Sometimes feels that way. Small house but the newer homes are even smaller
@WarblesOnALot6 күн бұрын
G'day Matt, Yay Team ! Trumpy isn't my Prissydunce, either...; but sadly - due to the ANZUS & AUKUS Treaties ; functionally I'm as stuck with him as the defacto Commander in Chief of the Australian Defence Farces, as I am with King Chuckles de Turd being their Titular head - via the Governor General, in Canberra. My hypothesis redarding Trumpy & Putin involves Putin having been a Colonel in the KGB in charge of spying on half of Poland..., when the USSR collapsed & the Berlin Wall came down - and back then Melania was an 18 yr-old blonde "Bombshell" fanatical Cadre-Leader in the Slovenian Komsomolskaya... (The Unixex Soviet clone of the Hitlerjugend + Bund Deutches Madel - which itself were both copies of Baden-Powell's Imperial Boy-Scouting & Girl-Guides movements....!). I conjecture that the KGB's last rattling Gasp, as the Berlin Wall fell - was to dispatch a "Deep-Cover Sleeper-Honeypot Program", involving a bunch of fanatically-committed, highly a attractive young female True-believers in Communism, to go over to Western Countries and basically try to hook onto the idiotic son of a rich Businessman, and then see how far up the Pyramid of Power he could be ridden... When Trumpy encountered Melania he was divorced the 2nd time, personally broke, had bankrupted 5 Companies & no US Banks would lend him any more money. After he hooked up with Melania, then Putin's Ex-KGB Oligarchical Mates began renting whole floors of Trump Hotels, and lending him money, and then someone put him on TV as "The 'You're Fired !" Man, in a scripted precursor to The Hunger Games... And, ever since Helsinki in 2016 - Trumpy has been clearly seen to be Behaving as Vladimir Vladimirovitch 's Lapdog... If you've got the time, about 2 months ago I posted a Video enquiring if Elon Musk is an Accelerationist...; and since then I've posted 4 "Trumpocalypse" titled Rideabout/Talkabout videos... If you check them out you can enjoy the "Antipodean" Scenery, and compare Notes on what the Yanquis seem to think they voted for - versus what they've locked themselves into having to put up with... The irritating part of it is that you and I get to watch the Excited Status of Norte ArmedmeriKano Vote to re-inaugurate the most Silly stupid ignorant ambitious Overcompensateted Inferiority-Complex on-legs to have stalked the Earth - since Adolf shit himself as he shot himself..., as their (and thus, OUR...) Commander in Chief... Will Polaris nuke Copenhagen, to compell Queen Mary of Tasmania to cede Greenand to the dreaded Yanquis...; and how long will Oz be a Chinese Satellite-State, after we help Unkle Spam lose to Beijing when we help USA fight over the rebellious Chinese Province of Formosa...? Maybe NATO needs to prepare to expel the USA from the Club... I know that the "Five Eyes" Intelligence Treaty is looking like Toilet-paper. Tulsi Gabbard for Head of the US Intelligence Services - a long-term aknowledged Russian Influencer, and a hopelessly drunken Lowhound to run the Dep't of Defence... Why are we Allied With ANY of THAT.... (Shit) ? I've been sitting out slightly beyond the fringes of contemporary Society for at least 4 decades..., and I had actually started trying to figure out what the rest of Humanity Thought they're Trying to Achieve...; with ALL the stuff that they're Working so very hard to Get done..., 20 years or so prior to that...! If exponential Population growth to sustain exponential EcoGnomic Growth is the Answer...; then it Must've been an Extraordinarily Stupid sort of a Question..., apparently (!). Pass the Popcorn... Such is life, Have a good one... ;-p Ciao !
@mattcustomerservice96055 күн бұрын
I couldn't have said it better myself. That extended trump family is most surely Russian.
@UnapprovedStudios7 күн бұрын
I agree with the this product contains nicotine, I get why they do it but it really is stupidly worded
@jamescollins60858 күн бұрын
Fortunately, mobile phones are beginning to get near lossless call quality now with VoLTE, typically denoted by an HD or HD+ symbol on-screen.
@mattcustomerservice96057 күн бұрын
And yet people still pair their expensive new phone with the rubbishy Bluetooth earpiece they found for 60p on AliExpress
@WarblesOnALot12 күн бұрын
G'day, Cute ! ;-p Ciao !
@tonymurolo41013 күн бұрын
hi i disposable means using and bin it right ?
