I found my old Pokemon cards.
2 жыл бұрын
New nature just dropped.
3 жыл бұрын
It's about damn time.
3 жыл бұрын
While In Virginia
7 жыл бұрын
While In North Carolina
7 жыл бұрын
While In Georgia
7 жыл бұрын
Borrowed Time - short film (2016)
What's the password?
10 жыл бұрын
The Cup Song but way better.
10 жыл бұрын
Meet the superhero nobody asked for.
Please Shut Up
10 жыл бұрын
A totally reasonable kidnapping.
Press Record, Talk About Nothing
My Sweatpants
10 жыл бұрын
10 жыл бұрын
Gen Z won’t take well to the bussey bunch😭😭😭
@Apple_Candy666 4 күн бұрын
''bernt das broot'' as a german im dying rn😭
@myaostaproject 4 күн бұрын
Just commenting to support the 3rd season 🤞
@ToomasKiir 6 күн бұрын
Yo, where Dashie Joey at ????????
@basedsketch4133 6 күн бұрын
Maybe just maybe if "Who's your daddy?" Wasn't named as it was it would have been a smidge better imo
@basedsketch4133 6 күн бұрын
All the women in Breaking Boston sound like they are trying to mimic the sound of a dirt bike in the distance riding along.
@dfx13productions47 7 күн бұрын
It’s 2024, so where’s that clown movie!
@KanishQQuotes 8 күн бұрын
Extreme game shows The one with the guy named nasubi
@KanishQQuotes 8 күн бұрын
That marry millionaire thing was pathetic The producers need to be put in jail
@KanishQQuotes 8 күн бұрын
Turkish calling a poem as crime against humanity ...thats dense considering their history
@KanishQQuotes 8 күн бұрын
There was a national geographic channel show they made big hype They were going to send a robot with camera inside a pyramid via a recently discovered tunnel They were going to do it live Which they did, and well there was nothing there
@KanishQQuotes 8 күн бұрын
There was a show spy tv It was like sexy version of just of laugh gags They would put people in a situation involving scantily clad women and capturing their reaction Like a girl would just begun to change in front of the guy because she is late for work and needs to get ready
@kariscoyne1886 9 күн бұрын
A few of these are straight up tma episodes
@p0llyw0ggg 12 күн бұрын
I wish there were books of the OA so I could enjoy the story for longer. Since you can watch shows so quickly
@ginnytrudeau584 13 күн бұрын
Time travel perhaps showed them that a storm is coming in 2024….
@julhol7482 15 күн бұрын
"Heil Honey, I'm Home' sounds like a rejected SNL sketch.
@edenanimates1465 15 күн бұрын
A character with an expressive face mask? That sounds familiar…
@netto6681 15 күн бұрын
The “Compete for the Meat” game show makes more sense when you know that an old British pub custom is to have “meat raffles”, where you can win meat, and Al Murray’s stand up character is a pub landlord.
@DeeKate 17 күн бұрын
Ive had 2 NDE experiences. Both times, my heart had stopped for 10 minutes. There's definitely some eirie accuracies with what I experienced on the other side, in the O/\. I also astral projected once right before a seizure, (I dont have a condition and I haven't had one since) and I ended up in a space that looked like Khatun's dimention, with a woman who was like her. But her name was Kezbah. So this show was WILD for me.
@WeaponizingArchitecture 20 күн бұрын
big jerkbeast fan
@nairamarques3964 23 күн бұрын
I just finished rewatching the show for the 4th time (the first time I watched it was in 2016 and I still can’t move on). I see so many comments from people saying how the show “got lost” on part 2 and this frustrates me so much because that’s why great shows are cancelled! People only want the simple and already digested stories! This show was made to be a puzzle from the beginning, the creators talked about that and how they already had 5 seasons on paper. They know exactly where the story was supposed to go and season 2 was beautifully done. It’s so revolting how people aren’t able to grasp the concept presented by the show: “I asked you to believe in impossible things” or Hap’s quote on how we’re stopped by disbelief. People are bothered by the octopus, the house, things that “were too weird” but don’t stop to think about how these things aren’t the point at all. They were all resources to tell a story about how all things are connected. For those who didn’t like season 2 as much, I say: REWATCH IT.
@JJMcCullough 24 күн бұрын
I was working for Sun News when the Ford show aired, and I remember how powerfully uncomfortable it was. Rob Ford was not a good speaker, he rambled incoherently and was hyper-defensive about everything. It was not good TV or even good propaganda. Sun was a conservative station and as a conservative politician who was getting hammered by the press - justly - I guess management figured they should play defense for him. But by that point in his downfall, even conservatives had lost interest in defending him, so it was not clear who the intended audience was. Saying it was all about a "lack of advertisers" is only half true, the network had trouble with advertisers in general, so that was basically the reason why EVERY show on the network struggled, and why Sun folded not long after.
@mattstone9364 24 күн бұрын
It’s 100% cancelled bro 😂😂😂
@kevlaw10 25 күн бұрын
I commend you for saying “The Bussey bunch” so many times with a straight face😂
@skefwholey799 25 күн бұрын
Here from 2052. They’re really in this for the long game.
@slickazzzzz 27 күн бұрын
whos watching this in 2024?
@sectorX5452 29 күн бұрын
who's here 2 years later?
