How can questions help you get jobs?
driver practice at the driving range
driving range practice in Japan
21 күн бұрын
Bumble: Is this Creepy?
Ай бұрын
Robot security guard in Singapore
@Μαχνοβίτης 6 күн бұрын
How many days are usually required to walk properly without bandages and feeling any pain? The healing procedure feels like an eternity to me... I hope full recovery happens after 3-4 weeks.
@ivankendrick5545 21 күн бұрын
Fair play Man You're well over the op by now how do you feel about it now? Before and afterwards
@terryrogers7899 28 күн бұрын
thank you and best wishes for your health. I will be having this done in two days. so thank you again. this is so timely.
@Josephgreentv 26 күн бұрын
Thank you for the comment and if you have any questions after you can send them here! Wishing you all the best bro
@JennJenni-f4l Ай бұрын
I love this!
@bjlfbs8506 Ай бұрын
You definitely should not be saying you want to see her in her bikini after having exchanged a couple of messages. Definitely comes off as you just want to get with her.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
I think you’re right, even if it’s at the beach? 😂
@aming5733 Ай бұрын
This book is very good. What's the title of the book?
@EmSAFOUN Ай бұрын
Bro it's not a leg press machine. It's really name is hack squat. Hence i like it
@GloriaAvishai Ай бұрын
Looks exactly like the actor except the color of his eyes changed.
@Yurei46 Ай бұрын
Isn't it illegal to apply for jobs on a tourist visa? At least, that's what I read online. Thanks.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
I’m not sure mate, I think sometimes you need to leave the country and reenter as a worker. But I think you can actually get the tourist visa swapped for a worker visa. I’m not really sure mate.
@danlaplante Ай бұрын
Why not a combo of personality and pictures? What’s insane to me is how often urologists online don’t show before and after. There are a number of methods/tools and cosmetic styles and most guys are completely in the dark about what they’re going to look like after. For most guys it’s an important body part.
@fur.1989ashurov Ай бұрын
@fur.1989ashurov Ай бұрын
@eric6177 Ай бұрын
@eric6177 Ай бұрын
That is incorrect when you turn the door knob you say I have a problem and I need your help you see I’ve spent more time here than I did with my family and what you guys have said it seems that you really liked the product and the company and the way that we do installation and our customer service is it something I said? was it something I did or did not do? What would need to exist for this to happen today
@bryan3409 Ай бұрын
Id suggest taking that money and spending it on some decent video editing software. Borderline unwatchable
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
@ExecuteCriminals Ай бұрын
I'm reading Screenwriting down to the atoms I repeat reading 2-7 paragraphs for 10 minutes If im still at it maybe I can be big like Tyler Perry But maybe I will give up The rarest of human qualities is consistency
@nicolemarie6740 Ай бұрын
Hello Mr Green!
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
Hello Nicole, where are you from?
@lancelottblack Ай бұрын
50 minute commute isn’t awful, HS kids in my building commute longer than that to get into central Tokyo. Take a look at Tachikawa, Hamura and even Ome, straight shot on JR Chuo line (Orange).
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
I know, it wasn’t the worst but the particular place I was thinking of was 3 trains and 50 mins, definitely not bad but I need to be I in he office most days with this job (I’d prefer more remote working) so I think for now I’m going to test out hostels in different locations and commute in to work. I’ll try out those areas, are you in Tokyo? Or somewhere elende?
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
@mistermysteryman107 Ай бұрын
You’re adorable.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
I’ll take it 😂🥳🥳🥳🥳 have a great day!
@craiglee3048 Ай бұрын
Ok, so is it too personal to ask the reason? Medical? Or just a choice? Or religious? Just curious. As someone in the comments said, there’s way too much stigma about circumcisions these days. Not sure why really; foreskin or no foreskin, either’s a great option, lol.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
My reason was medical, I wasn’t sure what the problem was but the doctor said that this operation would fix it and for me, it did so I’m happy I got it done. There were probably other ways I could have got through it but at the time I couldn’t see them.
@aryalorekar33 Ай бұрын
Hey mate! I got circumcised 5 days ago and I was feeling pain in the starting 2 days and now I am totally fine and also the sensitivity is controlled which was more in the starting only lumps and bumps are there my doctor said they will fade away in 2 weeks swelling, stitches to. So can I get back to classes?
