@spongypants3 2 күн бұрын
Genichiro, reduced to an interactive loading screen
@austinmusselman9814 2 күн бұрын
I understand his points but i have to disagree. Yes the groupies with a boss are annoying. But the replayability? Like he said the combat is phenomenal. Im tryinf to 100% the game rn, my first playthrough, 45 hours. Im cyrrently sitting at 60 hours after i judt finished my 3rd playthrough. Almost every side boss has a way to skip it, whether it was intended by the devs or not. And the annoying ones like the terror you dont have to fight any of them on your second run. Yes theyre duplicate bosses, but from my knowledge theres duplicates in almost dvery fromsoft game. I mean look at elden ring. Yes your not gonna sink 300 hours into sekiro. Its not ds or E.R there isnt new builds or ways to beat bosses, but its not going for that. Most of the negstives seem to be coming from a d.s player. You expected aspects of d.s without letting sekiro just be sekiro.
@austinmusselman9814 2 күн бұрын
I can also say this is biased, bc this is my favorite game.
@austinmusselman9814 2 күн бұрын
Last point. Losing half of everything is annoying at first. But kinda cool at the same time. You can't just infinitely die and continue picking up your money, you have to play smarter, be more strategic. It invokes a new way to play the game. And spirit emblems? Brother at the end of my first playthrough I had max 999. Granted i don't use them for every fight, or not even for most. But they really aren't that scarce unless you rely to heavily on the tools
@cashcupcharlie744 2 күн бұрын
Bo2 the best
@azurelight6932 3 күн бұрын
Great video, yeah I do agree with you that that the World, Lore and Characters are good and that some of the boss suck ass mainly the Headless but i think the other bosses pickup the slack overall despite there being a lot of repeats. I would recommend Lies Of P it's like a combination of Bloodborne and Sekiro but still does it's own thing. And i feel it does some things that improve on both games even some critics you mentioned about Sekiro. And the story has a similar structure to Sekiro as there is characters that do tell stuff about the world and lore but there's a lot of stuff there for you to look into yourself.
@arvsss_ 7 күн бұрын
The worst hidden boss is the camera. I can’t tell you how many times I died because I was close to a wall or I get flung to a wall by an enemy and my camera decides to have a mind of its own. Overall fun game, an actual skill diff.
@n8skate 7 күн бұрын
The camera combined with the stick drift on my controller got me killed so many times lol
@AbleAnderson 8 күн бұрын
Saying Sekiro has flaws is a potentially reasonable statement. Saying “it also kinda sucks” is ridiculous.
@shayneb6159 12 күн бұрын
Just watched all your sekiro stuff. I’m Currently on sword saint Isshin almost done. Love the content keep it up bro ima keep supporting
@tyrano_gaming4683 14 күн бұрын
5:18 that's a npc quest
@dl9268 18 күн бұрын
No pressure but I beat the game and I'm 57. 😂
@matthewthomasgaming3812 19 күн бұрын
I’m gonna bus
@PiterWandercleydson 20 күн бұрын
man.... he doesn't realize that on NG+s you can pass running 90% of the game (actually he does xD) you can with easily get the shura ending in less than 2 hours on NG+s The only real problem is how much XP you need to get all skill =o
@ogorekcyfrowywdupiekota 21 күн бұрын
Come to watch newbie Sekiro struggle, stayed for good ass content👌(0:09 BB for PC cult here as well huh?)
@okinawabigboy922 22 күн бұрын
The hardest thing about Sekiro is climbing cliffs
@hwanzi90 22 күн бұрын
Duo ape fight: right after you deathblow, jump mortal blade it will prevent guardian ape from screaming to call his girlfriend so the fight will remain a 1v1 for quite a while. Or just spam fire crackers when brown ape comes in and her posture bar will get maxed out instantly.
@limadawg 22 күн бұрын
one thing i feel like most people dont like in the game is grinding for materials. I loved just killing an enemie over and over to grind spirit emblem and using the golen fan to sneak up on groups of enemies to steal their sin, loot, and emblems.
