Comparing MammaPrint to Oncotype Dx
Be Beautiful in spite of chemo
3 жыл бұрын
Making your cancer treatment easier
Why do I need Lymphatic Therapy
Q&A with Dr Ettienne and Lori
4 жыл бұрын
What is Cancer Genetic Couselling
@CarinBotha-t5c 23 күн бұрын
Dr. Ettienne, ek is al 2 jaar op Laradex. Ek kry ook warmgloede, maar vir my is die gewrigspyne ‘n groter probleem. Wat kan ek doen wat daarmee sal help?
@Ugandangirl 26 күн бұрын
I was diagnosed with DCIS. One side was cribriform and the other was solid comedo micropapillary er and pr positive. Grade 3 Should i take tamifixn at least? Going to get a DMX. 5 cm micro calcifications
@christellegreef6873 Ай бұрын
Ek was nie die opsie gegee nie
@saraimata06 2 ай бұрын
I found out Thursday I have breast cancer and I’m very afraid. I’m scared I’ll be taken from my kids. My youngest is 16.
@Ugandangirl Ай бұрын
Wish you the best! Got diagnosed last week!
@jimhallandcindymorgan3545 5 ай бұрын
I really appreciated your presentation. I am 67 years old, diagnosed with DCIS, stg 0, grade 1 on biopsy, following a screening mammogram. I had lumpectomy surgery, clean margins on all sides (between 4 & 15 mm) except for the back of the tumor was 0.2 mm margin because to take more tissue would have meant cutting into the muscles of the chest wall. I was told it was small (5mm x 3mm x 9 slides?). I meet with the radiation oncologist on Monday to discuss risks & benefits of adding radiation to the treatment program. Your information will help me to formulate questions and, hopefully, to better understand the answers. Thank you for sharing your knowledge! I especially liked your space age versus pencil analogy.
@deborahlanyi5535 4 ай бұрын
Plz let me know how things went with radiologist. I am in exact same position. I am to decide what I want to do. Rad/oncologist appointment coming week. Not certain what questions to ask. I need your input. Thanks.
@jimhallandcindymorgan3545 4 ай бұрын
@deborahlanyi5535 I found 17 factors associated with risk of recurrence, based on a review of the scientific literature. They include: (1) age at diagnosis (over 65 is low) (2) whether DCIS was found by screening (low) versus palpation, (3) being post menopause (low), (4) grade of DCIS (1 is low), (5) cell types (criboform, micropapillary are slower growing), (6) whether there are microinvasions or comedo necrosis (absence of these is low), (7) estrogen & progesterone receptor positive (low), (8) size of DCIS (mine was small), (9) surgical margins clear and at least 2 mm (I was mixed, as 5 of 6 margins were bigger than 2 mm, but one was smaller), (10) no lymph node involvement, (11) no history of smoking (low), (12) low use of alcohol, (13) regular exercise (I was higher risk because I am quite sedentary), (14) normal weight (I was medium risk on this because I'm overweight), (15) genetic factors (my genetic tests showed I had no mutations on 71 genes for cancer), (16) family history (I was high on this as my biological mother had cancer at 65 but died at 85 of unrelated causes), and (17) non African American (this is low as African American women are at higher risk). In spite of me being low on 13 factors, and medium or high on 4, my local radiologist wanted me to have 4 weeks of whole breast radiation based only on the small margin. I asked about radiation side effects, and he said I would have scarring to my lung and that the breast would likely become smaller and firmer. He refused to consider any other course of treatment, and pressed me to make the next appointment to set up treatment. I had ma y questions, but he would not meet or talk with me by phone, having his nurse tell me to write my questions down & bring them to the simulation appointment. What he didn't tell me was that a 4 week course of radiation would mean that if I had a recurrence in the future, mastectomy would be my only option. I sought a 2nd opinion from Mayo Clinic. They had their own pathologist examine the tissue slides from my surgery & met with me to discuss the benefits & risks of radiation. They felt I had a low risk of recurrence, and they would recommend 1 week of partial breast radiation, which would reduce my risk of recurrence over the next 10 years from 15% to 7-8%. Their methods would not cause lung or rib damage, as they would deliver NO radiation to any tissue but the breast. The radiation oncologist also believed it was my choice whether to do it at all, since I would have an 85% chance of no recurrence, and only about half of recurrence are invasive breast cancer. I've chosen to do active surveillance instead. I.also used a website from the COMET study of DCIS, that you can put your age & the grade of your DCIS into, along with which treatments you are considering (lumpectomy, radiation, hormone blocking treatment, etc) to see what your chances of recurrence & survival are in 10 years. The site is and the study is described at in case you want to look at it yourself. I hope this helps. I think a 2nd opinion is helpful, & Mayo was more in line with the research results I'd been reading. Let me know if you have specific questions. Everyone is different, in terms of what risks they are comfortable with, but I have asthma & didn't want radiation to damage my lungs unless it was absolutely necessary. I can't say enough about how respectful Mayo was - they answered my questions (2 typed pages) and collaborated with me in exploring my options. Best of luck! Cindy
