@stevecox-u8y Күн бұрын
Where is a photo of the "transparent stone" then ? CLICK BAIT ????????????????????????????????????
@lzdmglg202612 2 күн бұрын
With electricity, we know, that oxygen and hydrogen may be separated from water. Ancient people of Egypt, using hydrogen, may have constructed lighter-than-aircraft with capability to transport huge stones over great distances. In other parts of the world, locals refer to such transport but not with understanding of such hydrogen usage.
@davidkeever721 2 күн бұрын
Same tech used to cut the stone is being used by the military to slice through air with flying craft
@Ponk_80 3 күн бұрын
All you actually have to do is soften the surface of the stone, and then just chisel away the soft part with a harder stone or copper chisel.
@mikesands4681 4 күн бұрын
If you reverse the stencil on the opposite side during the carving process, before placing, it saves time.
@daghultgren 6 күн бұрын
@Versadoco 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for your support🤝
@MattWhatsGoinOn 8 күн бұрын
Nah. Obviously, it represents the paddles of a giant pinball machine.
@jeremiah1st 9 күн бұрын
The depicted cones in the envarvings are pine cones.....Could they symbolise the pineal gland that also has "piezo electric" properties and is spiritually called the seat of the soul or as I see it the gate to everything. I watched the Hutchinson experiments and it seemed to me as he beamed the block of aluminium as if gravity was pooring out. And also noticed that mr Hutchinson has a very determinded look in his eyes.....as if he is focussing.....or callibrating.
@Kel-d7v 9 күн бұрын
Theoretic physicists should be paid with theoretical money.
@pennhill5459 9 күн бұрын
ancient tools may be so advanced modern man may not recognize them
@nibiruresearch 10 күн бұрын
I would not hesitate a minute to deny all the stories about ancient primitive Egyptians making the Great Pyramids and granite boxes as we find in the Serapeum. We need to stop using data that are made up by someone. The ancient historians Berossos and Manetho tell us much older data about the history of Egypt and Sumer. They mention kings that reigned thousands of years. The Arabic book Hitat by Al Makrizi tells us that the Great Pyramid was built more than 72,000 years ago. The Great Pyramid was built by a very advanced civilization because they knew that their civilization would disappear due to a predictable recurring but inescapable disaster. All these magnificent structures, large but also very small, are a message to us: "Those about to die salute you". That recurring disaster is caused by the ninth planet in our solar system orbiting our sun in an eccentric orbit. So that planet is only around our sun and its planets for a short time. After crossing the ecliptic plane of the planets at a very high speed, it disappears into the universe for a few thousand years. These crossings cause disasters on our planet with a huge tidal wave, storms, rains and earthquakes in unprecedented amounts and a bombardment of fiery meteors. Another result is a cycle of civilizations. Abundant and convincing evidence about the cycle of civilizations and its timeline, recurring floods and ancient high tech can be found in the eBook "Planet 9 = Nibiru" including many pictures. Just search for: nibiru = 9
@nibiruresearch 10 күн бұрын
This labyrinth is most likely a huge museum with artifacts and knowledge about earlier civilizations. But the Egyptians are only telling the story that they are the builders of all the pyramids and temples. But the labyrinth is world heritage and should be open to researchers from the world with open minds.
@Malama_Ki 12 күн бұрын
No one ever mentions the columns are all phallic…..
@chrismalcomson7640 14 күн бұрын
Why couldn't they have used reconstituted stone?
@Cymatic7 15 күн бұрын
I’m a little surprised at the lack of mention of Walter Russel, or did I miss it? 🤔
@reyesbravo1341 15 күн бұрын
Building all of this is amazing now imagine it's pitch dark down there. how ????
@Craby-yw9eq 17 күн бұрын
It's the penis sword raised up against Yahovah our God himself and Yashuah Messiah his son.
