The TRUE Gospel | Buckle Up!
@JacobWeaver2023 6 күн бұрын
17:50 yep
@edsnyder2801 10 күн бұрын
For All who are a new creation In Christ have the 10 commands written in their hearts and minds! Christ fulfilled the law on our behalf! For by the deeds of the law, shall no flesh be justified in His sight! What then? Do we now make void the law through faith? Yea, God forbid, we establish the law! I personally, love the perfect law of liberty that is written upon our hearts. However, for All who truly think that they can fully keep All 10 commandments? They are deceived! If We, The Church of Christ could fulfill the law? Then Christ died in vain! There shall be many (most) on that Great and Terrible Day who shall stand before Our Lord in false hope of all of the many wonderful things that they have done in the church. The law is our schoolmaster to bring Us unto Christ! The law must "Never" superceed nor superimposed grace. A person is either under grace? Or a person is under law? It can be both! Like I said, I love the 10 commands, and yes, we are to walk in them and establish them. I personally seek to love the Lord thy God with all of my heart and all of my mind and all of my soul, but I still fail! So we are either under grace or law? It can't be both! Roman's 16:25-26 teaches that the Everlasting God has commanded for the Preaching of Jesus Christ to be according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now, by the scriptures of the prophets, hath clearly made known unto All Nations and All Men for the obedience of faith! May we continue in sin that grace may abound, God forbid! If we say we have no sin? We deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins? He is Just and faithful to forgive us of our sins. We must always remember? That by the deeds of the law? Shall no flesh be justified, but by the faith of Him, and His Promise to reconcile All Things back unto Himself!
@user-oj5qs2fh5d 11 күн бұрын
Nicely done.Thank you for this.
@evelynblair544 11 күн бұрын
Thank you! Praise our heavenly Father💟
@BioRobotic 13 күн бұрын
As it pertains to Abrahams seed…not Seeds…I am pretty sure that Joseph is the only one who fits 430 years. Joseph lived about 30 years as the second most powerful man in Egypt….then children of Israel would be in captivity for 400 years. God even told Abraham this would happen back in Genesis 15:13
@BioRobotic 14 күн бұрын
One thing is so very true with what you say I 100% agree with is that in our relationship with Christ is that through His power we are obedient to the 10 Commandments. Those were not done away with when Christ fulfilled the sacrificial system. He even said “not one jot or tittle shall be removed from these till time is fulfilled”
@BioRobotic 14 күн бұрын
Israels transgression is much linger than 430 years after Abraham…they spent that just in Egypt with 400 of it in bondage as slaves…back up from that you have to consider Jacob(Israel) was over 100 at the time he went to Egypt…and Isaac his father was probably in his 50s when Jacob and Esau were born…so you are looking at between 550-600 years from Abraham. Not trying to be contentious, but Biblical truth and accuracy must be sought at all times
@noahabbott25 13 күн бұрын
@@BioRobotic yes they’ve always transgressed you are correct but I’m speaking of the specific transgressions of breaking commandment #2 with golden calf shortly after the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt when book of the law was added. Paul references this in Galatians 3:15-22. He says the promise given to Abraham until the time the law was given by Moses was 430 years. At least that’s how I perceive it. Wording is tough here
@BioRobotic 14 күн бұрын
The New Covenant is here…the New Covenant is “If you believe in me you will have ever lasting life” telling us the old covenant is we have to sacrifice, we have to atone, we have to do all those rites explained in the sacrificial system. Where the new is that if we believe Jesus died as the lamb to pay the penalty for our sins since He lived a perfect life. When He said He will write the law upon our hearts, He is saying that as we build our relationship with Him, that by His nature and power alone we will naturally obey His Commandments. THAT is the New Covenant!
@noahabbott25 14 күн бұрын
@@BioRobotic agreed on some points but at the same time it says that he will drink the cup of the new covenant when he comes into his kingdom (Matthew 26:29). And a big point of the new covenant will be that we will no longer have to say to our neighbor to “know the Lord” because all will know him. This has not taken place yet because we are still commissioned to teach all people about him. Right now is a time of refreshing spoken of in Acts 3:19 where the holy covenant (10 commandments) is renewed/refreshed and we preach the faith of Yeshua until he comes back to make all things new. Thank you for the comment!
