@mattgraham2835 2 күн бұрын
the boiling river is similar to a hot spring the jungle can kill you in a thousand ways those tribes live in the outside world just not the modern world no modern technology there
@TehPwnerer 6 күн бұрын
The heat ray walkie-talkie building got those degaggers for sure very high digares
@artdehls9100 7 күн бұрын
Umm... I'm from Winnipeg... I don't remember the stadium roof collapsing like that... mostly because our stadium didn't have a roof. ;)
@jamessosa7765 6 күн бұрын
While watching I kept thinking how it looked a lot like the Vikings' stadium (it even says "vikings" in the end zone lol)
@LazarusProductions2 8 күн бұрын
39:53 there’s a mistake here. I love the video however. Also where’s all the comments? 🤯
@tommygrandefors9691 8 күн бұрын
Really good video. Pure engineering porn 😊
@KingBritish 17 күн бұрын
A new NONE AI science video? count me in!. But I would say, please stop the sensational headlines you've used to title some of your other videos which I can see as suggestions on the right of the screen. Sensational headline titles make your channel look like an AI one which immediately get dismissed by those genuinely interested in this type of content.
@MOSMASTERING 17 күн бұрын
"...for humans to organise the chaos of the universe?" Sure, but It's also the way we break up the day so we arrive at restaurants simultaneously for lunch! You'd absolutely need an atomic clock to measure the difference in time between an observer on the ground and an astronaut travelling at very high speed because even after months in space, the difference would be far less than 1 second. In fact, I used the equations and can tell you exactly - moving at 70,000mph for 2 months gives a time difference of just 0.028 seconds to a stationary observer! You say chaos.. But, I don't think the universe is all that chaotic though. It has it's own clockwork mechanisms built into it. Like the orbit of the planets, the spinning of a pulsar and the slow rotation of galaxies. The chaos isn't at human scale, anyway, the disorder is really at the subatomic scale. After you get over the implications of general relativity, I think it makes perfect sense that time is relative to the observer. A universal clock would cause more problems that it solves.
@lighto76 18 күн бұрын
So glad I found this. Amazing!!!
@rhcpmorley 19 күн бұрын
Time doesn't 'stretch or warp'! It is abstract! It only exists in our mind. You even admit this! You cant 'bend' an abstract. Time is a much misunderstood concept. Bear with me, it needs unpacking: Time is profoundly simple (though misunderstood). The ONLY empirical evidence of 'time passing' is change (including change of spatial position aka motion). Look around you - the Universe expands, the Earth spins, tides turn, life breathes, clocks tick, atoms vibrate, photons flash etc etc. All change events, change series. Everywhere. Ubiquitous, undeniable change. We think we perceive time passing, we think we experience time passing; but look around you, we actually see change happening, we actually experience change happening (we age because of complex bio-chemical change). Quintillions of change events happening all around us. Undeniable ubiquitous, profoundly simple evidence. Time is how we reference Change. Change is empirically, evidentially real. And Time is a homonym, i.e. a word with two core definitions - we need to differentiate them:- 1. Time is the dimensions of change. We calibrate change rate using standard units of Time (e.g. miles per hour). We index change events by using standard units of Time ( i.e. dates, times etc). Dimensions are abstract frameworks (or mental models) that allow us to reference an underlying objective reality. Time references, calibrates and indexes change. 2. Time is the collective 'flow' of change events. We think we perceive Time passing, what we actually see if change happening. Collective nouns are abstract nouns. Change is real. Time is abstract. So Time, one word two core definitions, both reference the underlying reality of change. And Change is, by definition, reference frame specific. So, not one arrow of time, but a quintillion arrows of change. Not one universal, single ill-defined 'thing' called time, but quintillions of individual change events. And TIME IS NOT "deeply attached to space". Space is also a word with multiple meaning (it literally means 'emptiness'). You never differentiate. In the context of the XYZ-axis , Space is simply a three vectored model for refencing STATIC (relative) spatial position. Why STATIC? Because there is no fourth dimension for change....Space, the XYZ-axis, has no change vector. Enter Time, the dimension for change and hey presto, Spacetime, the dimension of changing relative spatial position, aka the dimension of (relative) MOTION. Space and Time ONLY 'interact' in the context of MOTION!!! You can't 'bend', 'stretch', or 'warp' abstracts - but you can have a continually changing reference frame that you are trying to shoe-horn into a unitary lateral framework....there is no universal Time 'thing'. There is, empirically, just quintillions of change-events. Time is abstract, change (e.g. motion) is the underlying reality...and it can be both compound (macro-state) or quantum (micro-state)...it depends on the reference frame... I hope this helps www.time-defined.com
@joejones6968 20 күн бұрын
Lies. This anomaly did not leave our solar system, it actually landed on Antarctica, you can actually see it on google earth.
@joewright2304 22 күн бұрын
I'm not convinced that it was anything more than an astroid from the kuiper belt.
