@JockoFlocko 21 күн бұрын
Absolutely awesome dude. You did all that without any shield... Wow!
@pierre-yvesdurand6749 22 күн бұрын
If you could give list of all neutron stars you used to reach Colonia so fast
@pierre-yvesdurand6749 22 күн бұрын
That's great but you have to know where all neutron stars are located on trajectory when you set a course to Colonia and how do you succeed to jump 91 ly at once, how your Anaconda doesn't has any damages to scoop fuel so close of stars many important information i would like to know when I will be ready to go to Colonia
@atberk3391 19 күн бұрын
For finding neutron stars, you can plot routes from spansh neutron plotter. How ever it wont calculate the fuel consumption for jumps you make so you need to manually jump to a system that has a scoopable star. Actually, there is an advanced route plotter named "Galaxy plotter" (again by spansh) which does that for you but it is a little complex than neutron plotter due to requirement of ship build link from coriolis. If you are planning to travel to colonia, its not that hard to do. I made halfway there with my 22 ly combat cutter then boarded to a carrier nearby to ride me the rest of the way. It was a very tiring journey but it wasn't that hard. With a 72 ly jump range, you can make it there with only 100 jumps by neutron boosting. Only 2h journey.
@superfnliminal 23 күн бұрын
"Babe come over." "I can't I'm in Sol" "My parents aren't home"
@selfactualizer2099 27 күн бұрын
It's not a finished game, this as a speed run isn't very intelligent and your score will never stick as long as updates keep rolling out
@tomoliver5861 Ай бұрын
The ship that made the kessel run in less than 12 parsecs
@SingularPing Ай бұрын
i wonder ow fast we can go now with the new SCO frame shift drives
@luckybrand6762 Ай бұрын
With the new FSD’s, do you think this can be beaten?
@Guapter Ай бұрын
it would be even faster nowadays with new fsd(sco) and guardian fsd boosters
@zerolegacy7821 2 ай бұрын
You just made a video an hour and 38 minutes long of you just repeatedly jumping.... great.
@Brandon_J 2 ай бұрын
Do you have any idea what he's even doing? It's a world record video to prove it's real. What more could you want? You're not actually meant to watch this as entertainment. This trip usually takes days, especially if you scan planets. This guy doing it in this little time is skeptical, it's good there is video evidence to show it can be done.
@arquitecto19121 2 ай бұрын
here i am taking 1 week (no in a rush) to get to Colonia with my conta with a 70ly and i see this guy doing it in a 1 and 38 min with his conda doing 83ly im so desapointed with my self 🤣
@ottolehikoinen6193 Ай бұрын
No rush is 1 month for me. Gotta see some of the neighborhoods also.
@sigma.wr8 2 ай бұрын
dis man is a beast
@stiernacken8643 2 ай бұрын
I Go with my Federal Corvette to Colonia with a 15ly jump Range 😂
@Grizzly50450 2 ай бұрын
I did this just a couple weeks ago in about 2 1/2 hours and felt like a badass lol
@SeamusOR 3 ай бұрын
How did you create the algorithm and can you share it? Or even purchase it?
@oatmiser3110 2 ай бұрын
it was just A* search but he had to set up the data using paired heaps, memory mapped files, and Intel vector math to calculate fast enough
@rockycodeman9933 3 ай бұрын
My first trip to Colonia was something I'll never forget, took me something like 2 weeks! I didn't rush to Colonia, had a Krait Phantom rigged up with some where around 52 LY jump range and decided I wanted to get out and explore way out into the black. I'd never really gone a long trip like that before, so I just plotted a course straight to Colonia, fastest route using the Neutron Highway. I was probably a little under a quarter of the way there when I just got really bored of the constant jumping. So I decided to change it up a bit, probably had like 500 course changes visiting black holes I could find in the galaxy map, Wolf Ray-et stars, small nebula's, I even discovered a number of ELW's. Climbed some really tall mountains in my SRV, this was before the days of Odyssey of course. But I actually enjoyed charting new places, where no one has gone before. I slowly made my way to Colonia on my zig zagged route with tons of Exploration data to turn in. But before I did that I thought to myself, I made it this far, maybe I can go further? Just about around this time they finally put that station at the Galactic Centre, near Sag A*. So I plotted a rout there, and zig zagged my way there again, collecting tons and tons of data from strange new worlds, also discovering a few new anomalies along the way. I finally made it all the way there, and decided to hang on to all my Cartography data again. And truthfully it was getting some what tiresome, since almost everything is the same, when it comes to a lot of the systems if they even have anything at all. I debated with myself for a while whether or not I should head back to the bubble, or press on and travel the expanse all the way to Beagle Point. Sure enough I did, just so I could say I was there and back. that trip took a lot longer than I thought it would've at the time, probably cause I was playing it later at night. I remember I dozed off mid jump and woke up with my ship just flying into the corona of a star. Nearly shit myself haha. But I eventually made it there, and it really