@sylviagan1069 4 күн бұрын
🙏🙏🙏 Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu for sharing profound dhamma
@MrKennkenn 7 күн бұрын
Sifu is absolutely right,sifu has seen do many people with without problem
@bigworld2619 17 күн бұрын
here is the attanitaya sutta :1. "Homage to Vipassi (the Buddha) possessed of the eye (of wisdom) and splendor. Homage to Sikhi (the Buddha) compassionate towards all beings. 2. "Homage to Vessabhu (the Buddha) free from all defilements and possessed of ascetic energy. Homage to Kakusanda (the Buddha), the conqueror of (the five-fold) host of Mara. 3. "Homage to Konagamana (the Buddha) who has shed all defilements, and had lived the holy life. Homage to Kassapa (the Buddha) who is fully freed from all defilements. 4. "Homage to Angirasa (the Buddha Gotama), the son of the Sakyas, who is full of radiance, and who proclaimed the Dhamma that dispels all suffering. 5. "Those in the world, who have extinguished (the flames of passion), and have perceived through insight (meditation), things as they really are, they never slander anyone; they are mighty men who are free from fear. 6. "Gotama (the Buddha) dear to gods and men, endowed with knowledge and virtue,[5] mighty and fearless, all do homage to him (homage be to him). 7-8. "When the resplendent sun - offspring of Aditi - with its full orb, arises, then the night ceases, and it is called the day. The direction from which the sun rises (is the East). There exists the ocean deep and vast. 9. "This - a spreading sheet of water - they know as the ocean. Where there is East (to the East of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is East. 10. "Custodian of this quarter is a great king named Dhatarattha who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Gandhabbas. 11. "Attended by Ghandhabbas he enjoys their song and dance. Many are his (Datharatta's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. 12-13. "Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. They too, beholding the Buddha - Kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless - salute him from afar: "Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the noblest among men."[6] 14-15. "As by thy omniscience,[7] thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too say: 'We reverence Gotama, the Conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.'" 16-18. "The direction from where the petas (corpses), backbiters, murderers, the fierce brigands, and the deceitful are removed, is the direction (to the right of Mount Meru), and is called the quarter of the South. The custodian of this quarter is a great king named Virulha who has a retinue of attendants, and is the sovereign lord of Kumbhandas. Attended by the Kumbhandas he enjoys their song and dance. 19. "Many are his (Virulha's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their names, and mighty are they. 20. "They too, beholding the Buddha - Kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless - salute him from afar: 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the highest among men.' 21-22. "As by thy omniscience, thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too say: 'We reverence, Gotama, the Conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' 23-24. "When the resplendent sun - offspring of Aditi - with its full orb, sets, then the day ceases, and it is called night. The direction where the sun sets (is the West). There exists the ocean deep and vast. 25. "This - a spreading sheet of water - they know as the ocean. Where there is West (to the West of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is West. 26. "Custodians of this quarter is a great king named Virupakkha who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Nagas. 27. "Attended by Nagas he enjoys their song and dance. Many are his (Virupakkha's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. 28-29. "Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. They too, beholding the Buddha - Kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless - salute him from afar: 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the noblest among men.' 30-31. "As by thy omniscience, thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too say: 'We reverence, Gotama, the Conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' 32. "Where lies delightful Uttarakuru (the Northern continent), where towers beautiful Mount Meru, there are born men who are selfless and unattached. 