Hhhh dhagaha salid..kaaga furantahy kulahaaaa Dr soraan allha kuu naxaristo
@CalimaclinXasan-d2j Жыл бұрын
@CalimaclinXasan-d2j Жыл бұрын
@yahyedualnehashi1 Жыл бұрын
Riyo been ah ahaa iyo wax dadka lagu dhacayo
@bulxandahir734 Жыл бұрын
Wax telifoona oo la arki Karo malahan nimanu cayaysiin xuma
@dorgeleskoffi956 Жыл бұрын
27 The enemies of God on earth are religions and their leaders. Islam and Christianity and Judaism, it is the fullness of Satanism. They are the three attributes of Satan. Judaism is Father Satan above you. Islam is Satan in your midst and Christianity, it is the spirit of Satan in you performing miracles and wonders. The fact that after the vision I went to Christians is a sin. It was Satan who pushed me towards Christianity. Nevertheless, when in the churches, verses of the Bible were read, I did not stand up, just as today I do not have anyone stand up when I read a verse from the Bible. Christian leaders are demons.
@kouakoucynthia2827 Жыл бұрын
42 Firstly, everything took place in God's mind before the foundation of the world with each people, each generation and each prophet! Secondly, that took place and takes place on earth with the same peoples, the same generations and the same prophets in the flesh as they appeared in God's mind before the foundation of the world! And thirdly, that will take place at the resurrection with the same peoples, the same generations and the same prophets as they appeared in God's mind before the foundation of the world and on the earth from generation to generation! [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 43 There was a judgment in the Heaven in which Satan and his angels and Tommy Osborn, Morris cerullo, Yonggi Cho, Benny Hinn and all those were condemned and cast out on earth. They came on earth to seduce and there is a judgment on earth from generation to generation with prophets. And there will be a judgment at the end of times, the judgment of the great white throne for eternal condemnation. 44 So there is no book called: "Gospel" or "book of Life ". Brother, do not let the devil make you dream! The Word is revealed in simplicity! When the Bible says that John the Baptist shall get mountains straight before the Lord Jesus, do not expect to see some volcanoes or earthquakes! And when you see some assemblies of the midnight Cry in such and such country of Africa, such and such country of the world, you need to understand that I am already walking on the lands of Africa and the whole world even though I have never made any trip out of Ivory Coast. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. And now, when God say that He will fulfill a secret thing on earth, far from public demonstrations, what do you think that will be? Amen! The prophecies being fulfilled before our eyes. Amen!
@armandmah9161 Жыл бұрын
27 Salvation is eternity and a child of God cannot put his Salvation in the hands of a rabbi, a pastor or an imam who will himself go and give an account to God, but in the hands of the living prophet of his time who is the mouthpiece of God on earth. If you are Jews, Christians or Muslims, know that all those rabbis, pastors and imams who lead you on the earth are volunteers, it is not a prophet who established them. They are wicked, hypocrites and sons of the devil, that is why they have enough courage to do what they are doing. They are liars. They preach their imaginations in temples, churches, mosques and synagogues but I, Kacou Philippe, it is in virtue of the vision of April 24, 1993 that I speak to you and every chosen one, no matter his religion, will say “Amen” and will come to that.