did feel special. Not everyone who plays Elite comes out here, and it was my first time ever actually looking out into complete blackness of the intergalactic void, it really is a strange feeling just flying out into blackness in supercruise. At this time I actually started watching the Star Trek: Voyager series, and it felt fitting considering I was flying out in the opposite end of the galaxy trying to get home to Earth. Eventually I decided it was time to leave and I plotted my course back. On my way back to the Centre for a pit stop to repair my ship, I got blocked by a mass of permit locked systems, and I had to plot my way around a huge expanse of stars that were just inaccessible for some reason which I thought was really odd, my imagination getting the better of me I thought it was Frontier planning something over there for Raxxla, or something like that. But I got around it, discovered a bunch more things. Finally made it back to the Centre, and I took a break for a little while. But when I came back, there was a community goal going on at the time, I forget what it was all about but it was asking for Commander's to deliver Cartography data, and seeing as I had about a whole months worth of it, I started my trek back to the bubble again. After a whole month of traveling across the Milky Way I finally docked with the station that was taking the data, and I collected some where around 900 million credits, just from Cartography data alone, and Mind you my former balance was some where around like 32 million? or something like that, and that boosted me into the top 5% AA of the community goal which was a first for me. But as I leave and I go to my home system, I jumped into a white dwarf system, and after using those and Neutron stars to speed my journey like before, I tried to get a boost from it. Bad choice... Literally one jump after I docked back in the bubble for the first time in a long time, a freakin white dwarf star destroys my ship, and my pride... I really underestimated that star, but lesson learned at least, don't mess with White Dwarfs, and if you do then be absolutely careful. But yeah! that was my story, I'll never forget it. It was a long road getting from there to here.
@seanbedel7694 2 ай бұрын
When I decided to travel to Colonia it was simply for the purpose of doing it. I left the bubble around August of 2023 and made my way up to Colonia. Once I made it, I decided to continue my sightseeing by heading to the galactic center and to the upper edge of the galaxy, where no stars existed. I took some cool screenshots while in an SRV with the compete milkyway in view. By the time I returned to the bubble it was nearly 7 months later. Before I left the bubble, I would consistently find other commanders hanging around in the local stations, but by the time I returned, 7 months later, I have yet to see anyone. It made me sad to think that in the time of my absence, the game just died. By the time I had returned home, I had achieved Elite explorer status, and subsequently visited Jameson Memorial station where I purchased myself a fresh new Anaconda (I previously had a Krait mk2 with a jump range of 53 lys). Now I'm fitting it with the gear to turn it into a jumpaconda with the hope of returning to the galactic center in the near future.
@caltheuntitled8021 Ай бұрын
@@seanbedel7694You can still see people at high traffic areas (at least on PC). I still get ganked going to Jameson Memorial or Felicity Farseer. I sometimes see people while attacking the thargoid titans. Just the other day I saw at least 4 or 5 players at one of the guardian terminals.
@24framedavinci39 3 ай бұрын
I did Sag A. To Sol in 4 hours without FSD injections. I was pretty happy with it.
@rileyboomer8627 3 ай бұрын
Crazy to think you can get to Colonia just about as fast as you can get to Hutton orbital!
@warroxs 3 ай бұрын
it took me a week to go there
@ha1ban3 3 ай бұрын
my dbx is only 60ly with g4 engineering
@ha1ban3 3 ай бұрын
holy shit i should invest in an anaconda jump build
@thatgregguy 4 ай бұрын
If i didn't hate going to Colonia so much i might attempt to beat this record. I'm never going back to Colonia again.
@thatgregguy 4 ай бұрын
Thats a fast time to get to Colonia.. damn!!!! Well done!!
@Dushess 4 ай бұрын
Now imagine this is just to reach nearest system in hypercruise.
@DutchAcidor 4 ай бұрын
took my 400 jumps, this is insane
@MiZtErNiCe 4 ай бұрын
Learning to play Elite is like studying for a PHD, the hardest game I've ever encountered. It was satisfying to learn but the grind afterwards drove me away from the game.
@Jungleman-dq9kz 6 күн бұрын
I try and loop the grind to keep it fresh. I went to the other side of the Galaxy and back recently and it’s put me off of exploration for a bit; but now I can go back to mining and equipment farming. It’s a beautiful game.
@merlade 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely legendary job at the routeplanning part.
@teemum.9023 5 ай бұрын
Elite Dangerous is missing context to the travelling, like seeing the whole galaxy map and location, which star is where. They are all just random. Also all systems are like core systems, with same culture and order. Everyone is a privateer earning money
@taylorjones5370 6 ай бұрын
does your FSD not take damage when entering the neuron star/white dwarf jet cones?
