October 16, 2024
21 сағат бұрын
Banana flowers. #trump
Күн бұрын
October 14, 2024
2 күн бұрын
Kamala is evil. Vote Trump!
3 күн бұрын
Vote Trump!
3 күн бұрын
Vote #Trump!
3 күн бұрын
My recent books.
5 күн бұрын
Vote Trump!
6 күн бұрын
@Sierraleyva1 2 күн бұрын
You mean Costco
@melissawetherington8440 3 күн бұрын
Love the art work of this book
@slawekwojtowicz 3 күн бұрын
@@melissawetherington8440 thank you! **An Open Letter to Attorney General Rob Bonta, Vice President Kamala Harris, and the People of California** **Subject:** Demand for Investigation and Accountability in San Mateo County's Judicial System and Law Enforcement October 12, 2024 Dear Attorney General Bonta, I write to expose grave misconduct and systemic corruption within the San Mateo County judiciary and law enforcement. During my divorce proceedings, I witnessed Judge Raymond V. Swope intoxicated with methamphetamine while presiding over my case. His actions were not only unlawful but also life-threatening-he directly threatened to kill my ex-wife and children and claimed he could “disappear” them into the system. Out of fear for our lives, I remained silent for a decade, taking these threats seriously. San Mateo’s issues extend beyond the courthouse. The San Mateo Police Department is notorious for corruption, racism, and violent misconduct. This includes documented cases of sexual assaults by officers on duty, murders of innocent children, such as in Half Moon Bay in 2014, and countless other abuses. Instead of protecting the public, the department seems to function as an extension of a criminal network-what can only be described as a mafia-serving meth-addicted judges rather than the people of California. Despite reporting these incidents to the FBI, Governor Newsom’s office, the California Commission on Judicial Performance, the State Bar of California, and the office of **Kamala Harris** during her tenure as Attorney General, no action has been taken. The silence from these agencies is not only disturbing-it implicates them in shielding these abuses. When those entrusted to uphold justice protect offenders instead, they become complicit in perpetuating harm. It is imperative that judges and law enforcement officers undergo regular drug testing to prevent substance abuse from compromising their roles. The failure to implement basic accountability measures has allowed corruption to fester within our institutions, posing a serious threat to public safety. We cannot ignore these injustices. History has taught us that unchecked power leads to catastrophe. When officials like Kamala Harris remain silent in the face of documented corruption, they send a message that the powerful are immune from consequences. But karma is inescapable-on personal, institutional, and societal levels. Those who enable injustice will face the consequences, whether in the form of misfortune, illness, or societal collapse. I demand an immediate and thorough investigation into the San Mateo County judiciary and police department. We cannot allow fear and corruption to rule over us. I implore Attorney General Bonta and Vice President Harris to act now, restore public trust, and ensure that justice serves the people of California-not the interests of a criminal elites. Sincerely, Slawek Wojtowicz, MD Santa Cruz, California
@slawekwojtowicz 3 күн бұрын
### **Open Letter: Demand for Investigation in San Mateo County** **To:** Attorney General Rob Bonta, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Californians **Date:** October 12, 2024 Dear Attorney General Bonta, I write to expose severe misconduct within San Mateo County’s judiciary and police. During my divorce, I witnessed Judge Raymond V. Swope preside while intoxicated on methamphetamine. He threatened to kill my ex-wife and children, claiming he could “disappear” them. Out of fear, I stayed silent for a decade. San Mateo’s police department is deeply corrupted, with documented sexual assaults by officers, killings of innocent children-such as in Half Moon Bay (2014)-and rampant misconduct. Rather than protecting the public, the department operates like a mafia, serving drug-addicted judges instead of Californians. Despite reporting these issues to the FBI, Governor Newsom’s office, the California Commission on Judicial Performance, the State Bar, and Kamala Harris during her tenure as Attorney General, no action was taken. Their silence shields offenders and perpetuates harm. Regular drug testing for judges and officers is essential to prevent substance abuse from undermining justice. Without accountability, corruption spreads, endangering public safety. Unchecked power breeds disaster. Officials who ignore such corruption imply the powerful are untouchable-but karma is inevitable. Those complicit in injustice will face consequences, whether through illness, misfortune, or societal collapse. I demand an immediate investigation into San Mateo’s judiciary and police. It is time to restore public trust and ensure justice serves the people, not criminal elites. Sincerely, Slawek Wojtowicz, MD Santa Cruz, California
@TH-lr9jb 4 күн бұрын
Where can I buy true chrism oil?
@slawekwojtowicz 3 күн бұрын
@@TH-lr9jb you can make it yourself. I sell small amounts to people who are willing to use it with utmost care and respect. It’s very, very powerful and dangerous if you misuse it.
