Backstory of Dreams in Sitka
10 ай бұрын
God Is by Ye Extended Remix
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Solace (Full Album)
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By the Moon ft. Joshua Zatkoff
Only One by Ye (MBDTF Version)
@knicksballerz 10 сағат бұрын
The savior we thought we all didn't need <3
@samq14 Күн бұрын
God bless you brother
@SecondPlaceMusic Күн бұрын
@@samq14 thanks man, blessings to you as well ✝️
@bluesamurai8 4 күн бұрын
@YourMomMissesMe711 5 күн бұрын
Obviously mega God, known only by the Jews as Big Bangago
@prestonhoffman811 5 күн бұрын
The worst part about the whole idea is: As humans we simply cannot comprehend the idea that there was nothing. God is an all powerful being, of course he was there before anything else, he wasn’t a product of the universe, he is the universe. So everything came after him. Same can be said for the other side of course. There simply was a dense ball of matter in an empty void and by chance it just exploded and created the cosmos as we know them. Unfortunately our tiny human brains may never know. It is always fascinating to get into the conversation though I agree with everyone on that
@cptdeathgiver5698 5 күн бұрын
The uncaused first cause could easily have been the Big Bang, this idea supports both religion and scientific views on the beginning equally
@AnthonyCalcote-du2gw 5 күн бұрын
It requires as much faith to believe in nothing, as it does to believe in something.
@618predatorhunters8 5 күн бұрын
God exists outside the dimension of time. God is not of being trapped in time like us. God created time as we experience it. There was no such thing as our three dimensional world or time before God created it. God can’t create time if he’s in it. God is an other dimensional being, NOT locked into time as we are. Bing eternal means he has always existed, there wasn’t a “before God” there is God. And there is the time God created for us.
@user-gi5su3cm5y 5 күн бұрын
God is infinite. He has no creator. He was not created and will never die. He has always been. It seems weird and it sort of is. The idea of infinity is incomprehensible (big word🤓) we can't even grasp what it is. Saying nothing can be infinite is saying neither can the universe witch is what most atheists believe. We were not a coincidence we can't have been. Energy can't be created nor destroyed so our conscience has to go somewhere.
@TalkingBentrafficker 5 күн бұрын
ok. Can god pls pay my rent, like wtf is this inflation
@IDontGetIrony 5 күн бұрын
Let me get involved in this discussion. It's incredibly important that you all hear my opinion on this matter.
@user-kq1ga4bk6s 5 күн бұрын
Evidence? Can anyone here name any evidence of intellegent design? Because there is evidence of the big bang and evolution. All this video does is cause your "then what caused the big bang" argument to fall apart.
@prestonhoffman811 5 күн бұрын
Christian here. I’ve met a few bible truthers and I think they’re nut jobs. The best act of faith is to believe that god looked upon his empty universe and said “cool what can I do with this” and then “let there be light” aka he is the reason for the Big Bang. If he’s capable of all these things, of course he can design life in such a way that it has the capability to evolve. To separate the two and disagree with science simply because an old book didn’t say it happened exactly like that is the talk of a crazy cultist.
@user-kq1ga4bk6s 5 күн бұрын
@@prestonhoffman811 You are the first person of any religion to give such an open minded and honest answer. You still have faith in your beliefs, without outright denying facts.. I too have held the same beliefs, we cannot see the Christian deity in his physical form, so it makes sense that the big bang and evolution is how we see his creation being done. No matter how much science explains it can never disprove a creator.. you have given me much to think about.
@tylercurtiskeys 5 күн бұрын
Straw man argument 😂
@icecremmester 5 күн бұрын
as an atheist, I find it as an absolute W that people ain’t fighting
@SecondPlaceMusic 5 күн бұрын
@@icecremmester as a theist, I wholeheartedly agree 💯
@tommyle3754 6 күн бұрын
was waiting for this moment
@freshpocketlint3380 6 күн бұрын
God is the great programmer in the sky.