@JerrudyerrapeskidsAndeatstheir Ай бұрын
@jordonbennett4194 Ай бұрын
Season 1 started out amazing it had a tangible concept and left a wanting for more it was vulnerable and believable season 2 was an epic fail right from the start it was a complete, shit show ,no wonder they never made season 3 they fucked up season 2 The very first mistake they made in the beginning of season 2 was making out as though you die when you jump instead of swapping places and everything just escalated downhill from there over the top unrealistic side stories branching off in all directions with completely unrealistic connections season 1 had the foundation for something good something that could have been as good as the Twilight Series in the box office If they were going to do anything with this show first of all they need to completely scrap season 2 and start again following the same narrative as season 1 if they were going to do anything with the show making a season 3 would not help fix the mess they made with season 2 season 2 needs to be completely rewritten They just made way too many mistakes unrealistic followable non-tangible tacky over the top way too many loose ends and the list goes on it actually gave me a headache forcing myself through watching it and just left me feeling kind of angry that they fucked it up so bad It needed to stay within the realms of believability soft gentle vulnerable and intriguing enough to leave you wanting more falling in love with all the characters season number one had everything Season number 2 felt completely detached from the story perhaps they were given too much funding and kind of lost touch with the nature of the story somehow I actually feel like I could have written season 2 better myself it didn't follow the path that it should have in an almost annoyingly obvious way I can almost pinpoint everything they should have done different It makes me wonder what happened in order for them to lose track of the story to such a degree How something with such an incredible potential just became a sloppy mess I mean seriously robot movements Blue's Clues clues on the TV they had her talking to an octopus for Christ sake Magic House of mysteries gross the whole thing made me sick way to desperately unwatchable It should have continued along the line of them developing their abilities more forming things like telepathy and greater connection with each other they should have ultimately found a way to kill hap His character got dragged out longer than it needed to be people with looking for that epic moment and then it should have returned to the group that was created the original five and the second five coming together working with their skills learning new and Powerful things in the first series oa Haddaway with people she could sense their pain and there was details of her being able to pick up on certain things the show should have continued on their ability to grow their connection with each other and help others and fix their family and blah blah etc etc you can see where I'm going with it but it was what people were expecting not talking octopuses and Magic houses and unbelievable coincidences that are just too gross and the ending of being a movie set really tacky guys so tacky what happened. ???? Whoever came up with season 1 was close to genius level what went wrong from there I just can't figure it out ??????? Either way but because they fucked up season 2 it's over what you see is what you get there's no more the whole thing got derailed I heard that they were offered to make a quick tie up show about it just to not leave loose ends for the audience but they turned it down because they wanted to make a series 3 but that was never going to happen not with the mess they made of it people clearly fell off the track by then because the whole track fell off the track It turned into a Doctor Who vibe but even he made more episodes 😂😂😢
@crazymusicgeek9233 Ай бұрын
You missed The Great Satan At Large
@joeyengelman Ай бұрын
It’s in the iceberg I plug at the end “TV Shows That Should Not Exist” and there’s a few other public access shows in that one too
@crazymusicgeek9233 Ай бұрын
@@joeyengelman actually just got done watching that and saw this comment. Thank you!
@joeyengelman Ай бұрын
thanks for watching!
@hillmidget1326 Ай бұрын
And this video is 2 years old I can't take this anymore 😢
@joemartin8888 Ай бұрын
Alex is a hero....Calling out government shills
@Spubbily01 Ай бұрын
I'm sorry but do you actually expect me to be afraid of someone named Mr. Boogens, Jr?
@PurpleRotations Ай бұрын
That Obama cameo is lit. Also Bernd das Brot is beyond iconic
@COMPFUNK2 Ай бұрын
19:23 - MAN, that’s an old desktop.
@thewildcellist Ай бұрын
The OA is High Art, in the truest sense of that term. I've been similarly captivated in other mediums, but none of them were television.
@EnchantedSmellyWolf Ай бұрын
If this kept going without backlash then we would live in a dystopia world. A adventure that would be scary.
@ojet013 Ай бұрын
Just rewatched the show again. So fantastic
@ScottDavidReeves Ай бұрын
I believe
@liengandriod55 Ай бұрын
28:26 "The Other Spud Goodman Show" is the public acess equivalent of those "reacting to my old KZbin videos".
@WillTilton Ай бұрын
No mention of the HermanCainAward?
@drakenei4226 Ай бұрын
to be honest every dutchie has seen the Bart de Graaf baksteen video
@ELGordoLoKo Ай бұрын
i caught Raw Time maybe about 5times back then too when i was a kid. The thing about a lot of people attitude back then is they was able to take shit and also dish it back out, these days people seen too sensitive. The only reason why people even interested in her now more is cuz of her goth style.
@ELGordoLoKo Ай бұрын
@ 32:14, i caught Mystic Kid Funtimes 2wice when i was a kid on public acess it was on channel 15 or 16. I never knew the name of the show up until now.
@Dayglodaydreams Ай бұрын
El Mariachi is great.
@mamimedahmed-yn3ym Ай бұрын
Bro you so slow
@EntertainMeTV Ай бұрын
I think the video would be more effective with one brief mention of "I know this show got mixed reception, but..." Most people think the OA is complete nonsense with endless plotholes for the sake of surprise
@kevindobson3701 Ай бұрын
Been 2 years since This video , what do you think about the OA now in 2024?
@JOHANNESwhoelse Ай бұрын
Sorry. You lost me after a minute. You don't present an iceberg like that.