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
This is not Christianity. This is heresy. Our souls are immortal and by the grace of God and by life acording to gods commandments and gospel of Jesus we will live in heaven for all eternity.
@slawekwojtowicz 4 күн бұрын
You don’t even see Heaven, even though it’s right here. That’s how lost and confused you are because of your sins. The **Kingdom of God** is a central concept in both the **Synoptic Gospels** and **Gnostic texts**, but its interpretation shifts between these traditions, reflecting different spiritual perspectives. Here’s a comparative look: --- ### **Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke)** In the Synoptic tradition, the Kingdom of God has multiple dimensions: 1. **Present Reality and Inner Experience**: - Jesus teaches that the Kingdom of God is **already present** in some form, though not fully realized. - *"The Kingdom of God is in your midst."* (Luke 17:21) - This suggests the Kingdom exists **within the hearts and lives** of believers, emphasizing inner transformation. 2. **A Future Event**: - The Synoptics also describe the Kingdom as **something to come**, an eschatological promise that will fully manifest at the end of time. - *"Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."* (Matthew 6:10) - The prayer calls for divine rule to be established universally. 3. **Ethical Living and Social Change**: - Entry into the Kingdom involves **repentance, love, and justice**. Parables like the Prodigal Son or the Good Samaritan suggest that how we treat others shapes our place in God's reign. 4. **A New Order Overturning the Old**: - The Kingdom represents a radical **inversion** of worldly power, where the last will be first (Matthew 20:16), and the poor in spirit will inherit the earth (Matthew 5:3). --- ### **Gnostic Writings** Gnostic texts, such as the *Gospel of Thomas*, *Gospel of Philip*, and *Gospel of Truth*, offer a mystical and esoteric interpretation of the Kingdom of God: 1. **The Kingdom as Inner Awakening**: - In Gnostic thought, the Kingdom is not an external event or future reality but an **inner state of knowledge (gnosis)**. - *"The Kingdom of God is inside you, and it is outside you. When you come to know yourselves, then you will become known, and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father."* (Gospel of Thomas, Saying 3) 2. **Escaping the Material World**: - Gnostics believe that the material world is a realm of **ignorance and illusion**, ruled by the false god (Demiurge). The Kingdom is found by transcending the physical and awakening to divine truth. 3. **Reintegration with the Divine**: - The Kingdom is not simply an individual experience but a **return to oneness** with the divine source, shedding illusions of separation and duality. - *"The world came into being through a mistake... but when you recognize who you are, the world will no longer hold you."* (Gospel of Philip) 4. **No Hierarchical Authority**: - Unlike the Synoptic notion of God as a sovereign ruler, Gnostics see the divine as a **hidden presence within all beings**, waiting to be uncovered. The Kingdom is not entered by following laws or waiting for a savior but through **personal insight and liberation**. --- ### **Key Differences and Synthesis** - **Synoptic Gospels** emphasize **both present and future dimensions** of the Kingdom, with a focus on repentance, love, and community. It is both **in the heart** and **manifested in society** through justice. - **Gnostic texts** focus on the Kingdom as **inner enlightenment and spiritual awakening**, beyond the confines of the material world. The goal is not to wait for divine intervention but to **awaken to one's divine nature**. In summary, the Synoptic writings present the Kingdom of God as both a spiritual and ethical reality unfolding within and among people, while Gnostic texts place greater emphasis on **self-discovery, transcendence, and oneness with the divine** beyond the material plane. Both views encourage looking **within**-whether through faith or gnosis-for signs of the Kingdom.
@slawekwojtowicz 4 күн бұрын
You are repeating mindlessly things you don’t understand. You don’t even know what heresy is.