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
Hahahaha that depends on when you want and feel you’re ready to go back mate. I took 2 weeks off work and I’m happy I didn’t just have 1 week off. I thought I was ready but I still needed time What is your plan?
@aryalorekar33 Ай бұрын
Hey mate! I got circumcised 5 days ago and I was feeling pain in the starting 2 days and now I am totally fine and also the sensitivity is controlled which was more in the starting only lumps and bumps are there my doctor said they will fade away in 2 weeks swelling, stitches to. So can I get back to classes?
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
That depends on how you are feeling mate I took 2 weeks off because it wasn’t all out of my system yet. Took me a bit of time to get back to normal. And then a few weeks more to heal and stitches fall out. What are you thinking of doing?
@aryalorekar33 Ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv I only wanted to attend my lectures mate and I am feeling the stitches coming out poking out which is a bit hectic I can walk normally slowly and there is no pain at all and did your stitches poke out by own or absorbed by your body?
@knifeuu777 Ай бұрын
I mean this is why you dont live in Tokyo, and just use the train systems to commute. You can get so much more for so less being outside tokyo.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
I’m actually thinking of moving to Yokohama, I decided that all the flats I saw were bad options for me especially the last one
@llothar68 Ай бұрын
So Tokio is just as expensive as any other large city. How lucky i am to pay only $100 in the Philippines.
@Vyes Ай бұрын
Come to New York or Los Angeles. As someone who's spent time in both places I'm very envious of you.
@llothar68 Ай бұрын
@@Vyes I lived in Berlin, Germany for 15 years when the rent was affordable in a 31sqm apartment. Hope I never need to go back to big cities.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
Why did you not like the big cities, was is just because of the price of the apartments ? I’m thinking of moving to Yokohama, it’s cheaper but also maybe the US…or China 😅😅😅
@llothar68 Ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv I liked them , great ti e when you are young, but now I am 55 with very small pension/savings. We have 8 cats, 5 dogs and a big garden to relax. If you 5dont work or hunting the sexual partners why big cities?
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
@@llothar68 hahahahaha very funny, I’m sure there are other reasons… I just can’t think of any 😂😅 can you?
@tavocampa Ай бұрын
NIce work. What gym is this? I'm headed to Tokyo in a month and I'm looking for a place to train while I'm there.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
It’s called Hypermix gym and kick boxing in Tokyo near monzen nakacho station. Are you here yet?
@aaronschaefer4167 Ай бұрын
Ahhhhh . Blind Napoleon love ❤️‍🩹. Lest I remind you of Egypt, Russia, Trafalgar, Peninsular war, Waterloo... Better to study Wellington (and Buecher... for his determination\drive)
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
Very good comment you’re clearly very knowledgeable about this topic. Have you studied it?
@aaronschaefer4167 Ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv I'm history guy. Napoleon has his good points.. is Napoleonic law generally helped out Europe, and he was a brilliant tactician, he was greedy though and he wanted to become an emperor,
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
@@aaronschaefer4167 do you think he over stretched?
@VaibhavGupta-hr8vc Ай бұрын
Napoleon was an aggressive general while Wellington was a defensive general. I agree that Wellington defeated Soult, Massena and Bessier in Spain but he too had limitation. Blucher was a fool who marched aggressively and it reminds me of his defeat by Napoleon during Six Days Campaign. Blucher was also defeated at Ligny by Napoleon and the only thing he did good was that he was able to March and join the forces of Wellington at Waterloo.
@VaibhavGupta-hr8vc Ай бұрын
Waterloo is highly overrated. Napoleon's defeat was inevitable. If he was able to win at Waterloo, then there would be no difference in the result as Russia and Austria were marching against him with 200,000 troops.