@florencengbebou6422 Жыл бұрын
18 The word "Bible" comes from Bibliothèque! The Bible is not only one book but several books! The Bible is the compilation of sixty-six books! And God never inspired anybody to gather the prophets’ books in only one book! It is a child of the devil who had this idea! And at the judgment, God will never congratulate the one that did such a thing! God warned Israel against fields with different seeds and against loincloths with different materials! All the books of the prophets in only one book called Bible, it is good but it was a grandson of Cain who did that. It was not a divine initiative but that of the emperors with the Roman Catholic church’s. You see? #ProphetKacouPhilippe
@Vincent-De-Gesco Жыл бұрын
5 And speaking of her ministry, if a man has not come on earth to fulfill a mission like Judas Iscariot, he cannot admit a woman in the pulpit; and if you are not a goat, born to be seduced, you cannot sit to listen to a woman preach or lead songs when men are there! Even if she does it well, it is the devil that is behind. Nature itself teaches us that a woman is not carrier of seed. She can therefore not preach and bring eternal Life. And only one boy among a thousand of women makes the "they" feminine change into "they" masculine because of the authority of man. 6 A child of God cannot go against what God has established; even without the Holy Spirit, he will be disturbed. The Bible cannot contradict itself. If Jesus had established a woman apostle or disciple, then he would have not been the Messiah. If Paul allowed woman to preach then Paul would be false. No matter his miracles, they would be miracles of seduction. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”]. philippekacou.org
@elyseekoffi1717 Жыл бұрын
- - Kacou 40 : The war of Armagedon 9 Do you understand this Message? Outside of what God is doing here, all these church presidents and emperors are cherubim. I do not know if the protective cherub of whom Tommy Osborn is the terrestrial representative is Sabek or Buto or Osiris but this cherub was in Egypt against Moses. These same cherubim appeared in 2 Kings 17:29-31 under other names: Nergal, Adrammelech, Nibkhaz, Tharthak, Succoth-Benoth... But the big problem is that today, they are all called Jesus Christ. Sabek is called Jesus Christ, Osiris is called Jesus Christ, Buto is called Jesus Christ... Each one of the gods of the Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical and Branhamist churches including all the so-called revealed or restored churches is called Jesus Christ. And each one writes his god with capital "G". All the churches, missions and ministries! You see? [Kc.15v11] [Kc.22v4] [Kc.32v27-28] [Kc.108v16] [Kc.116v9] [Kc.118v13]
@rogercompaore7581 Жыл бұрын
4 A generation comes with its spirit, its sins and its realities. And then God sends a rassul, a maharishi or a prophet to indicate to the living of his generation, the yogas, sufisms, pillars and sacraments that will liberate them to lead them into the moksha, the eternal paradise of God.
@matvisualtech125 Жыл бұрын
14 Notice that according to the time of Noah, only very few will be saved. And the group of Matthew 25:31 to 41 refers to those who did good to some disciples who brought the sublime truth and who were hated and persecuted and dragged before the tribunals by the religious world. That is even clearer in Matthew 10:41 and 42. Outside this, it is a false interpretation. You see that there again, it is not an easy act as we condemn everyone. How can one give a glass of water to someone who condemns everyone? So, if you go and offer tons of rice to some Baptist prisoners, and you think that that refers to Matthew 25:34 to 40, it is a false interpretation. This rather refers to people who did good to the prophets and disciples persecuted by the religious people of their time. Before the foundation of the world, they were ordained to do that. He that has ears to hear, let him hear. Philippekacou.org
@jeanrenengbebou7989 Жыл бұрын
7 Well, Being the guardians of the Word, be lambs for God but lions for the enemy, whether he is of the inside or the outside. You must say what the Message of your time says and expect what God can make of you. If the devil, by his children, succeeds in touching this Word, all that we are doing is bound to fail. Thus, the four ministries of Ephesians 4:11 are the guardians of the Message of their time. As the four animals there in Revelation keep the throne of God.
@yaobleestelle2513 Жыл бұрын
40 You brethren of Africa, of Asia, of Europe and of America! Maybe you were expecting the Message of Matthew 25:6 in your country, but God did it another way. Remember our Lord Jesus Christ! Being the high priest Melchisedec, the rabbis and the scribes saw that He should come from the tribe of Levi. But He came out of the tribe of Judah. Then, His Message and his works confirmed that it was Him the Messiah. And today, on the whole face of the earth, if you are a child of God, your place, it is here with the prophet of your time, Prophet Kacou Philippe. And he that has ears to hear, let him hear.
@charlottesitakoffi6485 Жыл бұрын
6 Vous pouvez connaître la Bible par cœur, les brochures de William Branham par cœur, mais la Bible dit que vous ne connaissez pas l'Éternel. C'est écrit là dans le livre de Juges. À chaque révolte et déportation d'Israël, les rouleaux de Moïse et des prophètes étaient là ! À chaque fois qu'Israël rejetait ou tuait les prophètes, les rouleaux de Moïse et des prophètes étaient là ! Et lorsqu'Israël rejetait et crucifiait le Seigneur Jésus-Christ, les rouleaux de Moïse et des prophètes étaient là ! C'est uniquement un prophète vivant qui fait connaître Dieu à sa génération. Seul, un prophète vivant peut vous conduire dans la volonté parfaite de Dieu. La Bible n'a fait que diviser les humains. Vous voyez ? 7 En voulant rassembler les livres des prophètes en un seul livre, Eusèbe n'avait pas voulu faire mal. Mais malheureusement cela est devenu un instrument pour perdre, exactement comme le veau d'or d'Aaron. L'or, c'est la divinité ; mais quand Aaron réunit cela en un veau d'or qui était censé être l'Agneau de Dieu pour le sacrifice et l'expiation des péchés de l'humanité, cela devint une mauvaise chose ! Le veau d'or d'Aaron, c'est les rouleaux des prophètes morts, jusqu'à la Bible aujourd'hui. La Bible est la révélation que Aaron en tant que prophète avait eue quand Moïse le sauveur fut élevé à la Droite de Dieu durant quarante jours et quarante nuits. Et aujourd'hui, la Bible est considérée comme pouvant donner la Vie éternelle au lieu d'être un simple livre d'histoire pour les recherches et les documentations. C'est le diable qui a fait cela. [Ndr: L'assemblée dit: « Amen! »].