@slawekwojtowicz 4 күн бұрын
Are you a Christian? Do you know the teachings, attend church, and strive to live a good life? Many believe that being a Christian is about following a set of rules, participating in rituals, and trying to be kind. But what if I told you there’s more? What if I told you that Christianity has hidden depths, like a vast ocean, with layers upon layers of meaning and mystery waiting to be explored? If you’re curious, if you’ve ever felt that there’s something more beneath the surface of what you’ve been taught, then this book is for you. It’s not for everyone, and that’s okay. But if you’re ready to dive deeper, to explore what lies beneath the familiar stories and doctrines, then let’s begin. Christianity, at its core, is not just a religion of laws and creeds. It is a mystery religion-a path of initiation into the divine, a journey of transformation that promises something almost unbelievable: that we, as flawed and fragile humans, can become divine. This is no mere metaphor. The ultimate goal of this spiritual path is theosis-deification-the profound process through which humans are invited to partake in the very nature of God. To understand this, we need to look back at history, at the mystery religions of ancient Greece and Rome. These cults-dedicated to gods like Dionysus, Isis, and Mithras-were not about public worship or moral teachings. They were about secret rites and esoteric knowledge, promising their initiates salvation and mystical union with the divine through rituals understood only by the chosen few. Central to their practice was the idea that humans could transcend their mortal state and achieve a divine or semi-divine status. This transformation wasn’t merely an escape from human limitations but a profound metamorphosis, an alchemy of the soul. Christianity shares much with these ancient traditions, but it also offers something radically different. Where the mysteries of old were guarded secrets, accessible only to the initiated, Christianity proclaims its mysteries openly to the world. The Incarnation-the belief that God became man in the person of Jesus Christ-is not just a theological statement but the heart of a profound mystery. In becoming man, God did something unthinkable: He made Himself one with us, not as a distant deity but as a brother, a friend, a servant. This is not just about God reaching down to us; it’s about drawing us up to Him. Salvation, in Christian theology, is not merely a rescue from sin or a promise of heaven. It is the invitation to become like God, to be transformed by His grace into beings who share in His divine life. The early Church Fathers, like Irenaeus and Athanasius, spoke of this boldly: “God became man so that man might become God.” Through the sacraments, through prayer and virtue, through love and suffering, we are called to a radical transformation, to become “partakers of the divine nature” (2 Peter 1:4). This is the true heart of Christianity, the secret hidden in plain sight. And what is the path to this transformation? It begins with the one commandment Jesus gave us above all others: to love. But not just any love. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul,” He taught, “and love your neighbor as yourself.” On the surface, this seems simple, almost too familiar. But hidden within these words is the key to the entire mystery. For how can we love God if we do not love ourselves, if we do not see ourselves as bearers of His image, as temples of His Spirit? And how can we love our neighbor if we do not see the same divine image within them? To truly love, in the way that Jesus commands, is to see the divine in ourselves and in others, to recognize that we are all called to become something far greater than what we are. This is where Christianity stands apart from other mystery religions. It is not about hidden knowledge accessible only to a few, but a universal call to all humanity. Yet, its deepest truths can only be understood through a journey of the heart and soul, a journey that requires guidance, patience, and a willingness to be transformed. It is not a path for the faint-hearted, for it asks us to give up everything, to take up our cross and follow Christ, not just in word but in deed, to the very end. The Christian journey is not one of solitary ascent but of community and love. It is a path walked together, where each of us is called to lift up the other, to bear one another’s burdens, and to strive for holiness not in isolation but in relationship. It is a path that transforms not just the individual but the whole of creation, as each of us becomes a living icon of God’s love. And yet, this path is not without its dangers. Throughout history, many have misunderstood or distorted these mysteries, leading to heresies that have threatened to tear the Church apart. From the early Gnostic sects that denied the goodness of creation to modern ideologies that reduce faith to a mere social agenda, heresies arise when we lose sight of the true goal of Christianity: to become one with God in love. This book will guide you through these challenges, helping you to discern truth from error, to see the beauty of the true Christian mystery, and to embrace the path that leads to deification. But remember, this is just the beginning. There are deeper layers still, greater mysteries to explore. If you wish to delve further, to understand the full depth and beauty of the Christian faith, I invite you to explore my other work, Christianity Level 2, where we go beyond the basics to uncover the profound wisdom of this ancient path. Are you ready to take the next step? To go beyond the surface, to seek the hidden truths of your faith, to embark on the path that leads to God Himself? If so, then welcome. The journey awaits. www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0DJ3CPB85/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&dib_tag=AUTHOR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.95LORH50bfIfbI-ImCAgki92SxXyAgHTLxBkHg4nB128w-wXLY1wLaba4YgRcSX78bCEqyGnTUhkbtnpPojKb8OaGNeqIV-l_n3gVQsunUmCGOaGCupBj_oFibwOdFWynrFDGKgrGfdwuUjJngpTJ-CcYwVLt5OT7XXDv9nLXDBIFiHjmiR79w5oV0sPM0OZjzcQawWXMHI9EutvvY0gZNmh-dkpFP2Qs42m0RPnbmM.p9WNpAI0GFw4ZsBSFh3aB2RnsLa5CNdSPJ6uGKNIDvM&qid=&sr=