@ragekid2423 23 күн бұрын
PSA: although the duo fights in this game are really bad, most of them can be avoided. Ex: the shadow dude in the room before the top of Ashina castle where you fight Genichiro. You can actually crouch and stealth one of the dudes, making it a 1v1 with the actual boss. The duo with the spearman and samurai at the Ashina reservoir has something similar, where you can sprint deathblow one of them, although it is much harder to do, and will probably require multiple attempts of running away to de-aggro. Even the headless ape duo can be entirely avoided if you activate the first idle in Mibu village before you defeat the guardian ape in sunken valley.
@ahacpetric6108 23 күн бұрын
The whole video only has 1 good argument against the game: 2 monkeys. That is it.
@eldudereno204 24 күн бұрын
imagine, if this game kept track of how many times you die lol.
@jensonpreacher4772 24 күн бұрын
I’m in the market for a mod that removes terror from the game. If terror wasn’t a thing the game would genuinely be a solid 10x better, or if the build up was longer, as some enemies can stun lock you and in the stun they can get the terror bar filled. The worst mechanic in any game is an instant kill mechanic
@therealmonster2 24 күн бұрын
Nothing it's perfect
@vladsta3833 24 күн бұрын
id they make sekiro 2 you will buy it either way
@eduardosabino4874 24 күн бұрын
Please play Lies of P
@butterchicken9912 24 күн бұрын
i dont agree with the criticism at all but i respect the opinion. i guess it's pretty much subjective if you agree or not, but to me i love every single boss, and i love that i can fight them several times in different scenarios. if you dont enjoy fighting the headless i strongly recomend you trying to master them, since to me is one of the most intense and nerveracking fight of the game, they can always fuck you up for one mistake and i love it. What i dont find subjective is complaining about the multi or with minions bosses, though i understand is quite the pain. It's all about being a shinobi, turning things around when you have the disadvantage, and you have plenty of tools to do so. If you put though you can figure out how to do all of them in a safe and reliable way (mostly being sneaky) I still enjoyed the video and found it cool to watch 🤟
@matthewthomasgaming3812 25 күн бұрын
S tier bosses: Isshin (both versions) all drunkard versions owl (both versions) true monk genichiro (all forms) all of them that aren’t the terror bosses or folding screen monkey
@n8skate 25 күн бұрын
There’s a lot of bosses I didn’t mention that I think are s tier or close to it. Like armored warrior
@n8skate 25 күн бұрын
I don’t love the drunkards because killing their minions is tedious
@freebased_boomer709 26 күн бұрын
I walked away frustrated from Sekiro for years. After every otherFromsoft game Im back and its clicking. Progress is slow but it is a solid game
@pizzatime2221 26 күн бұрын
Couldn’t disagree more. yes the game is “perfected” when your “dancing” with the opponent, but why should every fight be convenient? You are given so many op prosthetics and items to level the playing field with jank fights. For example you can just spam firecrackers on guardian apes girlfriend and she’ll die. Or using the lotus umbrella on demon of hatred. Headless are annoying but none of them are mandatory and if you use divine confetti and some sugar it becomes a piece of cake. No hate but I just think this game really is perfect.
@n8skate 26 күн бұрын
No hate taken if you think the game is perfect that’s awesome! I just don’t like having to use certain items for fights not to be a pain in the a**. Like the ashina spears fight before isshin if you don’t use a sugar to stealth kill the smaller general it’s really frustrating. It is a good thing the headless are optional that’s why I enjoyed my 2nd-4th playthroughs much more! I just wanted to kill them to say I beat every boss.