@infinity-Illusion Ай бұрын
Bro stole the video
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
Arrest me 😂😂
@sandrabryant6245 Ай бұрын
Actually, they’re deep fake it’s literally not really him. The structure is a little wrong. Don’t come at me. There is a lot of videos like this where they’re doing Jenna Ortega, Margot Robbie Emma forgot her last name, but she was with Jenna Ortega, and Wednesday Timothée Chalamet possible appearance of Zendaya
@sandrabryant6245 Ай бұрын
You can tell from his lip syncing that it’s not him and his face looks a little too flawless I mean they did a fantastic job but he looks like he’s got really nice skin like I’m not judging skin here but I can tell it’s not real that is imitation but it’s fine. I’m OK with that.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
Thanks The, really appreciate it and I think you might be onto something there… Something not 100% right 😂 hope you’re having a nice day and thank you for the comment
@Kaj14122 2 ай бұрын
Thank you. What's this book called?
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
I’ll find the title and let you know, I think it’s something like ‘A level 800 characters Chinese mandarin’
@stickymelonn69420 2 ай бұрын
Today is my 5th day and the bandages and gauze are now off(i took them off since mine is pretty much healed already). Although last night was the worst night, i got an erection which caused one of the stitch to tear off along with a small piece of skin. The injury overall was not bad but the pain was incredibly awful. Its like a rubber band snapping on your thing tenfolds.
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
That sounds painful, how is everything going now mate? The important thing is not to overthink anything. It will all heal in time and any thing that seems big now will soon fade and you’ll forget it. How is everything going with your recovery?
@RanjakarPatel 2 ай бұрын
Hello my dear. If you are scary four speak Japan very important four read the book four improve your branes. I proud four you’re try. But I have wife
@Josephgreentv Ай бұрын
Thank you for the comment and I hope you’re doing well. If you want to come to Japan you can bring your wife. Where are you from?
@ashcross 2 ай бұрын
Amazing that you are living and working there without the native language. Braver than I could ever be. And well done on your first sale! Also: use the commission to buy a better mic 😉
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Wow thanks for this comment really detailed… Honestly it made my day. I really never thought I’d be doing anything like this, especially in Japan because I know it’s notorious for various to entry… I think this experience has really taught me that the only barrier sometimes The ones that we accept… So the question for myself now is what would really like to do. Do you have any goals or things you’re working on my friend? I’m sure you’re pretty brave. I like the lion profile picture. Are you from the UK?
@ashcross 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv Thank you! Yes, born and living in the UK. Hoping to visit Japan in November. I do have some projects I want to do, but I've never been a big traveler: I've always been self-contained and a home bird, so it's going to be a big trip for me!
@ewabienia1056 2 ай бұрын
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Definitely, I agree
@sandrabryant6245 Ай бұрын
It’s not really him I can tell by the lips that he’s singing to Lowrider so it’s a deep fake I think pretend Leonardo DiCaprio has his own channel
@predrag-peterilich900 2 ай бұрын
Looks like an interesting and useful approach - plain handwriting - but the poor quality of the sound is unacceptable.
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Really appreciate the comment, I’ve made it a personal mission to document all 800 of these characters… I have to admit my quality has dropped off in certain areas. Thank you for pointing it out and is there anything you think I could do? Better really appreciate you taking the time to help me.
@lindamurray6296 2 ай бұрын
Thank you Mel!!!!
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Yeah, Mel rocks have you read the high-five habit?
@stephanedorion2273 2 ай бұрын
wow...nice job joseph
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Thanks Mate! Really appreciate it, I learnt to cut my hair during Covid and I don’t think I’ll ever go back… Because with feedback and improvements I can always get what I want. Have you ever tried?
@dylanblucker7196 2 ай бұрын
Dumb as fuck to be circumcised
@kuntilfailure 2 ай бұрын
Green screen man bro
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Amen, brother
@kuntilfailure 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentvyou green screened it
@willpolo4160 2 ай бұрын
​@@kuntilfailureLike he said, Amen brother.
@mikelaw5965 2 ай бұрын
Great impression. The toddler sway is so accurate
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
@samycherif 2 ай бұрын
Good on u mate .How to get a sales job in Tokyo that provides training to a newcomer ?
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Hi Mate, thanks for the question. It’s funny all the questions you’re asking the same questions that I had. I think I wanted some proof or answer that helped me understand how to get over here. For me what worked was literally moving without a plan, I left my country I went travelling at first I wasn’t even looking for a job and then as I started to need to get money when I started to look and it only took me about a month. However I have been looking for jobs in the UK for quite awhile so it’s not my first time if you’d like any tips on how to do this I can tell you what I did… if That’s interesting?