@jeremiahhenry9056 6 күн бұрын
The beauty of it all is we won’t ever understand the God of the KJB. He always was and always will be. Let’s say we go back 1 billion years, he existed long before it. The best way I can think of it is is Neil D Tyson said there’s “infinities bigger than other infinities”
@SecondPlaceMusic 6 күн бұрын
@@jeremiahhenry9056 what is the god of the kjb?
@kiefergarrett6315 5 күн бұрын
@@SecondPlaceMusic I'm assuming he's referring to the king James version of the Bible, which has its inaccuracies being that it was written by a political figure's scribes, but that's a different story
@ClassActionFailure 6 күн бұрын
I’ll say this now; as a former Jew and a now atheist; Believe what you want, think what you want, but under NO circumstances, do you ever push or force your religion or religious beliefs onto others. If you believe in god so be it, I don’t. But do not, do not, come up to me and start preaching about the holy bible and how I’m wrong and your right because you believe one thing. That makes you a prick, oh and if you think you’re better or smarter because of your beliefs, respectfully, stop bragging about your G.E.D.
@Scorched-E04th 6 күн бұрын
Man i know this one but yall have to figure that out
@Fourwheeldriveslides205 6 күн бұрын
All of you so-called Christians in this comments sections make me sick but it is not my place to judge I can only pray that you see the ignorance in your ways
@HeartBleeds4U 6 күн бұрын
Allow me to finish it for you. There has to be an uncaused first cause if you had a creator create a creator then that creator would have a creator and it would never end. The only logical explanation is that there is a powerful being that always was. And that powerful being is God.
@Lyrdoran 5 күн бұрын
See that does the opposite for me, it just further implies that there can't be a creator, you cannot argue that there has to uncaused first cause because that completely goes against the whole universe, cause and effect. You cannot have an effect without the cause.
@SupaSillyThyme 5 күн бұрын
then ur logic is wrong bro
@aketchupman5103 5 күн бұрын
But if one cause can be uncaused then why can’t any cause be uncaused? We must allow for multiple uncaused causes if there can be any, an given our infinite universe then we are obliged to declare infinite uncaused causes
@elandavenport1534 6 күн бұрын
How about this evolution>adam and eve
@SecondPlaceMusic 6 күн бұрын
@@elandavenport1534 I see your point but how about this…. Creation by a divine being > everything came from nothing and we are all highly evolved primordial soup
@elandavenport1534 6 күн бұрын
@@SecondPlaceMusic that Devine being had to be made from something so in either case we are from a primordial soup. Also we have countless studies on evolution and we have a book about god that doesn’t seem that even given the case that every once in a while people get something wrong and when there is an outlier from everything else well it’s usually wrong
@Saint300Sparta 6 күн бұрын
​@@elandavenport1534Christians believe in an uncreated God but even if we leave God and religion out of it I have the right to ask you if the universe created you then who created that universe? See we're both burdened with answering the same question however I know my answer but what's really about to blow your mind is the fact that you have faith and your probably wondering what do you mean by that well you can't prove a negative so you can't prove that a God or gods do not exist it's just impossible you can't do it you can't prove that they don't exist therefore you have to have faith to believe that a God or God's don't exist which means that you have more faith than I do because I have evidence God exists now it's going to be evidence that you're not going to believe it's going to be evidence that you're going to go oh that's not really true or you can't really trust them or blah blah blah blah whatever excuse you want to make I don't care and no I'm not going to give it to you you can go look it up go look up the first century historians outside of the Bible who wrote about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus That's what I'm talking about The fact that you don't know their names and that you have to go look it up prove to me that you're not on a relentless pursuit of truth and you don't care about the truth because if you did care about it and you think that your position is right and that you know that God doesn't exist then you would know these names and you would know how to debunk them but you don't therefore your argument is invalid.