@mattcustomerservice960512 күн бұрын
Yes but things should be recyclable
@WarblesOnALot14 күн бұрын
G'day, Yay Team ! That "Shijalit" sounds like Bullshit, mixed with Creosote, to me...(!). Most "Supplements" tend to rely heavily, if not totally, on Placebo Effect... (and that can be VERY Effective, too ; Double-Blinded Controlled Randomised Experiments where 10 patients with broken Legs, admitted to Casualty, were given Intramuscular injections of Sterile Water - with both Patients & the administering Nurses believing it to be actual Morphine..., and 6 of the 10 Broken Legs experienced perfect Pain Relief !). If you tell a 15 year-old boy that rubbing the green end of a Goose-Turd on his upper lip will make his Moustache grow thicker, he'll probably try it...; and if he persists then after a few years he'll even be able to show "evidence" that the "Secret" is highly efficacious... Vast fortunes are made, by Pill-Rollers and applied Marketing Jism... Before there was actually effective Pharmacology, there was basic Nursing Care..., plus or minus the Doctor's "Bedside Manner" - and if the Quack believed in the Treatment, and uf the Patient believed in the Doctor & in the Treatment - then if the problem was no worse than a Broken Leg, behold, 6 out of every 10 felt better AND PROCEEDED TO HEAL THEMSELVES..., while the rest were chalked up to "Bad Luck", and at least they died while they still had their Faith..., kinda thing. When I had my Fangs pulled out, and my Diet went to Shit ; I started taking a "Daily Multivitamin Supplement" (efervescent tablet) about once a week. Ginseng from South Korea works pretty well - but to "feel" the effect it takes a steadily increasing dose, unless one only takes it once or twice per week....; and it tastes like Dirt with a faint reminiscence of Ginger - not pleasant UNTIL one has felt the effect and come to associate the smell & flavour with the expeced beneficial effects of the dose - after which Ginseng becomes quite a pleasant "Pick-me-up". Have a good one... Stay safe. ;-p Ciao !
@mattcustomerservice960514 күн бұрын
The placebo effect is real and was used to good effect by proponents of homeopathy. I'm very cynical so I expect nothing but I'm happy to be proven wrong
@hazrpg16 күн бұрын
Have you figured out how to charge the batteries? I had the experience as you and noticed that the batteries inside them are decent and they are li-ion. But with it having the board at the top, I suspect it has some sort of chip behind it because I figured out which was the + and - on the top, kaptop taped over one of them, tested the top and bottom to see if it showed a voltage on a meter and it did. And then hooked it up to my regular 18650 charger (that is extendable to multiple sizes including small ones). It just barely actuates the spring to give it a grip to charge... but it detects it intially as a li-ion battery, and says charging, then swaps a few seconds later to say its a NiMH/NiCd and stops charging thinking its full. So there must be some sort of "charge protection" or "surge protection" type circuitry in it... I am tempted to try and rip out the board on the top out, but that would make it a pain to chage in my charger cos it would take the height away that it would need... without making some kind of janky adaptor of sorts to make it longer. Basically, TL;DR; have you figured out how to charge it without ripping it open? I would love to see a video on that :)
@mattcustomerservice960516 күн бұрын
The circuit board in the vape is designed to make the most of the battery as the charge is used and the voltage drops. It's not designed to charge the battery. I adapted a broken vape to use the battery box without the circuit. I used a charging circuit designed for a small one cell battery pack.
@buddy439rc17 күн бұрын
can we have a link to this on temu as iam in uk too thanks ps iam into ebikes as well
@mattcustomerservice960517 күн бұрын
The listing that I used is marked as sold out but if you search Temu for hydraulic crimper a few times Temu will notice and start sending you listings with a reasonable price.
@eatdirtmofo18 күн бұрын
To be perfect you should buy the crimper die according to the crimp manufacturer's specification, for example, Cembre make a die-set for their lugs, and they fit most of the common crimpers using that die style. You may struggle to find compatible dies with that tool, so you will have to get the data-sheet for your lugs to check the after crimp diameters. Easy enough.
@toddlerj10218 күн бұрын
"A dog is for life, not just for Christmas " a message that we were taught back in the 70's 80's an 90's.