@slothpoo 19 күн бұрын
There’s no any of this was done by ancient Egyptians.. this is far older most probably pre flood
@gregonwum8813 20 күн бұрын
Academicians has the explanations. It was all written in Ancient Igbo Egyptian Object form expressions. 1. Wrist of hand - nkweko aka, 2. Glass container- iroma, 3. Elbow of left-hand female person - aka ikpa nwanyi mmadu, 4. Fiery serpent (saw-scale viper Echis coloratus)-eke oku, 5. Tree stem of flower- okporo osisi ifulu, 6. Front of buttocks of left side female- otula aka ikpa nwanyi mmadu, 7. painting - agba, 8. Front of toes of the leg of male person - mkpesi ukwu aka ikpa nwoke mmadu, 9. Flower - ifulu, it reads in Igbo language: Nwoke a ka iru oma, A kaa, a kpa nwa e nyee Ama edu, e ke oku Okporo osisi, i fu ilu, a tulee; a kaa, a kpaa Nwa e nyee Ama e du agba mkpesa okwu; a kaa, a kpaa Nwa Oke Ama e du, i fu ilu. English Language: Agreement you talk about in front of the Temple: Talk, discuss with the Divine Son that was given Divine Wisdom that leads, that glows with light on the Stem of the tree, deliberating; talk, discuss with Divine son given Divine Wisdom that leads at the Place of Meeting on the complaints in the quarrel; talk discuss with the Divine Son of the Authentic Wisdom that leads, to look into the bitterness. The word 'electricity' was derived from Igbo consonants; ('l k t r s t y') pronounced as (Igbo language: 'e lie oku itiri e si a ta uyo, meaning 'wired light from which darkness vanishes from the house'). The Ancient Igbo Egyptians were using Electricity as shown. A model of the Igbo electric battery system could be seen on the wall of the temple in the Egyptian small city of Dendera, where there is a massive bas-relief with a strange pattern. it shows a fiery snake Echis coloratus (Igbo language object form: eke oku; subject expression: 'eke oku; meaning 'shines light') in a large glass container (Igbo object form: irom; subject expression: iro Ama, meaning 'the outside of church') from a flower (Igbo language object form: ifulu; subject expression: i fu ilu, meaning 'to see bitterness') on which stands the foot of a man. It is logical to presume that Ancient Igbo Egyptians used electricity lighting in the pyramids, burial places and their homes. Earlier findings suggest that this maybe the case. In the burial chamber of Tutankhamen archeologists saw the treasures of the untouched tomb, and also by the beautiful frescoes that adorned the walls. There was complete absence of traces of soot from torches on bright murals, which posed a logical question to investigators; on how the ancient artists illuminated their "workplace"? The Dendera electricity (Igbo language: 'e lie oku itiri e si a ta uyo, meaning 'wired light from which darkness vanishes from the house') illustrated with a device at the temple in Dendera is an Ancient Igbo Egyptian battery lighting system perhaps wirelessly powered with electromagnetic waves. The text of the Dendera Temple writing shows clear reference to illumination of the Cross of the Divine Light at the Temple using an eclectic device. The reference is both physical and spiritual illumination of the place. The use of the fiery snake as the object form of the electric bulb filament is because people were used to the fact of using them in their homes for lighting. Similar referenced was made in the Bible [Isaiah 14:29]. There is no doubt that the Ancient Igbo Egyptians used electricity in much the same way as we use it today.
@GodessKali 27 күн бұрын
Lord bhrahma which represents life on earth emerging as bulb from the naval of vishnu who is sustain the life. The demon named madhu and kaitabh standing with knife in hand want to kill brahma the creator of life. And the supreme godess Durga saves the universe by awakening lord Vishnu who is the power of sustaing life ( according to Durga saptshati, Hinduism)
@alan8887 Ай бұрын
The Osiris Shaft is exactly what the name implies, three elevator shafts descending to the bottom floor. The only evidence missing is the machinery. Slowly over time, that metal evidence turned to dust in the wind. All granite and bedrock remain.
@arap.5470 Ай бұрын
@CodeNameTech Ай бұрын
is it so hard to tell us the truth? ppl this is ancient concrete !!! the simplest and the most boring explanation :D
@Versadoco Ай бұрын
Nope. One thing we can definitively rule out here is the use of concrete. Ancient megaliths are NOT composed of concrete, cement, or geopolymer materials. These processes require crushing the rock and altering its internal structure-something that can be easily identified with modern analytical tools. And it was checked - www.researchgate.net/publication/248546084_Mineralogical_petrological_and_radioactivity_aspects_of_some_building_material_from_Egyptian_Old_Kingdom_monuments Here is a quote from abstract: "Mineralogical, petrological, XRF and radioactivity measurements were carried out on several Egyptian monuments (at Giza plateau and Abydos), as an integrated archaeological sciences project concerning Egyptian cultural heritage... ...Regarding the aim (a), hypotheses that large building stones used in the monuments were cast, as opposed to carved out of natural stone, are not supported by (i) the presence of undamaged fossils, (ii) lack of zeolite peaks in X-ray patterns, which would be expected if CaO was used in making cement, and (iii) random emplacement and strictly homogeneous distribution of fossil shells in the whole rock in accordance with their initial in situ settling in a fluidal sea bottom environment. Moreover, statistical clustering of chemical composition indicated five rock sub-categories and XRF analysis reported inhomogeneity of rock composition." I reckon the same will be true for Mesoamerican megalithic sites. And don't forget about the existence of stone quarries.
