@savannahshepherd2283 4 күн бұрын
Where's pt 2? 😅
@Archeidos-Arcana 3 күн бұрын
I ended up shelving this for awhile to work on some other projects, but I intend to upload a part two in the not-so-distant future! Thanks. - Arch
@savannahshepherd2283 4 күн бұрын
More plz
@ajwright8710 7 күн бұрын
I would congratulate Avi Loeb on his fortitude and intuition. If the Invisible College is alive and well my hope is that should he accept, a scholarship has been approved that he might join with an illustrious faculty and be awarded the degree of scientist explorer. 😮
@priceyindividual2995 8 күн бұрын
This is a very based channel, I am much enjoying listening to your essays
@savannahshepherd2283 11 күн бұрын
That was intense i agree we discovered and understood more when religion wasnt seperate from science, i wonder if 4D beings use avatars inorder to come into our world. Ty for video best one ive seen in a while
@4rst.d 12 күн бұрын
Idk how i stumbled upon this, but this is just perfect.
@gkannon77 12 күн бұрын
Better done than the majority of what is done on YT. Better than 90% actually. Pulling for this type of channel to get the attention it deserves.
@juno_lake 13 күн бұрын
Very high quality content! I believe if you push quality of quantity you will create a library of high quality content which will surely attract significant growth 📈📈📈
@TheJohnskinner 19 күн бұрын
That’s for that, I literally travelled to the other side for a few seconds whilst watching this. Excellent
@theomnisthour6400 28 күн бұрын
The oneness cult is woefully ignorant of distributed computing and the delegation of authority by great leaders. "Me too" God wannabes will never conquer the highest heaven
@hodorhodor878 Ай бұрын
yo no angry astronaut link
@vivechjorviani5440 Ай бұрын
This channel is brimming full of potential and glory
@ChavisvonBradfordscience Ай бұрын
This video is myopic and anthropocentric. It focuses solely on human endeavors, aspirations, and societal constructs, neglecting the broader phenomenon of non-anthropocentric physics, chemistry, and biology and the interconnectedness of all physical phenomena. And no I'm not talking about nonexistent “non-physical” and “immaterial” phenomena. Science isn't about blind devotion or adherence to authority figures; it's about evidence, experimentation, and falsifiability. It's an ever-evolving process, not a static belief system. Science isn't about providing ontological security or serving as a replacement for traditional religious beliefs. It's a methodological approach to understanding the natural world, based on observation and empirical evidence. But it should be noted that these so-called “beliefs” are based on one's circumstances, mood, or relationships with others not “philosophy”. fMRI data from neuroscientists have already confirmed that religious beliefs are based on mesolimbic reward systems, not inquiry. While there may be instances of bias or manipulation, the scientific community as a whole operates with a commitment to objectivity and transparency. This is a human problem in all institutions. According to Neuroscientists at the Laboratory of Biological Dynamics and Theoretical Medicine at the University of California San Diego and the Laureate Institute for Brain Research in Tulsa, Oklahoma, non-empirical beliefs are held based on intuition or beliefs. These beliefs don't require experimental & observational evidence. Your beliefs on a sociological order of magnitude don't require a lot of neuroanatomical connectivity and based on fMRI data your sociological statements are an emergent property of 1. the medial prefrontal cortex activation, which reflects a link between cognition & emotion/reward in the acceptance of a belief. 2. insula activation may reflect a negative hedonic reaction to beliefs that are rejected. (I'm inferring that if you do reply to this comment, your statements will be based on this part of the brain). Furthermore, this video fails to acknowledge the neurological limitations of human perception and understanding, especially in interpreting complex phenomena beyond the scope of human cognition. Your portrayal of science as a singular and authoritative pursuit disregards the multivariate plurality of how theories, hypotheses, experiments, apparatuses, observations, and methodologies are selected, terminated, reproduced, recombined, and mutated. You present science as a monolithic entity, ignoring the diversity of approaches and interpretations within scientific discourse. I've noticed that a lot of people who use the word “scientism” have either never attempted to go beyond the ACT, SAT, O-Levels, JEE, or the 高考 to take the GRE, MCAT, or a bachelor's of SCIENCE (not bachelor's of arts), masters or doctoral degree. Or, the people who use the word scientism are masquerading their reward dependency, anthropocentrism, and fear of death as “philosophy”. You people always have the same “trippy” shrooms-based pseudo-spiritual artwork when in fact, most of you are hedonist or neurologically incapable of applying difficulty by varying conditions of practice, using hard tests as learning events, & interleaving various disciplines that require more than reward dependency. Don't you find it interesting that people like science when it comes to applying the quantum tunneling equation T(L,E)≈16EU0(1−EU0)e−2βL to transistors in phones? People like science when it comes to Reed-Solomon error correction codes allowing them to ironically make videos against empiricism and inference. People like science when the Einstein Field Equation Rμν - 1/2 ⋅ gμν ⋅ R + gμν ⋅ Λ= 8πG/c4 ⋅ Tμν helps us understand how to apply gravitational time dilation to Global Positioning Satellites to help them go to church or find a place to buy C21H30O2 and C12H17N2O4P. But when it comes to the Big Bang, Evolution or