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Progres 2 - Topic
Progres 2 is an art rock band from Brno, Czech Republic. It was established in 1968, known as Progress Organization, by Zdeněk Kluka, Pavel Váně, Jan Sochor and Emanuel Sideridis. Its most important album in a Czech context was the rock opera project Dialog s vesmírem in 1978, only a year after the transformation of the band called Bardonaj to the new band Progres 2. The public presentation of this rock opera was the first audiovisual program of rock music in Czechoslovakia, inspired by the British rock group Pink Floyd. Because this rock band played in the totalitarian state, they had a few troubles with officials. The best known problem was the one with lyrics of one song from the album Dialog s vesmírem. The song was called "Planeta Hieronyma Bosche" where the band sings about life on heroin. Censors forbade this song and the band solved it by using only the vowels from the original lyrics. At concerts they played the whole original lyrics.
Člověk - stroj
Жыл бұрын
Člověk - stroj
2 жыл бұрын
Neznámý genius
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Kdo je tam?
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Rozhovor s centrálním mozkem
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V zajetí počítačů
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Nech je být (Pokrytci)
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Normální závist
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Už nemluví
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Výkřik v Proxima Centauri
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3 жыл бұрын
Píseň o jablku
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Že tvých vlasů v ní se dotýkám
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Vrať se zpátky, léto mé
3 жыл бұрын