@Minceontoast2 12 күн бұрын
“Concrete” no there fucking not lol they are whole blocks all different sizes not molda
@CodeNameTech 12 күн бұрын
@@Minceontoast2 the point is to be different sizes to be earthquake proff... they have made puzzle that when it is shaked it is always come back in place (almost always :D)
@Minceontoast2 12 күн бұрын
@@CodeNameTech They aren’t molds bud… All different shapes… you can find the quarries….
@CodeNameTech 12 күн бұрын
@@Minceontoast2 Joseph Davidovich Geopolymer Institute go watch video i think it is 1h :)
@damiancitobarbanis7575 Ай бұрын
Sounds to me like a load of rubbish. What technology, putting complicated técnicos words together in a sentence to look like it is complicated and a couple of pictures. What is this technology? Makes no sense to me. Very badly explained if it fact it is real
@Verendrye Ай бұрын
Late to the party a bit, but after seeing this video and looking at the metal alloys found, they seem similar in percentages to the composition of orichalchum, the metal which is said to have been extracted in Atlantis. I wonder if orichalchum was used as part of a cutting machine which also made use of thunderstorm generators...
@sylvantutchwildwood2144 Ай бұрын
Hey Alex. Any chance you could incorporate the 'caves' at Barabar into an upcoming episode. I think you would be able to link their ridiculous precision and the reason for it tò many other sites of a similar age especially the sarcophagi in the seraphium beneath saqqara and the reason the lids were hewn from the lower part of the same piece of stone as the box but then flipped over. I feel that they may have been used as a 'post box' for dark matter. Thank you for everything you do.
@Versadoco Ай бұрын
Hey, Barabar is indeed a fascinating object. However, I don't have any current plans for it at the moment.
@Mfvpill Ай бұрын
Amazing! We have writing I'm muslim n have difficulty reading these chapters in Holy quran but look at them how they explained but again it's in my scriptures Allah taught adam everything so ..
@JamesLoweryHypnotherapy Ай бұрын
Thank you for this.
@ilhemminora2365 Ай бұрын
{آتُونِي زُبَرَ الْحَدِيدِ ۖ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا سَاوَىٰ بَيْنَ الصَّدَفَيْنِ قَالَ انفُخُوا ۖ حَتَّىٰ إِذَا جَعَلَهُ نَارًا قَالَ آتُونِي أُفْرِغْ عَلَيْهِ قِطْرًا} [الكهف : 96] ( 96 ) Bring me zubur of iron" - until, when he had leveled [them] between the two shells, he said, "Blow [with bellows]," until when he had made it [like] fire, he said, "Bring me, that I may pour over it kitran."
@user-hs9yp1re7n Ай бұрын
انا من مصر وارجو الترجمة واعتقد انا هذا الفيديو مهم وشكرا لمجهودكم
@sylvantutchwildwood2144 Ай бұрын
Do you know what the heiroglyphs on the wall opposite the depiction of the dendera light says.
@user-hs9yp1re7n Ай бұрын
@@sylvantutchwildwood2144 لم افهم السوال جيدا ممكن توضيح عن هذا السوال اكثر من فضلك انا احاول التواصل معك
@michaelsparks350 Ай бұрын
This kind of energy would explain how they built the Great Pyramid and many other huge structures that cannot be lifted of moved by modern technology today.
@sylvantutchwildwood2144 Ай бұрын
You are more than correct. Dark matter made into 'tools' would explain all the stone working techniques.
@Versadoco Ай бұрын
*ERRATA:* In the video in the section on stone dating, there is mention of a _"crystal of granite."_ This phrase was used as a generalized artistic image. A "crystal of granite" does not exist. Granite is made of minerals, which are present in the form of crystals. The primary minerals that make up granite are quartz, feldspar, and mica, which form visible crystals within the rock.
@Deem60 2 ай бұрын
I saw squares inside squares in a dream one time. Really puzzling.
@Deem60 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if the staff in the hands of the Egyptian writings was one of the tools used for moving the blocks???? Very interesting, subscribed right away!!
@sylvantutchwildwood2144 Ай бұрын
And for cutting hard stone. Imagine a dark matter tool slicing through granite.
@geetumalik1 2 ай бұрын
So, were there any artaffects found that suggest that they were making these??? I think this depiction is more about kundalini awakening than bulbs or x ray etc.
@lizarosa156 2 ай бұрын
Africa and Egypt were one at that time.
@davepowell7168 2 ай бұрын
No evidence for this stuff unfortunately. None
@kalrandom7387 2 ай бұрын
Check out The Why Files for more on these subjects.
@janettomlin950 2 ай бұрын
I lied this video information 😊