Hi, I’m Asma. I am Canadian Egyptian . I work part-time, as a teacher, LPN nurse, I am also a wife & mom. I live in Canada with my family and I would like to share my life, some nurse topics, teacher topics, as well as some homey things with you.
مرحبا واهلا بكم. انا اسماء، مصرية كندية، اعيش بكندا مع اسرتى. انا زوجة وام لاثنين. اعمل فى التدريس والتمريض ،طبعا بجانب مسؤولياتى كزوجة وام. احب اشارك معكم بعض من الموضوعات عن المعيشة فى كندا، يومياتى فى العمل سواء التدريس او التمريض، مع بعض الالتزامات الاسرية العادية.
اشكركم على المتابعة والاشتراك.
Instagram : @asmaincanada
TikTok :@asmaincanada
Disclaimer :
All opinions that I share are my own and I am not affiliated with anyone. Please do your own research and take opinions I share as general information.
For questions or inquiries email:
[email protected]I am not an immigration or employment specialist. I will not respond to emails requesting help with immigration or job placement, thank you.