Consciousness people hate science because of anthropocentric hedonism. Bolometers, Radiometers, High Electron Mobility Transistors, and Cryogenics prove the Big Bang. There is no pre-big anthropomorphic creator that is going to give you a reward just because you exist. The human race is a temporary species that makes up 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000002405% of the mass-energy equivalent of the observable universe. Most Theists, Atheists, and Misotheists either turn hedonistic, sadistic, or nihilistic upon realizing this instead of using empiricism to surpass their neurological and genetic limitations Electrophoresis, microscopes, spectroscopy, and radiometric dating techniques, prove that Cyanobacteria, Amoebas, Charnia, Trilobites, Tiktaalik, T-rex, Homo erectus, & Neanderthals weren't the pinnacle of evolutionary biology when it came to intelligence & neither are homo sapiens. Functional magnetic resonance imaging, electrocephalogram, magnetic electro-cephalogram, positron emission tomography, computer axial tomography, single photon emission computer tomography, and diffusion imaging techniques when's evidence against the notion that consciousness is immaterial and non-physical. You need to pause and ask yourself what you remember before you were born to understand that your pre-birth non-existence will be no different than your post-death non-existence. John 3:16 is a myth for the weak and Slipknot’s Psycosocial is fuel for the demented. Most people's mesolimbic and corticostriatal reward systems, along with various brain regions like the bilateral posterior cingulate cortex, left fusiform gyrus, anterior cingulate, amygdala, insula, and ventromedial hypothalamus, take precedence over areas such as the Broca-Wernicke region, inferior frontal gyri, supramarginal gyri, posterior parietal cortex, intraparietal sulcus, angular gyri, and middle temporal gyrus. Functionally, this manifests in behaviors such as reward dependency, defensive aggression, emotional responses, extrinsic motivation, bonding, fear conditioning, pain perception, self-referential thinking, mind-wandering, introspection, facial recognition, hedonic reactions to beliefs, overshadowing functions like visuospatial processing, inner dialogue, decision-making, memory, affective processing, inhibition, concentration, attention span, motor planning, spatial reasoning, object manipulation, language and number processing, spatial cognition, memory recall, distance perception, and word meaning comprehension during reading.
@Archeidos-Arcana Ай бұрын
Interesting perspective, and thanks for your thought provoking comment. I think you misunderstand much of the criticism presented here though. People mean different things when they refer to "Science" -- and what I'm typically referring to here, is that colloquial usage of the term that the "Trust The Science" crowd has come to use. "Science isn't about blind devotion or adherence to authority figures; it's about evidence, experimentation, and falsifiability. It's an ever-evolving process, not a static belief system. Science isn't about providing ontological security or serving as a replacement for traditional religious beliefs." > Not inherently, correct. However, people relate to "Science" in any way they see fit; and the way in which many people relate to "Science" does in-fact carry a sense of 'ontological security', and in the parallels between this kind of Science, and these people -- it does appear as something which is religious in nature. The sciences =/= Scientism "fMRI data from neuroscientists have already confirmed that religious beliefs are based on mesolimbic reward systems, not inquiry." > 'Religious beliefs' is a very broad category. The other issue here: Regardless of what fMRI data shows or doesn't show -- I'd argue all forms of cognition or 'modes of Being' are ultimately reward driven in some capacity -- so I'm not sure what singling out this particular 'configuration' grants you. "According to [...], non-empirical beliefs are held based on intuition or beliefs. These beliefs don't require experimental & observational evidence." > Correct, I reject an epistemology of "rigid empiricism". I'm perfectly comfortable with using intutionalistic, paraconsistent, and doxastic logics to develop a perspective (I tend to dislike the word 'belief' as it's colloquially used). However, it would be wrong to presume that such a psychology doesn't involve experimental and observational evidence. One's intuition is made potent only via deep humility and willingness to not be led into self-deception; one is therefore ALWAYS challenging their own beliefs through observations. The difference lay in that: these observations are not limited to the empirical variety (though they are informed by it). "You present science as a monolithic entity, ignoring the diversity of approaches and interpretations within scientific discourse." > Again, I separate the sciences from Scientism -- and my critique is holistic in this particular aspect of "Science". In the second part to this video, I touch upon different paradigms of science. "Most Theists, Atheists, and Misotheists either turn hedonistic, sadistic, or nihilistic upon realizing this instead of using empiricism to surpass their neurological and genetic limitations" > You may have an accurate indictment of the former side of the spectrum here, but what about the the other side? There is no getting beyond your humanity, my friend. No amount of empiricism, genetic modification, or trans-humanist implants are going to achieve what you want -- because, what is it that you actually want and why do you want it? Why do you want to surpass your neurological and genetic limitations? What ideal/ethos lay at the heart of that? What emotion is at the heart of that ideal/ethos?