@SecondPlaceMusic 6 күн бұрын
@@elandavenport1534 look into the cosmological argument. The Divine being (God) wouldn’t be God if he was a created being. There had to be a first cause. We live in a cause and effect world, therefore our universe and time in general must have had a beginning or else it would be illogical right?
@elandavenport1534 6 күн бұрын
@@SecondPlaceMusic my point exactly if there had to be a beginning witch is more likely to appear a hole bunch of hydrogen atoms or a highly complex thing
@kelseyharris6934 6 күн бұрын
Atheist or otherwise, debating anyone who is not ready to walk away in peace that you share different opinions is a monumental waste of time.
@Fourwheeldriveslides205 6 күн бұрын
That is false I pray that you see the error in negativity and judgement
@kelseyharris6934 6 күн бұрын
@@Fourwheeldriveslides205 I think you read my comment wrong. I was actually referring to people who are judgey and negative when someone has a different belief than them. Debating with them is a waste of time.
@SavedByFaith9981 5 күн бұрын
Amen to that amigo, the Bible even teaches me that some people are impossible to talk to because they have no goal to learn. Only to speak. I will speak for hours to someone who WANTS to listen and have a back and forth. But will spend seconds on someone who WANTS to speak. This is also why I don’t sit and ever reply to comments. I don’t plan on having discussions lol that’s for real life not the internet. I say my peace like the rest and move on. Hoping something said will resonate with someone.
@prestonhoffman811 5 күн бұрын
I’m really happy and grateful that I have a really strong friend group that loves getting into serious debates. Like to the point where we will sometimes scream at each other. And then move on 5 minutes later and go out for lunch because we just like debating. Usually we never cared in the first place, just do it for the love of the game
@Fourwheeldriveslides205 5 күн бұрын
@@kelseyharris6934 not being able to debate is nothing to do with ones religious beliefs it's to do with the ego I've know many of luciferins and agnostic/atheists that will talk circles around the average Christian because they've studied there religious beliefs more than the average Christian that just believes because there parents did
@Lakelurker5720 6 күн бұрын
Everyone always using Patrick Bateman as some type of cool guy or alpha male example, I don’t think they have any idea that he was a psychotic
@SecondPlaceMusic 6 күн бұрын
@@Lakelurker5720 😂😂😂😂😂
@Thestoryinthesounds 6 күн бұрын
@sbevil_kinevil2898 5 күн бұрын
Exactly, he is a literal murder
@TalkingBentrafficker 5 күн бұрын
cant blame someone who is simply eating scraps
@mydickisstuckinyourtoaster2679 6 күн бұрын
Circular logic cause unlike religion science was created to understand not just fill in the blanks funny enough it was to become closer to god by understanding his creation that lead to understanding that the Bronze Age people that made up the god didn’t know Jack shit bout basically anything only good piece of advice the Bible has is not eating pork and that’s cause pigs are inherently filthy creatures so it’s probably not a good idea to eat it not that fuckin mind blowing of a idea
@cartreezy1631 6 күн бұрын
X must have happened because I can’t think of anything else. Such sad and limited thinking
@618predatorhunters8 5 күн бұрын
I’m sorry you can’t comprehend the thought that something exists outside of time
@JoseDiaz-rh2vp 6 күн бұрын
I don't know, therefore the answer must be my presupposed conclusion.