33. "They neither sow the seed nor use[8] the plow. Spontaneously grown corn is there for them to enjoy. 34. "The rice, purged of the red powder and of husk, clean and sweet-scented, is boiled in golden vessels; it is this that they partake of. 35. "They make of cows a single-seated mount (like mounting on horseback)[9] and ride about from place to place. 36-37. "They make use of women and men, girls and boys as vehicles, and travel from place to place in them. 38. "Mounting on vehicles (on elephants and horses) they (the Yakkhas of King Vessavana) travel in every direction. 39. "This king who has a retinue of attendants, is possessed of elephants and horses on which he rides. He also has celestial chariots, palaces, and palanquins. He has cities well built in the celestial regions. "Their names are Atanata, Kusinata, Parakusinata, Natapuriya, Parakusitanata. To the North, the city of Kapilavata, to the South[10] Janogha, and cities named Navanavati, Ambara-ambaravati and the kingdom of Alakamanda. Happy one (addressing the Buddha), this Kuvera (another name for Vessavana) has a kingdom named Visna, therefore, the great king Kuvera is called Vessavana. There are Yakkhas (of this king) who hold investigations and make them known. They are Tatola, Tattala, Tatotala, Ojasi, Tejasi, Tatojasi, Suro, Raja (Sura-raja) Arittho, Nemi (Arittha-nemi). There (in Visana kingdom) lies the lake Dharani whence rain-clouds (drawing water) pour them forth. And there is also the hall named Bhagalavati where the Yakkhas assemble. 40. "There (round about the hall) are trees bearing perpetual fruit. (On these trees) there are multitudes of birds. There also is heard the cry of peacocks and herons, and the melodious song of kokilas (the Indian cuckoo). 41. "There (near the lake) the cry of the birds, who call 'Live ye! Live ye!' (jivamjivaka) is heard. The bird Otthavacittaka ('O lift your hearts!'), the jungle fowls, the crabs and the Pokkharasataka birds roam the woods. 42. "There the cry of the parrot, the myna-birds and the dandamanavaka birds is heard. And Kuvera's lotus-lake ever lies in her beauty in all seasons. 43-44. "That direction (to the North of Mount Meru) is called by people the quarter of the North. The custodian of this quarter is a great king named Kuvera who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Yakkhas. Attended by the Yakkhas he enjoys their songs and dance. 45. "Many are his (Kuvera's) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their names, and mighty are they. 46. "They too, beholding the Buddha, kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless, salute him from afar: 'Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind! Glory to thee, the noblest among men.' 47-48. "As by thy pure omniscience thou hast looked on (mankind); even the non-humans pay reverence to thee, this we have heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They, too, say, 'We reverence Gotama, the Conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue.' 49. Inda, Soma, and Varuna, Bharadvaja, Pajapati, Candana, Kamasettha too, Kinnughandu, Nigahandu, 50. Panada, Opamanna too, Devasata and Matali, Cittasena and Gandhabba, Nala, Raja, Janesabha, 51. Satagira, Hemavata, Punnaka, Karatiya, Gula, Sivaka, Mucalinda too, Vessamitta, Yugandhara, 52. Gopala, Suppagedha too, Hiri, Netti, and Mandiya, Pañcalacanda, Alavaka, Pajjunna, Sumana, Sumukha, Dadamukkha, With these Serisakka.
@wendytan6825 24 күн бұрын
感恩师傅分享…sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏🙏🙏
@martinwee480 Ай бұрын
Sadhu 🙏 Sadhu 🙏 Sadhu 🙏
@SiewmengTan-l4o Ай бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏 🙏 🙏
@tanboonaik7404 2 ай бұрын
@koehean9043 3 ай бұрын
Thank you Mater Chao Khun Keng for your Dhamma teaching. 🙏🙏🙏
@yiyiguxing 4 ай бұрын
@S-Thai 5 ай бұрын
受益良多 薩圖🙏 高深智慧佐以幽默演說 實在厲害🙏薩圖薩圖薩圖🙏
@vincelow2972 5 ай бұрын
Next weekend is Songkran 2024. Happened to hear this Dhamma talk on the significance of Songkran. Thank you Bante for reminding us to stay/ renew our wishes on the roadmap to end of suffering . Will reflect to be better .
