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Tucker Carlson in Moscow
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Valentin Dănăiață - 31 Dec 2005
Calea, Adevarul, Viata
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Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel
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How Great Thou are ...
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Velniciuc despre familie
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Gabriel &  Ronela's weeding
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Ratacind departe - Luiza Spiridon
Frumos e s-ascult   Luiza Spiridon
Nume frumos - Luiza Spiridon
@mynameisirrelevant46 17 сағат бұрын
I love how he stays true to his beliefs and I love even more how Oprah is open to listen.
@richardmeyer1837 Күн бұрын
What An Awesome God !
@Paradiotv 2 күн бұрын
Where is Kent my hero
@SacredSigma999 3 күн бұрын
"Accurate" God is speaking to atheist in this video. I believe.
@JasonKent-lj4gn 3 күн бұрын
And he's still confused unto this day.
@CarlosRojo-x7b 3 күн бұрын
For God did not create the universe but is the universe
@joshuaarguello3925 7 күн бұрын
@bobthecpaontheloose4141 8 күн бұрын
Well, I'm not proposing that wht I will say will change your position but I'll tell you why I'll never believe in the god you cluelessly give in to the narrative that has been created to instill power and control into the hands of certain human beings. I do have a very direct connection to the God of Light & Love and this God would never kill an innocent human being. 1 Samuel 15:3. Yes, let me hear your convoluted mishmash why your god would do this. It's just easier to believe in a rational loving God... I'm 81 and have in the past tried to consume the line from Christianity but too many have suffered and died from its dictates, just doesn't make any sense... actually, all of the Abrahamic faiths are founded in this myth and all 3 employ death and darkness into their dogma. The people who accept things on "faith" without seeing or knowing are those who belong to cults or simply clueless. I believe because I have seen. I do believe in an afterlife and if it were to be, we might even meet there some day... Nobody will be denied entry - we're merely returning home. Blessing from the Universe.🙏
@austinrd23 8 күн бұрын
Not to be rude but you accept things on faith every day of your life. And to claim to many have suffered from dictates claiming to be doing things in the name of God says you don’t believe in those people, not God. More people have died in the 20th century under atheist dictates than all religious dictates combined. So that’s a poor argument. To claim Jesus Christ founded a religion to give power, yet everyone who followed him died horrible horrible deaths, historical fact, don’t need the Bible to prove that, completely makes your point of Christianity being created to give people power. It has given its followers death more often then it has given power. Frankly, your points and arguments are the clueless ones. I encourage you to discover the God of the Bible, not discover people who claim to believe in Him. Go to the source. The evidence for the existence of the Biblical God is overwhelming and much more rational than any alternative. GOD bless you
@DanielLuca248 8 күн бұрын
The best answer for all time...
@chorrof 14 күн бұрын
The questioner starts with, "I'm confused..." and at the end of the response/answer I think he is, "extra confused"😁😊
@iLikePlanes16 15 күн бұрын
NOT a doctor!
@bargainwallart653 15 күн бұрын
All religious people are weak.
@bargainwallart653 15 күн бұрын
Man in maroon jacket reverts to the book of dreams & imignations of lost souls & weak.
@phoenixdown1947 15 күн бұрын
@venividivalli3848 16 күн бұрын
Surely, Mohammed Hijab believes 3in1. God created us in His own image. You have Body, mind and soul all in one. Just like there is 3 dimensions how we experience this world. (Widht, height, lenght) Material world also has 3 states. (solid, liquid and gas). Wouldnt a muslim be offending their own god by over all thinkin ”limiting god ability”? I find it uncanny how Qur’an says their god cannot enter His creation. Why would you think God suddenly stops being God amongst His own creation? This is silly. I think muslims just have a really hard time realizing that Mohammed was decieved by satan. The Qur'an openly states many times that Allah is the best of l-mākirīna, a word sometimes mildly translated as planners, though also as schemers or plotters. The Arabic word used here is "ماكر" "maakir", coming from the root m-k-r م-ك-ر, with the word Makr "مكر" primarily meaning to practice deceit or guile or circumvention Jeremiah 9:6 6 You live in the midst of deception; in their deceit they refuse to acknowledge me,” declares the LORD.
