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CCCS 劍橋合唱團成立於一九九二年,由大波士頓地區喜好合唱音樂的社會人士及學生組成,藉由一個星期一次的練唱,固定的聚餐與出遊,以及一年至少兩次的演出,讓劍橋合唱團這個歡樂的大家庭成為凝聚愛唱歌的朋友最好的去處。 本團成立初期,曾歷經多位音樂專業人士悉心指導,音樂水準日益提昇,更有幸在創團初期聘請語言學大師趙元 任之女、哈佛大學教授趙如蘭女士擔任顧問,趙女士多年來的鼎力支持使得本團在新英格蘭地區的音樂界及僑界享有盛名。 MIT Chinese Choral Society (CCCS) was founded in 1992 by a group of students and professionals at MIT who share a common interest in choral music as well as the Chinese culture and tradition. CCCS has brought members from all educational and professional backgrounds. Through our weekly practices and frequent social functions, our members have developed close friendships and bonds which have matured each of our lives. During the ten years of CCCS's founding, we have been fortunate in the mentoring and instruction by many talented musicians, conductors and esteemed music scholars from MIT. Through the careful cultivation of each mentor and instructor, CCCS has grown to be a well-respected amateur choir.