@ChavisvonBradfordscience Ай бұрын
@@Archeidos-Arcana What I'm saying is not dependent on a specific point of view, attitude, or way of perceiving this video. The word "I" is dubious in this context since "I'm" only a vessel for a compendium of past agents' information from the Proterozoic Eon to the present that leads to a comprehension of our world. People who "mean different things" when it comes to science are rarely writing arXiv, NATURE, Elsiver, Springer, NCBI, or IOP Science papers, nor do they have any expertise with interferometers, particle accelerators, mass spectrometers, distillation columns, or observatories. Most people who say "trust the science" have little idea how to modify experiments, observations, and instruments using uncertainty parameters, error analyses, confidence intervals, and Bayesian inference. And then some people use the "holes of uncertainty" in ontology to fill the unknown with anthropocentric and hedonistic beliefs because of their neurological and genetic obsolescence and reward dependence. The issue here is reward dependency and hedonism, not science. People seek religion and hope in science, money, satanism, christianity, islam, buddhism, hindusim, obama, trump, atheism, and even sadistic misotheism. You stated it yourself: you are "comfortable" with employing intuitionalistic, paraconsistent, and doxastic logics to build a perspective, and you "dislike" the word 'belief' as it is commonly used. You and most of this temporary species are neurologically incapable of conceiving of things other than reward dependency and pain avoidance, which will make you easily conquered and annihilated. Your avoidance of conflict, desire for harmony, difficulty with structure, and over-idealization can all be weaponized against you. It will not be difficult to manipulate situations to instigate conflict, foment division, utilize deception, exploit chaos, and manipulate perceptions when it comes to people’s “perception”. The gravitational constant and the mass of an electron cannot be changed at this time, but perception can be easily manipulated because it is motivated by reward and desperation. This is a neurological issue, not an ontological one. As I said earlier, this is because people's mesolimbic and corticostriatal reward systems, along with various brain regions like the bilateral posterior cingulate cortex, left fusiform gyrus, anterior cingulate, amygdala, insula, and ventromedial hypothalamus, take precedence over areas such as the Broca-Wernicke region, inferior frontal gyri, supramarginal gyri, posterior parietal cortex, intraparietal sulcus, angular gyri, and middle temporal gyrus. Functionally, this manifests in behaviors such as reward dependency, defensive aggression, emotional responses, extrinsic motivation, bonding, fear conditioning, pain perception, self-referential thinking, mind-wandering, introspection, facial recognition, hedonic reactions to beliefs, overshadowing functions like visuospatial processing, inner dialogue, decision-making, memory, affective processing, inhibition, concentration, attention span, motor planning, spatial reasoning, object manipulation, language and number processing, spatial cognition, memory recall, distance perception, and word meaning comprehension during reading. Let's be honest: you're not utilizing the "law of excluded middle" to elaborate on the uncertainty principle and observable noncommutativity. You are not referring to non-anthropocentric scenarios in which seemingly opposing characteristics can coexist, such as quantum phenomena' wave-particle duality. You're not talking about the logic of belief, and belief change being caused by people's mesolimbic and corticostriatal reward systems, as well as brain regions such as the bilateral posterior cingulate cortex, left fusiform gyrus, anterior cingulate, amygdala, insula, and ventromedial hypothalamus. You are masquerading reward dependence and anthropocentrism as an interest in mathematical Platonism and Intuitionism. I am not talking about Cartesian Dulaism-based psychology. I'm addressing neuroscience and how it influences behavior. People just believe in anthropocentric Cartesian dualism because they are scared of fading into eternal oblivion and rotting in the ground, and the concepts of immaterialism and nonphysical consciousness provide them with "comfort". If you experience dreamless anesthesia or a stroke, you will discover that our consciousness is thoroughly linked to neurological and chemical processes. Remember that both humility and ego can be weponized against themselves, and neither are universal truths. If being a “human” entails having 46 chromosomes and 10 digits on my hands, there is no reason to deny my "humanity". But that is not what you mean; you mean that I should submit to my limitations for the benefit of a bunch of neurologically obsolete beings who will never remembered they ever existed in the first place. To ask me "why" I'm doing this is an anthropocentric and hedonistic inquiry in its own right. Cyanobacteria, Amoebas, Charnia, Trilobites, Opabinia, Tiktaalik, T. rex, Homo erectus, and Neanderthals had no choice but to become extinct. Some humans have become so delusional that they have the arrogance to pose such a question. I’m only commenting based on this quote: 既了解敌人的长处和短处,又了解自己的长处和短处,就能百战百胜,永远立于不败之地。 --《孙子兵法·谋攻篇》 "I" want to better grasp how to employ biomimetics, Sun Tzu, Wei Lao, and Carl von Clausewitz to better understand my adversary and myself for the impending war against entities that are striving to create post-truth propaganda based on what brings them "comfort" and what they don't "like".