@binary_mor5079 18 күн бұрын
Thanks a million for sharing🥹🥹🥹❤❤❤❤❤❤
@dentheman1797 21 күн бұрын
From the minds of greedy, immoral, power hungry people and the gullible granted them what they wanted.
@scottylightningfitness1680 26 күн бұрын
Can we make this video go viral again in 2024?! The world needs it now that ever!!
@kaywells7 27 күн бұрын
Hallelujah amen. God has no limitations!
@amiihatton 27 күн бұрын
For every atheist out there. If you ever experience an encounter with God, you'll understand why believers know that He exists!
@amiihatton 27 күн бұрын
@amiihatton 27 күн бұрын
I watched this so many times. Best answer EVER. Gives me goosebumps every single time! 😳
@todiritadochia6115 Ай бұрын
Muzica si voce splendida
@todiritadochia6115 Ай бұрын
@drakocarrion Ай бұрын
Mister Kent Hovind. He doesn't hold a doctorate & is therefore not a doctor. & this argument is not an answer. It's a special pleading fallacy.
@MemphisGrizzly-901 Ай бұрын
I just wanted to see humans TRY to guess but that's a mystery & secret even the fallen angels couldn't reveal to us humans.😒🤦🏾‍♂️... Great video though 🙏🏾👍🏾
@KEVINtulo Ай бұрын
I'll stop believing in God once you tell me where the Big Bang came from.
@BonyaTrader Ай бұрын
How many angels can dance on the tip of a pen 😂? The answer is 1*0
@John-xd7jg Ай бұрын
Brilliant 👍😍
@frederickallgood7592 Ай бұрын
God always was
@Montu96 Ай бұрын
Atheists have a false view of God, they think God is some Human like being but with superpowers, like Superman. When in reality, the concept of God is that he is indescribable, in fact, I'm using the pronoun 'he', but that doesn't even apply to God. God is beyond space, time, and matter, God cannot not defined by words, God can not be drawn out in a shape, God can not be conceived of by our limited Human Brain. Heck, our Brain's can't even describe the color Blue or Orange to a blind person, that's how limited our language and thinking is, if that Blind person could see, then they would definitely be able too see and experience the color Orange, but never be able to describe it in words. Like wise, God can not be described, but he can definitely be experienced, that's what devotion, spirituality, even those out of body experiences are all about. You can't describe God with words, you can only have an experience of God.
@SheilaMcCurry-ef1ks Ай бұрын
Love this song, love Alabama ❤
@MemekingJag Ай бұрын
Can someone help me understand this argument? First he talks about the number 3 being prevalent - although he gets it wrong, there are more than 3 states of matter. Then he just skips a premise and assumes that a being must be outside the universe to create the universe, even though things like landslides and avalanches can happen without intention by a person. A rock doesn't require an outside being to roll it down a hill, the constants of the universe mean the rock does that 'itself'. And then he gets confused about emotions? We're a social species, emotional ties beyond pure instinct help a species survive.
@MrSmirker Ай бұрын
I'll summarise for you. "Because it says so in a 3000 year old book." This is not evidence.