@BioRobotic 14 күн бұрын
Transgression started with Adam and Eve, not with the Israelites. Same with sacrificing a lamb, God sacrificed the first lamb in order to cover their nakedness. Cain killed Abel over his properly offering a sacrifice. You have a lot of great information but you need to correct this concept.
@noahabbott25 14 күн бұрын
@@BioRobotic Very good point! When I say transgression I’m speaking of how it’s referred in Galatians 3 though. Speaking of the promise to Abraham and in turn the promise to Israel and children of Israel’s transgression (430 years after Abraham) with the golden calf that resulted in the sacrificial law given as a punishment until the faith came in by Yeshua. But yes there was sin since the beginning through Adam and now all come to life by faith in Yeshua and doing His commandments!
@JacobWeaver2023 26 күн бұрын
22:00 I agree it makes me angry at those that lead them astray. I’m patient with the deceived but the false teachers I do tend to lose my temper with. I must get better at that.
@JacobWeaver2023 27 күн бұрын
16:00 my life did the opposite of get better. It became absolute hell. Everyone in my own household turned against me.
@noahabbott25 27 күн бұрын
You’re right. Outwardly it’s terrible. Many people will turn against you. I should’ve made that clear. But clarity in Him becomes better. And life in Him becomes better. But you are correct the vessel we live in on earth gets harder. Purified even.
@JacobWeaver2023 26 күн бұрын
@@noahabbott25 that would be getting into spiritual warfare and that’s a whole other subject lol I do think we need more teachings on spiritual warfare, but it’s a real rocky road that causes people to stumble. I think the easiest way to address it is to say focus on Yeshua throughout every storm
@kennethaldrich2854 27 күн бұрын
A+Team. Godspeed and Special Blessings. Strength Protection Perseverance. Health Healing Fitness Endurance. SIGHT. Unified Effort. Strength in Numbers. We are in this Together. One Body through Many Parts. We are in this Together. FatherSonHolySpirit. Amen. Vr, Lord Jesus Christ. Best, BroKen. Brother Kenneth @ KGA.777.07.19.1969 : BORN AGAIN, INCARNATE WORD, THIS FINAL GENERATION. APOLLO 11 EAGLE LUNAR LANDING. JESUS.
@patriciaboetz3631 Ай бұрын
Good clear video
@giftedwithEsteem Ай бұрын
Serious message...but it did make me laugh when you said "sounds wack" to describe how some people hear the TRUTH. It's so true. and just as scripture states about the looks they give (Eze 2:6)...which are forever ingrained in my brain.
@WatchmanInEphraim Ай бұрын
Man. Every single video you’ve been putting out is such a breath of fresh air. Praise Yah for the chastening and quickening that has brought you to this point! So awesome to see other brothers/sisters speaking so clearly, and explaining the ACCURACY behind the bitterness that sets in when the sweetness has decreased, and your spiritual strength is increased. Then comes the hard part. Warning your family and friends. Hold Matt 5 and 10 close to your heart, my friend!! APTTMH! Thank you for your obedience!!
@noahabbott25 Ай бұрын
Yup. Thank you for the kind words. About to enter that stage now and will reread those chapters. The blessed’s are beginning to make a lot more sense now. Thanks brother
@WatchmanInEphraim Ай бұрын
@@noahabbott25 Blessed are ye, brother! So blessed to have you accompany us.
@yeshuasremnant2088 Ай бұрын
Excellent , well done !
@camillelanier7417 Ай бұрын
@jjwaga23 Ай бұрын
How do u identify the house of isreal now? The truth will set u free! What did God say to Isreal if there transgressed his law?, its the curses of dectronomy 28 . You use the curses to identify who Isreal is today.
@kennyproctor7691 Ай бұрын
@TwinMomPower1007 Ай бұрын
Amen Brother!!
@PhilMagovern Ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing, Noah; very encouraging.
@patriciatrafelet1249 Ай бұрын
Just wanted to add some revelation to verse 22. “And they will be gathered together as prisoners are gathered in the pit” The Lord made known to me that the gathering of evil entities/ strongholds have begun. After binding evil entities the Warrior angels gather them up and send them to the Lords pit or prison. In the past we were not given permission to deal with territorial strongholds. Now we have been given that authority. Pray on it and ask the Lord if you can send any entity you bind to the Lords pit for the end times gathering. Remember don’t test the answer, test the spirit that is giving you the answer. Only the Holy Spirit can say Lord Jesus Christ, only the Holy Spirit will confirm God’s son was born of flesh and all knees will bow before him. The evil spirits are forbidden to answer this way. Second Heaven is being thinned out by Believers performing spiritual warfare through decrees and prayers. They are like word bombs. This is how the light will illuminate the darkness in our church, state and nation.