@samycherif 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv please do mate
@dannyoproductions1 2 ай бұрын
I’m on day 5, i can’t walk for nothing 😅, every time I hear people talking about it it’s like there up and walking at day 4 already and I’m over here can’t walk for shit god damn 😅
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
How are you doing my friend? Yeah I think everyone’s experience is slightly different but the good news is with time. Your memories of the painful part fade. Thanks for commenting knowing that this video is hopefully helping some people is really nice… Be aware of the negative stuff out there, my friend.
@dannyoproductions1 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv I’m doing better now thanks, my only complaint is that I wish I should’ve trimmed the hairs more down there. The hairs made it so I accidentally pulled a stitch out I thought it was a tangled part of the hair. O well. No blood or bruising afterwards so I’m just going to keep cleaning and doing the normal routine. I’m also doing the wim wolf method and meditations because it’s known to help fight off infections. So I’m just trying to build my bodies defenses so I can recover smoothly. I’m on my second week so I’m feel like I should get a good recovery.
@KlevaaOfficialHD 2 ай бұрын
​@dannyoproductions1 are you fully recovered now? Today marks my six weeks.
@dannyoproductions1 2 ай бұрын
@@KlevaaOfficialHD I wouldn’t say I’m fully recovered but I’m down to 1 stitch left. And I’m on my 2nd week. I do believe by the fourth week I should be good to return back to work; finger crossed. How about you ? Are you doing well?
@KlevaaOfficialHD 2 ай бұрын
@dannyoproductions1 I'm good just. Only have 4 stitches remaining, hopefully by the end of the week they will fall out. Today, mark my six full week.
@Insaniya.humanity 2 ай бұрын
Maybe he should’ve tried a combat sport
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
I know right, I’ve never heard of this guy before however that doesn’t mean he’s necessarily good or bad because there are lots of people I’ve not heard of, have you?
@alanchase1 Ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentvif u watch bodybuilding you woulf know branch because he has won several super high level competitions and even placed 2nd at the olympia
@alanchase1 Ай бұрын
hes super successful in bodybuilding no reason too
@nulldata9832 2 ай бұрын
Good thought. Wish I only knew what is that I'd want to rather do.
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
I heard that starting from where you are is good advice. So ask yourself a question do you like what you’re doing now? Would you prefer to do something else if you don’t like where you are and you prefer to do something else anything else is an improvement. Do you have anything that gets you excited last time you felt?
@Luke96-sy9jv 2 ай бұрын
Quality gameplay 😊
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
I appreciate the comment, but I don’t understand it LOL what does gameplay mean?
@Luke96-sy9jv 2 ай бұрын
Awesome stuff 😊
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Thanks taking the time to comment, I love the spiral profile picture. Did you enjoy watching this content? I’m always trying to make improvements and would love feedback.
@Luke96-sy9jv 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv ye s’more of this please
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Wow thanks for the messages and I’ll keep making content like this, what country are you from? I’m from the UK but over here in Tokyo
@CrackedConker 2 ай бұрын
You are so lucky to be spared a front row seat to the destruction of the UK. I'm trapped in the midst of the colonising invasion and steady demolition of our culture. So envious of your charmed life away from it all.
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Sounds like you’ve got some pretty interesting thoughts, what do you think is happening in the UK right now? I’m not there so it would be good to get your thoughts. Thanks for commenting and I really appreciate you taking the time to drop me a note.
@Azza10x 2 ай бұрын
I use to have phimosis but steroid cream done the trick, although its still needing manual retraction upon an erection. I also have discovered I definitely may have frenulum breve so I'm going to an urologist to seek a circumcision which would put all my concerns and persistent issues to bed. honestly not feared about anything other than potential wound opening. I can accept and deal with pain knowing it's for a better penis long term as I've had some kind of issues with it for nearly 24 years granting only last 10-11 years its affected me
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Really appreciate you taking the time to comment. I know a lot of people that watch this video feel a bit lost so it’s also good to know that sometimes the steroid cream works, in hindsight I actually think the steroid cream might have worked for me but I don’t think I Used it correctly maybe… However sometimes in life it’s just good to think that you’re always going to do the best in any given situation whether that’s wrong or right in hindsight is irrelevant. Hope you’re doing well my friend and did you enjoy this video or find it interesting?