@yuqingzhu8458 6 ай бұрын
Dr. Ettienne, Thank you for sharing the information publicly. I had a lumpectomy in June. The DCIS cluster is 5mm, number of blocks with DCIS are 2. the surgery removed 9g, 3.4 cm by 2.5 cm by 2.3 cm. The closest margin to DCIS is 14mm, which the required is only 2mm. I am 54 yrs old, very healthy, my DCIS is high grade, solid and cribriform patterns with central necrosis. The 7 slides after surgery are all negative. My surgeon said she purposely removed with wider margins in hope for me to skip the radiology treatment. But the radiologist I saw he said I still needs to take the radio therapy. Which would be 3D conformal image guided radiation therapy, done by varain triology, fifteen minutes for three consecutive weeks. I worry about the side effects from the radiology itself, as the cardiovascular problems, even it's right breast only, the bone cancer, the lung cancer, the blood cancer and sarcoma cancer. I feel like I am trading of the easier to treat cancer -- breast cancer to other much harder to treat cancers. The problem is my radiologist didn't disclose any of the risks of cancer causing in longer term later years, but only focus on the short term cosmetic side effects, and he said the skin discoloration will disappear too. I don't believe there would be something can only do good things without bad, or else, they would let all of the DCIS patients to take the radio therapy if that's the case. Why not? Why we try to avoid someone, it must because it also has some unavoidable bad side effects. I found the two tests, the DCISionRT and Oncotype DX tests, but he tried to discourage me taking those tests and was not happy for my questions. I did the VNPI test in your video, and scored 7. my negative points are grade 3 and comedo necrosis, my positive points are very clean margin, and I did another biopsy in the same breast on a different spot and it was also benign. I am post menopausal. But my friend who is a breast cancer researcher, he said if there was a cluster of DCIS found in the breast, there usually should be other clusters too, just too small to be found. He advised me to follow the radiologist's decisions. I just feel like some doctor just want to rush the patients to the treatment, it's like a sales person, but not a doctor who made the oath at the graduation. Which makes me uncomfortable. My father had prostate cancer before, and he took the radiology therapy. And 8 years later, he was found with bone cancer. But of course, it's very hard to know, if the bone cancer was metatsized from the prostate cancer or from the radio exposures. I am struggling on making a decision. It's like a kindergarten student has to turn in the exam for the medical school test. What's your opinion? Thanks for your feedback.
@kisslena 6 ай бұрын
This is incredibly helpful information Doctor. Thank you for your time in doing this presentation. I’ve had 3 lumpectomies to remove the dcis around a tiny IDC found during mammogram. No node involvement. Radiation and hormone blocker. The microinvasion in the lab findings made me concerned because there is no way to treat that other than the hormone blockers? To determine the phenotype sounds brilliant But I’m sure it’s not done because they don’t have a treatment plan established for treating based on the information.
@ketrienjohanna5853 6 ай бұрын
Is alle harde knoppe in jou bors nie altyd kanket mie? Wat kan dit anders wees?
@ketrienjohanna5853 6 ай бұрын
Kan n biopsie gedoen word sonder narkose. En kan die knop uitgesny word sonfer narlose. As so...hoe kry hul dan die bors dood dat mens nie pyn voel nie?
@lianadevilliers9058 11 ай бұрын
Maar dit kan ook net n nie kwaadaardige sist wees?
@EveDewaal 11 ай бұрын
As di kanker versprei ht in jo borste kan sit pynlik wees
@mbyers771 11 ай бұрын
I’m 40 years old diagnosed with stage one Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. I am pre-menopausal. My oncologist put me on Lupron to stop my ovaries from working and prescribed Anastrazole daily 1mg. Will continue on this therapy for 6 months and see if tumor shrinks. No chemo, surgery or radiation is recommended at this time. We will see at the end of the 6 months. I am ER/PR positive Her2 low.
