@ignacioc.delacruz1042 3 ай бұрын
Thank you for posting this video. I am contemplating whether I want to join the US Army but my stutter has always been that fear that either I will not be accepted or that I will struggle during basic training.
@ebonyyoung4975 5 ай бұрын
Great video!
@Ashleysolarpanel Жыл бұрын
EXTREMELY good info to know, I want to be in in a 4 year contract, and it was between a job as aircrew, or submarine intelligence. If aircrew is a 6 year, that makes my decision easier
@jaelife324 Жыл бұрын
Do you choose first station as FTS?
@allavante4700 Жыл бұрын
So theirs no rate to go into this ?
@joshuaorbito Жыл бұрын
Currently active duty as an AE and I want to be stationed back home at the NOSC Chicago to be closer with family. Does that mean I have to rerate to be stationed there because they don’t have an air base? And what are my chances to be at a NOSC? Is it guaranteed?
@dela_westcoast9388 Жыл бұрын
hey bro is this rate hard to get?
@iCyourFACE2424 10 ай бұрын
I don’t think so. Most of the corpsman I’ve worked with were previously in the AW rate, either drops or cross rated. Best advice I can give would be speak to your recruiter and see your options.
@SharpshootinSalvi Жыл бұрын
Are you still in the Navy or you got your DD214
@sgibson8413 Жыл бұрын
What is the best way to go about getting a AW rate? I’m a 5’1 126 pound female so I know it’s the furthest thing from easy. Im worried since it’s not guaranteed. I would really hate to be stuck with a job I hate.
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
Just ask your recruiter and hopefully they can help you get that rate. Or tell them when you get to MEPS as well. And if they don’t have any billets for that rate don’t take anything else. Just hold to what you want and you can always go to MEPS again. You don’t have to pick the first time you go. Every job has its pros and cons. Like right, how do you know you’d love being an AW? It’s the Navy, shit always has a pretty bow on it but the reality is sometimes the exact opposite. My advice is to just go in with an open mind and consider all your options. Also think about the future, if you decide to make the Navy a career and if not did you gain experience in something that you can use outside of the military? Just don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
@kennethvictor1864 Жыл бұрын
Can you do fmf corpsman fts?
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
Yes. As an FTS corpsman you can do FMF. You can also do AVT and a couple other C schools. But only like 3-4
@GracianaGeorge-pb1jl Жыл бұрын
This gives a good general idea but if you have questions about AW, talk to someone who is rated as one. There’s so much more that goes into AW. NACCS is a basic step into AW. A-school isn’t that bad. FRS is where it got a little spicy for most of the other AWs I came through with. Every command is different but for my experience, The schooling is a little harder, the PT is harder. They hold you to such high standards and are picky about little things like what color socks you wear. Uniform inspections are frequent, boot shine is a must, and medical is not your friend when it comes to being an AW in training. You will be told it’s okay to go to medical and go med down but be careful bc if you stay down too long or if it’s an injury, they will drop you, especially at NACCS. They work with you a little more the further you are into it but it’s always a risk. Overall it’s been a great experience for me but it definitely has its challenges. It’s very mentally and physically demanding. You’ll have to be squared away at all times. Also, they can drop you for things that just aren’t in your control, you can be the most fit, the smartest person there but if you fail a uniform inspection, room inspection, etc. they can drop you for “loss of confidence” I’ve seen multiple people get dropped for that one simply because they failed 3 room inspection over a course of an entire year. Room and uniform inspections aren’t always as simple as you think they are. It’s all about standards and if you think those guys aren’t holding rulers, magnifying glasses and on their hands and knees looking at your stuff. You’re sadly mistaken. They go in there WANTING to find something wrong. Just know going into it, it’s a very long process and very demanding. But it’s the best feeling when you finish. I promise you that. Don’t sign those papers if you aren’t willing to commit 100% 24/7 for AT LEAST 2 years. They tell you that 2 years is the timeline and that may be true if you go straight through getting classes up right away, etc. but you’re never classed up right away. You sit there for several weeks/months sometimes waiting for your turn. And once you’re through your student phase, you go through a qualification process which takes up to 16 months. YOU DO NOT GET YOUR WINGS UNTIL YOURE FULLY QUALIFIED. It’s taken most of us 2-3 years after enlisting to get our wings and get that E-4 pay. I watched females I went through boot camp with get E-4 before I did. Just know you’ll be living on that E-3 pay for a long time.
