Finally answering How We Met
@russellwood8750 28 минут бұрын
My all-time favourite pie would be apple and blackberry followed very closely by Peach cobbler. I’ve been to Cuba. I very much enjoyed the country. It’s a beautiful place. The people are friendly and polite and very energetic. I also really enjoyed the old cars and driving them. It was a lot of fun. My only criticism about being in Cuba and I was there for two months was the food most of the time it was not very good. I was staying in a four star hotel, and my breakfast every morning was the leftover dinner from the night before. I went into a five star restaurant, thinking it was going to be great. My prawns were served with the poop shoots still inside them. They never cleaned it out massively disappointed with the food, and it was never good. Everything else about the place I really enjoyed, but I am a foodie and food is a big thing for me.. so it really bummed me out that the food was possibly the worst I’ve ever had in any country I’ve been to. And I’ve been to a lot of places.
@hollywoodpotato5289 37 минут бұрын
“Crying is only okay in two places: funerals and the Grand Canyon.” Ron Swanson
@annamariadenner2518 Сағат бұрын
I’ve been to Puerto Rico twice and love to reach time. The people are wonderful.
@CynthiaAshmore Сағат бұрын
Just wondering where does all this money come from, for so much traveling, and new mustang. Don't get me wrong I love you guys. But just wondering...
@waterlillyBC Сағат бұрын
I'm so happy for ya'll 💜💜💜 seeing how happy he is reminds me not to take anything for granted, ya'll rock 💜💜💜
@lauriepimental7399 2 сағат бұрын
I remember you mentioning you had a wife and daughter. Where are they now since you came to America?
@Just1humbleopinion 2 сағат бұрын
People in north America complaining all the time. Need to go see what its like in other countries. For 2 reasons. 1 to appreciate how good we have it and 2. To not allow governments to take those freedoms away. Communism doesn't work.( I have been to Cuba 5 times)
@judynobile4427 3 сағат бұрын
Trump 2024. Lets not turn this great country into another Cuba or Venezuela!!
@judynobile4427 5 сағат бұрын
This is what the college's are doing to students, teaching them to hate this country. I love this country of my birth, and wish all who hate this country, would just leave!
@Maggies87 6 сағат бұрын
Translation: Marcelo says he loves Yoel & Mari. Yoel asks whether he prefers Cuban or Dominican culture. The answer is “no” meaning don’t ask that question…” and Yoel says he loves the Caribbeans…Puerto Ricans as well. There’s a joke onstage about a dog and putting on a cape (curtain) and everyone flying but a native Spanish speaker is going to need to explain that one!
@ronica2623 7 сағат бұрын
Nothing wrong with Taco Bell and never had any “problems.” Let people live their lives.
@ChoosingKindnessAndLove 7 сағат бұрын
Yoel, welcome to the USA brother! Great job on the video! It is very humbling to watch you perspective of America. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I hope that when you see negative or hurtful comments or very strong political views (not referring to any specific comments - just a general statement) you don't feel bad, but instead realize that you are now in a country where people have the freedom of speech. I think your head would spin to see how fast Americans, who passionately disagree right now, could unite if the need arose. I hope from the bottom of my heart that you do not ever let any of that negativity discourage you, bring you down, or let that take away from your beautiful experiences. Love watching you and Mari. Sending tons love and positive energy your way. ❤❤❤
@Bestofthelot 8 сағат бұрын
It is the height of arrogance and stupidity to claim that Taco Bell is not Mexican food. Beans and tortillas are a pesant staple in a country whos largest food influence is from a country on a different continent that conquered the people that used to occupy the country what is now known as Mexico. It is more accurate to say that is is Mexican food with a large U.S. influence.
@Melodystiak1 8 сағат бұрын
Goosebumps! Every American should watch this video, maybe then we'd be more grateful for what we have. THANK YOU YOEL AND MARI!! 😘
@philomelodia 9 сағат бұрын
Remember this when you go vote this election. There are lots of things espoused by the left which are the tiny seeds of communism. They will tell you they are not. And, most of these people are not consciously communist or Marxist. But, the ones you have to worry about are the ones that are followers of this ideology and the ones that are planting the tiny seeds that will grow into the pernicious weeds. It starts with Price controls, a bunch of free stuff without telling you how it’s going to get paid for, regulations and increased government interference in mundane things right down to what you can say and what you cannot say and what information you can consume. And always, they tell you it’s for the good of everyone. Always, they hijack your desperation whenever you are going through a difficult time to sell you their policies. Don’t believe it. They’re not really trying to help you. Before you know it, everything is controlled right down to when you are born and when you die. “ each according to his ability and each according to his need. “ hijacked the definitions of those two words, need an ability and you can do just about anything to anyone and justify it. The historical record is very clear. Do not let this happen here.
