younger gamers have access to WH+?
@HKI6 Күн бұрын
joytoy is not mass market toys. They are collectables and not meant for kids. Maybe kids at heart but not children.
@warhammered6485 Күн бұрын
joy toy some of the best stuff around battle sisters mech has metal in it 😮
@raistlarn Күн бұрын
Joytoy should have released Thanquol yes-yes, instead of the silly man-things.
@Volf1916 Күн бұрын
They are good only to make sales. Next army will crush them as they get nerfed hard as normal.
@Virakotxa Күн бұрын
As cool as the design is... Technically they seem extremely flat molds! They are small... but on the low detail tier.
@intzbk1 Күн бұрын
I just ordered a Sunland Ironclad Landship and 2 Wittemberg Wagons from Etsy for under $60 USD. I'm pretty amazed that the GW ones are online only and I'm not waiting 6 months to receive them. By the time My Bretonnian order came from GW, I already moved on to starting another army. I don't buy anything straight from GW anymore but I try to support my LGS so they stay in business and we have somewhere to play. Right now at my LGS, we're playing Necromunda and TOW and I really don't see anyone playing HH. Just as a FYI for anyone planning an Empire army, you can only have one Steamtank in a 2000 point army.
@Volf1916 Күн бұрын
As soon as a new edition comes out the army gets a price increase. Never pay full price, go online plenty of people getting OUT of GW corporate bloat pricing. Nothing changes models the same, only reason they increase the price is to pay more into executive bonuses.
@raistlarn 2 күн бұрын
I honestly just want the grots. I could stick the one with a stick thing on a raised base of the right size and run him as a runtherd.
@turbosnowy 2 күн бұрын
Just getting into Night Goblins as a route to getting my painting mojo back on - just painted a squad of stabbas, now likely moving on to some sneaky snufflers (before I go back to serious mode and try to finish of my Sisters Combat patrol that stalled a few years ago) - so the addition of some more night gobbos and Troggy mates is perfect. Haven't tried any of the rockgut troggoths from the spearhead yet but they do look cool AF imo, so once I get back to a reasonable level of painting I'll be giving them a go - they look fun for sure - Q for Warhammer man do you ever review painting competitions? If not, then even for your own benefit (if you haven't checked it out) see what Andrea Cristini came out with as a winner for Armies on Parade in 2024 - the Night Gobbo army is out of this world 🥰
@piotrjeske4599 2 күн бұрын
Not a regular hunan or dwarf box. Meh.
@kenupton4084 2 күн бұрын
Well, there is finally something that I absolutely cannot agree on with Warhammer Man... AoS trolls (troggoths) are the ugliest, stupidest, most unpurchasable models GW has ever made. Absolute garbage sculpts with a terrible aesthetic. I wouldnt allow them in my collection if they were given to me for free.
@MatangaStudio 2 күн бұрын
Burgers 🍔 on mi at Adepticon!
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
Lets Goo! i'm so excited! going to LVO this week for the 40k Tournament, but Adepticon was amazing, and i absolutely cannot wait! i'm playing 40k champs, doing the creator Meet & Greet, and planning to participate in the Charity Painting event, other than that i'm gonna be hanging, and gaming!
@MatangaStudio 2 күн бұрын
@@WarHammerMan hopefully I’ll have a chance to meet you in person and shake hands! (And burgers 🍔)
@JamesSerapio 2 күн бұрын
Dude, THIS is your best title to date. Absolutely love it!
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
lol it took GW like an entire day to realize they never posted a thumbnail for the "this week in warhammer" article, it was just a black screen. after like an hour i got frustrated, and just made my own...
@thebigsquig 3 күн бұрын
cool, 25 year-old models priced higher than new models
@WarHammerMan 2 күн бұрын
ya its insane. the only people buying these, are suckers for Nostalgia, and GW is milking them!
@JB-xi2yv 3 күн бұрын
Vote with your wallet. Works better.
@bensontam 3 күн бұрын
don't worry about it. I only buy recast + use 3d printer.
@terranaxiomuk 3 күн бұрын
The deredeo looks sht. The name sht. The lore for it is sht. Everything is sht.
@adeptuspotatocus6451 3 күн бұрын
The Arvus Lighter is not what I would call iconic.
@andrewhannaford9300 3 күн бұрын
these prices are a joke
@gordonfr333man 3 күн бұрын
My next games workshop purchase will be a 3d printer
@kiraangle2823 3 күн бұрын
@@gordonfr333man consider saturn 3 ultra, my pick for sure
@KingKass2929 3 күн бұрын
Just because they charge extortionary prices, doesnt mean you have to let them extort you.