@yaosamuelkouakou3201 Жыл бұрын
O God, You had loved us black Africans when we were whites in Egypt and our hearts were so lifted up that eating with a Jew was an abomination for us according to Genesis 43:32 but today, it is an abomination for Arabs and even Maghrebis to eat with or to marry a black African. The contempt and harm that we did to the other races of the earth when we were whites in Egypt, that is what others are doing to us today. We have become inferior to the other races of the earth. O God, from the throne of Babylon, You made Nebuchadnezzar the smallest of Babylon because of his pride. From the highest nobility of the earth, You made Job the smallest of the earth to test him. And from the superior race of the earth, You have brought us low. Like Job and Nebuchadnezzar, we, your children of black Africa, give you glory for doing this. O God, Europe has Christianized Africa and America and Asia as one marks one’s territory or livestock against the Arabs. And the Arabs did the same through their traditions and customs called Islam. When Arabs and Europeans Islamized or Christianized Africa, Asia or America, it was not for the purpose of giving eternal life but for the purpose of colonizing. If India colonized us, Africa would be Hindu or Buddhist and would believe that it is through Hinduism or Buddhism that we had eternal life and the current African prophets that you see in jackets, would be some Sadhus or reincarnations of Buddha and would perform the same miracles. I have explained everything to them as You commanded me on April 24, 1993, they understand but it is You that they do not want. 🇬🇧#Download: The app "Prophet Kacou Philippe (Official)" on Google and App store or prophetekacou.en.aptoide.com/app or go to: www.philippekacou.org/en Contact : Apostle Yanick Aka +2250757585000
@kevintano6466 Жыл бұрын
4 And when I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I speak, if you say, "Kacou Philippe is for Christians," know that you are making the greatest mistake of your life on earth. I am the prophet of all mankind just as the sun above your head is for all mankind. 5 God is one as the sun is one in the sky for all mankind and we cannot have different beliefs and remain stuck on our beliefs. The assurance and supernatural experiences that we have, let us know that everyone we call devil has them too. I love you all and I beg you to receive this call. I beg anyone who receives this word to take it to their colleague or religious leader on my behalf.
@gnabropauljulesgogo4395 Жыл бұрын
4 The serpent was the highest human likeness, more than the chimpanzee. In the beginning, the serpent did not crawl, it spoke with Adam and Eve but it was the curse that took off its feet and hands according to Genesis 3: 14. It was very beautiful as Ezekiel 28:11-15 says it. But the omnipotence of God turned it into what it used to sin, sex. But you need to know that at the moment of the adultery act, the serpent had completely its human body. [Kc.54v8]
@Rebecca-yj7dd Жыл бұрын
This Message says that Billy Graham, Luis Palau, Frank Alexander, D. Owens, S. Swingfield, L. Allison, Ewald Frank, Baruti Kasongo, Joseph Coleman, Billy Paul and Joseph Branham are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Christian Bernard, Jim Lassiter, D.K. Olukoya, Zachariah Adetola and Charles Talingano are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Benny Hinn, Reinhard Bonnke,… Kacou Severin, Faustin Shungu, Mamadou Karambiri, Charles Ndifon, Martin Mutyebelé, Derek Prince, Andre Larrue, Yvan Castanou and Shora Kuetu are the incarnation of Satan. This Message says that Konrad Raiser, Setri Nyomi, Paul Ayoh, George Freeman, Cecil Robeck, Theodor Angelou, Hamsa Eichler, Bet Beach, Ricardo di Segni, Samuel-René Sirat, Nichiko Niwano, Henri Viaud-Murat, rabbi Schneider and David Rosen… are the incarnation of Satan. [Kc.6v22]
@alimaakobe3583 Жыл бұрын
44 And one of the reasons why such people cannot accept the Gospel of their time is that many of those they have seduced are already dead and are waiting for them there, at the judgment and they must go and answer for those souls before God. God cannot therefore accept that they change their ways here on earth. God would be unjust if Guillermo Maldonado, Alberto Mottesi, Claudio Freidzon, Paula White and Chris Oyakhilome go to Paradise while several of those who believe in them are already dead. You see? That's it!