@solaydbak 9 сағат бұрын
Hope this reaction doesn't cause yall any heat. Hahaha.
@gamegoof 10 сағат бұрын
Making me tear up... watching a man eat something so delicious he closes his eyes
@davidstleon8388 10 сағат бұрын
You all missed the mark...Real Mexican food only exists in El Paso, Texas....AKA El Chuco.
@leilareggie1826 10 сағат бұрын
Bienvenidos! Glad you finally took my prior advice and came to Tucson. Locals tend to stay out of Charro's. There are simply too many other great places, better service, food and prices. There is a newer place, 5 minutes from there that is more like a Mexico City style restaurant called La Chingada with savory moles. In South Tucson is the iconic Guellrmo's and across the street from there is El Minuto. Old school celebs do Rosa's which has the best of all. We have several good vegetarian places too. . Tucson has a UNESCO City of Gastronomy Designation with its 12,500 year old history of agriculture., the oldest in the country. We also have lots of Mediterranean restaurants, my favorites are Med Cuisine (Lebanese) and Opa's (Greek) both with lamb specialties. All of these are cheaper than Charro's and consistently made from scratch food. The best Sonoran Dogs, a regional specialty are at BK Tacos with a fantastic salsa and condiment bar. I hope you come back. Blessings. I am so glad to see how much your channel has grown.
@RR64434 10 сағат бұрын
That wasn’t a tamale. I have never had a tamale with corn in it.
@ericramsell5947 11 сағат бұрын
Try going to the San Diego/Tijuana border, and cross over to the Mexican side. Walk along the fence till you come to the taco stands. Great street tacos. If they are still there. I like the spicy ones they slice off the roasting spit. If you like spicy, get a Chorizo plate. Typically it is rice and beans, and scrambled eggs with chorizo sausage cooked scrambled and then mixed in with the eggs. Fabulous! Chorizo is meat leftovers you don't want to know about, mixed with lots of spice, (making it very red). When it cooks, it "melts" down until cooked, and looks like minced meat. Do you like hot chocolate? Try Mexican hot chocolate - but get the Ibarra brand, made in Mexico and is a Mexican owned company, unlike Abuelita by Nestle. Nestle version is mild, disappointingly so compared to Ibarra. If you do try it, melt the chocolate wafers in a sauce pan, on low to medium heat, then mix the milk in. I have eaten at many different Mexican food places, from full on restaurant, diners, food trucks, all of them good. I have also eaten Taco Bell and Taco Johns. They are OK, Taco Johns is better. At least Taco Johns has Street Tacos, really good. If you see a Mexican place with names like Roberto's, Aliberto's, etc., you'll probably get decent everyday Mexican food. Right now, I live in a midwestern city with an impressive collection of Mexican restaurants. In Des Moines, Iowa, we get Tex Mex, Mexican. As well as Kansas City style BBQ, Texas BBQ, (2 local, several chains, one of which is excellent, the others merely great)
@DukooPZK 11 сағат бұрын
That's a white washed restaurant
@mcnowski 11 сағат бұрын
Lol Cuban brother is like "whats up with British food"? (the A1 sauce) lol
@ddhqj2023 12 сағат бұрын
Too bad the American government prevents a normal life for the people of Cuba. 60 years of no business.
@johnnygarcia33133 12 сағат бұрын
Mexican food better then cuban, domincan, puerto rican and the whole latin american. Mexican food top 10 in the world. Just ask siri 😂 or google it😂.
@markgulbranson7518 12 сағат бұрын
As a soldier, I've seen survivor's guilt. I see that same empathy in Joel. No matter what joy he has in the things he experiences, he never fails to think of the Cubans who aren't.
@sabin97 13 сағат бұрын
el problema mas grande que tiene cuba es el bloqueo. el que no me crea puede estudiar algo que los yanquis llaman "export control". una vez entiendes como funciona eso, entiendes el alcance terrible que tiene el bloqueo. ningun pais puede progresar si no puede comerciar libremente con otros.....y los yanquis no permiten que nadie que comercie con ellos comercie con cuba, con muy contadas excepciones para que los cubanos puedan apenas sobrevivir....
@cherylm9770 13 сағат бұрын
1951 I Love Lucy
@murreygellmann7708 13 сағат бұрын
You hit the wrong spot in Tucson There are dozens better....
@richardrosales492 13 сағат бұрын
I went there to that exact restaurant. I'm of Mexican decent and I gave the "over all experience" around an 82% satisfaction. I'd rather eat at Cafe Zamora in Avondale Arizona. Not bougie but definitely come hungry.