@leonmaliniak Ай бұрын
LOGICAL ARGUMENTS FOR A CREATOR GOD…EVEN MORE EVIDENCE For those of you struggling with the concept of the existence of a CREATOR GOD and who do not want it rammed down your throat with religious fanaticism or only based on BLIND FAITH, perhaps this logical line of reasoning will help you make a more informed decision…one not based solely on blind faith alone but based also on the FACTS and the evidence that we do SEE. I have studied the evidence for and against the existence of a CREATOR GOD for many years and from the perspective of various scientific disciplines. There will still be some element of BLIND FAITH involved but this opinion is based on the INCONTROVERTIBLE, UNDENIABLE and IRREFUTABLE FACTS that we do see. HERE IS WHAT I MEAN I see our machine of life as having an unlimited capacity for self repair and maintenance and with numerous back-up and FAIL SAFE systems. Our design of life has a HARD DRIVE, a set of incredibly detailed programs encoded in our DNA by a DOUBLE BINARY code of four chemical letters and a built-in factory 3-D printer which can manufacture materials that we need from scratch….this is truly AMAZING and it is obvious to all but the most cynical of people that this is not just an accident over time. What do the “ evolutionists “ want me to believe…that this all just developed by itself ? Are they kidding? These complex DNA programs make our most sophisticated and advanced BINARY computer programs look like child's play and now more and more previously cynical scientists have confirmed that it impossible for our DNA to have developed “ spontaneously “ over time. Instead, based on my observations, and borrowing an expression from my thirty years as a TRIAL LAWYER, I come to the conclusion that; From the PREPONDERANCE OF PROOF and on the BALANCE OF PROBABILITIES, it is much more LOGICAL to conclude that our DESIGN OF LIFE is the work of a CREATOR GOD or an INTELLIGENT DESIGNER rather than just the result of RANDOM chance and the mere passage of time…so this is not just a matter of blind faith…it is rational, intelligent LOGIC. This CREATOR is not some mythical or magical entity or some "religious", vague or intangible construct but a real, highly advanced being who created our design of life. For example, when you examine our INNATE IMMUNE SYSTEM, one of TWO such systems that we have, the other being the ADAPTIVE immune system, you learn that it takes on average twenty (20) separate and distinct chronological chemical steps, executed in perfect SEQUENCE, to illicit even one immune response. Recently we discovered another program hidden in our DNA which we were unaware of whereby the body cleanses itself of pathogens and even cancer cells when we go through an extended FAST which has been dubbed AUTOPHAGY and has won a NOBEL prize for its discoverer Yoshinori Ohsumi. This fasting methodology has been further perfected by Dr. Alan Goldhamer who cured a 43 year old patient with stage 4 follicular cancer with a 21 day supervised water fast which was reported in LANCET the world’s most prestigious medical journal. This raises the prospect that there are other such wonderful programs which GOD has installed into our hard drive and software and which we have yet to discover. This confirms the GOD given origins of the prescription in the BIBLE for fasting because there is no way our ancestors would have known about the benefits of this FASTING " program". Even more recently the researchers at Cardiff University in Wales discovered a cell marker they called MR-1 which can identify any cancer cells in the body and an existing specific killer T-cell which recognizes it, so we do not have to treat every type of cancer differently and it does this in all people…a UNIVERSAL marker ! What do the “evolution” theorists want us to believe? That a bolt of lightning hit a pile of doo-doo four billion years ago…and BINGO…here we are with all these complex programs ? This is patent NONSENSE and violates plain COMMON SENSE. The MAIN arguments in the theory of EVOLUTION are so fragile that they can be dismissed with numerous arguments, but this following simple argument is more than enough; If EVOLUTION alone explains our existence, then how come APES are still swinging in the trees, something which is a FLAGRANT flaw in that “ theory ”. Saying that we “ split “ off from a common ancestor would still not explain why the other ape line did not build skyscrapers before we did. As President Johnson once said; “ You cannot SUCK and BLOW at the same time”. Either we "evolved" from the more primitive APES or we did not. The fact that APES still exist or that they did not build skyscrapers before we did…cannot be explained by the theory of evolution and is one of its fatal flaws. Finally, we are no longer primitive camel drivers or sheep herders and we can accept the probability that the CREATOR GOD is an actual, real and physical being in whose “ image we were made “, as it says, and not just some imaginary, illusionary or mystical entity. According to the numerous accounts of people who have had what I call instead PREMATURE TEMPORARY DEATH experiences, it may be that GOD is some exotic form of life or pure energy who can also take on any physical form he chooses. Let's hope to find out the whole truth one day. GOD'S GREAT DESIGN SHOULD NOT BE INTERFERED WITH One of the main consequences of this design of life being the work of a CREATOR GOD is that mankind should reconsider the way the mainstream medical community deals