@amoinedithtiaboa5478 Жыл бұрын
Kacou Philippe is the prophet for your salvation today brother and sister. You must believe in him
@bricekonan9226 Жыл бұрын
24 Religions are kingdoms of Satan. And of all the first-rank holy books which are the Torah, the holy Tanakh, the Zohar, the holy Quran, the Purânas, the holy Bible, the Upanishads, the holy Bhagavad-Gita, the holy Veda, the Agamas and the Yi Jing, which of them is the word and will of God for your time? None! To confide in a religion or a holy book is to confide in Satan. God does not send a holy book or a religion to the earth but a man, a maharishi. 25 And a messenger of God comes with the words and will of the Supreme God for the salvation of the living of his time. And on April 24, 1993, when the Lamb spoke to me, men and women came to me from all the races, nations and religions of the earth and one of them told me, "We did not see the Angel and the Lamb and we did not hear the words that the Lamb pronounced but we entirely believe it". And the one who spoke had two symbols of Asian religions. In this crowd, there were Hindus, Buddhists and men from all the religions of Asia.
@delimaaho3695 Жыл бұрын
2 Bien ! Avant de commencer et pour la première fois, je voudrais dire que: Bah Hermann, cet évangéliste baptiste venu à ce Message n'est plus frère. Le dimanche 03 avril 2005, cela faisait la deuxième fois, qu'il complotait avec les branhamistes pour s'attaquer à ce Message devant vous. Si vous le rencontrez quelque part, vous pouvez le saluer mais sa réadmission à ce Message n'est plus possible. Et je vois en sa lettre de repentance une ruse après son échec. Qu'il rejoigne les branhamistes, ils sont de même sang. Or, en temps de paix, en 2002, un jeune burkinabé lui avait prophétisé en ma présence qu'il serait Judas Iscariote auprès de moi. Et il s'était mis en colère mais cela ne s'est pas accompli aujourd'hui?
@armandbelga1387 Жыл бұрын
1 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heavens always comes from Heaven through an angel while there is another gospel that comes from the abyss through pastoral school for God fills the heart while the devil fills the head. Remember how on April 24, 1993, the sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. You see? It’s the devil that has instituted pastoral school. For, if I send someone to call my wife who is on a journey to the village, this messenger doesn’t have to receive any instruction from anyone. I am the only one who should tell him what to say to my wife and I know that she will believe him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.2v3]
@sergealaingbeyere6491 Жыл бұрын
7 and in a second phase, it is the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. and the rise of a mosque at the site of the temple. This was the abomination that makes desolate placed in the holy sanctuary. Then, thirdly, what happens today? ... This preaching is hard but I must say it and I beg you to kindly bear with me. [Ed: The congregation says, "Amen!"]. 8 We know that the beast has always been coming from Europe where there are also thousands of elect who will believe the midnight Cry. Follow very well! First, Rome whose image is the United States of America. Secondly, Roman Catholicism whose image is the current Protestantism, whose head is the United States of America. And Thirdly, in order to perpetuate the prophecies and that there may be no confusion in God, William Branham by the power of the God of the midnight Cry chooses a European Ewald Frank to establish him over the evening Message. And every trip of Ewald Frank and Alexis Barilier towards the daughter of the South, that is to say the churches of Africa is in Daniel 11. And Ewald Frank, this small European, himself enlightened and made famous by William Branham’s Message brought theology, the abomination of nations, to sacrifice it as a swine on the altar of the revelation. The brochures of Ewald Frank, they are Antiochus IV’s swine on God’s altar. Ewald Frank’s brochures, it is the Al-Aqsa mosque at the site of the temple of Jerusalem. Ewald Frank is the modern forerunner of all those who do not know that when a prophet-messenger has spoken, no one can correct his sayings.