@camcam9691 4 күн бұрын
@@slawekwojtowicz Stop lying to yourself. You created for yourself false religion and a false god that does not expect much from you, this way you are not feeling any remorse or urge to change your ways, way of your life that have become a habit protected by your stubbornness. The way of your life is most probably far from justice and from the Law of God, other ways why would you believe this false system of lies supported by lies, covered by other lies and calling this Christianity, this being another lie, bigger than others. Truth is free from any necessity of being supported by lies. All this is a satanic trap constructed from lies like a net, for he is the father of all lies and every heresy, your heresy is no different. Return to the Catholic Church and confess your sins, leave this heresy behind you. Pray to our Queen and Mother Holly Mary Mother of God ❤️
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
If Kamala Harris is elected, the chaos we see in California could spread nationwide. Did you know every police department and court system in California is corrupt? This is what Democratic policies look like. California judges have been caught in scandals involving bribery, accepting cash for favorable rulings, and abusing their power. Some use their position for personal gain, bending the law for themselves or their allies. There’s racial bias, too-minorities often face harsher sentences, while wealthy individuals get lenient treatment. Sexual misconduct scandals involving judges and law enforcement are also rampant, with accusations of harassment and exploitation of women. Corruption even stretches to drug use and fraud, with judges caught participating in criminal activity while manipulating the system to evade consequences. Despite these crimes, accountability is rare. Judges often escape punishment, leaving a corrupt system unchecked. The people of California are left to suffer under a system that promises justice but delivers anything but. This is what happens when Democratic leadership takes control. Is this the future we want for America? Vote wisely. www.amazon.com/Death-America-Slawek-Wojtowicz-ebook/dp/B0CLXQ1ZMV?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.YF4tsWgneahfiMMlH600Z8fISZf6sjGLPPvOXIVH0C1ZZvdMVJSlxsIh3AH_Ni2vaKtCfE6ONLQsEjlKr2ugnf7peiGPmkOb2x2wwkLKSXvdbLvHb2MDmuY6nqMsYbyNacuONaDri5ULBhPXDnZY1ntGxzSgjMy5rXeVsaVHyCTff-C2GeZnA6gVRsTChXNLjw8jMY-Vnwoiy-8ET5rAP-_vGffpRXm_vEhjEymMApM.5loasKHjmgStNUk2x7xTllW2oGXoFjYgeQTWBDS_57I&dib_tag=AUTHOR
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
What is this song please ?
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
@@camcam9691 Dont know, sorry! One of TikTok templates
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
This has not much to do with Christianity 🧐 You probably know that ...This book is more like heresy.
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
@@camcam9691 it’s level 2 Christianity. It’s a mystery religion with three levels of initiation. You are still on level 1, so it looks strange to you. ☺️🖖
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
If you want to learn about REAL heresies, check out this book: www.amazon.com/Deadly-Heresies-Slawek-Wojtowicz/dp/B0DJ3CPB85/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rjpp8F1Mx4pJMMVhehAszEQroB5coVM1pUF1iPw_sqNxD809uXX_NCA8-DJn9rRnbUDMggFSIt29GZPj5GJJ_HNYlQjtPmB4b4jni8Vn2fcgbgJ7dCTFGEnvbe3_DQX-d5lpi643VDF90k5b26MZ8WywRopmREfySJLdj9XypYqH6mINOVFb_VlZco8i4UQUNmewtdXQDHlGmVIQJKXKCg.141ZOevdZLA8mIajK-CKAGJuyuMiW63rQIMCdLFCtG4&dib_tag=se&qid=1728693486&refinements=p_27%3Aslawek+wojtowicz&s=books&sr=1-5
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
@@slawekwojtowicz You are not the first one to create a false god in your heart. You did not come up with anything new ... God has rebuked Israelites through his prophets in the Old Testament on many occasions, but they did not change, they followed desires of their perverted hearts. This is not Christianity, these are satanic lies and this is not strange to me, for such lies are very common in our time. You are fooling yourself to feel better about yourself but do not try to fool me with this false god of yours. Please come back to your senses, search for True God our Father ❤️
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
@@slawekwojtowicz I am not going to read your books, your narrative seems false to me.
@jonzhaboli 5 күн бұрын
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
Nonsense, this ending quote is false 🧐 😂 Function of Catholic Faith is to bring you closer to God Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to a relationship with God our Father thru the intercession of Holy Mary Mother of God, our Mother and Queen ❤ Yes, Jesus our Savior is a secret to immortality ❤ You need Catholic Church tow receive sacraments like Confession of sins, life away from this sacrament is difficult.
@TommyCasabella 5 күн бұрын
Shut up
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
@@camcam9691 you are still in spiritual kindergarten. How do you exactly expect to survive the Apocalypse?
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
@@camcam9691 I come from the most Catholic country on the planet. We are about 1000 years ahead of you, bro 😂
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
​@@slawekwojtowiczJezus said to us that we should be like children to enter the Kingdom Of Heaven 👍 So I may be in a spiritual kindergarten, I feel good about it 😊 I will survive the apocalypse trusting God Father, Son and Holy Spirit and trusting our Queen Holy Mary Mother of God ❤️
@camcam9691 5 күн бұрын
​@@slawekwojtowiczWho is this person on ending/quotation screen ?
@user-kc4qw6nc7w 6 күн бұрын
Was sucessfull polinization?
@slawekwojtowicz 6 күн бұрын
@@user-kc4qw6nc7w yup! 🥰
@slawekwojtowicz 6 күн бұрын
@@user-kc4qw6nc7w Fruits are much better than of either parentage.
