So beautifully played and sitting back listening. As a child lived at what was then Kah Wah Terrace, Hammer Hill. then Prince Edward Road, my father based at RAF Kai Tak. We lived in beautiful Kowloon 1969-62. To this day I will always love traditional Cantonese and other Chinese language Opera. singing legends like Yam Kim-Fai films on TV. Just to include also Kwan Tak Hing films as well. Whether this tune is played or sung. I love that I lived there in a time that will always be a part of me that the World will never ever see again regarding magic days that for me will live forever.
Jordan C. Fan, Prophet of Environment, 范楚漳,環境先知: 這 Xiatan Entertainment : 名粵曲「帝女花」用的 廣東音樂「妝台秋思」, 是関於明代崇貞皇帝的公主和駙馬在清初的婚禮後,共飲下御賜毒酒,自盡而死,還被鞭屍的悲慘故事。應該改名為「妝台揪屍」!