Having the exact same issue on the exact same car, my timing chgain is loose apparently
@terrancehunter41372 ай бұрын
Never spray engine bay with water. Take WD40 spray your alternator good. Then spray the top of engine wait ten minutes and start car
@abdulwahedy55282 ай бұрын
The idel is very high it should be 750 not 1000.
@ChristopherAntiri2 ай бұрын
@j.e.thomas97593 ай бұрын
What was the fix?
@SANMIAOChannel3 ай бұрын
I don't know whats the cause never repaired it.
@rrevns13 ай бұрын
I have vw passat 2015 1.8 tsi, its doing little bit different,when im starting it when the car was standing like 6-10 or more hours and i start it and everything works okay when i just started it and after 20-30 seconds its starts shaking and rpm is going little up and down like in the video and when im stopped at red light on traffic light after standing like 20 secs on the brakes its starts shaking and trying to go forward even if i hold the brakes and when i drive it like for 20-30 mins that problem disappears and everything is working good
@louiswhetsell11444 ай бұрын
Just happened to mine 😢
@TenhMua-v2o4 ай бұрын
Hmong ameka vam meej lawm tiag tiag nawb
@SANMIAOChannel4 ай бұрын
Yog nyob Meskas yog tus pojniam xav aim leejtwg ces nes muaj cai TXOJ CAI hais li no NWS TXAUS SIAB LAWM. Txawm tias luag siv TSHUAJ siv KHAWV KOOB ua rau nws vim lawv mus ua lawm ces MESKAS tsis paub txog li LAWV HAIS TIAS NWS TXAUS SIAB LAWM NO XWB. Ces tsis muaj leej twg hais yeej txoj cai.
@userhlubyuamkev4 ай бұрын
Pog no quav beer thiab xav sib tsoob ua lwj liam xwb cia nws nyob single peb thiaj tau tsuav
@userhlubyuamkev4 ай бұрын
Pog no ntxim muab aim lwj liam
@FidelLilacalvo5 ай бұрын
Tengo uno igual beetler 1998 y quiero quitar el radiador
@hmoobkevpaub96055 ай бұрын
Kwv tij hmoob, kuv xav los nug koj tus los tham txog kev ntseeg Vaj Tswv, tham kom sib nkag siab xwb, tsis yog tham ua plaub ntug los ua chawj chim sib ntxub. Kuv xav nug koj tias thaum koj nyuam qhuav yug pem zos hmoob es koj yug hauv hmoob, niam txiv tua qaib hu koj plig es koj thiaj loj los vaj tswv pub mov koj noj los niam txiv pub mus pub mov koj noj loj ? Hmoob khiav xyoo 1977 tuaj txog teb chaws America es hmoob mam kawm paub txog Vaj tswv es yav thaum ub hmoob teb xug ua ntej Jésus yug es ua cas ho yog Jésus yug hmoob. Yam hmoob ntseeg Vaj Tswv tshiab no mas raws li kuv paub mas yog peb kawm Jésus tej dab neeg xwb es ho pab tau hmoob li cas ? Phau ntawv Vaj lug kub yog neeg sau los poob saum ntuj los ? Kev ntseeg tsuas kawm hauv phau ntawv xwb es twb tsis yog dab thawj es ua cas ho qhuas tias yog Yaj tswv li ? Hmoob yug ua ntej Jésus xwb es ua cas ho ntseeg Jésus, lwm yam kev ntseeg twb muaj thiab ua cas Vaj tswv thiaj zoo xwb ?
@SANMIAOChannel5 ай бұрын
kwv tij koj nug yog dua ntais lawm os... tus neeg LAUJ TEEB piav txog VAJTSWV no mas nws yog tus neeg tseem ntseeg kev cai qub os nws nyeem ntawv ntau heev txog VAJTSWV los lawm nws thiaj paub meej meej nws thiaj los piav qhia kom peb hmoob cov ntseeg txhob yuam kev. Nws thiaj piav kom ntxaws ntxaws keeb kwm ntawm VAJTSEV kom cov ntseeg nkag siab. QHOV TSEEB CHIV KEEB mas li no: Lucifer (Devil), HAUJ ZAM, SIV YIS yus tom qab HAUJZAM, the Jesus yug tom qab kawg nkaus. Yog koj xav paub ntxiv nrhiav Lauj Teeb nrog nws tham kom meej.
@SANMIAOChannel5 ай бұрын
Nej hais tias TXIV NEEJ thiaj li xav noj Tais Zaub Tshiab xwb tiam sis qhov nej tsis pom POJNIAM haj yam xav noj TAIS ZAUB TSHIAB
@malam28845 ай бұрын
or my god Lady you have a very good husband i feel ashamed for you
@xaivtxojhmootsistau92916 ай бұрын
@ThidongHau7 ай бұрын
Nej e cuag li nej tsi ua lo li Na .txob muab luag thaij li no os
@SANMIAOChannel6 ай бұрын
tus tijlaug thaij nws pojniam os nws yog tus tso tawm os
@leexiong55447 ай бұрын
Girl he just looking for someone to love him you cheated he going to do the same but different to find someone that care about him...
@gerald38588 ай бұрын
You definitely have to take it in; my 2014 jetta tdi 419,000km would be the EGR and PDF are faulty would make tge needle move like that, dealership wanted $7000, but we just changed the ECU, see if this helps
@chafikketan65949 ай бұрын
Mein doing same things 😢
@timothyscanlon37929 ай бұрын
Timing chain needs to be replaced along with tensioner
@memyselfandi21029 ай бұрын
So embarrassing. Keep your business behind closed door
@wamengxiong32949 ай бұрын
Nej ma thiaj li tseem22 yog cov neeg xiam hlwb tiag2 li ho tu poj nuam np e twb tau 2 xyoo los yog 1 xyoo ntau no lawm e nej tseem pherj muab tu pog no coj rov los tso hau youtube no thiab
@JamesUniv10 ай бұрын
I see this is from a year ago but I'm having the same issue. rough idle, unstable RPMs. Also if I pull the dip stick or open the oil fill cap the idle smooths out but its high. I can feel it sucking air when taking off the cap. I've replace the magnet, pcv, spark plugs, coil packs, oil change, air filter. Two things left to try are getting the intake valves cleaned and the throttle body.