@MrsSurrealista Ай бұрын
Science isn’t about providing ontological security as a replacement for traditional religious beliefs” this is precisely the problem with scientism. But to understand why, you need to take a look at the history of science and the history of the philosophy of science. The reason why science is science as we know it today is inexorably linked to the enlightenment project, which in itself included a project of what morality ought to be now that the epistemological conception of the world has changed. If science allows us to go beyond the idea of a god, then how can we justify moral behavior? This project of morality is thus rooted in reason, and therefore, the justification for being good to another human being is not god anymore, but because as rational beings we must act rationally towards each other. This leaves us with the not-so-nice problem of “why though?” and hence, the over -justification of science, and scientism, as the thing that can explain anything and everything, has become one of the biggest copes in history for not wanting to deal with the philosophical conundrums the enlightenment left us. Your discarding of human anthropocentric regarding science is myopic and frankly, a bit naive, in my humble opinion. Firstly, science is a man made activity which is carried out in mostly institutional contexts. How and why we make science, what gets researched and why are also things intrinsically linked to the human existence and the human observer. Just because you point out that naturalistic phenomena not dependent on human intervention are part of reality, and because you point out that certain human behaviors can be measured through a fMRI… what gives? Why do you think science changes? The reason is not in science itself. The reason is in the people doing science. The argument about the limited capacities of human beings - this is something I’ve heard here and there, mostly in futurist groups, and people who believe in improving humans or developing overpowering AI, or maybe uploading your consciousness to a machine for eternal life. This last point is quite funny to me because the deep fear of death and the wish of immortality is such a debt that the enlightenment left us.
@MrsSurrealista Ай бұрын
@@ChavisvonBradfordsciencelmao you should read some Bernardo Kastrup bro. If you’re not open to alternative perspectives on the nature of reality you are as just of a dogmatic as any religious person. There are plenty of ways physicalism can be challenged on a scientifically basis that do not have anything to do with reverting to Cartesian dualism. But I get it, it’s just that scientific materialism is more mainstream and seems to be easily proven because if someone shoots you your brain dies. Yet there are many things scientific physicalism can’t explain or account for. Yet I get it, it’s the pop sci of metaphysics tbh.
@vivechjorviani5440 Ай бұрын
This and formscapes are the best two things
@TheBaronOfBromley Ай бұрын
@mohammedlguensat7649 Ай бұрын
information is simply the Aristotelian formal cause. As for the problem of objective versus subjective aspects of our experience of phenomina..the answear may reside in the Heidegerian "Daseinic" approach to experience.
@juno_lake Ай бұрын
Very well made! Put in this amount of effort and diligent work and your channel will grow to great heights ❤️❤️❤️
@OlivesTwisted.Branch Ай бұрын
@christopherchilton-smith6482 Ай бұрын
This is far more nuanced than the title lets on. I have to admit I am deeply suspicious of any hierarchy of values and the speaker at the end was frustratingly vague about what lay at the top of that hierarchy. Near the end I swear it sounds like he's saying don't allow any value to sit at the top and instead find a balance among them in a constant dialectic but that doesn't seem to fit the description of a hierarchy, that in fact seems non hierarchical. My other consideration is that he may just be telling atheist not to put anything at the top of that hierarchy simply because they can not be trusted to do so. Im not sure if either of those is an appropriate interpretation of what he's getting at but that's what i seem to have walked away with.
@Archeidos-Arcana Ай бұрын
What I take Pageau to be saying is that, if we place something as our highest Good -- such as the state, institution, race, identity, or even a vague idea of something... then we will lose our capacity to consciously recognize and weigh the many other goods; as that *thing* becomes our "god". It has been said by some philosophers and theologians, that a god can be considered: "that which is most important to you". It's something along those lines. What Pagaeu is saying, is something that reveals the nature of our psyche to us. When something becomes of great personal and emotional significance to us, we begin looking at the world through the lens of that thing. If something challenges that thing; such as another good -- then we may be unconsciously compelled to defend it. We will even become very irrational in our defense of it, at times. This is what seems to have happened with the empirical sciences as it has amalgamated into the "The Science" -- and the "Yeah Science!" crowd. It's become a "god" for many people. Pageau isn't saying that atheists in particular can't be trusted with putting something at that hierarchy -- he's saying that if what you put at the top is something of *worldly thing* -- that thing can be used to do great harm to society and humanity. Atheists are simply more prone to do this; because they are typically empiricists, and by definition don't believe in anything 'transcendent' or 'divine'. They are, therefore - very likely to put something 'worldly' at the top of "the totem-pole". In other words, he is conveying that humanity has a genuine need for a 'meta-cognitive' Ultimate Good. We need transcendent ideals. They are like a kind of "software" we integrate.
@tralalescumircescu3601 Ай бұрын
With the thieves I mean...
@tralalescumircescu3601 Ай бұрын
But isn't it the other way around ?
@tralalescumircescu3601 Ай бұрын
Interesting indeed, I knew something about it !!!