@OsbelRodriguez-i6c 11 ай бұрын
Spectacular ❤ saludos desde cuba
@QuixoticBlackCat Жыл бұрын
Heavily underutilized compared to chemo, and yet so much less harsh. More women need to know about this.
@betsypetro1207 Жыл бұрын
I am glad for and English man besides and Indian man so I could understand
@Spacekriek Жыл бұрын
Ek is baie dankbaar dat ek nie daardie gif geneem het nie. Ons het gesien hoe vele maatskappye 'n basiese mensereg, nl. die reg tot liggaamlike integriteit, eenvoudig van die tafel afgevee het en hulle werknemers onder druk geplaas het en selfs afgedank het toe hulle die spuit geweier het. Ons het daardie opname van Ramaphizer gesien waar hulle heerlik lag oor hoe lank die inperking dalk sou aanhou. Dit is weliswaar so dat 'n baie groot persentasie van hulle wat die sg. entstof geneem het nie in die onmiddellike maande daarna enige nadelige gevolge ervaar het nie. Aan die ander kant mag ons ook nie die gevalle ignoreer van hulle wat sodanig geaffekteer was dat hulle nie meer 'n normale lewe kan lei nie. Ons moet eenvoudig die stukkies van die legkaart bymekaar begin bring. 'n Man soos Bill Gates het in die 2010's groot gewag gemaak daarvan dat die wêreldbevolking verminder kan word met sg. entstowwe. Hy het trouens, hier in 2009 rond, groot moles gemaak in Indië met 'n sg. "wellness program" waar byna 'n halfmiljoen kinders nadelig (verlamming, sterilisasie) geaffekteer is. Die Indiese regering het sy maatskappy daarna uit hulle land gejaag. Met die aanbreek van die sg. pandemie (waartydens 'n paar volksleiers onder eienaardige omstandighede gesterf het of met 'n sluipmoord verwyder is) draai Gates toe in sy spore om en probeer mense oortuig om die "entstof" te neem omrede dit glo mense sou red. 'n Baie eienaardige soort omkeer en dit laat mens erg kopkrap.
@Marnugroenewald Жыл бұрын
Hullo my bloed plaatjies is oor die 1000 so wat kan dit wees
@sheila7814 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this post
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
You're welcome
@fenlandwildlifeclips Жыл бұрын
You may be interested to know I was originally diagnosed with DCIS, high grade, 140 MM. This really worried me & I convinced myself that part of it would be invasive. Post masectomy histology showed that the mammogram images were incorrect. I had 5.6 CM DCIS, NOT 14 CM. There was no invasive element. I think I was extremely lucky in some respects. In the UK, with DCIS, we are treated as cancer patients. I suspect I was in the high-risk bracket. I was told it's an early form of cancer, stage 0. In the UK they do not check for makers, neither do they do any genetic testing for DCIS. I think a universal decision needs to made re whether DCIS is or isn't cancer. If it isn't cancer, why do such drastic surgery?
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Thanks for your comment. DCIS, like all In-situ cancer, is cancer without the possibility of spread. The problem is that DCIS is not seen on breast imaging and even if we see changes that suggest DCIS, the imaging is poor at predicting the extent thereof and presence of micro invasion. One usually only know the true extent of it after surgery. I think a lot of treatment guidelines are based on outcomes which do not always reflect the patient's experience. Things like recurrence risk. If an asymptomatic, non-life treating problem recurs, it makes no difference in the lived experience of the person. Shared decision making is the answer, where the well informed patient is an equal partner in the process. Some countries / medical systems are better at this than others.
@fenlandwildlifeclips Жыл бұрын
@DrEttienne In my case, it was very clear on the mammograms, but in your video, you say it isn't cancer, yet in your comment, you say it is cancer.
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
To be correct, I said it is not a disease yet, in the sense of causing symptoms or loss of function. Cancer cell are just cells which proliferate uncontrollably, but some cancer may remain asymptomatic indefinitely. The challenge in DCIS is predicting when we can treat it less aggressively. I hope that makes sense?
@fenlandwildlifeclips Жыл бұрын
@DrEttienne It does, but in the UK, cancer is legally protected against discrimination. The problem is, even though I've been treated as a cancer patient, some people think I haven't had cancer. It could cause legal issues. The health community needs to decide if DCIS is or isn't cancer.