@namratam3814 6 ай бұрын
@chleewilliam1 6 ай бұрын
sadhu sadhu sadhu
@chleewilliam1 6 ай бұрын
Sadhu sadhu sadhu
@chleewilliam1 6 ай бұрын
这位师父教导直接 不拖泥帶水 sadhu x3
@pianoly7058 7 ай бұрын
Wonderful ❤❤
@MaeJotika2017 8 ай бұрын
@CheahCheeMun 8 ай бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏🙏🙏
@wang-huixin 9 ай бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu🙏🙏🙏
@mchg676 9 ай бұрын
@yvonnetan8643 10 ай бұрын
It is true, i experiences certain phenomena which in.my own eyes. When.i doing retreat in KKB.
@tchan8428 10 ай бұрын
@tchan8428 10 ай бұрын
@SundayBoy72 10 ай бұрын
Sadhu ❤
@tanutarohee 10 ай бұрын
sadhu sadhu sadhu 🙏
@liekiokling3552 Жыл бұрын
有缘听上尊佛法开导 🌹🙏🙏🙏 不知几代修来的福气。。愿一切佛友顺利安康
@liekiokling3552 Жыл бұрын
沙度 沙度 沙度 🙏🙏🙏 佛法无边 普度众生 幸福安好
@dipakbarua9838 Жыл бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
@weekiatlim492 Жыл бұрын
@meeChin-e7h Жыл бұрын
@必榮許 Жыл бұрын
@hooichengtan5474 Жыл бұрын
@cheng5173 Жыл бұрын
@BettyLee-p4e Жыл бұрын
Shadu shadu shadu
@王美珍-t1e Жыл бұрын
@davidchua1526 Жыл бұрын
@王美珍-t1e Жыл бұрын
@saikeetung2928 Жыл бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu 🙏🏻
@liekiokling3552 Жыл бұрын
💐🙏🙏🙏 沙度 沙度 沙度 愿大家如意吉祥
@saikeetung2928 Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Bhante, for the Dhamma talks. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu!
@limchuanwak2837 Жыл бұрын
@carenlineyeo8073 Жыл бұрын
Ajahn Keng indeed wonderful. We must treasure we have such good opportunity to meet such great respectable Ajahn. With his dhamma teachings, he has been emphasising to us layman must keep 5 precepts, Sangha has to keep 227 precepts as much as they could. They might not be able to make it all right from beginnings. So does layman too. But do our best to get it soonest. Is so important. Thats why he can enlighten as Arahan Level. Not sure level 1 or 2 or 3? But so happy to have Ajahn Keng. He is at Singapore Bedok Palelai Temple 🛕 Thanks so much and Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu
@interestedpart2650 Жыл бұрын
@wang-huixin Жыл бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu🙏🙏🙏
@waisecheong220 Жыл бұрын
@fkhoh88 Жыл бұрын
Where can I get a copy of the Culajaya like the one channten by Tan Ajahn?
@sauwahfung9176 Жыл бұрын
我覺得暴能夠非常好感恩大家能夠念經是能夠保佑大家身體健康、平平安安、出入平安、福慧增長。我覺得法師是能夠講關於布施,我覺得布施是能夠有錢出錢、有力出力是能夠幫助有需要的人、幫助有需要的佛堂、幫助能夠救災、地震、水災等。我覺得法師是能夠講三寶最寶貴、玄關、五字真經、子亥訣。四相、我相、人相、眾生相、壽者相先天到後天。我覺得法師是能夠講得實在太好聽的。我覺得法師是能夠講得好有意思的。我覺得都值得欣賞和讚賞的。多謝分享一下。我都非常好感恩的。天神、地神 貪、嗔、痴、慢、疑、人生生命無常是非常好重要。有D人未夠100 歲就會死、有D人在100 歲以上就是死。希望大家能夠長命健康長壽。👍👍👍👍👍👍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🤣🤣🤣🤣😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🤍🤍😄🤍😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍😍😍😍🤍🤣🤣😄😄🤣😍😍😍😍😍😍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@張庚富-t5g Жыл бұрын
@wang-huixin Жыл бұрын
Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu🙏🙏🙏
@randylee1336 Жыл бұрын
A million tks to honourable venerable for his speech....