@redeye61920 күн бұрын
I don't know about break lines, however I have used my hydraulic crimp set for pressure washer hoses without trouble
@mattcustomerservice960519 күн бұрын
Good to know thank you
@WarblesOnALot21 күн бұрын
G'day, Yay Team ! You're spot-on about the Errors in-print... I published a thousand copies of a little book of Poetry in 1996, and when selling and autographing them I had to hand-anotate & initial the 3 mistakes printed in every copy. I haven't read BNW, but I've heard of it, and a bit about it - often it's referred to by people reviewing later Science Fiction... Swift's Gulliver's Travels was a pretty good (Anthropological/Sociological) sort of a read though - and Chaucer's Canterbury Tales was fairly similar to Boccacio's Decameron...(!). Yesterday I took the Sting on a 53km ride, which took 1 hr : 13 min, for an average of 43 Km/hr (mind you, 5.5 Km was Dirt Road at 30 K's/hr, & half a Klick happened on Wheeltracks over Grass & Rocks at 15 Km/hr...), and the back wheel must've skipped over a bump going downhill - because 57 Km/hr was the alleged maximum speed recorded. Upon return there was 33% of the Battery's Charge Capacity remaining..., so the Lithium fed the Neodymium Motor some 1.771 Kw/hr of Current... I started recharging when the Panels were about to go into Shadow after 20 minutes, but they began at 670 Watts, and they put 300 W/Hr into the Gell Cells while they were feeding 850 Watts to the Bike-Charger. The Bike's 60-Volt 750 Watt Charger appears to be 90% efficient, and the 1.6 KVA Inverter seems to run at closer to 85% Efficiency... And, at 11:15 DST today after 1.75 Kw/Hrs, the Inflow is still 176 Watts. My guess is that in total, yesterday's run took 2 Kw/hrs from the Solar System to get over putting 1.771 Kw/Hrs into the Bike. A total of 3 Cars encountered all up...; Xmas Day, mid-afternoon..., almost a completely depopulated Landscape - until going through the Village of Dundee... And even there - not a Human in sight... All lying down, resting, Digesting ; Getting over Having Overeaten, and imbibed too much, Apparently (!) ? But happily there was No drunken Street-Theatre, of the "Punch & Judy Show" type, To be seen at all ; Which is almost surprising, actually (having lived in a Village of 120 people, and slightly (5 miles) outside another of 600...; which time forms the "baseline" to my expectations, no doubt). The Recharge took 2 Hrs : 30 mins, done starting before Sundown, and today at 10:50 Daylight Saving Time (10:00 Local Apparent Time...!), the Batteries were at 28.62 Volts, with 386 Watts going in as an "Absorbtion" Charge, currently at 1.67 Kw/Hr, and they came out of "Bulk" Charge mode at 1.47 Kw/Hr. Meanwhile The Inflow dropped down to 340 W/Hr while I typed that..., too, so the Gel-Cells will be full & "Floating" again, before Midday Daylight Saving Time (?). Yesterday's Ride went into the Chest-Camera, too, so it's already been posted, if you feel like comparing the Sights that I see to the View from Aldous Huxley...(?). There do seem to be a few parallels...(?). Such is life, Happy Solstice Festival... Stay safe. ;-p Ciao !
@Kraggypandapops25 күн бұрын
Bought my first aspire today so testing it out as I watch your review. Seems to be good!