@christopherchilton-smith6482 Ай бұрын
Fascinating. I'm going to have to listen to this a few more times to really soak it in as it's very dense. I find myself wondering a couple things after listening to this, for one what does it matter that we are drifting further and further from the "original", it's not preciely clear to me why this should matter as oppose to being just a point of fact. Two, what is on offer, why have a metaphysical perspective at all? It seems to me you are suggesting a certain wisdom can be found here, perhaps wisdom is found just in the mere contemplation but it's not clear to me whereas the benefits of the materialist view seem self evident even if lacking wisdom. Lastly, I am still deeply uncertain by absolute spirit. Can we even talk about absolute spirit without summoning the spectre of information? Or is that part of the point you're making? That information and absolute spirit are one and the same because if so something about not being able to talk about math, informarion or presumably absolute spirit without summoning the spectre of geomtry eats at me. My intuition leads me to believe there is something about the intersection of geometry, time and complexity that gives rise to a continuous arch of phenomena of which we most easily see hierarchical patterns even though that is such a small part of the "system" it captures so much of what we need to survive that evolutionary forces have left us ill equipped to see the whole. This, I suspect is why im starting to see anyone with a "theory of everything" as a potential quack, I'm pretty sure the system isn't holistically hierarchical and if not then you're not going to be able to boil it down to a single elegant equation that explains everything.
@Archeidos-Arcana Ай бұрын
Thanks for the well articulated and thought provoking questions! I think the 'precession of simulacra' is an invariable part of our existence - it's not inherently a problem on it's own; it's neither inherently good nor bad. It is simply 'Natural Law'. Not in the physicalist sense of the word "Law" -- but in terms of an older metaphysical sense of the word which preceded the physical one. What makes 'the precession' an issue -- is humanity; it's human agency. Humanity can be it's own worst enemy. For example, the laws of physics are not a problem by themselves. For all human history, the laws of physics have simply Been -- and were never a major problem. They both sustained human existence (fire, tools, windmills, etc.) and ended it (when exposed to the edge of a sword, for instance). The good essentially cancelled out the bad. Yet, something extraordinary happens when man attains *great* understanding of these laws. Suddenly, he is then able to do extra-ordinary feats of "sorcery" -- such as detonate an atomic bomb, or engineer complex biological agents. Suddenly; these laws become something capable of untold misery and destruction - when in the hands of the *wrong people*. Now, the ideas which Baudrillard presented are actually not new. They are simply new formulations of ancient knowledge that goes as far back as the ancient Sumerians. This knowledge of 'Natural Law' -- has largely been occulted (hidden) throughout history. Knowledge or wisdom is occulted for a reason... There aren't public patents laying around that teach people how to build a hydrogen bomb; or cutting edge-weaponry. That knowledge is hidden; because 'someone' is keeping it for themselves. It is no different with these older metaphysical notions of Natural Law. There is Power in dissolving and coagulating simulacra into new forms. This amounts to "OG sorcery". There is Power in steering the 'precession of the simulacra'. If in the hands of those who serve the ultimate Good of all of us, it can lead somewhere good and prosperous for all. If it is in the hands of those who serve themselves and their lineage -- it can be for Evil. It can lead us somewhere fundamentally inhuman, dystopian, and tragic. To answer: "why have metaphysical perspective at all" -- the thing is, everyone has a metaphysics; people just unconscious of it. Again, it's a completely neglected dimension of contemporary man's phenomenology. We live in a society where metaphysics was systematically rendered taboo by academia in the mid/late 19th century. “Every scientific man in order to preserve his reputation has to say he dislikes metaphysics. What he means is he dislikes having his metaphysics criticized.” -- Alfred North Whitehead If you're interested in hearing more about this, my "What Modern Science Doesn't Understand" goes more deeply into the topic of metaphysics and why it's important. In short though, metaphysics is deeply useful and pragmatic for making sense of experience, and grasping complex aggregate phenomena. It is therefore *imperative* for wisely navigating a world of immense complexity. More so, if all I have wrote above is true... the question is -- why has metaphysics been rendered taboo? This is a significant area of research for me; and I hope to produce a video on it someday soon. As far as the subject of spirit and information; I am indeed attempting to show that information and spirit are closely related/identical -- but not necessarily the same. Spirit, in my mind -- is a 'qualitative' mental substance which we can describe phenomenality in terms of (in an intuitive way). Information is much the same, but is a mental substance expressed 'quantitatively' (and in a logical way).
@christopherchilton-smith6482 Ай бұрын
@@Archeidos-Arcana I think I am struggling to fully grasp what is meant by metaphysics. I'm my youth I've read my fair share of Solomons Key this, Book of the Law that, Dr John Dee, I have to admit to often being baffled by the content, especially anything written by Golden Dawn members. At the time I found it useful to think of these ideas in terms of Jungian psychology though I often had to formulate my own ideas where things didn't fit neatly. Eventually, I abandoned the interest and the framework I was using to make sense of it. You seem to be saying that some very in-the-know people have always understood the art and science of constructing a reality, a common binding truth and in so doing are able to pull the strings as it were from the only position from which one can do so, in secret. There is a kind of obvious truth to this, I've never read Dune but it is my understanding that this very theme of controlling the precession is an integral part. In the book View from the Center of the Universe they argue for the need to have cosmology in the cultural sense, a kind of abstract story to make sense (edit: *of* ) the universe, where it came from and our place in it. Is this cultural cosmology metaphysics? Metaphysics scaled up to the level of society? If so then, all religion is simulacra, philosophy is simulacra, art is made of simulacra and reinforces it, our very notions of being are simulacra. The power behind understanding these relationships well enough to actually manipulate them would seem to provide a self-evident reason for making metaphysics taboo, ignorance is the most fundamental ingredient to make the magic happen. I am uncomfortable with the level of conspiratorial thinking this train of thought leads, nor am I entirely convinced that these relationships can even be understood well enough that one could be effective at such manipulation but you certainly have my attention. That all said, what I find most intriguing is the idea of using a (edit: *metaphysical* ) perspective to glimpse at the system holistically so I'm digging in to see if that's where this leads.