@daedaethesensei105 4 ай бұрын
Yes it does. My fsd started malfunctioning at the 27:30 mark of the vid
@user-ek6eg9fg3o 6 ай бұрын
how the hell do you get so many lightyears in a jump
@daedaethesensei105 4 ай бұрын
The jet cone puts the fsd in overdrive which can range in number but is usually around 300ly or 4x you normal jump range
@killerash13 6 ай бұрын
Did it in 4 hours! Easy... Anyway don't worth it don't come to colonia stay away
@ericklopes4046 7 ай бұрын
Amazing. I think you've hit the peak. Ever considered publicizing the code so other people can try it too? If there's a time to do it, it's now, ED's getting old.
@anonanon3066 7 ай бұрын
@dreadsces 8 ай бұрын
How many more light years can you get extra out of supercharging the FSD through those stars ???...good job as well
@spacekiller6856 3 ай бұрын
Neutron stars give you a 4x boost to your normal FSD range
@vehicleboi5598 8 ай бұрын
fdev: surely we made the grind infinite, there is no way someone would be able to amass a supply of materials to have fun in the ga- this mf:
@vehicleboi5598 8 ай бұрын
absolutely mesmerizing
@alkhaov 9 ай бұрын
@federalcorvettelover3874 9 ай бұрын
For a point of a record, well done, but as for the dynamics of the 2nd life, you'd be dead very quickly with this build. You wouldn't survive a battle, a collision & other dangers lurking. Still, this record is well done but even as a 2nd life, a Fantasy.
@saffieification 9 ай бұрын
great job commander i recently discovered the joy of riding that blue light ;) is there a route planner purely for the neutron highway since eddb has gone ? o7 cmdr
@caltheuntitled8021 Ай бұрын
Spansh neutron router
@BeYourOwnRoleModel 10 ай бұрын
Prepping for my first run out to Sagittarius A and this video is exactly what I needed. Thank you cmdr. o7
@bampeanut 11 ай бұрын
amazing record alongside exceptional piloting skill! if you don't mind me asking could you share some more info on the algorithm you wrote/used I'm very much curious as to how it works in greater detail because I'm a massive nerd
@bampeanut 11 ай бұрын
that is actually scary... don't get me wrong is impressive as heck and i applaud you but that is terrifying
@Z0935960705 11 ай бұрын
As always, astonishing work! I would be terrified of entering white dwarf or neutron system, I hope I can make it one day.
@pawn4 19 күн бұрын
Neutron stars have an emergency stop zone at 500km to 2,000km so they are safe, white dwarfs are a lot more dangerous because of the emergency stop zone at 70% of the distance of the jet cone. Also they will overheat your spaceship
@ruslanluzkov 11 ай бұрын
I'm loose one month. 👏
@resi- Жыл бұрын
It took me a week lol
@ghoses Жыл бұрын
@branjosnow6244 Жыл бұрын
I had no idea this could be done this quickly. I've been putting off doing it thinking I had to do it with my carrier. The amount of tritium I'd need was putting me right off the idea. So let me ask, do you actually go inside the stars exclusion zone? Or just outside of it facing the jets exit? Also, is the jump distance you get from the neutron star, relative to the jump distance of the ship you do it in? If so, how much to transport a Cutter to Colonia from Jameson Memorial? Lol.
@brandonjustus9954 Жыл бұрын
I did this trip bout a week ago. You just enter outside the excusion zone. The safest is to head directly for the jet at the ends. For newbies go slow and steady. Enter the jet and drop your speed to zero until your FSD is super charged then apply as much power as you can to escape. Its a bit scary but you somewhat get used to it. Its not as hard as it looks. AND the distance you get from the supercharge IS related to how much jump range your ship has. So a Anaconda 69 ly will typically get more bang for their buck than say a 21 year light year python.
@ottolehikoinen6193 Ай бұрын
5-9 Mms/s for entering the cone works for me. This guy does it way too fast for me.
@jimsinger4051 Жыл бұрын
o7 Commander. Question: how are you getting triple digit jump ranges? I have never seen anything come close to the ranges you are getting...would you consider posting a link to your build? Asking for a friend... :)
@blackhawks81H Жыл бұрын
He pretty much shows the outfitting at the beginning of the video.. That Conda has a 79LY jump range... When you get the 4X boost from the neutron star supercharge.. It gives you damn near close to 320LY maximum. Fun fact, FDEV made it 4x boost on accident. It was supposed to be quite a bit less. They reeeeallly wanted to nerf it pretty hard. But people had already gotten used to it and threatened to revolt, so they left it. Thus the Era of the neutron superhighway was born. Personally I think it's perfectly reasonable in a game the size of the actual galaxy! Lol
@blackhawks81H Жыл бұрын
I don't know if KZbin will delete this link or not. But someone made a funny little "in universe lore" graphic about how to supercharge. static.wikia.nocookie.net/elite-dangerous/images/2/27/Howto.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20161104204147
@SRT302 2 жыл бұрын
Could you do some sort of 4 hour journey on a budget? And list down your route and build? Thanks. People say the journeys take a few days and I don't really have that sort of time
@NightOwlGames 2 жыл бұрын
it took me 3 days to get there and guess what? i didnt bring nothing with me i went all the way out there for nothing.