You all are brave warriors. I should know as I have climbed Doi Inthanon in Chiang Mai, Thailand 6 times in my life at a height of only 2565 metres, much lower than 3275 metres here. The distance is only 48 km from the starting point.
有人為她開脫說她可能平常對話流利只是不擅長翻, 問題在於剛開始兩句就根本已經讓人尷尬到撞牆了誒! Do you need a translation? A TRANSLATION????? EXCUSE ME????????? Please speak a little bit slower, And don't use too hard words, okay? 這根本就不是祈使句阿!!這是命令的語氣了誒!! 我的老天爺阿,你是在跟嘉賓說話誒,老師對幼稚園的孩子都不會用這麼強硬的語氣好嗎!!Don't use too hard words是什麼鬼了喂!聽了這種亂七八糟的開頭,後面翻的七葷八素也正常,這麼一個大型活動剛開幕就鬧這麼大一個笑話,真是丟臉丟到外太空!