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
That was the goal lol just wanted to give a general outline. After rewatching this a few years later I had no idea what I was talking about, fully. Lol so the general outline is the best way to describe it 😂 Thanks to all the actual AWs for commenting and giving more or better info about your rate! Very much appreciated!
@GracianaGeorge-pb1jl Жыл бұрын
This gives a good general idea but if you have questions about AW, talk to someone who is rated as one. There’s so much more that goes into AW. NACCS is a basic step into AW. A-school isn’t that bad. FRS is where it got a little spicy for most of the other AWs I came through with. Every command is different but for my experience, The schooling is a little harder, the PT is harder. They hold you to such high standards and are picky about little things like what color socks you wear. Uniform inspections are frequent, boot shine is a must, and medical is not your friend when it comes to being an AW in training. You will be told it’s okay to go to medical and go med down but be careful bc if you stay down too long or if it’s an injury, they will drop you, especially at NACCS. They work with you a little more the further you are into it but it’s always a risk. Overall it’s been a great experience for me but it definitely has its challenges. It’s very mentally and physically demanding. You’ll have to be squared away at all times. Also, they can drop you for things that just aren’t in your control, you can be the most fit, the smartest person there but if you fail a uniform inspection, room inspection, etc. they can drop you for “loss of confidence” I’ve seen multiple people get dropped for that one simply because they failed 3 room inspection over a course of an entire year. Room and uniform inspections aren’t always as simple as you think they are. It’s all about standards and if you think those guys aren’t holding rulers, magnifying glasses and on their hands and knees looking at your stuff. You’re sadly mistaken. They go in there WANTING to find something wrong. Just know going into it, it’s a very long process and very demanding. But it’s the best feeling when you finish. I promise you that. Don’t sign those papers if you aren’t willing to commit 100% 24/7 for AT LEAST 2 years. They tell you that 2 years is the timeline and that may be true if you go straight through getting classes up right away, etc. but you’re never classed up right away. You sit there for several weeks/months sometimes waiting for your turn. And once you’re through your student phase, you go through a qualification process which takes up to 16 months. YOU DO NOT GET YOUR WINGS UNTIL YOURE FULLY QUALIFIED. It’s taken most of us 2-3 years after enlisting to get our wings and get that E-4 pay. I watched females I went through boot camp with get E-4 before I did. Just know you’ll be living on that E-3 pay for a long time.
@willgames11 Жыл бұрын
im going in as a AW/FTS....Im really hoping i stay out on ships and deployments longer and not behind the desk being a paperpusher...(no disrespect for those who do it, just me personally). Was upsold on being a FTS because of the big bonus i was getting
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
I mean you will more than likely go to a squadron, but we currently have a AWF1 working at my command. Sooo just depends lol
@keaganburke47 2 жыл бұрын
I enlisted air crew but I’m not going rescue swimmer. I can swim very well but I was wondering how many people fail out of this rate I was told air crew is much easier than going rescue swimmer. Do people fail out of the A school knowledge portion or the candidate school not being able to handle the swimming?
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
From my knowledge most people drop during NACCS, but some can drop later on in the career path. It’s like a 2 year career path. There is so much other stuff that goes into the AW rate. I would suggest speaking with one of the AWs that commented on this video and get there opinion.
@soniaf7794 2 жыл бұрын
Very good information. Thank you.
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
My pleasure 🤙🏽 would suggest hitting up one of the actual AWs that commented on this and get there option as well.
@drehardin 2 жыл бұрын
So Others May Live 😳 🌊👋 kzbin.info/www/bejne/opzPq6J9mrWVeLs
@Generalb21 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. What you described hit home on a few major instances on my end. I passed NACCS. One of the biggest achievements of my life. Afterwards, went straight to A school but couldn't pass it. I was in the AE school house. After a couple of Chief boards I ended up being stripped of my flight gear and ready to be kicked out the Navy. A former Army enlisted detailer changed my orders from Aircrew to Corpsman. I gave it a shot and passed that school. I learned a lot. Glad I got the experience and finished my contract as a corpsman. But leaving Pensacola for Great Mistakes was probably one of the hardest moves to make. I enjoyed my time in Pensacola.
@mr_green33 2 жыл бұрын
great video, very helpful information. thank you.