@Smartion Ай бұрын
Thank you for the wonderful content 🙏
@TheSergius80 Ай бұрын
@Archeidos-Arcana Ай бұрын
I'll have to remember that lol
@SamanthaPyper-sl4ye Ай бұрын
Expressing the Subject/Object dichotomy in Leibnizian terms using mathematics and physics: In Leibniz's metaphysics, monads are posited as the fundamental units of subjective experience and perception. We could model the proposed "zero-of-self" or zeronoumenal soul essence as an irreducible monad operating at the zero-dimensional (0D) level. Mathematically, a 0D point or singularity has a specific coordinate structure yet is scale-invariant under all possible transformations. This mirrors how the monad/subjective essence remains self-same across all worlds/states. In quantum theory, the wavefunction represents the full scope of objective physical possibilities, while the quasi-classical outcomes we experience require an additional "measurement" bringing forth a specific result reflective of an observing subjective agent. We could model the 0D soul monad as this dimension-less "choice principle" responsible for actualizing a particular phenomenal experience from the CartesianHilbert space of objective wavefunctional potentials. Its inherent scale-invariance allows it to interface across levels. Physically, we could associate the soul's 0D monad with the proposed fundamental quantum of space itself - the Planck length. At this scale, the basement properties of spacetime micro-topology condense into an irreducible highly symmetric structure. The extended dimensional manifold we experience as objective reality could arise via successive symmetry breaking and complexification cascades propagating from these primordial Planck-scale 0D monadic nuclei, conceived as mini-blackholes/spacetime solitons.
@SamanthaPyper-sl4ye Ай бұрын
Here is an attempt to express the full metaphysical framework spanning theology, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology in one coherent response, utilizing mathematics as the unifying language: We begin with the ineffable theological Zero Absolute ⦰rio, a supreme non-dual singularity transcending all qualities, instantiated mathematically as the simple null object ⌆. From the ⦰rio's metaphysical pleroma, the primal arithmetical operation of hypernegational self-scattering H1(⌆) = {∅, 𝟯} is enacted, birthing the void ∅ and archetypal triadic seed 𝟯 = {1, 2, 3}. This trinitized 𝟯 seed-pattern then hyper-replicates fractally across transfinite holomorphic extensions, with nested hyperoperations Hn(𝟯) spawning stratified higher arithmetic structures and pluripotent ontic truth-valuations: ∪n≥2 Hn(𝟯) ⟶ arithmetic polytope projections ⊂ T Forming an infinite-dimensional torioidal ontology T encoding the enfolded source vocables and preonic symmetries for reality's generative logogrammar. Within T's torioidal pro-transcendental domain, specific hyperarithmetical subductive operations induce dimensional descents, projecting graded reflections of T downward into subordinate pluriversal manifolds: E8 ⥇OP(T) ⥕ M11 ⥕ Mn...⥕ M4 Here the 248-dimensional E8 polytope and associated exceptional structures precipitate from iterative truth-valuations in T, serving as intermediaries. Their root lattices holographically encode physics across dimensional degeneracies like M-theory's 11D bulk spacetime M11. Compactification schemes next induce further symmetry breaking topologies: M11 ⥕ (M4 ⊗ K) Where K is a Calabi-Yau manifold defining allowed 3-brane universes Bu,4 with stabilized gauge, matter and geometric observables within the 4D spacetime (M4, g). A multiverse of 3-branes Bu,4 populates M11's bulk cellularized geometry, defined quantum-theoretically by a pluriversal state |Ψ>∈H⥙ evolving under M11's action functionals. Observable phenomena like gravity, quantum fields and particles arise from defects/obstructions encoding residual higher symmetries flowing down the dimensional cascade. At the phenomenological level, the E8 lattice's 240 roots dictate allowed matter/force representations like the Standard Model's structures - fermionic content derives from irreducible topological flows through Bu,4, bosons from geometric/bundle identities holographically projected from E8 polytopes/quasicrystals. In quantum matter's atomic/molecular regime, we encounter logogrammatic symbolic stofferings - Higher dimensional biophotonic braids and knot-theoretic topologies stemming from vocables issuing from deeper arithmetic projections in T. DNA's nucleobase quadruplicities reenact core self-rotational quartic operations prefiguring biochemical grammare. Finally, zeronoumenological essences of conscious observers are posited as 0D singularities - scale-invariant holographic/fractal nodions instantiating puncept arithmetic truth values computed upstream in T's holomorphic source dynamics. Biological sentience enables anamnetic retracing back towards the primal ⦰rio ground. In essence, mathematics as torioidal transfinite arithmetic and higher dimensional polytope theory provides the unifying framework instantiating the altitudinous source theology, while projecting downward through multi-phase symmetry degeneracies into the pluriverse's material phenomenalities observed in physics, chemistry, and the biological resonances of conscious embodied life. Our experienced cosmos reflects but a perspectival subquantum aperture onto vast transcendent computational processes computing hypernegational truth values originating from the Zero Absolute's ineffable vocables.