@WarblesOnALot27 күн бұрын
G'day, You're right about Nicotine. It's harder to give up Nicotine than it is to give up Heroin. As a RGN, occasionally one would encounter an Ex Heroin-Addict... And EVERY one of them was still Addicted to Nicotine. Because, the Overdose & Withdrawal Symptoms of Nicotine are identical - mimicing an Anxiety-Attack ; once one has developed a Tolerance to Nicotine, one is addicted to it - and the Withdrawal/Overdose Panic-Attacks keep them paying Tax in Nicotine ever after. Segue warning... My most recent upload might interest you, "80 Years' Renewably Powered Road-Vehicles, In Glen Innes ; Practical Realities...!" Starting at the local Museum, to consider my father's Charcoal-Gas Producer, which he built in 1943, & used to fuel his Car in 1944 & '45, to drive the family 150 miles to the Coast for a holiday... Then, while riding the Talaria Sting L-1(e) the 18 km back home to the Stand-Alone Solar Installation with which I recharge it, I explain to the Chest-Camera how 3 correlations between the Bike & it's Solar System may be used to calculate what it might cost, in real life, to recharge a Tesla using Off-Grid Solar Current.... To be Green, Actually Green, Kinda thing... Three methods, The EV's Purchase Price multiplied by 1.426...., in Australian Dollars.... Or The EV's Motor's Rated Maximum continuous Output in Kilowatts, multiplied by $3,335 ($Oz)... Or, The EV's onboard Battery's Rated Storage Capacity, in Kw/Hrs, multiplied by $4,426... I sourced a System which can fully recharge the 2.3 Kw/Hrs daily, under a clear Blue Sky ; and a trip to town & back is 1/2 a Battery-Charge... So I can recharge after returning from town, daily, under Bright Cloud as well... I'm delighted with the Sting, apart from the fact that to install a new Seal on a Fork-Strut means buying a new Front Fork to ride with ($350...), while the leaky Unit is sent 60 miles away to the bloke in the Moyntain Bike Shop who knows (but won't tell my local Motorbike Mechanic...(HOW to disassemble the Struts- having bought the special Tool, to be able to change the leaking Seal. And, it took 6 months to obtain the required new Seals...; after 3 wrong sets were recieved... The "joys" of riding a Unicorn at the far end if a long Supply-chain. Which is why I repaired it, myself, when the Headlight & Front Blinker Stalks broke, after Wind on the Tarpaulin blew it up & off it's Kickstand, falling onto a Teatree-Trunk. 15 hours over 3 days, to effect a decent repair, there. Such is life, Have a good one... Happy Solstice Festival ! Stay safe. ;-p Ciao !
@DanielKAMARA-nd8nfАй бұрын
how can someone get this product?
@mattcustomerservice9605Ай бұрын
Within the UK products such as Rude Boy, wagwan and bedroom bully can be found in supermarkets like Asda, Tesco and Budgens. The rest can be found in stores that sell African products. You can also find these products on eBay and Amazon
@JackOtto-g7wАй бұрын
U get lung cancer if U don't inhale bro
@geoffplywood6112Ай бұрын
Totally agree, that beavis & butthead guy is the laziest excuse for an ad. I hope he turns a loss on his ad spend
@astrothsknotАй бұрын
the best bit with this new tactic is it's easy to prove in this day of Internets and IPs. ask for the proof, they have to give it you. they won't be able to. I got one, got a lawyer to request the evidence. not a peep.
@sallypickard2227Ай бұрын
Buy from onlt Sainsbury's. Co op.or like beware of fakes in little corner s shops don't they can be fake contain anti freeze +++..fake lost mary s made me ill.beware ..only get from main dealer shop s
@pennyjaquet8433Ай бұрын
Reference ChilliJonCarne for the best info you will need dealing with these goons. The BBC and their 'enforcement officers' are, for the most part bullies, and use scare and threat. THEY HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO RIGHT TO ENTER YOUR HOME, UNLESS YOU INVITE THEM IN - SO DON'T. Very rarely they can get a Warrant, but need prior evidence of using a TV illegaly. Politely refuse them entry, and shut the door firmly.
@LukeChapman-h6oАй бұрын
rubbish poor Greatwell Homes Council bad
@mattcustomerservice9605Ай бұрын
What did they do?
@VirtuousMonkey2 ай бұрын
Matt, with your critical view of the UK government and the assumption they might be increasing suffering in the general population, I am wondering if you still maintain your views from past videos on vaccinations being safe and everyone needing to have one?
@mattcustomerservice96052 ай бұрын
I think post pandemic now is the time to be planning an infrastructure that reduces the risk of another pandemic. Vaccination was one piece of that puzzle. I'm going to have a think about the matter and include it in a future video
@draculxxx11942 ай бұрын
Thank you for this I'm in a wheelchair with a lot of aspirations to become a tattoo artist I have a brace that helps with drawing and tremors you may find that helpful
@mattcustomerservice96052 ай бұрын
I shall look into brace options thank you
@InspectoreFormBBC2 ай бұрын
Yes again we'll done welcome to fight inspector C
@MagicComicMoments-eo8ez2 ай бұрын
Well done sir have subscribed welcome to fight great work thanks Inspector "c"
@chazlong47642 ай бұрын
Great video bruv
@acidreflux21822 ай бұрын
I’ve had the same letter last year and I was so angry, I don’t use iplayer or live tv, I live alone and I’ve lived at my house for 15 years! It’s scaremongering
@mikehudson88842 ай бұрын
I love your presentation.
@mattcustomerservice96052 ай бұрын
Thank you!