@jackshittle 2 жыл бұрын
I left for boot camp in March of 1990. I told my recruiter that I wanted a flying job. When I was at MEPS I signed an Aircrew contract (this is 1990 so it's totally different then today). It stated that I am guaranteed a flying job in ONE of the following rates; AD, AME, AMS, AT, AO, AW (which back then if you were an AW you were specifically an Anti-submarine Warfare operator either acoustic or non-acoustic, AX (and maybe I'm missing one or two. It said I am guaranteed one of those rates if I pass all the qualifications & it was a mandatory 5 year contract. So half way through boot camp (company 927 in Great Lakes) I am informed that I am going to be an AO. So after boot camp (after a week of leave) I had to report to Naval Aircrewman Candidate School in Pensacola. The course then was 5 weeks including a couple days of land survival training at Eglin AFB. I originally (at MEPS) also volunteered to be a rescue swimmer (that school was 4 weeks). So once in Pensacola & I start learning a little bit more about my job - I decide I don't want to be a rescue swimmer. One of my aircrew instructions (I had a PH1, an AO2 & an AW2). The AO instructor would say "who are my AO's here?" I was the only one. So he started telling me how much I'll love it in a P-3C squadron. They are only land based (so no ship ever) but it counts as sea duty. But then he'd say "Oh wait, you're going to rescue swimmer school? Yeah....ummm then you are going to be on a helicopter on a ship more then likely. So one day during class, we go into a room & they show us a video called "P-3 Orion - Guarian of the Seas". As soon as I saw that I said "Now that looks cool" (plus no ship). He also told me the only choices I had to be home based out of was Hawaii, California, Maine and Florida. And also said as a flying AO - the only place I can go is to a P-3 squadron (as long as I wasn't a rescue swimmer). Sounds good, right? So when I got to rescue swimmer I DOR'd within the first 15 minutes (they made me the class leader immediately after graduating aircrew school) haha. So after graduating NACCS I get sent to Millington, TN for "A" school. After that I get sent to NAS Jax to go through the P-3C pipeline as an AO who is designated as a Naval Aircrewman. After around 6 months or so & getting my feet wet in the air with VP-30 - I graduate as the class honorman. So I get first choice where to go for my duty station. I chose Maine figuring I could continue snowboarding. And Maine I got. I was there two days then deployed for Sigonella during the Gulf War. Did another deployment to Puerto Rico (drug interdiction missions). And then a final deployment to Sigonella & flew combat missions over Bosnia (operation Deny Flight) and also flew operation Sharp Guard missions with live missiles & bombs. Also the IFO (which is me - Infilght Ordnanceman) on each crew is also the inflight photographer. I had a great time in the Navy & got to go to so many amazing places - including launching the SAR kit out of the main cabin door while flying to rescue a civilian helicopter crew that ditched in the ocean. I got out in 1995 with around 1700 hours logged in the P-3C. What an experience. Cheers!
@nicwinters5702 2 жыл бұрын
So if I go to rescue swimmer school and pass am I guaranteed AWS? Also do I get to choose my rate or do they just give it to me
@kenpachizaraki4025 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man I’m in the same exact boat but I’m in DEP I want my rate changed, I want to be a IT if I can’t get it before I ship any advice?
@DRIZNISH 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! I live stream milsim gameplay in a team. I have had a stutter / stammer since a very young age. I forced myself to do something which required me to talk regularly. It has really helped. I commend your decision to make KZbin video. I hope all goes well. Would be great to play alongside you if you ever want to Milsim 👍
@Pickard9989 2 жыл бұрын
Hey! I really appreciate that! Best way to get past it is to get uncomfortable 😂 , ever since high school I’ve always put myself in speaking roles to help myself. Eventually you just get over it and it’s not as big of an issue to you anymore. and I’m sorry, but I have no idea what milsim is?!
@DRIZNISH 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 Thats it. You have to take yourself out of your comfort zone. Haha yes Milsim is Military Simulation. There are tactical shooting games available for PC and PlayStation which have a realistic and immersive element to them. Check them out 👍
@Pickard9989 2 жыл бұрын
@@DRIZNISH Ahh! I see! Yea man, I definitely will. Sounds pretty interesting.
@JBeachy2k11 2 жыл бұрын
Did they teach you the 4 survival stroke techniques before testing you?