@pizzatime2221 26 күн бұрын
@@n8skate haha yeah that’s valid, I like to use puppeteer on that guy and watch him duke it out with the general
@OcularGod9075 26 күн бұрын
0:53 bro what is that caption 💀
@tobias7001 26 күн бұрын
You are delusional if you think miyazaki will only put one poison swamp in a fromsoftware game
@n8skate 26 күн бұрын
Let a man dream lol
@saddenedskeleton7290 26 күн бұрын
I fucking love Sekiro, my only complaint is that there wasn't a dlc and the game overall just felt kinda short
@n8skate 26 күн бұрын
Instead of dlc they should just make a Sekiro 2. Maybe a game where you play as owl
@geisenbergw.5799 26 күн бұрын
Get good
@gunmeaker1087 26 күн бұрын
Insane video
@DudewithaGoodMood 27 күн бұрын
Believe it or not, I defeated Genichiro at Ashina castle on my second try. I found him easier than Juzou, the drunkard.
@Wilsooooon 27 күн бұрын
The gauntlets/reflection of strength are the best end game content from any fromsoft game imo
@poodapoorc 27 күн бұрын
I tried the English voiceover and I couldn't do it. Had to switch back to Japanese after a day. I especially couldn't handle Emma, Kuro, and Wolf's VO. Wolf's VO is so devoid of any emotion when compared to the Japanese VO.
@swordburner6360 28 күн бұрын
30 hours? I am on 100 hours plus and still havent beaten the full game even one time yet im on the last fight
@siddharthgaur2205 28 күн бұрын
I am currently struggling with Genichiro its my first play thorough. And my mind is like should i quit it or sometimes i am just visualing what i can do better next time i face him 😅
@w12266 28 күн бұрын
You're gonna win. Keep trying. Small tip for his second phase (third life bar). When he jumps up and throws lightning, jump up, parry and press the attack button, thus throwing the lightning back to him, Genichiro will take a massive damage.
@ErikChilingaryan-pz2bu 29 күн бұрын
Half the mini bosses u called out that were trash are amazing. Like Lone Shadows, Generals, Seven spears Ashina. I mean i get the seven spears Ashina duo gang fight, but u can just run away, come back and backstab one. For the lone shadow duo u can backstab one so easily. Imo, not the best take, but we all have our options i guess. I suggest finding Owl and doing other endings. Its worth it 🔥🔥🔥
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
I don’t think they’re bad! I just don’t like how they’re re used so many times. The headless and sichimen warriors were the only mini bosses I hated
@ErikChilingaryan-pz2bu 29 күн бұрын
@@n8skate same here. I don't hate the repetition of the drunkards cuz they're all different, same with the lone shadows. Even if they were the same I wouldn't mind too much. I would definitely agree about the headless ape fight. Only bad fight in my opinion. Also I'm not sure if you know, but there are actual outfits in the game. Only four though. Original Wolf, Sekijo, Tengu, and Shura
@urielnascimento3567 29 күн бұрын
I beat 100% Sekiro this Thursday and man, I dunno if its relevant to you what I will say now, but: I just disagreed with the first Genichiro fight and the prosthetic part. I spammed that shit and never went even close to worrying about using them. And genichiro fight had me wanting to ask in sekiro reddit if all major boss fights were gonna be ABSOLUTE CINEMA like that, but I just retried twice (and the third one was because I was stupid enough to let my control run out of battery). Besides that, I believe I couldn't have said anything that you said diffently even if I tried. The exact same complaints you had I had too. The exact same pros you highlighted were what I felt were the strengths of the game too. Did you grow up and became obsessed with MMX, by any chance? Dunno, just curious about so many coincidences.But I digress. Back to the point, the idea of multiple enemies or even Soulslike bosses (ape, demon of hatred) in this kind of scenario is nothing short of infuriating. They do not fit. Armies do not fit. Anything other than a showdown doesn't fit, and even if Owl (father) is an extremely son of a bitch odd fight, its also extremely way more fun than any of the bulls.p I didn't know your channel, but I subscribed after that plot twist in the end. Keep up the good work, my man! (:
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
I don’t know what MMX is so, I think that answer that ahaha. But thanks for the comment I appreciate it
@urielnascimento3567 29 күн бұрын
@@n8skate megaman x, from 1 to 8
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
