Why So Hard | Zwift Going Coastal
@davegarge 18 күн бұрын
It always blows my mind how those few meters after the Petite KOM banner can make or break the race. Great work coming back and bagging the win 🙌🏼
@stevej_on_your_MTB 17 күн бұрын
You would think I would be used to it be now, I just didn't have it in me the first time over to keep pedalling.
@lee-cycling 18 күн бұрын
Epic comeback and equally epic sprinting! Well done, Steve. You're on fire recently.
@stevej_on_your_MTB 17 күн бұрын
Thanks Lee, my 5 min power has really come on in the past couple of months.
@Zwiftaholics 23 күн бұрын
Always a great battle! I think that's 2-2 in head to head Chasing Tour sprints; few more chances ahead too
@stevej_on_your_MTB 23 күн бұрын
I think so. 😀 So many times I wanted to drop from the group to stop the pain and it was touch and go through the desert as the As finally broke away. I was able to recover and went for a longer effort. I like camera 3 for judging momentum, but had no idea how close you were until you came roaring past before the finish line.
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 25 күн бұрын
Oh nice! I thought there was a B up the road. Guess not!
@stevej_on_your_MTB 24 күн бұрын
yep, I did too. One slipped away with the front As early on, but we bought him back at some point.
@stevej_on_your_MTB 26 күн бұрын
Thanks Dave. I found that really tough, and set some 40min to 55min PBs. Looks like you might have too. (Or at least 90 days) There were a few times where I wanted to drop off and limp to the line.
@davegarge 26 күн бұрын
Great sprint Jukes, fun racing with you!
@darrenvandit Ай бұрын
Lol what exactly was that bro? Hammer to the line my friend, always. New course, so let's give you the benefit of not knowing the route perfectly well 😂
@marcorufer2342 Ай бұрын
since you are usually a king at knowing the track and using your power perfectly, i am sure you have learned your lesson...
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
I hope so, I mentally gave up around that bend thinking we had we had 300m more climbing to come and I might be able to recover enough to power through the banner. If I had taken note that the road dipped down to -4% around that corner I think I would have found the watts to stay attached,
@MrPedel Ай бұрын
That seems an expensive way to save power 😬
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
it certainly cost me some places. I was able to bridge when we got back to the flat and caught some stragglers for 11th, but it was all fairly needless. "Shut up legs" 😆
@harryc1567 Ай бұрын
Tough ride
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
thanks, a couple of laps too many for me to hold on. Watching it back, it looks like I just needed one more push to stay in the group, but I just couldn't find it.
@MarkyMarkZwifts Ай бұрын
That was a cracking race Steve, congrats on the win! Great climbing and a mega sprint too 👊💪💪💪
@DixonZwifting Ай бұрын
Great riding with you guys. Probably the best balanced TTT I’ve done.
@appleseeds11 Ай бұрын
Fantastic time! Nice work, Steve and co. You had a beautiful pace line too.
@Zwiftaholics Ай бұрын
Man you were doing 9kph more than me when you came by, I eventually hit those kind of speeds but way too late. Needed to be dropping watts at 350 to go not 250.
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
yeah, hadn't noticed the differential was that big. It could be the updated physics reacting to my gear selection and cadence, I started the sprint mid ~85rpm and wound up to 115rpm. I also had nice draft when I applied the torque
@Zwiftaholics Ай бұрын
@@stevej_on_your_MTB yeah you definitely had better draft benefit when you accelerated, I was relying on the single wheel in front and a bit far off it
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation Ай бұрын
Wow, those attacks from Dali were surreal.
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
He was using the crest of hills and sprinting hard over the top to pick up speed. But the route is so punchy its not too hard to bring solo riders back on the next small climb.
@psouthworth Ай бұрын
Fierce race and a nice break. Dali was the devil.
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
Thanks, Paul. He really was. Van Caenegem also held 5.8wkg for the race but not in ZP
@roweracademy5022 Ай бұрын
Nice work today. Congrats on the W. You timed your sprint to perfection. See you out there again soon - L. Walton
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
Thanks Luke, good to see you racing B again. Think you were in Cat A for a while. I wasn't expecting that to be so relentless. We had a nice selection and it didn't ease up. Great effort getting off the front, its hard to stay away solo from the chasers up the bumps.
@roweracademy5022 Ай бұрын
@@stevej_on_your_MTB I had ONE good climbing session in a race 90 days ago, and got kicked right into the A category. Ha! Took a long time, and string of very humbling races in the A's, before Zwift realized who I truly was, and sent me back where I belong. Honestly, I find the B races harder. Much more attacking. In the A's, it's more set it at 5 wkg and slowly everyone falls off. Way less exciting. Not to mention, each B race has 50 people, when you're lucky to get 10 in the A. Anyway, all this is to say, happy to be back racing alongside and against you!