@bobnighttrain1792 3 күн бұрын
All these companies are raising prices, minimum wage is going up...salaries remain stagnant. That's weird. I hope GW goes out of business
@artfrombelow 3 күн бұрын
just a reminder that theres good recasters out there that actually replicate the entire sprue
@KossolaxtheForesworn 2 күн бұрын
second hand market is so big in europe that I dont need to buy recasts of existing or even old 90s stuff to get them for lower price than if I bought directly from GW
@reno239 Күн бұрын
Give Me proof or it isn’t real
@artfrombelow Күн бұрын
@reno239 nice try, games workshop
@reno239 Күн бұрын
@@artfrombelow give me proof I want to but the recast sprues. Gw prices mean I can hardly afford the hobby, but I prefer gw models over 3d prints so I want a link please
@Halfandhalf999 3 күн бұрын
i have not had 1 problem with the new resin, new white scar character for Heresy was perfect, dont mind it for the small single guys
@emmetfarrell335 3 күн бұрын
This is the world we in. GW expect their customers to be on 100k a year to afford.any of this
@gordonfr333man 3 күн бұрын
3d printers exist in this world, and other/better game systems
@HistoricLife 3 күн бұрын
I keep thinking I should play Old World, I have a ton of Empire models. Then I see these prices and think I should sell my models and 3D print some if I really want to play Old World for fun
@Kingmaster64 3 күн бұрын
Free yourselfes from their grasp of greed and rejoice in joys of printing
@kiraangle2823 3 күн бұрын
I want to shill my favorite guy but the comment section is a narc.
@colonelturmeric558 2 күн бұрын
I was so glad to find 3d printing for epic, never looked back
@Volf1916 Күн бұрын
Damn straight! Lots to find online that do it. Not like tournaments mean anything in local groups. GW does not sponsor prizes or incentives hobby shops.
@Kingmaster64 Күн бұрын
@@Volf1916 I only play with a friend for 99% of the time, currently eben 100% so in don't care for people who don't want to play with printed stuff
@ProbablyFat 3 күн бұрын
If people would just STOP buying for a couple of months ,new releases or not. GREED workshop won't stop RAISING prices for PROFIT....until we protest with our wallets. GREED wokeshop mnakes plenty of money from their china mobile games man, that alone sees tens of millions alone
@StarDateUnknown 3 күн бұрын
HH is only alive in my market for people who use the kits to upgrade 40k kits. My local store has a HH table and a few people play it. Also with these new prices I'm officially costed out for Warhammer. Time to fire up the resin printer and proxy everything.
@mrmors1344 3 күн бұрын
*cough* black cat cartel for vehicles on mmf *cough* [gw took down their older rhino nearly 1:1 copies but everything else is safe from gw legal]
@flameknightdragon 3 күн бұрын
@@mrmors1344 which i find weird since the rhino is just a real ww1 tank.
@jimsutter2748 3 күн бұрын
Ouch, Arvus at $80. I want one for a terrain/display piece, but that is a bit steep. I know it is cheaper than the Forgeworld one, but still.
@GarethMurphy40k 3 күн бұрын
For a unit that's only 40 points, and that you need a bunch of, its probably a bit steep! For a single model for terrain it's probably OK 🤷🏻‍♂️
@Grooviebones 3 күн бұрын
Bloodbowl mto's looking straight ass 🔥🔥🔥
@Capitan0Guinea 3 күн бұрын
I do not trafic in resin unless is 3d printed by myself. From gw I want plastic
@warhammerRob 4 күн бұрын
Forge World Resin is way better that the crazy 15 part plastic models that are overly complicated. I love FW resin this is not the crappy Fine Cast
@WarHammerMan 4 күн бұрын
forge world resin, is def better than finecast. but i dont like resin. it needs to be reshaped, it breaks, etc. nothing wrong with you liking it, but i personally do not, and avoid it wherever possible.
@raistlarn 4 күн бұрын
I wish theyd do a mto for the old 80s bloodbowl snotling team. You know, the one with a snot dropping a load in an ork helmet.
@WarHammerMan 4 күн бұрын
lol, there were some classic minis, that def need to come back!
@MrDustinperry 4 күн бұрын
glad to see those in resin, awesome 2 - 3 parts to clean and put together, vs 10+ for an infantry model. i'll be more than happy to spend less time in the building phase. and the resin has come a long way. very clean compared to 5-10 years ago
@WarHammerMan 4 күн бұрын
its def much better than it used to be, but i dont like it. breaks wayy to much. that alone makes it far inferior in my opinion. but if you enjoy it, more power to you
@frasercampbell841 4 күн бұрын
How did you paint the gold?
@WarHammerMan 4 күн бұрын
retributor armour and reikland fleshade
@StephenRodgers-el2oq 4 күн бұрын
BlackRock and vanguard not good companies to own this company lots of price rises
@JamesSerapio 2 күн бұрын
Because GW has never had annual price rises in the history of its product before? LOL The conspiracy bs is hilarious.
@stephenjenkins7971 11 сағат бұрын
Neither own GW 🤡
@MichaelWCannon 4 күн бұрын
I agree with your comments on resin. One reason I knew that War of the Rohirrim was going to be a sales struggle is that they announced the main characters in resin.
@WarHammerMan 4 күн бұрын
ya i cant stand resin. i think its a mistake to make a bunch of cool stuff in resin, that could be easily done in plastic. it kills sales.
@Revjiggs 4 күн бұрын
I agree its looks like a mechanicum release. But Horus heresy aren’t supposed to be getting anything at lvo
@WarHammerMan 4 күн бұрын
yes exactly, thats what has me extra curious!
@brutous1 4 күн бұрын
We need more bolt action lol
@MatangaStudio 4 күн бұрын
are you going to Adoption 2025 ?
@WarHammerMan 4 күн бұрын
adepticon yes i will be there, you?
@MatangaStudio 4 күн бұрын
@ yes! How do I found you?, burgers on me! 🍔