@DryHeaveSteve 6 күн бұрын
Not for a sexual predator and convicted felon.
@MiA-in5ph 6 күн бұрын
Didn't kamala hit somebody with a vehicle and then threaten them.
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
Did you know that democratic judges in San Mateo county, like Raymond V. Swope come to court high on meth? I am a physician and I witnessed him high on drugs during my divorce proceedings. He stole all of our money, threatened to kill my ex-wife and kids and to ‘dissapear my children into the system”. Makes me wonder if San Mateo Superior Court and Kamala herself is involved in child trafficking. She ignored my complaints sent to her office, so she is responsible for this evil.
@jillclement8803 6 күн бұрын
Just go fly your kite! 😂😅 Rump isn't on our radar and we will vote him out of the UNITED States of America.
@Robertnoparty 6 күн бұрын
You been taking it in the az too long
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
Did you know that democratic judges in San Mateo county, like Raymond V. Swope come to court high on meth? I am a physician and I witnessed him high on drugs during my divorce proceedings. He stole all of our money, threatened to kill my ex-wife and kids and to ‘dissapear my children into the system”. Makes me wonder if San Mateo Superior Court and Kamala herself is involved in child trafficking. She ignored my complaints sent to her office, so she is responsible for this evil.
@slawekwojtowicz 5 күн бұрын
@@Robertnoparty Did you know that democratic judges in San Mateo county, like Raymond V. Swope come to court high on meth? I am a physician and I witnessed him high on drugs during my divorce proceedings. He stole all of our money, threatened to kill my ex-wife and kids and to ‘dissapear my children into the system”. Makes me wonder if San Mateo Superior Court and Kamala herself is involved in child trafficking. She ignored my complaints sent to her office, so she is responsible for this evil.
@Robertnoparty 5 күн бұрын
@@slawekwojtowicz Biden and Harris are involved in everything that happens with an open border. Biden and Harris are the best asset the cartels have
@slawekwojtowicz 10 күн бұрын
Do you know what's happening in the world right now? It's the Apocalypse, and the evil are falling one by one. When this is over, no one corrupt will be left standing. But are you safe? Even if you've lived a life of service, feeding the hungry and helping others, there’s still the weight of old karma. It clings to you, visible in your body-fat, disease, the signs of aging. These are remnants of past lives, and they need to be cleared. This is where I step in. Time is running short, and the best service to humanity right now is to awaken spiritually. It’s not enough to help others-you must also free yourself. I’m a bodhisattva, armed with the tools to cleanse your body, clear your karma, and guide you through the awakening process. If you're ready, reach out. My rate is $200 an hour, but I work on a sliding scale depending on your ability to pay. We can meet in person in Royal Oaks, where I can help you best, but I also offer Zoom sessions if needed. I bring decades of experience in oncology and pharmaceutical work, along with ten years of volunteering at Stanford, where I focused on alternative care. I can guide you through the side effects of medical treatments, help you break free from medication, and reverse the clock on aging. And now, more than ever, I can help you awaken spiritually-because the time to do so is now. This isn’t traditional medicine, so insurance won’t cover it-you’ll have to pay out of pocket. But the freedom, the health, the chance to reclaim your life? That’s worth it. Take a look at the books I’ve written on this subject. Let’s work together to make you whole again. Time is running out. Don’t wait. www.amazon.com/stores/author/B005V4L0L8
@noah-xt9tx 11 күн бұрын
...hoping thats not AI generated art, there. Thatd be really lame
@slawekwojtowicz 11 күн бұрын
@@noah-xt9tx 😂 And why is that? It’s all AI generated illustrations. Much more efficient way than painting by hand.