@Zwiftaholics Ай бұрын
Ha I love that there's a flamme rouge
@joshuadrewlow 2 ай бұрын
Everyone just thought they gonna crooze to the finish line? 🤣 Nice race!
@sigfreed11 2 ай бұрын
I be interested to see you do this again with the updated aggressive bots and more humans on the platform. I think you’d find it harder to get the win; however point made and it shows how much more realistic IV is and how tactics play a large role in ability to win
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Good idea. I can give that a go.
@sigfreed11 2 ай бұрын
Great race, thanks for putting out some fun IV content on KZbin! Any reason you primarily race in Zwift instead of IV?
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Racing on Zwift as it was the first platform I used, and I value the race field sizes, community, and zwiftPower stats. I would definitely race some more in organised IV events. I would like to see elite sterzo integration to make the most of steering.
@ZwiftyZwifter 2 ай бұрын
Ooo, I thought you had it!!
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
Nooooooo. So close!
@Zwiftaholics 2 ай бұрын
Kaboom! See it's fun racing separate time zones, we can both win 😅 your final climb had a few more fireworks than ours
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
Dude, these are so exciting to see! Great finish, and great climbing. Watching this made me kinda want to do that route 4 times! How was it doing the same climb over and over? Must be some weird sense of "home?"
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
I've got some fond memories of the Mech Isle climb from my Cat C days and when the gravel bike made a larger difference. 8x in one race is a bit much though.
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
Wow, what perfect timing!
@MarkyMarkZwifts 2 ай бұрын
Congrats Steve, that was a cracking race and excellent sprint! 👊💪💪💪
@appleseeds11 2 ай бұрын
Well done, congratulations!
@Zwiftaholics 2 ай бұрын
Too good tonight! I've watched it a couple of times and I can't see any way it ends up with a different result (without me doing things my legs just were not willing to do).
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Adam. I did hesitate when you went early. I was trying to get further back so there was a bit of a gap, but I thought I might have left it too late. The ice-cream/food stand on the right was my marker.
@scottytremaineplays9461 2 ай бұрын
Nice race Steve! Jon did a great job of coming through and stopping after your attack neutralising it. Your sprint is impressive!
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
I wasn't sure if I would cause a split there, but was also aware someone else might try something on the last lap so I thought I would put the pressure on early and recover back in the pack. You, Jon, and Adam marked it excellently.
@ZwiftyZwifter 2 ай бұрын
Cracking stuff. THATS the way to do it, played to your strengths perfectly!
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, Rob. The rolling profile is great for me, the climbs are just within my power range. Although I was worried when we were chasing As again and there were a few dicey moments.
@MrPedel 2 ай бұрын
Excellent finish, Steve! So much power. And I’ll hand it to you: You went real deep there to hang on over the first climb. Didn’t work this time, but inspiring nonetheless!
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Thomas after getting dropped I decided to try and record a PB. Starting the dirt climb in the village on lap 1 was too much. I got to the lake and needed to release some pressure on the legs which scrubbed loads of speed and that was that. I need to build my 5min power up a bit more in races.
@marcorufer2342 2 ай бұрын
Great Power and great Video👍 The 20 min power will come back soon too. Just keep it up!
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
Dang, some impressive numbers in that sprint! And a buddy did one of the last three-week tours and had a huge slump in the middle week. He was FLYING in the third week. I think the same's gonna happen here.
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Joe, I really hope so. I can't hang with the front at the moment. I've put in the work so hoping my 5 to 20min power comes up a bit. Always with hindsight, I think I should have pushed through instead of taking the breaking mid climb
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
@@stevej_on_your_MTB Yeah, that could be the case. From the vids I've watched, it seems you do the same as me and like to take risks by hanging as far back as you can. Sometimes that pays off, but sometimes we get caught out.
@scottytremaineplays9461 2 ай бұрын
Owch! Good effort. Probably a case where those first couple of efforts through the banner and following Louis cost you at the end there. That whole stretch was pain! I was holding position half way down the group dreading the rise out of the ocean. The group splintered again through the gravel too!
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
I've watched this back a few times now. I think losing Stephan's wheel as we entered the tunnel cost me too much speed, and then I just got swamped by one rider after another coming over the top of me. I fought back for pack position and was too gassed to carry on chasing when we came out of the ramp.
@MikeHardyiest Ай бұрын
@@stevej_on_your_MTB Have you considered - at times of maximum stress - just riding at your TT power output? I find when this happens that a few people come over me but I slowly accelerate in whatever draft is available and eventually slot in to line *without* the leg-crushing metabolic cost of the vo2/lactic surges so that once I'm in line I can actually stay there. Sometimes it means I miss a split as I've just got my head down so to speak, but it means that I'm not fully dropped. Those surges just look vicious and sub-optimal me, nothing I know about exercise science / human physiology predicts your power graph is the proper way to stay in a group...