@Saint300Sparta 6 күн бұрын
Christians believe in an uncreated God but even if we leave God and religion out of it I have the right to ask you if the universe created you then who created that universe? See we're both burdened with answering the same question however I know my answer but what's really about to blow your mind is the fact that you have faith and your probably wondering what do you mean by that well you can't prove a negative so you can't prove that a God or gods do not exist it's just impossible you can't do it you can't prove that they don't exist therefore you have to have faith to believe that a God or God's don't exist which means that you have more faith than I do because I have evidence God exists now it's going to be evidence that you're not going to believe it's going to be evidence that you're going to go oh that's not really true or you can't really trust them or blah blah blah blah whatever excuse you want to make I don't care and no I'm not going to give it to you you can go look it up go look up the first century historians outside of the Bible who wrote about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus That's what I'm talking about The fact that you don't know their names and that you have to go look it up prove to me that you're not on a relentless pursuit of truth and you don't care about the truth because if you did care about it and you think that your position is right and that you know that God doesn't exist then you would know these names and you would know how to debunk them but you don't therefore your argument is invalid
@EA-iq3dv 6 күн бұрын
@@Saint300Sparta oh wow. Stay in school, kids. The absence of logic in this comment is only surpassed by the absence of punctuation. Total nonsense presented in a virtually unreadable way. You fundamentally misunderstand what atheism is. It takes no faith whatsoever to say “I don’t know” in the absence of evidence. And that’s all atheism (skepticism in general) really is; accepting it when we don’t have enough evidence. What religion has done is take questions they didn’t have the slightest idea of how to answer, fabricated one, and said “we’re sticking to it no matter what.” And here you are, centuries later, sticking to that answer for no reason other than the fact you were born into the tradition of doing so. If you were born in Iraq you’d be saying the same things about Islam. In India you’d most likely be a Hindu. Don’t you find it strange that so many religions have been so sure about their gods throughout history? Yet you only accept one god. You deny the hundreds of others that have existed. Atheists only deny one more god than you do. I’m an atheist and I don’t know the exact origins of the universe. But I do know that science has given us far better answers so far than religion has. And I know their answers are *truly* evidence based. I don’t have to contort my mind to make the evidence fit. I don’t have to pick and choose from translations to make a single word of an ancient text fit my current beliefs. Science might never give us a final, conclusive answer, the rabbit hole may just go too deep. I’ll just go with the best evidence at the time. There’s comfort in the simplicity of “I don’t know.” We don’t need the answer to survive, so why do you think religions need people to accept the answer they provide?🤔
@JoseDiaz-rh2vp 4 күн бұрын
@@Saint300Sparta First of all, is the period key broken on your keyboard? It's just a constant stream of thought. If you like I could spend the next little while dismantling your flimsy arguments. Religion only has a dozen or so arguments that they continually rehash. None of them hold water when put under scrutiny.
@Saint300Sparta 4 күн бұрын
@@JoseDiaz-rh2vp but your original comment said that Christians don't know well we believe we do because we believe in God we believe in creation so if that's false then nothing really matters and I don't really care either way but we believe in an uncreated God and again even leaving him out of it if the universe created you then who created that universe? We both have to answer the same questions and I believe it's better answered by Christianity and God then by oh it just happened for like literally no reason and it used to be contained in a small ball about the size of an atom or smaller and that created everything. Which you know if you read the Bible just in the very first sentence of the Bible written 3,500 years ago The Big bang theory is actually there did you know this? I bet you probably didn't and I could try to prove Christianity but what I like to do is I like to ask atheists or agnostics if Christianity was true would you become a Christian now you're probably going to say something other than yes which means you're not looking for the truth You're not on a relentless pursuit of truth and you don't care because well God's mass murdering maniac or whatever you don't like God because he allows kids to get cancer or whatever I don't really care but you just won't believe it even if it is true so you're not on a pursuit of truth you don't care about the truth you want to find any reason to not believe in God even if he is real you're not going to follow him anyway that's probably what you're going to tell me right?. Now I could tell you about the dozen or