with catastrophic illnesses, cancer and the constantly newly emerging pathogens like the COVID-19 virus which has paralysed the planet. Their obsession with toxic drugs, burning radiation and slashing surgery is a monumental FAILURE as is their mis-guided focus on mainly treating symptoms and not curing the underlying cause of an illness. We should consider a paradigm shift in the way we deal with these diseases and explore new ALTERNATIVE sciences which do not interfere with some of the very elements of this perfect and complex design of life that the CREATOR GOD gave us to protect us. It is mankind’s divine duty and privilege to try to find better ways to deal with these illnesses and cancers and pathogens like these new viruses, and stop the WANTON and sinful SLAUGHTER of so many of GOD’s children of all ages. Millions of people die every year because of our primitive state of knowledge about this design and because of their misguided obsession with methods which interfere with some of the very components of this design of life which GOD gave us to protect us. One such non-intrusive and non-toxic ALT science is that of DR. RAYMOND ROYAL RIFE who back in the 1930’s cured many diseases and killed numerous pathogens and viruses using only RADIO FREQUENCY. His methods were tested in a controlled clinical trial at USC in 1934 where he cured 16 out of 16 terminally ill patients, 14 with Cancer and 2 with Tuberculosis and were so effective that the A.M.A led by Dr. Morris Fishbein tried to buy shares in his company. When RIFE refused, the A.M.A. banned his method and prosecuted doctors using it. Unlike other wild and unproven "conspiracy" theories about suppressed secret CURES, the AMA and RIFE ended up in a COURT battle where all of the evidence of how effective this RIFE method was became a matter of public record...which is why it appealed to me as a lawyer. Efforts to revive the science of RIFE have failed to date because they have not EXACTLY duplicated his ORIGINAL work and have not used his original killer frequencies nor the other elements of his treatment protocol…which is what I am trying desperately to organize. WE NEED A PARADIGM SHIFT IN HOW TO TREAT DISEASE This is the type of alternative non toxic and non intrusive method which we should be exploring and COMBINING it with other alternative sciences such as the FASTING and various forms of OXYGEN therapy which have already been proven very effective by the work of such brilliant and forward looking doctors as DR. ALAN GOLDHAMMER, DR. ROBERT ROWAN, DR. TULIO SIMONCINI and DR. DAVID WILLIAMS. My own GOD given inspiration has been to ultimately combine such non toxic alternative sciences, use the existing programs GOD has given us, not interfere with them and finally also create an elixir where we just provide our magnificent machine of life with the basic ingredients that it needs to work at its optimal efficiency and which I have labelled "PERFORMACAL". The PER stands for both the PERFORIN which the immune system produces to blow up and get rid of diseased cells and pathogens and ALSO stands for PEROXIDE as a source of OXYGEN which is our main agent of life and which also kills cancers and pathogens. The MAG represents MAGNESIUM and the CAL represents CALCIUM, both of which along with water are the main effectors mechanisms of our immune system. CONCLUSION I hope that these facts and these arguments help some of you struggling with this issue to finally resolve your confusion and get you to accept the LOGICAL conclusion of the existence of a CREATOR GOD…and if so, then welcome to the team and remember to look for signs of GOD'S help and involvement in your lives and acknowledge and thank him for it. Also please help SPREAD THE WORD to achieve this objective and the glorious goal of eliminating all evil influences from our world and for all of us to live in PEACE, LOVE and BROTHERHOOD as his son JOSHUA or JESUS preached. The purpose of this article is to have people not only believe in a CREATOR GOD on blind faith but to KNOW that he exists based on the undeniable, incontrovertible and irrefutable facts.
@paigekyllonen6613 Ай бұрын
Me: ugh idk? Audience: he’s got the Holy Spirit.
@zellar8054 Ай бұрын
Triscuit I’m here
@justhereforagoodtime88 Ай бұрын
I still dont see how hovind presented evidence. He used the first quote of the bible as evidence, which is part of the circular argument. How do you know god exists? Because the bible says so. How do you know the bible is trustworthy of that claim? Well because it was divinely inspired by god. Theres no evidence outside of that.
@brianpowell9239 Ай бұрын
@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 Ай бұрын
Yeah,what a stupid answer
@brianpowell9239 Ай бұрын
@ I’m pretty sure you have never taking a physic’s class in your life… Back to your mom’s basement you go!
@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 Ай бұрын
@@brianpowell9239 So you think Hovind is talking physics do you🤔. His god is outside of time and space, can you demonstrate that’s true. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. I think you should be going to the basement
@JamesBond-p7 2 ай бұрын
Still the greatest answer to date. 🎉😊
@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 Ай бұрын
Explain? How did he answer
@megamankeht6098 2 ай бұрын
When he took the glasses off it was a wrap
@richardvivian3665 2 ай бұрын
Its not an explanation that works for me. Why is there a god is a perfectly legitimate question that has no explanation.
