Why Central Banks Are Hoarding Gold in 2024
The Dramatic Fall of Mexico’s Oil Giant
Discovering Guyana: A Hidden Gem
16 сағат бұрын
The Looming Decline of Advanced Economies
@johnhatchel9681 Күн бұрын
Another great place ruined by socialism. It's a cancer.
@laughingvampire7555 3 күн бұрын
and one of the 100 companies responsible for the 72% of global emissions .
@aztecwarriorz1 3 күн бұрын
New Refinery and Purchased PEMEX Deer Park,Tx, complete turnaround, sounds like a documentary from the PRIAN...
@bartvrhijn 5 күн бұрын
And nuclear options
@2804Holly 5 күн бұрын
That’s the sanctions for blackmail have its price … feel it on skin
@astridisaacs8129 5 күн бұрын
Wouldn't this make the price of goods go up in europe?
@jojoanggono3229 5 күн бұрын
Indeed, converting existing vessel to hydrogen fuel requires huge amount of work if it is possible. The modification include storage tank (hull), engine, piping, and safety equipment.
@astridisaacs8129 5 күн бұрын
@@jojoanggono3229 Yea, but mostly the fine/ presumably a carbon tax for all shipping. In canada all it did was make grocerys more expensive.
@daniellee8720 6 күн бұрын
BS all this reverse flows and sources of gas coming from Russia. Talking as if Italy have gas resources to supply. Lol
@dohj4959 7 күн бұрын
Hardly a crisis for EU.
@TwiceStruck 7 күн бұрын
Winter is coming.....Even roaches need shelter
@Jupiterist 7 күн бұрын
Viva Russia 🇷🇺
@NoahkMondeh-yp6zu 8 күн бұрын
Freedom for Mali, Niger and Burkina faso. We wish you best of luck and new transformation for Africa 🙏
@splapoo77 8 күн бұрын
This is historic, long live the union.
@JoseRodriguez-ju4qv 8 күн бұрын
Super info, gracias.!!!
@AshenafiAnteneh-i2m 13 күн бұрын
@BobQuigley 21 күн бұрын
Fossils fuels were made by earth sun system over tens of millions of years. They are one and done gifts of nature. Today we're going through 100 billion barrels of oil equivalent flammable fossils energy annually. Wells do not produce oil, we extract oil from the wells. Once a well is fracked there's no hydrocarbons left. Easy oil is long gone. Each new find more difficult expensive and of lower quality. There is no Fossil Fuels Fairy refilling the holes. In addition over 66% of the energy from fossil fuels is lost as waste heat. Only 33% at most become useful energy.
@runedahl1477 23 күн бұрын
Wind turbines and solar panels is a bad idea for supplying a larger grid. They can be ok on a small farm or a cabin in the wilderness. First off all the production is not predictable and is dependent on the weather. There is no cost efficient or practical way to store the energy when the production is high so that it can be used when the production is low. It is a bad business idea because when it is blowing a lot there is too much energy available and they may have to sell with loss. When the production is low they have to buy energy from other sources to comply with the demand. In Sweden the last few years the loss have been 39% for the reasons mentioned above. There are just too many turbines and they canabilize each other. Then there is the issue of stability of the grid. These systems are asynchrony and constantly try to balance the production to the grid. With dozens if not hundreds of turbines that is difficult if not impossible. At least 60% of the electricity has to come from large generators that are synchros and that leaves us with fossil fuel,hydropower or nuclear energy. In 2021 Europe was 4 minutes away from a major blackout due to no wind. In Texas they had a major blackout due to wind turbines freezing. The energy has to be plan able so that the production can be in accordance with demand. The demand will change throughout the day but will also be dependent of the weather. Electricity has to be consumed the same moment it is created. To comply with demand and be able to variate production quickly the energy is usually generated by fossil fuel plants. Then there is the case of durability of the turbines. Only a half year ago the German and the Spanish governments had to bail out Siemens Gamesa with 86 billion euros and an additional guarantee for 165 billion euros. Siemens Gamesa is the world’s biggest manufacturer of wind turbines and they were about to go bankrupt because their turbines broke down much earlier than they had promised. The blades on a turbine cannot be recycled and used again so they usually have to be buried in a landfill or somewhere else. They throw off micro plastics that can go into drinking water sources and will be absorbed by humans and animals. There are several liters of lubrication oil in each turbine that can leak into the environment. The magnets in the generators are made out of rear earth metals that are not mined in environmental friendly way. Then there is the infrastructure each turbine will need. First of all good roads to each turbine so that they can be built and regularly maintained. The grid to get the energy out to the consumers will have to be much larger and complexed than if it came from one large generator. It is estimated that to cover the demand for electric grid to this kind of system we will need as much copper for the next 30 years that has been mined by humans from the beginning and up to our time. Wind turbines kills birds and bats in great numbers. Specially exposed are birds like eagles, hawks and falcons. In addition there will be noise that is harmful both to humans and animals. It is specially the low frequency sounds that can carry far. You have probably noticed youths with large stereo in their cars. Have you noticed that you hear the thumping of the bass long before you see the car. To be more efficient the turbines have to be large and high but that also increases the noise. For your private economy you will be hit with fluctuating prices and usually high electricity bills. For companies it is even worse because they use more electricity and they like the prices on energy to be as predictable as possible. Then comes the day when these turbines have to be decommissioned and the landscape put back to normal. If the company owning the turbines declares bankruptcy who will pay for the fun. If the company had put down an internal fund for this it will also be gone. That leaves us with the government or the landowner to carry these costs. Finally a forest with wind turbines is not a pretty sight. In northern Sweden there is an area called Markengen. They have about 500 turbines there now but the original plan was to have more than thousand. It is an awful sight in my opinion. I have only driven through there in day light but I don’t think it looks better after darkness with a flashing light in top of each of them. It probably looks like an invasion from space by aliens. Then who actually owns this wind farms. In Sweden about 85% of them are owned by foreign investors whereas China’s state owned nuclear company is one of the biggest. Also a lot of these companies have main offices in Luxembourg. Through creative banking and warranty from EU they can then borrow money from banks say in Switzerland at 2% interests rate . The mother company then lend money to the Swedish daughter company at 8% interest rate. As long as the loss in Sweden is not to big they can skim the difference and the company in Sweden avoids tax since it is running with loss. If the loss is too big European taxpayers will eventually have to pay the loan. If you really want to have fossil free energy for the unforeseeable future the only option is nuclear. Unfortunately nuclear energy has got a bad reputation through media that have been more interested in headlines than fact and have used peoples fear of any thing nuclear to promote this. Generation 4 of reactors are probably the safest way of producing energy. It will be a long explanation to tell you why so I leave to that.