@noahabbott25 Ай бұрын
Very interesting! Thank you. Yeshua did state that whatever we bind in earth will be bound in heaven so I believe this for sure. He has authority on heaven and earth and has granted His servants access as well. Just remember all prophesy will be fulfilled so if what we ask is according to His will then it will be granted to us.
@Renee_InCovenantwithYah Ай бұрын
Right on Noah! Thank you❤
@Jesusiscoming24 Ай бұрын
What about Matthew 12 Jesus justified his servants for breaking the Sabbath Law and Justified David for eating the sacred bread and forgave Peter for denying him 3 times .. the list goes on
@Jesusiscoming24 Ай бұрын
To demand believers obey all the rules is to stop them from trusting in Jesus by faith .. this would not please the father .. but to say deny self is a good idea pride lust and so on
@noahabbott25 Ай бұрын
Thank you for replying! Trusting in Yeshua by faith is by keeping His commandments and they aren’t burdensome. I’d recommend reading 1 John 2:3-4. He came to reveal and teach his disciples how to walk in a way that glorifies Him and they were able to profane the sabbath because of a concept known as the key of David. We walk by faith trusting that all will work together for good for those who love Him. And those who love him keep his commandments. I hope that makes sense! And there absolutely is forgiveness until he comes again, but we must realize the goal is to be perfect as he is perfect and hate the sin within us.
@Jesusiscoming24 Ай бұрын
@@noahabbott25 .. I agree .. yet there are commands we can't follow like animal sacrifice or an eye for an eye .. and the apostles met on the first day of the week .. and the spirit told the apostles to not burden the gentiles with more then not eating food sacrificed to idols and sexual sin .. we are to walk in love towards all men and speak the truth in love .. his yoke is easy ❤️‍🔥🧑‍🌾🏡🏞️
@noahabbott25 Ай бұрын
@@Jesusiscoming24 yes true. But what does it mean to love one another in his definition? Please watch my video from about a week ago on the gospel. I hope it’ll be eye opening for you!
@JacobWeaver2023 Ай бұрын
Love you brother. Keep up the good work.
@repent-obey Ай бұрын
Amen brother! This is the TRUTH! Praise Yah‼️
@PhilMagovern Ай бұрын
Spot on, brother! Praise Yah!
@oftheolivebranch5815 Ай бұрын
This was spot on, brother!! Praise Yah!!
@OfTheSeedOfJacob Ай бұрын
You explained this very well, excellent video brother
@EdPreston-of2zj Ай бұрын
I'm also new to the faith, awesome job! I got rid of my crosses. Actually found another one on an old key ring today and it's gone as welI. I Praise Yah!!!
@noahabbott25 Ай бұрын
Terrific brother. Obedience to the Holy covenants of promise and teaching others to do so is following Christ. Keep in it and keep learning.
@joseph_amoz Ай бұрын
Great message, Noah. Praise Yah.
@ForeverSeekingChristTV Ай бұрын
This was phenomenal! Watched all 44 minutes of it! Had many confirmations from the Holy Spirit on things revealed to me that I kept my mouth shut about and in confusion as to why many other Christians aren’t doing this (not that I have it all figured out) it’s also a confirmation since we’ve never met before. Please keep teaching for you will bring many to the Lord!
@krystalbaklanov9229 Ай бұрын
Thank you for that teaching, Noah! Really awesome.
@matthewforyeshua Ай бұрын
This is perfect brother!
@giftedwithEsteem Ай бұрын
YES!! Legit Holy Spirit filled message. Praise YAH, brother, for your obedience and ears to hear! Thank you for spreading TRUTH in love (Jas 2:8, Lev 19:17-18). I came out of Torah as well, like you….seems like many of us have that same testimony, too. And crosses were one of the first graven images to go for us as well. Unlearning the lies and traditions is no joke. Keep going, bro…”feed His sheep”!
@yahuahismybanner6877 Ай бұрын
Praise Yah! 🙌🏼 You can hear!
@hermanpaul30 Ай бұрын
I love jesus
@noahabbott25 Ай бұрын
As do I brother 😁 you’ve found true life in Him