so outside the Bible historians who wrote about the crucifixion and the resurrection some of whom were not believers no not hundreds of years later by the way I'm talking about in the first century and early second century who lived during the time of people who saw Jesus who lived during the time of his disciples not hundreds of years later as opposed but you're going to sit here and say something like oh that's not really evidence we need empirical evidence you need evidence you can test and you can see and you can repeat and you can use the scientific method on well you know that doesn't work for any other kind of evidence in history you just want it to work for the evidence for God but you know Alexander the Great his biography was written 400 years after his life but you're going to consider that reliable because it was written down and every other thing we know about history you either have archaeological evidence or you have written testimony and that's good enough for you for everything that doesn't have to do with God and Jesus but when it comes to them oh written testimony by credible historians is not considered evidence according to you. so please tell me the names of these dozen or so historians outside of the Bible most of whom were not Christians who wrote about Jesus and is crucifixion and his resurrection and about the earthquake and about the eclipse that happened and even one Chinese source one year after it happened explain to me their names first of all I want to know their names because I bet you don't know and secondly tell me why they're wrong Tell me why they're fake Tell me why they're false debunk them for me prove them wrong I dare you. Yeah okay we can have an argument we can have a debate we can start this go ahead. But I would like the answer to that question first if Christianity was true would you become a Christian yes or no and any other answer other than yes would mean that you're not on a relentless pursuit of truth and you don't care about the truth because it doesn't matter if it's true or not if Christianity is true of Jesus is true if God is true you won't follow them anyway and no amount of evidence anything I could ever give you or show you is not going to convince you so is your answer yes or no that needs to be the first thing when you respond to me. I'll wait for your response And no I'm not using the keyboard I hit the button on my phone and I begin to speak into my phone so when I have something that is like a huge comment with no periods in it that is me continually talking because I got something to say and I don't stop.
@JoseDiaz-rh2vp 4 күн бұрын
@@Saint300Sparta The difference between you and I is that you could change my mind, but I could never change yours. I am committed to the truth and intellectual honesty. I will follow the evidence wherever it may lead and if new evidence is presented then I will adjust my position accordingly. The people of faith cannot claim this. They are committed to relentlessly defending the indefensible, baseless absurdities that are supported by nothing and contradicted by everything, to never making a concession regarding the sacred fables. They believe in belief for beliefs sake and no amount of evidence will change their position. I am interested in honest debate, not hurling insults and ad homimem attacks. You should know that I was raised in a very Christian-conservative family. So I've heard it all before, I used to be one of you, a true believer. And since you keep referring to historical evidence you should know I have an undergraduate degree in history.
@SecondPlaceMusic 6 күн бұрын
song: no turning back - second place
@maybeitsh1ght3ch45 7 күн бұрын
@maybeitsh1ght3ch45 7 күн бұрын
will ts be on spotify ?
@SecondPlaceMusic 7 күн бұрын
@@maybeitsh1ght3ch45 it is on Spotify now!
@Pandaking-Bott 7 күн бұрын
@richhall4899 8 күн бұрын
My mate wants to know all thoese glory holes hes been too, does he still get into heaven. Asking For a friend.
@aarons6935 8 күн бұрын
Gos and heaven don't exist.
@BigManHoratio 8 күн бұрын
Where’s your proof lil bro? Imagine you thinking you know more than 4000+ years of philosophers and religious teachers trying to question existence and the idea of a creator being. People have spent their whole lives trying to understand God and you’ve literally put about a single second of thought into it. You probably ditched believing in God when you were a child because it was the “cool” thing to do with all the popular kids. Actually sit down and ask yourself how the universe or existence itself could exist on its own. It can’t. There has to be a creator being of some sort. There has to be a higher power of some sort.
@FrostBit3e 8 күн бұрын
​@@BigManHoratio He doesn't need to provide any proof, my slimy little snail. If people say something exists, they have to prove it. As long as these people have no proof of said existence, one can be skeptical and deny its existence. According to your logic, I could also claim that a flying pig with laser eyes in a colorful clown costume created the world. Prove that this is not the case
@aarons6935 8 күн бұрын
@@BigManHoratio Ancient humans who had no understanding of the natural world and inserted their own ideolgies into a book to easily control those who are weaker minded. Be rational.