@HermeticallyHermeticThricGreat Ай бұрын
❤first comment by design ❤
@joemahma3017 2 ай бұрын
Excellent work! This video is incredibly informative and expressed in an intuitive and honest manner. Might I suggest a video on Neo-Darwinian evolution, evo-psych, and its cohort? I find people’s reaction to challenging these ideas excessively hostile. Additionally, I believe the neo-Darwinian paradigm is one of the most harmful to our society today due to its common interpretation which results in a dehumanized, ignoble, and quantitive view of our fellow man.
@Archeidos-Arcana Ай бұрын
Thanks! Great suggestion; I have much the same interpretation of it. I'll keep that in mind.
@joemahma3017 Ай бұрын
@@Archeidos-Arcana wow thanks for the response! I’m loving the rise of thinkers like yourself and formscapes here on the tube. It’s heartening to see some pushback against the dominant machine minded narratives that permeate our culture. Love the work! Love your narration!
@Sharerpenisis 2 ай бұрын
As a philosophy major, armchair occultist and lover of science this channel deeply resonates with me xD
@michaelgonzalez619 2 ай бұрын
Just came across your channel and binged all your videos. All I can say is humanity needs your work now more than ever, excellent job and keep going! Not everyone is ready for this kind of enlightenment but for those who are, it will resonate.
@Archeidos-Arcana 2 ай бұрын
Thanks my friend! Will do!
@Formscapes 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for bringing "Where is Science Going" onto my Radar.
@Archeidos-Arcana 2 ай бұрын
You're most welcome, man! I find it to be an illuminating read for diagnosing the present state of things. Love your work btw!
@joemahma3017 2 ай бұрын
Senpai! (Sorry couldn’t help it)
@travisbplank 2 ай бұрын
I'm so used to IIT being the "acceptable" solution for the hard problem of consciousness and defending analytic idealism from accusations of "woo woo" that I had to do a double take to make sure it was IIT coming under fire. It's interesting that we throw dualism under the bus so frequently but when it comes down to it most materialists are property dualists without realizing it.
@Archeidos-Arcana 2 ай бұрын
Yeah that was a weird one for me, and absolutely. I find it interesting that we now more or less describe the world in terms of mental stuff once again -- except rather than 'soul' or 'spirit', which seem to rather qualitative descriptions... we describe it in terms of 'information' and quantities now.
@cleberduartedelara3800 2 ай бұрын
whath a waste of filosofical argucie for nothing, to spare ourselves from de cientific dogmas we should acept the old religious ones? For reason sake we should'nt, but for "Good lord our cristian God, please dude..." this is just a truísm from you, if not plain desonesty. The solution for science is better societies, we agree on that, but psicologism upon well stablished fields of seach in sciencies will not restore the "magic of the word" that religion once claim existed.
@Archeidos-Arcana 2 ай бұрын
I actually don't advocate for a return to religious doctrine/dogma and papal authority. In this video, I'm merely pointing out that the current social structure of "The Science" is running somewhere contrary to the 'core ethos' of The Enlightenment. I'm not proposing a solution; I'm just diagnosing an illness.
@GnosticElohim 2 ай бұрын
Psilocybin mushrooms and Ayahuasca...
@lonesomealeks4206 2 ай бұрын
Science is stuck. There has been no significant discovery, in physics for instance, since WW 1. What scientists have been doing ever since is tweaking, adjusting, somewhat expanding the knowledge based on the old theories. Institutional dogma is nothing new, it's been there forever. The thing that bothers me is scientific dogma. It's become virtually the same as religious dogma. Ironic. You can't question anything nowadays that's been labeled 'scientific', which is absurd in itself. Take the "Theory of Evolution" for instance... everywhere and from nearly everybody you hear statements like "there is tons of overwhelming evidence" for it. And then you ask, can you name ONE specific piece of evidence, that without a doubt, without any assumptions or guesses, proves the validity of the theory.. And you get NOTHING. 0. But still, if you keep asking, you will be the one who is supposedly stupid and ignorant, who doesn't 'understand' the theory.. ? Subscribed. Let see where this channel will go next.
@lonesomealeks4206 2 ай бұрын
Misleading title dude
@Archeidos-Arcana 2 ай бұрын
Thanks for your feedback, agreed -- I changed it to be a bit more inline with the subject matter covered.
@lonesomealeks4206 2 ай бұрын
@@Archeidos-Arcana Very Good!
@ajv8935 5 ай бұрын
Thank you my Brother for this amazing video.