@stevej_on_your_MTB Ай бұрын
@@MikeHardyiest yep I think its a good observation. At first I was feeling strong so went with the initial attack. I then panicked as those riders came over the top and I began fighting to regain pack position. You can see it becomes more and more unstable as I oscillate between surging and recovery. Your suggestion of riding at TT power was what was needed here, I need to learn to relax more and hold a stable power. At the time, I thought I might be able to weather the storm by forcing the power, but the push lasted a lot longer than I was expecting.
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
I think your attack was fine! But there are too many A's who aren't smart enough to let the other B's chase. They just can't help themselves in a group that size.
@doomguyzwifting 2 ай бұрын
Well done mate. When you dropped I thought you got on the back!
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Taking that micro-rest before the surge cost me. I got swamped from behind and then the power wasn't enough.
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
I need to give 1st person a try. Nice race. I'll try to jump in one next week (and try not to interfere too much).
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Joe. I find the view better to gauge acceleration of the other riders. You only miss what is going on behind you.
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 2 ай бұрын
​@@stevej_on_your_MTB It also seems to show gradients in the road way better! And I'm just seeing your username here! How's the MTB riding near you?
@Zwiftaholics 2 ай бұрын
Narrator: Adam was not coming back
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
no you weren't. Those orange numbers were convincing enough and then you didn't back off below 4wkg. I thought about getting across but there was a lot of jungle climb left.
@scottytremaineplays9461 2 ай бұрын
Great race. Your first climb was particularly impressive. I definitely learned some lessons on that final climb.
@stevej_on_your_MTB 2 ай бұрын
Thanks, climbs less than 3 mins I can punch my way up. Re-joining the As didn't help as they started the Epic climb before the bridge 😆 My head dropped when you started sprinting so early, I almost didn't react. I also nearly lost you on the rope bridge, but got lucky you didn't push over the top.
@MarkyMarkZwifts 3 ай бұрын
Nice one Steve, that was a cracking finish, congrats on the podium! 👊💪💪💪
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
Cheers, Mark. We both found our sprints today. Here's to a week free of climbing. 😀🍻
@MarkyMarkZwifts 3 ай бұрын
@@stevej_on_your_MTB I'll drink to that! 🍻
@MichaelThorne_za 3 ай бұрын
🔥 Thanks for sharing! Congrats on your finish. 🥉
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
Thanks Michael, I love those high speed finishes. Those multiple attacks made it really dynamic and exciting.
@the_joe_reynolds_foundation 3 ай бұрын
Ha, I feel you! I was going to snipe a random few of the Chasing races, but all of them look too hard. 😶‍🌫
@MarkyMarkZwifts 3 ай бұрын
That was a really tough race Steve, with a really hard start which really battered our legs before getting to the climbs. Great effort pushing through the pain and good luck tomorrow with the ITT 👊
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, Mark. It was great to ride with you. Sorry, I couldn't have stayed with you for Box Hill. I'm going to have to learn to climb at my own pace on these longer climbs rather than try and chase anyone down. 😆
@MrPedel 3 ай бұрын
Tough break, Steve. Well done for fighting it out as well as you did. Maybe you and I both need to expect a bit less from our legs this week, and take an easy week next week to get ready for Pink
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
I think that's a good idea. We get a nice week off before the next series. Time for those adaptations to do their thing.
@specialblorb 3 ай бұрын
Well done Steve- definitely takes mental strength to bash on alone to finish
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
Thanks, Peter. I've had a good run of form, and hope its helpful to share both the highs and lows of Zwift racing. This is definitely one race I'll be glad to put behind me.
@scottytremaineplays9461 3 ай бұрын
Oof - I think I remember seeing you stop on the climb. Had a vague thought of mechanical in my pain haze. Well done for keeping on going though. Mentally, holding the same power and finding a gear for a climb like that is so tough. I ended up out of the saddle at 4.2 w/kg for most of the steep bit.
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
Yep, the mechanical was my legs giving way. Its painful to watch back now and wonder why I didn't just hold a bit more of a steady cadence for those last few hundred meters
@doomguyzwifting 3 ай бұрын
Great finish mate 👍
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
Thanks DG, wait till you see today's disaster though. 😆
@doomguyzwifting 3 ай бұрын
@@stevej_on_your_MTB looking forward to it. Love seeing a disaster 😂
@cunhalink 3 ай бұрын
So, you did Chasing on Sunday, then ZRL, then back to Chasing and still finish on the podium!!!!! Congrats Steve!!!
@stevej_on_your_MTB 3 ай бұрын
ha ha, yes and AdZ on Friday. I saw you had a great result again yesterday!. 💪 I'm not looking forward to today's Triple Loops.
@MrPedel 3 ай бұрын
Excellent chase sequence, and perfect finish!