@Pickard9989 2 жыл бұрын
@JBeachy2k11 2 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 thanks for the speedy reply. In in USMC DEP and chose aircrew.
@Pickard9989 2 жыл бұрын
@@JBeachy2k11 oh okay nice! Everything still pretty much applies to you. You’ll be in a mixed class probably so you will be with navy also. But it’s a fun time, just enjoy and good luck to you bro! 🤙🏽
@ashg1997 2 жыл бұрын
P p p p p p pensecola .. i loved that part
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
Wow! 😂 the stutter is real lol I have another video about that lol
@iCyourFACE2424 Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed 😂
@christiank.gonzalez7497 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man I’m currently in the reserves as LS but I’m considering going FTS. What do you do as an LS in FTS? Also where can I look for these billets to do FTS? I want to be in Cali!
@Pickard9989 2 жыл бұрын
I mean I’m not 100 percent sure what LS’s do but at my command they work in supply. I’m sure it’s pretty much the same as on a ship. As far as looking for the billets you can talk to your NOSCs CCC and they should be able to point you in the right direction
@Pickard9989 2 жыл бұрын
I know you can look on my navy portal but I can’t remember off the top of my head which quick link it is to look at billets?
@jobisaiah8901 3 жыл бұрын
Hey man. I will go to army basic training soon. I am so worried about it.
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
Just don’t stress to hard about it. Just stay calm and focused. It’s gonna get hard at times and might have a few slip ups but just keep go grinding bro.
@jobisaiah8901 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 thanks bud :)
@santiagooarg6990 2 жыл бұрын
@@jobisaiah8901 how did it go
@reedsmall2601 2 жыл бұрын
How you doing so far man?
@santiagooarg6990 2 жыл бұрын
​@@reedsmall2601 in my case i joined military with mild stuttering. The first weeks were hell, because i had problems when i had to yell something, and i used to stutter, but not too much. After a few weeks, i developed more confidence and i lost the stuttering, at least when i have to talk loudly
@tayloredtotravel2546 3 жыл бұрын
How does sea and shore rotation work for FTS?
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
It can go either way. But more than likely you will get shore duty. You can request to go on deployment though. It’s kinda up to your chain of command
@YourMiddleBroPhil 3 жыл бұрын
Fts corpsman sucks. It's dealing with idiot reservists trying to get 100% VA disability and trying to get "retired early". So you deal with people trying to play the system and they aren't aware of all the work that comes on the backend. They walk all over you and you're probably going to be understaffed. I am currently at a NOSC with 3 corpsmen and can't fill out 3 other billets. So we are constantly overworked, burned out, and getting yelled at by some shit bag E3 who doesn't understand how medical retirement works.
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
My NOSC is fine. We have like 7 corpsman and a Doc. The work is kinda boring but I don’t think it’s to bad. We get a good bit of clinic time also and my chief and doc try to get us out of the office as much as possible. As for the reservist that’s just customer service. E-1 to Admiral doesn’t matter.
@ladasjuaevans1533 Жыл бұрын
What rank for you at the time
@YouknowDeVibe 3 жыл бұрын
Do FTS automatically get BAH
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
No, just depends on what type of command you get.
@YouknowDeVibe 3 жыл бұрын
What c schools
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure what you are asking?
@YouknowDeVibe 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 you mentioned that there’s only a handful of C schools that are available to FTS so I’m curious as to what schools those are
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
@@YouknowDeVibe I can’t remember off the top of my head but it’s the boring ones from what I remember. I do know lab tech is on there. There are only like 4 for FTS Corpsman.
@YouknowDeVibe 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 surgical technician?
@joefeng23 7 ай бұрын
@@Pickard9989do you know which 4 exactly?
@dpeck1714 3 жыл бұрын
I leave in December for boot, I signed for AW. This is good information. Thank you!
@metaldemonseanknels 3 жыл бұрын
Hey me too! December 1, maybe I’ll see you there lol
@mxie383 3 жыл бұрын
this is my dream career im just really worried about the physical aspect being that i’m only 5’2 and 110lbs😵‍💫 especially not having been able to swim for a while because of covid. been weight training for a while so hopefully it helps one question, what’s the difference between regular swim strokes and “survival swim strokes”?