@Azza10x 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv The video gave me a sense of comfort and eased any anxiety I may had. Watching videos on here definitely helps! On the 8th, I was diagnosed with Physiological Phimosis, which I'm unsure of, to be honest - I think it's just a frenulum breve, but I'm not an expert. I gather it is just one of those diagnoses that will help ensure circumcision to fill his pockets, but I'm absolutely fine with that, as my intention is to get circumcised, as it has been something I felt I needed and wanted for a good few years. I believe I'm on the waiting list-around 3 months. I need to hand letter into to my GP from the urologist and then make a payment plan
@Azza10x 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv Regarding the cream, my GP told me to use it three times a day, I think. I stretched it for around 20 minutes each time, trying to stretch it further each time I urinated and bathed. Around 3 weeks, it became retractable, both flaccid and erect. But erections never made my foreskin retract like it should. It still feels a little tight. I suspect frenulum breve, but the urologist said the steroids only partially alleviated the problem, therefore the diagnosis of physiological phimosis. Either way, I am just happy knowing the foreskin won't be a worry when I get the operation done
@alanchoachuy3717 3 ай бұрын
Are there tickets available on site? Ticket counter? Or need to buy on line?
@Josephgreentv 3 ай бұрын
I struggled to buy my tickets online, you can buy them at the station or you can use an app called klook to find prices and cheap tickets
@MikeV8652 3 ай бұрын
I got it done as an adult, because I wanted it. Discomfort was minor and very much worth it. I drove 100 miles the same day and another 1,000 miles over the next two days (coming home from where I'd gone to have it done. I was largely healed in three weeks and fully in one more week. I lost no sensitivity. Would I do it again? Absolutely. If I woke up tomorrow with a foreskin (tragically), I'd be on the phone to make another appointment.
@awerty_. 2 ай бұрын
How many days until the swelling went away and the stitches got away? Please answer. I had mine removed 5 days ago and theres still swelling and the stitches. Would wanna know when it possibly will go away.
@MikeV8652 2 ай бұрын
@@awerty_. Relax. The swelling will go down, and you'll be fine. My surgeon used a gentle compression bandage designed to stay on for two weeks to minimize swelling, but there was a bit that went away soon. Most surgeons don't use a compression bandage, so there's considerable skin swelling, but it does go away. Sensitivity around the switches ends with the swelling, so they're no longer an issue. Mine dissolved internally and fell out beginning soon after the two week point. A couple of them stayed in until maybe 3½ weeks. Just be patient with both swelling and stitches.
@awerty_. 2 ай бұрын
@@MikeV8652 Thank you!
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for this comment, and the honest experience that you had, I saw the comments on this comment and it made me so happy. I wanted to make this video because when I had my procedure done, it felt like I had no positive information out there… Your comment Has made my day. I really appreciate you taking the time was this the first operation you’d ever had or had you had more before?
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
The compression bandage I actually found out on my own by using tight pants that really helped me actually so great advice about the swelling
@MikeV8652 3 ай бұрын
I got it done some years ago, not because of any problem, but because I wanted to be circumcised. I'm in the USA, so I paid for it myself. I had a very positive experience with the whole process. It was under local anesthesia without sedation. The only pain worth mentioning was stretching against the stitches during nocturnal erections on the first few nights, and that was more scary than it was painful. Healing was well along by three weeks and done by four. I had a gain of sensitivity (due to frictional access), not any loss. Would I have it done again? Absolutely, without the slightest hesitation. Overall, it's a minor inconvenience compared to the benefits. Any man who needs it or wants it should not fear.
@Josephgreentv 2 ай бұрын
Thank door sharing your experience it’s so refreshing to get booths doses off the story, and to have a place where new people can come to get information. Really appreciate you taking the time to comment. What country did you get it done in?
@MikeV8652 2 ай бұрын
@@Josephgreentv I'm from Texas, USA, and I traveled 1,100 miles to Georgia, USA to access the leading American adult circumcision specialist.