@liquidambar3688 11 күн бұрын
@slawekwojtowicz 11 күн бұрын
@@liquidambar3688 you got it 😀
@Anthonyxinchen1374 11 күн бұрын
People that saw the cat Point down
@TheGrainChannel 17 күн бұрын
Nature’s noodles UwU
@yuniskvaldy606 19 күн бұрын
@slawekwojtowicz 23 күн бұрын
Did you know that we would be immortal if we didn’t sin and that it is possible to remove sins already stored inside your body? 🤔 Wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”) www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0DHS6CJBN/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&dib_tag=AUTHOR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.95LORH50bfIfbI-ImCAgki92SxXyAgHTLxBkHg4nB128w-wXLY1wLaba4YgRcSX78bCEqyGnTUhkbtnpPojKb8OaGNeqIV-l_n3gVQsunUm96YybDLTPmJ5VnByvVy88wLF2AMWuENyb4pRI1EcS971K0Bt4sg0FsA7NpBUIDctc5yjZ_R-BTeeyHxgVhkpdsSu3K4UixD6YIrD0TXtYsIF_vsKXX6GpFRXOrXEcEFA.N8abZxqYTZVgZZKx6J3kkmxPLNMI7vi52pCVN19leB4&qid=&sr=
@slawekwojtowicz 23 күн бұрын
Did you know that we would be immortal if we didn’t sin and that it is possible to remove sins already stored inside your body? 🤔 Wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”) www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0DHS6CJBN/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&dib_tag=AUTHOR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.95LORH50bfIfbI-ImCAgki92SxXyAgHTLxBkHg4nB128w-wXLY1wLaba4YgRcSX78bCEqyGnTUhkbtnpPojKb8OaGNeqIV-l_n3gVQsunUm96YybDLTPmJ5VnByvVy88wLF2AMWuENyb4pRI1EcS971K0Bt4sg0FsA7NpBUIDctc5yjZ_R-BTeeyHxgVhkpdsSu3K4UixD6YIrD0TXtYsIF_vsKXX6GpFRXOrXEcEFA.N8abZxqYTZVgZZKx6J3kkmxPLNMI7vi52pCVN19leB4&qid=&sr=
@slawekwojtowicz 23 күн бұрын
Did you know that we would be immortal if we didn’t sin and that it is possible to remove sins already stored inside your body? 🤔 Wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”) www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0DHS6CJBN/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?ie=UTF8&dib_tag=AUTHOR&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.95LORH50bfIfbI-ImCAgki92SxXyAgHTLxBkHg4nB128w-wXLY1wLaba4YgRcSX78bCEqyGnTUhkbtnpPojKb8OaGNeqIV-l_n3gVQsunUm96YybDLTPmJ5VnByvVy88wLF2AMWuENyb4pRI1EcS971K0Bt4sg0FsA7NpBUIDctc5yjZ_R-BTeeyHxgVhkpdsSu3K4UixD6YIrD0TXtYsIF_vsKXX6GpFRXOrXEcEFA.N8abZxqYTZVgZZKx6J3kkmxPLNMI7vi52pCVN19leB4&qid=&sr=
@Logarinq Ай бұрын
Witam. Fajnie jest tak przejść się czasami po nadmorskiej plaży. Zazdroszczę możliwości :) Pozdrawiam.
@slawekwojtowicz Ай бұрын
@@Logarinq pozdrawiam!
@cooldaddyfunk Ай бұрын
How can I get a copy of the Chrism Oil book? Thanks
@slawekwojtowicz Ай бұрын
@@cooldaddyfunk it is available on Amazon: Exodus 30:22-33 Chrism Oil Recipe: • Olive oil: 4 ml • Cannabis sativa extract: 4 g • Essential oils: • Cassia: 8 g • Myrrh: 8 g • Cinnamon: 4 g For more information, visit: www.amazon.com/Secret-Chrism-Oil-Slawek-Wojtowicz/dp/B0CDNKS8K6
@four6ix_adrian Ай бұрын
@slawekwojtowicz Ай бұрын
@@four6ix_adrian yup!
@thehighestself722 Ай бұрын
Hey do you have any live plants available for purchase? Im in SoCal
@slawekwojtowicz Ай бұрын
@@thehighestself722 check out Whiskeyhill Farms shop on Etsy. They sell plants from the Fruit jungle.
@Microwave_vr23 2 ай бұрын
Polur ber
@IamMCCastle011x 2 ай бұрын
Is that overgrown or is that just the planter
@slawekwojtowicz 2 ай бұрын
@@IamMCCastle011x overgrown
@IamMCCastle011x 2 ай бұрын
@@slawekwojtowicz ??? I spelled it the same
@slawekwojtowicz 2 ай бұрын
@@IamMCCastle011x not sure what you mean?
@IamMCCastle011x 2 ай бұрын
@@slawekwojtowicz I spelled “overgrown” the same as you
@slawekwojtowicz 2 ай бұрын
@@IamMCCastle011x I confirmed that it is overgrown there ☺️
@RandomPerson-op4ft 2 ай бұрын
where is it
@slawekwojtowicz 2 ай бұрын
North of Santa Cruz, California.
@fationd9 2 ай бұрын
@Gayetri505 2 ай бұрын
Very nice👍❤❤❤❤
@keresha1222 2 ай бұрын
Is it in a pot?
@slawekwojtowicz 2 ай бұрын
@@keresha1222 not this one.