@@urielnascimento3567 No but I did play a lot of mega man on the PS1 when I was a kid
@urielnascimento3567 29 күн бұрын
@@n8skate hahahaha nice, so it's basically casual similarity. Nice anyways, will watch your previous and next videos (:
@Getgud47 29 күн бұрын
I personally can’t wait to beat it so I can delete it and never play it again. I get anxiety thinking about the boss that is waiting to kick my ass after a long day of work . I just beat my dead beat dad. 40 hours in 😭
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
If you can beat him you can beat the game! There’s pretty much only one hard boss left before isshin
@Sat382_ 29 күн бұрын
For me sekiro is just like the title of the video: A almost perfect game, it has a nice and clear history, but it also has a lore behind it just like the other souls game. It has a fun gameplay overhaul, almost every aspect in it is good to great, I platinum the game on steam and to this day I got to fight for not play this game again, I never had that with another game, it is my top 2 game of all time but for me, it is probably the best game I ever played, but as I said, it is not perfect, it is almost, it has a lot of mistakes and frustrating things, but I still love this game and at least for me, a lot of these things is just ignorable, just like the mini bosses that you said you skip on NG+, the swamp etc. A nice game that deserve more on my opinion, but I complete understand the people who dislike the game, even I dislike it myself in the beginning, it just click after 3 runs.
@echoingpixl451 29 күн бұрын
@eduardosabino4874 29 күн бұрын
hesitation is the feet
@jamesgrillage8086 29 күн бұрын
Everything you said was good: I fully agree Everything you said was bad: fully disagree, you need to get good The ONLY problem and I mean ONLY problem with the game is the camera can fuck you over when youre right up against a wall. But apart from that my only complaint is that they didnt make more
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
Lol I beat the game without dying, still hate the headless
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
But yeah the camera screwed me sometimes like when you fight the shadowman where you start the game
@romart03 29 күн бұрын
all of these just sound like personal nitpicks, the games perfect for me, replayed it 16 times over, but I guess you just can't make everyone happy
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
They are personal opinions I wouldn’t say personal nitpicks lol. If the game is perfect for you that’s great everyone has different opinions! I’m on my fourth playthrough right now
@eldudereno204 29 күн бұрын
the corrupted monk boss, is incredibly hard. Hard to believe it gets worse than that boss lol.
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
I thought she was hard at one point too. Use divine confetti and snap seeds and she becomes a joke
@jamesgrillage8086 29 күн бұрын
Use snap seeds if youre a little boy and need cheese to beat a boss
@n8skate 29 күн бұрын
@@jamesgrillage8086 it’s not cheese you’re using the items the game gives you
@eldudereno204 29 күн бұрын
@@jamesgrillage8086 nothing wrong with using snap seeds, or whatever else the game gives you. To help out in a fight. I unfortunately don’t have any snap seeds lol.
@eldudereno204 29 күн бұрын
Not being able to summon for help on boss fights is a negative in my opinion.
@char.... Ай бұрын
Very nice video / tremendous edits
@JezdziecBezNicka Ай бұрын
In my opinion, the only "bad" bossfights are: ape duo and demon of hatred. Headless and shichimen warriors just require tool upgrades. Duo shadow fight can be easily flipped around with the puppeteer jutsu. Duo general fight can be made super easy by luring the sword guy to fall to his death. The real problem this game has is that it has way too many bosses surrounded by grunts in the early game - which makes it extremely hard for new players to learn combat mechanics. This makes the steep learning curve even steeper and more tedious. Btw, I absolutely love the (solo) headless ape fight.
@whytarang2742 Ай бұрын
I hear you
@lucasbarros5928 Ай бұрын
Really liked to hear your opinion on this, although I don't agree with some of the negatives, I'd like if from took some of the criticism for their next games. Elden ring is my favorite game ever made and it is way more flawed than sekiro imo
@n8skate Ай бұрын
The criticism I have with Elden ring is that there is repeat bosses, some dungeons feel too similar and it’s easy to get overpowered early if you know where to go