@katherinestengele9096 Жыл бұрын
i’m so
@MikaailTan-v9r Жыл бұрын
Hello Dr Ettienne - I just stumbled on your podcast. I had a mastectomy last month though I cud hv gone for a lumpectomy instead if MRI was correct! Biopsy result showed the specimen consists of 4 cores of tissue measuring 0.9 cm to 1.6 cm. MRI result was "...core measures approximately 24 (CC) x 23 (L-R) x 20 (AP) mm. The spiculations, which are seen as areas of faint non-mass enhancement, together with the mass, cover an area that measures approximately 56 mm (CC) x 23 (L-R) x 40 (Se 815/61, 815/68). The spiculations extend approximately 1 cm superior and approximately 28 mm inferior to the central core." The post op lab result showed the size of the invasive tumor is 13 mm in maximum dimension. The whole size of the tumor (Invasive & DCIS) is 26 mm in maximum dimension. I'm really disappointed to note the vast difference as i didn't need to go for Mastectomy. At that time I was even contemplating a reconstruction!
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Hi, thank you for your comment. I understand your disappointment. Unfortunately,one has to make decisions based on the information available prior to surgery and in your case is seems the MRI was more concerning. Imaging does not correlate with the pathology in all cases. My experience is that MRI can overestimate the lesion size, especially if done after biopsy has been performed. DCIS is even more difficult. In general we try to consider the option of breast conservation in these cases through an oncoplastic type of operation where one can remove a whole segment of the breast while still getting a good result. In our unit, immediate reconstruction is always considered and discussed for all patients where mastectomy is planned. I hope your team have discussed your reconstructive options with you. My suggestion is to focus on the better than expected results and plan further treatment carefully, I wish you well with your further treatment.
@MikaailTan-v9r Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your reply Dr Ettienne. I did speak with the plastic surgeon but after weighing the options i decided to just go flat. I thought its a done deal after mastectomy and didnt realise chemo is next! After reviewing the post op surgery report which indicated my cancer was early stage 1 but a grade 3 so chemo is next! I've accepted this unfortunate outcome and will continue with the treatment as proposed by the oncologist. Did my 1st chemo on 23 Oct with 3 more to go. Hopefully no further surprises as far as treatment is concerned. I had the side effects of chemo and had mild constipation, sore throat, aches ard my neck and light headedness for the 1st 3 days and thankfully I'm feeling ok now.
@DianneElizabeth64 5 ай бұрын
@@MikaailTan-v9r. How are you doing? I am hoping for the best for you
@thisandthat1767 Жыл бұрын
Mom is going for a port tomorrow. The nurse who will do the chemo wants to start chemo the very next day and she wants the needle to be left in when the port is inserted. Is this standard procedure?
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Hi, sorry I missed your question. One can leave a needle for use soon after placement although the risk for infections seems to be higher. If possible, we try to give the port 7 days before using it. We will frequently use a peripheral line or even a normal central line for the initial treatment in order to let the port settle. Protocols do, however, vary from unit to unit. I hope your mom's treatment went well.
@PatriciaGranja-h2u Жыл бұрын
Tks Dr. Ettienne,for that important info. I want to know more about when to decide to biopsy a microcalcification (birads 4b) without mass, and if there is active surveillance in these cases
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Hi, a biopsy is the only way to know if the microcslcificstions are malignant. There are specific cases, where there are competing health concerns where we would opt to continue survalance with the intention of reacting to signs of invasive cancer. Active survalance might be option in younger, healthier patients but only after biopsy has confirmed the reason for the microcalcifications. This is a decision which needs to be taken within a Multidisciplinary team only.
@nicolestecher7862 Жыл бұрын
so good
@KellyBrown-x5w Жыл бұрын
Lovely ❤
@KellyBrown-x5w Жыл бұрын
No tits
@dianneleduc9279 Жыл бұрын
I don’t think there is an over-treatment 30:53 of the disease if we can not truly tell whether or not it will spread. So for me please continue to over-treat I am not willing to leave it up to chance that I will not have further spread
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
That is why careful discussion with each patient is so important. In some, their anxiety prompts more aggressive treatment, but that doesn't mean it is appropriate for everyone. As long as the doctor and patient are clear on the reasons a specific option is chosen. Most women would prefer less destructive treatment options and are happy to trust the evidence that is makes no difference in their outcome.