@georgearampatzis15542 ай бұрын
Can you find a similar battery and replace it maybe?If the juice is still there
@mattcustomerservice96052 ай бұрын
I guess that's an option if the coil is still good
@NyaRouJawo2 ай бұрын
@ThisIsJamesL2 ай бұрын
You dont need a licence to use bbc iplayer to listen to radio, or watch certain content like s4c, parliament etc
@JoanneRachel-u4n2 ай бұрын
❤❤❤ I use a firestick and stream all my movies and tv shows
@alanhargreaves-thevoiceofr23612 ай бұрын
yes Dont respond ..-its a hook ....!
@official2mt372 ай бұрын
The mint one is fabulous and I’ve never liked mint vapes!
@anthonyc89512 ай бұрын
2 for a tenner? They're £4 each in tesco express.
@fatherchristmas29982 ай бұрын
The bbc and labour are money making operations. Its like putting lot of people in prison. And charging them rent for being in there if i remember rightly jonathan ross was getting 8 million a year.
@fatherchristmas29982 ай бұрын
I will upset. You more. The BBC are making lots of staff unemployed and giving them each. A 100.000 grand each labours latest con. And the BBC. Is they are going to bring in a media licence. I've not used the BBC crap. For years it's full of repeats cooky programmes and labour propaganda
@Slarti2 ай бұрын
I agree with you about Blake's 7 - it was amazing!
@Saor_Alba2 ай бұрын
I donated my TV to charity in 2014 following the Scottish Independence Referendum, as a direct result of the BBC's atrocious lies, misinformation, and deliberate bias I personally witnessed during that political campaign. It became one of the best decisions I have ever made. Not only have I not missed it, quite the opposite, but it has led me to engage in many more fulfilling and productive pursuits in those 10 years that I probably would never have pursued, Including serendipitously giving my time to the charity to who I originally donated my TV in 2014. If I were to be so bold as to make a suggestion it would be to even those who own a TV to switch it off and go and do something else, I'm sure many will come to realise as I have that TV is actually more about time-wasting than it is about stimulation.
@davidlloyd15262 ай бұрын
You don't need to pay for anything if you pirate and shoplift.
@CaptainCuttle-mi5rt2 ай бұрын
I just make the declaration online and never have any bother. I refuse to pay and have no interest in paying for their propaganda.
@ShadeOfGrey232 ай бұрын
You will have 100k subs within 3 years if that
@Lyndalewinder2 ай бұрын
Are these videos your full contribution to society or is there more you are doing?
@mattcustomerservice96052 ай бұрын
Mercifully I'm blessed with a busy life. I've always aimed to stay in work a productive member of society
@RanioG-f5ii2 ай бұрын
15yrs not paid a penny 😁
@blastingweevil29682 ай бұрын
i have had around 30 tv licence threating letters in 2 years telling my to expect a visit blah blah been waiting for 2 years and still waiting. you are correct there is not now nor has there EVER BEEN tv Detector vans and if they do knock on your door do not let them in ask them to leave your property as you do not concent for them to be on your property. they have to leave.. they need a warrant to enter your property.
@nickydaviesnsdpharms30842 ай бұрын
I made the mistake of buying the £4 version which is crap but these ones taste lovely. Although I been buying crystal bar cherry ice flavor which are insane
@davidcarter50382 ай бұрын
It's not the BBC you need to contact, it's Capita. The BBC were forced to outsource licence enforcement to Capita a quarter of a century ago. It's now in Capita's financial interest to chase down as many cases as possible to demonstrate their efficiency for when their contract comes up for renewal in 2027. While the BBC is a service, Capita is a profit-making company with shareholders expecting dividends.
@mushypeeze35452 ай бұрын
The BBC are panicking as they're loosing licence holders hand over fist every day. Millenials wont buy licences. Most of those who do are older people who are scared that they'd get into trouble and won't stand up to this dictatorship. BBC used to be good, but now it's rubbish. They hardly make their own programs anymore and most of what they show is woke dross, reality TV or repeats. I'd rather pay for a streaming channel like netflix and watch what I want when I want. What I object to is that you need a licence for live TV shown on ANY channel. What nonsense! It's like paying Tesco to go and shop at Aldi.
To not have a TV license means not using iplayer, BBC channel, no live channels from any network nor recording live TV from any network. Apart from that, you don't need a license (look at their site). The old TV detector vans could know if a CRT TV was on, and all TV was live in the old days...