@mackyj3889 ай бұрын
What year and engine? It may be the timing chain stretched or timing guides are broken. Most of the time a pvc valve or a magnet will fix the problem. If it's the 1.8 that common.
@JamesUniv9 ай бұрын
@@mackyj388 it's 2014 1.8 I changed the oil separator. I believe that's the other name for the PCV valve. Still didn't fix the issue.
@SANMIAOChannel9 ай бұрын
I didn't solve the problem. I just kept driving and it worked fine but the issue comes back once in a while.
@WilliamSnook-e8k10 ай бұрын
Idle air control valve
@horacegarcia511310 ай бұрын
Have the same issue in my 2013 gli started when I put an after market intake after warning up needle go below 1 on rpm and also star and die when it runs after a while
@Zhangli-i3h11 ай бұрын
Lady when you break a man’s trust and betrayed him especially as his wife it’s hard for him to give you back his whole heart. You where all his before you cheated now he feels disgusted being with you. I think it’s better you leave him so you won’t be hurt over and over again by his actions. He’s doing what he’s doing so you’ll be the one to divorce him so he can tell himself that you ended the marriage 😂
@GG-GODZILLA9111 ай бұрын
clean LL sensor on the frontier on the air intake you have to censor their map sensor and the air sensor
@Thanhnguyen-jb4fg Жыл бұрын
Wow a lot of works just to change the radiator. Thanks for showing.
@amaraldkeel1792 Жыл бұрын
I had the same issue now did you fix it
@leexiong753 Жыл бұрын
The husband is a very nice guy, I feel sorry for him. He deserves someone better than this Kat. Good luck to you brother and I know you will find a better wife than this crazy woman.
@yervang3737 Жыл бұрын
Neb mus nyob mN lawm los Txiv ntawm
@SANMIAOChannel Жыл бұрын
Kuv ib txwm nyob Minnesota os. Tsis nco qab lawm es kuv tau ntsib koj qhov twg cas koj xav tias kuv tsis nyob MN..
@lupitagpr4321 Жыл бұрын
No entiendo 😢
@sungmua4265 Жыл бұрын
ok koj ua li ko mas yog kawj lawm li os
@LxkLxk-l9h Жыл бұрын
Nogkojtusia b. O tus tij laug yushlub luag luag tsishlub yuus
@npaujbais Жыл бұрын
He's keeping you in the marriage to hurt you. Drop this punk. It's the US, he can't do squat if you start seeing other men.
@ThuongTran-ot3mz Жыл бұрын
Nyob zoo og tij kj poj niam tham hluag nraug los
@disung5727 Жыл бұрын
Poj niam lub siab yeej nyoos txhia tus
@yogkkoojj6570 Жыл бұрын
Zoo nkauj tas txhua qhov hauv taw txog tob hau th1687ab tsuas muaj koj tib leeg xwb thiaj li. Thov kom koj tsuas tau ntsib txoj kev noj qab nyob zoo, ua tsaug.
@yogkkoojj6570 Жыл бұрын
Zoo nkauj tas txhua qhov hauv taw txog tob hau th1687ab tsuas muaj koj tib leeg xwb thiaj li. Thov kom koj tsuas tau ntsib txoj kev noj qab nyob zoo, ua tsaug.
@Mrs_Yang03 Жыл бұрын
Lub npe no mas thiaj li phim cov niam tsev thiab txiv tsev es siab zoo² xav² hlub ntau² tus nawb. 👍👍👍
@xonglo7532 Жыл бұрын
Neb ua nam los ua si os
@herimarydejesus3276 Жыл бұрын
Hello, my volkswagen is doing the same issue. Were you able to find out what was the problem?
@SANMIAOChannel Жыл бұрын
No, I replaced the Engine Crankcase Vent Valve or Oil Separator sits on top the engine and kept driving it and it stops doings. Something it does but just ignored it and let car gets warm before drive and it seems fine now.
@mountain452 Жыл бұрын
Me kwv thov yuav nws los mas koj poj niam thov koj npaum li tsis muaj lwm tus poj niam thov koj npaum no lawm os
@SANMIAOChannel Жыл бұрын
nws mus aim hmoob aim meskas hais ntau zaum lawm cov neeg no paub yus zoo lawm nws xav tias nws ua tag yus yuav khuv xim nws no. Yog tsis muaj pojniam lawm no yoog thiab tiam sis pojniam muaj coob cia nws mus raws nws kev ntshaw..
@kasamali9313 Жыл бұрын
Good video
@SANMIAOChannel Жыл бұрын
Glad you enjoyed
@mojahidsarkar9450 Жыл бұрын
@kp-Entertain Жыл бұрын
pi to the moon soon
@easttimorpinetwork.3580 Жыл бұрын
Perfct pi coin
@dangxiong610 Жыл бұрын
Ntoo tsis paub npe ces tsis tas qhia rau hauv no
@christopherwest252 Жыл бұрын
That is freaking awesome ⚡⚡⚡😎🌟
@billy4780 Жыл бұрын
Puas yog tus poj niam siab zoo los yog tus txiv siab zoo thiaj zam kev rau tus niam mus hlub ntau tus txiv neej li no mas?. Kuv qhuas koj tus ua txiv siab zoo nawb.