@sheila7814 Жыл бұрын
Exactly why I opted for mastectomy. Less cells with ER receptors…. Less bombs available to do their own rogue behavior.
@sesame7551 7 ай бұрын
I would not want to be treated for a “cancer” that I dont have when the treatment is the same as if I have cancer. IF it becomes invasive, then give me the treatment….
@TinaSweeney-fn2du Жыл бұрын
I have had breast cancer, is it true that eggs are bad for you and chicken ,what meats can I eat , thank you
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
There is no evidence that chicken or eggs have an adverse effect on breast cancer outcome. There is data linked to having more fish in one's diet.
@susanwhite6761 Жыл бұрын
I disagree..egs and chicken do not contribute to cancers..
@Kimberbeagle Жыл бұрын
Eat The Lion Way! Stop Sugar! Look up Dr. Kiltz and Dr. Ken Berry .
@christinehall2904 Жыл бұрын
​@@DrEttienne 10:41
@teresa8363 Жыл бұрын
I had DCIS stage 1a with .7mm microinvasion . Clear margins, lymph nodes and genetics. I had double mast. ER + 90% . Taking anastrasole for 5 years . Do I have good prognosis ? Could there be a recurrence ?
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Hi, you are very fortunate to have such good results. It would seem you have an excellent prognosis. The risk for recurrence should be very very low but it is never completely impossible.
@sheila7814 Жыл бұрын
Mine was just like yours…8mm. Rest same. I was told my recurrence rate would be 4percent if I took the pill 5 years and 10 percent if I didn’t. I had an oncotype dx score of 15 so they said no chemo.
@teresa8363 Жыл бұрын
@@sheila7814 Oncologist said if I take the meds for 5 years, 2% recurrence . 🙏🏼
@sheila7814 Жыл бұрын
@@teresa8363 I like those odds even better. ❤️🙏🏼😃
@vilmavelazquez1979 Жыл бұрын
Great video. Thank you so much!
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@vilmavelazquez1979 Жыл бұрын
Great video! I had a cPR with neoadjuvant chemo ACT dose dense. I was diagnosed with ILC stage 3 grade 1, multifocal, HR+ her2-. MRI showed no lymph node or vascular involvement. I truly appreciate the information you provided. Very valuable. I’m having a mastectomy next week, radiation after healing. Thank you again!
@maryheffernan2627 Жыл бұрын
What about the value if Keto diets Professor Thomas Seyfried Biologist in Boston on the treatment of cancers
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
There is no evidence that it prevents of changes the behaviour of DCIS.
@DianneElizabeth64 5 ай бұрын
He has discovered that cancer feeds in glucose & amino acids. The drug he developed blocks glutamine. So they eliminate carbs & pulse blocking glutamine with no side effects. He is forced to administer minimal chemo to prevent his team from losing their licenses. Maybe one day, this will be released.
@janaterblanche4724 Жыл бұрын
Na my mastektomie in Nov 22 het ek Laradex begin gebruik. Vandag het my onkoloog gesê ek kan daarmee stop sodat ons kan kyk of die cholesterol wat ek skielik intussen ontwikkel het, kan verlaag. Ek moes aanvanklik ń kontrak teken dat ek nie die medikasie sal staak vir 5 tot 10 jaar nie. Kan die behandeling dan sommer nou net gestaak word?
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Vir infiltrerende borskanker was estrogeen reseptor positief is, toon die data dat 'n minimum van 5 jaar se anti-estrogeen behandling nodig is. Vir In-situ kankers, is die situasie anders. Dit is belangrik om die besluit met jou onkoloog te bespreek en te vra wat die verskillende opsies is en hoe dit jou risiko sal affekteer.
@TinaSweeney-fn2du Жыл бұрын
I had stage one Dcis with microinvasive is that bad
@maryheffernan2627 Жыл бұрын
Can I ask what treatment did you have for this diagnosis
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
DCIS with microinvasion increases the risk for future invasive breast cancer and does require appropriate treatment of which removal with clear margins is the most important. Fortunatly it has an excedingly good cancer specific survival. It is important to continue with appropriate follow-up.
@TinaSweeney-fn2du Жыл бұрын
@@maryheffernan2627 I had a lump removed removed and arimadex for 10 year's and and 6 weeks radiation
@Ugandangirl 26 күн бұрын
How are you?