@ReasonablySkeptic 23 күн бұрын
You're assuming it started and never stopped. More likely rain came more and more frequently, for longer and longer each time, until it just didn't stop. Not as abrupt or dramatic as what you've painted, but still...CRAZY!
@pmalone4 25 күн бұрын
7:18 Weird, I'm suddenly hungry for ancient supercontinents.
@PoorMansChemist 25 күн бұрын
Just think of how human activity is making life better. We may be wiping species out but new, better adapted ones will arise as a result of our activity. So really the eco-freaks are anti-life. They want everything to stagnate and stay exactly the same forever.
@RAralar 26 күн бұрын
Was the entire planet an ocean
@John_Weiss 25 күн бұрын
Nope. The rains would have, however, formed lakes in any valleys that existed inland on Pangaea. Also, rivers draining the interior to the sea would have formed. Same as rivers today do.
@brandonespenhain6013 25 күн бұрын
Lots of repition of information
@inviktus1983 25 күн бұрын
@@brandonespenhain6013 It mentions that the carnian pluvial event wasn't the end of life on earth, it was a reset about 3 or 4 times
@John_Weiss 25 күн бұрын
@@inviktus1983 And, really, it was the massive eruption of the Siberian Traps that screwed up the biosphere so badly. One theory, BTW, is that the mssive CO2 release wasn't solely from the volcanos, but from the coal seams that were ubiquitous around the planet caught fire and burned, following the coal seams for a few hundred millennia.
@Phantom22071997 Ай бұрын
same it's insane. keep it up sub and like
@blackhawk5903 Ай бұрын
How this channel only has 1k subs... i think i just found a Gem... this channel will hit 2M subs in couple of years.
@vermasean Ай бұрын
Nice video! Obligatory Liked and Sub’d 👍▶️
@jemsnowdon Ай бұрын
The universe began with entanglement!.
@mixmediaproductions Ай бұрын
Dummy, Time was and is a concept measuring distance and SPACE. There was Space, But We can not measure more... So, you conjecture. However, What is beyond what we can see, is the cosmos that has expanded beyond our sight. what was, is still, and we can not know what we can not measure.
@GTSN38 Ай бұрын
God created the universe.
@Travellahh Ай бұрын
Only logical possibility
@hugskisses1601 Ай бұрын
@paulpille5025 Ай бұрын
@stormryder4305 Ай бұрын
Trying to find the point of origin is like trying to find a starting point for a rotating globe. Infinite possibility. Yet zero answer.
@GTSN38 Ай бұрын
I found the point of origin over 30 years ago. I found God.
@ScottyKain Ай бұрын
What if our universe is a particle coming in and out of existence in some other universe
@johngalt8997 Ай бұрын
God rules
@Travellahh Ай бұрын
@stephensharma4994 Ай бұрын
the thing is if one can believe this madness , then why cant you believe in the existence of GOD,,, and he is the driving force behind it all !!
@c.m9912 Ай бұрын
we have proof this exist. there's no proof of your 'god'.......
@yodamladiezmrd Ай бұрын
I mean no offence, my parents are Christians, I've been part of my life Christian too so really no offence. But how can u keep believing when u see facts like this? how do u divide ur god from alien, i mean sure, there could've been someone who has ability to rebirth and turn water into wine 2000 years ago. I dont know man, if there was someone with these abilities, how do we know, it was not alien, since ur god is not around anymore? And how do we know that we dont keep prayin to god who was just more complex and evolved alien, that was here 2000 years ago and then left. Or do u prefer to pretend that we are alone in this universe? Many people prefer to beilive that, because they dont have to worry about things they dont understand. And that's exactly potential reason for any religion to be created. There was alien, we didnt understand his abilities and strength , so we made him god. Or is it wierd, that on every continent, was created religion that keeps praying to some supreme god since they couldn't communicate between themselves (oceans and sea were not that easy to dominate with primitive boats) Maybe its sound little bit aggressive, but i really mean no harm, just i want to know the reason why u keep believing.
@ProdThrash Ай бұрын
@@yodamladiezmrd god is more likely to be alien as we know them than an omnipotent all knowing 10th dimensional creature, I agree.
@ettan5812 Ай бұрын
You do know the book is written by people right? And rewritten several times through out history. Why would a book by "GOD" need to be rewritten? It's written by people, why should i believe a person i've never met and never known?
@GTSN38 Ай бұрын
God created everything. I have no clue why people have a hard time believing that, but here we are. They believe in ghosts and scientists who use their imagination to guess something that has no science to it.
@joebaker478 Ай бұрын
Yeah, those are valid reasons for seeing aliens, couldn't be that we're massively unstable.
@ZeyBerlin_Baez Ай бұрын
How can the universe be flat 🤯
@lu-uf8zj Ай бұрын
universe can have no edge. All space and time originated in the big bang. It can expand or contract or do whatever but there is no beyond... the same way there is nothing North of the North pole.