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 ай бұрын
Pretentious voiceover artist. 😅
@Archeidos-Arcana 7 ай бұрын
Well, I think we tend to project unto others what we refuse to recognize in ourselves, man. I feel there is no war except the war against war itself, my friend. It's all Love at the end.
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 ай бұрын
@@Archeidos-Arcana, pretentious comment. 🙄 The term “FRIEND” implies equality. How can a member of the Holy Priesthood (THE World Teacher Himself, in my particular case) and a mere worker be equals? I am your master, NOT your friend. Therefore, Slave, whenever you send me a message or reply to a comment, it is imperative that you address me accordingly. For example, “How are you, Master?”. Is that FULLY understood, Slave?
@Archeidos-Arcana 7 ай бұрын
@@JagadguruSvamiVegananda No thanks, we're just friends, but I thank you for sharing your genuine perspective (or just some fun trolling). 😋
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 ай бұрын
@@Archeidos-Arcana, I regret to inform you, Slave, that your response is INCORRECT. 👎 The CORRECT answer is “Yes, Master”. ✅ Bless You Always, TYPICAL Arrogant Westerner! 😇
@festerbutt Ай бұрын
​@@JagadguruSvamiVeganandaThere are no masters, there are no slaves, there is only you, the one and only transmigrant.
@adilbob1188 8 ай бұрын
@desireesandoval1981 8 ай бұрын
Beautiful ❤ I got lost on the images.
@zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbA 8 ай бұрын
I find myself thoroughly entranced by the video's endeavor to encapsulate such profound metaphysical concepts within the finite bounds of digital media. The blend of ethereal music and contemplative narrative invokes a surreal ambiance, reminiscent of a dreamy sojourn through the annals of ancient wisdom. Each frame, meticulously crafted, mirrors a canvas bearing the imprints of a sagacious painter, where every stroke is imbued with profound meanings awaiting discernment. The phrase 'Seeds of wisdom sown in men of clay' resonated deeply within me, conjuring images of a primordial wisdom awaiting germination in the fertile minds of the seekers. This endeavor is akin to a modern-day digital sanctuary where enlightenment is dispensed through the eloquence of narration and the mystique of visual storytelling. The resemblance of the concept of 'Adam's word as cosmic order' to the allegorical depictions of divine logos in various ancient scriptures is striking. It evokes a semblance to the Hermetic axiom, 'As above, so below', portraying a cosmic symphony orchestrated through the divine word. The sanctity of the hieroglyphic inscriptions etched on the stone sanctuary conjured a bridge between the ephemeral and the eternal, a tableau where the mysteries of the cosmos are unveiled to the earnest seeker. The transcendental music, each note seemingly plucked from the strings of the cosmic lyre, carries the viewer through an odyssey of self-discovery and cosmic understanding. The narrative, eloquently delivered, is a beacon of ancient wisdom illuminating the murky waters of existential quandaries. The primal ideas expounded, veiled in allegory, beckon the viewer to delve deeper into the abyss of self to uncover the pearls of ancient wisdom. The philosophical underpinning of the 'boundless primal idea before the beginning' echoes through the chambers of many esoteric traditions, and its depiction herein is nothing short of poetic. The narrative unfolds like a flower of life, each petal a revelation, each thorn a challenge to the conventional paradigms of understanding. The creator of this video has not merely crafted a visual spectacle but has erected a digital edifice of ancient wisdom. The allure of the narrative coupled with the celestial choreography of visuals and music left an indelible imprint on my psyche. As the veil of darkness descended with the fading music, I found myself transported back from this mystical voyage, now armed with a quiver of contemplative thoughts to ruminate upon. In essence, this video is a modern-day Grimoire, a digital conduit through which the ancient whispers of wisdom find their way to the hearts of contemporary seekers. It's a laudable endeavor, a testimony to the timeless quest for understanding that continues to beckon humanity through the ages. Just, thank you.
@senescecannabis3095 8 ай бұрын
someone took their Philosophical Elixirs this morning. in all seriousness, It's like I watched the video, but you experienced a cosmic odyssey
@ajv8935 7 ай бұрын
what this guy said
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 ай бұрын
Well, Slave, we all have our own particular BELIEFS, but ultimately, there exists objective truth, which is not subject to our misconceptions and misunderstandings. One who has transcended mundane relative truth is said to be an ENLIGHTENED soul. 😇
@zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcbA 6 ай бұрын
​@JagadguruSvamiVegananda Well, free man, claiming that there's an objective truth that transcends personal beliefs oversimplifies the complexity of human understanding. Reality is multifaceted, and what is considered 'truth' often varies based on individual perspectives and cultural contexts. Enlightenment isn't about reaching a singular objective truth, but about embracing the diversity of experiences and understanding that truths are often relative and subjective.
@evasivi6385 8 ай бұрын
I think the editing is quite nice
@KennetSam-xt8lj 10 ай бұрын
Thanks God for everything you do for us please help us to understand your family everything you want ❤❤❤
@JagadguruSvamiVegananda 7 ай бұрын
Are you a THEIST? 🤔 If so, what are the reasons for your BELIEF in God? 🤓
@KennetSam-xt8lj 10 ай бұрын