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like there isn’t really a difference, if you know the stokes you should be fine. Frog kicks and all that jazz
@MANONTHEMOON419 3 жыл бұрын
how did it go when you had to swear in? thats what im mostly worried about
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
It was fine. Your are in a group of ppl usually and you just say it. If you get stuck just move your mouth to look like your talking. Do what you gotta do to get through it bro. You also take a speech test when you are there at MEPS. They have you read this paragraph to a doctor. But it’s not that bad. I work with a guy who is a PO2 that stutters pretty bad and no one says anything, we everyone is adults about it bro
@MANONTHEMOON419 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 thanks ! One last question. Do you you know what kinds of jobs stuttering keeps you from getting? You mentioned that you weren't able to get a specific job due to stuttering.
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
I don’t know specifically but some jobs could be disqualified for due to speech issues. But I’m sure it’s based on the severity of it. Seriously though don’t think to much of it and just go for what you want to go for. No one is going to give you shit. Just do your job and do it right and your good 👍🏽
@konnorsmartt415 3 жыл бұрын
Superb video man, many thanks for your knowledge
@nikerria_ 3 жыл бұрын
Can a RS be FTS
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
I’m not sure, refer to the link in the description it should have all FTS rates
@voltorb8900 3 жыл бұрын
Fully qualified crew chief (AWF2) here. Any questions feel free to drop them in the comments
@katiebaudino3666 3 жыл бұрын
Do females get looked past for things like SAR? It’s something I really want to do and I know for a fact I can keep up physically. I’m interested in aircrew I just am a little nervous about stuff like that or if there are actually a lot of women in this rate?
@voltorb8900 3 жыл бұрын
@@katiebaudino3666 theres quite a bit of women actually. Just be able to swim and run really well for NACCS and A school, after that it’s mostly academics through your FRS. Its a long training pipeline and a lot of people quit, but its definitely worth it
@katiebaudino3666 3 жыл бұрын
@@voltorb8900 thank you!!!! Academically I am a little worried just because I don’t really know a lot about mechanics but I’m sure I can study
@voltorb8900 3 жыл бұрын
@@katiebaudino3666 theres different types of aircrew (AWF, AWO, AWS, AWR and AWV but I think they’re getting rid of V). Each learns different things. But then each of those rates have different types of aircraft you can be on. Im AWF which if mechanical. So I had to learn every part of my aircraft and how it works, and I had no prior knowledge of mechanics. You learn as you go, dont worry
@katiebaudino3666 3 жыл бұрын
@@voltorb8900 omg this is such a relief ahahah! Yea I have no knowledge of any sort of mechanics or anything but yes I’m so willing to learn! Thank you for answering all my questions
@ianragan9817 3 жыл бұрын
How is it even possible to do a mile in full gear. I’m a good swimmer but damn
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
Minus boots
@cadillaccabrera9625 3 жыл бұрын
Shorten the name, HSsailor, SSsailor
@rfgewrfgfrg7398 3 жыл бұрын
after passing air crew school can you volunteer for rescue swimmer school?
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
I believe rescue swimmer has to be in your contract.
@MrTacoMaui 3 жыл бұрын
I’m active duty E5 looking into go to FTS EM. What they do ? Go to NOSC still or expeditionary
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
Depends, I’ve seen some FTS with squadrons and things like that so I guess it’s just based off need of the navy. I know as an HM we can still go with marine units. But more than likely a NOSC. There are a few EMs in my NOSC
@tater808 3 жыл бұрын
How did you change from going to reserves to FTS? My paperwork is for reserves and I want to change but my Recruiter has no idea how to go FTS so he said to go reserves first and then look for an FTS position later on but I don’t want to do that. I heard from someone that since I have “officially sworn in” yet at MEPS that I still have time to change all my paperwork to reflect FTS instead of reserves as long as my recruiter is willing to be patient and do it. Pls tell me that’s possible because I reeeaaaalllly don’t want to go reserves. Btw I can’t do active duty because I’m prior service army so they won’t let me unless I have a really important job which I don’t 🙄
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
When I sworn in I was reserve but when I went to MEPS I told them I wanted to go active and they couldn’t find me an active contract but they found FTS. So I’m not for sure if it is possible but from my experience I feel like it is. Also being FTS I am pretty much active duty, our pay just comes from the reserve side. But id keep checking in with your recruiter or ask another recruiter, talk to anyone you can, try a chief they might be able to give better instruction on how to go about it
@cattlayaflores4825 3 жыл бұрын
Do you receive BAH as an FTS or do you live on base?