@ellengordon2933 13 сағат бұрын
If only the majority of Americans can see what we have through the eyes of someone who doesn’t enjoy the freedoms that we take for granted every day!
@markgulbranson7518 13 сағат бұрын
When I was in Germany in the Army, I had a fellow soldier who was from Nicaragua, and a fiance from Puerto Rico. Neither had seen snow before so we had a day like this.
@genxcyclist3734 13 сағат бұрын
We were able to see both the North rim and South rime . The only word that came to mind repeatedly was surreal .The massiveness and depth of the canyon is indescribable . You’re are correct . This is something only a live viewing will adequately describe what one is viewing and experiencing ! Simply amazing . ✌️
@mindymorgan8479 14 сағат бұрын
I'm late to the party but ma'am do you have an accent or are you American? How did you and him meet? This is so interesting to me. Would love to host someone but, have no idea how. But, you would want to chat with them like a month before hand right? Like to see if even taking them to these places would be a happy experience. Is this usually romantic in nature? Maybe online dating? And perhaps if someone didn't want to online date they could come stay with a family and find a girl? I mean idk. I love this Chanel. And I don't watch stuff like this. Really I don't. But, I feel like I know what Americans take for granted and would love to host someone just for even a few weeks. To show them the American ropes know what I mean? All AMERICANS, Meaning united states of America born, (yes I realize noeth and South Americans are Americans), ARE IMMIGRANTS, period. No one is PURE anything. Let's live as brothers and sisters. Check info with an international checking system and let people over please. We have so much. So so much. So much that other people in the world should be allowed to come here and work and experience the American dream. Where ANYONE with enough work, sweat, and tears, CAN experience the American dream. We are a melting pot. I'm sorry that's not taught anymore. None of us came from here really except for the "native Americans" and from the bering straight Asia. That's what makes us America the Beautiful. We are beautiful BECAUSE of our diversity. I America (USA) you can be Chinese and super wealthy. You can be gay and trans and whatever and have your BEST life. You can be a single struggling mom. You can be an actor or actress. You can build houses. You can be a stripper and an escort. You can love in an all south Korean (white, black, Chinese, Japanese, Jewish...) neighborhood because it IS your preference. Doesn't mean racist. Just means a preference. And that's fine. So send me info on how in 3 or 4 years I can maybe sponsor someone on a work visa or something. Because, I believe that for America to grow it HAS to be the best in the world. And if the WORLD is not here then it is all for nothing. God bless. Take him to Texas! To try Texas BBQ! Then to an underground cavern. It's the MOST AMAZING thing to be underground and see a place as tall as a city. And it's like 20 bucks in San Antonio. Texas is famous the world over. And the abundance is crazy. Good luck and God speed on any travels.
@mariaelizondo7808 14 сағат бұрын
Esa comida no se ve como verdadera comida Mexicana. Lo siento. Todo se ve commercial.
@veronicacordero9829 15 сағат бұрын
My favourite place in the world.
@stan4d1969 15 сағат бұрын
Shoulda got the cowboy ribeye medium rare!
@jetcarddude 15 сағат бұрын
He is crying because he saw the price tags.... I am still crying too...
@RoaroftheTiger 15 сағат бұрын
It must be said, the HiaLLLLLLLLLLLLLl
@veronicacordero9829 16 сағат бұрын
Now you have to try IN AND OUT burgers......
@jacquelineschroeder2214 16 сағат бұрын
How about top 10 ice cream flavors
@DavidMartinez-cn1hn 16 сағат бұрын
Thats the thing about number 1 best food awards is expectations are high and when you try the food its meh lol
@crystalbellebaby 17 сағат бұрын
Preach! 🙌
@CouchSlouch- 17 сағат бұрын
Los Sinco Puntos in east L.A. is a must visit place.
@Ketutar 17 сағат бұрын
So true <3 We take the democracy for granted, and I am proud of that.
@foyola 17 сағат бұрын
He will love the prices too.
@LeaMacleod 17 сағат бұрын
No key lime 🍋‍🟩??
@stabgod 17 сағат бұрын
OMG, a Cuban food buffet!!! In Miami, no less. Where is this? What’s the name of the restaurant? Hopping in my car right now for the ten hour drive into Miami.
@jamesgately3541 17 сағат бұрын
He's eating it all wrong 😔
@guadacoma 17 сағат бұрын
If we have another 4 years or Democrats in office we won't have any new cars either. Or food or clothing or homes. Democrats = Socialists = Communists. The enemy of contentment.