@theexorcist982 Ай бұрын
I am beyond staggered that "scientists" and people in general still believe that universe started at some point and expands ever sense... I guess that was and still is easier way to explain something that they know nothing about so theory was invented and stays till this day. The big bang theory. And yet non of them can say what was before. They just can`t seem to come up with viable theory that can be excepted by people. Unbelievable bunch of bs to try to explain something that just simply exists and we are here by pure accident. Nothing more, nothing less
@LuisLopez2 Ай бұрын
Steve. That is what is beyond the visible universe. Just one big dude named Steve.. You can totally Google that.
@Chris-g5r3e Ай бұрын
Some say the universe is expanding into nothing, so how does nothing exist? I think it's just darkness without life planets or galaxies.
@burkester1045 Ай бұрын
Good vid, but don't worry none of us can even fathom the time and space even in our solar system. Figure out the tiny rocks used for the pyramids and other base structures here. The expansion you explain is way to large for a normal person to understand. Thanks anyway
@frozenpetal3954 Ай бұрын
thank you for this video. your voice is very calming and i love hearing about space. this was exactly what i was looking to watch tonight :)
@Velvet_Torpedo Ай бұрын
Same old lame ballon analogy. If the current universe represents a deflated ballon measuring 2 inches in circumference, and a future universe represents an inflated ballon measuring 12 inches in circumference then the universe has expanded into 10 inches of something outside of the universe. Simply saying everything has become farther away is ignoring and avoiding the question like usual.
@parrishwest Ай бұрын
Think of dough rising. It expands in every single direction possible. (But the universe expands into nothing.)
@theexorcist982 Ай бұрын
@@parrishwest Universe does not expand. It exists! And expansion, big bang, "beginning" of the universe is just a bunch of bs that those that call them selves scientists came up with because they don`t know sh.t and making up stories that world excepts is way more logical to make them selves credible in what they do and what people think of them
@Velvet_Torpedo Ай бұрын
@@parrishwest I would say the "nothing: of which you speak is in fact space and air. What is air comprised of? O2, Co2, N etc, So your "nothing:, really is in fact - :something".
@_xbasicxwitchx_8275 Ай бұрын
Well, now because of this video am I not only afraid my house is haunted but now I’m freaking out wondering if my house is invaded by aliens and I just can’t see them 😂😂😂
@tapijoz Ай бұрын
Astronomers would not think ”this is terrifying” and mystify the reality. It is a void with no explanation yet, not a place full of monsters or an object that will pull us in.
@Rhaxin Ай бұрын
You got the pronunciation of the name wrong all the two hundred times you said it and the spelling too, among with the Kardashev scale and the size it would have if the observable universe was the size of earth. Boötes void. Ö is not O.
@Jueyes-vg2gb Ай бұрын
too bad the CMB is utterly fake and utterly disproven
@rpg9392 Ай бұрын
AI generated trash video
@SinfulTitan Ай бұрын
Its Reapers, Reapers are lurking in the abyss.
@frederick-h2n Ай бұрын
Thanks for the breakdown! A bit off-topic, but I wanted to ask: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
@svtruong99 Ай бұрын
And Dyson sphere theory is as dumb as it can get. To suggest building a sphere around the sun that person has no comprehension the absolute enormous size of a sun.
@theJACKATIC Ай бұрын
Will never be done with that attitude
@joroglen Ай бұрын
Which is why a better name for it would be a dyson swarm theory. You don't need to build a solid sphere, just enough satellites to capture all the available sunlight being emitted. I've heard mercury alone has enough mass that if we deconstructed it would easily provide enough material to build that amount of satellites. We do have to remember that this is a problem of scale, not a problem of impossible physics or engineering.
@MyKingdomforAdRevenue Ай бұрын
and then the satellites capture all the energy and magically beam it back to Earth in full accordance with the laws of thermodynamics even though we're already being bombarded by ionizing radiation from the Sun at all times
@svtruong99 Ай бұрын
Deliberately cloaked that amount of vast space?! 😂 I think people need to comprehend how vast space is. Even light cannot comprehend how vast space is.
@nickyshannon4600 Ай бұрын
Great video don't pay attention to the criticisms of certain ignoramuses Nicolò From Venice
@mattharris9754 Ай бұрын
That fact that nothing is that big vs just having some massive Object there makes it way more scary
@moffichu9150 Ай бұрын
what would happen if a (theoretically manned) spacecraft flew through a pulsar beam? does it emit enough radiation to be lethal? distance is probably a big factor, like laser pointers light becoming more diluted the further you go. i'm assuming near the middle or base of the beam though
@vonleiningen Ай бұрын
It might be better if you showed the pictures when you talk about them and play the sound of the Venus surface that was recorded. Instead of talking about it.
@2012listo Ай бұрын
Sound would be intensified by the higher pressure. Maybe like under water.
@brndlm Ай бұрын
great content and presentation from your video
@NicholasPorter-p8i Ай бұрын
Excellent video. Same as the bizarre lights occasionally seen on Mars. Human beings r extremely ignorant because of course both Venus & Mars is possibly home to it’s own life forms. Titan is also a interesting place.