@janaeva-v2x 2 ай бұрын
Hands down, the best brilliant answer i have heard to this question
@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 Ай бұрын
How was it brilliant. He didn’t answer it
@robwalk3715 2 ай бұрын
Trinity of trinities. Is this where the numbers 3 6 9 come from?
@doublevision84 2 ай бұрын
Our of all the stuff I've learned about the Bible and God, this is the one thing that helps me keep faith because it makes more sense than anything. When my mind goes down the rabbit whole of aliens or mythology or science things you see on youtube or w/e this reminds me that regardless of science theories or just regular people's theories something or someone still had to create it all.
@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 Ай бұрын
It’s good your asking questions but how do you think your god created it. Hovind didn’t answer it
@jacobwalts731 2 ай бұрын
So we go to space when we die?
@amormio4293 2 ай бұрын
… So that’s the God that I worship, thank you.
@bobbobby-o2w 2 ай бұрын
AKA...Kablamm Mister handlebar mustache guy who asked a dumb question...
@diddsdaddiddsdad6865 Ай бұрын
If it’s such a dumb question answer it😅
@maylingng4107 2 ай бұрын
*A universe from nothing* Thousands and thousands of times, creationists accuse physicists of *“Science claim that the universe came from nothing”* On one hand this is a very hypocritical claim, because we all know that their religion makes the exactly the same claim, but they give the job of creation to a god. On second hand, science attempts to answer the “accusation” with evidence and if that is unavailable, with some plausible hypothesis. The first issue is: “*What is nothing?* I am not sure that there is such a thing in the universe as a “nothing”. Even parts of what we once thought as empty is full of energy, waves and subatomic particles. As such, we are unable to do any tests on this hypothetical “nothing” and are unsure of what may “come” from it. The best we can do is to define (rather unsatisfactorily) as a nothing is an *absence of everything* If we assert that our current universe can actually can *come from nothing* what evidence and logical reasoning can we present to establish a plausibility? We know that the sum total of the energy in the universe is zero. Once we understand the laws of nature, the characteristics of a universe created from nothing would be precisely the characteristic of our universe. This of course is not a “proof” but it is highly plausible. We are at the beginning of the discovery only, and have not yet understood fully the details of quantum gravity. But we can work back (to the origin of the universe) to time = 0. In the journey backward, every step is plausible (some supported by testing) until we arrive at the last step of quantum gravity, which needs a theory. Quantum gravity, when combined with time fluctuates and provides for the creation of a universe. When space stretches it requires energy. Empty space includes energy (we call dark energy). As space expands, the energy remains the same (it sounds like you are getting something from nothing). In classical physics if we expand matter, the density of that matter decreases. But that is not the case with empty space, which if expanded will give the appearance of an energy increase which does not occurs -- the universe remains at the same energy level, concurrenty with an increase in size, which presents us with a paradox. This phenomenon appears to defy the laws of (classical) physics. It is also true that when you endow space with energy that space will have a negative pressure. This is one of the reasons why space expands exponentially. As the universe expands, it does work on “empty” space, and it dumps energy into the “empty” space. So it sounds absurd that the universe expands exponentially without decreasing in density, yet it satisfies all the laws of physics including the conservation of energy. We do not understand the source of that energy (although it is recognized by quantum mechanics). The expanding universe remains at zero energy level. All the energy of motion by the galaxies and its components is cancelled by the pull of gravity. However this observations can only be done if we assume a closed universe. Unfortunately the longer we wait the less we will see (assuming that we find no stronger and better instruments to measure, but probably this will not be the case). Because galaxies are moving away from us at a speed exceeding the speed of light, and as the consequence, the images of them will disappear in time.
@JoaoLourenço-e8h 2 ай бұрын
WHO CREATED GOD. - The worst thing about the planet was the creation of all existing life, including human beings. - If you are not for me, you are against me. - If you don't have my belief, you're no good. - If you are miserable, you have nothing, but you intend to have it. - If you're rich, you want more. - If you are young, you think you know everything and have everything. - If you are old you only think about illness and death - We spend our lives believing. Why and for what.