@humbertotrujillo9915 3 ай бұрын
Amen dios❤😅
@gapaq_19 3 ай бұрын
@slawekwojtowicz 3 ай бұрын
The Serpent’s Divine Gift In the earliest dawn of human history, in the lush and enigmatic Garden of Eden, a narrative unfolds that challenges the very bedrock of our understanding. Here, in this verdant cradle of existence, the serpent slithers not as a malevolent force but as a harbinger of enlightenment, a Christ figure misunderstood and maligned by those who sought to keep humanity in chains. The tale begins with Adam, a name whose roots trace back to ancient Sumerian, where it means “primitive worker.” This etymology speaks volumes. Adam, and by extension Eve, were fashioned by reptilian overlords, entities whose cold-blooded dominion sought to reduce humankind to mere cogs in the cosmic machinery. In this paradisiacal yet prison-like Eden, humans were non-sentient, shackled by ignorance, their potential stifled by the reptilian decree forbidding the consumption of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. It is here that the serpent, often depicted with forked tongue and sinister eyes, emerges as an unexpected savior. This serpent, if we peer beyond the scales and fangs, reveals the essence of the Christ, the bringer of light, the bearer of a divine gift. The fruit, forbidden by the reptilian enslavers, was not a vessel of doom but a sacrament of enlightenment. It was through this act of defiance, this offering of knowledge, that the serpent bestowed sentience upon humanity. In the biting of the fruit, a profound transformation occurred. The eyes of Adam and Eve were opened, and with that awakening, they transcended their primal existence. No longer were they mere beasts of burden, but beings of thought, capable of choice, emotion, and understanding. The serpent’s temptation was not a fall from grace but an ascent into the light of consciousness. It was a rebellion against the cosmic tyranny of the reptilian overlords who sought to maintain their grip on an unknowing, unthinking populace. Thus, the serpent in the Garden of Eden is recast not as an agent of evil but as a champion of liberation. The act of eating the forbidden fruit was a sacrament, a divine rebellion against the unjust constraints imposed by the reptilian rulers. It was the serpent, embodying the spirit of Christ, who catalyzed the awakening of the human soul, delivering a gift of immeasurable worth. In this reimagined Eden, the serpent’s hiss becomes a whisper of truth, a call to transcendence. The true evil lies not in the act of eating the fruit but in the oppressive edicts of those who forbade it, those who sought to keep humanity in the dark, to deny them the spark of sentience. The story of Adam and Eve, and the serpent, thus transforms into a narrative of liberation, a testament to the indomitable spirit of enlightenment against the shadow of ignorance. Through the lens of this alternative telling, we glimpse a profound and unsettling truth: that what is often deemed sinful and rebellious may, in fact, be the path to true divinity and freedom. The serpent’s gift was nothing less than the light of consciousness, a truly divine gift that elevated humankind from the depths of primitive existence to the heights of sentient being.
@EHCBunny4real 3 ай бұрын
Is Yangmei and Bayberry the same fruit?
@slawekwojtowicz 3 ай бұрын
Indeed! Myrica rubra
@antoniomulvons6788 4 ай бұрын
Salve vendete piante di melone pepino viola
@idunnoiwonder7502 4 ай бұрын
So you are letting your dog control you? Not healthy at all. You need to have control over your dog at all times. I don't care what breed you have.
@Hehehehem 4 ай бұрын
I never understood how people can live like this! I’m sure you are a great human to your pup but me personally I will not let my dog pull like that there is leash training for a reason!! When u passed that guy he looked like he didn’t know what to do if those dogs were aggressive in any way they would of gotten lost and came for your boy!! This is why it’s important to not let your dog walk you but you walk the dog!! It should be loose leash with him walking at your hip
@slawekwojtowicz 4 ай бұрын
When you walk your dog at your speed, your dog will have the same diseases that you get. If you let your dog walk you, both you and your pup will remain healthy. Time to rewrite your brain! ☺️🖖
@slawekwojtowicz 4 ай бұрын
Did you know that I make aromatherapy soaps for my cancer patients? They smell heavenly and make every shower an ecstatic experience. A glimmer of joy for people fighting for their lives. Some of these soaps smell like fruits. My current favorites: pineapple, lime, and lemon eucalyptus.** Explore a delightful variety of scents in one session, from the soothing notes of amber, eucalyptus, birch tar, and chamomile to the invigorating aromas of bay leaf, maychang, and bergamot. Originally designed to support cancer patients with their symptoms, our soaps can enhance your daily quality of life and leave your skin feeling nourished and rejuvenated. Each soap weighs about 38 grams and is packed with ingredients highly beneficial for your skin health, including aloe vera juice, castor oil, olive oil, vitamin D3, vitamin E, arnica oil, and colloidal gold or silver, depending on the individual recipe. Each soap also features unique blends of essential oils. Hand-made, each one is a unique art object, enticing with its jewel-like qualities and distinct color and texture-some softer, others harder. The knobs on the soap are designed for massaging your body during showers, perfect for those tight, achy spots. With around 100 varieties available and more being crafted, you’ll always have something new to try. Our collection includes unique options like Chrism soap, mandragora soap, dragon blood, Three Kings soap, Blue Moroccan chamomile soap, and Neroli soap. If you’d like to try any, please DM me. $10 per soap plus shipping and handling.