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
You are considered active duty, if you have a family then you will receive BAH and BAS, and if you are a single person then you will live in the barracks. However being FTS some commands you might go to are to small and won’t have barracks so even being a single person you will be able to get BAH and BAS to live in town
@orirbjrk5573 3 жыл бұрын
Hey dude, I swore in for FTS AIRC and have had a ridiculously hard time getting answers. Hoping you could help a bit. Do fts receive the same tuition assistance and gi bill as active duty? Also as an awf how much time would we spend flying? Does this look like being gone for several days/ weeks on end? Love to see another fts guy making content. Thanks bro.
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
FTS get the same pay and benefits as active duty, so you’ll get TA and gi bill once you are eligible at your first command. As far as the flying I’m not sure. I believe an AW posted a comment on one of my videos. I’d try and reach out to him for better answers regarding flying
@orirbjrk5573 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 Thanks bro!
@tylersmith8083 3 жыл бұрын
@@orirbjrk5573 Being an FTS AW is different than being active in a few ways. Upon completing NACCS you be assigned AWF. Once you complete A-school for AWF you will most likely go straight to a squadron. You will be flying on a C130H or C40A. Your time in flight will vary for a multitude of reasons. You will get to fly, you will go some great places. FTS AW is legit so in the end I think you will be thankful you did it. Just stick out to get qualified and you will love your life in the navy! You don't go on deployment as FTS you go on detachment. I know that is confusing but there is a difference. Detachment is significantly shorter and you operate differently. The awesome thing is as an FTS AW, you can't deploy on a ship! I know that is weird coming from a sailor but I absolutely don't want to deploy on ship. That is not for me.
@ethancraig3910 3 жыл бұрын
Should I even go the Aircrew route if my endurance has always been my struggle? Even though I’m in good shape and played sports my whole life, long distance has always been my weakness
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
You can always train up your endurance, just focus on that and push up and planks. Try doing wind sprints every other day or so. And definitely get in some pool time, at the end of the second week you will have to complete a mile swim in full flight gear. So try wearing a weighted vest or something when training to get used to the extra weight and if you have some old boots use those to practice your treading while in the pool, you will need to be able to tread for 5 mins, 6 mins and the a 7 min tread at the end
@ethancraig3910 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 sucks in my area no pools are open due to covid
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
@@ethancraig3910 there is another way to go when you get to bootcamp but I don’t really advise it but if you want more pool time and you are already a decent swimmer, you could fail your first swim and be put in to swim lessons and you’ll go everyday for like an hour to swim and you can do it up until the last week so you’d get some time in the pool, you just have to act like you need help the whole time but it won’t be like NACCS, but it’s something. But that’s kinda up to you if you want to try that or not
@ethancraig3910 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 I appreciate that but I’d rather swim till I drown then to fake quit. I just want to fly in the end. Your the best bro thanks for the vid and tips
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
Haha yea I hear ya! It’s not a good option but I knew some ppl that did that. Best of luck to you bro! Hope to see you out in the fleet one day!
@tylersmith8083 3 жыл бұрын
Rated AWF. I would recommend people with questions regarding AW rates reach out to someone who is rated. There is a lot that goes into this process. NACCS, A-School, SERE, FRS. They are all apart of AW training and that is why you contract for 6 years. Aircrew is a push button E-4 Rate. AW is also a "special military rate." FTS is a legit way to go as well. That will assign you to a VR squadron for your permanent duty station. They do legit missions with detachments. Also, PT is extremely important, yes. The second week of NACCS is only referred to as "hell week" by the students the instructors don't call it that. We are not SEALS. For A-School, you will either get assigned AWF, AWS dry, AWO, AWV. Rescue swimmer will get AWR and AWS after RSS. You cannot be FTS for RSS. That is only open to active duty. All Reserves and FTS will be AWF. AWF A-school is 9 weeks consisting of 14 tests. NACCS is 5 weeks with no holds. I started and graduated with my original NACCS class. Same with my A-school class. Aircrew is a great rate. You will have a great quality of life in the military if you can stick it out. Hope this helps.