@layladramat9827 Жыл бұрын
Wat is metaplastiese kanker
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Metaplastiese borskanker is 'n skaars subtipe was gewoonlik redelk vinnig ontwikkel en 'n meer agressiewe gedrag het as die meer algemene tipes. Dit is gewoonlik nie sesitief vir Estrogeen / Progesteroon nie en dit druk ook nie HER2 uit nie.
@jonathanrolfsen4656 Жыл бұрын
25:25 Van Nuys Prognostic Index - Age in the 3rd column is supposed to read ">60" I believe
@riettevanzyl7244 Жыл бұрын
Genetiese chemo nodig? Baie klein T1A kanker?
@riettevanzyl7244 Жыл бұрын
Goeie dag, my ek klaar deur menopause is, wRm glorde is verby, Sal ek weer begin met warm gloede met hierdie behandeling? Ek is 66 jaar oud....
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Die antwoord is ongelukkig ja vir meeste mense. Dit is omdat die estrogeen vlakke nog laer gedryf word deur die behandeling
@riettevanzyl7244 Жыл бұрын
Is daar ooit n geval waar net chirurgie nodig is?
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Chirurgie is 'n baie belangrike deel van borskanker behandeling en dit is net in mense met verspreide / ongeneeslike kanker waar ons chirurgie sal uitlos.
@davidnolan6388 Жыл бұрын
@LuKruger Жыл бұрын
Dr. Ettienne, ek is een jaar verder en ek is baie dankbaar dat dit betyds ontdek is. Ek het die estrogeen verwante borskanker en ek sweet nou lekker. Ek is spyt dat ek nie 'n jaar terug die ongelooflike insiggewende video's gesien het nie, maar nou kyk almal en deel. Baie dankie, u maak 'n verskil!
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Baie dankie vir jou terugvoer. Ek is dankbaar die video's kan 'n verskil maak.
@danielcorcos4005 Жыл бұрын
Good talk, but you didn't mention the problem of mammography surveillance, as mammography is a major cause of breast cancer (Corcos & Bleyer, NEJM, 2020, Corcos, BioRxiv, 2017)
@LostinTranslationss Жыл бұрын
What is the prediction of the progress of High Grade DCIS with microinvasion her2+ ER/PR- to invasive carcinoma?
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
Good day, I somehow did not see your question, so I appologize for the late reply. Microinvasion is already invasive although at a very early stage. Cancer spesific survival is lower than pure DCIS but better than T1a invasive breast cancer. ER/PR negative, HER2 positive microinvasion is seen more frequently than in DCIS and does seem to increase future risk for recurrence / progression.
@mariatities9991 2 жыл бұрын
Ek ht borskanker maar dit Het Al versprei tot in my rug been maar ek is op bhandeling hle het my accord anastrozole gegee nou Wil ek u vra of dit ook dai selle in my rug Kan dood maak
@khaliddurrani6432 2 жыл бұрын
Can we conclude that the cost of MP is justified only in clinically/ pathologically high risk patients who may benefit from de-escalation of chemo.
@DrEttienne Жыл бұрын
@mohammad.moh1 2 жыл бұрын
Hallo Doctor! Thanks for nice explaining! Doctor there is any problem if I do push ups and shoulders work out whith Chemotherapy port a will be thankful for you answer!🙏🏻
@lanacampbell-moore6686 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you I have breast cancer & getting my port tomorrow 🥴
@deepikaprabhutendolkar9857 2 жыл бұрын
Sir very good Information Thank you. Sir I have chemo port and 2days I have swelling beside chemo port slitely arm pain what can I do
@mariatities9991 2 жыл бұрын
Dr ht nou ontdek dat ek bord kanker ht maar ek Mt nog Gaan vr n scan Om te wys hoe ver Di kanker is maar ek ht n pyn by my lewer se Kant wat smaak dit maak n knop
@mariestrauss8605 2 жыл бұрын
Dis baie insiggewend aangesien ek oor twee weke met bestraling begin na n Historektomie Baie baie dankie
@marindavanwyk309 2 жыл бұрын
Dr wat beteken 4A? Ek was vir n mammogram, sonar en vir n biopsie. Daar is verwys na 4A..Iemand het genoem dat hulle op radio gehoor het dat daar n inspuiting is wat gebruik kan word teen borskanker.Ek weet nie of die persoon alles gehoor het nie maar kan daar so iets bestaan?