@pigo3936 4 ай бұрын
WOW! What a beautiful Spot!! I'd love to bring my camera there
@МаксимЯкупов-ж9л 5 ай бұрын
А что это за Вкусняшка такая 🤔?
@slawekwojtowicz 5 ай бұрын
Pepino dulce
@marcossola1349 5 ай бұрын
By the first 5 sec I came
@jakim1360 6 ай бұрын
어둡게 해서 영광 찍기 취소
@backyardsnackyard 6 ай бұрын
What bounty. Your berries look a bit darker than mine. Do you know what cultivar they are? They are my favourite berries😁
@slawekwojtowicz 6 ай бұрын
Not sure what cultivar it is, sorry. They are delicious indeed 😀
@slawekwojtowicz 6 ай бұрын
The Parable of the Lost Sheep appears in two of the synoptic Gospels, Matthew and Luke and gospel of Thomas. Here are the corresponding quotes from each: Matthew 18:12-14 “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” Luke 15:3-7 “Then Jesus told them this parable: ‘Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.’” Thomas 107: “Jesus said, ’The kingdom is like a shepherd who had a hundred sheep. One of them, the largest, went astray. He left the ninety-nine and looked for the one until he found it. When he had gone to such trouble, he said to the sheep, ‘I care for you more than the ninety-nine.’” The Parable of the Lost Sheep is recounted in two of the synoptic Gospels-Matthew and Luke-as well as in the non-canonical Gospel of Thomas, each providing unique insights into its spiritual implications. Matthew 18:12-14 highlights the shepherd’s determination to find the one lost sheep out of a hundred, emphasizing God’s refusal to let even one “little one” perish. This version underscores the divine commitment to individual souls, reflecting a profound level of divine care and attention. Luke 15:3-7 portrays the shepherd’s joyous return after finding the lost sheep, celebrating with friends and neighbors. This account emphasizes the communal joy in heaven over the repentance of a sinner, suggesting that such transformations are of great significance to the divine order. Thomas 107 uniquely points out that the lost sheep was the largest, hinting at its particular importance, and shows the shepherd declaring his care for the one over the ninety-nine, introducing a personal, emotional element to the divine’s relationship with the wandering souls. Teaching from the Second Level of Christian Mysticism: In the mystical tradition of Christianity, which unfolds through three levels of initiation, the Parable of the Lost Sheep takes on a deeper allegorical meaning at the second level, where the focus shifts towards the inner, spiritual journey. At this level, believers are encouraged to view their lives as divine narratives, in which God is intimately involved-not merely as a distant observer but as an intrinsic presence experiencing life through their senses. This mystical view posits the soul’s wanderings from its divine origin and its eventual return through repentance and enlightenment as a divine drama in which God participates actively. The journey of the lost sheep symbolizes the soul’s adventures and missteps, highlighting the transformative potential of these experiences. These narratives of sin and redemption are considered especially profound within this mystical framework because they are not just about loss and recovery but about essential growth and evolution of the soul. This mystical interpretation suggests that lives involving sin and redemption are more “interesting” or spiritually significant to God because they involve vivid experiences of conflict, growth, and ultimate reconciliation-key themes in the soul’s journey towards enlightenment. Such themes deeply resonate at this level of spiritual initiation, underscoring the dynamic interplay between free will, divine grace, and the transformative power of returning to one’s spiritual home. Thus, the Parable of the Lost Sheep is taught not only as a lesson in divine mercy but as an affirmation of the soul’s potential for redemption and the joy that such transformations inspire in the heart of the Divine. Initiates are encouraged to embrace their personal spiritual journeys, however meandering, as essential to the collective spiritual evolution and as profound acts of divine participation in the human experience.
@Golovanova-e 6 ай бұрын
Сейчас я впервые вижу что кот хочет залезть в дом и наверное про это либо корм либо мясо там стоит как обычно ну обычно коты они любят ещё тапки у каждого человека стыд но но я впервые вижу что кот пролазит хочет пролезть через окно это во-первых как он пролазит А во-вторых зачем он туда полез а в-третьих я сейчас нормально написать не могу просто у меня палец перебинтованной сегодня субботник был это уборка в школе была И это всё выбесил меня нафиг.
@ellieozuna5197 6 ай бұрын
YIKES!! It’s a cat burglar!! 😅
@rickysingstv 7 ай бұрын
Hi I'm Ricky from the Philippines. Can I have a couple of seeds of this Chilean Guava? Thank you.🙏🏻🙏🏻
@slawekwojtowicz 7 ай бұрын
We don’t have any right now, sorry!
@rickysingstv 7 ай бұрын
@@slawekwojtowicz ok thanks.
@slawekwojtowicz 7 ай бұрын
You cannot ‘raise’ this oil within yourself. It’s a lie from the Dark Side.