@kouassilouisferdinandkouak4932 Жыл бұрын
2 Well, now I would like to say that as far as sexual sin is concerned, when a brother has finished serving his time of sanction out and that he comes back without the girl, the congregation will not be able to pray for him and if he had or should have a responsibility, he will not be able to hold anything over at least three years. But he is a brother and will confess for other things. [Kc.17v24] [Kc.112v3]
@armandbelga1387 Жыл бұрын
1 The Gospel of the Kingdom of Heavens always comes from Heaven through an angel while there is another gospel that comes from the abyss through pastoral school for God fills the heart while the devil fills the head. Remember how on April 24, 1993, the sound of his voice came into me and I fell dead. You see? It’s the devil that has instituted pastoral school. For, if I send someone to call my wife who is on a journey to the village, this messenger doesn’t have to receive any instruction from anyone. I am the only one who should tell him what to say to my wife and I know that she will believe him. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. [Kc.2v3]
@kouassiyvonne8538 Жыл бұрын
1 Words that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I have addressed from my village, on July 8, 2021, to Ivory Coast and to Africa and to all those who have the love of God in our generation. 2 Today is July 8, 2021. And on the occasion of April 24, 2021, despite the Covid-19, the missionaries Cesar Esparza, Jhon Durán and Wilfredo Hernan from Mexico and Bolivia came here, to see me. I consecrated them according to the order of the Angel and the Lamb of April 24, 1993 and they went back in peace. 3 And after that, as the inhabitants of Ivory Coast know that I, Prophet Kacou Philippe, I will never lie, they therefore attributed to me a false prophecy that they fabricated and spread everywhere, saying that I would have said that Ahab would die in the Hague. But I never said that. 4 All of you inhabitants of Ivory Coast, all of your prognosticators, political analysts whom you call prophets have eachalready prophesied lies. And you want me, Prophet Kacou Philippe, to be a liar like them. Yet, we are not the same. The last time I watched television was seventeen years ago. And when Ahab was the president of the Republic and had lost his father, someone who had discovered that I did not know about it was surprised and asked me if I was here in Ivory Coast. I answered him: "Yes, I am here in Ivory Coast but I am a prophet". And he didn't say anything. 5 Why do you resent that there is at least one true God, one true Holy Spirit and one true prophet? And why must there not be at least one true prophet on the earth? When your African countries go to the world cup and they get eliminated, must all the countries of the earth also be eliminated? Shouldn't there be a winner? You inhabitants of Ivory Coast, what is this satanism and black witchcraft that you have? You are troubled to know that at the last judgement, I Prophet Kacou Philippe, I will be your judge and the judge of all those who have lived on the earth in my time. You are in fearand you seek relief and yet that is what will happen. 6 Be deaf to my word, you wicked men, sons of Belial, slaves of money, workers of sin, but God will tear off your refuge and transpierce your peace forever; you will die in your misery. God will turn the whole earth into hell. I call upon you all the woes that happened only to others. I go to war against the doctors who treat you. I have established hell on the earth and dogs will eat you. I call upon you wild animals with deadly bites. You have the forest but you will go hungry. 7 I call locusts on your plantations. One woe will pass and another woe will come. All kinds of difficulties will come upon you, especially you Ivory Coast. The earth will shake all over Africa, Europe, America and Asia. The oceans will rush and chase Africans. Tornadoes will terrify you. Your houses will go into the depths of the ocean and fish will swim in your streets. 8 By the shouts of the muezzins, the bells of the churches, the singings and recitations of verses in your temples, churches and mosques, you have offered the whole earth to Satan who did not create it. And the wrath of God is upon you all to punish you until you are all destroyed. I once asked a Christian, "Sir, whose cock crowed when Apostle Peter denied the Lord Jesus?" And he answered: "Was I there?" And I said to him: "So you were not there and you have the same prophet as Peter?" So you were not with Bilal and Khadija but Mahomet is your prophet? You do not know Arjuna and Shariputra but Krishna and Buddha are your teachers of light? 9 Be Satan's agents but one day you will give an account to God. As for me, know that until my death, I will never give a false prophecy because the Angel of God who appeared to me on April 24, 1993 walks before me. Do you know that I was a reference during the 2011 crisis and that I even deserve the honours of the State of Ivory Coast? But from now on, you and your military will no longer be able to ask my disciples: "What does Kacou Philippe say?" 10 And you say that my Message comes from myself and not from God. Words that people read or listen and are delivered and healed, you say that they are words of man? If you were of the time of Moses, you would say that it was Moses himself who wrote the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai through his great education at Pharaoh's.
@asterabraham25622 жыл бұрын
Please jijiga house delala namber sand me I like jijiga
@cabdicasismusic95303 жыл бұрын
mustalifa Cabdifataaax Maxamed Mooge 25/10/2021 MaaLin isniin ah😅😅😅 Adeero
@ahmednurmohamed3013 жыл бұрын
@fahmoelmihirey86093 жыл бұрын
@sakariyesultan56123 жыл бұрын
Alle Naxaristi Jano hakusiiyo Adero soraan Legend😭