@vladimirnechaev5870 25 күн бұрын
Подкрутили рейтинг, чтоб понизить его в удобный момент и преподнести это как сенсацию. В скором будущем этого делать не будут - тогда манипуляция станет очевидной. А значит, что и скорого конца конфликта никто не ожидает, хоть и делаются подобные заявления.
@BILLYRAYBOB9789 26 күн бұрын
Gday from Western Sydney Australia
@will2rein 29 күн бұрын
A vibrant summary. Well done!
@aniksamiurrahman6365 29 күн бұрын
China's energy consumption has long surpassed Europe. So, the fact that you're talking about energy consumption per capita should've been specified in the title. Also, why is Chinese living standard still bellow Eruope despite this?
@DHM-WorldEconJourney 28 күн бұрын
While energy consumption is a factor in determining living standards, it is not the sole determinant. The efficiency of energy use, economic structure, income distribution, social services, and environmental policies all play crucial roles in shaping the overall quality of life. China has a larger industrial sector, which is more energy-intensive. Europe, on the other hand, has a higher proportion of its economy based on services, which typically consume less energy. European industries tend to be more energy-efficient due to stricter regulations, advanced technology, and a focus on sustainability. Although China has rapidly urbanized, many areas still lag behind European cities in terms of infrastructure and amenities, which affects living standards. There is significant income inequality in China, which means that while some people have very high living standards, a large portion of the population may still be living with relatively low standards.
@MultiMyNickName 27 күн бұрын
It isn't lower than Europe, that's just what your media delude you to. I am from the Uk and live in China now for years and the quality and standards of living are MUCH higher than the West. The cities are clean, safe highly advanced, everything here can be done with a click on the phone, Gas, Electric, technology, food, transport all a fraction of the cost of the West. I recently went to visit family and it was quite honestly like visiting MORDOR. Dark, crumbling, oppressive, negative everyone filled with fear and hate. Spiraling prices, insecurity everywhere. The quality of life in the West is vastly lower than China. As for electricity use, China produces enough green power to provide for every single house and home in China. Chinas cities are lit up in displays of light and color on every building every night because China has no concerns at all about power or sustainability, being th world leader in green power, green cars, green projects, China is the future.
@aniksamiurrahman6365 27 күн бұрын
@@MultiMyNickName True for UK vs Chinese Tier 1&2 cities. But say Norwegian village vs Chinese village? Or, Chinese Tier 3 city vs some German small town? I know China is a big ccountry with naturrally much larger variety. But still, I think these points needs answer.
@MultiMyNickName 27 күн бұрын
@@aniksamiurrahman6365 Tier 3 cities are also better than most European Cities. Small towns and villages also I would say have a better quality of life, because its the life they choose. Chinese people aren't like Westerners they don't beg and whine, a Chinese villager will have a huge plot of land which they farm and make plenty of money from. I've been out in the Chinese villages and they are the happiest most welcoming people you will ever live, they grow everything, they use all of their land for producing and they work because that's how they were raised. In Western towns you still have the poor areas where people steal, take drugs, and do nothing good, but in Chinese towns its not like that even in the so called poor areas they are happy, they live with nature, they farm, they grow, there's nothing quite like seeing Chinese villages because you realize then when China is so successful, they all work, every piece of land is used so they are never hungry. You compare that to westerners in poverty who wont grow so much as a carrot to help themselves. China is an amazing place and I challenge anyone to actually come here and not see that for themselves, its a simply mind blowing country which improves day in day out and is flourishing its the happiest country ive ever set foot in bar none. I went walking out among the Chinese villages alone, and so many people offered me to eat with them, so called poor people cooking by the side of the field as they work, smiles, warmth. Vast plots of land all farmed by little old men with buffalo and women in traditional hats. Its amazing, its the most peaceful and happy sight, they like their lives. You will never ever see that in the west.
@val-schaeffer1117 Ай бұрын
Packiestan does not have a "rich" history. It was formed in 1947 forming a nation of converted Desi lower caste Hindus
@Hatibovicfamily Ай бұрын
Cool Video! HI from Adelaide Australia 🇦🇺
@stamfordpolytechnic2656 2 ай бұрын
Thank you, Diana! My students love your videos!!!
@DHM-WorldEconJourney 2 ай бұрын
Glad to hear! Let me know if your students have a specific country (or a few) which they'd like to learn about next!
@spondoolie6450 2 ай бұрын
Somehow I did really good on this quiz. Never set foot in or studied about Russia.