@relaxsleepchannel6362 8 күн бұрын
Brother there will come a time in your life and it will hit you. Met many people with that mentality and then they get hit by God's Grace and now there the most devoted to God. I know your life must be hard or you've suffered pain or maybe life hasn't been fair to you but open your heart and mind you might be surprised what you'll find. There is too much evidence proving God's existence over there not being a god and thousands of years of history, texts from all over the world say otherwise to what you believe now your life is just a grain of sand compared to thousands of years of history, how can you say that God doesn't exist cause you haven't gotten a sign or whatever reason you have to say that.
@SassyRamen117 8 күн бұрын
​@@BigManHoratio which believed in a different god before Christ. If you were born in the middle East would you be a Christian? What about in China? The answer is no. If your god was real he wouldn't be based on geographical location. I hope for everyone that does believe, to be one day proven wrong.
@UltimateMuzikPlaylists 8 күн бұрын
@lucafini8768 8 күн бұрын
This version on the album makes it a top 20 kanye songs ever. And trust me, it's not easy being in that top 20.
@pinkmark4047 9 күн бұрын
Beautiful music. Amen, brother. You are blessed.
@SecondPlaceMusic 9 күн бұрын
@@pinkmark4047 glad you enjoyed it 🙏 praise God
@JoseRCampillo 9 күн бұрын
Just the fact that I just discovered this randomly and it was uplaoded 17 hours ago is.... so nice and neat.
@SecondPlaceMusic 9 күн бұрын
@@JoseRCampillo yessir, thanks for listening man
@_MD173 10 күн бұрын
And then It ends as zoon as It start becuse u hit him to harde 😂😂😂😂😢
@SecondPlaceMusic 10 күн бұрын
@@_MD173 yes 😂😂😂😂
@chrisb9564 10 күн бұрын
Literally bro😭🙌God Bless you dude✝️🙏
@shafalegendgaming189 11 күн бұрын
Top 🇧🇩❤️
@xantarespeekcal 12 күн бұрын
dude the transition on this song is crazy, this deserves more veiws
@SecondPlaceMusic 11 күн бұрын
Thanks man 🙏 really appreciate that
@xantarespeekcal 11 күн бұрын
@@SecondPlaceMusic can you PLEASE make a version where it starts to fade out and end like 20-30 secs after kanye finishes his last verse? The last 3 minutes are like chill by yourself but cutting it out in aux would be fire ngl 🙏
@davidgarcia0604 14 күн бұрын
You just know that “If you got the cake and buns, you gon have to save me some” would’ve been changed to “If you have the blessings son, you gon have to save me some”
@SecondPlaceMusic 5 күн бұрын
Wow that’s great… that line is so good man. I wish he would’ve done that instead 😂
@sfw_papi24 15 күн бұрын
The fact that Jesus is King is such a great album and still is considered the worst out of Kanye's discography says a lot about his other masterpieces.
@NoBro_ 15 күн бұрын
this is fire
@SecondPlaceMusic 14 күн бұрын
Thanks man
@ryan_the_overlord 16 күн бұрын
This is crazy good
@SecondPlaceMusic 16 күн бұрын
@@ryan_the_overlord thanks man
@ohwni 17 күн бұрын
I am concerned for Ye, praying he comes back to his senses…
@imimpo9316 18 күн бұрын
Praise God! Love to my brothers and sisters ❤ I pray, everybody finds the Truth ☦️
@SecondPlaceMusic 18 күн бұрын
@@imimpo9316 amen
@Kanye-ye1hz 18 күн бұрын
This is a absolute masterpiece got me turning to Christ
@SecondPlaceMusic 18 күн бұрын
@@Kanye-ye1hz praise God. It’s the best and most important decision you’ll ever make bro
@HridayeshPandit 20 күн бұрын
Stuff like this is the reason I buy KZbin Premium :).
@rondellcharles1683 20 күн бұрын
I swear this just lifted my spirit 🙏🏽
@SecondPlaceMusic 20 күн бұрын
@@rondellcharles1683 praise God man, in Jesus name.
@erftheman6142 21 күн бұрын
He's the greatest