@ethancraig3910 3 жыл бұрын
What if endurance is my weakness :/ in good shape tho workout everyday
@tylersmith8083 3 жыл бұрын
@@ethancraig3910 If you this is your desired rate in the military work out for it. You don't go to a gym during NACCS and A-School to work out. You do PT out side with body weight. To comfortably get through NACCS, you need to be able to do about 3 hours of PT outside and about 3 hours of workout in the pool in the same day. Your 2nd and 3rd day of PT week you will feel it a little. Train for what your going to be doing. Do a lot of Burpes, runs, sprints, push ups, sit ups, flutter kicks, ETC. You should have some time in Back Log when you get to NACCS. Use that time to PT. Put in effort, don't just do the minimum. Remember, NACCS PT scores are different then the rest of the Navy. You have to do a PFT at start of class and PFT out to graduate NACCS. This will require a 1.5 mile run, Max push up's in 2 minutes, Max plank in 2 minutes. You can find your needed scores online under the "good low" category. Don't rely on Boot Camp to get you in shape because that will not happen at RTC! Let me know if you have any questions.
@ethancraig3910 3 жыл бұрын
@@tylersmith8083 appreciate it, and trust me I am trying brotha. Haven’t picked up weights in a week just been running. Wish pools were open but I’m just making the most of what I got
@MrRandyMarsh1 3 жыл бұрын
Hey, thanks for the description.Just to clarify so your saying as a Reservist you can’t get AWO? Only AWF if you go reserve ?
@tylersmith8083 3 жыл бұрын
@@MrRandyMarsh1 Correct. As a Reservist you can not be AWO. As a Reservist or FTS you will be AWF and you will be assigned to C40A or C130H. It will typically be based on whatever squadron is closest to your NOSC. There is a lot that goes into being Reserve Aircrew as well. My recommendations on that route would case by case. What best fits your desires and wants from the military. You cannot be an Aircrewman 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year. You won't meet the minimum requirements for flights. If you go more than 60 days without flying you will need a check ride. The same NAVADMINS that apply to active duty apply to the reserves. FTS is a great life for younger folks looking to sign up. I know a lot of FTS airman and they have a great life and love what they do. I feel it is good for thinking long term and for quality of life!
@skeezahkahal8464 3 жыл бұрын
When u dropped from AW did u get to pick HM or did they give u whatever and it just happened to be exactly what u wanted? And also when u switched rates did u still have 6 years on ur contract?
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
They give you a list of rates and you pick your top five rates and you are not guaranteed any rate but you are likely to get one of those top 5, I chose HM as my number 1 and got it. Also don’t be a shitbag while there because if you are you could just be sent undes.
@Beast.unit0 3 жыл бұрын
Not the case anymore, when I went through they were giving the drops undes seaman/airman
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
Oh that sucks!
@xplosivepie2347 3 жыл бұрын
Do you know where I’ll be going I’m in Pensacola for a school rn and I’m ati fts
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
Corry Station or if your an aviation rate then you’ll be at NAS Pensacola
@WhyTry101 3 жыл бұрын
How's it work going to AW school with glasses?
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
It’s fine, you get two new pairs after you boot pairs and a pair of sunglassses. You just always have to have 2 pairs on you if you are flying
@yurikorosal4813 3 жыл бұрын
I’m a retired AW1. I was in HS-14, VQ-3, and NASNI NC-12b flight ops. Those were the birds I flew on. I can barely walk or eat now because of my job. I joined in the 90s and served through the entire war. I’m destroyed from this.
@chrismorrison52 3 жыл бұрын
I want to do aircrew specifically AWF AWO or AWS dry side but im afraid of failing and getting reclassified into a rate im going to hate
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
If you do fail, there are some rates that offer an opportunity for you to return back to aircrew. Like with myself I failed aircrew and went HM and I can go back as an HM and be an aircrew corpsman. And there are also tons of other rates that are aviation that you might enjoy as well
@chrismorrison52 3 жыл бұрын
@@Pickard9989 I want Aircrew but if I was to fail out hopefully I could get Master at Arms or Corpsman I hear AW has a high attrition rate and I don't want to get stuck as a boatswain or Cook
@Pickard9989 3 жыл бұрын
@@chrismorrison52 oh yea I feel that, corpsman is always a great job, and I have a few friends that are MAs too. But all I gotta say is just try your best man and hopefully youll make it.
@andyhwell8419 3 жыл бұрын
Don't have a back up plan. Not having a backup will give you that extra push.