ሞሰብ ባህላዊ የሙዚቃ ቡድን በኢትዮጵያ
በባህል የሙዚቃ መሳርያዎች የኢትዮጵያን ቱባ የባህል ሙዚቃዎች በመጫወት በሃገር ውስጥ እና በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ እያስተዋወቀ ያለ የሙዚቃ ቡድን ነው፡፡
Moseb cultural music group in Ethiopia
Is a cultural music group playing and promoting Ethiopian original cultural music and compositions by playing Ethiopian traditional musical instruments nationally as well as internationally to the rest of the world.
phone: +251920326836, +251922842696, +251910659147
[email protected]Facebook #facebook.com/Mosebmusic/